I i THE SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS-HE R A LP, PLATTSMOUTH, NEB., OCTOBER 6, 185)7. 2 The Semi-Weeklu News-Herald PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS . . . BY THI ... NKWS PUBLISHING COMPANY, U. D. POLK, EDITOR. DAILY EDITION. One Tear, in advance, .... Six Months, ae Week, Single Copies, SSIfl-WEEKLY EDITION. One Tear, in advance, . . . Six Months, 15 00 2 50 10 5 tl 00 50 THE LARGEST CIRCULATION Of aay Cass County Paper. Why doesn't the State Board of Transportation press lhe suit brought by Tibbies against the railroads? Does it fear it will injure Judge Sullivan' prospect? Fremont Tribune. Samuel. Richardson is a man of unbending integrity and economical habits. He made as good, if not the best commissioner the county ever bad, and his election is in the inter- eat of every taxpayer. The great sixteen to wunner mourns that prosperity is only temporary Can it be possible that the returns from book sales are dwindling? Com fort thyself William, a Bucker is born every second and unborn millions may read that book. The republicans of Cas? county did not do a thing to Bryan the last two times he posed for office before them the same oid club is bandy and the pygmies who hope to ride into office on the whirlwind of Billie's breath will feel its weight this fall. THE campaign against George Hay will only intensify the efforts of his friends. The German voters of Cass county appreciate officials who can converse in their mother tongue, and Mr. Allen won't know what hit him when the votes are counted nex month. The latest from Cuba says General vveyler has resigned. It looks as though Ambassador Woodford has created quite a commotion in Spanish circles without any war talk. The time seems very near when the iron hand of Uncle Sam will be withdrawn from the velvet glove and the Span Sards will realize who they have to contend with. While the popocrals are invoking would be presidents to insist on har mony in Cass county and plead for long pull and a strong pull for the hoped-for offices, the republican nominees are continuing, as in the past, to attend to the duties of the! respective offices, and the intelligen taxpayers will see that faithful sr vants receive their just reward. The democrats of Ohio seem to have got scared at the outlook aod after calling Editor McLean in for con ference with the managers, the editor withdraws his name as a candidate for the United States senate and A. J. Warner is substituted. Evidently the chances for democratic success in Ohio, that we heard so much, if a short time ago have gone glimmering. The.News bespeaks a full attend ance of republicans at Mr. Bryan's circus this evening. The agility with which William Jennings will avoid the real issues of the campaign, will amuse any intelligent voter. The artful dodger will put on a solemn face and beg the boys to stand to gether for the spoils of office, but he won't repeat bis advice to New York democrats. No, not for one moment. The survival of Jerry Simpson, sit ting on the bank of the tide of pros perity wherein all Kansas is walning waist deep, and predicting the ap proach of the most terrible financial panic the world has ever seen, weakens the faith of the New York Mail and Express in the honesty of all prin cipalities and powers, and it wants to know if the fool killer has been bought off. Ex. Some of the newspapers are criti cising Omaha because the state fair was not a financial success. There is no senso in such talk. The fair was by several points the best ever held in the state. The crowds were never larger, and the thieves on the inside of the management were never thicker or more brazen in their work. The fair at Omaha is all right so far as location is concerned, but the next legislature will have a duty to per- xair ring, ana in knocking out the bounty to county fairs, the latter be ins bamelesa imposition on the tax payers. , The state administration of Kansas with Governor Leedy at Its head, has been wrestling with a great idea lor some time and has at last come to a conclusion of great pith and moment. It is announced to an awe-stricken world that hereafter the great seal of Kansas will be emblazoned on all offi cial documents in silver instead of gold. This is explained to be in ac cordance with the' great principles of the pop. party of Kansas which re nounces pol and all that It implies and prefers silver. And yet if you offered the covrrkor or any other member of thU crcxt administration of Kae3 Sve Uexiraa dollars of free coinage 13 to 1 line e for a icae gold bu hair-eagle c? American manufac ture he rr .'