m ,J THE SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS-HEBALD. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB.. OCTOBER 2, 1897. i . .un SATURDAYS PUBLISHED wiunisu"" ... BY THE ... NKWS PUBLISHING COMPANY, U. D. POLX, EDITOR. .... . lt..... llonolrll A BIS CANNING YEAH. Th6Seml'W66KIljN6WS-n6raiU In view otbe fact ihat prominent I fruiterers say iliat this will be one of the biggest causing seasons oo record, the process of tin can making takes on an added ictereet,says the England Grocer. The cans are mad by ma chinery. Over i.00,000,000 a, year are produced in this country. Out of the 7,000,000,000 boxes of tin plate, (120 sheets to the box) used yearly only 2,000,000 boxes go Tor general use. The remaining 5,000.000 boxes of tin (600.000,000 sheets) are made in to cans. Common fruit ran a represent two thirds of the entire product. Assum- DAILY EDITION. One Tear, in advance, .... Six Months too Week, Single Copies, 8KMI-WKEKXT EDITION. One Year, in advance, . . . Six Months, . $5 00 . 2 50 . 10 5 tl 00 50 -THE MAYOR OF NEW YORK. The mayorship of the new Greater New York, the second largest city in the world, excites great interest all over the country. Tammany, the most corrupt political organization which ever existed, is trying hard to get control. The latent turn, result ing in the nomination of Henry George as a Bryaniie,evidently discon certs the Tammanvites and may re sult in the election of a republican. The New York Herald sum up the George situation as follows: Henry George, nominated lor mavor by the free silver democrats of over, but is too dead o Of aay Csas County Paper An kxchangk remarks that in all his life W. J. Bryan never enjoyed such prosperity as he enjoys now. He probably is thinking of his own case w-en he Bays our. prosperity is only temporary. ing six inches as the average height! greater New York, intends to keep the xlous give pointed out that if the cans were to be no indication of his intentions until placed end to end the line would be Utter the regular democratic conyi-n 37,878 miles in length, long enough to I tion has adjourned. T."R LARGEST GIRGULfliTIONlofacan. someideaorthe onormity of Tammany leaders on the anx ot uv Cass Couaty Paper. I this product may be had when it is seat. He declares that he will If the action of reach one uoi one-half times around the earth. Twenty years ago a fruitcan factory consisted of several dozen men and as many boy helpers, who make the cans Whtcm in the conrse of human I "j CU'"B """u u events a man appropriates funds be- shears, passing the Bides through a longing to another, he ought to know it is a theft, in fact if not in law. Hil ton escaped upon a technicality, and is now a leader among the allied forces of reform. . Judge Sulliyan's legislative rec ord contains nothing to offer a sug gestion that he is an anti-monopolist worth howling for. He refused to go with those of that band to tbe support of Van Wyck for re-election. Fre mont Tribune. - The Union Pacific railway is to be sold to the highest bidder November 2, under mortgage proceedings insti tuted by the government. The chances are that the first lien will take the property and Uncle Sam will lose several million dollars. Thomson and Neville have swal lowed the lumps in . their respective throats and sworn to stand for the fusion ticket till tbe last armed foe expires. If Scott doesn't say some thing pretty soon people will think . there is proud flesh in the sore places. wrinsrer to roll them into 6hape. The bottoms and covers were shaped by means of dies, and the parts all put together and soldered byband. Na turally when buying canned goods in those d.tys a few cents went to pay for tbe can. With twenty men and their helpers, the most that could be pro produced iu those days was 16.000 a day. The saiuo number of employes, most of them boys, are now able by means of automatic machinery to turn out over 200,000 a day. There are. now in existence in New York, Chicago and Baltimore large plants employing machins having a daily capacity of 40,000. The production has increased rapidly year by year m new machines have been invented, until it is only necessary to insert quantities of tin sheets into one port of the machine to have them automatically pusses through all the stage of manufacture and drop out at the other in tbe shape of completely formed cans. Ex. , that gathering is satibfactory to him self and the body of voters whom he represents he will not run for mayor. If Tammany's action is not satisfac tory, Mr. George will accept the Bry anite nominating and will make a vig orous canvass. "Any decision just now," Mr. George says, "would be premature under the circumstances. I intend to wait until I know the result of the democratic convention before arriving at any decision." Several stories about Mr. George's candidacy are current. One of them is that Grand Master Workman Sovereign of the Knights of Labor and John W. Hayes, secretary of that or- . . . r 1, ganizatiou, sent word to wr. urothei that Mr. George would withdraw if either Amos J. Cummins or Charles W. Dayton should be nominated for mnyor by Tammany. Another is that Mr. George will withdraw iu favor of Justice William J. Gayuor. may be wept skin. Ex. The exciting race for coroner, be tween Henry Boeck and John Sattler, continues as we go to press with odds in favor of Henry: The fight over this office is unprecedented but we hope no blcod will be 6hed. The ladies of Plattsmouth will Issue The Evening News on the date of October 1. The issue promises to be one of merit, and it will be of interest to the people of the entire county. The ladies will do all of the writing, even to the county correspondence. Mrs. W. A. Davis, of this place, has been invited to write a history of Weeping Water for the publication. Weeping