Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, November 24, 1897, Image 4

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Peter Curtis' Chances for Recovery
Are Not So Good
John McCormlck Kfpt Busy the VerdiCri
Factory Ha Carried In His Body.
"He was a man of healthy appear
ance, who at no time showed, physic
ally or mentally, signe of dissipa
tion or excess, yet he kept himself
constantly under the influence of ;
liquor," said Alden Preston, a trav
eling salesman, speaking of a man ! Omaha today.
whom be met in Chicago. I saw
John McCormick-often at the Le-
land House. He had a government
Th. Dtrdly Attempt to Tke H
Likely ta Tot Saccef Ine
Who Committed the Deed H Been
Apprehended - Several Clrcom.t-uc.
Co to Prove HU Identity
TL v.-,,,! n,ault made upon Peter contract for dredging in the lake
Curtis, the nineteen-year-old boy near
Umou Thursday evening lust, is still
an exciting top'.c nil over the county,
and news of the poor boy's condition
is anxiously sou-ht for. Curtis is
.till at the Smith hotel in Union and
Irom a conversation today with bis
physician, we learn tbat his condition
is worse and that but the slightest
hope for his recovery is entertained.
He lies in a comatose condition and
eometiines mutters incoherently, but
at no time has full consciousness re
turned. The danger of blood clot on
hours drag
ents who sit beside him. hopes for re
turn to health crow darker, and the
end seems not far away.
The villain with murdor in hi
heart, who committed the assault is
now believed to be none other than
the man arrested and now held in
at Nebraska City.
Sheriff Hoiloway, us soon as he was
notified of the aflray, drove imme
diately to the scene, and where'the
boy had been engaged in a struggle
with the jissasr-in, or assassins, a vest
outton and a small piece of tobiicco
were found, and nearby were discov
ered the foot-prints of a man who wore
a neculiar natch on his shoe. The
prisoner at Nebraska City has such ii
patch on his shoe, he chews tobacco
and a button is missing fiocn his vest
the one found being exactly like the
other buttons on the vest, which goes-
to form a strong chain of circumstan
tial e vidence, and which will be diffi
cult to evade if young Cuitis' wound
prove fatal, as they now seem likely I gejj jif
to do.
trict couit, aud will not likely briop
the prisoner here until Curtis has
C. A. Marshall, Dentist
Aitbaphoros at Gering As Co"s.
M.s. Perry Walker was in Omaha
Chamberlain's Kernels at Gericg
& Cs.
F.iia Saj?e was a bus:ness visitor in
Liccolu on leaal
college city.
It is not what a m mu'acturer says
about his own medicine mat cures
patient, hut what th J medicine doe?
C. S. Polk is in
business today. '
All lovers of iirst-class ciear,suioke
Wurl's "Gut Heil"
Dr. Elster, Waterman block, for
Fred Eblnger, Agent.
Mrs. Thomas Kempster and daughter
were passengers for Lincoln today.
Crabill, the practical, jeweler, will
.1 j&
rinir vonr watcQ correcuv auu
. f j -
Claim Agent DeLon? of the M. P.,
is in town today from Atchison, lie
and staid a great deal at this hotel.
which was conveniently near hi3
work. After 1 had got 60inewbat panders dentistry
.... m . I
acquainted with him I notea ine losure in the German
regularity with which he would go
to the bar for a drink. His tipple
was always rum, and the drink was
a stiff one. After we had got fur
ther along in oui acquaintance he
told me the reason for his constant
" 'My life depend" on it, he said.
'The rum counteracts the poison of
a copper bullet that I carry in my went to Omaha on the noon train.
V.. ; ,j imminent n(l S ine WU1. nu .umiuu (u ...-v. .v c f - ,
luc ui niu i . - i
riiv hv for the oar- shot me nve years ago. i was uue rooDS, ana tiruuun s ia:i:ous ice oemu
of a party ot Americans prospecting at Smith & Parme:e s, I'laitsaioum
for minerals in a wini region mat M jame3 Nichol, near Rock
we uaU euteiTU agauisi me huvilo Biff. who has bjen verv low, is now
Of menus wuo Knew me country.
