Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, November 06, 1897, Image 3

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aa aa
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar b;.lc:nj: powder. Highest o
all in leavening strength. Latest United States
Government hood Report.
Chas. Iieoman sr.ent Sunday .with
hi friend, the rloputy siierilT of Cass
county. Mnd I'lia-o1-
The rotru'iir lni-ctinp; of the W. C.
T. U. will le held at their rM)ra in
U 'CKwooil block Tui sday ."ifternoon at
3 o'cloc'i.
Mrs. F5es.-iu IIim-c, who li s been
visiting nor une'e, All- n JJteson, for
the ptst week, ro'urned to her home
in III j Oak yeto il y.
Mr. Itobe. t , wlu is on the road for
the Ameriiau lS.scuit company, of
Oraiihi, was in ih" city tou;y l.iklnp;
orders for thnt o mpany.
J. IT. Thrafehv hi secured the
agency 'or the Cl dnna, one t-f the
lending' fire in.-.U'-uiico coinpunie do
in business in the United States.
Ueo. Cook, one of tho tolid farmers
i-cs d:n near Aim va in town Sat
urday a.nd made I hk Nkavs a pleas
ant call, whi-re Iih m always welcome.
The copy for lh ct;iirt docket was
plnt-ed in tho hanus f the printer to
day. Ther arc forty-six law, 104
equity and e:ht crimirr.l cases on
the docket.
A Ilallow'e. n party w as held at the
i-isidcnce tf Mr. Fietcher in South
Iark on Saturd iy evening1. The
younjr folks wore masked, and a jolly
time was had, the crowd dispersing1
at a late hoir-.
Thraaher'n re.i". e-tato aeroncy is (lo
ins' a lurpe amount of business these
days, nliiHHl every day mafinjr a re il
entito tran-(o' of sumo kind. Mr.
Ti: rasher traded a house and two lots
in Partner's addition Saturday for ten
acres of land am" $ lot in tnorey.
Owney McG van, who lias been
visiting friend hoie. returned to his
home in Omiha this aftern Hn. IIo
will shortly iro from here to the
western part of the t-tate and enter the
employ of tho 1$. & M. Owney is a
hustler and v. i.l do well anywheie
you ul him.
Itadhint Homo b ie liurtio , 15 inch
tire pot. $.2 at O Mites' hardware.
ii3. John I'.ui-kinham of Wheeler,
Mo., is in the cily on legal business
Tho weather bureau says cooler,
cloudy weathi r with rain in Nebraska
f r this evening.
The election of T. frank Wiles is
pvaetieally as.-urt d, ard he is receiv
ing tho con irrniuht' ions of his friends.
Tho Welsbaek .-as burner will save
half your gas bill and give the best
light on earth. Gering & Co., sole
ace n I s.
Clayton Barbour, who ft rmerly
wo: ked in the su rehouso here, came
down from L'neoln on No. 4 this
Carter's Mag. zine. with contribu
tions from litres prominent Platts
mouih ladies, at L-?hnh IT's, lOcerls
per copy.
IJiily WooJi.rd, the genial chef at
tho Hotel Riley, took in the sights of
Omaha last cv. ning, returning homo
this morning.
J, E. Brit'oa is justly prmd of tho
arrival f a bey : nd girl at his house
a few days agj. D . Cook reports all
as getting' along nicely.
Mrs. Nch'mi ih Livingston if Louis
ville, nt the advanced age of eighty
th:ej years, dijd last week .and was
buried at the Gletidale cemetery.
Andy Ilawric!;, tho two-hand man,
has a queer pet, in t he shape of a large
pole cat, which appears ;.s time as a
kitten. It's s en bg has been re
moved, r nd it is consequently harm
less and inolT nsive.
Mrs. C. M. Holmes and son, Iven,
came down fn in llavelock thisjnorn-
ing for a visit with friends. Iv is a
Burlington ft rem n, and htd a log
broker, a few weeks ago, but is almost
recovered now, and is able to get
around with a cane.
He is burning up fat This fat must be in as constant
supply as the air he breathes.
It has got to come from somewhere. If it does not come
from his food, it must come from fat stored up in his body.
He steals it and you say " He's getting thin he's growing
so fast."
Scott's Emuiion will take that boy, set his digestion
at work, re-build that body. His food may not make him
fat Scott's Emulsion will.
B t" yen grt Scot f t Etmultionivktn you mnt it mnd not ckta tntttitute.
Scott & Bowne, New York. All Druggists. 50c, and $1.
From the I iucuin News.
ilmutnond Maillu weui to w rk yes
le day.
Frank Ackerm-n spent Sunday in
George Boyerson got back frt m his
visit to Plattgmoulh vesierday.
E. B. Ackcrmtn got his hand hurt
ytsU rday, but nothing at a 1 eericup.
Mr. nd y,vi. W. F. Acke: man re
t S.itu;d ' frt m their she-1 visit
in Douver.
Tho iiit e t h id" f Den. is McGuire
is mi th doc oi's cue, i s is tho
litfe chilil or Mr. Vfhres
U y M !Cu lan of Ha vcloek has gone
to A vr. in Cj ss county, to visit wnn
a brother who is engaged in the farm
ing iud.utry neat that olace.
Bert Holmes, who has been firing
on the niad, is in Ilaveloek in com
pany with his wife v'eitintr wih Mr.
