THINK OF ITS OVKH SKVKNTY STYLKS OF lies CITY AND COUNTY. 600k SOUS IS 111 fS I'll Mil- ' Dnnnoo TO SKLKCT FROM AT PEARLMWS. HOW IS THIS... A I?AnAU I . . . - . Tabie only J.c0 '.o lanrer assortment to bo found in the state. He is hound to suit you if you want a Stove, Parlor Suite, Bedroom Suite, Easy Chair, OR ANYTHING IN sill i WKINi;si)AV Mrs. Den n of Oin:i tut in vinitin;r II. J. Sti oiylit anil family. M. Karitfor h;i.s ii nice Lfirl at liin houMu whi;h arrivi'l the lir.-t of ihu week. Mie-a Olivo M. (iratiaiu of J i ncil ii in visitiiu' her aunt. Miri. I'. II lloolli. for a fuw ilnys. Mr. and Mrs. Charles .InLn-on will J otitot t lin a party ol f r i ? n I -s at ;i musi- Jculo thi u veiling. (Jliai'lcM Ij. TwiHs, of Mav.vooJ, tlio city on a visit with li rt father, U. S. Twish. .1 i in in i o Hunt anl li's fiiiu!, I.'oht. Mcl 'lici'hon, am down from ('oiim'il (lull's loHpunil tlio Iioi ida s Hon. T. T. YotuiLf of Smith li'-ml pct'cinrt was in the city toil ay and iikiUo Till'. NkWS a plcasanl i-ili. .lolin 1. Mockcnliaupl ntiiins lo his work I h is b ven i iix a t Will nftir a few day's vi-i t wild relatives. li. W. Ilousoii and wife of K. d i;i-, spout Ch ristiims with his Ih-oiIk r, Allen I foe ami and faui i I y of this 1 1 y . (Jcorjjo Youny, a irradualt! of the Omaha deaf and dumb institute, is in the city on a visit w ith.o'.d-time friends. Mrs. Whittier and dauyh ter-in-Pi'w of (led Oak, are in tho city the quests of tho formers brother, II. ,1. Strci"ht and family. Or. Frank I). Iturjjfess and wife will return to Cedar Kapids, Neb., on Sat urday after a pleasant vir-it here with their parents. Mrs. Joe Neely of 1 Matlsmouth has been visiting with her brothor-in-law, l)r. J. M. Neeloy, and nmtiier, the past week. Klmwo d Ijeader. James Tucker, the travelinr man from St. Joe. who weighs h't pounds, was in town today. He looks like August (iorder only more so. Judyo Archer is not very tusy with law breakers, but he filed eight new civil cases this week which is cer tainly a lively closing of the year "!7. Wo regret to learn that Fred rftuil is dangerously ill at iiis homo north west of town with pneumonia. I!ut slight hopes for his recovery are en tertained. Mrs. (Jeorge Dovey w ill entertain a irgo company of invited guests to morrow evening in honor of Mr. Iluli uid his mother, who are visiting he- from New York. Mike McAndrews, a member of the L5. ' M. section force here it is said, will be promoted to the place made vacant by tho death of Foreman Kng- lish of South Mend, by 1 load mast ir O'Donuoll. If the sender of a neat, piper knife through tho mail to Geo. Guild will designato which George Guild meant, a favor will be conferred neither of the two boys in town bv that name know who tho present w: for. Ashcr ('lark has a new coal oil cai that must bo seen to bo appreciated. Tho pump acts as a measure and i Dsoiuieiy correct so inai on ;y a sirone nd your can Is filled. It, is one of the latest cans mado and sells to mer chants on sight. Jli.-n't pretty as a barouche, but its more comfortable for y.oro weather. Milton Wolfe, son ex-Commissioner Henry Wolfe, died at his homo in I'nioti of kidney trouble after an ill-n-.-s of several months, on Monday, Deci mb'-r i;o. Tie- deci risi d was one i.T t !.(; t:i i t s,i tiers in this coviiity and h..d a largo circle of friends and uj in i ti 1 ;u:ees. N'i bra-ka veather -l"riH shouhi bo ashamed f theinsi 1 ves if they are re- THE BLACK PRINCE'S ARMY. bpon.-iHcs fertile rain fill of today HE PBYS SPOT : CASH And Has no Competitor in ..LOW PRICES.. I. Pearlman. OPP. COURT HOUSE, PLHTTSMOUTH, NEB. 'i his might do in Kansas, but for Ne braska it is n. g. , and the less we have the better for the climatic repu tation of the sta'e. The warm wi atiier which has been pr vailniLT in tlu'-e parts tor the la-t two d a v s has pu 1 a .- to p 1 o sli i s ii i n is foi the lime 1) . i 'i ", a t loa-t ihe ice iin.:i :;ro about through wit the Jee Irir vt-.