Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, October 20, 1897, Image 4

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The Semi Weekly News-Herald
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
L. C. Todd was in town today.
Play In g card and d ico at Leh nhoffV.
Wall paper of all kinds at Gering
& Co's.
All lovers of first-class cigars,smoke
Wurl's "Gut Heil"
Dr. Elster, Waterman block, for
piioless dentistry.
200 of the best pttrlor matches only
1c at Gering & Co.
Look out for the Ivy Lodge social
Monday, October 25.
Two packages of chewing gum for
5 cents at Lebnhoff's.
Insure In the German American.
Pred Ebinger, Agent.
Lost Silver watch; leather chain,
so -ew case. Leave at News office.
A steam heated room with board
and bath, 1 4.50 per week at the Riley.
Mi3s Ella Ru finer went down to Ne-
hawka yesterday on a visit with tela
tives. Crabill, the practical jeweler, will
repair your watch correctly
All persona owing me are requested
to call and settle at once. Dr. W. A
Don't fail to try a box of our toilet
soap, only 10c a box of three cakes
Gering & Co.
Charley Nopes, a solid farmer from
Louisville precinct,
was in town on
business today.
Chas Brant purchased a 240 acre
farm yesterday of the Bueshingr estate
for $3,600 cash.
Charley Spence, ono of Louisville's
enterprising- citizens, was in the city
today on business.
Mrs. Betty Lovelady, nee McMullin,
ofjjlendale.has moved to Plattsmouth
with her husband.
Only one of those Belf regulating
air tight stoves left. Size 26, price
$12. W. W. Coates & Co.
A. B. Smith is still in the city, and
did not return to Denver as mentioned
by The News a few days ago.
Hon. "R. B. Windham, C. S. Polk
and Byron Clark went to Lincoln last
evening to attend supreme court.
" The World-Herald is only 10 cents
a week; think of it. Daily and Sunday,
delivered to your door. Lehnhon Bros.
George Dovey has been on the sick
list for a few days, but we are glad to
state is much better and hopes to be
out soon.
Dr. Thomas, of Weeping Water,
returned home today from a pleasant
visit with his father over Sunday at
Small pill, Bafe pill, best pill, De
Witt's Little Early Risers cure bili
ousness, constipation, sick headache.
F. G. Fricke & Co,
Col. Woodrinsr, of the B. & M.
b. Idge force, is here tody beginning
work on the removal of the freight
depot to its new site.
A galvanized bushel measure ,75c.
Just the thing to carry ear corn or
oats, will not fall down if left in the
sun. Coates hardware store.
The Daily Bee, enlarged to twelve
pages the best paper in the west
costs but 15 cents per week, delivered
to your door. Lehnboff Bros.
James Alexander Richardson, aged
thirty-five, and Miss Alice Brooks,
aged twenty-eight, both of Council
Bluffs, were married today by Judge
A colored concert company, in the
interest of an Omaha church, will
render a fine musical program at
White's opera house. Admission 25
and 10 cents.
You can't cure consumption, but
void it and cure every other
form of throat'lung or trouble by the
use of One Minute Cough Cure. F.
G. Fricke & Co.
Anna, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George Fairfield, who used to reside
here, died suddenly at her home in
Alliance last Friday. She was a sis
ter of Joe and Mac Fairfield.
Thera is no need of little children
boinir tortured by scald head, eczema
and skin eruptions. De Witt's Witch
Hazel Salve gives Instant relief and
res permently. F. G. Fricke & Uo.
wlTtc n, Echols vras down from
villa- today and wore a sort 01
going to get marrleQ" iook in
. . va ttmii nf erntner
yes, DO up w - "
.99. no license naa dbbu uou.
m A Mfab VA1II HfA VlV
Vau"&D1 SUUru vu J
.Uowinff a cold to develop into pnea
monl or consumption. Instant relief
and a oertaln cure are afforded by One
I an
his el
w 1-- r
Minute Couyh Cure.
F. G. Fricke &
Disfigurement for life by burns or
scalds may be avoided by Uring De
Witt's Witth Hazel Salve, the great
remedy lor piles and for all kinds of
sores and skin troubles. F. G. Fncke
& Co.
