Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, October 02, 1897, Image 3

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P. c n oval a a
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest 0
all in leavening strength. Latest United States
(joverumcut Food Report.
Orlando TefTt, of Avoca,
is in the
K. II. Wooley, the Lincoln attorney,
1 in the city on business.
John P. Polk, of Greenwood, is vis
iting relative? in this city.
A. M. Russell, of Weeping Water,
is in the city today on legal business.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sherman, of
Louisville, are visiting in the city to
day. A. H. Todd departed on No. 7 this
afternoon for a business trip to the
lUack Hills.
J. W. S-ige was in Iowa yesterday
and bought a fine jack of W. T. Dec
tow of Cedar flipids.
Mrs. 11. I. Wade, of Cleveland, O.,
came in this morning for a visit with
her sister, Mrs. W. D. Jones.
Dame Rumor reports that Miss
Maggie Oliver, formerly of this city,
i to bo married in a short time.
Wes. Graasman suffered a painful
accident this morning, having a fin
der nail torn off while at his work in
the shops.
Fritz M'jmm, the boy who put his
foot between the bumpers of two
freight earn, with disastrous results,
is out on crutches.
J. M. Irown and wife of Sioux City,
" la., who has hecn visiting with C. A.
liawls and family, relurr-.ed to their
homes this afternoon.
A i wood & Co., at their Creek
quarries, aro very bu y th'e days.
They employ fifty mn and tu -n out
about twenty-five cuts of stone and
sand a iliiy.
The s-horiff hns rercixid :i card
from tlio hherilT t:f D."Hig I'nun'y. i'f
faring :i "liberal rcwai d" IW tlio
e i pture of threofiien who broke j it
at Fremont, September 17.
Marion Waters was t no of those,
who grasped the opportunity to buy a
five dollar bill for two dollars and u
half last nighi. and now he's sorry he
was so eager to get wealthy.
Somo time ago Justice Swearingen
of Murray fined Jas. Miller, of that vi
cinity, for assault. The tine was never
p vid, and Miller was brought in Sat
urdav to board out his sentence.
"Dad" Puidy was wheeling him
so 11 around town today in his invalid
cluiir, almost as though he had never
bt-en siek. "Dal" declares that he
will yet live to be mayor of the city.
William Hyers has resigned his
position as deputy district clerk, and
Mr. IJouseworth has appointed Willis
Carter, of Weeping Water, to that
position. Ho will assume his new
duties attout the middle of next
Henry Weckbach's valuable St.
Denard has been under the weather
for feome days, and. yosterday Henry
sent for a veterinary 6urgeoo, who
prescribed for him, with the result
that he is considerably improved to-
Mrs. Isabella Spurlock has been
nominated for regent by tho prohibi
tion party of this state, and her letter
of acceptance is published this week
in the Nation j Alienor. it is a
verv interesting letter, and well
worth roading.
Mrs. Thos. Burton,, of Illinois, who
has been visiting with her son, E. A.
Burton, at Murray, departed this
morning for California, where she
will visit relatives, bhe was accom-
panit d far as Omaha by Mr. and
Mrs. E. A. Burton.
(Mrs. LVist, who lost a valuable
pearl pin the olhor day. has recov
ered her property. She wbs under
tho impresionthat she .had lost it
during her visit to the state fair, but
a search yesterday of the vehicle in
which sho drove in from the country,
tesulted in finding the pin.
A team belonging to some farmer,
nothing lost ,
Scott's Emulsion makes cod-liver oil talcing; next
thing" to a pleasure You hardly taste it. The stom
ach knows nothing ibout it it does not trouble you
theie. You feel it first in the strength that it brings:
it shows in the eotor of the cheek, the rounding of the
angles, ths smoothing of the wrinkles.
It is cod-liver oil digested for you, slipping as easily
into the blood and losing itself there as rain-drops lose
themselves in the ocean.
What a satisfactory thing this is to hide the odious
taste of cod-liver oil, evade the tax on the stomach,
take health by surprise.
There is no secret of what it is made of the fish-fat
taste is lost, but nothing is
Perhaps your druggist has a
is t tb standard ll others try
o cents and $t.o
which had been tied on Main street,in
some manner got loose and dashed
down Main street at a break-neck
speed nbjut 4:30 this afternoon. They
turned south on fourth street, and
wore nnaiiy captured r.ear. the jail.
riie only damage done was to the
buggy which waa sliehtly twisted out
of shape by being overturned.
DeLong, special detective for the
VI. P. seLt the following to the offi
cers here this morning: "Look out
fur man thirty ye are old, height five
feet ten inches, weight 100, complec
lion darK, black moustache, soft black
hat, black sack coat, light shift, light
colored pants, badly Boiled. Wanted
for blowing safe at Wabash depot on
September 27. The amount taken
was email, amounting to between six
and seven dollars.
P. E. Ruffner was an Omaha visitor
A new steel range, 25. W, W.