-t, ami th- v have noth ing lo fear from tho return of warm weal her. A friend of the family was our an Wii"' " v lor l:ie si itement in las', evon- iri'o Ni-'.ws that Mrs. Dovey would entertain a large pai ty of friends at garchy. The Largest IaiKllr.1i I-loet Ever As-iii-bll l ook t J i 8olli.-iH to Krim- e. Mr. W. O. .Stoddard's u. rial, "With tho lilack Prince," fivis in St. Tsicho laa au account of the fphi.did army tlmt ac.v ni ai:!el tie rii:ee to the Lat tlo of Crccy. Mr. hb ildaid utys: It wuh tho largest lingli.-.h licet j-ct assembled, uud tho army going ou board was also tho best with which any English king hadew rput to si a. It consisted cf jdcLi d lin n onl-. Of thee, 4,000 were mi mat-arms, C.OOO w ro Irish, 12,000 wire Welsh, but tho most carefully trained and disciplined part of tho force consisted of 10,000 bow men. During a whole year had IMward and hiH son and his g nerals toiled to Eelcct and jiropar-'i tho men and tho weap ons with which they wero to meet tho highly famed chivalry of the continent. Fortunately, An army eelected from a nation of per haps 4,000,000 of peoplowas to contend with an army collected from Franco with her 20,000,000, and from such al lies of hers as Germany and Jiohemia, ro-enforced by largo numbers of paid mercenaries. Among these latter wero tho crossbowmeii of Genoa sold to 1'hil ip by the masters of that Italian oli- BELDING BROS. & Co. Silk Manufacturers, TO JAS. S. KIRK & CO., Soap Manufacturers. Mess. J8. S. Kirk A Co., Chlcwjo, Ilia. (Jentlemen: Wo have given your "WhlUtClond" soap ft thoronsli test In washing pieces of linen cinhroldcred wild our "Now Process" Wash Embroidery Milks and tind It entirely sat'sfiiclory. Wo take picasuro in recom mending It a superior article fur laundering lino embroidery. Yours truly, (S.'gnod) Mkos. ,tCo. Rcfcring; to the above, we deem it important to state that this letter was entirely unsolicited by us. White Cloud .V'oap now has the highest authority as its endorser as being ruperior for fine laundry work. For the bath and toih t it r' o ranks first as a pure white floating soap. JAS. S, KIRK S: CO., j .'dished 1830. Cf lit I I '! S'i -- tturet.s in V. won J. I heir home this evening. It soems that only a half dozen near frienda are lo be present, and the affair is uiiiio info inal. Our informant was mistaken. 11. i . Travis, president of the I Mat tsmoutli school board, presided yesterday at tho state meeting of Edward's adventure had a scorning of great rashness, for already it was re ported that tho French king had mus tered 100,000 men. Full many a gal lant cavalier in armor of proof may wcdl have wondered to hear, moreover, that Edward III, accounted tho fore most general of his time, proposed to meet superior numbers of tho best school ho-rds he'.it in Lincoln. in lances of Europe with lightly armored connection with tho i-tato teachers' nidation. At tho superintendent' meeting 1 roie-sor rariev made a strong a-'eument in tavor of better organization, and Gass county teach ers were heard from in their depart ment. Cass eounty was largely in upon tho sea by ships prepared and CVlueiiee. nionnnH mid livl Lit ln'iM.lf it, l... ol. Jacob-en, a carpenter em- crippled tho naval power of his cue pioyed in the f ro h t -car d t pa rtiren t mies that the re wa.s now 110 hostile fleet of Ihe I'.. iV M. siiop-. met with an ac- Strong enough to iTevent hi.s present men on foot. They knew not yet of tho new era that was dawning upon tho Kcienco of war. Edward and his bow men wero to teach tho world moro than ono new lesson before that memorable campaign was over. Before this ho had shown what deeds might bo wrought cidon 1. y s te 1 di y . lie was holding a piece, of lumber in his left hand and runi.inga !ane over it with his 1 iy hf, wnen in tome way 11 is lingers re laxed i heir hold on tho sides of the I board and came in contact with tno u:nuo 01 mo plane. -s a re sult. Mr. Jacobsen is minus tho tips of two fir.gois. I Jr. T. i '. Livingston drtss(d Hie injured members, and Jaeoo is workiiii: arain today as usual. undertaking, although l'hilip had man agi d to stud out some scores of cruisers to