WS H a a Jl.v u u PLATTSMOUTH, NEB., OCTOB KU (5, 1897. VOL. V. NO. 109. THE liKKALU. Estiihlisbed AprlU0.i9C4 f uonsouaatea Jan. 1. 189s. NEBRASKA'S MARVELOUS CROPS. HE AVAS homesjci Iv. The Chicago Tribune Quotes home Opin ions lf Nebraska Man. lYes,I"m from Red Willow county," k Ale ook. Nob , merchant to a group at the Palmer nijjfht,'' quotes the Chicngo Tribune. ''Crops? Well, rather. My coui.ty is 250 miles west cf the Missouri. Some years it doesn't rain out there, then we raise pops. This year it did rain, and we r-iised everything: else. ' The pop crop id the only total failure in Nebraska this year. " Well our county t overs about 4W,0K) acres. Odt of that we cultivate 215,000 ;icres say 4i per cent. Thia year there were 100,000 aero in rinali grain W per cent of wh?at. Much of it already threshed dhow thirty fivo bushel to the acre. It wl.l averagru twenty-live buabeld to tlic acie over the whoie county; that means 2,000,000 bushels fer Red Wil low county. "There are nearly a hundred coun ties in the state, o I look on lo0,000, 000 bushels of wheat for Nebraska those are Kustis' figures as low. And the quality is phenomenal. The threshers leport it as weighing out sixty pounds to the measured bushel. "Hut these Chicago farmers do not understand where, it all ccmes from. The fact is we aie cutting two crops in one Last year whs a drv one. Matty fields sown to wheat in tne spring were not tho't worth cutting, they were ncvi.-r touched. This year the same land, seeded b.v what little grain grew last year, produced amaz ing yields of wheat "Olo customer of mine (this is no fairy iale his name is Jiminio Doyle) lives a mile north of town. He rerlted a piece of li-nd to put into corn this year that had wheat on it last. By the time .limmie got his own land cropped it was tco late to plant corn on the rented land, so he never touched it. Well, sir, theyoungster's wheat came up like Russian thistles on an alkali b ttom, and that fellow cut and threshed 10,000 bushels of wheat on that eighty acres, and never even ban-owed the land. It cost hi in "0 bushels for rent, and he had a clean rake off of 750 bushe ls of wheat .for nothing, and last Friday they were bidding 70 cents at McCook for No. 2, or better. There are a number of "volunteer" wheat stories floating out there, hut this one I know per sonally to be true. ' It's n wonder we've got wheat to burn is it?" SO HE WAS EASILY LURED ACROS3 THE MEXICAN LINE. : it ' v' t- : o a best lturlington Koute California Kxrurslous. Cheap, quick, comfortable. Leave IMattsmouth 3:43 p. in., every Thurs day in clean, modern, not crowded tourist sleepers. No transfers; cars run right through to San Francisco and Los Angeles over the Scenic Route through Denver and Salt Lake City. Cars are carpeted; upholstered in rattan; have spring seats and backs and aro provided with curtains, bed ding, towels, soap, etc. Uniformed porters and experienced excursion conductors accompany each excursion. relieving passengers of all bother about baggage, pointing out objects of interest and in many other ways helping to make the overland trip a delightful ex perience. - Second class tickets are honored. IJertha $o. For folder giving fnll information, call at nearest Burlington Route ticket office, or write to J. Francis, Gen. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. The first open meeting of the season of the Mozart club will take place on TuesJay evening Oct. a, at Mis9 El eon's. In addition to the regular his tory lesson, there will be given a de lightful musical program, and a talk. by Mr. Matthew Goring on the great Comnaser Verdi, wtio celebrates his ( eighty-fourth birthday October 10. Members and their friends are re- nuested to be there promptly at 7:30. Kelarel Rates to Kansas City and St Loul. For the Priest of Pallas parade and Karnival Krewe the B. & M. will sell round trip tickets Oct. 3rd to 9th, for one faro for the round trip, final limit for return Oct. 10th. For the St. Louis fair will sell round trip tickets Oct. 3dtoSth, at one fare, final limit to return Oct. 11th. W. L. P-ickett, Agent. For Kent 200 acre farm. About 12-5 acres in cultivation. A 10 acre bearing peach and apple orchard, the balance in pasture. A good stock well and two sorites. Will rent the whole at $2.75 per acre for one or more years. Joseph SHERA.Rock Bluff, Neb. There is no pain or discomfort