Coates & Co.
John Coleman got in a fine new line
of jewelry and watches this week.
Seabury L. Sears, the Ashland capi
talist, is in the oity on business today.
Clarence Tefft, of Avoca, was in the
city looking after some legal business
Mr. Petty, of Emmettsburgh, la. ,
is in the city today looking up title to
some real estate.
Fair and cooler in Nebraska with
northwesterly winds is the gratifying
prediction of the weather bureau for
August B-ich is moving his grocery
stock into the room in Wettenkanp
block made vacant by the removal of
Chris Wohlfarth.
Judge Wool worth will not be a can
didate for supreme judge, having de
clined the nomination given him by
the sound, money democrats.
The Tuxedo dancing club has post
poned the dance to have been given
Friday evening until further notice,
on account of the. hot weather.
Sheriff Holloway has notified all the
officers for miles around of the Wa
bash depot burglary and has given a
discription of the supposed burglar.
Miss Ella Clark is now prepared to
give lessons in voice culture. For
further information inquire at studio,
405 Vine street upon Mondays and
Superior Axle Grease, 10 cents per
box it will not gum, run or freeze: O.
K. Grease, four boxes 25 cents; Dia
mond,, five, boxes, 25 cents. W. W.
Coates & Co.
Asber Clark tjella more fancy China-
ware than anyb dy, because Jie selects
it with great care and pays cash. Ho
got in nnotlie'". fioe .invoice today.
Coin4 and .-.e U
B. F. ltjagan and wife of Lincoln,
and Quint on Hinshaw and wife of
Indiana, who h tve been visiting da
tives here, went to Omaha today for a
visit with relatives there.
TnE News regrets to learn that
Dr. Banghn, tke druggist at Hed
bloom's, has resigned bis position and
will move with his family to liem.ett
nxt week where he goes into business
for himself. Mr. Baughn made many
friends here who are loth to see him
leave. He will be succeeded by an
experienced drug man named Ken
nard from Omaha.'
Frank Chassott of Carroll, Iowa, is
here visiting his brother Charley.
Their name in the old country was
ChassotdeFleurinpuourt and it is said
they will somo day secure a handsome
interest in a foreign estate.
Henry Dubois, a wealthy capitalist
of Ulster county. New York, who
lived on a farm down near Union for
twenty years, is here on business and
visiting with friendsof the early days
He came to Nebraska in 18-57, and
remembers much of the early history
of this county.
We are again in the market with
bargains in wall paper from the great
establishment of Alfred Pease. We
are six months ahead of the market in
representing the new styles for the
spring ot lsys, and thanking our
patrons who havo repeatedly pur
chased of us for four years we are pre
pared to furnish the finest styles at
lowest prices. Give us a call and ex
amine our samples. JamesPettee.
' Major Russell, the attorney from
Weeping Water, was in town yester
day and seeing Santanelh, the hyp
notist, on the street, ha thought it
was Bryan and stayed over to hear
him. He went to the opera hou?e and
soon learned how Bryan caught the
populists, by hypnotizing them. Tho
major enjoyed himself first-rate, but
he didn't Ilka it when he found the
fellow was not Bryan, and only re
sembled him closely.
lost but the taste.
substitutt for Scott's Emulsion,
to equal the best for you to buyt.
An Druggists
New York - j. :
knows it is without an equal.
The N. K. Falrbank Company, - Chicago.
Youthful Runaways.
It is said 'hat this is a progressive
age and that the younger people are
ahead in the ways of the world of
those who were double their age in
times gone by. A circus, as a general
rule, is a boy's ideal of what a good
time should bo and if they can only
join one then the heighth of their
ambition has been attained.
Yesterday afternoon after school
four boys, none of them eight years of
age and two but six years of age, all
of whom attend the Sixth street school
concluded that they would start out
in lif j for themselves, and after see
ing a little of the world they pro
posed joining the first circus they
met. They wero the sons of James
Riley ,XR. E. Hawley, Mr. Quinn and
Frank Golden.
The little fellows secured 'a water
melloh and some meat and going down
in the vicinity of the B. & M. round
house they settled down to real tramp's
lire. After their feast they sought a
box car, but that did not move eoon
enough so after dark they went up to
tho B. & M. depot, where they settled
down to wait for an outgoing train
and when found late at night they
were sound asleep. It is safe to Bay
that their traveling desires will be
taken' up with other thoughts for a
few days at least and their tour of the
world has been indefinitely post
poned. Nebraska City News.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed bids will bo received by tho
secretary of the Board oT Education
for city of Plattsmouth till noon of
October 4. 1897. for supplying said
board with fifteen cords of well sea- i
soned cottonwood or lynn wwd, to be
delivered in lots of one cord or more
to the several wurd buildings in said
school district as directed by the
secretary, all of such wood to bo
straight body wood. Alsotofupply
said board with twenty cords of gtiod
drv straight body oak or hickory
wood to be delivered at the High
school building when directed by the
secretary of the board. Tho bo;trd re
serves the right to reject all bids.