do whatever harm they could. A New Creation.. The demand has always been, The Best Goods for the Least Money. We can show you the best goods that can be pur chased at very LOW PRICES. Call and see our new line of Glassware with silver mountings. A beautiful medall ion given with cash purchase over $5 until January 1. FRIGHTENED AWAY. i iie I ariiitTs' Mutual Ins '. Meeting. lie.' 1-armors Mutual J nsur'ar-co Co. oi mis- eoniiiy win noiu men annua ni'.el nig en Saturday, January S. at 1 o clock- p. in. at lie lleil school house in l'irht, Mile (Jrove precinct, for the purpose ol oiP.ciing- oilicrs and trans acting ; 1 other .business thai may come 1) lore l.'io nc.-otimr. J. T. r'ALTKK. S' ere tat V. Complexion Preserved DR. HEBRA'S VIOLA CREAM Remove Freckles, Pimples, Liver-Moles, Blackheads, Sunburn and Tan, and re- rial frpjih-iesa. -nroduciDK a ''J !r:-v clear and healthy com fzc7- plexion. Snpenortoaii lact-v-- S reparations and jerfectly hnrmless. At all ruggista, or mailed for 50cts. Send for circular. VIOLA SKIN SOAP in limply lneomprW as kla purlfTinc Soap. nfjufclel for ibe toilet. ant withnat ft ' riTal for th" narM-y. Aholutfl pare and delicattly medl i tatrd. At dnnniu. Price 2 5 Cents. J The Q. C. B1TTNER CO., Toledo, FURNITURE UNDERTAKING House Furnishings, STOVES, RANGES. Our stock Is complete In all lines . d we tt our friends to look It over. W wll endeavor to please you Call and see us. STREIGHT 0 SATTLER, (Successors to Iletry Boeck.) PLATTSMOUTH, - NEB CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Reading Rooms and Dispensary, Drue Building, riattsmouth, eh. Open from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. and 7 to 9 p. m. Serviceleach Sunday, 11 a. m. Tho bright warm sunshine has been making rapiil inroads on tho snow and ico today. No farther than .Linco.n md Hamburgh it is said no snow visible, yet sleighing was good here up to It) o'clock this morning, The bulk of the ice has been harvested vet quite a number of teams arc seen hue rying along with their crystal ioaJs today. A3. Wills, Cass county's biggest cattle feeder, says ho has odd head of cattle in his foed lot now that are the nicest bunch of that number he cvoi saw. Tho weather has been very fav orable for feeders and Mr. Wills says t.hecornat "0e this year is cheaper than loe last year as it will put on that much moro fat. From other farmers wo learn that cattle being fed in this county never did any hotter than they have this fall. THUKSl) AY. Col. Green of the Journal was an Omaha visitor this morning. Ned Iiaker will spend New Year's day with his daughter in Omaha. Miss Nettie Waybright departed this morning for P.dson, Neb., to at tend a wedding. George Larue and George Grimes of Union are in town today on business with the county judge. John Chalfant and Wes. Wolfe of Union, were in town today and made THE NEWS otlico a pleasant visit. Dr. Dai ley, the eminent occuli.-l and optician with kr. Seymour of Omaha, arrived this morning for a three days" visit at the l!iley. Dr. Shipman is cert liaiy doing a rushing business. Many of our best people are consulting him and his rooms are crowded with patients dur ing ofliee hours. T. Frank Wiles has removed his law office into the room over Schiap- pecasses store, w lie re he will be glad to meet old friends and cultivate tho acquaintance of new ones. S. E. Hall & Son's store building on Sixth aud Pearl streets &tarted to gradually sink lower into the groun I yesterday, and a force of men are en ftaered today raising the structure to its former position. Charles Graves, tho Union attorney, was in the city on legal business to day. Charley has built up a law- practice that beats editing a country newspaper and he expresses no desire to return to the newspaper fold. Ed Fitzgerald has a new vehicle for winter weather that ought to be called the Kloodike. It is a tightly closed omnibus with roar door and windows. The Kirnt Man lie JWt't In the Alaska ;ollll-lls Siti'il Him (Iff. "No," Kiid a man vho vas pitting ou a box in front of a grocery