when Tabler's Buckove Pile Ointment is used. It relievts that itching in creased by scratching. It is prepared with scientific accuracy and profes sional knowledge, and is the kind that cures blind, bleeding, i ch'ng, and proti tiding Piles, with no ain or loss of time. The Bicyclist s Best Friend a familiar name for Do Wilt's Witch Huzel Salve, always ready for emer gencies. While a specific for piles, it also instant y relieves and cures cuts, bruises, salt rheum, eczema and all affections of the skin. It never fails. F. G. Frlcke & Co. License Notice. Notice is eiven that I will annlv " board of county commissioners lor license to sell I Malt Spirituous and vinous liquors in the village ot Cedar Creek, Cass couutv, Nebraska lor the twelve months beginniug October 12. 1x97. , Andrew Amderso. ' How an Annate a r Detective Outwitted an Embezzler Posing Forger In Exile Who Knew or a ltlcb Deposit of Ore That Had Never Been Reported. "I never was iu Mexico but once, and then I went as an amateur defective," said the mining expert. "It hap-. mxl this way : A friend of mine in Pi.t :urg had his confidential clerk to whom he had iven an opiortun;.ty by tru: tiu; him fully skip with $10,000. lick : v. where he was, just over the L r from Fau Diego. But he was k?. he kept religiously on the vi of the line. Several detectives' I .. 1 aut down there to ln.v him o - ; iu someway ho had dcrr't-d the ' ive in tbm, for tl'.ey ofieu ac-ou professional air ia spite of their efforts to the contrary. "I knew that my only chr.if c v r.M be to go and live there as n fr ,': from justice myself aud sd sx-;;m; Li entire confidence. I decidid to be :i forger. I tojk up my abole in tl. wretched little town and iunbor.t i hours was so sick of it that I wa.s o:i I'.c point of throwing up the whole scht .-i.-and going back. But my friend l:r.: done me many a favor in bushir-ss, nu1 in decency I cwc:l hinf some return Oi courses I did not make the slk!; i.iaii'f acquaintance. 1 was dett-nr: 1 lie should make mine. He held off 1 r v cral days, evidently thinking I vr.i.i a detective and expecting me to mrk'j, as they had always done, approaches to him. But I kept away, as if I were sus picious of him. The fellow wus dread fully homesick, and I don't wonder, iv that place. He iu;cd to go out on tin desert and look at the stars and fctripes across the border and wish ho dared gc back. He evidently began to think he was worso imprisoned than if ho had been in some penitentiary. "Finally one. day he ventured to ad dress rue. I replied very coldly to hi salutation, which only made him the more anxious to know me. He b'j-';ui tc inquire into my business and find out what I had come for. I gave him uospo cial satisfaction until one day I 6aid that I had come for a change of air. With tin same kind of air in the United States f few miles away this was, of course, ab surd, and he concluded, as I intended he should, that I was there for the same reason he was, but I plied him with nc questions. Finally, ia his impatience he burst out with: 44 WLfi. the unc of keeping up tliit pretenso longer? I Lnow and you know that we are both on the same errand down here. It is true, as you say, wt can't live over there' pointing to ward the country over the border. 'Left own up and have done with the farce. ' So wo confessed to each other, he tell iug mo all about his crime, which 1 knew already, and 1 telling him all about my imaginary iniquity. "That was as far as we got foi awhile, but it tlid him good. For it left him free to talk. He was very home sick, and we both acknowledged that it would bo almost plcasanter to give our selves up and serve out our terms thaii to stay there the rest of our lives. I one or twice hinted that I was ready to dc so. But he wasn't, and I knew that uc ordinary inducement would get bin; where he could be- taken. But he had no opportunity of investing his money. and his cupidity naturally forced him to see that he had made a very tioor bar gain if all he was to get out of his ras cality wa3 to sit and spend it nl nvly in that little hole cf a Mexican town. "I had already interested hint with my stories of fortunes that had lieen made iu lucky mine investments, and told him I knew of one rich deposit which I had never reported to any cue, intending to invest tne amount et my forgery iu its development if I could get some inoro to put with