E. W. Cook,
Secretary Board of Education.
Suit For Louisville.
The village authorities at Louis
ville are not having clear sailing in
the collection of their business on oc
cupation tax. It seems that a promi
nent merchant of the town relused to
pay the tax and the city dads ordered
a levy made to satisfy the claim. J.
L. Hartshorn was marshal and W. C.
Dorsey, clerk. Some nails were
levied on and sold, and now Mr.
Rochford, the merchant, sues those
two officials for $12.00 damages for
wrongful conversion of property. The
case was caiiea in juage Arcner s
court for trial this afternoon.
Quite a number of prominent resi
dents were down as witnesses, among
whom we noticed Miles Drako.presi-
dent of the town board; II. E. Pan-
konin, Frank Dickson. L. J. Mayfield
and Frank Fetzer, members of the
board; E. C. Twiss, S. V. Davis, J. I.
Hartshoi n and W. C. Dorsey.
In lied Twenty-oue Vrara.
Joseph M. Lilly, a wealthy farmer
who lived near Cbillcothe, Mo., died
recently, aged 64 years. In 18G8 Mr.
Lilly told his friends that he had
heart disease, and. took to his bed and
lay prone there for 21 years, telline
his physicians and friends that if he
raised his head or chebt above a slight
angle he would instantly expire.
Nothing could expel this idea from
bis mind. 111s general neaitn was
good, but it was not until lute in 1889
that he could be induced to get up.
He was a shrewd business man and
grew rich, even while lying in bed.
Up to the day of his death Lilly had
fairly good health. Chicago Post.
Oft For Africa.
George Reed, of Weeping Water,
was in town today bidding his friends
good bye, as he st irta this evening for
Morocco, in far away Africa, where he
goes as a Methodist missionary to
preach the gospol to the benighted
heathen. George is a bright young
man and it seems bad to see him throw
his life away for these people, but he
believes it his duty to do so and goes
It Hits the pot .
When suffering from a severe cold
and vour throat and lungs feel sore.
lane a doje of
and Tar. when
be at once re
Foley's Huuev
the sorenes wil'
lieved, a warm
grateful feeling and
healing of the
pirts affected will be experienced and
you will say: "It feels so good. It hits
the spot." It is guaranteed. Smith
& P;i mele.
Semi-Weekly News-Herald
per year.
1 I
"You can take that soap
right back and change
it for Santa Claus Soap.
I would not use any
other kind."
Every woman who has
ever used
Sold everywhere. Made only by
Rumored Sale of Greenland.
London, Sept. 27. There is a
rnmor in Canadian circles that the
government of the United States has
made overtures to the government of
Denmark with the object of acquiring
Greenland from the latter country.
The Evening News gives prominence
to the rumor and says: - "Under ordi
nary circumstances, even if true, the
report would excite little interest, but
coupled with the news of the hoisting
of the anion jack over Baffin's land,
it becemes of great moment. It ap
pears that Baffin's land was never for
mally acquired by the English for
half a century, Hudson's strait is
destined to become part.In the 'uture.
of a great grain-carrying route be
tween Liverpool and Winnipeg which
will be a powerful rival of the Ameri
can land routes. The Americans have
no port of footing on the eastern
shores of thecontinent north of Maine,
and if they are to participate in the
ad vantages of the Hudson bay route
it has been apparently urged that
their government secure some land or
peninsola without delay."
The Evening News adds to this
comment an interview wilb unnamed
Canadian officials, to the effect that
the hoisting of the union jack over
Baffin's land was undoubtedly evoked
by the report that the United States
government had its eye upon that ter
ritory. According to the official
quoted, there is nothing to prevent
the Uniied States purohasing Green
land from Denmark. In conclusion
the Evening News remarks: 'If the
Americans acquire Greenland there
will be difficulties nhead for our trims
aliantic commerce and international
relations. If they have not acquired
it already, what is to prevent our se
curing it?"
Track King Coining.
Star Pointer and Joe Patchen, the
two great pacing kings, will go against
time tit the mile -nice trac!. at the
state fair grounds at Omaha the after
noon of October 8 This t.rrangorasit
has been thoroughly settled by Iho
Omaha fair and speed association, and
the announcement of the coming of
the two worla's greatest pacers was
- made this afternoon.
I Star Pointer's record is 1:59J, and
Joe Patchen's best is 2:0OJ. James
Murphy of Chicago, owner of Star
Pointer, will be present, and C. W.
Marks, owner of Patchen, will also
The horses will have as pacemakers
some good running horses, and the
association is arranging for some in
teresting races on tne side. Lovers
of horses are taking great interest in
the coining event, as all other cities
of the west have failed thus far to
secure these eelebraied anim-ils for
exhibition races.