store, "I can't eay as I know very much about Alaska. " His companions looked at him in as tonishment. It was the first time lie had ever admitted not knowing much about anything. "I reckon, then, that vou'ro not thinking about going to dig lor gold," said ono bystander. "No." "Jlelibe, though, as tho stories of eudden wealth keip pouring in you'll change your mind," said another. "It won't Lo possible. I've been thcro." And came Lack without getting rich:" "Yes. I didn't much more than cross the boundary lino beforo I turned ; around aud struck for home." "Scared?" "That's tho answer." "What of polar bears?" "No." "Supplies give out?" "No, I had plenty of food. What changed my plan was seeing a man dig ging a hole, lhad these ideas about gold B. A. M'ELWAIN, THE JEWELER. Nrln.ekH, ti;-l lirr wild (In- pi lvllrc mul p pin hi' i'h llirtriiiit'i IxilniiKiiiK "f III nut winn iipiri l.i:ie!ii; ' I I.e.: ,.iiiiiii IhmIik li-vlnl upon Slid t it in iiH Ii i ' j , ill i.) I 'rti I. II ;i ii'. fii. le 1 1 nl II- I I I .ll'.l . ( i. HI I Vl i I III Hi, I in mi Wl'i'll'lfin, I'l l' ii I Pu ii. !:,. ! . i ! i ,. in li.i M, I 'mi h, W i ! 1 1.- J. N Iiik-t . I ...' Ii. i. . .," I i, . p. y , ,I-U-I' i' In i. IP-Hi y I. N In -ill..-. In r, l;n mlliij I.. vi I, ii. hi. .ii In-1 I.iiiumi I st liurlltMi hrr mid I I.I I -. IV I I. I I.HI1, ll I'll' II i fil II 1 1, III K. I r.v H jlllllf- mriil nl .nil unit ice 'ivrinl liV j ilin II I i lli l ii- .in I .s.i'iiml I'., Nimiii. i.i.niitilU hi. mini v.i i -1 .1. I. u-l.ii.e,. I'l;iltiui..iilli, Nil,,. I )ii irinl.iir II, A. )., ImW. IIamvi.v IIoi iowav, Miriill, (Jrf'in roiinly. Nubmhki. Probate Notice. Iiii'.iiiils lulu), ('.i n (imiilv. Ni-lntiilm. In I"- Hilt t . - I.I till- l-!.l.llir ul 1 1 c 1 1 1 y Moll, ilc- i. .-i,. . .i. ..I.. l'l,i!li., I inl, Lhmli'11 mid Wil li. mi M.ili. tlit- iiiiLii'imii Ih-iih nl AiImiii Mull, M.ny Miiilviui .in I C'iilli.n an; I i nl, Hie Iml tliu-.- 1 1 .i 1 1 1 I l.i inn iiuw li i riisnl, 1' linlirlli M'l . ii mi I, ( '! I.raili, Maitha I una l;.ii. Mi Hi I liiiuill, Kn.iiinii M .hi icr, I .mi iia i i j : . lln- inikn.iuii In ns o Henry Moll, dc I I .i .1, .in I all ..tin r ii. i-.uiii inli'ii'Hti!i will liiko ii. K.i .inii.i Nl.iiiiri lili-.J a ii'tii ion III s i I i mill .ilii 1,'inn llllliillii otlii-l llilllCH th ll..- I.i t v. ill mi I ii- .l.iin. -nl i, llrniy Mull, de ' '!. w .i .I'lui 1 1 li- I to .iuli,il,' on Ihe Hli day . I J ii ; , I I ; 1 1 1. 1 1 .i. I : n i n i . 1 1 .i 1 1, .a was (;i aiite.l to l.i-., u ln i-. ii. i il.-i r.iMi-.l, and Unit ad - mini' Ii. it I s.n.l rsliiti! W mi oinpli to. I'atl- 1 1 ' 1 1 .i' l. tlnil II. M. .iiiiiu lin-ii lie ; .1 III. .Ill' I I .ll. .1 It ll Will .11111. III .ili.l.l! I ho I I'H Hi 1-1 I -ll I. 'II "I till! .t;il.-. Vim iiil-not ltin.1 il "ii I. nl t.i ,i..i-.ii ,il -.niil i. nit on ,i- Vlh 'I. iv "I I inl.'i.A. I . at 'Z n't loi k p. in., illid i.illti-,l ' prlil ion, tin- i . 1 1 1 1 will appoint II M .-".nil . Ii-i n in -...nil- other Miitiililc Hun, ii . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 1 . i i(li ill .,nii,-,-, mid pun -c.1J ttl .i - i t I i. on nl i .1 sin. I still i-. lllli- s ln h. ill. I .ill. I tin; seal ol (tlli.t f olllt, ill ri.iieiii..nlli, N. l.i.i-.k.i, tliiM, tliu li'tli day ol N.M ml., i, A I I . I -nr. I ' nl I il iiKl.h M. Sl'ltMI.Of K. t'ouuty Juilyo. rrnhatc Notice. In t In- ( "iint y i mi 1 1 ol hsm i on ii t y , N -li ask a. In tin- in.iltii ol tin-i-stalc ol l i.- kiniinn. ilri in .-.I. I I'-ii, v K u-. kiii.'inii, 1 iiiniii Kiim kiiiiinu no. I .i.l oi h.-i n i iiii.-i. sl.-il in Haul manor in.- ) I v n.'iilii 'l Hint on the llrd day ol 1 e i 1111I..-1 . !!'.','. ii pel it i. in was Ii led in saidlolirt, i-h i;iih' , a n; olhei Iiiiij;h, MaiyKleik- iii. inn hi. I nil the. lull .lay o May, X17, leaviu(f ii" he I will an. I testament mid poHseKsed ol i . i h t s in a. I urn nl ii ii know n and inn ei linn value, iinl that the iiline iiaine.l ( mist it u le all the por soie. iiiteie le.l in Ihe estale ol Haul (IccoaHed, aii'l I i . i v 1 1 l"i ii'liiiinistialion thcicol. Vou iiiehiiily iml .lie.lj hat i you l.ul to liplnar at ai l i mil I mi Ihe ili.l day ol 1 . 