Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, November 20, 1897, Image 3

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An Elegant Mahogany
Table only
No larger assortment to be
found in the state. He is bound
to suit 3'ou if vou want a
Parlor Suite,
Bedroom Suite,
Easy Chair,
And Has no
Competitor in
I. Pearlman,
House Furnishings.
Our -ttoi'K I .-omiJlflr In :ill I1tit 1 w
In vlte our frU'ml to look it over. h
iideavor to pli'ust' you. Cull mid e us
r Sjpf M
Complaxien Preserved
or. Mtcr.a'C
Rerniw; eri r'.iis. t:rnpt-?.
IJvcr- . -.i.....u.ji.
un?ti' tiii'l i-ir. t: i t ""-alori.-.
C.Ttl.iil l )'" f'-i'i-
c'.enr tivl !.cittv or.l .t-.i Jy5.
plt-jion. SiiptTiortoall fail ' -I
viwmtiow and pMi'ei:v l":i.-s At S.I
u ruggiiM-s, or wailed lor 50cls. Sonu for circular
VIOLA SKIN 3CAP l .Imply 1-aip.hi. u -Ala
ptinfTlD So.p, orqafcVd for tl.. toilet, and wildcat fuc th- nur-r.-. .ls.oat-lr d-1 dtflicatelT medl- .
mc4. Ataru,-,i.n. Fries 25 Cento.
The Q. C. DITTNER CO., Toledo, O.
n&W : ttDV&RTIS&M&NT.S.
clsurt mud bctutifMa til h&tz.
Protiiote . luxuriant growth.
Nnvrr Falls to Ktor Ormy
Hair to its Youthful Color. J
Cuict ir p cl tmK. a bur tailing. 1
c,.nd f 1 Wtniggi
1 its
' ' !lCf
Airs- Wm. Shryock was in Oioba
passenger this morning. '
Chris Petersen, tho club-room man
from Mynard, was in the city today.
Mrs. J. X. Wise aud daughter, Mrs.
J. L. Hoot, were in Omaha todiy,
taking in tho 'muni show.
Co!. Pickett of the Greenwood Kee
ord vms in the city today and made
this otlce a pleasant call.
The New England Shincle;il
given by the Fraternal Union at G.
A. 11. hall last evening, was a success,
botn oci.ilij tind financially.
The friends of ivltss Cora G irges.
who is seriously ill with typhoid
fev. r. will no pleased t lenrn that
she id ie,orted slight y better.
Tho Kpworth league is to be con
gratulated on getting Chancellor
McLean for a lecture in its com so an
he is in great demand throughout the
A r.ew twenty-foot smoke stack,
weighing 1,000 pounds, has been
placed on tlx Hotel ltil -y. and that
hostelry is now prewired fur winter
Mr. II. Cattle," who hug been in the
emjiioy of the B. & M. in the store de
partment for soma time, left thi9
morning' for Lincoln, to which point
he has been transferred.
Hedbloom, the d'ugis', boxing
up and shipping fill his o'd j;o:k1s out
west preparatory to receiving a tine
line of fresh new goods. Mr. II. s:ys
he cauie here to do seme bus-inet. and
he proposes to do it.
Asher Clark, the d wn town g- cr.
received another lot t f genuine maple
syrup today shippel fr-m his old
fariuor neit;hb.)r in New York. It is
the thirst ou ever tas'e l. and if you
try it you wi 1 never buy ay other.
II. A Giendennin?, II abioom's
pharmacist, was fouith in t;rade at
the examination before the .-tatt
pliarniacy bonrd. He wis one of the
eight that passed out of " nu.iib 'i- of
twenty-three. Try "Glon" with your
prescriptions at. iieutii mm s i nar-
m icy.
Nelson Murray, tho Mynard grain", was in the cilvtoi;.y.
Xord, the ferry man, broke tlown
with a big load of hayoier by Uicbey's
lurabt'r yar.l this morning.
V. H. At.vood. of Krem-Mit, oani"
in this morning for a virit with his
parents and brother, S. II Atwood.
Mrs. Brick Sweringt-n and Mrs.
(Ihsso wiil begin keeping house in
the front ro ms over Mo gan's s-t;rc.
Mrs. llobei t Carlie . nd chilur n
returned this morning from an ex
tended visit with iclaiivo- a Cunton.
George Thomas of liiUsm;;ulh is
in Ihe city on a visit with his cousin.
Inspector G. M. " Thomas. Nebraska
Citv News.
An oyster supper was glveu by the
ladies of Sou h I'u k in the I -use me nt
of the church last evening, and was
weU attended.
The commissioners drove out west
of Louisville this morning to inspect
and measure up two big bridges be
fore they are accepted by the county.
Mrs. H. II. Inman. who has been
visiting ber parents in this city for
the past two weeks, returned to ber
home at Council Bluffs thi evening.
A' thtjr Parks, who has been lying
ill with tj-phoid fever at the Hotel
Plattsmouth for some weeks, is row
convalescent and able to sit up a little.