Many Plattsmouth people will un
doubtedly make it a point to be in
Omaha on October 8 and see the
struggle of these two kings of the
turf for supremacy.
The Best Kerned jr For RhenmatUm.
(From the Fairhaven, N. V., Register?)
Mr. James Rowland, of this village
late a that for twenty-five years his
wife has been a sufferer from rbeum
atism. A few nights ago she was in
such pain that she was nearly crazy.
She sent Mr. Rowland for the doctor.
but he had read of Chamberlain's
Pain Balm and instead of going for
the physician he went to the store and
secured a bottle of it His wife did
not approve of Mr. Rowland's purchase
at first, but .nevertheless applied the
Balm thoroughly and in an hour's
time was able to go to sleep. Sho now
applies it whenever she feels an ache
or a pain and finds that it always
gives relief. He says that no roedi
cine which she had used ever did her
as much good. The 25 and 50 cent
sizes for sale by all druggists.
Dr. Marshall, Orsvdoate Dentist.
Dr. Marshall, fine gold work.
"Dr. Marshall, gold and porcelain
Dr. Marshall, crown and bridge work
Dr. Marshall, teeth without plates.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fillings.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plates.
Dr. Marshall, perfect fitting plates.
Dr. Marshall, all work warranter!.
All the latest annliances for
class dental work.
Rheumatism Cared In a Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia radically cures In one to
three days. Its action upon the sys
tem ia remarkable and mysterious. It
removes at once the cause and the
disease immediately disappears. The
fi st dose greatly benefits. 75 cents
sold by P. G. Fricke & Co.. druggist
Slates, tablets, pencils pens and inks
at Smith & Parmele's.
Slate sponges, lc at Gering & Co's.
Officers Arrest Some Thieves.
Eagle, Neb., Sept., 29. (Special
to The News) For two years past
Eagle and vicinity have been victim
ized by a band of robbers. Stores
have beeu broken into and goods car
ried awi.y, farmers have lost harness,
farm implements, tools ard poultry.
Last week a farmer liviug near Pal
myra, in Otoo couuty, missed a load of
oats. It was early in the morning
when he missed his oat!1, and he ut
once followed the wagon track, which
led to Eagle," nhaie he ascertained
that a young maa named Stuiiley,
living four miles south of Eagle, had
bold a load early in the morning.
The matter was placed in the haoda
of the sherilf of Otoe couuty, who'at
once placed young Stanley under ar
rest and proceed to search the far in
house jointly occupied by young Stan
ley and his older brother. The search
resulted in unearthing eight pairs of
fine pants, shoes and other articles
that had been taken from I leach &
Venner of Eigle, two sets harness,
taken from J. M. Garden last winter,
together with other items yet uniden
tified. The older brother was placed
under arrest and taken to Nebraska
City. The Stanley boys were unmar
ried, very gentleman-like in appear
ance and the last to be suspicioned as
petty thieves or robbers. The near
neighbors were as surprised as any
one, and now that the cat is let out of
the bag, many things are coming to
light that were suspicious before.
Working Woman's Home Association.
21 S. Peoria St., Chicago, III.
Jan. 11, lSIXi. S
Our Working Woman's Home asso
ciation used Foley's Honey and Tar
six years ago, and are using it today.
It has always been a favorite, for
while its taste is not at all unpleasant
its effects are very beneficial, It has
never yet disappointed us. Wishing
you all possible -sucess, sincerely
yours, Laura G. Fixon, Mgr.
It May Save Your Life.
A dose or two of Foley's Honey and
Tar will prevent an attack of pneu
monia, grip or severe cold if taken
in lime. Cures coughs, colds, croup,
LaGrippe.hoarseness, difficult breath
ing, whonping cough, incipient con
sumption, asthma or bronchitis.
Gives positive relief in advanced
stages of consumption, asthma or
bronchitis. Guaranteed.
Rupture I'erniantly Cured
By the safe cure method. This treat
ment is not painful,, neither does it
necessarily incapacitate from ordinary
work while undergoing treatment.
Joseph H. Hall, M. D.
E. Mansspeakkr, Bus. Mgr.
Plattsmouth, Nebrat-ki.
The riatte Kerry.
Tho Piatto ferry is now tunning in
first-class manner, and has been tun
ning every day for weeks. Tho tou
bio was.Nord had shut up the road, but
it is now open and ni l remain o.
Harrison McCokd, Feirm n
J. W. Thomas Business Manager.
A ptin in the chet is nature's warn-
lug that pneumonia 19 tnreaienea.