The Indians of that region were
fighters and were bound that no
white man should settle or work in
their country. They had hrenrms,
and for bullets used copper nuggets
that they found in the beds of the
streams and hammered out round
When they jumped us, three of our
party of seven got away, 1 carrying
this bullet in my back.
" 'There was no doctor in thecoma
trv where we were that 1 could
trust to extract the bullet, but the
wound healed after a fashion. Be
fore 1 got back to New York, which
I reached as soon as I could, 1 had
suffered a great deal from copper
Doisonine. but had made the discov
ery that rum was an antidote to the gain Gering & Co. are offering on tab
verdigris that constantly was form- lets. Your choice of any Ubiety n theii
ing in my body aud that I could be window for 5 cents
comtortable as long as l Kept my- xow is Vne tjme to buy splendid
11111 111 11117- llliutil. a iirr . r i t, tl.m in . , . t -l
1 he sheriff ts very buy in dis- h t , ... , . , , ..
k j ------ . I cneao l hi i t-uee 8 auu cauiino
vised me not to risk the operation Quaiities and price?
ui uaviug txie outlet tAiratiou, us
reported in a fa.r way lor teeovc-ry
We ttill sell lead pencils at 1 cent
each, and the very best matches at 1
cent per lox of 200. Geing & Co,
A union prayer meeting will be heid
at the home of M. V. Gibson on Friday
evening, to all are cordially
Dr. Wilkinson. SL-ecialist eye. ear
nose and throat,wili be at Dr. Livings
ton's office, Plattsmouth, Monday, No
Small nill, hafo pill, best pill, De
W.U's Little Early U sers cure bil:
ojsie-s, constipation, sU'k headache
F. G. Fi lcke & Co,
Have you seen the wonderful bar
a '".iiiiiii iiiiiiii iiiiKiMiiniii ii mi ii !
w ttMMM uiiiiii mmu Ulillli I
Ea..j. u a JiorcLound Syrup does"the
work and does it well. It cures
coughs and eolda Id a dwy. Its heal-
ng, ioolbiojr at-d qaiwtiag. 21.
acd ole
Wurl Bros. "Gut Heii' istakiDf the
lead as a choice 5-cent cigar. It la
made of the finest American tobacco
grown from Havanna seed, and ful.y
deserves the high rank it has ta Ken.
If you have net tried this cigar do so
at once and you win be convinced of
its superiority.
Warning: Person who suffer
from coughs and colds should heed
the waniogs of danger and save them
selves suffering and fatal results by us
ing One Minute Cough Cur It is an
infallible remedy for coughs, colds,
croup and all throat and lung troubles.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
J. M. Thirswent, of Grosbeck, Tex.,
says that when he has a spell of in
digestion, and feels bad and sluggist,
be takes two of DeWitt's Little Eariy
Risers at night, and be is all right
the next morning. Many thousands
of others do the same tbing. Do you.'
F. G. Fricke & Co.
(Special notices under thla head will be
Chargeu for at th rate of H cent per word
WASTED A few boarders at the corner of
Sixth and Granite st3. Mrs. G. V. Osborn.
WANTED Active, sober and trustworthy man
to travel through this section. Salary $50 a
month, payable weekly, and expenses; splendid
opportunity. Address SHErF company, lo2U
Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Fa.
WANTED Wood wi'l be taken on subscrip
tion at the News oce.
Rev. A. E.
J. C. Berry, one of the best known
nitl7anj tit ti ! M f t.-atiflp4 trin.t
he cured himself of the worst kind of , a minister of the same name died
Morrison to Answer for
Wife's Death.
TOPKKA. Kan.. Nov. 23 The To-
peka police have arrested Rev. A. B.
Morrison, a minister of Panhandle,
Tex., and are holding him on suspi
cion of murder until the sheriff oan
arrive from Panhand.o and take him
home for trial. For several months
Morrison had been engaged to Mis.
Whittlesey of Toi eka, whose family
is prominent here, and they were to
be married here during the holidays.