Mrs. Geo. Brinklow and son, of
Smith ville, Texas, who came north to
escape the yellow fever, returned to
their home last evening via the Mis
souri Pacific.
James Allen, deputy United States
marshal was in the city today serving
subpoenas on witnesses in United
Slates court, and viri'ing with his old
side-partner. Colonel James Thrasher.
Old ni u Childers, living up on the
Platte river, brought in four im
mense Canada geesj this morning,
which ho shot on one of the sand nars
in the Platte. Theso are the tiret
wild ge se killed in tbis vic'ni y this
Mrs. M. M. Swearingen a;-d daugh
ter, Dora, and BoMtii-e Husse de
parted this moi iiing for Omaha, where
thiy will mike their future hotn
They will Iks gr atly missed by a host
of fiiends, ami espeviai iy in church
and musical circles, wnere Miss D.tra
lias Ion tr been : u ;t-.-krowledgfd
Ch.if B 8 n has r. chived a cuiiiinu-
nication from Ihe i-apiatn of tlie
Weeping Water foot b il team, stat
ing that they won d ie here tor a
iau:e S-.tiiday w.tiuu, fail. Til
1 . . - .
tide nave teen p aelifiiitr m
dusti tousiv for sims liino and a good
game may be looked for. Th : avei
ace w izt.i oi ine ooys on eac'i team
is about the same 143 pcun Is.
tlow to Inri- ItiliouH Colic.
I suffei 3 J for weeks with colic and
pains in my stomr.cli caustd bybiliouS'
uess and ba i to take medicine all the
whi o untii I used Chamberlain's
Colic. Cholera s:nd Diarrhoea Remedy
which iruicd me I h ive sioce recom
merded it to a good many people.
Mrs. P. Butler, Pah haven. Corn
Persons who are subject to bilious
colic can ward off the . ti- ck by tak
ing this remedy ;;s soon .-n 'lie first
symptoms appear. S. 1 h : li dr g
giats. Ul t of l.fttr.
Kemaining unrill.-d for at the p st
oftice at Ptattsmouih, N -v 10. 18!7:
Blouis. Frank Mcl.ain. Klvia
Thompson. Sam J Koile. F J
When calling for a. y o( the above
letters please say V d ve tised.''
W. K. Fox, P. M.
He Is Sued Ey School District No.
28 for 5103.
From Thursday's Duly
The c se of school district No. 2b
ag; irt C. L. Stull, ex-treasurer of the
S'ime, to compel him to turn over 102
belonging t- the district, which it is
alleged that he still holds, is on trial
before Joo'2re Archer this afternoon.
Slull claims an offset, amounting to
Sll'J, in which amount he says the
district is indebted to birn. I he case
is dragging its slow length alorg at
the time of going to pi ess.
Homer Williams, a respect iblo look
ing man who claims to be selling min
eral water, imbibed too much that was
distinctively not mineral water last
night, and in consequence was picked
up by the police. ' He explained it to
the j udge, who lined him $ 1 and costs,
which he paid.
A vag was also arrested last night
and this morning was given a limited
time to leave. He went hence in short
Sjhpoenas h : ve been issued for the
following witne-ses for the defense in
the Haight cus :
John II tight. M ithias Haight, Mrs.
Kato H -light, Mrs. Chas. E. Haight,
1). C. West, Paris Holmes, Dr. J. F.
lirendei, O.-lant.o Tefft, John Murray,
J. W. Brooks, C A. McGee, Dr. R. R.
Livingston, D.-. J. II Hall, Dr. VV. A.
Humphrey, Dr. K. W Cummins, Johna
thaii Shreves, K. J. Emmons, John
Marshall, Laura A. Betts.
The prosecution has summoned G.
E. McDermot, T. W. Ruhge, Robert
Wilkinson, )r. R. B. Wa'lace, Dr. J.
B. Mungnte, Dr. M. M. Butler, Dr. J.
F. Diendcl, .John Trombie, Harvej'
llol o'.v i, S P. Ilolloway, Le'i I'ol
lard, Gei. Harhman, Jts G-ahnm,
C. D. J'iinfon, Mrs. Wm. Haight,
l'nos. Pittman, Dediiek Cos'.er, Wal
ler ii.-ooks. Alien Coleman.
The case of the st ite of Nebraska
vs. Denris Deud was disposed of this
morning by Judge Ramsey. The ca o
is one wherein I). ud w:is convicted in
justice court nt Greenwood of violat
ing on-j f the village oi din mces. He
ape:iied the case to the district
court, liiid this morning it was dis
missed by Judge Ramsey on account
of a oef---t in toe complaint.
The ci-se of U'eearden vs. G F. S.
Hu.ton, iidmini-trator, in which the
plaintiff s"eks to foreclose a mortgage
on the old Johns m houiestdi.d, given
by the li.t'i O. F. Johnson during his
life-iinie, was beard in distri' t c urt
tod iy. The defendant usked leave tj
hie an aiaended uns.ver, and was
riven t me to do so.