.J : j f r a reply. ; But - t-3 tZ-'j C It Would i::-5r!V-vf . ;::':reaci-ft .' "i" - t ' f t ij cctslla C The editors and orators ' who are still discussing the sliver question in a tireless and tedious way are using: up a great deal of ammunition to no purpose. It is scarcely probable that the question will again be a leading issue in a presidential campaign. It has been wore threadbare, and the arguments o its champions have been destroyed by the irresistable .logic of events. Some other issue will have to be drugged from the political lum ber room. Beatrice Express. As COMPARED" with one yer ago there is a noticeable difference in the labor m.-trket. Men who wanteu worK one year ago but could not fir d it, ex perience no difficulty now in finding employment. The change for the better Js apparent to all, yet how few there are who care to remember the changed condition in this respect. Many there are who fear that the re publican party might be credited with a chare of the glory and rather than to acknowledge anything good could come from any act of the republican party the calamity howler would pre fer to close his eyes and keep right on howling. Tbee things that have come to pass were promised by the re publican party and those kickers might just as well open their eyes and acknowledge the wisdom of the G. O. P. Ex. The free silver theory is that the Gold Monster," as way to resist the Senator Stewart of Nevada has called it ten thousand times, is to adopt the freedom of silver at the old ratio, no matter for the market,8ays the Brook- land Standard Union. New York ex change in the City of Mexico of $1.39 premium; that is an American dollar is worth $2.39 Mexican money. But the wages of Mexican workingmen do not rise; and that is the wav the Mexicans punish us for the mninten ance of the "existing gold standard." Under the guidance of the silver stated we are urged to bring England to her knees in humiliation, just as the Mexicans are crushing us by up holding proudly the standard of the white metal and paying 139 per cent premium on their money to get to our level. See? INFORMATION AND OPINIONS. Judge Ramsey this morning granted a writ of mandamus compelling the county commissioners to repair the north half of the bridge across the Platte at Louisville. The north half of this bridge is in Sarpy county, and that county ought to keep it in re pair, but refuses to do so. As Cass receives a great deal of benefit from the bridge, it is perhaps as well that It should bo kept in order, even if Cass has tostaud the entire expense Will limy explain why tie was chased out of Ohio by the democratic politicians of the Buckeye state? From commander of hosts in the "First Battle" to a bummer in the rear of a disorganized and dispirited mob is a far cry.but William Jennings has measured the distance. The Nokomis Progress is respon sible for the following: A Hillsboro young lady found a purse in church and notified a pastor that she had it, so that if anyone reported the loss it could be returned. The next Sabbath the clergyman made the following an nouncement from the pulpit: "Some one lost a purse here last Sunday, and if the owner. wants his property he can go to Helen Hunt for it." Col. Kroehler was in his element at Nebraska City yesterday and was followed about town by an immense crowd. Some one reported that he was Bryan's uncle, and he was called on for a speech at every corner and the way ho roasted gold bugs and republi cans was a caution to snakes. The crowd cheered him wildly, but in one of his oratorical fights, a Plattsmouth man 6tepped up and said "come off the .erch Fred, don't stuff these strangers," and it broke the orator all up and ruined oneof bis best speeches. Theco onel is a high roller, when he gets out with the boysand the fellow who reported him as Brpan's uncle did it in good faith. . Hereafter, Fred should be known as theby orator. The Courier is proud of the manner the republican prees of Cass county is carrying on this campaign. Not a word has been written easting reflec tions In the least en' aojt candidate of the opposite faith, aa(jr& trust thej will continue in tbW' llpe-; We can heat them fairly and honorably, and let us do it. On the other hand, the poor old Jou: nal is continually harp ing about the "court house ring-," and .. WW. ... . - . - - rr about our present county : officers which will be rk ten ted by the people at the polls. Suck stuff! : It is as thin as a circus lemonade. . The Journal's ftlunh will hurt no oner put it makes one tired to read it. Louisville Courier. John Bobbins, well-known in this city, has an