Holmes' moth-r, Mrs. M. L. Ho mes.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mumm of Sheri
dan, 'Vyo.. who have been visiting
Mrs. Mumm's mother, M; 8 Tom Bibhy,
leave tomorrow for their home in the
Black Hills.
A half-dc.jn waon loads of Indians
bound for St. Louis passed through
Havelock yeeteiday. Details are
wanting excepting that one wagon
contained a boar.
Dan McCallan eve ed his connec
tion with the Burlinit' n at Havelock
todaj", and left for his In me in Platts
mouth this afternoon. I)isatitf action
with piece work is said to b. the cau e
of Mr. McCa'.lan's move.
Mr. at.d Mr. Rt c Ilemp'o left latt
Friday evening fo:- BurliDgton, Iowa,
where M: 8. Hemple expects to spend
a coupie of weeks visit ng hor father
at d mother. Mr. Hem pie stayed over
until Sunday morning, returning on
No. 3 Mrs. Hemple will go from Bur
lington to Chicago for a short stay
with her brother.
The farewell reception tepdered in
the form of a supriso party last Fri
day to Mr. ard Mrs. Chas. Saberha
gen was an enjoyable occasion. They
left Saturday for Sheiidan, stopping
a day at Edgemont. Fdijeroent is one
tf the most thriving li fo ci'e of the
Black Hills region.
Some important changes are to be
mado in the formanshi s of the shops
at Havelock, commercing Monday. 1.
S. Suberhagon, who has been with
Iho Burlington at Plattsmouth first,
then 1o Havolock whin these shops
wero opened, will hi transferred
to Sheridan. Wyo , to bo .enoral fir
man of the shot's ih-oe :o take the
place of James Ritchie, who bu. itd
at Plattsmouth last week. Mr. Subet
hagen has been in the employ of the
machine shops for ntveral years pai't
and has pi oven himse:f thoroughly
competent for tho promotion that
comes purely out c.f merit and ell
ciency of service Fitd Fuller will
succeed Mr. Suberharjea as fortnan of
tho machine '-hops. Mr. Fuller has
bi en in the service of tho Burlington
for ten years. First at Gb-sburg for
five years, then at Oma ha and later at
Havelock. Friends of both these
gentlemen will be pie ised t learn of
their making one more slep in their
Working Womnn's Home AHHoriation.
21 S. Pooria St , Chicago. 111. (
Jan. ii, mm. f
Our Working Woman's liome asso
ciation used Foley's Honey and Tar
six years ago, and sire using it today.
It has always been a favorite, for
while its taste ia not nt all unpleasant
its effects are very beneficial. It has
never yet disappointed us. Wishing
you all possible sucess, sincerely
your?, smith & Parmole.
Laura G. Fixox, Mgr.
Dr. Marshall, tiradunte Dentlxt.
Dr. Marshall, fine gold work.
Dr. Marshall, gold and porcelain
Dr. Marshall, crown and bridge work
Dr. Marshall, teeth without plates.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fillings.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plates.
Dr. Marshall, perfect fitting plates
Dr. Marshall, all work warranted.
All the latest aooiiances for fir?t
class dental work.
Thaso who boiievo chronic diar
rhoea to be incurable should read what
Mr. P. E. Grisham.of Gaa s Miles,La.,
has to sav on the su1 jet t, viz: "I
have been a 6uffcrer from chronic
diarrhoea ever since tho wr and have
tried all kinds of medicit cs for it. At
last I found a remedy that effected a
euro and that was Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera a u Diarrhoea
Remedy.'" This medic ne an always
bo depended upon for colic, cholera
morbus, dysentry nn.t tii.r -hoea. It
J is pleasant to take and i ver fails to
; effect p C ire. 25 and :") cent size for
'sale by all druggists.
growing time.
That boy!
A little lad, all fun.
A little chap, all coat.
A round cipher, not know
ing whether the stroke will
go up and make him six, or
down, and make him nine.
It's growing time with him.
when you buy inferior soap
instead of the genuine
The favorite of every woman who ever used it
either in the laundry or for all around the house
cleaning. Sold everywhere. Made only by
t. K. O. Society Ilultis a Successful Party
At the limine of Ueo. liovey. a
At a meetirg of the P. E. O. society
on Saturday, October 16, at the
home of M s H N. Dovey, it was de
cided to ivc a Hallow'een party for
ladie9 0nly. A committee of six young
ladies Misses Shepherd, Richey.Mor
gan, Hei e', Hayes and Oldham were
selected to make all necessary ar
rangements for tho affair. The mar
ried ladies were not to know anything,
of the arrangements being perfected,
whee the party was to be held, etc.,
and so thoroughly and well did the
committee perform their duties that
Mis. Dovey herself knew nothing in
regard to where the party would be
Saturday evening being the time
fixed for holding the affair, the mar
ried ladies met at, the reading lojra.
Miss Jones having provided a carrya'l
and cairhige, all tturted out on a
mer'-y hunt to find the location of the
intended Hallow'een party. After
calling at the homes of several P. E.
O's. , they finally came to the home of
Mrs. Houseworth, and from there they
went to George Dovey's residence,
where it was found the party was to
be. After this secret was found out,
to the suprise of all, they were equally
surprised and tie'.ighted when a large
number of gentlemen put in an sip
poared, and quite a number of the lat
ters' wives weie unable to compre
hend bow their husbinda could have
Kept a secret for to long, while others
how well their husbands could -fib."