1 1 1 (l i 1 1 y , A . I). IHVM, nl :.' o '. I"i k p. in. .iii.I) i nntest haul petition, the (null will appoint Milto.i I), 1'olk oi home other s ll it al.le pel ll ii 1 11 1 II I s I I ill ol , anil J 1 1 1 11 (I'll to a .-ll lenient "I said e- late. itness my hand and the seal ol said court, at I'l iil iiii.iiih. .i l.iaska, this, the 7lh day ol Lle- Celnlii:l , A . I ). I Mil. i Seal ' il-.olll.K M . S-lin i.ik k. County Jmlne. i . . . . ir ... .. -wys Lie v. ure. iin- I iiu-uiiiatism ;:mJ Aeura.gia ramcaily cures in one to uirct: nays, us action upon tho nys-; tcm is reniarivabi-j and ni storiouri. it removes ;il oneo uhe cause anu the disease immediately disappears. The liist do.--e gre.itly boneiits. 75 cents li.ii-i 111. 11 . soiu iy r. ii, ! i'H'Ko iV u.. urue-'rists. ft.or he uiii'r some friends coulinu ally p-aisin-T Liiamberlam s Colic, t'hoieiM and Diarrhoea Uem -dv, Cur- ti j Fleei. of Anaheim, Cali-ornia, pur- chased a bot: lc of it for his own use beiug found anywhere and everywhere, nd is now as enthusiastic over its and I went up thinking to get eomo wonderful work as anyone cm bo. points about mining. I afckcd him in Tho L'o and 5m eent sizes for sale by ail an oli'.arKl. way whether he had struck ii rii o-. .i 1 I UL1J l'uj ""ii jei, aim ju uniitu iuuuiiii ana glared at me and said, loung tcl i iiriiaii- in Ou.ys .Mine ler, what do you think I am digging I'uixi.i.r, S. 1)., Dec i:r..K. this for?' I told him I thought ho was Howl er, a conduclor or. thoIJurling- digging for gold. Ho glared at mo ton, has a fortune in an onvx mine again and said : 'Gold nothing. I'm do near this city. S unoles -which have HS this for fun. I've been living here been sent to I M. i hidel h in . ..hir.-i.-n for four years, arid there's ono thing 51 1 ( t fI M I ' I nInii1 . ' i , fnn rv-. -i inn. I V v-...-. ... .v.., ,,...0.1,, . in, on- , , T. n.- lion by exp'erls l ave been pronounced good aud det.p. so as tu allow" plenty of genuine onyx and e-peeially valuable, room, aud then find out just how far oeing el iii-ht color, iho mine con- down this climate will make tho iner- lains all shades, from black to light cury go. ' " Washington Star, raj-, and there arc iiuantities oi ii. Tell ma n v., T Tif -f.iiv" ll K . l-l :..i.- i : I ..v., j... . ,.e.i..ueu mil,, outing Thp. KT)pai-r.r Inf!Ils ,,.ic i,, her sent tinimeniM v.iinoui reiuuaiion or merit ar.i c,;inc ,,.,,-iotHcMTT I MiJVi CJ-UAAVU M Ul V 111, U1J Lh.iinbhrhiin s 1'aiu l,a!in costs no Iu truth tho question seems euperflu- more, and its merits havo boon proven ous. .JBEACON 0FiI0? A FRIEND OF THE FAMILY. FOLEY'S HOISEY and IS THE GREAT THROAT and LUWG REMEDY. Shcrill'M Sale. Ily vlrliieof un o.viH-iit.inn Issiucd by (Jo, I'. I I'His-cwurl h, i-ii-rk of tint d Istnct eourt, within ami fur l 'a sss cini nty . NuhraHk nil lo mo .1 iri'.'leii, I will on I he :id (lay of J mi. A I . Is'.is. at. II ii eliiek ii. in. of sulci diiv ul thn sniitli iluiir of I In- court lioiiso In tho city of i a 1 1 -Mm in i ii, in Hiii.i eounty. Hell tit pulillo iiiclloii. In I In- hl-'hi-sl idiider for cash, tho following l.iiids mul I eiieiii.-ti I m, to-wit: 1 he i"l hall nl tin; noithcast (lliaitl-r of I.-, t,,un II. linn;.; 111 the s.iiilheat niaitei i, ; i.-i I inn hi. tmvii II. lanei; U: t hi; i-ust hall ul t he '-mi 1 1, (; t iiiait.i ol sec linn III, town II. inline !l. 111.; ea t hilll ol the HOlltllWeHt iiiiulei i, I m-. iii. ii .. fiwii II. iniiuu III: and tliu ii. .nli hall i.l Ihe s.iulhwe't uiiiiiter ol section 1M. town II, nun:.- in, ail in I' county, Nehiaska, t'T.elh. i v.ilh the n n ileees and ,-i(iiui Uiianci- theieiinl.i Ii-I.iiii:iiiK in in an y w isc aiipeitaininK. I In ' .mie ln iii; lewed uinn and l.ikell as the pi ',ni I y nl I". I-, and II. K. Waldioii, defendant-, to sun Iv a judgement ol said court ic i "i ie l hy l;. ink ol l.acle, plaiiitill, said deli -nd. ml ; . I'lal tsinoul h, Nob , Nov. :!