Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, October 06, 1897, Image 3

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Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest o
alt in leavening strength. latest United States
Government Food Report.
U. O. Windhnm was an Omah visi
tor today, n
Tom Williams, of Glendalo, was in
the city today.
John Ncwhau of Weeping Water is
In the city today.
J. N. Vie6 was a passenger for
Omaha this morning.
Ex-Commi-sionor Trit.seh is in the
city on business today.
Dr. Hart was a business culler at
tho metropolis today.
George Sheldon, tho Vermont capi
talibt, is in the city today.
Prof. McIIugh is visiting his broth
er in Omaha over Sunday.
Judj;e Ilainsey is hearing motions
in chambers this afternoon.
II. C. McMnken was attending to
business in Snath Omaha today.
Colonel ('. II. Quorean is homo
from a businens trip to Chicago.
Coin is 18 and '.)e today with a
prospect that it will jo higrher.
Mrs. Clias. Kads and children were
Lincoln pahsenjjers this morning.
Tom Howard was over from Weep
ing Water on this afternoon.
N. TI. Meeker, the Greenwood
banker, is in the eity today on busi
ness. Mr. John lieeeh, who has been ail
ing for tho past few days in on the
Attorney Wright of Omaha was at
tending to legal business in the eity
Miss Mabel Swcarin-en I O.naha
is visiting relatives in the city over
IJurl Chandler is lunpinj around
on crutch .'P, after rix a-.-.-i.s in !-jti
with inllam itory rheum i.isiu.
l'atters.)a & Ku itz inn havu utir
ciiascd a ntivill etijriiie ;mil With
which to rua their meal chopper.
Mr. and Mr.. S. II. Pisher SDent
last Sunday in South Omih.i, guests
of Mr. and Mrs. II. It. Fisher.
Danker Murtey and J. 12. D.JUglas
are over from WVeinjr Water looking
afle.-(?-.:ii:uercial htnis matters.
Mrs. J. A. II iSOineier, of Louisville,
was in town today, the truest of
County Cleik KoLerls u and family.
Gi o W. C.arif, of Greenwood, was
in tho city today, lie was recently
appointed postmaster of that village.
The chic-ken thieves are ugain on
their annual raid. It -would b a good
idea to load a chicken or two with
John Kroehler, who has been trav
eling extensively in tho west, is now
locited at Needles, Cal. He speaks
highly of that country.
Jimmie Hunt, of Council Bluffs, and
a friend rode down from that city on a
tricycle today for a visit over Sunday
with the former's relatives.
Mrs D ivid Miller departed this
morning for Franklyn, Neb., and from
there she will go to Denver for a visit
with her sister, Mrs. M. B. Murphy,
before returning home.
Mrs. J.N. Wise this morning re
ceived a card from Miss Flora Wise,
written from Strutford-on-A von, the
homo of Shakespeare. The writer
nnuonnees her intention of goingon to
Paris, in a few days.
J. N. v ise returned last evening
from Norfolk, where he has been ex
perting tho ooks of the asylum at
that placo. He has completed his
work and submitted, his report to the
authorities at Lincoln
It was reported this morning that
the Stull school house, northwest of
town, was burned last night, but the
report proved false. A hay stack
near the school house was burned,
and gave color to the report.
"Dad" Purdv was out on the street
today, exhibiting sorre mammoth
nothing. Mdt
Scott's Emulsion makes
tiling to a pleasure You hanlly taste it.f The stom
ach knows nothing" -about it it iloes notitrouble you
theie. You feel it rirst in the strength tljat it brings:
it shows in the eotor of the cheek, the immding of, the
angles, tha smoothing of the wrinkles. ?
It is cod-liver oil digested for you, slipping" as easily
into the blood and losing itself there W rain-drops lose
themselves in the ocean. tH t f
What a satisfactory thing this is-to hide the odious
taste of cod-liver oil, evade" the tax lon the stomach,
take health by surprise. .' ' f fj -
There is no secret of what it is madof the fish-fat
taste ia lost, but nothing is lost butthfe taste. ...
Perhaps your druggist has a subttitule for S'fit's 'Emulsion. ' ' " "
tsn t tbg standard all others try to equal the pJt'pr you to buy 'y:
. . SCOTT &
' i.l I n ,-i t . . . . .. I, - . I : i
s-'if. The peaches are not quite ripe,
being a very iate variety, but are as
larg.j us the l.irgest California, variety
receives! here.
,Ycateid:y alieitioor. a freight trail'
rau into a caboose a.d a combination
ca. that were stai.ding on a side track
near th 6'd biewerx. As a cone
queuco thereof, the engine was dam
aged slightly, while tlie caboose and
combinati n car were pietty b.idiy
smashed up.
Just out tho Di vttieot sotitr if the
reason, "Pretty White Lilly," waltz
oong. Beautiful words, pretty music.
Marked price, ooc. Send 2oc in
stamps to the publishers, Morgan
Music Co., Arknueiw City, Kansas,
and secure a copy. When ordering
mention this paper.