important position on the Lincoln Call, being manager of the city circulation of that.,paper. Ash land Curette. " ' A company of seventeen children was sent from New YorK to With 00 the other day, for adoption by the good peopli of that vicinity. They all found good homes. - . I -. - , An ethange says a snail boy got off tbe-iiXowi-'r, a .f?w ?vs school' ira is a ver tV notes ! wheo ' f since: A ?w paper a con- - - -,. ) First person, pluml number, an awful case. Pa s:ys a school roam never erets more than eighteen before she gets married. Sam Hinkle, of St. Joseph, Mo.,who was in the city last night sud went west this morning in quest of two horse thieves, who were accompanied by two women, who were driying a sorrel bald face horse una a bob-taiLJ bay horse to a white covered wagon leading a bald foco sorrel horse and a te im of gray ma-ts to a black top heavy sprinsf wngon, with a heavy pair of shafts tied underneath. He claims that the outfit was stolen from him on Sept. 21, at St. Joseph, Mo. When he left hure he claimed that ho . 1 i was close 011 their trail ana wouia with good luck overtake them tomor row. iNebraska Uiiy Xsews. John D. B'jbbin,an old Platismouth boy, passed through town Sunday on hi9 wheel bound for Ashland. He made the run from Lincoln to Ash land, a distance of twenty-nine miles. In one hour and Gfty-five minutes. He was making the round trip, but we did not hear what his time was. Greenwood Record. The Otoe county republicans have nominated a mm named Wellensick for treasurer, we trust that he is more well than side and can win out in the race. A Michigan man, who smokes four cigars a day and chews 25 cents wortb of tobacco a week, says be is too poor to take a paper. He is a very 6mart man, too. By getting1 hold of a foreign advertising sheet be spent $1 writing to fin3 out how to keep sober; the an swer was to take the pledge. He also spent fifty 2-ccnt stamps to lind out how to raise beets, and received a postal card roply: "Take hold of the top and pull." It. was this same per son that sjnt fifty one-cent stamps to a fellow in the east for twelve useful household articles, and received a paper of needles. Ho is relative to a man who sent $5 to find out how to write without pen and ink, and the answer was "try a lead pencil." He must be a full brother of the man who sent $2 to find out how to mnke money without work, and was told in one black line on a postal card to "Fish for suckers like we da "Ex. Mrs. Arnold, of Ashland, received the sad news Sund iy of the death of her son earnest. He was in Mexico at the timo of his donth. and was only sick a very short time with yellow fever. He w.is well known in this city. Mrs. C. G. Clifford and children left yesterday fo a few days' visit with -elatives' at Plattsmouth and and Glenwood, la. Louisville Cour ier. Croup Quickly Cured. Mountain Glen, Ark. Our child ren were suffering with croup when we received a botile oT CLaraberlain's Cough Remedy It afforded almost instant relief. F. A. Thornton. This celebrated remedj' is for sale by all druggists. THE MAN WHO IS NOT NEEDED I'm sixty yeara of aj;e today. And I have worktnl and slaved. And some one rlso shall presently Get all that I liiive saved. Hut it is nut The siinplo thought Of "oing that I deplore. Tis this when I In the cold earil) lie They'll think of nie uo mra. I've labored on from day to day With 0)10 hope in my mind. Tvvas that when I was laid away I'd leave a void behind Something, you know, To always show That I had lived and wrought. But now at last That dream ia past I've Kt to share the common lot. I've t lirown a fever off today And :isen from my bed. For months I've been but helpless clay. With wild thought:! in my head. I'd fondly thought Tl.o mill would not Bun if I were not there to see. But it's kept right on. Though I've been gone. And that's the thing that saddens me. S. E. Enter in Cleveland Loader. MEN BURN SPONTANEOUSLY Medlesl Science Records Inotanrpa of the Combustion of Flesh From Within. When Dickens used so effectively the spontaneous combustion of tho human body as a climax for a novel, he had back of him a great deal 0f evidence that such a miracle had actually taken place. In an article on "The Pathology of Man, " in the old French ' Encyclopedic Methodique." D'Azyr gives the case ol a woman 50 years of age who had made a practice of going to bed drunk every day for many yeara Her bones were finally found in the bed with the flesh posed, by spontaneous combustion. The somewhat similar case of Grace Pitt is given in the transactions of the English Royal society. She was tho wife of a fishmonger