Tho chandalio's were eoelopod in
yellow tissue paper to resemble,as near
as possible, pumpkins; then there was
one laige pumpkin with "P. E. O." in
largo letters cut out, and a candle in
side; several others with faces black
cats were seen everywhere. The li
brary was given op to fortune-telling
and Hallow'een tricks of all kinds.
Each of the gentlemen were presented
with a favor bachelor button; other
favors, such a9 bottles of love cute,
thimbles of salt, fortunes in walnut
shells, prizes iu fortune cake, etc.
Those present were: Messrs. and
Mesdames Houseworth, Hendee, Un
ruh, Helps, Parmele, J. Patterson, B.
Pollock, Dwyer, G. E. Dovey, H. N.
Dovey, Gats; Messrs. Windham, 'F.
Cummins, BurdicK, Morgan, Hayes, F.
Richey, H. Gering, H. Snyder, Far
ley; Mesdames Wsigner, Hasse; Misses
Burgess, Jone?, Gering, Searle.
Waterman, Uerold, Swearingen, Mor
gan, Ileisei, Oldham, Hayes, Shep
herd, Mason (Omaha )
Frozen In tho Snow.
Sidney, Neb., Oct. 30. The eTght
year-old sen of Herman Brauer, living
twelve southeast of here, lost
his life during tho storm on Tuesday.
The I d left the house at 10 o'clock
in the morniug, presumably to go to
the stable a short distance away, but
as be failed to return within a reason
able tim", a search was instituted, but
no trace of him could re found until
Wednesday noon, when his frozen
bedy was discovered by the searchers
on y half a mile away from his home.
Ha had undoubtedly became confused
and lost his bearings in the storm and
was unable to return to the house, and
probably wandered around until over
come by exhaustion and cold. He
had taken off his coat and his head
was lying upon it.
Ned Fish, a large ranchman, lost 250
head of sheep during ' the storm. No
other losses have yet been reported.
Capt. W. W. Hull, a prominent ai d
well known resident of this city, waa
married Monday evening, November
1. to Mrs. Maria Ellis, widow of the
late Thomas Ellis, who resided here
for several ve;. rs. Mrs. Ellis is a very
estimahlo l.vdy aid has been making
hor home relatives at Wymore.
She :s a c iuVin ,,f Mrs. A B S nitti of
Denver u d h .s io-H of fii. n lswho
will xtciiJ tl oii c::rno-.t congratu:a
Mr. and Hull wi i r side in
Mr. Hull' c mfoi table bom- in thi
city on Wintei steen bi! .
I- May Sure Your Life.
A dose r two of E'oley's Honey and
Tir i I prevent an attajk of pneu
monia, grip or severe cold if taken
in litn . Cures cou'jh, colds, croup,
LaGrippo,hfaiseness, difficult breath
ing, who- ping cough, incipient con
sumption, n-tbmi or bronchitis.
Gives positive relief in idvanced
stajres of consumption, asthma or
bronchitis. Guaranteed Smith &
A g od girl for. ge..eral housework.
J enquire for particulars til THE NEWS
Put Your
Foot In It
Will Sampson Tells of Ilia Hardahlpa And
Adventures In the Gold Fields.
Lake Bennet, OjU 2. We arrived
here a week ago with our outfit, and,
having our boat built, are wailing for
a favorable wind to sail down the lake.
The trip from Dyea to this point is
something terrible words fail to des
cribe it but we were more fortunate
than a great many others. Thousands
of men who have worked weeks and
months, and who failed in their ef
forts, have turned back and they are
glad to get out of tho country alive.
Thousands of tons of provisions are
started along the trail between Dyea,
Slcagoa and the lakes. The main
trouble was that no one know what
they had to encounter in going over
this trail. It costs 40 cents per pound
to get the stuff- packed from Dyea to
Lake Linderman, and you see what it
wou'd cost to get an outfit in. The
trail was so bad that a good horse
would only last a short time. Horses
were worth from $150 to $200. Even
our mules gave out, and we had to
buy more.
After reaching the foot of the sum
mit, we came to the real "tug of war,"
and were compelled to pick our be
longings to the top of the mountain
on our backs. I packed 1,500 pounds
over tho summit myself a distune j of
three-fourths of a mile. We reached
the lakes all right, and I am well and
strong; never felt better in my lifa,
but don't weigh 210 pounds as I did
when I left Tacoma think 1 have lost
forty pounds. It would be much bet
ter to make this tiip in the spring or
in the summer, before tho tains set in
and the trail gets so muddy. We
found the mud all the way from two
to six feet deep. Our party consists
of six we havo a captain, a treasurer
and I have the honor of being the
cook; it is the best "suap" in the out
fit. This i3 a great country to make
money in. A mm caD get $15 a aay
and board at any kind of work, and
carpenters get $25 a day. We made
$75 a day packing with our horses,
otherwise we couldn't have gotten in,
as none of us took money enough, and
weall thought that we had more than
we would need.'
A parson could get rich running a
restaurant here, as meals are $1.50
apiece 50 cents for a cup of coffee.