From the information the police
have received it is supposed that Mor
rison is the same persou, as the v-ife
& new uouub Jim icluvcu. g
ISJ n COMPL6TE Drv Goods. Dress
M HnnHc and Nntinns
fjy Lin eoF .w , p
ley Blankets, Woolen rj
M Underwear, and
evcryLmn uauctny rnunu in a iirsiJict;& jj
Dry Goods store will be found at fsl
JL. IB. Jgenberrror's 1
7 ' VEz
Lower ATnin Street. 2
S Also a Full Line of Standard and Fancy
g Groceries, Queensware and n
M Stoneware. M
fjj We pay no rents, or expensive clerk
hire and give our customers the bene- p
H fit of Low prices.
! suddenly at Panhandle, Tex., October
8, under circumstances which pointed
to murder.
Morrison admitted to Chief Steele
; that he wad from Panhandle, but said
Call and See For Yourself.
piles by us:ng a few boxes of De Witt's
Witch H.izel Salve. He bad been
troubled with piles lor over thlity
wars and had used macv different
L'inHw nf f .-! 1 1 mi iiirns hilt DrtW itt.'
.th..-th-t..n.iii.rir v,Jhedid not know how the chargetf
will verify this staterrent if
wishes to write him. F. G.
J! pjMpppMpMlpMMMiMTflilj H U H.
m 1 1 rl c. r roiili Ha m a ( n n.crin.4t him.
pik "unless it was tne outgrowth of criti
cism that was heaped upon him on ac
count of his wife's death.
I At the Whittlesey home the family
Jrtcob Fredrick Huber was horn in objected to allowing reporters to see
Germany July 17, 1S18, and died No- i Miss Whittlesey. One of the brothers
vomber 13, lifc7. at 6 o'clock a. m. , explained that
passed to the heieafter, and he will . 1)0is01lin,, wouid be verv lia-
then be brought hero and arraigned fcle tQ follow it jj;0 j stin carry the
on the charge of as brutal a murder
as was committed on old man Akeson a
few years ago, for which crime Harrt
Hill was hung and bis partner, Ben
well, is now serving penance in the
s'.a.e penitentiary.
Couutr Attorney Graves Present the
Case to tbe Jury.
The trial of Charles Haight, charged
with the murder of his uncle at Avoca
last May, was begun at 1:30 today
The jury was socured yesterday, and
the witnesses all arrived on the noon
train, to that nothing now is likely to
prevent a speedy nen-ing ot Ahe case
County Attorney Graves mtde the
oneniuff statement to the jury in a
concise manner, g v'ng a brief history
of the crime; showing how or the fatal
day in May tue irione h:id provoked
a quarrel with his une'e, an old man,
and how the former h d struck the
latter over the head with a plane,
which produced concussion of the
hrain, and caused death a few days af
copper bullet in my body and take
this remedy for itH bad effects.
" 'How much rum (should you
guess tnat l aruiK in a uay ana
Bennett & Tutt will have olives.
chow-cbow. sweet and sour pickles in
bulk, also fresh celery, lettuce and
parsley for Thanksgiving.
Otto Wurl was an Omaha visitor
last evening, and remained over with
every day 1 A quart? Two quarts! his brother Pau', who has a fine po-
Try again. Double that. .Never less sition with the Uiiion Pacihc.
than a gallon of Santa Cruz, Ja
Holdege'i new special car was run
out of the shops this mornintr and was
taken taUmabH on iNo. IV and re
turned on 20 for a trial run.
If you want to keep up with the
that comes up means 20 cents in my
pocket, to 1 can a fiord to drink some.
It's time for me to take my medicine
again.' " New York Sun.
maica, or isew ingiana ram, ac
cording as I find one or another
the best brand to be found at tho
place where I chance to be. A pretty
jtiff allowance of grog to work on,
you'd think, but it just keeps me tins s, call at Pettee's and select, some
right. Those dredges out in the lako of the new songs of which he has a
are mine and everj scoopful of mud quantity of the best selected.
Hive you ever tried canned SMuer
kraut, clam chowder, baked beans
in torn tU'e sauce? If not, get a can
at Bennett & 1 utt's. They are all
Ball iru's llorehound Syrup is the
best known remedy for Consumption,
Colds, and all Throat and Chest
Troubles. Every uottle is guaranteed
2o and 50c.