who lived at Ips wich, and she was found stretched on the kitchen floor by her daughter, burn ing, the girl said, "without flames." Her body and legs resembled smoldering coals and when water was thrown on her gave forth the odor of scorched flesh, accompanied by a suffocating smoke. ' The girl ran from the house r.nd "called in th neighbors, who found nothing but bones and charred flesh left of the woman. She, too, had been a hard drinker. A third case, given in a French f ssay, lis that of AIme..do Boiseon. bO'yenrf ibid, who lived near DoL It is taid jshewas very lean and that for several yersshe had drunk nothing but spiril"W r. j . it . . tt ,x.c . , , , ?. t ' Pi dnl,WMr tl chrsorwht they ia her room. tL: ""! ' IJT-T UUTUJUJ in tv ciiers, seem.' ... "Mat ir f HE WAS HOMESICK. so HE WAS EASILY LURED ACROSS THE MEXICAN LINE. How an Amateur Detective Outwitted aa Embezzler Posing m a Forg-er Ia Exile Who Knew of Rich Deposit of Ore That Had Never Been Reported. "I never was in Mexico but once, and then I went as an amateur detective," paid the mining expert. "It happened this way : A friend of mine in Pittsburg had his confidential clerk to whom be had given an opportunity by trusting him fully skip with $10, 000. He knew whore he wasf just over the border from Fan Diego. Eut he was safe, for ho. kept religiously on the wrong side of the line. Several detectives had been sent down there to lure him over, but in some way he had detected the detect ive in them, for they often acquire a professional air in spite of their best efforts to the contrary." "I knew that my only chance would be to go and live there as a fugitive from justice myself and so secure hid entire confidence. I decided to be a fcrger. I took up my abode in the wretched little town and in about 24 hours was so sick of it that I was on the point of throwing up the whole scheme and going back. But my friend had done mo many a favor in business, and in decency I owed him some return. Gf course I did not make the slick man's acquaintance. I was determined he should make mine. He held off for sev eral days, evidently thinking I was a detective and expecting me to make, as they had always done, approaches to him, Bnt I kept away, as if I were sus picious of him. Tho fellow was dread fully homesick, and I don't wonder, in that place. Ho used to go out on the desert and look at the stars and stripe across the lxrder and wish he dared gc back. He evidently began to think he was worse imprisoned than if he had been in some penitentiary. "Finally one day he ventured to ad dress me. I replied very coldly to hit salutation, which only made him the more anxious to know me. He began tc inquire into my business and find out what I hadcomofor. I gave him no spe cial satisfaction until ouo day I said that I had come for a change of air. With the same kind of air in the United States t few miles away this was, of course, ab surd, and ho concluded, as I intended he should, that I was there for the same reason he was, but I plied him with nc questions. Finally, in his impatience, he burst out with:' " 'What's the use of keeping up this pretense longer? I know and you know that we are both on the same errand down here. It is true, as you say, wc can't live over there' pointing to ward the country over the border. Lot's own up r.ud have dono with the farce. ' So we confessed to" each other, ho tell ing me :ill about his crime, which 1 knew nlready, and I telling him all about my imaginary iniquity. "That was as far as we got foi awhile, but it did him good. For it left him free to talk. lie was very home sick, and we both acknowledged that it would bo almost pleasauter to give our selves up and serve out our terms thax to stay there the rest of our lives. I one or twico hinted that I was ready to dc so. But ha wasn't, and 1 knew that nc ordinary inducement would get him where ho could bo taken. But he had uo opportunity of investing his money, and his enpidity naturally forced him to see that l:o had made a very poor bar gain if all ho was to got cut of his ras cality was to sit and spend it slowly in that little hole of a Mexican town. "I had alivjjdy interested hi:n with my stories of fortunes that had been made in' lacky mine investments, and told him I knew of one rich deposit which I had never reported to any cue, intending to invest tne amount. 