Steve Buzzell has quit the j3. & M.,
and et ne to work for the Omaha Tea
and Spice company. This ia a good
house, and with Steves well-known
push and energy, his success is as
A meeting of the Mozart club will
be held at the library on Wednesday
evening me zum at, i.oueuttiru
members are all requested to be pre
sent, for special business must beat
tended to.
Is your child puny, peeked and
peevish? Does it have convulsions?
If so it has worms'. White's Cream
Vermifuge is the only safe cure. Ev
ery bottle is guaranteed to bring
worms, 25 cents.
There's no better Hour made than
Peisel's "Plansifter," manufactured
in this city. Ask your grocer for it,
and thereby get the best and sup
port a home industry at the same time,
which builds up the town.
E. B. Sampson, a well known resi
dent of this city, will depart this
evening for St. Franc-is, Kas., where
he expects to spend the winter with
his son, J. M. Sampson. The News
and a host of friends hero wish him a
pleasant trip.
The "Quick Meal" is built unlike
any other steel range, ft could not be
the best if it were made in the old
fashioned way like other ranges. The
design, workmanship and finish of the
"Quick Meal" amply prove this.
Coates & Co., Agts.
Do you know that a porous plaster is
one of tbe very best things you can
use for a coid in the chest or pains in
the back, rheumatism, sprains or mus
cular pains, and the very best porous
plaster is Gering & Co's belladonna
and capsicum plaster.
Our people should not forget the
Cosmos show at the Presbyterian
r-hmr.h on the eveninsr of October 22
Some artistic advertisiner is being
done, among which is the lithograph
of the lady harpist, who will take
part in the entertitinineut."
It is not what a manufacturer says
about his own medicine that cures a
patient, but what the medicine does.
Ballard's Horehound Syrup does the
work and does it well. It cures
coughs and colds in a day. It's heal
ing, soothing and quieting. 2-5 & 50c.
J. M. Thirswont, of Groibeck, Tex.,
says that when he has a spell of in
digestion, and feels bad and sluggist,
he takes two of DeWitt's Little Early
Risers at night, and be is all right
tbe next morning. Many thousands
of others do the same thing. Do you?
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Warning: Pet sons who suffer
from coughs and colds should heed
the wanings of danger and save them
selves suffering and fatal results by us
ing One Minute Cough Cure. It is an
infallible remedy for coughs, colds,
croup and all throat and lung troubles.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Mrs. J. II Fairlield and son. Earl,
depart tomorrow for Alliance, where
she will join her husband and move
onto their farm near Mini tare. Her
many friends in this city regrot her
departure, but Joe bas raised a big
crop this year and thinks 'arming a
good business during McKinley
There is no pain or discomfort when
Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment is
usod. It relieves that itching in
creased by scratching. It is prepared
with scientific accuracy and profes
sional knowledge, and is the kind that
cures blind, bleeding, pitching and
protruding Piles, with no 1 ain or loss
of time.
Mettlng Of the Woman's Clab.
The Plattsmouth Woman's ciubmet
in regular session yesterday after
noon. "Current literature"and "cur
rent topics" were taken up and ably
discussed. Mrs. Travis and Mrs.
Chapman proved themselves com
petent leaders in their different de
partments. Hall Caine's "Christian"
was reviewed, and while the unani
mous decision wrs that it was one of
the strongest booke of the year, the
advisability of putting it in the hands
of our young people was discoursed,
the opinion of the Review was quoted
that the book was Zola transformed
into a Manx atmosphere it was avow
edly written with a purpose.
Tbe next meeting of the club prom
ises to be of unusual interest. "House
hold economics," under Mrs. Agnew's
leadership, will undoubtedly bring
out tbe club membership in full force.
Monday alt ernoon, October 25, 19 tbe
You are Welcome to Examine the Finest Line of Merchandise ever
brought to Cass County at Prices that defy competition.
Chiklrens Suits SI 00
Boys' Suits 2 65
Men's Business Suits 4 90
Men's Cassimer Suits ( 75
Men's Overcoats 2 50
Men's UlsterOvercoats 3 )5
Bovs' Ulster Overcoats 1 90
Chiklrens' Overcoats 1 65
Come in and let us show you the
Work Brine Done at Portsmouth and
Qulnry ly the & M. ,
The Burlington will sooi begin the
work of filling in unier tho cast
trestle of its railroad briilgo across
the Missouri river between Platts
mouth and East Plattsmouth. The
preliminary work ha been begun.
