Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, October 06, 1897, Image 4

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You are Welcome to Examine the Finest Line of Merchandise ever
brought to Cass County at Prices that defy competition.
.... .
4 .
1' " riU
Ttie Seml-Weeklu News-Herald
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
Pipes at Gsrln? & Co.'s.
Razors at Gering &. Co.'s.
Fever thermometers at Gerincr &
. Eat Mrs. Morning' home-made
All lovers of first-class cigars.smoke
Wurl's "Gut Hell"
A fine line of school supplies at
Smith & ParmeleV
Dr. Elster. Waterman block, for
painless dentistry.
Insure in the German American.
Fred Ebinger, Agent. '
A steam heated room with board,
15.50 per week at the Riley.
A new invoice of rope at 8 cents a
pound at W. W. Coates & Co.
Have you property to trade? Write
Devenny Bros., McKeesport, Pa.
A six-room cottage for rent on Pearl
street. Enquire of Jamea Herold
Crabill, the practical jeweler,"will
re Dai r vour watch correctly and
M. Davis, who resides in the Third
ward, is the proud possessor of a new
boy today.
A sponge thrown in with each pur
chase of school supplies at Smith &
Merchants'" lunch every day from
9 to 11 o'clock at Donat's. in Stadle
mann block.
The populists ot Otoe will hold thoir
convention tomorrow to nominate a
county ticket.
Come and see our stock of cloaks
Saturday to Wednesday, Oct. 9 to 13.
Wurl & Coffey.
Every shop man ohou'd have one of
those hand brushes, only 5 cents at
Gering & Co.'s.
3. A. Davis took in over two thous
and bushels of corn today on a market
that wa considered low.
France Ballance Is able to be out
on the street today, after suffering
siege of malarial fever.
"Who does your laundry work? Why
not give the Pearl steam laundry a
trial ? Opposite the court house.
If you buy a pair of spectacles at
Gering's and they don't fit, you can
return them and get your money back,
Robert Troop is moving his house
hold goods to Plattsmouth today and
will soon be a full fledged citizen
Another of those $50 steel ranges
was put out this morning. Ask for
our prices on air tight stoves. W. W
Coates & Co.
A convenient cor-sr store room for
rent, specially suited for flour and
feed, groceries, etc. Inquire at News
office or Perkins hotel.
Miss Ella Clark is now prepared to
give instructions In voice culture.
For further information incjure at her
studio, 405 Viae street.
Wanted Young men as canvassers
on road. Board and fare paid. Good
commission. Apply Plattsmouth Ho
tel. Ask for Grunwald.
J. N. Wise the expert accountant
went out to Lincoln this morning
where he has been employed to inves
tigate the books at the penitentiary,
That dark brown taste and horrid
breath you have in the morning is
caused by an inactive liver. Some
medicines relieve for a while, others
for a few days; but Herbine cures
. Calvin Bradshaw ol Farmham, Daw
son county, says the republican vote
out in the do o .country will be greatly
Increased - So-ira-axEsctstO
return tierpln about ten days. "
MomeaU'ire useless if trifled awavt
and they r re dangerously, wasted if
consumed y delay in cases where One
Minuta Corn Cure would bring- im
medi&te e ief. F. G. Fricke & Co.
mere W l be a bus oesa meeting at
the Chrl Alan church Wednesday
evening, f October 6. The meeting is
an In pot) laX one and it is desired
that all I members of the cbutch be
present. ; -
No mVa or woman can enjoy life or
accorapl'sh much in ttU world while
sufferer from s tcrjli liver. De
Wit: Little Early lUaers, the pills
that cl ins that organ, quickly. . F.
G.-Friv'te & Co. - ."
V I-Slur child puny,
Pii'j? Does it have
peeked and
If J
has .worn. . White' Cream
similar troubles, even though of many
year's standing, may be cured by us
ing PeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve. It
so-lhes, strengthens and heals.. It is
th great pile cure. F. G. Fricke &
There's no better flour made than
Plsel's "Planaifter," manufactured
in this city. Abk your grocer for it,
and thereby got the best and sup
port a home industry at tho same time,
which builds up the town.