01 my forgery in its development if I could get sonio more to pnt with it. I told him it was in an out of the way local ity in southern Arizona, and that we could get there without detection if we would go on foot or burro back and avoid tuo railroads, f inally be con-4 eluded that he was willing to. take the risk if I would and go and look at the property. The rest was easy. I wrote at once for an officer to be ready to head us off while crossing tho Colorado river. We had traveled some distance without being challenged or exciting suspicion. I threw off my pretended apprehension, declared that we were safe from all in terference and that we might as well take . it easy. This proved contagious, and I saw that I would have no difficul ty in getting him to the point I had designated to the officers. "We were riding slowly along in the not sun of the desert when suddenly from behind a butte two men on horses shot out and rode swiftly toward us and were upon us almost before we had time to realize it. Although I had expected them, I confess I was taken by surprise it was done so quickly and success fully. Of course they handcuffed me as well as him. But before we had reached the railroad station they had released me, and he understood how he had been fooled. I expected he would burst out in curves and reproaches, especially when they confiscated what he had left of his stealings But he didn't In fact, it was so great a relief that he made no .defense at the trial and took his sen- uuett vriku miuunmnMiwiua hardly have been surprised if he had thanked me for the favor he was so thoroughly sick of exile." Chicago Times-Herald. ' Man'. Superior Ability. . 'I gness I ain't bo coarse, " said the patient animal. "Oh, I don't know," retorted Ba laam. "Yon could not make a man of yourself if yon talked for a decade, and I can make an ass of myself in five min utes' discourse. ' Indianapolis Journal. Vaeimc Mftale. The spirit of this simile ia used br John Banyan in the meditation "Of the Horse and Drum, " La his "Book For Boys and Girls; or, Country Rhymes For Children," published in 1686., Of the XprtTlinA CTHincf:lan ha mm Intav .li. V Will. V will. - T'llnaee them, face them, keep Uutr pUce. ITotts and Queries. Iat nut 3 'tl c' Crrti Africa much " c-ens, yhich go ties to rob gar- gwmwmwmmmmm! immmmnm m wmmm nnmng I B. G. DO VEY & SON.-1 Our Stock of fall and winter goods is now in. Never before in the history of Plattsmouth has there been such an ar ray of fine goods at such remarkably low prices, we have for fall and winter use. Our line in the Dress Goods de partment offer special attractions and extra good values. We mention all Wool Dress Flannels 1 1-2 yds wide, for 39 cts, and 1 yd wide, 25 cts. We have a fine assortment of Dress Patterns no two alike are quite the thing. The earlieryou buy the better assortment to choose from. Silks A beautiful line of these goods for trimmings and waists in Taffetas, Roman Stripes, Plaids, etc. Dress Trimmings in Jets, Gimps and all kinds of fancy braids, sets, new buttons. Velvets: We bought these goods last May at the old prices and can give you the best values in these goods ever shown. They have advanced 1-3 since we purchased. Wrappers! Wrappers! See our New Fall Styles at 79 cts. Cheaper than you can buy the button holes. S price 75 cents. Don't forget we are agents for the cele brated Gage Down Corsets. Wear the Chicago Corset Waist The best made. Attention! Boj-s and girls. There is something- in it for you. We are giving" away with every pair of shoes a nice writing- tablet, for pencil or ink, and one g-ood lead pencil absolutely FREE I 6arpeis--raii of 1897. EE We want you to call and inspect our line. Remember we 35 have the largest stock of carpets in the county. New Brussels Carpet, 75 cts. New Velvet Carpet, $1.00. All Wool Ingrain Carpet, 50 cts. Moquette Carpet, $1.00. It won't pay you to gro to Omaha for carpets this year. Re-. . -. .... member this is 3-our last chance to g-et a carpet at a low price, .... .. ..as prices on these gfoods have alj advanced. On these goods . .. .we bought early You will get the benefit. Come and see.... New Rugs, New Linoleums, New Ici-icrxiber we fiaXVctlie I a !;;' st line of Gloves. Yarns, (JiiCerwcar and Handkerchiefs ever showi : und at the; lowest prices. B. G. DGFBY& SON f ?!!!!!!!!! iiiiii liliii lUiikiii illUIUIlUW ilililtillit iiiiill liiliK n prR A new line of Roman Stripes and Plaids for neckwear, , They are beauties. We have just received a new line of Dress Corsets in Black, White and Drab for 50 centsregular SHOES! SHOES! I ( v - :1 ' II ---' II- III - - YEjfiR. ft ms Ribbons ! Ribbons ! si The best line of shoes in the cits'. A nice line of Child's green Shoes in all sizes. See our Ladies' Calfskin Shoe for SI, 50. Childrens' Shoes, $1. Misses Calfskin shoes for SI. 25. Oilrloths, Etc. 3 Hosiery. Ibices, HEfMU-.