IteuumtlHiii t'ureil iu a Day
A lev weeks ago tho editor w:is
takvii with a very severe cold that
caused him to he in a rao-l miserable
condition. It w s undoubted'y a bad
case of la giippe, and recognizing it
as dangerous ho took immediate
steps to bring about a speedy cure.
From the advertise mont of Chainher
!ain 's Coui: h Remedy ai'd the many
trood recommendations included
therein, we concluded to make a first
trial of the medicine. To s.iy that it
was satisfactory in its results, is put
it very mildly, indeed. It acted like
tmgic and tho result was a speedy and
permanent cure. Wo have no hesi
tar.c.v in recommending this excellent
Cough Remedy to anyone alllicted
with a cough or cold in any form. The
Barrre'- of Liber ty, Liberty town, Mary
land. Tho and 50 cent sizes for
sale bv all druggists.
Samuel Chne, who lives sjven miles
south of here, is suffering from symp
toms of blx).i poisoning brought on
oy a slight injury he sustained on the
left anklo joint. His boot rubbed off
the skm und the joint ulcerated. He
is a member of the M. W. A,, and the
brothers ai e looking' i;fter him. He
has been suffering for the past two
weeks, but is resting easier trdny.
Try drain O! Try Oruin-O!
A-k jour grocer today to show you
i package of Grain-O, the new food
drink that takes the place of coffee.
The children m:iy drink it Without in
jury us well as the adult. All wbo
try it, like it. Grain-O has that rich
seal brown of tho Mocha or Java, but
it is made from pure grains, and the
most delicate stomach receives it
without distress. 4 the pi ice of coffee.
Ide. and '17 cts. per pack -.ire. Sold by
all grocers.
The I'lattsmoith News last
week celebrated its seventh birthday
by coming out in alt home priut,wbieh
will bo kepi up in tho future. The
News is the best daily paper the
coutily has ever had, and deserves the
l,b.;rai support which it now enjoys
Wei ping Wai.or Republican.
The three-year-old I oy of J. A
Johnson, of Lynn Center, 111, is subject
to attack- of croup. Mr. Johnson says
he is si.t.slied tnat tho timely us-i of
Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy, during
a severe t tucK, saved n s litllo boy s
life. He is in the drug business, a
m. rab'.r ef the brm of Johnson Bros.
of that place; and they handle a great
m .ny patent medicines for throat and
lung disenses. He had alt these to
choo-e Hum, and skilled physicians
.1 r 1.. ... ...... .1 . t : ,i ,
,u .isiiiii.u in ms can, Dul se
lected this reined v for use in his own
lamuy at a time wnen bis child's life
was in danger, eoaus. ho Knew it to
be superior to any otner, and f tmous
tbe ount y over ft r l s cures of croup
.Mr. a nn sou says mis is the best sell
ing cough mjdi.-ine they handle, and
iiivb is, i ves fcpiuu.u sausi ic.lon in
ap c;is s Sold bv ail druggist
It lilts the .- pot.
U hen suffering from a severe cold
and your throat and lungs feel sore
lane a co-e
ofi f oievs Honev
and Tar. when
be at unco re-
. the sorenes wil
iieved, a warm
gratefui fcelii g
and healintr of the
parts iffected will be experienced and
you will say: "It feels so good. It hits
the siMit." It is guaranteed. Smith
& Piirmele.
Dr. J. Fin
l I HIT r.l
m i m
0 Has proven, in thousands of cases and for many years,
0 to be the Peerless Remedy for this dreaded disease
A For sale everywhere. Price, $1.00 per bottle.
A msaterless niuid, with tny heart In my keep
in?, j
I wander the world, mxl I'll wnntfiT ngaln,
With gladness my portiun where others know j
And mirth for my sonyboik where others
read puin, j
With zest speeding onward, as boo o theclover,
Uod's world iu its fuirnusd ia.-i birthright to
'Twixt me and the sunshine tho eyes of no '
All soft tones evnding I laugh and go free. j
Adown purple hills steal tho mists of the eom- '
. j
But few are my thoughts what that future
may lie,
The lark's ky burn anthem, tho velvet bi-e'a ,
Bound sweeter than love word or love song 1
to mo. i
Yet sometimes I linger mid hush in my Ring- j
ing :
And wait for the nassing of unsteady feet, j
And sigh when I hear baby laughter aoft ring- !
ing. i
And wonder awhile if my freedom lie sweet.
Yet sometimes comes wanting, uneheeked and '
nnehidden, j
When cold falls God's sunlight athwart tlie .
pale grass, j
And down in the daisies I kneel me, face hid- '
den, j
And kiss the kind t ai'.h baby footsleiw will '
London Ppeetalor. j
Tlie Chinaman's lloroes. j
The Chinese are not usully credit-1
etl with uierciful qualities, but if tho:
man is merciful who is merciful to
his beast the quality must be nat- j
ural to many Chinese in America. ;
The few Chinese in our great cities:
who deliver goods to their country-1
men or havo other ustss tor horses ;
often possess sleek and well fed imi-,
mals whose care shows great iotv.l
neiis and generosity. .