. F. S White's store will scarcely
hold the new goods they are getting
in, aad the Pacific Express company
business has increased .until Mr.
Whjte has had to put up a new rail
ing in the rear of the room.
On Saturday October 9, the ladies
are invited to call aud inspect our
new pattern hits. A stylish veil will
be given with each cash purchase
amounting to S3. For one day only at
tho Millinery Bazaar. Mrs. M. A.
Col. Sherman was in town today on
business but he returned to Nebraska
City at 4 o'clock, so as to hear bis idea
of Washington returned to life. The
oolonel ought to get out his ''silver
honk" just now, as it was never needed
If you have ever seen a little child
in a paroxysm of whooping cough, or
if you have been annoyed by a con
stant tickling in the throat, you can
appreciate the value of One Minute
Cough Cure, which gives quick re
lief. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Mrs. J. H. Wade, 6ister of Mrs. W.
D.Jones, who has been visiting here
with that lady, went to Osceola, Neb.
today for a visit with her brother at
that place. On her return sho will
be accompanied east by Mrs. J. nea,
who . will visit for a season with rela
tives in Wisconsin and Ohio.
All patrons of the library who have
DaDer-covered or other books that
they are willing to donate to the H
brary, are earnestly requested to
briner them down. The library is
f-adly in need of new reading matter.
and the yearly app topriation by the
city is insufficient to pay the running
expenses and add new books.
The prize winner now is "Wurl
Bros." famous 5-cent cigar, which has
no equal en the market. ' It has
forged its way to the front against
keen competition and is now one of
the bf at sellers in eastern Nebraska,
because it is made from the finest to
bacco, carefulty selected. The ' "Porto
Reco" is our best 10-cent cigar. Re
nember Otto Wurl. Manufacturer.
Boys Ban Away.
Andy Brissey, Frank Rennie and
Glen Mullis went to the Bryan meet
ing last night, and since that time
they have not been seen or heard of.
It is thought that they boarded the
fast freight south and have' gone to
Kansas city. The sheriff was notified
and several telegrams were sent out
to intercept the boys, but as yet no
tidings of their whereabouts have
reached the officers. The boys' par
ents are sorely grieved over their
actions, which must have been the re
sult of bad literature, as they have
never been vicious or disobedient.
Latek Sheriff Hollow ay located
the boys at Nebraska City this -afternoon
and will go down after them this
evening, as they will be detained by
officers until he arrives.
Cheap Rates to Omaha. '
For the Star Pointer-Joe Patcben
race meeting the B. & M. . will sell
round trip tickets October 8, gocd for
rett-un October 9th
W. Li. Pickett, Agent.
The Bryan Meeting.
A large crowd assembled in this
city at the high school lawn last
evening to hear W. J. Bryan, the
man who proposes to make two ' dol
lars out of one, or one out of half of
v in good form but he
is not so rood h in u i i T in
be. . He is aging rapidly and is" coar
ser and much stouter in appearance
than formerly..'-' -He
delighted r his democratic ad
mirers at times, but all in all. .there
seemed to be a feeling of disappoint
ment even among the faithful. His
speech was of the customary kind, and
dealt chiefly with the silver issue.
The butcher knives were missing, tin
was not mentioned, and the figures be
used to report to to prove that wheat
could not rise in price until silver was
restored, were, of course, st-rMously
avoided alon? with severwl of bis
prophesies of a year ego that time
has shown were fa,tx ' '
Republicans were well x'i"" ' -
the meeting and count t'
Children?' Suits.. SI 00
Boys' Suits . 2 05
Men's Business Suits. ..... 4 90
Men's Cassimer Suits 6 75
Men's Overcoats 2 50
Men's Ulster Overcoats. . . . 3 )5
Bovs' Ulster Overcoats .... 1 90
Childrens' Overcoats 1 65
Come in and let us show you
New York democrats show a decree
of wisdom worth emulating by not, al
lowing m to tha i one kind of demo
crats to meet in h hall at the Bant
time. This was overlooked in Kou
tucky the other day, and the difTeren
brauds or modern democracy soon
went to fighting, amd the number
blackened eye and bruised heads
that resulted was a sight to behold.