Henry Clay L?ffer, a prominent at
torney oi Haipv county, Wi.s lu town
today on legul business, and renewed
old university school day memories
with the editor.
You can't cure consumption, but
you can vi-id it and cure every other
form of throatdung or trouble by the
use of One Minute Couirh Cura. F.
G. Fricke & Co.
How to Keep Crackers.
Complaints are frequently heard
that crackers bought at grocery
stores are soggy and stale tasting,
even when comparatively fresh.
The fault is in the way they are
kent. Crackers demand a warm.
terward. Uenng, oi counsel lor me Jry place, and they should not be
prisoner, gave the defendant s side of 8toieij near 0ji su or other strom
tne story in an effort to excuse the Umelling goods. Gieat care should
crime. I K PYArcisod hv irreicprn in this re-
The jurors, in whose hands ttie late I Bpect. The cracker trade is one of
of the prisoner now rests, are Ira the most important fentiirfis of a
bearle. Will livers, Phil lnieroti, J Keneral grocery business, and it
W. Grasm tn, rrank Kauble, J. I should be taken care of. Crackers
Thrasher, James BrakerJI.G. Robine, j ehould be purchased in small quan-
or this city; and Arthur sullivan, I titin that thtv will not h-c
Charles Vogler, U. II. Frans and tjme to get Ktale before being sold.
Grant Creamer, of tbe couuty. Thev should be kept, as stated, in
warm, dry place, and customers
Graves, alt the witnesses were ex- I should be ad vised to place them in
the oven a few minutes before using
This will restore their crispness,
c'uded from tbe court room during the
trial of the case until after their testi
mony had been given.
The prisoner, a slight built light
complcclioued man with light brown
hair, gray eyes, and round face, does
not look like a man who would take
human life without cause, but it is
W. G. Sanders of the Herbert Bas
Relief company, St. Loui9, has sold
the exclusive right to make the won
derful Bus-Relief photographs to W.
J. K-on. They at e beauties.
Patronize home industry by smok-
even though they have become damp ing home cigars. Gering & Co. soil,
and soggy. Pepperberg's Buds. Wurl's Gut Heil,
All the :aie in the world, how- I Spies Exquisitos, Slamn's Diamond
ever, will not build up a cracker King, and other home cigars.
trade if the crackers are not pure
and fresh and well made. Be care-
s.iid he has a temper which he made J f ul in buying to get the best the
no effort to control. His little daugh market affords; then push the trade
ter, aged eleven or twelve, sits be- for all there is in it. One lot of
side him an interested spectator of all I stale, poorly made crackers will do
that takes place. The wife is here, more harm than one cap overcome
but being an invalid, she is not able
to spend any time in the court room
From the large number tf witnesses
subpoenaed, it is doubtful if the case
will be finished before Saturday even
ing. as no court will be held on Thurs
The case does not interest the public
as tria s of this class generally do,and
so far the court room at no time has
been more than h iif full.
in six months. Mercantile Journal.
IHatrlct Court .Notes.
Nearly all the doctors in Weeping
Water, Union, Nehawka, Avoca and
Plattsmouth have been sunpoenaed as
witnesses today in the Haignt case.
After the jury was cmpanneled to
try tbe Haight case Judge Ramsey
excused tbe ba ance of the panel unti
Monday morning, and most of the
jurors co excused returned home.
The jurors from each precinct in
the county are here in attendance at
cnu-t, ani we do not remember to
have seen a more representative
crowd of Cass county's best people.
C County Dairy.
R. F. Dean has again taken charge
of the Cass County Dairy and will be
pleased to serve his old customers and
also others desiring pure inilK. He
will also furnish crenm -n.nd butter
milk when desired. Your 'patronage
io solicited. -
Mast Settle.
Everyone knowing himself indebted
to Dr. W. A. Humohrey, is requested
to cali at once and settle.
Pi vet's ew Odor Golden Daisy
Is sweet, isGued and lasting.
Did as He Was Told.
"Will you keep an eye on my
horse, my son, while 1 step in and
get a drink?
"Yes, sir."
Stranger goes in, gets his drink.
comes out and finds his horse miss
"Where is my horse, boyl"
"He's run'd away, sir."