The Oregoniau nays that theie is
a Chinese vegetable neddierin Port
land whose two horses have long
been admired by his customers. He
feeds them on tlie street, and one j
day lately some pa.-sersby, who sawj
that the man always st tnicd to be;
concocting some special dish lor the'
team, watched him prepare their
First ho led tho horses into the
shade, loosened the traces and took
of! the l.i ni le
Then ho took a
nosebag fur c.a.h, and into each bag;
poured a o.jd i,;c' of rolled
b;u iey. iCe.M h' ct.t up somo car
rots bUiuli, J'Ut 1 hem into the nose
bags and miAcd i! t m up wiih the
bar by. Finally b; Miit in his wag-!
on aiai pa ni.r : :.s. t vv t.i wnicu
he broke itr.n m ri.-iiiv. and
sin red thcin up with the bailey and
cat rots.
The horses watched all theso pi-op- j
aratioiis witn mi;.t li.Uiest ar.n
were "oorrespondm. iy tlated," as
the election iis.u iies say, w l:tu
the bags containing the appctiz.-ug
nn.vture were hung mi their lmns.
They proceeded to eat witi.t
md the Chinaman turned to a irugal
lunch of his own, winch tqjpave.Mly j
consisted of an onion and u pieet of
dry bread.
White drivers who give their
horses a nicer lunch than they
themselves eat are piohahly rare,
east or west.
A I'riuce's Hobbies.
Speaking of tho Prince of Naples,
Signor Giarelli says: "His hobbies
are of a scientific nature. He is per
haps the only real electrician among
all the present princes of Europe.
He has never occupied himself much
with literature, music or painting,
tut he is a master of elec tric nicch-
snisni. He is very learnt d in all
that concerns the application of
electricity to light, motive power,
sound anil photography. He was
one ot the hist and most success
ful experimenters with the X rays
after their discovery, and m Koine
his residence m the (2n,,'Uii' na''
the aspect, dining his royal high
ness' bachelor davs, ot a scientific
laboratory. "
steam Power.
The steam power of the world
nay be reckoned as equivalent to
Ihe strength of l.WO.lHUhuuO men.
.vhich is more than twice the uum
!r of workmen existing.
The trial of the sut of Celia V.
Shryock against the National Masonic
Accident Association of Iowa w..s be
gun before Judge Munger of the fed
eral ceurt e-terday morning.The case
is brought to recover $.", 00 on an
aceid'-nt insurenoe do' icy. One trial
has already been had. resulting in it
v. rdict lor tho plaintiff. Bee.
tor Kent
2'0 aero f.irin. Ab- ut lii .verts in
eultiv?tien. A 10 acre bearing peach
and apple orchard, the baianc-j in
pasture. A goi d stock well and two
springs. Will rent the whole a t $2.7-5
per acre for one or more years.
Joseph SHEHA.Rock Bluff, Neb.
Mr. N. N. Osburn well known at
Woodstock, Mich., was troubled with
a lame back. He was pe snaded to
use Chamberlain's Pab Balm. It
cave him relief in nn ni 'ht. Thi
remedy is also famous for its cures of
rheumatism. For sale by all drug
the most dangerous of all
Kidney Diseases. Pains in the
Back, Irregularities in the Urine,
Swelling of the Limbs or Ab
domen are the first symptoms
How the I'.'-S Shaft Waa Taken t'p and
I'ushed to Completion.
"Not many know it, hut the Dis
trict militia are entitled to the credit
of having the Washington monu
ment completed," remarked an old
official at the capitol to a reporter.
"As every one knows or should
know, the monument was an unfin
ished shaft for nearly 30 years.
There was a feeling that the whole
thing was a mistake, and no one
seemed to take the lead in having
the work resumed. Indeed a feel
ing had grown up that, after all, the
monument was not exactly the
thing it should be. Many prominent
persons thought that an arch would
be a better work, and some urged
that the unfinished structure 6hould
he turned into one leg of an arch
and another erected. Others were
strongly opposed to the location,
and it was very seriously urged that
the site should be changed. Some
thought it should go to Meridian hill
and others that the monument
should be moved to the circle on
Fourteenth street and its juncture
with Massachusetts avenue, where
the Thomas statue now stands. Sen
ator Morrill led the movement for
the arch idea, and in it he had the
support of many who thought they
were really artistically inclined and
who thought the day for shafts had
passed away. In 1876, the centen
nial jear, the District militia was
stronger than it was ever before or
since. At that time the idea of sol
diery was parades, brass bands and
the like. The modern idea of organ
izing soldier companies to spend
their leisure time shooting rifles at
a mark in the rifle ranges had not
been dreamed of, and target firing
was more of a good natured frolic
than anything else. There were
hundreds of young men who made
elegant and proud looking soldiers
wbo were by no means successes as
marksmen and who had no ambi
tion in that direction. On tbe 22d
of February, 1876, there was what
was general then, a parade of the
soldiers, a practice which, I regret
to notice, has dropped out of late
"The parade that day was a partic
ularly good one, and as a result
there was enthusiasm all along
Pennsylvania avenue. Congress was
in session and a month previous had
been to Philadelphia and dedicated
the grounds tor the Centennial ex
position. As senators and representa
tives were on their way to the capi
tol that morning they could not es
cape the enthusiasm caused by the
militia parade. Samuel S. Cox of
New York 'Sunset,' as he was fa
miliarly called and General B. F.