Uncle Charlie Sherman will be i
the seventh heaven this evening at
Nebraska City when be meet th
late presidential candidate and is al
lowed to kiss the hem of tin trousers
Col. Kroebler got several new point
ers last evening at the meeting, and
may take the stump this fall in
tho intorest of reform. Fred is elo
quent and oeuveis a very convincing
argument If he keeps on he will be
a dangerous rival ot. our Matthew
Gering for congressional honors
Fred started a boom for himself at
Nebraska City last Sunday which the
boys say assures him the support of
Otoe county.
Ice ere im and cake served at Worn
an's exchange, corner Sixth and Vin
streets. Wednesday, irom - to a p. m
Ten cents.
Bismirck says the English premie
is a pine lath painted to look lik
iron. The old chancellor is growing
sarcastic; . .
Bryan will soon be a plutocrat. II
received, so he informed a friend
here, one-third of the gate receipts f
the Kansas state fair, .tho day he
spoke there, and (Hl.OOO people at
tended the fair that day. His speoch
here will cot those who contributed
fully 950, though it is said Mr. Uryan
made no charge for his services.
The Kansas silvercrats who have
changed the great seal from a gold
wafer to a so c.iiled silver one which
ho-.ever is really tin, ought to have
their salaries pi id in silver bullion at
the ratio they clamor for. S:jmo peo
ple make very wry faces when forced
to take their own medicine and we
dare say these Kansans would set up
a howl that double discouuts their
calamit3' howi if they had to Dructice
their own preaching. Theory and
practice are not always alike.
It grieves us more than we can tell
when we see brainv leaders of the
democratic party like Dr. Geo. L.
Miller, of Omaha, James North, J.
Sterling Morton and numerous others
of that class leave the sinkine old
ship and support the republican ticket.
Dr. Miller is outspoken about it, and
in terse English gives unanswerable
reasons for his course. Bryan has
crowded the best men of his party
from the platform and in order to
make a showing, fusion must be re
sorted to, or he would quickly drop
out of sight
Corn closed t cent higher in Chi
cago today,and wheat, 2 cents higher
. TT 1 . .
jvjarK. uanas is evidently paying
little attention to the Ohio campaign
lne ridiculous plea of Eugene
Moore that stealing money of the
stale ia not a crime if the money
snould nave been paid into the hands
of another state officer, has caused all
toe norses In lne state to nearly split
their sides with laughter. Seward
The gold miners of the Cripple
Ureek district are prepairing to do
some effective advertising by shipping
all of their product for one month in a
solid lump to the Philadelphia mint.
Cripple Creek is turning out $1,000,000
in gold every month, and yet this
camp is not-mentioned once while the
are discussed a dozen
times. "It wou
tion by these shipments to the enorm
ous productiveness of ebma American
mines that are not located' under the
Arctic circle. Ex.
The scientists of the world are con
siderably agitated over tne announce
ment of the Invention by Professor
Gates of Washington of a process for
increasing the power of a microscope
until it will be 330 times as effective
as the ordinary instrument. The Idea
one receives from reading the techni
cal descriptions of the process is that
L enlarged latere Is again enlarged
i powerful microscope, and
' - " --T--J of
Men's Working- Pants SI
Men's Cassimer Pants 2
Boys' Pants.....
Childrens' Pants..
Men's Woolen Shirts
Men's Woolen Dress Shirts.
Men's fleece lined underwear
Bovs' Underwear. .
the Completest Line of Goods
who, hy the way, refuses to patent his
process and gives it freely to the
world, believes that it ''will carry
miscroscopy as much beyond the pre
sent art :is it is itself beyond the power
of the human eye." Ex.