I slept in my sleeping-bag last night
for the first time. I tell you it is a
dandy; it was cold and snowing
like blazes, and crawled in and was
as warm as toast. . I wouldn't take
$200 for it, and I have been offered
that much. There are a great many
different kinds on the trail, but none
that I hUe as well as mine. I have no
doubt but that I will keep warm in the
coldest of weather. There is lots of
game hero, such as ducks, eese.
moose and bear, and I am going out
and see if I can't get some fresh meat
I expect to stay here three years.
w. L. Sampson.
' Got Five Dollars and Costs.
Chas. Yelke felt so good about the
election that he and a few companions.
including a gentleman from Nehawka,
celebrated through the medium of a
few cans of beer, which they disposed
of in the alley south of Main street,
After this they visited the house of
the Camge woman, and drank a few
cans of beer there. AfLer they started
down town, Yelke announced his in
tention of carving the gentleman from
Nehawka into small pieces, where
upon the latter started to run, with
Yelke after him Yelke was headed
off and ariested before he had accom
pliihed his laudable ambition, and
taken before Judge Archer. The
judge gave him five dollars and costs,
which he paid, and was released. The
eentleman from Nehawka was ordered
to loave town by Officer FitZDatrick.
Rheumatism Cared In a Day.
A fev weeks ago the editor vie
taken with a very s-evere cold tha
caused him to oe iu a mo-t miserable
condition. It was undoubted'y a tal
case of la iippe. and i ec gnizinsr i
as diii.i'crous h; took immediate
stt p9 to bi ing hbiiut a speedy cure. the advertisement f Chamber
lain's Coutih Remedy atjd tha many
tiood t ecorniner.d ttions included
th. reit., we concluded to make a firsl
trial f the medicine. To s:'y that i
was satisfactory in it.-i lesu'.t-i. is put
it very mildly, indeed. It acted l'k
m igic and the result was a speedy ana
permanent cure. We have no hesi
lane? in recommending this excellen
Cough Remedy to anyo-e i.fllictec
with a cough or cold in any form. Th
Banner of Libertv,L.ibertytown,Marj-
laid. Tho 25 an.l 50 cent sizes fur
sale by all druggists.
Subseriba for Thk Semj-Weekly
News-Hekat.D 81 tor year.
MUTTON. Headquarters ueparl-
ti,, dii. . ah; fk!irnm.
1"CUL Vl me- v.uic. w!u-
missary of bubsistance, Omaha INeb.,
October 11, 1807. Sealed proposals in
triplicate, accomracied by written
guarantee bmds, in duplicate, will be
received at this office, until 11 o'clock
a. in., central standard time, Novem
ber 11. 1S97, at which time and place
they will be opened in presence of bid
ders, for furnishing such quantities of
fresh beef and mu ton for i-sues as
may be required by the Subsistance
Department. U. S. Army, at Omaha,
Nebraska, Forts Crook, Iiobinson and
Niobrara. Nebraska, and Ft rts D. A.
Russell, and Washakie
Pi'ot Butte, Wyoming,
and Camp
and Fort
Meade, S. D., during the period com
mencing January 1, 1898, and ending
June 30, 1S98. Proposals will also be
received until 10 o'clock a. m. moun
tain standard time, and opened at the
posts of Forts Niobrara, Robinson. D.
A. Russell, Washakie, Meade and
Camp Pilot Butte, bs the respective
post commissaries of such posts, each
commissary receiving proposals fo- his
own post only. Proposals will also be
received slating the price at which
the bidder will deliver fiesh beef or
mutton of theclaracter stated in the
specifications and to bo delivered 'of
temperature" not greater than 50 de
grees Fahrenheit. Full information
furnished on application heie or to
commissary at any post authorized to
open Droposals. Government reserves
right to reject anj' or all proposals, or
anypartofand proposal. Envelopes
contain ng proposals should be marked
'Proposals for Fresh Beef ar.d Mut
ton," and addressed to undersigned or
commissary at post authorized t3 re
ceive proposals. Frank E. Nye,
Ma ji
or and C. S.
Harlington Route California Excursions
Cheap, quick, comfortable. Lsavo
Plattsmouth 3:43 p. m., every Thurs
day in clean, modern, not crowded
tourist sleepers. No transfers; cars
run right through to San Francisco
and Los Angeles over the Scenic
Route through Denver and Salt L ke
City. Cars are carpeted; upholstered
in rattan; have spring seats and backs
and are provided with curtains, bed
ding, towels, soap, etc. Uniformed
porters and experienced excursion
conductors accompany each excursion.
relieving passengers o.' all bother
about baggage, pointing out objects
of interest and in many other ways
helping to make the overland trip a
delightful experience. Second class
tickets are honored. Berths $5.
For folder giving fnll information,
call at nearest Burlinton Route
ticket office, or w rite to J. Francis,
Gin. Passenger Agent, Omahp, Nob
Londondale Shorthorns at Auction.
At the home farm, s-even miles
northeast of Auburn and five mile9
northwest of Brownville, Nemiha
county, Nebraka, on Monday, Novem
ber 8, 1897, will bo pold without re
serve forty Bates and Scotch To; ped
Shorthorn cattle, corsift'ng of thirty
cows and heifers, and ten bu Is; ten
cows with calves at foot; the property
of John Bath. Lunch at noon. Sale
to commence at 1 o'clock sharp. Par
ties coming ty train will be conveyed
from Talmage house, Auburn, to and
from the farm free,also to and frcm B.
& M. train, Brownville.
The Best Remedy For Rheumatism.