Butler were members of the house
of repi esentatives, and it was often
said of them that if they were joined
in favor of any measure, which was
seldom, for it was General Butler
who christened Cox 'Shoo Fly,'
they could carry it through regard
less of whether the house wanted to
pass it or not. Soon after airiving
at the capitol Mr. Cox, who had
witnessed the parade and joyfully
for he took a special delight in pa
triotic parades was asked in a gen
eral conversation if he did not think
it was time that there should be
some movement looking toward
completing the Washington monu
ment. He replied, ies, and 1 think
it should be done today.' In less
than ten minutes he had drafted a
resolution directing that the work
should be resumed and making the
necessary appropriation lor secur
ing a better foundation. General
Butler had his eais opened when
Mr. Cox sent the resolution to the
speaker s desk to be read, and on
hearing it indicated to his j. trsonal
followers that it was right and
proper This was suincient, and in
less than half an hour it was passed.
"The senate souu concurred, and
the work begun veiy shortly, though
it took some years to complete it.
It was the Washington birthday pa
rade of the District militia that did
the business, and Mr. Cox told sev
eral among them, myself included,
that be had no thought of the mon
ument until he had seen the parade
and was enthused by its influence."
Washington Star.
Helgoland was formerly the Gret
r.a Green of Germany. Couples who
wished to escape the customary
formalities would go to Helgoland
to get married by some obliging
fisherman. Since Prussia has owned
the island this sort of thing has been
A French doctor declares that he
has discovered a means of injecting
courage into men by means of a
syringe. The material he uses is a
mixture of sea water and pbeuic
Coal miners in this country num
ber CGo.Ot'0, of whom 15,000 are at
work in Pennsylvania.
The German Frauen vercin, which
numbers many of ine leadiny ladies
of the citj- in its membership, hail a
royal time Tuesday evening when
twenty of the ladies got up a surprise
Oil Mrs. F. li. Gulhmmn. Monday
was Mrs. G's. birthd y anniversary,
but there were no calle's, ti e evening
following having been chosen to mo e
completely surprise be:-. The ladies
were quietly shewn to the private
par o:-s of the Perkins House, where
Mrs. Guth man was eu'erlHining her
friend, Mrs. Ihoege. and when they
11 suddenly enteied the room, the
hostess was indeed surp:ised in the
fullest sense of the word. Kveryone
was soon made to feel at borne and a
very enjoyable evening was spent.
A nice supper was served and later
in the evenirg the gentlemen came
after their wives, but they were not
allowed to depart until they to had
enjoyed the hospitality of the house.
At a lite hour tho cominr.y de
parted, wishing tbe hospitable hostess
a most he irty celebration of a great
many more natal anniversaries.
Something to Ieetil On.
M r. James Jones, oi the drug linn
of Jones & Son, Cowden. III., iu speak
ing of Dr. King's New Discovery, says
that last winter h's wife was attacked
with la grippe, and her case grew so
serious that physicians atCow.len and
Pana could do nothiug for her. It
seemed to develop into hasty con
sumption. Having Dr. King's New
Discovery in store, and selling lots of
it, he took a botte home, and to the
surprise of all she bcgn to get belter
from first dose, and half dozen dollar
bottles cured ber sound and well. Dr.
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con-
sumption. Coughs and Colds is guaran
teed to do this good woik. Tiy it.
Free trial bottles at F. (5. Fricke's
drug store. 5
Klonily ke.
What does it cost to get there 't
When and how should one eo "r What
should ono take r Where tho
mines? How much have tie- pro
duced ? Is work plentiful ' W hat
wages are paid V Is ! iving ex pe.-.s: ve?
What are one's chance.- of "making a
strike ?"t Complete and satisfactory
replies to ihe above questions will be
found in the Burlington routo's'"K Ion-
dyke Folder," now realy for distribu
tion. S.xleen pases ni pralicui infor
mation and an up-U-d.ito u .y of
Alaska and the Kl- ndvko. Free at
Burlington route lickei oilices or scut
on receipt of four cea ts in st amps by
J. Francis, Gen. Pas. Agl. Hurl . ngton
route, Om iha. Neb.