The undertaking is a largo one and
will involve the expenditure of about
$30,000. It was stated at the li. & M.
headquai teVs here yesterday that
when the Burlington constructed its
bridges across the Misrouri river it
was tho intention to liter fill in under
the trestle work of all the bridges.
This work has already been done at
the bridges across the river at Ne
braska City and at Rulo. The work
of filling in will bj on the east side of
the river only, s the west end of the
big bridge runs directly on a high
The same work is nbot to begin at
Quincy, 111., where the Burlii gton's
big" bridge across the Mississippi
river is being tebuilt. There the six
spans of tho bridge underneath which
it is desired to fill in are on the east
side also. Part of the spans are over
the river and part of tho low bank.
A petition from theQ'iincy merchants
has been sent to Secretary of War
Alger asking that permission be given
the Burlington to fill in tho six east
ern spins of its bridge there. It is
stated in the petition that tho filling
in and closing of tho six spans of tho
bridge will, by confining the liver to
a more narrow channel, assist naviga
tion and improve the hirbor. Bee.
The Coiuing Attraction Will lie Very
Largely Attended.
L A. Mooro and the ladies of St.
Lukes have soared nothing in an en
deavor to give a charming entertain
ment at the Presbyterian church Fri
day evening of th is week.
That queen of estheticism the deli
cate cosmos in pink and white will
be the decoration profusely used with
other flowers, and a musical program
of rare excellence will be giverj.
Plattsmouth rooplo never before
saw a thousand dollar gold harp, there
being but ot e other in the world, and
to hear the beautiful Miss Ixnvo per
form with this celebrated harp is
alone worth more than the p ice of
Dan H. Wheeler, jr., Omaha's finest
tenor, with tho three other noted
vocalists form a quartette that is hard
to equal even among profet-sionals.
The entertainment is to le given
under tbe auspices of the ladies of St.
Luke's church at the Presbyterian
church. Admission only 25 cents,
with no extra charge for good seats,
as they aie all good.
100 Iteward 10(.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there is at least one dreaded disease
that science has been, able to cure in all its
stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis
ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces ot the sys
tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the
disease, and giving the patient strength by build
ing up the constitution and assisting nature in
doing its work. The proprietors have so much
faith in its curative powers that they otter One
Hundred Dollars for any case that it tails to cure.
Send for list of testimonials.
Address. K.J. UENEV &Co., Toledo, O.
t5? Sold by Druggists 75c
Cass Connty Dairy.
R. .F. Dein has again taken charge
of the Cass County Dairy and will be
pleased to serve his old customers and
also others desiring pure milK. He
will also furnish cream and butter
milk when desirod. Your patronage
is solicited.
What do the Children Drink?
Don't give them tea or coffee. Have
you tried the new food drink called
GRAIN-O? It is delicious and nour
ishing and takes the place of coffee.
The more Grain-O you give tho child
ren the nfore health you distribute
through their systems. Graiu-O is
made of pure grains, ana when pro
perly prepared tastes like the choice
grades of coffee but costs about i as
much. All grocers sell it. 15c ar.d 25c
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia radically cures in ono to
three days. Its action upon the sys'
tem is remarkable and mysterious. It
removes at once tbe cause and the
disease immediately disappears. Tbe
first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents
sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists
Three Carloads of I'otatoen.
A. H. 1 eckbach & Co. will receive
three carlods of fine potatoes next
Thursday which will be sold cheap
from the car. Now is the time to lav
in your winter's supply.
We sell Herbs of Health and Won
der oil. Geriog & Co.
Subscribe for TnK News 15 cents
per week.
Men's Working- Pants $1 00
Men's Cassimer Pants 2 00
B03V Pants 75
Chiklrens' Pants 35
Men's Woolen Shirts 50
Men's Woolen Dress Shirts. 75
Men's fleece lined underwear 50
Boys' Underwear "35
Completest Line of Goods
Will I.. Sampflon Writes of Ilia Trip to
the Klondike.
The following letter from W. L.
S;inipoa to his sister, Mrs Crehan,
will bo of interest to that gentleman's
friends in this city:
Summit of Chulcoot Pass, Sept.