The Grand Chapter of the P. E. O.
meets in Wahoo in annual session
next. week. The program of exer
cises is published in this week's
Wasp, and among the names of those
taking part wa9 noticed that of Mrs.
Ida Wagner of this city, who is down
for a piano solo.
Uncle Robert Metteer, who has
traveled thousands of rnilea by rail,
met with his first accident last week
ud near Norfolk, when his train was
thrown from the track. No one was
injured, but Mr. Metteer omits being
scared almost to death and experi
encing sensations when looking the
grim reaper in the face that be don't
want to have again.
Mrs. Frank Guthman, with her bou
and daughter, Henry and Minnie, ar
rived home this morning after a peas
ant four weeks' visit with relatives in
Wisconsin. During Mrs. Guthman's
absence, Mr. G. with the aid of pain
ters and paper hangers, overhauled
the Perkins House, making it as neat
and clean as could be found in the
state, this giving the popular land
lady of the hotel a very pieasant sur
A letter received in this city from
Dr. Schildknecht tells of a serious ac
cident that happened to that gentle
man. He Las been visiting his
brother in Andrew county, Mo. Thurs
day and he and his brother went out for
adri ve,and the team they were driving
ran away, the result being that the
doctor was thrown out, badly bruised
and scratched, and his hip dislocated.
He will come home as soon as able to
A marriage license was issued this
morning to William Robert Webb,
aged twenty-four, and Bessie Stull,
aged seventeen. The g:oom has lived
here for a number of years, being em
ployed in the B. & M. shops Tho
bride has made her home with Walter
Thomas for seveial .mars past.'' The
iriic-rpatingceremony ti ok plat e on the
J.tlcony f " ter Thomas rewre-tU-iice
in ''. i. "Plattsmoutb, wh ch
acted as a sort of christening. Rev.
Prank Campbell officiated.
.fames Miller, th -young man who is
serving out a fine of $UC i:nd cost-, is
quite sick.
Mm. T. O. Ellis, who has been visit
iag friends in tho city, returned to
her, home tod y.
The city is doing some exleti.-ive
grading on tho Rock Bluffs road, just
witbing the city limits.
Mrs. R. R. Livingston spent Sun
day in Ashland with Miss Flora Dono
van, returning last evening.
Recorder Hay, who has been con
fined to tho house for several days, is
reported a trifle better today.
Ed. Ballance came in fiom German-
town Saturday and visited with rela
tives and friends iu this city ever
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Walling went
down to Nebraska City Siturday to
stay over Sunday, returning at noon
today. '
The flour mill at Ceaar Creek will
be moved to Louisville in the near
future, and its capacity greatly in
Perry Lathrop, who formerly lived
here, was in town yesterday. Perry
now holds a good position with the
Cudahy's at South Omaha.
At a special primary meeting in
South Park Saturday night, the dem-
crats endorsed Goorge Covalt, the
populist nominee for assessor.
A force of men are at work today
preparing to move the freight deno
west of tho tracks and north far
enough to front on Main street.
Chas. Handrickson, who was tried
Saturday on a charge of e'eiling an
armrulofhay from Stull, was found
guilty and fined a dollar and costs,
which he paid.
Tom Parmele has hi3r?cVvb'rTcg-i
Louisville starter.
cod-liver cil tr.kinp; next
- Nev .' '
niiu uiduti ou.vuo - r r-fal, i L TT'I
I j Ml
amta turns sum
knows it is without an equal.
The N. K. Fairbank
brick Saturday. The output of the
plant for the next three months is
already contracted for.
Will Clement's' little daughter,
Janet, has been suffering with a very
painful abcess on her chin. Dr. Liv
ingston opened it Saturday, and the
little one is rapidly recovering.
A. Becker and daughter, of Carroll,
la., are in the city visiting Joa. Sten
dike and son, Henry, who manages
F. G. Egenberger's pop factory- Mr.
Becker is an old newspaper man, and
is at present publishing a German
paper, the Carroll Demokrat, at Car
roll, la.
Commissioner John Hay returned
this morning from an extended trip to
Ohio and Pennsylvania. On his trip
east he returned to the Putsylvania
authorities the insane man picked up
here several months ago, and who
had made his escape from a Pennsyl
vania asylum.
The county clerk ia quite busy to
day, as the old soldiers and soldiers'
widows are dropping in to 6ign
vouchers for their pensions. There
are about 125 pensioners in this coun
ty, and they draw in the neighbor
hood of $4,000 overy three months
from Uncle Sam.
Jack O'Neill, formerly on the police
force in this city, but now a resident
of Council Bluffs, was in the city yes
terday, lie and a couple of friends
rode down on bicycles in the morning,
returning on the train in the after
ncou. Sara Altschler. who travels through
the county p.irchasing country pro
duce, claims that he forded the Mis
souri esterdoy with '"hia team, at a
point about a mile above the bridge.
"How hue. the mighty (Missouri)
A little son of County Clerk Robert
sou met with a serious accident jes
torday, which fortunately did not
result fatally. lie and his grand
mother, and two of his brothers went
nutting yesterday, and he climbed
the tree to knock down some nuts.