D..mpeu a picCJ of flannel with Cham
berlain's Pain Balm and bindovei the
seat of pain, and another on the back
between the shoulders, and prompt
relief will follow. Sold by all
Thase who beiievo ihronic diar-
rhoe t to be incurable should read what
Mr. P. E. Grisham.of Gaat s Miles, Li,
has to sav on the subject, viz: I
have been a sufferer from chronic
diarrhoea ever since the war and have
tried all kinds of medicines for it. At
last I found a remedy that effected a
cure and that was Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy." This medicine can always
be depended upon for colic, cholera
morbus, dysentry and diarrhoea. It
is pleasant to take and never fails to
effect a cure. 25 and 50 cent size for
sale by all druggists.
The True Remedy.
VV. M. llepine, editor Tiskiiwa, III.,
"Chief," says: "We won't keep house
without Dr. King's New Discovery for
consumption, cough and colds. Ex
perimented with many others, but
ever got the true remedy until we
used Dr. King's New Discovery. No
other remedy can take its place in
our home, as in it we have a certain
and sure cure for coughs, colds,
WhooDing cough, etc." It is idle to
experiment with other remedies,
even if they are urged on you as just
as good as Dr. King's New Discovery.
They are not so good, because this
remedy has a record of cures and be
sides is guaranteed. Tt never fails to
satisfv. Trial bottles free at F. G.
Frioke's drug store. 4
There Is a Class of People
Who are injured by the use of coffee.
Recently there has been placed in all
he grocery stores a new preparation
called Graino-O, made of pure grains.
that takes the place of coffee. The
most delicate stomach receives it
without distress and but few can tell
it from coffee. It does not cost over t
as much. Children may drink it with
creat benefit. 15 cts. und 2 els. per
dn.'kace. Try it. Ask for Grain-O,
What do the Children Drink?
Don't give them tea or coffee. Have
you tried the new food drink called
GKAIN-O? It is delicious and nour
ishing Hnd takes the place of coffee.
The more-Grain-O you give the child
ren the more health you distribute
through their systems. Grain-O is
made of Dure grains, and when pro
perly prepared tastes like the choice
grades of coffee but costs about i as
much. All grocers sell it. 15c and 25c
Merchants' lunch every-day from
9 to li o'clock at Donnt's, in Stadle-
m inn block.
Subscribe for The News 15 cents
per week.
Legal Notice.
In the district court of Cass county. Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of Edmund H.Craw
ford, deceased.
To Julia A. Crawford. George E. Crawford
Thomas I. Crawford. Deborah Lashbaugh, Sallie
A. Crawford, heirs of Edmund H. Crawford, de
ceased; A. C. Adams, administrator of the estate
of Edmund H. Crawford, deceased, and ail other
persons interested in said estate:
The petition of Gottlieb, Kockenbach in the
above matter having been hied. in which he prays
that the court enter an order directing all par
ties interested in the west one-half ') of the
southwest one-quarter ("4) of section eighteen
U". township ten (10). north of range nine (1,
cast in Cass county. Nebraska, to show cause, ii
any, why the administrator of said estate should
not execute and deliver to the petitioner a pood
and sufficient warranty deed upon the payment ol
eleven hundred and fifty $llnO.0l) dollars in pur
suance of a contract entered into between the
petitioner and Edmund H. Crawford, deceased, 1
in his life time aud Julia A. Crawford, his wile,
it is hereby ordered bv me that cause be shown.
if any, by the Xlrd day ol October. 1W7. and that J
upon the loth day of November, IK'jr, at 1J
o clock a ni. of said dav a hearinc will be had on
said petition, and any objections which may be
niea against tne granting ol the prayer therein.
It is further ordered that notice be given loan
parties interested by publication in the Senu
Weekly News-Herald ot Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
for six weeks successively prior to toe dale ot hear
ing as above ordered.
Dated this 11th day of September. 1W7.
Basil S. Ramsey,
ludire of District Court.
C. S. Polk and Mockett & Polk, attorneys for
Gottlieb Kockenbach.
Legal Notice.
lulin R. Ouinton and Marv A. Ouinton. non
resident, dcteiid-ints, ill take notice that un t lie
7lh day ol September. A. I. ISMV John H. Petti
bone and Samuel K. Nixon, tiled their petition in
the district court ol Cass county, Nebraska,
against the said John K. Ouinton and Mary A.
(Juinton, impleaded with Carl 1. Quinton. et. al..
the object and piayer ot the said petition, being
to foreclose a tax lien claimed by plauititls
against the northeast quarter of sectiou thirty
one in town ten, range twelve, in Cass county.
Nebraska, loi the taxes lor lM.',fki, purchased
by plaintiffs at public tax sale November 6th,l'.:l;
for IK'SA. is.yH, paid bv plaintiffs May 11th, IWI;
for 1KSM. (4U(I5, paid by plaintilts May loth, IKtt:
for 1K9T. f!.(M. paid by plaintiffs May 1st. lli;
for lad, J37.73. paid by plaintiffs July 1st, IWT.
and for interest on each of said payments at the
rate of -0 per cent per annum for two years from
November 6th, 1K9J, and for 10 per cent annual
inteiest thereafter, and an attorney's lien of 1"
per cent on the total amount so found due. and
that said land be sold to pay said sums and costs
of the action, and for equitable relief.
ou are requited to appear and plead to, or an
swer said petition-on or before Monday, the
1Mb day of October. A. IX 1KU7.
