Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, October 13, 1897, Image 4

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You are Welcome to Examine the Finest Line of Merchandise ever
brought to Cass County at Prices that defy competition.
HE-FALL Cftllll 0
Men's Working- Pants. $1 00
Men's Cassimer Pants.. ... 2 00
Boys' Pants 75
Childrens' Pants 35
Men's Woolen Shirts". 50
Men's Woolen Dress Shirts. 75
Men's fleece lined underwear 50
Bovs' Underwear.. 35
Men's Husking- Gloves 25c
Men's Lined Gloves 45c
Men's Husking Mits 10c
Men's Lined Kid Gloves.. ..50c
Men's laundried precaleshirts.SOc
Latest novelties in Ties 25c
Men's Celluloid Collars 10c
Men's Woolen Hose 25c
EST Come in and let us show j-ou the Completest Line of Goods at the Lowest Possible Prices.
nimi iM fTTlvl
Childrens' Suits ..$1 00
Boys' Suits . . . 2 65
Men's Business Suits 4 90
Men's Cassimer Suits 6 75
Men's Overcoats" 2 50
Men's Ulster Overcoats 3 05
Bovs' Ulster Overcoats. . . . 1 00
Childrens' Overcoats 1 f5
The Semi Weekly News-Herald
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
Lead pencils of all kinds at Gering's.
Wall paper of all kinds at Gering
& Go's.
County Bridge Contractor Sheeley
is in town today.
Ail lovers of first-class cigars,smoke
Wurl's "Gut Hell"
All kinds of corks and sealing wax
at Gering & Co's.
Dr. Elster, Waterman block, for
painless dentistry.
A fine line of school supplies at
Smith & Parmole's.
County Commissioner Geo. Young
is in the city today.
Insure in the German American.
Fred Ebinger, Agent.
Slates, tablets, pencils pens and inks
at Smith & Parmele'a.
Our prices on stationary are always
the lowest. Gering & Co.
A genuine diss tons brick saw, 90c,
at Coateu' hardware store
Chris Peterson has opened a sa
loon or club room at My nard.
Corn crib wire 3c per pound, in full
rolls, 21c. W. W. Coates & Co.
A six-room cottage for rent on Pearl
street. Enquire of James Ilerold.
Mrs. Sexton is in the city today vis
iting old time friends and neighbors.
Louie Egenberger got in several
hundred cases of canned vegetab'es
this week.
Crabill, the practical jeweler, will
repair your watch correctly and
A sponge thrown in with each pur
chase of school supplies at Smith &
Ed Threlkeld is in town from Ona
wa, la., today. lie reports good
times in his town.
J. N. Mason of Burlington is in the
city the euest of his daughter, Mrs.
George Houseworth.
Only two of those self regulating air
ticht stoves left. Call and examine
them. W. W. Coates & Co.
Who does your laundry work? Why
not give the Pearl steam laundry a
trial ? Opposite the court house.
A quilt will be di9pf sed of at the
Knights and Ladies of Security enter
tainmentat Waterman's hall tonight.
M. L. Ruby, one of the representa
tiv farmers residing' souihwest of
town, made The News a pleasant
call today.
Small pill, safe pill, best pill, De
Witt's Little Earlv Risers cure bili
ousness, constipation, sick headache
P. G. Fricke & Co,
A convenient corner store room for
rent, specially suited for flour and
feed, groceries, etc. Inquire at News
office or Perkins hotel.
Miss Ella Clark is now prepared to
give instructions in voice culture
For further information inqure at her
studio, 405 Vine street.
Mrs. Cunningham, of North Platte,
wife of the superintendent of the wa
ter works there, is in the city visiting
Mrs. D. Johnson and family.
L. B. Egenberger. will get in a car
of potatoes this week and orders for
lots of 10-20 or 25 bushels will be filled
from the car at reduced rates.
You can't cure consumption, but
you can avoid it and cure every other
form of throat or lung trouble by the
use of One Minute Cough Cure. F.
G. Fricke & Co.
Thers is no need of little children
being tortured by ecald head, eczema
and 6kin eruptions. De Witt's Witch
Hazel Salve gives instant relief and
eures permently. F. G. Fricke fc Co.
Miss Anna Rogers of Omaha will ba
at the home of Mrs. Geo. Dovey on
Wednesday, October 13, and will be
pleased to see anyone desiring to take
lessons in sight seeing and harmony.