The lira! ho was on was not strong
enough to sustain his weight, and
broke, letting him fall to the ground.
He was rendered unconscious, anil
was in that condition mere than ati
hour. He was very severely bruised.
ind his arm and hip badly SDrained.
Something; to Depend Ou.
Mr. James Jones, of the drug firm
of Jones & Son, Cowdeu, III., in speak
ing of Dr. King's New Discovery, says
that last winter trs wife was attacked
with la grippe, and her case grew so
serious that physicians at Cowden and
Pana could do nothing for her. It
seemed to develop into hasty con
sumption. Having Dr. King's New
Discovery in store, and selling lots of
it, he took a bolte home, and to the
surprise of all she began to get better
from first dose, and half dozen dollar
bottles cured her sound and well. Dr.
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption, Coughs and Colds is guaran
teed to do this good work. Try it.
Free trial bottles at F. G. Fricke's
drug store. 5
What do the Children Drink?
Dou't give them tea or coffee. Have
you tried the new food drink called
GUAIN-OV It is delicious and nour
ishing and. takes the place of coffee.
The more Grain-O you give the child
ren the more health you distribute
through their systems. Grain-O is
made of Dure grains, and when pro
perly prepared tastes like the choice
grades of coffee but costs about I as
much. All grocers sell it. 15c and 2oc.
There is no pain or discomfort when
Buckeye Pile Ointment is
creased by scratching. It is prepa
with scientific accuracy and profes
sional knowledge, and is the kind that
cures blind, bleeding, vitching and
protruding Piles, with no pain or loss
of time., " .
The ' Bicyclist s Best Friend a
familiar name .for DoWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve, always ready for. emer
gencies. While a specific for piles,
it also instant'y relieves and cures
cuts, bruises, salt rheum, eczema and
all affection3 of the sklnT tIt.-?aeYjer
fail. F. G. Fricke & Co. .
, Hlt the pot. .
When suffering" from a- severe cold
and your throat ' and lungs feel ore.
tatte a coe or!
an4 Tar. ' when
be at on co re -I
Foley's HoDey
the Borenes wil'
tiered, a warm
grateful feelin? ; and healing of' the
parts affected will be experienced and
you will ay; "It feels bo r3. It hits
the spot." it i guar-Tit ' ,
& Parmele. f V
Semi-Weekly "U
r- j-c. V "'''". "
Him 1
Right i
"You can take that soap g
right back and change t
it for Santa Claus Soap. 2
I would not use any g
other kind."
Every woman who has
ever used
Sold everywhere. Made only by
Company, - Chicago.
Rubbed In Daylight.
Bandits robbed the southbound
Rock Island passenger train and all
its passengers at 11 o'clocK yesterday
forenoon at Minco, in .the Indian
territory. The railroad and express
officers have feared a hold-up in that
section for several weeks, and armed
guards have been put abroad all
trains at El Reno and carried thiough
to Chickasaw. It had not been
thought that the outlaws were bold
enough to attack a train in midday.
This morning the trainmen were
completely surprised and they were
not prepared to offer any resistance
when five masked men came upon
them at tho lonely sidine.
The few women passengers were
not compelled to give up their valua
bles, and Revt Mr. Roe, one of the
passengers who was sick, was not
asked to leave the coach.
Jim Wright of Minco showed a dis
position to resist when the bandits
ordered hands up. They shot one of
his eats off to prove to his satisfaction
that his bravery was ill-ad vised. His
hands immediatly went up. No one
else was injured.
m , .i.
Sold at Sheriff Sale.
The sheriff sold three pieces of
property today at the south door of
the court house. They were the
Bea,rdsly property, near "Weeping
Water; a store building east of the
Perkins house, bolonging to August
Bach, and a brick house and lot in the
western part of town, belonging to
Mrs. Peter Ueuland. The latter
D'orerty was sold for back taxes.
Tho Beards! ey property brought
$4,11, the purch ser assuming the
axe. The llv.h rCpCrtj BOU for
$30 J above incumbrances and the
Reuland property for $1G8 moro than
the claims against it.
Took up the Cattle.
Some lime. ago some cattle belong
ing to a farmer on the Sirpy county
side of the Platte river, crossed the
river and got into Jacob Luft's corn
field, damaging his crop considerably.
Jake held the cattle for damages, but
the owner replevined them, and when
the case whs heard it- was decided
against "uim. Yesternny tho' cattle
again crossed the river, and
again took them up. He thinks that
this time he will be able to hold them
until a satisfactory settlement is ef
fected. Jas. Miller, who was brought up
from Murray last Saturday to serve
out an old fine for fighting, served out
out his sentence and was released
Wednesday. Not contented with
freedom, he returned to Murray and
yesterday assaulted Osborn Latta. For
this he was again yanked up before
Justice Swearingen. He drew a prize
of $20 and costs this time, amounting
to $25.20. He had no funds, and was
brought up to servo out this sentence
by Special .Constable A. L. Baker,who
was deputized fo:- the purpose.