(From the Fairhaven, N. V.. Register.)
Mr. James Rowland, of this village
lates that for twenty-Eve years his
wife has been a Bufferer from rheum
atism. A few nights ago she was in
such pain that she was nearly crazy.
She sent Mr. Rowland for the doctor,
but he had read of Chamberlain's
Pain Balm and instead of going for
the physician he went to the store and
secured a bottle of it His wife did
not approve of Mr. Rowland's purchase
at first, but nevertheless applied the
Balm thoroughly and in an hour's
time was able to go to sleep. Che now
applies it whenever she feela an ache
or a pain and finds that it always
gives relief. He says that no roedi
oine which she had used ever did her
as much erood. The 25 and 50 cent
sizes for sale by all druggists.
A pain in the chest is nature's warn
ipg that pneumonia is threatened
Dampen a piece of flannel with Cham
berlain's Pain Balm and bind over the
seat of pain, and another on tho back
between the shoulders, and prompt
relief will follow. Sold by all drug
Working Up the Chicory Crop.
Fuemont, Neb., Ojt. 28. The
American Chicory company darted ud
its kilns in this city last night on this
year s crop. There are about 5,000
tons of chicory beets in tha bins, which
will require a run of about eighty
days. Tho crop w is not as good this
year as u -ua1, owing to the bad weath
er last spria r. Consiaerable improve
ment waa m ule on the plant during
the summer which greatly facilitates
the work of drying and cutting.
troop Qnlckiy Cared.
Mountain Glen, Ark. Our chi d
ren wore suffering with croup when
we ict eivrd a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy It afforded utmost
instant reiiei. V. A. TliORNTOX.
This celebrated remedy is for sale by
;.ll Jruggisls
"Myotic Cure" f-r IUieuin.uim and
Neuralgia radically cures in one to
three da3rs. Its notion upon the sys
tem is remarkable and mysterious. It
removes at once the cause and the
disease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents
Bold by F. G. Fricke & Co., druupists.
You can't afford to -iek your life by
allowing n cold to revelop into pneu
monia or cciumption. Instant i-olie.I
and a cortsiin cure are afforded by One
Minute Couyh Cure. F. G. Fricke &
- .
In the district court of Cass county. Nebraska
la the matter of the estate of Edmund H. Craw
ford, deceased.
To Julia A. Crawford. George E. Crawford.
Thomas J. Crawford. Deborah Lashbaujrh, bailie
A. Crawford, heirs of Edmund H. Crawford, de
ceased: A. C. Adams, administrator of the entate
of Edmund H. Crawford, deceased, aud ail other
persons interested in said estate:
The petition ol Gottlieb Kockenbarh in the
above matter having been tiled. iu which he piays
that the court enter an order directing all par
ties interested in the west one-half t',l of the
southwest one-quarter (4 of section eiyhteeu
(1 ). township ten Vn, north oi range nine tfi.
east in Cass county, Nebraska, to show cause, if
auy, why the administrator of said estate should
not execute and deliver to the petitioner a cood
and sufficient warranty deed upon the payment uf
eleven hundred and tilt v i$l!50.0i) dollars in pur
l nay if l I..o li aonurs in pur-
suance ot a contract entered into between the
petitioner and Edmund II. Craw frrd, deceased,
in his lile time and Julia A.Crawford, his wife.
It is hereby ordered by me that cause be shown,
if any, by the Slrd day of October, ItW, aud that
upon the 15th day of November. 1H'.i7, at U
o clock a iu. of said day a hearing will be had on
said petition, and any objections which may be
hied against the granting of the prayer therein.
it is luriher ordered that notice oe given to an
tarties interested by publication in the Senii
Veeklv News-Herald ot Plattsmouth. Nebraska.
for six weeks successively prior to tbedate of hear
ing as above ordered.
Dated this 11th day of September, lsll,.
ludne of District Court.
C. S. Polk and Mockett Jit Polk, attorneys for
Gottlieb Kockenbach.
Legal Notice.
John R. Ouinton and Marv A. Ouinton. non
resident, defendants, will take notice that on the
ith dav ot SeDtember. A. It. 18b7. ohu ti. Petti-
bune and Samuel E. Nixon, tiled their petition in
the district court of Cass countv. Nebraska.
against the said John K. Cjuinton and Mary A.
(Juinton, impleaded with Carl I). (Juinton, et. al..
the oDject and prayer ot the said petition, being
to foreclose a tax lien claimed bv plaintitls
against the northeast quarter of section thirty
one in towu ten, range twelve, in Cass county.
Nebraska, foi the taxes for lyj,$WJi. purchased
by plaintiffs at public tax sale November tith.lMtt;
for lMtf, ti.fM, paid bv plaintiffs May 11th. lhiM:
for 1WM, t40.05, paid by plaintiffs May loth, 1KI.V
for 1M95, paid by plaintiffs May 1st. 1S:
for 189H. 17.73. paid bv plaintiffs lulv 1st, lW'.C,
and for interest on each of said payments at the
rateot 'M per cent per annum tar two years irom
November tith, I Wi, and for 10 per cent annual
interest thereafter, and an attorney's lien f 10
per cent on the total amount so found due, an I
that said land be sold to pay said sums aud costs
ol the action, and lor equitable reiiei.
1 ou are required to appear and plead to, or an
swer said petition on or Detore Monday, tue
l;vtli day of October. A. L. 1H!.