You can't afford to risk your life by
allowing a cold to develop into pneu
monia or consumption. Instant relief
and a certain cure are afforded by One
Minute Cough Cure." F. G. Fricke &
Disfigurement for life by burns or
scalds may be avoided by uiog De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, the great
remedy for piles and for all kinds of
sores and skin troubles.
& Co.
Is your child puny,
peevish? Does it have
F. G. Fricke
peeked and
If so it has worms. White's Cream
Vermifuge is the only safe cure. Ev
ery bottle is guaranteed to bring
worms, 25 cents.
Robert Kirkpatrick, one of the solid
republican farmers, residing in the
VICIIllliy Ul CC)lug nam ""J "
town today. Heieports everything
in good shape for the success of the
republican ticket.
The entertainment at the opera
house Thursday evening promises to
, be one of the best of the season. The
'company is a laree one, and the press
j notices where they have been are
quite complimentary.
There's no better flour made than
Feisel's "i'lansifter," manufactured
in this city. Ask your grocer for it,
and thereby get the best and sup
port home industry at the same time,
which builds up the town.
Do you know that a porous plaster is
one of the very best things you can
use for a cold in the chest or pains in
the back, rheumatism, sprains or mus
cular pains, and the very best porous
plaster i9 Gering & Co's belladonna
and capsicum plaster.
It is not what a manufacturer says
about his own medicine that cures a
patient, but what the medicine does.
Ballard's Horehound Syrup does the
work and does it well. It cures
coughs and colds in a day. It's heal
ing, soothing and quieting. 25 & 50c.
J. M. Thirswent, of Grosbeck, Tex.,
says that when he has a spell of in
digestion, and feels bad and sluggist,
he takes two of DeWitt's Little Early
Risers at night, and he is all right
the next morning. Many thousands
of others do the same thing. Do you?
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Warning: Peisons who suffer
from coughs and colds should heed
the waniogs of danger and save them
selves suffering and fatal results by us
ingOoe Minute Cough Cure. It is an
infallible remedy for coughs, colds.
croup and all throat and lung troubles
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Not one-tenth the grocery trade
goes to Omaha now that wt.nt there
from this city six months ago. This
is largely the result of home mer
chants advertising their goods and
awakening to the wants or tbeir cus
tomers. This helps the town and
makes batter times for everyone.
There is no pain or discomfort when
Tabler's Buckeve Pile Ointment is
used. It relieves that itching in
creased by scratching. It is prepared
with scientific accuracy and profes
sional knowledge, and is the kind that
cures blind, bleeding, (itching and
protruding Piles, with no pain or loss
of time.
We are again in the marKe with
bargains in wall paper from the great
establishment of Alfred Pease. We
are six months ahead of the market in
representing the new styles for the
spring of 1898, and thanking our pa
trons who have repeatedly purchased
of u9 for four years we are prepared
to furnish the finest styles at lowest
prices. Give us a call and examine
our samples. James Pettee.
J. C. Berry, one of the best known
citizens of Spencer, Mo., testifies that
he cured himself of the worst kind of
piles by using a few boxes of DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve. Ho had been
troubled with piles for over thirty
3'ears and had used many different
kinds of so-called cures, but DeWitt's
was the one that did the work and he
will verify this statement . if anyone
wishes to write him. F. G. Fricke
& Co.
The News is pleased to know the
general expression of interest in the
concert and entertainment to be given
by the Knights and Ladies of Security
at Waterman's hall tonight. The
weather is admirab'.e, and a large
turnout is assured. Those in charge
of the programe have done every
thing necessary to make the occasion
an enjoyable one. One of the Mason
and Hamlin's upright pianos will be
used, and there will be no lack of
harmony between the voices and the
lillard 8 bnow Liniment cures
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Headache,
Sick Headache, Sore Throat, Cuts,
Sprains, Bruises, Olu Sores, Corns,
and all pain and inllamation. The
most penetrating Liniment in the
world. Try it, 50c.
Oyster In Kvery Style.
On Saturday, October 9, I will open
my oyster parlors, when the best the
market iffords will be served in every
style. JonN Schiappecasse.
St. Louis Kxposltlon.
On account of the above occasion
the B. & M. will sell tickets Septem
ber 16th, 21st, 23J, 28th 30th,
Oct. 5th. 7th, 12lh, 14th, 19th,
21st, at one and one third fare for the
round trip, limit to return five days
from date of sale.