Dr. Marshall, Graduate Dentint.
Dr. Marshall, fine gold work.
Dr. Marshall, gold and porcelain
Dr. Marshall, crown and bridge work
Dr. Marshall, teeth without plates.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fillings.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plates.
Dr. Marshall, perfect fitting plates.
Dr. Marshall, all work warranted.
All the latest anoliances for first
class dentp.l work.
' Rheumatism Cared in a Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia radically cures in one to
three days. Its action upon the sys
tem is remarkable and mysterious. It
removes at once the cause and the
disease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits, 76 cents
sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists
taken with a very sever, cold that
caused him to be in a most miserable
condition. It was undoubtedly a bad
case of la grippe, and recognizing it
as dangerous he took immediate
steps to bring about a speedy cure.
From the advertisement of Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy and the many
good recommendations - included
therein, we concluded to make ;. first
trial of the medicine. To say that it
was satisfactory In its results, is put
it very mildly, indeed. It acted like
magic and tte result was a speedy and
" jrTaent cure. W3Nhave no hesi-
L.ncy in recommending ibis excellent
tth Remedy to anyone
v .v. n nmitrh or cold in any form. The
r cf Liborty.Libertytowii,Mtry-
5 and 50 cent frize for
" ri?eista.
cc !'
bushel -
i - i
He Never Came Hack.
Johnny McQuestion, a eieven-year-old
boy living in the 60uth part of
town, has turred up missing. He and
his mother came down street . Satur
day evening to make some purchases.
Stopping on lower Main street, his
mother sent him up town to buy some
colt ry seed. I hat was the l.u?t heard
of Johnny.
His ui olLer waiUd long for him and
linally wt nt Iwuie, thinking he might
have gon there, but such was not the
cse. The neighbi rnood was searched
aid finally, Suudav afieruoon the
matter wa reported to the police.
The boy is described as heavy set,
with blue ejes and brown hair, bare
footed, and had on patched pants and
a large cneck shirt. Anyone who
can give nny information as to his
whereabouts is requested to report to
the police.
Later Johnny was found down at
Rock Bluffs and returned to hi
anxious parents.
Close of Santaneill'a Engagement.
Santanelli concluded his week's en
gagement here Saturday night and
left Sunday morning for Junction City,
Kas., where he has a week's engage
ment. He took with him from here
Ralp Brown, a young man who Jhas
been working for Tommy Thomas all
summer. His "sleeper" left him in
this city, and Brown will act in that
capacity hereafter.
During the week that he was here
Santanelli gave a number of private
exhibitions at the hotel parlors to la
dies who were skeptic-.!, and suc
ceeded in convincing them that there
was no fake about it. He placed a
number of the leading young ladies ol
the city in a hypnotic state with
out apparent trouble.
State Fair Prize Winners.
Cass county captured quite a num
ber of prizes at the state fair last
week. Noticable aniODg those carrying
away blue ribbous was W. H. Heil &
Bro., breeders and shippers of Red
Polled cattle at Cedar Creek. They
had a drove of fourteen head and re
ceived fifteen premiums, seven iir.-ts,
three seconds, two thirds and three
State Federation of Woman's Clnbs.
The State Federation of Woman's
clubs meets at Beatrice tomorrow.
Among the members of the Platts
moutb Woman's club who will attend
are Mesdamcs C. F. Stoutenborot-gh,
Stephen Davis, S. II. Atwood, Agnew,
Byron Clark, J. N. Wise, Isabal
Richey, Jas. Herold and Miss Lilli.m
Mrs. Stoutenbi rough will deliver an
address and Miss Kauble also occu
pies a prominent place on the pro
gr; m to bo gi vi u.
Mrs. A bert T. Hu 1, . f N;w York,
is in th'. clly (' a le.v J iys, th ; eucst
of M.s. Cru g.' Iov y. Mi s. Hull is
pre?id.n' of the New York W. C T.
U.,and is very prom'meut in temper
ance woi-K, having iiFSOcintod w th
Lady II n ry Somerset of London, the
mrst proraiuent lady in that line of
Christum work in the world. Mrs.
Hull luia been at San Fiar.eUco at
tending the gre vl Endeavor conven
tion, and is now ou ber way home.
The llet Keuiedy for Klieuiuat lmii
(From the Fairhaven. N. Y., Kegister.t
Mr. James Rjwland, cf t'lis vili.ige
tales that for twenty-fire years his
wife has been a sufferer from rhtum-
alism. A few uights ago she was in
such pain that she was nearly crazy.
She 6ent Mr. Rowland for tho doctor,
but he had read of Chamberlain's
Pain Balm and instead of going for
the physician he went to the store and
secured a bottle of it. His wife did
not approve of Mr. Rowland's purchase
at "first, but nevertheless applied the
Balm thoroughly and in an hour's
time was able to go to sleep. Che now
applies it whenever she feels an ache
or a pain and finds that it always
gives relief. He says that no roedi
oine which she had used ever did her
as much good. The 25 and 50 cent
sizes for sale by nil druggists.