Nenrly Came to l'lat t snioul ii
Beckwiih, the pilcher.wl.o
eloped with n grand-daughter of Abra
ham Lincoln, is a nalive of Ml. I'ioas-
ant, la. When Al l errine, of H e
same place, was pitching for the
Plattsmouth leagte lenm. he had
some correspoi dei ce with Be.'kwilh
with the object in view of signing
him for the Plattsm uih team, but
some hitch occurred and the deal was
declared off. If the deal had gene
through, it is highly probable that,
the famous elopement wouldn't have
taken place.
J. C. Retry, one of the best known
citizens of Spencer, Mo., testifies that
he cured himself of the worst kind of
piles by using a few boxes i f Do Witt's
Witch Hazel Salve. He had been
troubled with piles lor t ver thirty
years and had used many different
kinds of so-caileJ cures, but DeWitl's
was the one that did the work Rnd he
will verify this statement if anyone
wishes to write him. F. G. Fricke
& Co.
Probate Notice.
In countv court. Cass county. Nebraska. In
the matter of tlie estate of Henry Stoll, de
ceased. Jacob. Phillip. Fred, Charles and Wil
liam stoll. the unknown heirs ol .aaiii Moll.
Mary McGlynn and Catharine Lear, the last
three named being now deceased. F.liabuth
McF'ar aud, Chrisiinae Leach. Martha Lana
Beery, Mena Thierolf. Kosanna Maurer. Louisa
Kipple, the unknown heirs of Henry stoll. de
ceased, and all other persons interested will take
notice that Kosanna Maurer lias hied a petition
in said court alleging among other things that
the last will and testament ot Henry Stoll, de
ceased, was admitted to probate on the iMth day
of July, 1S7I; that administration was granted to
his widow, who is now deceased, and that ad
ministration of said estate is incomplete. Peti
tioner asks that H. M. Soniiichsen be appointed
administrator with will annexe I to complete the
administration of this estate. Vou are notified
that if you fail to appear at said court on tlie 7th
day of December, A. D. issi;. at -1 o'clock p. in.,
and contest said petition, the court will appoint
11. M. Sonnichsen or some other suitable person,
administrator with will annexed and proceed to
a settlement of said estate.
Witness my hand and the seal of said court,
at i'iattsinouth. Nebraska, this, tho lath day f
November, A. D.lsy7.
LScalJ ("iKORta: M. Si'CRi.ocK.
County Judge.
Notice to Creditors
State ok N'kbkaska, (
Cass County. 1
In the matter of the estate of Caroline Carter,
Notice is hereby given that the claims and de
mand'' of ail persons against Caroline Carter, de
ceased, late ot said county and tate. wiil be re
ceived, examined and adjusted by th.: county
court, at the court house in Plattsmouth, on the
nth day of May A. D. lSlis, at 10 o'clock in the
forenoon. And that six months from and after
theolh day ot November. A. D.. 1VW. is: the time
limited tor creditors ol said deceased to present
their claims lor examination and allowain e.
(.liven uii3"r mv hand and seal this flh day of
October A. U. Hi7.
t53" County Judge.
Notice to Credtors.
State of Nebraska. fs . tv ( ort.
Cass county. ) v
In the rnatier ot the estate oi Calvin il. Par
mele. deceased.
Notice is herebv civen that the creditors of
said deceased will meet the administrators ol
said estate, before me. county judge of Cass
county. Nebraska, at the countv court room in
Plattsmouth in said county, on the Kth day ol
December. A. D. Isf7. on the 7th dav ot Febru
ary. 1S!. and on the 6th day of June. lsus. at 2
o clock p in., eacn aay lor ine pui pose oi pre
senting their claims for examination, adjustment
and allowance. Six months are allowed far the
cieditors of said deceased tocresent their claims
and one year for the administrators to settle
said estate, from therith dav of December. ls'.IT.
i his notice shall be published iu the Semi-
Weekly News-Herald lor lour weeks successively
prior to the tith dav of December. s:it.
Witness niv hand and seal jf said countv court
at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, 'his '.'th day oi No
vember, ISVi.
l3eao County Judge
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an execution issued by (Jeorge
F.llouseworth. clerk ot ihe district court witlnn
and for Cass countv. Nebraska, and to me dl
rected, I will on tlie 0th day of November. A. D.,
lsVT, at II o clock a. m. ot sanl day at the south
door ot the court house iu eiatisnioutn. in
county, sell at public auction, to Ihe highest bid
der for cash, the following real estate to-wit
The west hall of the southwest quarteror-sectiou
S. township 11. range V. in Cass countv. Nebraska
(except lot '!. being one acre oft the northwest
Quarter of the southwest Quarter of said section
Mi together with the privileges and appnrtcuanccs
thereunto belong or in anywise appertaining
a hi. sntnw . run; icieu uioii aim taneu as the
proilCltV OI J I-!lL'H. di'l.-nilant li inili,
judgineut ol s.i. ...:.- rc.-cted by Charles O.