W. L. Pickett, Agent.
A majority of the farmers in Cass
county begun gathering their corn
this week. It is said to be in better
condition for cribbing than it was the
first of November last year.
Karh Member Bring Mefore the Council
Business of Consideration.
The council met in regular session
last evening with M'iyor Gutsche in
the chair, the only absentee being
HeLel .
The minutes of the last session were
read and approved, after which a
communication from Wm. Wetten
kamp was read in regard to the coun
cil chamber and police headquarters,
in which amo :g other things, he of
fered to provide a room for storing
wood. It was referred to the judici
ary committee.
The treasurer's rero.-t was toad,
showing a balance on hand of $S,791.07
Referred to the finance committee.
The report of the police judge and
chief of police was read and referred
to the police committee.
The claims committee reported the
claim of II. C. McMaken & Son as
correct, and it was reported to tho
finance committee.
Slater, of tho Fifth, stated that
O'Neil had considcable tax which he
desired to work out, and would do the
filling' in of the road out near tho
brick yard south of town, for 8 cen's a
yard. On motion, ha was granted
permission to do the work,
Saltier said that an opportunity o'
fered to trade tho old street car rails
for a couple of carloads of stone chips,
and he was instructed to make the
Lutz, of the fire and water commit
tee reported that the catch basias ha
been ruised as directed.
Whalen of the light committee r&
ported that a couple of persons wished
to take gs, but that some 600 feet of
mains would have to be laid in orde
to accommodate them. No action wa
taken in the matter.
Sattler called attention to an alley
on Y mtersteen hill, which he said
was in bad condition. On motion the
street commsisioner was ordered to
make the necessary repairs imme
auteiy. A culvert ana ditch near
the Pacific house were also ordered
vvurtemoerger askea that some
gradirg be done in order that he
could lay 6ome sidewalk, which was
ordered done. Several washouts were
ordered repaired and a number o
sidewalks were oidored put down and
tho costs taxed up against the owners
of the property.
City Attorney Grimes re:id alengthy
statement in regard to the cases of
Dovey vs. the city and the B. & M. vs.
the city, and Cummins moved that the
council consent to a continuance in
tho case of the B. & M. against the
city. Carried.
The names of J. L. I'ojt, Henry
Herold and Mis. Thomas Walling
were submitted to fill vacancies on the
library board, and wore promptly con
On motion of Lutz, an alley on Cutt-
off street was ordered opened, and on
motion of White a crossing at Seventh
and Locust was ordered repaired. asked that the chief of police
be instructed to put in a small culvert
at Oak and Vine, and also one at Thir
teenth and Vine. The wont was or
dered done.
Sattler called attention to a pile of
old lumber owned by the city, and on
motion of Cummins ail old lumber
owned by the city that was not suit
able for repairing sidewalk, was or
deied hauled to the electric 'iuht
works to be used as fuel.
The finance committee reported the
following bills ns correct, and they
were allowed, after which the council
Wm Wetenkamp, rent... $25 00
Johu Murray, police 40 00
f J Hansen, same 40 00
J Fitzpatriek, same 50 00
CbasOnmes, expense 4 05
B C Kerr, same (j 0
M Archer, same 16 20
B (.5 Kerr, same 8 60
E Kildow, labor 4o On
Library, expense vo 00
A H Weckbach & Co, coal 89 00
J B Long, labor 22 50
W W Coates & Co, mdse 3 85
Wm Sage, labor 4 00
J M Johns, SHtne 60 00
A Kurtz, tame ". 37 50
Hans Rathman, same 7 50
P Tevan, same 1 20
A W Osborn, same 49 37
Oeo Uongenhagen, eamc G 70
ti U McMaken 10 50
Geo Mann 1 50
W W Coates 12 90
F M Richev 72 80
J Fitzpatnck 5 00
P J Hansen 5 00
W Gineery 3 00
Lyman Kildow 16 95
E E Hilton 8 00
L Kildow 7.1
Cass Connty Dairy.
It F. Dein has aeain taken charge
of the Cass County Dairy and will be
pleased to serve his old customers and
also others desiring pure milk. He
will also furnish cream and butter
milk when desired. Your patronage
is solicited.
The - Silver
Force to He I
Yesterday George L. Sheldon, by
his attorneys, Beeson & Root, C. S.