Working Woman's Home Association.
21 S. Peoria St., Chicago, 111.
Jan. 11, 1896. )
Our Working Woman's Home asso
ciation used "Foley's Honey and Tar
six years ago, and are using it today
It has always been a favorite, for
while its taste is not :;t all unpleasant
its effects are .very beneficial, It has
never yet disappoiii ted us. Wishing
you all possible sucess, sincerely
yours, LA UK A G. FlXOX, Mgr.
It May Save Yonr Life.
A dose or two of Foley's Honey and
Tar will preveut an attack of poeu
monia, grip or severe cold - if taken
in time. Cures coughs, colds," croup.
LaGrippe, hoarsen ess, difficult breath
ing, whooping cough, incipient con
sumption, asthmt or bronchitis
Gives positive relief in advanced
stages of consumption, asthma or
jA. pain in the chest is nature's warn
inc that pneumonia is threatened
Dampen a piece of flannel with Cham
berlain's Pain Balm and bind over the
Beat of pain, and Another on the back
between the ahoulders, and prompt
relief will follow. Sold by all drug
Thase who betievo chronic diar
rhcea to be incurable should read what
Mr- TV E. Grisham.of Gaar's Miles, La.,
has to sav on the subject, viz:
have 'been a sufferer from, chronic
diarrhoea ever since the war and have
tried all kinds of medicines for it. At
last I found a remedy that effected
cure and that -was Chambf '
Collar "
tiiy barn in
or cf frtH and
: Hi i.
LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS1"1 J''1 f1."'. ,H, cur . n-.tumonth. Ne-
Legal Notice.
In the district court of Cass county. Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of Kdnwtnd H. Craw
ford, deceased.
lo Julia A. .Crawford, George K. Crawford.
Thomas I. Crawford, lieborah l-ashbaukh, alliu
A. Crawford, heirs of tiimund H. Crawford, de
ceased; A. C. Adams, administrator cf the elate
of Edmund H. Crawlord, deceased, aud uil other
persons interested in said estate:
1 be petition cf Ciottheb kockenbai h ia the
above matter having been tiled. in which lie prjys
that the court enter an oider directing ail par
ties interested in the west one-half t'l of the
southwest one-quarter ( ot sectiou eighteen
ll-, township ten din. north of rane nine (t.
east in Cass county. Nebraska, to how cause, if
any, why the a r ol said estate should
not execute and deliver to the petitioner a good
and sufficient wairauty deed upon the pa) meat ol
eleven hundred and li ft y $l Kni t) i dollar iu pur-; ,
suancc ot a contract entered mio between the
petitionei and Kdiiunui H- Claw ford, d- ea- ed. j
in hij lite time and Julia A. r-.twh.rd. his wile.
It is hereby ordered b) me cause be -lio.wi,
if any. by the liird day ot October, !, and ttiat
upon the l.Mli dav of November, .l.'.-r, at l.i
o clock, a in. of said day a hearing wiil be had on
said petition, and any objections which maybe
tiled against the graining ot the niavir tlieieiu.
It is lui titer oiuered ttiat notice oe given to all
parties interested by publication in the hemi-
Weekly News-Herald ol JrMattsmouth, Nebraska,
for six weeks successively prior to the date ol hear
ing as above ordered.
Dated this 11th day of September, 1KI7.
Basils. Ramsey,
liidiri. nf District (loutf.
C. S. Polk and Mockett & l'jik, attorneys for
liottlieb Kockenbach.
Legal Notice.
lohn K. Ouinton and Marv A. Uuinton. non
resident, delendHiits. will take no'.ito th,.t on the
th dav ol :-'e!:cli)b-r. A. ). Ity. lohn II. l'eiti-
bone and Samuel K. Nt.vm, tiled their petition in
the district court ol Cass county. Nebraska,
against the saia John K. (Juinton and Mary A,
umton. impleaded withuarl l. Uuinton, et. al..
the object and prayer of the said petition, being
to foreclose a tax lien claimed bv ulaintills
against the northeast quarter of section thirty
one in town ten, range twelve, in t'as. county.
Nebraska, toi the taxes lor lhyj.j4a.3i. purchased
by plaintiffs at public tax sale November )th,1K::
for 1MI3, $-2$.i, paid bv plaintiffs May 11th, 1W1;
for 1KW, jMO.05, paid by plaintiffs May l'Jth. 1M'5;
for 1W!5. j:fc.i, paid by plaintiffs May 1st, 1S;
for IXM. 437.73. naid bv Dlai:ititts lulv 1st. 18V7.
and for interest on each of said payments at the
rateol -O per cent per annum tor two years Iroiu
November tith. KiS, and for 10 per cent annual
interest thereafter, and an attorney's lien of 10
per cent on the total amount so found due, and
hat said land be sold to pav said sums and cost
of the action, and for equitable relief.
Vou are requiiod to appear and plead t ), or an
swer said petition on or belore Monday, the
Mil uay ot (Jciober. 1), ly.
By their attorneys, iieeson & Root.