John H. Pettibone and jamvei. E. Nixon.
By their attorneys, Beeson & Koot.
Sheriffs Sale.
Bv virtue of an execution issued bv George
F. Houseworth. clerk of the district court within
and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, I will on the -uth day oUNoveniDer, A. u.,
1897. at 11 o'clock a. in. of said day at the south
door of the court house in Plattsmouth, in said
county, sell at public auction, to the highest bid
der for cash, the following real estate to-wit:
The west halt of the southwest quarterof section
township 11, range . in Uass county, Nebraska,
(except lot being one acre oft the northwest
quarter ot the southwest quarter ot said section
8) together with the privileges and appurtenances
thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining.
The same being levied upon and tanen as the
nronertv of T. r. Carnes. defendant, to satisfy a
judgment of said court recovered by Charles 1).
Hayworth, plaintiff, against J. . Carnes, 1. I'.
Carnes and 11. K, Waldron, defendants.
Plattsmouth. Nebraska. Oct. 19. A. li. 1W.
Harvey Holi.oway,
Sheriff, Cass County. Nebraska.
C. S. Polk, attorney for plaintiff.
I.fgal Notice.
In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska
Henry Eikenbary, et al. 1
vs. I
mouth. Nebraska. J
To the depositors and stockholders of the Citi
zens bank, ot 1 lattsmouth, Nebraska, and all
persons interested therein:
Vou. each and all. are hereby notified that
upon the 'inth day of September. A, 1). 1W, I
hied a petition ia the district court of Cass
county, Nebraska, in said cause, praying for a
license to sell ttie northwest quarter of section
eighteen (IS), the southwest quarter of section
seven (7), the west half of the southeast quarter of
section seven (7), the northeast Quarter of the
southeast quarter of section seven u). and the
northwest quarter of the southwest quarterof
section eight (8, all iu township eleven (II)
north of range fourteen (Ml in Cass county, Ne
braska; and also praying for license to sell cer
tain personal property of said bank, which per
sonal property is fully set forth and described lit
said petition now on hie in said cause.
And that under and by virtue ot an omer oi
court issued on the Vlh day of October. A I).
Iy?. a hearing will be had upon said petition at
the office of the clerk of the district court of t.'as
county, Nebraska, on the rHh day of November.
A. U. lwj. at 2 o clock n. m. ol said dav or as
soon thereafter as it cau be heard, and each and
all of you ate hereby notified to show cause, if
anv there be. on or before said dav w hv license
should not issue as prayed authorizing the sa d
receiver to sell said property as assets ot said bauk.
Chas. C Parmele,
Receiver ot the Citizens Bauk.
Byron Clark and C. A. Rawls. Attorneys.
Notice to Creditors
State of Nebraska, )
Cass County.
In the matter of the estate of Caroline Carter,
Notice is hereby given that the claims and de
mands of all persons against Caroline Carter, de
ceased, late of said county and state, will be re
ceived, examined and adjusted by the county
court, at the court house in Plattsmouth, on the
9th day of May A. D . 1898, at 10 o'clock in the
forenoon. Aud that six months from and after
the 6th day of November. A. 1).. lt7. is the time
limited lor creditors ol said deceased to present
their claims for examination and allowance.
Given under my hand and seal this 9th dav of
October A. D. 1897.
,clv George M. Spuplock.
I131' County Judge.
Probate Notice.
In county court, Cass county, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of Calvin H. Par
mele, deceased. Catharine H. Parmele. Myrtle
P. Atwood, Nellie P. Agnew, Charles J. Parmele,
Thomas E. Parmele and all other persons inter
ested in said matter arc hereby notified that on
the Bth day of October. 1897, a petition was filed
in said court alleging among other things that
Calvin H. Parmele died on the day oi .
A. D. 1897, leaving no last will and testament and
possessed of real and personal estate and that
the above named constitute all the persons inter
ested in the estate of said deceased, and praying
for administration thereof. Vou are hereby not
ified that if you fail to appear at said court on
the 3d day of November. A. O. 1897 at 10 o'clock
a. m., and contest said petition, the court will
appoint Charles C. Parmele, Samuel II. Atwood
and Thomas E. Parmele, administrators, and
proceed to a settlement of said estate.
Witness my hand and the. seal ot said court,
at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this, the 9th day of
October. A. D.1897.
SealJ George M. Spcrlock.
County Judge.
Legal Nwlice.
To Leah V". Buchanan and Robert P. Glazier,
non-resident, defendants:
Vou aud each of you are hereby notified that
on the Hth day of September, A. D. 197, Samuel
Waugh as executor of the last will and testament
of John Black, deceased, commenced an action in
the district court of Cass county, Nebraska,
against you. impleaded with Leonard C. W.
Murray, et al, the object and prayer of which
action is to foreclose a mortgage on, and sell the
northwest quarter section 30, in town 1, range
1:1, Cass county, Nebraska, and the northwest
quarter of the southwest quarter of said section:
said sale to satisfy the amount due on said
mortgage. SVM with eight per cent interest and
costs of suit: said mortgage, and the note it was
given to secure, being of date February i!6. 1814,
and due February 189.J. Equitable relief is
also prayed and that the defendants be required
to ar.swer settim? ud an v rights thev nivhavein
said laud, or be oarred from asseitiug any such
nzhts. V ou are required to answer said petition
on or belore Monday, November 8, 1-9i, or
said petition will betaken as confessed and a
decree entered accordingly.
saml kl v ALCIl,
As executor of the last will and testament of
John Black, deceased.