Haywoith. pi...:.i:;: I. V. Carries, T. V.
Carnes and U.K. ...ii;., . - -1 . -tj . ! mis.
I Flattsmouth.Nebraska. t.t--.'. . i. , .. ,.
j llAk ... . ,l.m AV,
i Sheriff, Cass County, Neoraska.
j C. S. Hoik, attorney (or plaintitl.
Noth eto I rtditoi s.
l.4f;Ui,iv. ins In County Court
hi the mutter of the estate of John Buns, deceased.
.Notice is hereby given that the cieditors ot
saiJ deceased will meet the administrator oi said
estate, before nie, county judge ol Cass county,
Nournska. at the county court room in Platts
iii mih iu f.ttil county. on the 4th day ot June A.L).
ls;is. at J o'clock p. m., lor the purpose of pre
senting their claims for examination, adjust
ment and allowance. Six mouths are allowed
for the creditors of said deceased to present their
claims and one year lor the administrator to settle
sa'd estate, from the 4th day of December, 1V7.
'1 his notice shall be published in the Semi
Week, y News-Herald for lour weeks successively
piior to the 4th day of December, 1417.
Witness my hand and seal of said county
cmnt at i'iattsinouth. Nebraska, this 6th day
of November Isst;.
Gkokge M. Spi rlock.
County Judtfe.
Legal Xvtice.
To Leah V. Buchanan and Robert I. Glazier,
uou-resident, defendants:
ou and each of you are hereby notified that
on tho -sth day of September. A. D. lt7, Samuel
Waiigh as executor ot the last will and testament
ol John I. lack, deceased, commenced an action in
the district court ol Cass county, Nebraska,
against you. impleaded with Leonard C. W.
Munay. etal. the object and prayer of which
action is to foreclose a mortgage on, and sell the
noitliwest quarter section 30, in town li, range
1:1, Cass county. Nebraska, and the northwest
quarter of tin- southwest quarter of said section:
sanl sale to s;iiitv the amount due on said
nioitgage. jM'.Ii 7.y with eight per cent interest and
costs ot suit; said mortgage, and the note it was
given to serine, being of date February J,
and due 1-ebruary !?, 1 sac-., f quitable relief is
also prayed and that the defendants be required
to answer setting up anv lights they my have in
said land, or be barred from asserting any such
lights. Vou are required to answer said petition
on or belore Monday, November M, 1M7, or
said petition will betaken as confessed and a
dec lee accordingly.
Sami'el Wauuh,
As executor of the last will and testament of
John Black, deceased.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue ot an order of sale issued by George
F, llmisewoi th. clerk ol the district court, within
and lor Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected. I will on the uth day ol November. A.
I., ls',17. at II o'clock a. in. of said day at the
south door ot the court house in the city of Platti-"
mouth, in said county, sell at public auction, to
the higheat bidder tor cash, the following landi
and tenements to-wit:
Lot three i..i iu block one hundred thirty-four
(I'M) in the city of i'iattsinouth, Cass cuuuty.
Nebraska. according to the recorded platt thereof,
together w ith the piiviitges and appurtenances
thereunto beiong or in anywise appertaining,
i he same being levied upon and taken as the
propeity of i-.mei y K. Murray. Mrs. Murray.
ins wile, hist teal name unknown. Mrs. I. 1.
hnson, lirst real name unknown. Matthew
tiering. John Doe. et al, defendants, to satisfy a
judgment ol said court recovered by Ellis T.
Hartley, plaintiff against defendants,
ri.ittsiiioiiih. Nebiaska. October Hi. A. D.. lSirT.
Hauvkv Hoi.i.owav,
Sheriff, Casscounty, Nebraska.
Notice of Sale.
In the district court of Cass countv. Nebraska.
In the matter ol the estate of Joshua Lynn, de
ceased. Notice is h reby given that in pursuance of an
order ol Basil .-. Kanisey, judue ot the district
court of Cass county, Nebraska, made on the
bitli day ol October. A. 1). lsnr. for the sale of
the re;,l estate heieinatter described, there will
be sold at the soulh front door ot the court house
in l'lattsmouih, Cass county, Nebraska, on the
'joth day ol November. A. D. 1HW. at l:a(l p.m.
at public vendue to the higjiest bidder for cash
the following described real estate, including the
dower interest ol the widow. Sarah Lynn, to-wit:
Lot six, in block one, except thirty feet ort the
easl side: lot seven, in block one. except twenty
led and the undivided one-half of two aud one
hali feet ot: the east side; the undivided half of
lot eight and all of lot eleven, both in block one;
lots two and seventeen in block two: lot thirteen
iu block tour: lot twelve in block four, excepting
thirty-four leet oil the west side: lots hltcenand
sixteen, in one-half block eight, in Lynn's sec
ond a. . i!ui to the village ol Union. Nebraska;
lots t v-t. nine, sixteen, seventeen and eighteen
iu blo.jK six, in Lynn's first addition to the vil
lage ol I n ion, in Cass county, Nebraska: lots
hticcn, sixteen, seventeen and eighteen in block
nine, in Lynn s second addition to the village oi
Union, t 'ass county, Nebraska: lets one and two
in block nine, in Carter's addition to the city oi
t oping Water, in Cass county, Nebraska.