Probate Xoticc.
n county court, Cass county, Nebraska.
a tne matter ol tne estate ol oncinnaius j. (ur
yea. deceased.
Mrs. David Hite. lohn H. Curvea. William M.
Curyea, Isabelle M . Curyea, George W. Curvea,
Mrs. Julia Parr. Mrs. Enieline Debolt and all
other persons interested in said matter are here
by notified that on the 4th day of September.
W., George . Curyea, administrator w ith will
annexed herein, by his attorney, C. S. Polk, filed
a petition in said county court, praying that his
final administration account be allowed and that
he be discharged and released from his trust as
administrator with will annexed, and that if you
tail to appear beloie said to..rt on the 2oth dav
of September. A. I). 1M7. at 10 o'clock a. in. and
contest said petitfon, the court may grant the
firayerof said petition, and make such other and
urther orders, allowances and decrees as to this
court may seem proper, to the end that all mat
ters pertaining to said estate may be finally set
tled and determined.
itness mv hand and the seal of said court, at
Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this, the 7th day of Sep
tember, A. n. 1X97.
County Judge.
Sheriff's Sale.
Bv virtue of an order of sale issued bv Genrce
F. House worth, clerk of the district court, within
and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected. I will on the Lnth day oi September. A.
1.. INT. at 11 o clock a. ni. ot said dav at the
south door of the court house in the city of Piatts-
inouth. in said county, sell at public auction, to
the higheat bidder for cash, ihe lol lowing real
estate to-wit:
Lot three I'M in block four 4' in O'Neii's addi
tion to the city of Platfsmouth. L county. Ne-
oraska, together with the i nvileges and appur
tenances thereunto belonging or to iivwise ap
pertaining. 1 ne same oeing luv.ed upon a:.d
taken as the property of David O'itricu and wife.
Hanora O'Brien, defendant , to satisfy a judg
ment recovered bv diaries C. Pamiele. as re
ceiver ot the Citizens' baiTk of 1 Mitsniouth Ne
braska, plaintilt against said defendants.
riattsuioutfi, Aeoraska, August .4. A. i l..7.
llAUVtV Ifol.bOWA k .
Sher. IT. C:i- coiiiity, Nebrasuii.
Byron Clark and O. A. Raw is. AiUrncs -
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued bv George I".
Houseworth," clerk of district court v.itlnu and
lor Cass county. Nebraska, and tome directed, I
will on the 'nd dav of October A. D. I:';. at 11
o'clock a. in. of said the south door of the
court house in the city ot i'lattsiiiouth, in said
county, sell at public auct.on, to the highest bid -der
for cash, the following real estate to-wit: 1 he
west twent-live feet ot the east loity-six feel
of lots number edeight (HaiineJiHi and ten I It: j of
block number d tlyrty-one .il in the city ol
Plattsmouth. i ass county. Ne braska, more par
ticularly described as follows to-wit: Commenc
ing at a point -1 fee: nest of the southeast ci finer
of lot H in said block; running thence west i" lect;
thence north to the north line of lot 1 ): thence
running east itS feet: thence south across said lots
M, band IU to the point of beginning, according to
me piai anu uiuciai recoru in anu ior sa:a county
and state, together with the privileges and ap
purtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise
appertaining. The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of August Bach and Mina
Bach, defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said
court recovered by the American Savings and
Loan Association, Plaintiff. against August Bach
et al-, defendants.
Plattsmouth, JSebraska. August :tl A. 11.. 18W.
Harvey Holloway.
Sheriff, Cass county. Nebraska.
Legal Notice.
In the district court. Cass county. Nebraska.
Jacob Reiser. Plaintiff, 1
vs. I
Christian Metzger, the un- .
known heirs ol scldou is.
Merriam. deceased, and the I
unknown heirs of Lydia
Merriam, deceased; Ruth
Merrian, the unknown heirs
of W illiam D. Merriam, de
ceased; Art E. Alexander,
and the unknown heirs of
of Abijah Harris, deceased.
To the unknown heirs of Seldon N. Merriam,
d.-ceased. and the unknown heirs of LydiaMer
riam, deceased:Kuth Merriam. the unknown h-irs
of William D. Merriam, deceased: Art K. Alex
ander, and the unknown heirs of Abijah Harris,
Vou are hereby notified that Jacob Reiser filed
a petition in the district court of Cass county,
Nebraska, on the Slst day of August, 1-H7. against
you and Christian Metzger. the object and prayer
of.which are to quiet the title in the plaintitf to
the following described real estate: Lot five, in
the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of
section twenty; and the southeast quarter of the
southwest quarter, aud the south half of the
southeast quarter and lot see.i. all in section
twenty, township twelve, range eleven, east of the
sfxth principle meridian, iu Cass county. Ne
braska, and to declare that the foregoing named
defendants have no estate or interest whatever
in or to the above described land, and that plain-
tin s title therein be decreed to be good and
valid. Aud that at the date of the execution of
the deed made by Christian Metzger to Frederick
Metzger, to-wit on the 25th day of September.
l&VC the defendant. Christian Metzger. was an
unmarried man. and that on the lot h day of Oc
tober, lms, the said Abijah Harris was an un
married man.