Water Republican. Bushwhacking politics will ruin any political party on earth and con- vinco the masses of the people that there is no such a thing as principle n politics. Every campaign should be waged along the lines of political principles -and every candidate should be willing to take his chances of standing or falling with his party. THE way to make prosperity per manent is to build up American in dustries so that American markets will keep up a brisk demand for all kinds of products for American con sumption, says the Omaha Bee. That is what the tariff law is intended for. HOT SHOT. Our impervious popocratic contem porary wants to know how it happens that two suits to recover on official bonds come up for trial on the same dav. iu one of which ihe republican city attorney asks for more time THE SUPREME JU06ESHIP. while in the oilier mo uomucmuc at In order to re-elect Judge Post it is J torney genera! siguifies a readiness to nnlv necosaarv to effect a cbansre of I nrnMil. The World-Herald knows T rf . i r - seven thousand votes in Nebraska, how it happens as weii as anyone, and if Dave Mercer has not failed as a The reason the city attorney has asked mascot the job will be easy enough. for more time is tnat his principal ex Hayes County Times. j peri witness has been induced to leave T..Hra Pnat. i an nhl a. mn nnd has I Omaha by democratic bondemen and so honorable a record, that it is im possible for the enemy to manufacture any reason why Sullivan should be preferred to him. There is a vast dif ference between Judge Post and Judge Sullivan. It is the difference between a statesman 'and a politician, lhose the chairman of the silver republican state committee. Bee. Bank clearances, which are usually looked upon as an extremley accurate business barometer, weie greater i the week endinsr September Jo man How can the national democrats be - refused a place for their ticket on the .official ballot and the silver republi cans be accorded representation with- J who havo the highest respect for tho j any w6ek since January, 1803, fifty out precipitating the charge of fraud- supreme court will vote unanimously pep cent in excess of those of the cor ulent manipulation? Send answers to for Post. Beatrice Express. . responding week of 1896, and Msventy- the tri-headed fusion state coamittee John I. Sullivan may be elected Ave per cent frresiter;than. those of the in care of the state bouse. Bee. mayor of Boston this year,-but John corresponding oik of istw, the nrst James Sullivan can not be elected jus- year of the Cleveland administration. The season is still young, but signs I tice of the supreme court of Nebraska 1 There is no Delter ev. douce of the ac- I. G. Todd returned from a trip to Missouri last Friday. He brought with him a car load of sheep which he purchased while there and will place them on his farm north of town. Union Ledger. J. M. Ley da of Piattsroouth, fusion candidate for county judge and a man possessing more gall than the average office seeker, was in Union Tuesdav and made the Ledger a short call. Union Lodger. , George W. Morgan, the convicted murderer of little Ida G ask ill, is sen tenced to meet his doom on Friday, October 8, and be has about made up his mind that on that dav he must hang. Yet he gives no outward signs of worrying over the matter. He is seemingly unconcerned over the near approach of the day. Tbe case was passed beyond jurisdiction of the dis trict court. Sheriff McDonald will go to Lincoln this week to see the gover nor in order to learn whether or not ho is likely to interfere with the ex ecution. Morgan himself has no such hope and his counsel. Attorney Pat rick, doos not believe that there will be any further delay in the execution If Sheriff McDonald is given to under stand that tbe hanging will not be further postponed he will at once take steps toward tho erection of the sea ff ol d. Bee. gmmmimmntmmnm mmmm mm mmmmmtmmng B. G. DOVBY & SON. 5 Our Stock of fall and winter goods is now in. Never before ii. . l !-i r i i -u a i i i i 2: in tne msiory ot riaxismouin nas xnere oeen such an ar Z: ray of fine goods at such remarkably low prices, we have 7Z for fall and winter use. Our line in the Dress Goods de- partment offer special attractions and extra good values. :rf We mention all Wool Dress Flannels 1 1-2 yds wide, for 39 cts, and 1 yd wide, 25 cts. We have a fine assortment of Dress Patterns no two alike are quite the thing. ;r: The earlier you buy the better assortment to choose from. Silks A beautiful line of these goods for trimmings and E waists in Taffetas, Roman Stripes, Plaids, etc. DressTrimmings in Jets, Gimps and all kinds of fancy braids, sets, new buttons. Z Velvets: We bought these goods last May at the old prices and can give you the best values in these goods ever shown. They have advanced 1-3 since we pur IE: chased. g i Wrappers .Wrappers! 2 See our New Fall Styles at 79 cts. Cheaper than you can . - buy the button holes. Ribbons! Ribbons! A new line of Roman Stripes and Plaids for neckwear. They are beauties. We have just received a new line of Dress Corsets in Black, White and Drab for 50 cents regular price 75 cents. Don't forget we are agents for the cele brated Gage Down Corsets. Wear the Chicago Corset Waist The best made. SHOES! SHOES! 