W. Ij. Pickett, agent for the B. & M.
at Plattsmouth, was in the city yes
terd ly shaking hands with his many
old time friends. Will was a resident
of this city some eighteen years ago,
when his father and brothers pub
lished the Morning Sun here. He
held down a case on that paper, but
after it went to railroading and has
climbed up until he is now local aeent
for the Burlington road at the above
named place. lie was astonished at
the rapid advancement of the old town
since he left and could loc ite but few
of the old land marks. He, like any
one who comes back here now, ' de
clares that it was the best town in
the state today, if not in the west, for
its size. Nebraska City News.
Mr. Pritchart, the well-known hog
buyer at Uoion, met with an accident
on Friday last that will most likely
result in his losing one of bis eyes.
He was cutting some wire from about
baled goods when the end of one piece
flew up and struck him in the eye.
lie has suffered untold agony since,
and the physicians say that he will
lose the eye. His many friends will
regret to learn of his misfortune.
Nebraska City News. t
As a sample of what two of our man
ufactories are doing we would state
that the Argo starch manufacturing
company today paid off two hundred
employes and the cereal mills paid off
ninety. These two put considerable
mouey. into,, circulation. Nebraska
City News.-
Surveyors Citmp at Wahoo.
Wahoo, Neb., Oct. 4. There is a
party of eight United States survey
ors encamped in this city. They ar
rived Sunday evening. They are from
companies C, E, G, and H, t stationed
at Ft. Crook, and are engaged in tak
ing notes and observations and other
wise preparing matter for a new
government map of Nebraska. They
have been engaged in the work one
month now and it will require two
mo:e months to complete it.
We are again in the marLe with
bargains in wall paper from the great
establishment of Alfred Pease. We
are six months ahead of the market in
representing the new styles for the
spring of 1898, and thanking our pa
trons who have repeatedly purchased
of us for four years we are prepared
to furnish the finest styles at lowest
prices. Give us a call and examine
our samples. Jamea Pet tee.
Pearl Steam Laundry.
B. F. Goodman has his new laundry
fully equipped with latest devices,
now in running order, and asks a
share of your patronage. His work is
his best advertisement, and If you try
the new laundry there will be no
longer any excuse for sendingigoods
away. Nothing too good for our
patrons is our motto. Work called
for and delivered. --
Ilucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts.
burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe
ver sores, tetter, chappep hands, chil
blains, corns, and all skin eruptions.
and positively cures piles, or no pay
required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Pyice 25 cents per box. For sale by
F. G. Fricke.
Cheap Rates to Kansas City.
The M. P. Ry. will sell tickets at
one fare for the round trip to Kansas
City on account, of carnival and
Priests of Pallas parade. October 3 to
inclusive, good to return till Octo
ber 10. For further particulars en
quire of C. F. Stoutonborougb, agent.
To the Public.
responsible for any
debts or bills contracted
Anna E. L. Schlieske.
Plattsmouth, Neb. , Oct. S, 1897.
We have just received a carload of
No. 1 Iowa potatoes which we will
sell cheap this week.
A. II Wkckbacii & Co
Meet Tonight. "
The Tuxedo dancings etub-fSf1! me-n
t F. J. Morgan" more at 8:33 thi
venintr. AM members aie expecte
to be present.
... .
It Is not what n manufacturer sa-
about his own medicine that cure i
Men's Husking" Gloves 25c
Men's Lined Gloves 45c
Men's Husking- Mits 10c
Men's Lined Kid Gloves.. ..50c
Men's laundried precale)shirts.50c
Latest novelties in Ties 25c
Men's Celluloid Collars 10c
Men's Woolen Hose 25c
at the Lowest Possible Prices.
calloh j. H. Thrasher.
The only first-class Rental Agency
in the city is that of Thrasher's.
- Has now stock, new rig-s and
is prepared better than ever
t t'ike care of
fl General Liveru Business.
Quick trips made to all parts of the
county. Iw prices and court-
eous treatment assured.