Polk and C. A. Rwls, filed a protest
with tho county clei k against allow
ing the silver republican ticket to go
on tho ballot according to the new
election law.
protest was filed by J. W. Holmes
against W. C. Nye's name appearing
on the ticket for assessor of Rock
Bluffs precinct as a silver republican,
and one by C. W.Taylor against Ja
cob Falter appearing on the ticket in
the same way, for the reason that it
was intended to mislead the voter,
and because there was no such party
at the last election and according to
tho new law, no such ticket could b
printed. The matter comes up fot
hearing before Robortson oa Friday.
The claim that a convention of fifty
silver rapublicans nominated a ticket
is denied as no such number rightly
belonging to that faith can bo found
in tho county.
Otto Hurl, Manufacturer or Fine Cigars
ni Dealer In Tobacco anil Smok
ers' Supplies.
Consumers of tobacco invariably be
come attached to some kind of a cigar,
and to continue in its use it is neces
sary th it the good s are uniform. This
has been a decidedly hard year to get
good, uniform tobacco, even more so
than ordinary years. It is a well
known fact that the elements have an
important part to play in the uuifor
mity of the weed. Those who deal in
imported tobacco have experienced!
not only the gradual advance in
prices, but the absolute t-carcity of
Havana and Sumatra.
Mr. Wurl is one of thoe far-sighted
men and he took the precaution to
buy heavily, thus insuring uniformity
in his cigars. He employs only tho
l est of workmen and his "Gut Heil"
and "Wurl Bros"are two brands of the
best 5-cent goods on the market.
"Porto Reco" is a 10-cent cigar that
has a fine reputation
Wants S25.000 Damages.
Louis Olson yesteraay, through his
attorney, filed a petition with the
district cleric wherein he asks for
$25,000 damages against the C. U. & Q.
railroad company. Olson is-a carpen
ter for a number or years. Realleges
in his petition that on the 14th day 'of
August, 1S90, he was directed with
certain others to carry some lumber
from a lumber pile across the track
and into the building where he was
wo king. That while so doing he
was struck and knocked down, badly
bruised and a leg cutoff by a loco
motive that failed to make its ap
proach Known by either whistling or
ringing of bell.
The wounds, bruises, and loss of
limb mentioned above, he considers
worth $25,000, and accordingly sues
for that amount.
A Valuable Prescription.
Editor Morrison of Vo"thington,
Ind., "Sun," writes: "You have a
valuable prescription in Electric Bit
ters, and I can cheerfully recommend
it for Constipation and Sick Headache
and as a general system tonic it has
no equal." Mrs. Annie Stehle, 2023
Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, was ail
run down, could not eat nor digest
food, haa a backache which never left
her and felt tired and weary, but six
bottles of Electric Bittera restored
her health and renewed her strength.
Prices 50 cents and $1. Get a bottle
at P. G. Fricke 's drug store. 6
SlOO Reward SIOO.
Tlie readers of this Daner will he nti-ad r
learn that there is at least one dreaded disease
mat science has been able to cure in all its
stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh beinir a constitutional Hi.
ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's
i.atarrn ure is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of th
teni, thereby destroying the foundation of the
uiscdsc, auu k'v"K me paiient strength Dy build
ing up the constitution and assisting nature in
doing its work. The proprietors have so much
faith in its curative powers that they offer One
rtunarea Dollars tor any case that it fails to cure,
send lor list of testimonials.
Address. F.I. iikvcv ivf TrIed. O
tSold by Druggists 7.5c
Itacklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salvo in the world for cuts.
burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe
ver sores, tetter, cbappep hnnds, chil
blains, corns, ard all skin eruptions.
and positively cures piles, or no Day
required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Pyice 25 cent per box. For sale by
F. G. Fricke.
Floor! Floor!
We have 100 sacks of good flour left
at$l per sack. Come early, it won't
last long. F. S. White.
A good girl for general housework,
enquire for particulars at The News
tt'. .. WHITE. Alnrtnuor.
THursdau Evening, October 14
Sadie Raymond
and her clever company in the big
"hit" of the season.
Daisy, we Missouri Girl
Interpreted by a strong cast, includ
ing the most popular comedians,
call on j. h. Thrasher.
The only first-class Rental Agency
in the city is that of Thrasher's.
Has new stock, new rigs and
is prepared better than ever
to take care of
fl General Liveru Business.