(), A. I). IHII7. II ahvkv IIoi i.owav, .siierl ir. C;tnH con uty, Mobraska. For Sale bv SMITH & PAItM HLI'. o; lest of m i riy years. Such lettera as the foUo -vinir, from L. G . Bagley, Ilueiieine, Cal., are constantly i;eiiig recoiveii: '"The he-t remedy for piin I h:v.) ever ue.l is Chamberlain's 1'ain B ilm, and I s:iy to after having used it in my family for ?-o vera 1 years.'' It cures rheumatism, lame back". sprains ami sweliiii! dl'llgirist, For side bv all Khciiiiiilt ism ( lire. I in :t I):iy. A fev- weekrt aro the edilor was taken with a veiy severo cold that c::us..d him to be in a rao-t miserable conditio:-!. It was undoubted'y a bad oi la grippe, and rceognizinsr it as aangeious no look lmineuiate steps to brinr about a speedy cure. From the advertisement of Chamber- As she Fits there with the afternoon sun transfusing her glorious tresses into a stream of liquid gold, her eyes as blue as tho heavens, fathomless as the sea and dancing with excitement ; her lips of coral wreathed with a roguish smile, she is indeed transcendentally Leautiful. But tho man seems blind to her love liness, lie regards her with a frowning brow and eves that smolder with anger. Timidly she repeats her. question. "Am I not fairr" Her companion's face grows black as thunder. "Fair!" ho cries Utterly. "Fair, when you open a jack pot with a ten" Rage chokes his utterance and with a passionate gesture hedashes the cards to the floor. San Francisco Examiner. Valid Excuse, She How is it you were not at "West- lanrs Cough Kemedy aud the many I end's reception? od recommendations included therein, we concluded to make a. lirst trial of tho medicine. Tos-'v that it was satisfactory in its result-;, is put- it very mildly, indeed. It acted like liiairie and tho result was a speedy and permanent cure. We have no hesi tancy in recommending this excellent Cough Keni' uy to anyone aillieted with a cent: h cold in anv form. The Manner o-" Liberty, Lib"i-;y town,Mary l.trid. Tho --' and oU cent sizes f..,r sale by all drujii-its. Dr. ."Iiir-hiill. (jiriiiluiite Dentist. Dr. Marshall, tine gnld work. Dr. Marshall, goid and porcelain 'o'vr.s. Dr. Marshall, crown and bridge work Dr. Marshall, teeth without plates. Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fillings. Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plates. Dr. Marshall, perfect fitting plates. Dr. Marshall, all work warranted. All the latest aooliances for first class dental work. Tho T. J. Soiiol soe'r-ty is making- great preparations for their sixth annual mask ball to be given at their hall Saturd.13- evening, January 15, 1S'S. Everybody is invited. lie I staid away on account of a per sonal matter. She May I ask what it was? lie Will j ou promise to keep it se cret? She Yes. He Well, they failed to send me an invitation. Collier's Weekly. Imitation slates, made of compressed wood pulp, are used for roofing in (Jhristiania. They are made waterproof tv a secret process. The population of Egypt is now about ), 000,000 and probably" exceeds that of he period of its greatest ancient pros perity. Crystal Springs Daury, Milk, as pure as gold from the "Klondike," delivered to any part of the city. Satisfaction guaranteed. Your patronage solicited. Leave orders at News ofliee, or at Bennett & Tutt's grocery store. S. II. FillEK, Prop. December Millinery Clearing Sale At Mrs. Streets. $3 trimmed hats at $2. 2.50 trimmed hats at 81.50. 2 trimmed hats at $1. Now is the time to get a hat at a low price for cash. Come early as tho best always 0 first. Fancy Groceries. Choice Canned Goods. These are Leaders at White's Grocery Store (THE OLD RELIABLE.) A select stock of Dry Goods n the'latent styles for Fall and Winlei arrived. If you want the best for your money give us a trial. ,ust F. S. WHITE, Upper Main Street. Plattsmouth, Neb. e News ffcroH Take OfT the Horn. The undersigned is now ready with a good portable chute and tools, to re move the weapons of horned cattle at 10 cents per head for a herd of c ittle, 25 cents for a single animal. It never gets lo cold to