''lattHmouth, Nebraska.
No Prosperity . . .
To thoce who do not buy at
tho right plnce. Just received
the most d-siiable Hue of
Watches, Jewelry and Novelties
ever, shown in the city. Every
thing up-to-date. Call and see
for yourself. The largest
Watch and Jewelry repair trade
in the county. All goods and
tepairs fully guaranteed.
Look In
any time at our handsome stock of
toiiet articles, cosmetics, perfumeries,
baby powders, and rubber goods of all
kinds. Quality is what, we pride our
selves on and all our drugs, medi
cines, toilet requisites, etc., are se
lected with that in view, always.
Your prescriptions will be filled with
pure fresh drugs.
Leading Liveryman,
The best of rigs furnished at all
hour and
prices are always reasonable
T hemost
t boarding stable lor far-
in era
in the city.
Minvour Coal. Genuine Canon City f .
I cue o tlcri at F. S. White' a
ill GOTO
By direct, tiapie i
tion opera tn on the BLOOD, Eratclef
aal J:Ixtj UHrj tie pebsacctcf the
DLCC3 c2 oct cf the ryxtzn ; thereby
itfti. Cl tr CsIa. AM Drazlst.
7 : f.DVFrmSE.aENTS.
Silk Manufacturers,
Mcs. Jat. S. Kirk A Co.,
Chicago, Ilia.
We have given your "White Cloud" soap a thorough
teat in washing pieces of linen embroidered with our
"New Process" Wash Embroidery Silks and And It -entirely
satisfactory. We take pleasure in recom
mending it as a superior article for laundering tiue
embroidery. 1
Yours truly,
(Signed) Bexdixq Bros. A Co.
Refering to the above, we deem it important to state
that this letter was entirely unsolicited by us. White Cloud
Soap now has the highest authority as its endorser as being
superior for fine laundry work. For the bath and toilet it
also ranks first as a pure white floating soap.
Established 1839.
Is What You Find
at Tucker Sisters.
All the Latest Styles in
And Others In Late
New Pattern Hats
Received Each Week,
iT We have secured the services of
satisfactory work is assured.
North Side Main Street. : Plattsmouth.
Mrs. M. A. Street has a comolete stock of up to date
Millinery and it will te kept so by adding New Good
each week. The Nicest and Cheapest Hats. Jubilee Plaid
Riobons,Stamped Linens and Silks for Fancy Work. Caps,
25 cents to $1 Latest Styles. Infant Cloaks. Klondyke
Hats, 99 cents to 11.50. Velvet- in all Latest Shades
Beautiful beyond comparsion.
ijii SH,
BEST rifirs for Weddings, Funerals or Pleasure Parties, etc.
attended to promptly. Terms reasonable. Ctsh preferred.
rates. Telephone 76. -
N. B. W. O. Jones auctlotieer-
dlsnoAed off
Tr-ran ran
n f Hiinn pin ,r if invn
ft iii i iii i , m 1 1 1 1 mm m i i -i it heir i
Continuetodoa !eadingtusinesp;in Fancy
and Staple Groceries.
an immense stock, buy
low prices. Everything
Soap Manufacturers.
S. KIRK & CO.,
soap manufacturers in the world.
Shades and Shapes.
4 A Beautiful Line of
f Stamped Linens.
Miss Ileoanal as trimmer, and prompt.
- Cass County's
Oldest : Liveryman
Hack order
Calland ge
farm ntacr
for cash
ley carry
emu atrn
good to est of Best
dent weaknecicj of llr. Dr
as really a help to the czu
Quality. Call and try us.
. 3 is tt calf t-fe cure. .Bv-
snt, but wLxt tta
cc-I.iae -f -
J-- er
'a Ij rarciizsd to brioj
money and Bound tusize:
rd's Uorthc:
-3 Cyrt Tdr
J a C:r. , J
Sutrribe for
ulcers and
per wii - .
Ccrn:r cf C'xth z?.i Pezrl
ts, - - - PI: Ismouih, Neb.-