it. 1 told him it was in an out of the way local lty in southern Arizona, and tnat we could get there without detection if we would go on fx)t or burro back and avoid the railroads. Finally he con cluded that he was willing to take the risk if I would and go and look at the property. The rest was easy. I wrote at once for an officer to be ready to head us off while crossing the Colorado river. We had traveled some distance without being challenged or exciting suspicion. I threw off my pretended apprehension. declared that we were safe from all in terference aud that we might as well take it easy. This proved contagious, and I saw that I would have no difficul ty in getting him to tho point I had designated to the officers. "We were riding slowly along in the hot sun of the desert when suddenly from behind a butte two men on horses shot out and rode swiftly toward us and were upon us almost before we had time to realize it. Although 1 had expected them, I confess I was taken by surprise it was done so quickly and success fully. Of course they handcuffed me as well as him. But before we had reached the railroad station they had released me, and he understood how he had been fooled. I expected he would burst out in and reproaches, csjiecially when thev confiscated what Lo had left of his stealings. But he didn't In fact, it was so great rt nlief that Le no defense at the trial and took his sen tenco with great indifference. I would hardly have been surprised if he had thanked me for the favor ho was so thoroughly 6ick - of exile. " Chicago Times-Herald. . ABOUT WALL PAPER 5 PAINT. u a ..WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED.. An 151ecjcint Stock of Weill . Paper for the Fall Trade WHICH YOU SHOULD INSPECT AT ONCE. We usually buy enough in-the. spring to last the year through, but our sales were so much larger than heretofore that we were " compelled to add an additional stock to supply our customers' needs for the fall papering, which, by the way, is the best time to paper and paint. We handle the famous Mound City.Mixed Paints "Horse Shoe" Brand. SMITH & PARMELE, DRUGGISTS. MAIN ST. u 1 100 Reward 100. The readers of thi paper will be pleased to learn that there I at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, ?nd tha' 's Catarrh. Hull's Catarrh Cure is the only positive ciire known to the medical fraternity. Calairh being a constitutional dis ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catan h Cure is taken internally, acting directly upec tiie blood an-1 mucous surfaces ot the sys tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, r.nd giving the patient strength by build ing up the constitution and assisting nature in donitf its work. The proprietors have so much faith its curative powers that they otter One Hundred Dollars for any case that it lails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. . Address. F.J. hbnev &Ce., Toledo, O. bold by Druggists inc 5s ri bb n ts&s .i fc-cti u a rr- m M UuflUDDUU There Is a Class of people Who are injured by the use of coffee, tiecently there has been placed in all he grocery stores a new preparation called Graino-O, made of pure graiDS, that takes the place of coffee. The most delicate stomach receives it without distress and but few can tell it from coffee. It does not cost over i as much. Children may drink it with great benefit. 15 cts". and 2 els. per dackage. Try it. Ask for Grain-O. ARE THE MOOT FATAL OF ALL DIS EASES. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE is i guaranteed remedy for all KIDNEY and BLADDER Diseases. THIS GREAT REMEDY IS SOLO BY SMITH & PARMELE, Druggists PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. I -Hi Hi 4 What do the Children Drink? Don't give them tea or coffee. Have vou tried the new food drink called GRAIN-O? It is delicious and nour ishing and takes the place of coffee. The more (Jrain-O you give the child ren the more health you distribute through their systems. Grain-O is made of pure grains, and when pro perly orepared tastes like tho choice grades of coffee but costs about i as much. All grocers sell it. 15c and 25c THAT OLD FUR GARMENT Is worth almost an much today as the As long as the hair Is on spots can be taken out St. Louis Exposition. On account oi tne aoove occasion the B. & M. will sell tickets Septem ber 16th, 21st, 23d, 28th 30th, Oct. 5th, 7th, 12th, 14th, 