dehorn cattle. Any time after fly-time, until the first week in April is tho right time. Af ter that it is too late. If those who wish to have such work done will ad dress me at Rock Bluffs, Neb., thev will be promptly answered. S. L. Furlong. Delays are Dangerous. Mai.y of your friends, or people whom you know of have contracted consumption, pneumonia or other fatal diseases by neglect of a simple cold or cough. Foley's Honey and Tar a safe, sure ana pleasant cough medicine would have saved them. It is guaranteed. Smith & Parmele. Mrs. Stark, Pleasant Ridge, O., says, "After two doctors gave up my boy to die, I saved him frnm croup by using One Minute Cough Cure." It is the quickest and most certain remedy for coughs, colds and all throat and lung- troubles. F. G. Frick & Co. 2 M- '. Holiday Katei. On account of the Christmas and New Year holidays, the Missouri Pa cilic will sell tickets to a!i points on their system within a distance of 200 miles, at rate of one fare for round trip. Dates ofsiie December 24,25, .'H and January 1, limited to return to January 4, 1898. I'earl .Steam Laundry. B. F. Goodman has his new laundry fully equipped with latest devices, now in running order, and asks a share of your patronage. His work is his best advertisement, and If you try the new laundry there will be no longer any excuse for sendingooods away. Nothing too good for our patrons 13 our motto. Work called for and delivered. Sheriff's Sale. 1 5 y v : 1 1 1:- til .111 t-M-i m ion iisueil by George ! . 1 1' ui - i- in ih. 1 In k i1 1 lie district ton it witlnu ;ni'l I'D I .1 ,s luiinty, Nchi.-isk.-i. ami to mc di ' '' l, I will "ii tin; :inl d;iy ol January, A. 1. I -'.i. at 1 1 11 i 1.11 k a. in. nl saiil day at the Moutti 'l " i "I tin: '"nit Iiiiii-l- in Ilii: ity nl I'iatU ni'iMlli, 111 -aid 1 "iiiity sell at inihlic auction, to tin- l...'lii st I. nl k 1 1'ir cash, tliu lollowilig real t.i I't- 1 1 an. I l' in I, ;.,i k 110, lots :i, I, 5. and 0, in I -!'.' I. 111 tin; i ily i,l I'lallsiiioiilli; lot a and tin- .1 1 hall ol .1 and lots 7, Hf '.t, 10, II and i'J, in !." k II, in I )uki.-: addition to tliu city of j'latts """Hi. a.-, luimly, ,Ni-l,r.iska. touidliei with Jin u mk-);i:-. and ,i.iiii li nam cs tliuii-unto hc l"i.;:.iin oi in anyuisi; ;ippti i taimii. 'i he same l.r'n;. rk ii-i upon and taki-n as the property ol Ui:i,ani II. .Shah.-i and lohii Miafi.r, defendants, to al: ly a judim-nt of said couit lecovc-ted by I iiaili--- I . I'ai miss-, ri-i i-i-.L-r lor Citizi.-iis bank ol I'l. ill ui. null, .Ncliiaska, jilaiutilt said against duli-iidaiii-.. I'lall mouth, Nebraska, Nov. '.VI, A, I).. 1W7. IIaKVI.Y I lnl.l.dWA Y. Slienll Cass ('oiinty, N'ebiaska. Sheriff's Sale. I; y i 1 1 in-of an older of sale-issued by (Je-orjje 1-. I I ni-i; a oi lh, clei k of the disti let court, within and loi l ass county, Nehiaska, and to me di iisti'l. I will on the :iid day ol January, A. I'., '". al II o'doi k a. in. of said day at the sou I li door ol Ihe com t house in the city of i'lattl inoiith. in said i oiinty, sell at public auction, ti the hij;ln-t bidder for cash, the following real estate, to-wit : 'omiiieni.iiiK at the southwest C'ji. of nee tain to.'.n l', rane II. east of the Btii I M., i iiiin.iiK tin ik e hoi Ih :n tods; thence east WI rods; then' e south -V rods: them e west HJ rods to the place ol bc-Knimiijj, containing hltecii actesof . lAisolots 2 and :', in section 4. township 11 noith, ran;;e I I ea t of tin; lilh 1'. ,M. excepting 7 and I', n acres, descnbed as follows: fceven and I'm acres on the south side of a lot of land d'jM.i : bed a .- loilo-. s: ISeginning at the cjuarter s '' Hon coi ne r on tin; west side of sc in 4, town shiji II. i. nine 11, east of the eth il ., thence noith Ml i hams, thence southeast ' chains to a po.i.t intei-e a line throtij.' .he center ol section l, thc-in e west to the p! , of beginning and coiitaaiing 15 and I Ml res. 