0. I am away up on the summit of
this range of mountains, and a blo ik.
desolate place it is, too not a stick of
wood within three miles, as wood is
worth 15 cents per pound. This is as
bij an undertaking as any man ever
attempted and got through with. A
man should have $500 in cash besides
bis outfit in oraer to get through with
any degree of comfort and speed. I
have about half of our outfit over the
summit, and it will take about four
days to get the ballance over. Church
and ono of the b ys have gone over to
Lake LindeTman to build the boat
don't know how long it will take to
get through.
Tho weather is fine on the moun
tains today, and it makes the travel
much better. Bat you cannot imagine
what it is to get over the pass until
you sse it for a man to pack one hun
dred pounds on his back over this
mountain seems an impossibility, yet
hundreds of men arc doing it every
day, and I am making thiee trips per
day. About ten more days' of grief
will let me through with this part of
it, and if I don't make a stake when 1
get there it will not be because I
havn't earned it I will bid you gcod
bye for this time, as I am aoout
frozin think of hundreds of feet of
snow all around me and no wood for
fuel ! Will sond this letter by Joo
Johnson and Kilgore, who have given
it up and will return home.
Happy Camp, Pive miles from
Summit, Sept. 11. Our supplies aro
all over tho Summit on tho banks of
Orator Lake, and will be ferried over
as soon as the ttorm which is now on
is over. It has been storming for
over three days, but has the appe. tr
ance of clearing:' up. Tho boys hava
gone over the pass today to bring our
horses over, and we think that it will
take us one we:k more to re ich Lake
Linderman, and our boat is or will be
built and ready by the time w get
there. It rains or storms most all the
time on these mi untain, but the
weather is fine down on the big lakes,
and I will thnnk G.d when I get
If I ever como through on this trip
again I will know how to come and
ivhat tobrino. If I got a grood claim I
want you and tho folks to come in next
yerr, and I will write you how to
como. I don't think there is any
doubt but what we will get in this
fall in . good hhape, but there are
thousands that won't. It Is a hard
proposition for a man to get an outfit
over this trnil without plenty of
money. There will be lots of money
made whip-sawing lumber on Lake
Benn et this winter to build boats for
ihe spring rush boats eell now from
$400 and up, and it only takes about
250 feet for a brat.
I would like to hea- from you all,
bu I guess I am too far along. We had
our pictures taken this morning it
will be sent to you by way of Dawson
City, when I get in. Well, good bye.
Your loving brciher.
W. L. Sampsox.
Church Dedication.
The Germ in Evangelical, church
will be didicated r.ext Sunday. The
frervice in the morning "will be in
Germa.i, and in the evening in Eng
lish. Ilev. Baird of this city will have
charge of the evening services, and a
prominent German minister from
abroad will have charge of the morn
ing eervices.
Charles W. Spence ana Mies Emma
IL.U, prominent residents of Louis
ville, were married today at the par
lors of the Hotel Plattsmouth by Rev.
Frank Campbell. The News joins
with hosts of warm friends in extend
ing hearty congratulations and best
St. Louis KxpOHtttoli.
On account of the above occasion
tho B. & M. will sell tickets Septem
ber 16th, 21st, 2Sth 30th,
Oct. 5th, 7th, 12th, 14th, 19th,
21st, at one and one third fare for tbe
round trip, limit to return five days
from date of sale.
W. L Pickett, Agent.
A pain in the chest is nature's warn
ing that pneumonia is threatened.
Dampen a piece of flannel with Cham
berlain's Pain Balm and bind over the
seat of pain, and another on the back
between the shoulders, and prompt
relief will follow. Sold by all drug
gists. Jr'lonr! Flour!
We have 100 sacks of good flour left
at $1 per sock. Come early, it won't
last long. F. S. White. 1
Men's Husking- Gloves 25c
Men's Lined Gloves 45c
Men's Husking- Mits.. .-. .10c
Men's Lined Kid Gloves.. ..50c
Men's laundried precaleshirts.50c
Latest novelties in Ties 25c
Men's Celluloid Collars 10c
Men's Woolen Hose 25c
at the Lowest Possible Prices.
coal yard
AI Kltl.K ST.t.
Large Supply of all tho
hard COAL soft!
Including the Famous
Missouri, Illinois,
Jackson Bill and
Can on City Lump,
Always on hand Also a quantity of
cheaper Grades of NUT CO A I.. We also
keep on hand all kinds of Wood. All or
ders promptly delivered. Leave orders
at grocery store of A. H. Weckbach & Co.