John 11, Pettibone and samukl K. Nixon,
By their attorneys, Beesou & Root.
Trobate Xolice.
In county court, Cass county. Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of Cincinuatus J. Cur-
yea, deceased.
Mrs. David Hite. lohn H. Curvea. William M.
Curyea, Isabelie M . Curjea, George W. Curvea,
Mrs. Julia Parr. Mrs. Enieline Lebolt and all
other persons interested in said matter are here
by notified that on the 4th day of September,
18H7, George W. Curyea, administrator with will
annexed herein, by his attorney, O. S. Polk, hied
a petition in said county court, praying that his
final administration account De allowed and mat
he be discharged and released from his trust as
administrator with will annexed, and that if you
fail to appear befoiesaid court on the &th dav
of September. A. D. 18U7. at 10 o'clock a. in. and
contest said petitfon. the court may grant the
Firayer of said petition, and make such other and
urther orders, allowances and decrees as to this
court may seem proper, to the end that all mat
ters pertaining to said estate may be finally set
tled and determined.
Witness mv hand and the seal of said court, at
Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this, the 7th day of Sep
tember. A. 1J. IHV7.
(.seat; rvmntv lu,hx
Sheriff's Sale.
Bv virtue ot an order ol sale issued by Geor
F, Houseworth, clerk of the district court, within
and for Cass county, Nebraska, aud to me di
rected. I will on the 25th day ol September. A
D.. 1807. at 11 o clock a. ni. ot said dav at the
south door of the court house in the city of 1'latts
mouth. in said county, sell at public auction, to
the higheat bidder for cash, the following real
estate to-wit:
L,ot three (3( in block four (4. in O'Neil s addi
tion to the city of Plattsmouth. Cass county, Ne
braska, together with the 1 nvilegos and appur
tenances thereunto belonKinir or m uvwUc ap
pertaining. The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of David C"Brien aud wife.
llanora j mien, delennant . to satisiv a mas
meut recovered bv Charles C. Harmele. as re
ceiver ot the Citizens' bank of I'Uttsuiouth Ne
braska, plaintiff against said defendants.
r'latlsmoutn, xeorasica, August t. u i:i.
Sheriff. Cassconr.ty, Nebrnskti.
Byron Clark and C. A. Kawls. Attorneys
Sheriff's Sale.
Bv virtue of an order of sale issued bv George I".
Houseworth,; clerk of district court within and
for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me directed, 1
will on the 2nd day ol October A. U. I!7. at It
o'clock a. in. of said day, at the south door of the
court house in the city of Plattsmouth. in ?aid
county, sell at public auction, to tne nigiiest Did
der for cash, the following real estate to-wit : The
west tweitv-hve ieet ot the east tortv-six feet
of lots number edeight (8):nincil and ten 1 10 of
block number d thirty-one Mil in tlie city ot
Plattsmouth. Cass county, rsebraska. more par
ticularly described as follows, to-wit: Commenc
ing at a Doint 21 feet west of the southeast corner
of lot ts in said block; running thence west 25 ieet;
thence north to the north line ot lot l J; thence
running east 25 feet: thence south across said lots
8, band ID to the point of beginning, according to
the plat aud official record in and tor said couuty
and state, together with the priv ileges aud ap
purtenances thereunto belonging or m anywise
appertaining, the same being levied upon and
taken as tne property ot August iiach and nilna
Bach, defendants, to satisly a ludgment of said
court recovered by the American Savings and
Loan Association, f lalutin, against August Bach
et al., defendants.
Plattsmouth. Nebraska. August 31 A. U . 18W7.
Harvky Holloway.
Sheriff, Oass county. Nebraska.
Legal Notice.
In the district court. Cass county. Nebraska.
Jacob Reiser. Plaintiff, 1
vs. I
Christian Metzger, the un- I
known tieirs ot Seldon IS. I
Merriam, deceased, and the I
unknown heirs ol i.ydia
Merriam. deceased: Ruth
Meman. the unknown heirs
of William D. Merriam, de
ceased; Art K. Alexander,
and the unknown heirs of
of Abijah Harris, deceased.
To the unknown heirs of Seldon N. Merriam.
deceased, and the unknown heirs of Lydia Mer
riam. deceased:Kuth Merriam. the unknown n-.-irs
of William D. Merriam, deceased; Art K. Alex
ander, and the unknown heirs ol Abnah Harris,
V ou are hereby notified that lacob Reiser filed
a petition in the district court of Cass county.