Quick trips made to all parts of the
county. Low prices and court
eous treatment assured.
riattsmoulk, Nebraska.
No Prosperity , . .
To those who do not buy at
tho right place. Just received
the most desirable lino of
Watches, Jewelry and Novelties
ever shown in the city. Everv-
fc thing up-to-date. Call and see
for yourself. The largest
Watch and Jewelry repair trade
in the county. All goods and
repairs fully guaranteed.
Top Wcal
Sudden Changes
Such as are incident to fail weather,
are almost certain to eive you a cold.
Colds neglected generally lend to
coughs and frequently to pneumonia
and consumption. For all these and
most ailments dependent upon an im
poverished condition of the b'.ood, cod
liver oil is excellent. We keep it
Dlain and in various emulsions, alf-o
the purest drugs and chemicals, and
the best toilet supplies in the country,
at extremely attractive prices.
Registration Notice.
The several boards of registration will meet
for the purpose of having a general registration
eJote".Vn $eLT re,sPtive wards in the city
of Hattcmouth . Nebraska, on Thursday. Octobe?
H. rriday October and Saturday. October iJ,
and shall remain in session on each of said days
from 8 o clock a. ni. until 9 o'clock p. m.. at the
tollowing place-;:
First ward Perk itlS hot! h1rwIr Main c f roof
Second ward Turner Hall. Wa'shineton av- :
enue. I
Third ward W. D. tones' liverv ham. Main '
street. j
rourth w..rd Police judge's office. Main street
Fifth ward Bach's grocery store, Lincoln
First ward is composed of that part of the city
lying north of Main street and east of Seventh
Second ward is composed of that part of the
city lying north of Main street ami west of Sev
enth street.
Third ward is composed of that part o the city
lying south of Main street, and west of Sixth
ortn nneot filth ward.
J is composed of that Dart of the
city lying south of Mam street, east of Sixth,
and north and soutn ot f ilth ward.
F'ifth ward is composed of that part of the city
lving north of Palmer's addition and including
fractional lot 7. of section ID. townsnlD 13.
ranee 14. and all that portion nf citv lvinir west
of Lincoln avenue and south of the north lines
of section 19. township 12, ranee 14. and section
24. township 12. range 13. .
Voters will govern themselves accordingly.
B. C. K.BKR, City Clerk.
Ladies', Misses' and Children's
Fine Jackets and capes.
The choicest productions of the
country's best manufacturers
Saturday, Oct.
The display will be made by a representa
tive of Thomas Kilpatrick & Co., of Omaha,
whose reputation for handling nothing but
stylish and durable goods is unquestionable.
Some of the nobbiest garments will beshown
at this sale aswell as the best values known.
An advancing market on all woollens war
rants an early purchase. Don't fail to be
present at this sale at the store of
Fitzgerald Block, Plattsmouth, Nebrnskn
What You Find at Tucker Sisters.
All the Latest Styles in
a 1 v a a a a k
And Others In Late
New Pattern Hats
Received Each Week,
2T We have secured the services of
satisfactory work is assured.
North Side Main Street. : Plattsmouth.
Mrs.. M. A. Street h is a complete stoi-k of up to date
Millinery and it will le kept so by adding New floods
each week. The Nicest and Cheapest Hats. Jubilee I'taid
Iti nitons. Stamped Linens and Silks for Fancy Work. Caps,
25 cents to $1 Latest Styles. Infant Cloakx. Klondjko
Hats, )H cents to SI. 50. Velvi ti in all Latent Shades
Beautiful beyond cimparsion.
EST rir f.,r Wj I liiis, i''in ra'
attended to Terms reasonable. Gash preferred
rates. Tolephsme 7ii.
Ti. B. W.'D. Joe auctioneer all
disposed of
Continuetodoa leadingbusiness in Fancy
and Staple Groceries. Because they carry
an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at
low prices. Everything good to eat of Best
Quality. Call and try us.
Corner of Sixth and Pearl Streets, - - - Plattsmouth, Neb.
9, to October 13,
m-r imam a a alia! tJ
Shades and Shapes.
A A Beautiful Line of
f Stamped Linens.
Miss II cm pel as trimmer, and prompt,
W. D. JONES...
Cass County's
Oldest : Liveryman,
or P!e'iuro f t c, c'c.
I f ! f: dt r
C.tlP'ind tre:
kinds of gone; awri 1 ""tn
& Lutz