19th, 21st, at one and one third fare for the round trip, limit to return five days from date of sale. W. L. PlCKKTT, Agent. Bollard's Snow . Liniment cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, .Headache, Sick Headache, Sore Throat, Cuts, Sprains, Rruises, Old Sores, Corns, and all pain and inflamation. The most penetrating Linirr-ent in the world. Try it, 50c. day you bought it; but you don't know it. the skin it is GOOD. Moth eaten or worn without even showing a sen m. The only question is what can be done with it. Its out of style and worn. Maybe it needs new lining, or should be stylishly trimmed. The old coat would make a beautiful full sweep cape, and capes are just the thing this season. There's that eld fur gar ment you haven't worn for years, because it is all "fagged out." Why, that will nxike a beautiful collarette; ju9t the thing for fall and spring wear. Then just look at that garment. It is entirely "gone up." The hair stands the wrong way on it. and it is worn and matted. -."Its no earthly uae." Well, it does look bad, but by the process of glazing the fur is brought out and cleaned and then, when remodeled, it is like new. During July and August of this year, we will make a speci alty of ALTERATIONS and REPAIRS. Our system of measure ment is such we can fit you as well by mail as by personal measure ncent. We make NEW FUtt and I'LUSEI GARMENTS to V"OUR ORDER. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Write to os. UJIW nWE n rn iois.o walkut stkket, frill LH 1C LUi Kaowa City, Hiiwoarl. - IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF FURS. Man's Superior Ability. "I guess I ain't so coarse, said the patient animal. "Oli, I dout know,'" ret cried Ba laam. "You could not make a man of yourself if you talked for a decade, aud I can make au asii of myself in five miu utes' discourse. " Indianapolis Journal. Slates, tablets, pencils pens and inks at Smith & Parmele's. Semi-Weekly News-Herald $1. Cheap Rates on the iturlington. Ilomeseekers excursions Sept. 21, Oct. 5 and 19. One fare for the round trip south and west plus $J. For fur- I ther information inquire ftt E & M. ticket office. W. L. Pickett, Agt. The Mammoth BLACKJACK VW3 BRIGHT'S Is the most Kidney Diseases I Swelling of the Limbs 1 Which look First Premium at tbe State Fair ha3 been pur chased by me and will make .the fall season at my barn ia Plattsmoutb. domen are the . Dr. J. H. Met UUER AND V" Has proven, in thousan vr4 to dc Tne recticss xxt yrt Jas. M. Sage, I'ornor of Sixth and fearl Streets. .- THE OR s .ei J. H. MCLE ' I : dbeaseJ dangerous of all Q the 0 .8 At V tirst symptoms A t - --v v i - - c Nm Goods Just Received. I K COMPL6TE LING OF Dry Goods, Dress Goods, and Notions Blankets, Woolen Underwear, and everything usually found in afirst-class Dry Goods sto re w ill be found at Lower Alain Street M Also a Full Line of Standard and Fancy g HJI groceries, yueensware ana U Stoneware. raj; We pay no rents, or expensive clerk ' i M hire and give our customers the bene- Pi g fit of Low prices. p i -. m I Call and See For Yourself; i PJ M SPECIAL SI.25 School Shoes S1.25 We Have Just Received 500 pairs 500 AH Sizes, all Solid, Well Made Shoes, with NO PAPER, which will go AT LESS than Manufacturers' prices. We sell nothing but Shoes, GOOD SHOES, and give our whole undi- i vided attention to SHOES, and by m sodoingwestudy QUALITY - hence jj your pocketbook.' S We don't have to give you pencils to in- jUji duce you to buy our Shoes. We If make the PRICE RIGHT, which li makes the pencil giving scheme a IjH very small and insignificant mis- leading inducement. Call and see jy II; the BARGAINS partially displayed m onourcountersandyou will be made S Jd happy. "a Hi Open every evening till we get pf tired. No more 8 o'clock closing. I ROBERT SHERWOOD 1 gj FOOT MILLINER. Plattsmouth, Neb. m m m The BEST The CHEAPEST HEATING STOVES In the World. Also everthing in a first-class Hardware store at Prices which are RIGHT. We manufacture, the BEST AIR s'iGHT HEATING STOVE Tilcrcyt, s'T'chat on thcvL iVeum hied al rv r other thiiV th dav ot A- the Market. -. .amor of Sixth mad -eri streets. iad testament l"- " - ;ffe of the value r ' loSrlLL & SON, ve Mh day ot October. I A1 , 1 1 r-ym . contest said petition, the ctn UUUld OIXXflH- Lrawlurd. or some oth I ijiistratrix. and proceed tt Plattsmouth, Neb. ate. Witness my banJV.