Vou are required to answer sa'd petition on or
before the 4th day of October. or the allega
tions therein win Lie taken as true naiust you.
Dated this Sith day of August. 1W.
Jacob Reishr
By C S. Polk, his attorney.
Legal Notice.
in Uiu ..L, .1 ' "'
Ratheriue Beck. Flaintin
George Beck, Defendant
To Georce A. Beck:
Vou are hereby notified that Katharine Beck
filed a petition' in the district court of Cass
county, Nebraska, on the-21st day of August.
lti, against you, tne object and praver ot which
are to secure a cuvorce lrom the bonds ol matri
mony, noon the ground that vou have rrrosslv
wantonly and cruellv failed, nezlected and re
fused to support or -contribute to -tie support of
piainurt witnout any cause or provocation on the
pan ot piaintin.
4 ou are required to answer said petition on or
before the 4th day of October, l!"7. or the allega
tions therein will be taken as true apainst yon. ;
Dated this 24th day ot August. IxW.
' Katharink Beck.
By C. S, I'olk, hex Attorney.
Probate Notice. "
lri county court. Cass county. Nebraska, In
the matter of the estate of Caroline Carter, de
rased. All persons interested in aid matter
"Thereby notified that on the Ulh day ol Sept.
Cena V. Crawford hied a petition in said
;ig among other things that Caroline
tin the l;.tb day of April A. I).. I-Si.
1 1 will and testament, and poseyerl
State of the value ol about $7y t.u,
f the only heir at law of said le
jravin tor administration oi said
it r- vi hereby notified that if vou fail to
OUtll 0eath October, lrt'7. ut
contest said petition, tfie court
' y. Crawford, or some other
- -n'stratnx. and proceed to
ate. Witness my hand
Tr-fCgn renn'v
. li-- "
f . .-- ' ' rt
. . , ... . j ..... . .. .... .-v,it-micr , ij. , .
(Sea!) 0?ii;k M puriock,
Ciiui-ly JuJge.
1 ;jal Notice.
To Benjamin A. Gibson. Marr C. Gibson, Kd
ward Bangs, trustee. Bradford Saving Bank &
irust Co, William C. Cnppen, George l.esli
aud John V. Mitchell, non-resident defendants:
ou aud each ol you are hereby notified that John
II. 1'ettibone and Samuel K. Nixon ou the 18th
day of i-eptember. A. i, 18y7. hied their petitiou
iu the district court of Cass county. Nebraska,
against you, impleaded with Guerdon B. Crip
pen, tt at, the object and prayer of which are to
tiave decree ol said court foreclosing a tax lieu
against fractional lot 17 in northeast quarter of
northwest quarter, section three in town ten,
range eleven, Cass county. Nebraska, for tax
purchase by said plaintitlsgaiust said land for
ears l.:t, ISO.'. lSHand IS:, as follows: 12,
f'JXKl. i aid November 5. IMM; lfi. J8.90, paid
November 5, IK'jl; 1W. 5.tJ7. paid May lit, 189,
and for 1M15, $; is, paid May I, I8wt, with 2U per
cent annual interest on each of said payments
from November .. 1MM. to Novemb -r 6. li-88, and
to per cent annual interest on each of said pay
men's thereafter. and 10 per cent attorney fees on
the total found due. and costs of suit and for sale
of said properly to satisfy such judgment and
equitable relief.
i ou are required to answer said petition on or
belore Mouday, the first day of November. A. D.
1 , .
John H. Pettiroxf. and Samuel E. Nixon.
Legal Notice.
To Amanda I. Shepherd, non-resident defend
ant: ou are hereby notified that W illiam U.
hcpheid commenced an action against you on
the IKih day o September. 1S7. in the district
court of Cass county. Nebraska, the object and
prayer of which are to secure an absolute divorce
from you. and alsT a decree barring you from all
rights in the property, real and personal, belong
ing to said plaintiff, and locate in either the
states of Indiana or Nebraska. The grounds for
divorce are that you committed adultery in De
cember, 1M1. with one J. Gordon.
ou are required to answer said petition on or
belore Monday, the 1st day of November. 1S7.
William U. Shepherd.
Notice to Credtors.
State ok Nebraska, ) , , ,.
County of Cass. fss- In County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Samuel A.
Hoi brook, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the creditor
of said deceased will meet the executor of
said estate, before me. County Judge of
Cass county, .Nebraska, at the o.unty court
room In Plattsmoutu In aaia count, on tha
i"tii day of April. A. l. 1W8, at t o'clock p.
in., itir me purpose ot presentlu their
Claims for examination, adjustment and al
lowance. Hix months are allowed for the
creditors of said deceased to present their
claims and fne year for th executor to
settle said estate, from the 23rd day of Oc
tober. 18'7.
This notice shall appear In the Semi
Weekly News-Herald for four week
successively, prior to the 23rd day of Oc
tober 17.