A iso commencing sixty feet west of tlie north
west corner ot block eight, in the v.Page of
L num. Cass county, Nebraska, running thence
vve.-t three hundred and twenty-three leet.thencs
south two hundred and sixty-five feet, thence
east thiee hundred and twenty-three feet, thenca
north two loin died and sixty-live feet to the
place ot beginning.
Also commencing four hundred tnd twenty
seven feet west of the northwest corner ol block
eight, in the village of Union, Cass county. Ne
braska, running thence west two hundred and
ninety feet, thence iu a southeasterly direction
along a line parallel to the center of the right ot
w ay ot the M. P. railway company and fifty feet
distant therc-f rNn, four hundred and titty feet,
thence east one hundred feet at right angles tv
the center line ol the light oi wav of the M. P.
railway company, thence in a southeasterly di
rection aud parellel with the center line of said
right of way two hundred and twenty-three feet,
thence east tilteen feet, thence north live iun
dred and eighty leet to the place of begitiring.
Aiso beginning at the one-eighth secti n cor
ner ou the south side ot the southeast quarter of
section twenty-three, in township ten, north of
range thirteen, in Cass county, Nebraska,
thence running north sixteen hundred and titty
teetthence west nine hundred and ninety teet,
theiffe south six hundred and sixty feet, thence
west one bundled feet, thence south nine hun
dred and ninety feet to the south line of the
southeast quarter of section twenty-three, in
township ten. nortli of range thirteen, in Cass
county, Nebraska, thence east ten hundred and
n i c-ty feet to the place of beginning.
l'o be sold in parcels as above described, or
subdivisions thereol. as may be to the best in
terests of said estate.
Said sale to remain open one hour.
Dated October IS, A. D. ixni.
(Ji-.oRce N. LaKhe, Administrator.
Byron Clark and C. A. Kawls, Attorneys,
Sheriffs Sale.
By v.rtue of an exertion Issued by Geo.
F. House won h, clerk of the uistrict court,
within and for Cass county, N'ebraska.and t
me d ireetoii, 1 will on the lh day of Nov, A
I) ls7. at 11 o r ock a, in. of BalU day at ta
south door ef the court house In the city of
Platts'uiiiitii. In said county, sell at DUbila
auction, to the highest bidder ror ensn, the
following lands and tenements, to-wit:
The west half of the northeast quarter of
section Is, town 11. range iu. the soutneasi
quarter ol section 13. town II. range 9; the east
hail ol tlie southwest quarter oi seciion 10. iuu
II. ramie H: the ninth hail of the
quarter of section is. t jw n 11. range lt; and the
north 1 1 a 1 1 ol the southwest quarter oi section i.
town II, range 111, all in Cass county, Nebraska,
together with th-: privileges and appurtenances
thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining
The same being levied upon and taken as the
property ol P. F, and H. K. Waldron, defend
ants, to satisfy a judgement of said court re
covered by Bank of Lagle, plaintiff, against said
defendants .
Pliiitsmoutli, Nob . Oct. IU, A. 1). 18;7.
SnrrilT. Cass county, Nebraska.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an execution issued by Geerge
F. lb. uscwoi til, clei k ot the district court within
and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, I wi.l on tho I'Uh day of November, A. D.
Is'.i;, at H o'clock a. in. of said day at the south
door of the court house in the city of Platts
mouth. in said countv sell at public auction, to
the highest bidder for cash, the following real
estate, to-vv t:
The southwest quarter of section II. township
II. range i:Sisub)ect to the M. I". light-of way.
Containing about I'M') acies:) and the west
half of the north haif of the northwest quarter of
section II. township II. range 13, all in Cass
county, Nebia-ka. together with the privileges
and apourtenances thereunto belonging or in any
wisc appertaining. The same being levied upon
and taken as the property of I. A. Vourg and F.
M. Young. defendants, to satisfy a judgment of
said couit recovered bv C. J. Martin, plaiiitirt
against said defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska. October 19. A. D. 1W,
Harvey Hollowav,
Sheriff. Cass County. Nebraska.
Anrone semllng a nketoh and dTlptlon may
quicklv ascertain, free, whether an invention I
probably patentable. Communications strlrtiy
confidential. Oldest aency for securing patent
In America. We have a Washington olWe.
Patent taken through Munn A Co. roodva
special notice In tbe
anv cieiitt flc journal, woekl T, term W.00 a yaari
I IUit motif hlL (WH-lllli'n oodIm and AXAJI0
,..!) w 1 11 ntul
Book us Patents sent fre. AaHrsss
361 Brsaswar. Iw Yatrku
a i