Nebraska, on tne zist dav ol Aueust. lw . aeainst
you and Christian Metzger, the object and prayer
of,which are to quiet the title in the plaintiff to
the following described real estate: Lot rive, in
the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter ol
section twenty; and the southeast quarter of the
southwest quarter, and the south half of the
southeast quarter and lot see i. all in section
twenty, township twelve, range eleven, east ot the
sfxtb principle meridian, in Cass county. Ne
braska, and to declare that the foreiroin? named
defendants have no estate or interest whatever
in or to the above described laud, and that plain
tiff's title therein be decreed to be good and
valid. And that at the date of the execution ol
the deed made by Christian Metzger to Frederick
Metzger, to-wit on the Sith day ot September,
sua, the defendant, C hristian Metzger, was an
unmarried man. and that on the loth day of Oc
tober, ixf the said Abijah Harris was an un
married man.
Vou are reauired to answer sa'd petition on or
before the 4th day of October, 1H7. or the allega
tions therein will be taken as true against you.
Dated this Z4th day ol August, 1M.
Jacob Reiser.
By C. S. Polk, his attorney.
Legal Notice,
In the district court of Cess county. Nebraska.
Catherine Beck, flamtitt,
tiff, )
at. )
George Beck, Defendan
10 ueorge A. Beck
Vou are hereby notified that Ratharine Beck
filed a petition in the district court of Cass
county. Nebraska, on the 21st day of August,
ln7. against yon. the object and prayer of whicli
are to secure a divorce from the bonds of matri
mony, upon the ground that you have grosslv,
wantonlv and cruellv failed, neglected and re
fused to support or contribute to the support of
plaintiff without any cause or provocation on the
pan oi piaintin.
ou are required to answer said Detition on or
oeiore tne tn oay oi uctobcr, lrav. or tne aliega
tions tnerein win De taken as true against you
uated this Z4tb day ot August. IWi.
Ratharine Beck,
By C. S. Polk, her Attorney.
Probate Notice.
In county court. Cass county, Nebraska. In
the matter of the estate ol Caroline Carter, de
ceased. All persons interested in said matter
are hereby notified that on the 13th day of Sept.
1HV7, Lena V. Crawford filed a petition in said
court alleging among other things that Caroline
Carter died on the l:th dav of April A. O.. i"ll
leaving no last will and testament, and possessed
of Dersonal estate of the value of about STU0.IU.
and that she is the only heir at law of said de
ceased, and Dravme tor administration nt said
estate. Vou are hereby notified that if you fail to
appear on the 5th day of October, isDT, at '1
o clock p. m., and contest said petition, the court
will appoint Lena V. Crawford, or some other
suitable person, administratrix, and proceed to
a settlement of said estate. Witness my hand
and the sea! nf said court at Plattsmouth. Ne
brr?kaA thls ".!. I d.i. .if September V D..1MT7.
t') liLORtik M SruRicx-K.
Cuuui) Judge.
Lvga! Not"ce.
To Beninmin A. Gibson. Marv C Hil inn T .1 .
ward Bangs, trustee, Bradford Saviiigs Bank &
Trust Co , William C. CriDoen. Georee Leslie
and John V. Mitchell, non-resident defendants:
ou and each of you are hereby notified that John
II. Pettibone and Samuel E. Nixon on the 18th
day of September. A. D. 1897. tiled their petition
in the district court of Cas county, Nebraska,
against you, impleaded with Guerdon B. Crip
pen, et al. the object and prayer of which are to
have decree of said court foreclosing a tax lien
against fractional lot 17 in northeast quarter of
northwest quarter, section three in town ten.
range eleven, Cass county. Nebraska, for tax
purchase by said plaintirts.against said land for
years 1S3. 181-1 and 1MV".. as follows: 182,
iV.lK, aid November 5. lxiM; 1803. 8.0, paid
Novembers. 1894: 1MU. ift.VT. oaid May 10. i85.
and for lM'r., $7.18. paid May 1. 1806. with 20 per
cent annual interest on each of- said payments
from November 5, 18V4. to Novemb. r A. 1M5. and
10 per cent annual interest on each of said pay
ments thereafter. and 10 per cent attorney lees on
the total found due, and costs of suit and for sale
of said property to satisfy such judgment and
equitable relief.
"ou are required to answer said petition on or
before Monday, the tiist day of November, A. D.
John H. Pettibone anu Samuel K. Nixon.
Legal Notice.
To Amanda J. Shepherd, non-resident defend
ant: V ou are hereby notified that William U.
Shepherd commenced an action against you on
the mth day ot September. 1807. io the district
court of Cass county. Nebraska, the object and
jiajci ui wiiicn are to secure an aosoinie divorce
rom you. and also a decree barrinv vou from all
rights in the property, real and personal, belong
ing to said plaintiff, and locate in either the
states of Indiana or Nebraska. The grounds for
divorce are that you committed adultery in De
cember. 1814. with one J. Gordon.
ou are required to answer said pctiMon on or
before Monday, the 1st day of November, 18W7.
Notice to Credtors.
State ok Nebraska,
Ia County Court.