Notice to Credtors.
STCounivCKA1- m County Court.
In the matter or the estate of Samuel A.
llolbrook. deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the creditors
of s:iid deceased will meet t he executor of
said estate, before Trie. County Judge of
Cass county, .Nebraska. l the o unty court
room iu Plattsmouth in said county. n the
Stb day of April. A. 1). 1898. at t clo k p
in., for the purpose of presentlu their
ciaims ror cxainiual.on. r.Qjustment hhj :u
.owance. Six month are Mllowed for the
creditors of s.iid deceased t present their
claims and one year for the executor to
settle 6:nd eatate from the !rd day of Oc-
tOler. 18j.
This notice sli.ill apiier in the Fcml-
Weekly Ncws-tierala for four weeks
successively, prior to tl e iir.l day of Oc
tober 197.
Witness my hand imd seal of fcald county
court ut Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this 2 th
day of September. 197.
SealJ County Judge
Legal .Notice.
To Amanda . Shepherd, non-resident defend
ant: Vou are hereby notified that William V.
Shepherd comnrenced an action against you on
the 18th day of September, lrt7. in the district
court of Cass countv. Nebraska, the object and
prayer of which are to secure an absolute divorce
f1''.3 in M ;- ' Pcrty. real nd personal, bclonr-
'" f?lJ. ;ooate in either tho
states of Indiana , . k The grounds for
divorce are that j,ou comm. ,. tcry in Ue
ceinber. 1M4. w ith one J. o.,. v.,
Vou are required to answer sa.U petiM.s an or
before Aionday. the 1st day of November. 1W7
William L Shiphkrb.
Ltgal Notice.
To Benjamin A. Gibson, Mary C. Gibson. Ed
w;ird LSaiiK. trustee, liradford Savings Bank &
Trust Co, William C. Cnppen, George Lesiie
and John V Mitchell, non-resident defendants:
on aud each ot you are hereby notified that John
H. 1'ettibone and -Samuel E. Nixon on the 18th
dav of epteniber, A. i, INtC. hied their petition
hi the district court ot Cass county, Nebraska,
against you, impleaded with Guerdon B. Crip
pen, et ai, the object and prayer of which are to
have di-cree t if said court fiireclnaiiifr i tai lin
! against fractional lot 17 iu northeast Quarter of
; northwest quarter, section three in town ten.
range eleven, c ass county. iNeorasna. tur tax
purchase bv said paintiltsvagaitist said laud lor
years IKi aud lf :. as follows: 18ili
$:0-J. raid November , ISSU; lW. .0. paid
November 5. ISSH; 1MU. .'.". paid May 10, lJWd.
and tor iMi i. :.1N. paid May 1, l(.W. with 20 pec
cent annual interest on each of said payments
from November 5, IK4M, to Noveinb. r 5. ICUo, and
10 per cent annual interest on each of said pay
ments tiiereatter.and ID per cent attorney fees on
the total found due. and costs of suit and for sal
ot said property to satisfy such judgment aud
equitable relief.
Vou are required to answer said petition on or
before Monday, the first day of November. A. L).
John II. I'kttiuone and Samuel E. Nixon.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue ot an order of sale Issued by George
F. Houseworth, clerk of the district court, within
and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, I will on the 'JOth day ol November, A.
U.. 1897. at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day at tha
south door of the court house in t he city of Platts
mouth. in said county, sell at public auction, to
the higheat bidder for cash, the following land
and tenements to-wit:
Lot three (3 in block one hundred thirty-four
(l:UI in the city of PiatUmouth. Cass county.
Nebraska. according to the recorded platt thereof,
together with the priviitges and appurtenances
thereunto or in anywUe appertaining.
The same being levied upon and taken as the
property of Emery E. Murray. Mrs. Murray,
his wife, first real name unknown, Mrs. J. t.
Johnson, first real name unknown, Matthew
Gering, John Doe. et al. defendants, to satisfy a
judgment of said court recovered by Ellis T.
Hartley, plaintiff against defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, October !, A. D., 1897.
Hakvev Hollowat,
-Sheriff. Cusscounty, Nebraska
Notice of Sale.
In the district court of Cass comity, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate ol Joshua Lynn, de
ceased. Notice is h. reby given that in pursuance of an
order of Basil S. Ramsey, judge of the district
court of Cass couuty, Nebraska, made on the
liith day of October. A. I). 1897. for the sale of
the real estate hereinafter described, there will
be sold at the south front door of the court house
in Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, on the
tfithday of November, A. L). 1897, at 1:30 p.m.
at public vendue to the highest bidder tor cash
the following described real estate, including the
dower interest of the widow. Sarah Lynn, to-wit:
I-ot six. in block one, except thirty feet off the
cast side: lot seven, in block one. except twenty
feet and the undivided one-half of two and one
half feet oft the east side; the undivided half uf
lot eight and alt of lot eleven, both in block one;
lots two aud seventeen iu block two; lot thirteen
in block four; lot twelve in block four, excepting
thirty-four feet oft the et side; lots fifteen and
sixteen, in one-half block eight, in Lynn's sec
ond addition to the village of Onion. Nebraska;
lots eight, nine, sixteen, seventeen and eighteen
in block six, in Lynn s tirst addition to the vil
lage of Union, in Cass county, Nebraska; lots
fifteen, sixteen, seventeen and eighteen in block
nine, in Lynn's second addition to the village of
Union, Cass county, Nebraska; lets one and two
in block nine, iu Carter's addition to the city ot
Weeping Water, in Cass county. Nebraska.