"Didn't I tell you to take care oi
him, you young scampi"
"No, sir. You told me to keep I sores and skin troubles.
my eye on him, and 1 did till he got & Co
P. J. Coates arrived in town today
with a car load of household goods.
He also brought with him from Blair
a good driving horse to take the place
of the gray on the delivery wagon.
There is no need of little children
bain? tortured by scald bead, eczema
and bkin eruptions. DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve gives instant relief ana
cures permently. F. G. Fricke & Co.
You cau't afford to -isk your life by
allowing a cold to develop into pneu
monia or consumption. In-tart relief
and a certain cure are afforded by One
Minute Coujjh Cure. F. G. Fricke &
Disfigurement for life bv burns o-
scalds may be avoided by u-ing De
Witt's Witch Hazol Salve, the great
remedy for piles and for all kinds of
F. G. Fricke
clear out of sight." Pick Ale Up.
"You ought to see Mrs. Kay refill's
house. She keeps it so clean you
could eat off any of the floors. "
"Huh! She keeps it so clean thai
her husband has to eat off the top
of the wardrobe or out in the shed
five or six weeks every summer.
Chicago MVihnns
To Delinquent Tax I ayers.
PLATTSMOUTH, Nov., 17, 1897. All
parties that are in arrears on their
real estate tax a e requested to make
W. P. Miller of Chicago, represent
ing the great tobacco house of Freid
man & Co.. came in yesterday and
mingled business with pleasure by
visiting his old schoolmates, the
Wurl boys,
Louis Ottnatt, the painter and deco
rator, began work today on tbe main
floor of the court bouse, which will
be painted and fixed up befitting a
court of justice located in tbe best
county in the stale.
Ballnrd's Horehound Syrup is not a
mixture of stomach destroying drugs.
aged sevent3r-nine years.three months.
and twenty-seven days. He was mar
ried in 1838. emigrated to the United
States in 1842, locating at G.eenviile.
O. There he resided until 18G9, when
with his family he came to Nebraska,
purchasing 400 acres of land. De-
eeasea was the founder of L niisvitle.
Remains were laid to rejt in the
church yard of the German Evange
lical church seven miles aoutnwestof
Louisville by the 9ide of his wife, who
preceded him eleven yoars ago.
Ho leaves six children two sons
and four daughters to mourn their
loss. lie was a faithful Christian
from early boyTood, and loved to
schoolmate in
Morrison was their
Illinois twenty years
Uope For Nebraska.
Cleveland Leader.
Next y car Il-yan's state will get a
good shaking up which ought to offset
the effect of tho gieat defalcation of
its former republican treasurer who
was found to have been about V00,000
short when he vacated his office.
In tbe recent campaign his t?reat
crime hung on the republicans of Ne
braska with crushing- weight, and it
probably prevented the state from
getting into line with South Dakota
and Kansas, its neighbors which have!
mm i
VA; ''I
repudiated BryanUm at last. Next
read and i-tudy tho works of God. He . year the effect of tins defalcation will
. 1 -; . I f v. . . .J . . . : r . i u.. u..4 ' . j . i . . - i ; i
uavo worn away, anu mere wiusureijf
was a kind father, a dutiful husband.
and a good neighbor and citizen.
For tire insurance see Thrasher.
Thanksgiving Dinner Headquarters.
A. H. Week bach & Co., among scores
of other pood things eatabie. have the
following to select from in m iking :ip
your Thau ksgin s; dinner:
Lettuce, radishes, celery, erauber
berries, figs, dates, oranges, lemons,
ana they have the following varieties
of cheese:
Imported and Domestic Swias.
Li m burger,
New Yoi k Cream,
Wisconsin, Cream,
And other good tbinga too numerous
to mention. Remember, at A. H.
Weckbach & Co.
Were Badly Used tp,
Two of the sorriest looking engines
that ever came to the Havelook shops,
says the Times, were brought in from
be less disposition to hold the republi-
o in party responsible for tbe fall of
one of its members, even tnou;h
man iu high office.
In I8'J8 Nebraska is to feel the
stimulating fore of a great exposition.