County ol Cass. S
In the matter of the estate
of Samuel A,
Hoi brook, deceased.
Notice la hereby given that the creditors
of said deceased will meet the executor of
said estate, before me. County Judge of
Cuss county, Nebraska, at the County court
room in l'lattsiuoutu in said counts, on tne
tb day of April, A. 1). 1808, at 2 o'clock p.
in.. lor toe purpose of nresenttuK their
claims for examination, adjustment and al
lowance. Six months are allowed for the
creditors of said deceased to present their
claims ana one yeur lor tun executor to
settle said eetate. from tho 2:rd day of Oc-
toner, is;,..
llils notice shall anuear In the Semi-
Weekly News-Herald for four weeks
successively, prior to the 23rd day of Oc
tober 1M7.
Witness my hand and seal of said county
court nt Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this 27th
day of September, 1807.
George m. sfurlock.
County Judge.
Legal Notice.
To Leah V. Buchanan and Robert V. Glazier,
non-resident, defendants:
Vou and each of vou are hereby notified that'
on the 28th day of September, A. D. lStfT, Samuel
w augn as executor ol the last will and testament
of John Mack, deceased, commenced an action in
the district court of Cass county, Nebraska,
against you. impleaded with Leonard C. W.
Murray, et al, the object and prayer of which
action is to foreclose a mortgage on, and sell the
northwest quarter section 30, in town 12, range
13. Cass county. Nebraska, and the northwest
quarter of the southwest quarter of said section:
said sale to satisfy the amount due on said
mortgage. 120 7n with eight per cent interest ana
costs of suit; said mortgage, and the note it was
given to secure, being of date February 2fl. 18M,
and due February 2rt. 1HU.". Kquitable relief is
also prayed anJ that the defendants be required
to answer setting up any rights they my have in
said laud, or be barred from asserting any such
rights. Vou arc required to answer said petition
on or before Monday, November H, 117, or
said petition will betaken as confessed and a
decree entered accordingly.
Samuel Wauc.h.
As executor of the last will and testament of
John Black, deceased.
80 VCAR8
Anyone sending sketeh and description may
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druggists, or mailed for SOcts. Send for circular.
VIOLA SKIN SOAP l .Imply InwmparsbU M
kifi fHirilrinc Hoap, acqufclrd for the toilet. ti4 wUhMt a
nvi ror tuo narmry. An,mtfiT pr uq "
mu-d. At drasiciMs. PnaaSSCnts.
The Q. C. B1TTNER CO., Toledo, 0.
St. Joseph
Kansas City
St. Louis and all
points East and
San Francisco
All points west.
No 20. -Local express, daily, St Joe,
Kansas, tt LiOUis, nil points -south
No 4. Loeal exo. dally, Burlington,
Chicaeo, all points east.... iu:s ana
No 10. Local exp, aaily except Sun
day x 1133 km -.
No9i Local ex p. daily except Sun
day. Factno junction tza pm
No 30. Freight, daily except Sunday
Pacific Junction 2:50 ptn
No 2. Vestibuled exp, dally. Bur-
llnRton, CblcaiiO una an
points east 5:30 prn
No. 1 stub from Junction to Platts
mouth. 6:13 pm
No 1. Local exp, daily. St Joe, Kan
sas City. St Louis. Chicago
all points east and south.. 825 pin
No 5. Local exp, dally, Omaha,Lln
coln, Denver and Interme
diate stations 7:32 am
No 85. Local freijrbt, daily. Omaha. 8:50 am
No 'ZiK Local freight, dany, ex Sun
day, Cedar Creex. Louis
ville. South Bend 7:37 am
No 7. Fast mail, dally, Omaha and
Lincoln 225 pin
No 3. Vestibuled exp, dally, Den
ver and all points in Colo
rado, Utah and California,
lirand island. Black Hills.
Montana and Pacific N. W. 3:43 pin
No 9. Local exp, dally except Su -uay.
Louisville. Ashland,
V a boo, Schuyler 4:00 pm
No 11. Local exp, daily except tun-
day, Omaha and Lincoln.. S'27 ptn
No 17. Local express, Sunday only,
Omaha 5:27 pru
No 73. FcelKht. daily, Louisville.. . 9:05 pru
Sleeping, dinln and reclining chair ear
tseats free) on through trains. Tickets sold
and baggage checked to an point In the
United States or Canada.
For Information, time tables, maps and
tickets call or write to
W. L. PICKETT. Agent.
Plattsmouth. Nub. -
.1. I KANCK.S. Gen. Pass. Aat..
Omaha. Neb.
M. P. I I MK t'AKW.
No. 1 Fast freight -5.1t.fu
No. 8 ,L?I '
No. 121. loeal freUhl 4.04 Dm
No. 13! Fast freifjnt l0?r,V-
. o. Mi, local freiKht - '35w
No. HI ' -M P'"1
f Mil