Also commencing sixty feet west of the north
west corner ot block eight, in the v. Page of
Union. Cass countv. Nebraska, runninsr thence
west three hundred and twenty-three feet, thence
south two hundred and sixty-five feet, thence
east three hundred and twenty-three feet, thence
north two hundred and sixty-rive feet to the
place of beginning.
Also commencing four hundred s nd twenty
seven feet west of the northwest corner of block
eight, in the village of Union, Cass county. Ne
braska, running thence west two hundred and
ninety feet, thence in a southeasterly direction
aloi. a tine parallel to the center of the right ol
wa I the M. P. railway company and fifty feet
dis.aiit tneiefroin, foitr" hundred and fifty feet.
inetice east one iiunarca leer at rigni angles iv
the center line of the right of wav of the M. I,
railway company, thence in a southeasterly di
rection and pareliel with the center line of said
right ot way two hundred and twenty-three feet,
,1. ..-,. . t ..... 1 , . V. nnr.K li li 1 1 -
died and eighty feet to the place of beginning.
Also beginning at the one-eighth section cor
ner on the south side of the southeast quarter of
section twenty-three, in township ten, north of
range thirteen, in Cass county, Nebraska,
thence running north sixteen hundred and tifty
teet, thence west nine hundred and ninety leet,
thence south six hundred and sixty feet, thence
west one hundred feet, thence south nine hun
dred and ninety feet to the south line of tha
southeast quarter of section twenty-three, in
township ten, north ol range thirteen, in cass
county, Nebraska, thence east ten hundred and
ni ety feet to the place of beginning.
To be sold in parcels as above described, or
subdivisions thereof, as may be to the best in
terests of said estate.
Said sale to remain open one hour.
Uated October 19, A. I). 1897.
Geurob N. LaKue, Administrator.
Byron Clark and C. A. Rawls, Attorneys,
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtuo of an exertion Issued by Geo.
Houseworth. clerk of the district court.
within and for Cass county, Nebraska.and to
me directed. 1 will on the 20th day of Nov, A
It Is'.iT. at 11 o'clock a. in. of Bald dav at the
south door of the court house in tbe city of
Plnttsoioutn. In said county, sell at public
auction, to the highest bidder lor casn, tue
following lands and tenements, to-wit:
The west hall ot the norltieast quarter oi
section In town 11. range 10, the southeast
quarter ot section 13, towu 11, range V; the east
half ot the southwest quarter of section 13, town
11. range 9; the north half ol the south
quarter of section 18, town 11, range 10; and the
north half ot tiie southwest quarter of section 18,
town 11, range 10. ait in Cass county, Nebraska,
together with the privileges and appurtenances
thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining.
The same being levied upon and taken as the
property of P. h. and H. R. Waldron, defend
ants, to satisfy a judgement of said court re
covered by Bank of Eagle, plaintiff, against said
Plattsmouth, Neb., Oct. 19. A. It. 1897.
yiierill. Cass county, Nebraska.
Probate Notice".
In'cuunty court, Cass county, Nebraska.
In the matter of the guardiaship ot Adolf Rosen
baum. To w hom it mav concern: All persons inter
ested are hereby notified that on the 14th day of
October, 197, Joseph W. Johnson, guardian. tiled
a petition in said court praying that his final
guardianship account hied herein September 28.'
1897. be allowed: trial lie oe aiscnargeu auu re
leased from his trust. Vou are notified that if
vou fail to appear belore said court on the 10th
day ot November, A. D. li-97, at 9 o clock a. ni.
and contest said petition, the court may grant
the prayer of said petition and make such other
and jurther orders, allowances and decrees as to
this court may seem proper, to the end that all
matters pertaining to saiu guaiuiausmp iimy uc
finally settled and determined.
Witness my hand and the seal of said court, at
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this, the 18th day of Oc
tober. A. 1 J. 197.
c ,. George M. Spl'rlock,
t5ea" County Judge.
MieriiT'n Sale.
By virtue of an execution issued by George
F. Houseworth. clcik of the district court within
and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, I will on the 20th day of November, A. D.
l-97. at 11 o'clock a. ni. of said day at the south
door of the court house in the city of Platts
mouth. in said county sell at public auction, to
the highest bidder for cash, the following real
estate. to-w:t:
The southwest quarter of section II. township
11, range I3tsinject to the M. P. right-of-way.
containing ab ut 12-100 acres:) and the west
half of the north half of the northwest quarter ol
section 11. township 11. range 13. all in Cass
county. Nebiaska. together with the privileges
and appurtenance thereunto belonging or in any
wise appertain, ng. The same being levied upon
and taken as the property of li A. oui.g and 1-.
M Voting, dctor.dants. to satisfy a judgment of
said court recovered bv C. J. Martin, plaiutu
against said defendants. ;
Plattsmouth, Nebraska. October 19. A. D. 189..
Harvey Holi.owav.
Sheriff. Cass County. Nebraska.
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