Witness my hand and seal of aaia couaty
court ut Platts-iiouth. Nebraska, this 27th
day of September, ik7.
George M. Spurlock,
County Judge.
Legal JiUee.
To Leah V. Buchanan and Robert P. Glazier,
non-resident, defendants:
Vou and each of you are hereby notified that
on the 2th day of September. A. D. 1S7, Samuel
Waugh as executor of the last will and testament
of John Black, deceased, commenced an action in
the district court of Cass county, Nebraska,
against you. impleaded with Leonard C. W.
Murray, et al, the object and prayer of which
action is to foreclose a mortgage on, and sell the
northwest quarter section 30. in town Vi, range
13, Cass county, Nebraska, and the northwest
quarter of the southwest quarter of said section:
said sale to satisfy the amount due on said
mortgage, $1JU 75 with eight per cent interest and
costs of suit; said mortgage, and the note it was
given to secure, being of date February iM. 18W,
and due rebruary 1 !'.. c.quitable reliel is
also prayed and that the defendants be required
to answer setting up any rights they my have in
said land, or be barred from asserting any such
rights. Vou are required to answer said petition
on or before Monday, November S. lt7. or
said petition will betaken as confessed and a
decree entered accordingly.
Samuel Waugh.
As executor of the last will and testament of
John Black, deceased.
Anyone sending a sketch and dncrtptlon may
quickly ascertain, free, whether an Invention le
probably patentable. Communications strictly
confidential. Oldest ajrenc for securing patent
In America. We have Wanhlmrton office.
Patents taken through Munn A Co. recelvv
special notice in the
bearrttfullT illustrated. Innrest etreulatlon of
any scientific journal, week I r, terms f3.uu a eari
H.i0Kix months. Specimen copies and UAMD
Book, on Patents sent tree. Addreaa
361 Uroadway, Mew Yerlu
Coniplsxlsn Frsssrved
Removes Preckle5, Pimples,
Liver - Mile:, itlscklscads.
Sunburn end Tan. aud re
stores the fikin to ila origi
nal freshness, producing
rlonr aud ncuiiny com its
tuVxion. Snrtrriortoall lacev---
prfpurntior. i and TtprfcHly harmless At all
druggists, or mailed f or SOcts. 8euu for circular.
VIOLA SKIN SOAP 1 (imply tmoMnrwrabls sa
kin purtrrin Hoap, vnequblM for the toilet, tuid wltbsMt a
rival for til-' nurwry. .Ahiolutrlr r sod teUcwly BMdfr
crtcd. Atdru?iM. Price 25 Cents.
The Q. C. B1TTNER CO., Toledo, O.
St. Joseph
Kansas City
St. Louis ind all
points East and
San Francisco
All points west.
No 2a Local express, daily, 8t Joe.
Kansas, St Louis, all points -south
No 4. Local eiD, dally, Burlington,
Chicago, all points east....
NolO Local exp, daily except Sun
day No 92. Local exp. daily except Bun
day, I'aeftJo Junction
No 30. Freight, daily except Sunday
Pacific Junction
No 2. V'estibuled exp, dally. Bur
l'nxton, Chicago and all
Dointa east....-
No. 1 atuii from Junction to -Pi at. ta
mouth. No Vi. Loeal exp, daily. St Joe, Kan
sas City, St Louis. Chicago
all points east and south..
No 5. Loo a i exp. daily.Oinaba.Lfn
coln, Denver and Interme
diate stations'.
NoM. Local freignt, daily, Omaha.
No Z'X Local fretzht. (iaiiy, ex Sun
day, Cedar CreeK. Louis
vine. t-outh bend
10:24 am
11:55 am
vi sa pm
2:50 pm
5:30 pm
6:13 pm
823 pm
7.32 am
850 am
7:37 am
2:22 pm
Fast iu ail, dally, Omaha aud
-ubuledexp, dally. Den
rdt. L'tab ami C
Orand Island. Black Hills."
filantana and Paciflo N. W.
3:43 pm
No 9.
Local exp, dally except Su -uay:
Loulsvlile. Ashland,
wanoo. scnuyier
Local exp, dally exceptttun-
4:00 pm
S-27 pm
5:27 pm
9:05 pm
, ;- ; day, Uuiana anu Lincoln...
No JT. Locil express, Sunday only,
No 73. Freight, daily, Louisville...
Sleeping, dlnlnz and roelinlna chair car
(seats free) on through trains. Ticket sold
aud baKKae checked o au7 point la the
United states or Canada.
For information, time tables, maps and
tickets call or write to
- ' ' W. L. PICKETT. Agent.
: Plattsmoutb, Net
J. I HANCES. Geu. Pass. Aat.,
I kr.i u t-4 4 h. 1- '
rulNd (JolMU HOUTH,
No. Fait freight.... 5.10.m
N(K f ; 1L!1 tin
V No. tzx. focal f reizin..- 4.u4 i.m
- traikh noma booth. '
No. 133 Fast f reiznt " 10.5'i. p. m
Vrv lri, Jocl frel;ni 7..f a.
No. li)'. 4W O. ti