All work carefully and
neatly done. Family
washing and washing of
do'tieate fabrics promptly
attended and en'ire
I Satisfaction Guaranteed 1
E South Sixth St., 3
t - 3
House Furnishings.
Our stuck is complete In all Hues 1 we
Id vite our friends to look It over. W.. ll
'ixieavor 1u please you. Call and see ua.
(Successors to i-. -ury Boeck. )
Ituckleu'a Arnica Salve.
The hrt s:tlva in the world for cuts,
burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe
ver sores, tetter, chappop hands, chil
blaius, coins, and all skin eruptions,
and positively cures piles, or no Day
required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Pyic 2o cents per box. For sale by
P. G. V: icke.
There I a Clans of People
Who are injured by the use of coffee.
(Recently there has been placed in all
he grocery stores a new preparation
called Graino-O, made of pure grains,
that takes the place of coffee. The
most delicate stomach receives it
without distress and but few can tell
it from cuffee. It does not cost over i
as much. Children may drink it with
groat benefit, locts. and 2 els. per
dackage. Try it. Ask for Grain-O.
We are again in the marLe with
bargains in wall paper from the great
establishment of Alfred Pease. We
are six months ahoad of the market in
repre&enting the new styles for the
spring of 1898, :.nd thanking our pa
trons who have repeatedly purchased
of us for four years we are prepared,
to furnish the finest styles at lowest
prices. Give us a cll and examine
our samples. James Pettee.
J. C Berry, one of the best known
citizens of Spencer, Mo., testifies that
he cured himself of the worst kind of
piles by using a few boxes of DeWitt's
Wilch Hazel Salve. He had been
troubled with piles lor over thirty
years and had used many different
kinds of so-called cures, but DeWitt's
was the one that did the work and he
will verify this staterrent if anyone
wishes to write him. F. G. Fricke
& Co.
B.-.llard s bnow Liniment cures
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Headache,
Sick Headache, Soro Throat, Cuts,
Sprains, Bruises, Olu Sores, Corns,
and all pain and inflamation. Tbe
most penetrating Liniment in tbe
world. Try it, oOc.
A good girl for general housework.
enquire for particulars at The News
npiIEY carry the largoet and most complete line in Cass county. Kvery
thing fresh and new. They pay cash for our j ods and yive their custo
mors the j-dvanUige of special discounts. A complete line of canned eoods
always in stock. The only place in the city where you can get nil kinds of
fresh Chrest. Call and see u-.
A. H. WECKBACH & Waterman Blk.
What You Find at Tucker Sisters.
All the Latest Styles in
And Others In Late Shades and Shapes.
New Pattern Hats & A Beautiful Line of
Received Each Week. Stamped Linens.
(STWe huvo secured the sot vices of Miss Ilompel as trinim.-r, and prompt,
satinfactory work is assured.
North Side Main Street. : Plattsmouth,
Mrs. M. A Street h ts a complete stock of up to date
Millinery and it will le kept so by adding Now Goods
each week. Tho Nicest and Cheapest Hats. Jubilee Plaid
Riobons, Stamped Linens and Silks for Fancy Work. Cap,
2j cents to $1 Latest Styles. Infant Cloaks. Klondyke
Hats, 95 cents to $1.50. Velvt-ts in all Latest Shades
Beautiful beyoud comparsion.
i W.
i taSh ' M Oldest. L Jvervman.
BEST ris for Weddings, Fun. ra's or Pleasure Parties, etc. Hack ordc rs
attended to promptly. Torrrs reasonable. Cash preferred. Call'and (.''.
rates. Telephone 7.
N. B. W. D. Jones auctioneer all kinds of eood and fftt. tc'
dlspOAed of
Continueto doa leadingbusiness in Fancy
and Staple Groceries. Because they carry
an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at
low prices. Everything good to eat of Best
Quality. Call and try us.
Corner of Sixth and Pearl Streets, - - - Plattsmouth, Neb.
Has new stock, new rigs and
is prepared better than ever
to take care of
fl General Liveru Business.
Quick trips mado to all parts of the
county. Low prices and court
eous treatment assured.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska;
3 -?WTOMgsrES
Cass County'
& Lutz
callow j, h. Thrasher.
The only first-class Rental Agency
in the city is that of Thrasher's.