'ihe total amount ol laud herein is one hundred and thirty and 'ii loo. ni'.., or lesi .' Also the northeast 'inaitc-r ol the norti.east ijuarter of section 5, town 11. range II. east of the oth lJ. M.. contain ing Hand l.i. loo acies, more or less. All of the abo-.e de-( i.bed land in Cass county, Nebraska, together with the privileges and ariDUrteoanCfca ti.eieii.-ito belonging or in anywise appertaining. s.nue levieu upon and taken as the property ol lianiel I. I)rper, et al. defendants to satisfy a judgment of said ceurt recovered Ity I'etia;ng-on. piaintitl against said defend ant - . i'latt-mouth, Nebraska, Nov. W. A. IJ. 1HV7. IIakvkv Hollo way, Sherilf, Cass County, Nebraska. ShcrifrH Sale. liv;rti.eof an order r j f ssli Kmip.l l.v CiMrra I-. I louseworth, clei k ol the district court, withio and lorl'a-s county, Nebraska, and to me di- recteii, i wi:i on Hie Mndayof January, A. I). l-'.is, at 11 o'clock a. m. of said dav at the south l .or of the court hou-e in the city of l'lattsniouth, n sa:d county, sell at public auction, to the high est b: l ler lor cash. the foilowim real entati tn-wil- I he northeast ij iai ter of section 13, townshit) 11. norm ol range U, m Cass countv. Nebraska, trv giilier with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto oc'oiiging or in anywise appurtaining, i he same being levied upon and taken as the property of Margaret W, X raver and George J raver, et al., defendants, to satisfy a judgment "f sa.d court recovered by the hirst National baiiK of l-a:rlield, la., plaintilis, against said de-leii-iaiits. I'latt-m juth, Nebraska, Dec. 7, A. D. HVJ. HahVEY Hoi.LOWAY, .Sheriff, Cass County. Nebraska. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an execution issued hv fl I'.llouseworth. cierk of the district court mithTn and for Ca-s county, Nebraska, and to me di rected. I v. ol on tlie th day of January, A. D., I"'.'-". ;it 1 1 o'clock a. m. of said dav at ih imiih door of the court house iu Plattsmouth, in said county, seii at public auction, to the highest tiiit- der for ca-h. the following real estate to-wit: 1 he west halt of the southwest auarterof section x. t-.wnship 11, range it. in Cass county, Nebraska, except lot Z, being one acre off the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of said section properly oi i. r . carnes, delendant, to satisfy a judgment of 'aid court recovered by Charles li. Ha worth, piamti!!, against J. V. Carnes, T. V. Carnes and H. k, V.'aidron, defendants. J iaiismoutii, .eljrasKa, Uec, 7, A. I)., 1897. HARVEY JloLlWAY, SberifT, C" county, Nebraska. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by George F. Houseworth. clerk of the distiiet court, within and for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me di rected, I will on the 15th day of January. A. 1). ii.i, ai n ociocna.m., ol said day at the south Notice to Credtors. State of Nf.hkaska. ) , . ,, Cass County. $ " "Jwn. In the matter of the estate ol Calvin H. Par. me.e, deceased. 'Notice is hereby given that the creditors of aid deceased will meet the administrator. said estate, before me, county judge of Cass county, Nebraska, at the county court roojw la P.aiismouth in said county, on the 6th day of December, A. D. 1W, on the 7th day of Febru ary. 1 "., and on the 6th day of June, 1W. at t o'clock p. in., each day for the purpose of' pre senting their claims for examination, adjustrueat and allowance. Six months are allowed for taa creditors of said deceased to present their claims and one year for the administrators t setti said e-tate, from the tith day of December, 188T. '1 his notice shall bu published in the Semll Weekly News-Herald for lour weeks successively i-r if it to the lith dav of l)ecemhr lsiiT " r , j - , : , ' . , - Witness my hand and seal of said county court door of the court house in the city of Flatus mouth, in said countv. sell at nuLlk atirt inn. t.i the highest bidder for cash, the following real I at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this fth day of Ns estateto-Vtit: vember, 17. Lots five (5 and six (6) in block twenty-nine I (Seal) Gr.XC M. SputLatMC. (lyj in the city of Plattsmouth, Cass county, nay Jadga,