Omaha is to do for tho west what At
lanta and Nashville have done for the
south. A irr. ad display is lube made
f the natural and duve oped wealth
uf the vast region beyond the Mis-Is
sippi. In connection wiih an exposi
tion which ought to p; ov one of the
most interesting yet hi id in the
United States there will ho n.any
meetings of nolnble organizations,
philanthropic, commercial, indus
trial, religious, educational and many
other kinds. Hundreds of thousands
of visitors are expected f om other
parts of the eojniry, or, at least, from
oaar-by states. Ail this is bouud to
make a lively and stirring summer in
Omaha and in Nebraska generally.
Such influences are always bad for
Bryanism. They ouffht to insure the
overthrow of the silerites in Bryan's
All s'zs, a'l Solid. Well MadoShoe, with NO PAPER. wh:c'i
will !20 AT LESS than mtin ufaetnrers' price. We sell nothing
rut Shop-, GOOD SHOES, and give our whole undivided attention
to SHOES, and by sj doing we study QUALITY hem e ynir
We don't have to give you pencils to induce you to buy our
Shoes. We make the PRICE RIGHT.which makes the pe-m ii giv
ing scheme a very small and insignificant misleading inu ueeiner t .
Call and fee tne BARGAINS partially displayed on our counter
and you will oa male h'ippy. Open every evening tilt wo gi t ;ir l.
No more 8 oV.eck closing.
1 FOOT MILLINER. Plattsmouth, Neb. 3
M - -
Fancy Groceries.
Choice Canned Goods.
Lincoln on tne local freight Thursday ! Take Laxative Bromo QuinlneTablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
morning. Oua was 1M, as could be
told by the nunb?r on the tender, but
the other haa about everything, in
cluding the number, torn from it.
They were in a high line wreck.
Diamond Dyes at- Gering & Co'a.
failj U cure. 26e.
The Ladies' Missionary fco-.-iety. to
have met Fiidav of this week, bas
been postponed until further notice.
These are Leaders at
White's Grocery Store
a settlement at onoe, as after the but i3a scientifically prepared remedy
thit cures coughs and colds
and all other lunjr troubles Its action
is quick, prompt and positive. '25c.
and 50c.
Peter Perry, oneofCiss county's.
first day of December all such
estate will be sold.
Board will be in cession from the
first day of December for the purpose
of confirming such sales.
County Treasurer.
PI vet's Perfect Purple Pansey Perfume
The latest fad. At all druggists.
best citizens, has left the farm for a
time and gone to University Place to
educate his children. The NWg
hopes to chronicle bis return to old
We have Entirely Re-stocked our
Drug Store and are ready for winter trade.
We have just received New Medicines,
New Wall Paper, New Perfumery, New
Line of Stationary and a Complete Line
of New Druggist Sundries. We will sell
Below Popular Prices and Gaurantee the
Goods. Our Prescription Line is Com
ple. All late Remedies always on hand.
We give Special Bargains in Fine Soap.
We are here to stay. We buy our goods
so as to permit us to give Good Bargains.
A select stock of Dry Goods in the latest styles for Pall a'nl Wintoi just
arrived. If you want the b st for your money give us a trhi'.
Upper Main Street.
Plattsmouth. Neb.
tiedbloom Pharmacy,
Cass Cnmi-'s
ttlSI Oldest : Liveryman,
BEST ri-s f..p Woddiags, Funerals or Pleasure Parties, e'c. H ick oidc--attenvied
to promptly. Terms reasonable. Cash preferred. Cailmo gi--
rates. Telephone 76.
W. B. W. D. Jones auctioneer all kinds of good ariri f-, k
disponed of
l a y
1 1 iiiSSl
'2& .v
A Thanksgiving Engagement
Is t-uro to follow many of the Thanks
giving feants bpent with your sweetheart
while reveling in love music and luxur
ious feasting. Aft-r she has saU the
thrilling -"yen," eomo around and ex
amine our bupcrb st'.ck of engagement
rings. We have a d izzling array of ail
kinds of precious stones set in beautiful
designs and ejects, and when "Vho"
knows it is from Snyder's it will bs
doubly prized.
Jewelers and Opticians,
Cor. Sixth and Main Sts.