81 of prosperity are multiplying into multidudinous evidences of the bird in the hand which discounts the bird that has been fluttering in the bush. There is little doubt that there will be a steady increase in all lines of business during the entire fall and winter. not this year. Fremont Tribune. Uncle Hod Boies hasn't said a word since his opening speech at Mar shalltown. He's farming and is too busy to talk 16 to 1. He is now in the midst of threshing and every time a load goes to market it is an argument against Frank White for governor and Iowa for Bryan. It also partly con firms the Boies idea of money. Ex. A populist attorney general ap pears to be taking his own sweet time in - disposing of the case against Eugene Moore whom he intended to have in the "pen" long before this. : Moore has been granted another con tinuance, and so tar as the attorney general Is concerned does not appear to be in imminent danger . of paying tbe penalty for his embezzlement. The ten thousand wealthy people, men and women, who have been in tbe habit of going to Paris every year to spend from $2 )0 to $10,000 each for foreign made garments will hereafter pay the greater portion of their1 mon ey to American milliners and tailors who do just as good work and furnish just as good . material as the foreign ers. The new Dingley tariff law im poses a heavy duty on all foreign manufactured garments in excess of $100 and the American merchants and toilers are roaping tho bone fit. No one bjt the foreigners are being in jured in the transaction either. This is only one of the clauses of the new tariff law that put a stop to the fear ful and useless expenditure of Ameri can money in foreign countries with no show whatever of ever seeing it come back. curacy of tho. general belief that busi ness prosperity is actually with us than this reunarkabio increase in the banking business of the country. Ex. INFORMATION AND OPINIONS. Fuse siver and spoils is a good enough Morgan to play for fusion in Nebraska, where without the populists the democrats have not the ghost of a show for success, but free silver is thrown overboad in New York, where it means the repulsion of democratic votes tnat are more attractive than . ftopullst support. The democratic policy of working the populists is to be observed only where there are enough populists to make an object. China, which has long been one of tbe few countries which lived up to the Bryan standard of free silver has of late chosen a cheaper metal and is now stamping copper coins. Since Bryan has shown a desire to follow China , and Mexico rather than the countries of civilized Europe, we need "not be surprised if be advocates in 1900 the free ana unlimited coinage of copper. The silver theory works as well on copperas it does on silver, and the old speeches would not need much retouching to do service again. Chas. T. CVFarkALX, the demo cratic governor of Virginia, the mother of presidents, in a speech de livered September 11, said: "I am confident that the doctrines of the Chicago platform will '' not much longer be masqueraded as democratic principles. Free silver is retreating before the returning - tide of pros perity. It can only ' live oo 'hard times. It is beginning to pant for breath already, under the pressure of the advance in wheat and the re opening of mills, mines and factories. The free silver slogan ot last fall, "as silver falls wheat falls; as silver ad vances wheat advances," is no longer heard, and the people are fast learn ing that it is the law of supply and de mand, and not the price of silver,that controls -the prices of the farmer's products and the laboring man's wages. Freo, unlimited and indepen dent coinage is doomed, and no strong political party of tho present. or future, will ever put itself to death by declaring for it in national convention." TliE publication of the receipts and attendance at the last state fair has stirred up a hornet's nest that the managers little suspected. It shows that there was a less attendance of nearly 7,000 as compared with last year, and the tickets sold by the rail roads show that many did not go out to tbe grounds even after having pur chased a ticket. Discussing this ques tion the World-Herald says: "Again we are told that the receipts fromcon cossioos and .privileges fell off $600 from what they were last year, yet there never was a fair held in Ne braska where so many fakirs, side shows and catch-penny devices were licensed to do business. If tbe re receipts from this source fell off it must have been because of bad man agem ent or a big freak." Ex, IN the matter of granting the writ of supercedeas in the Bartley case neither Judge Post or the supreme court, as aucb, had anything to do with it. The application was made to Judge Norval. who gi anted the writ, and while the pop attorney general was willing to accept a $125,000 bail bond tbe judge made it $125,000. This feature has resulted in Bartley laying in jail pending his appeal to the su preme court. It took a republican county attorney to prosecuto Bartley and a republican judge to sentence him to twenty years in the pea. The much praised pop attorney general was a mere figure-heal in the case. The insinuation that Judge Post or the republican party of this state are in the least desirous of shielding any wrongdoer,' is mere campaign bosh, of which the common people are get ting very tired. McCook Republican. Subscribe for The News. The Elniwood Fair association has decided to give up the fuir. The f ir this ye.ir wasafailuro and the asso ciation added to the old debt, making a total indebtedness of $500. This, the management think will be increased each year so long as tho fairs at e held. and they think this a good timo to disband. No premiums will le paid this year. Weeping Water Republi can. Down In Otoe county, where the county officials are and have always been composed largely of democrats. it costs to run the county 20 per cent more tnan it does iu this county. where republicans are neary always in control. Taxes in Otoe county are a great deal higher than they are in Oats county. The taxpayers have to foot the bills and they may well con sider before voting to place Caps touotv in extravagant hands. Weep ing Water Republican. Sheriff Holloway of Cass county and Sheriff Woolsey of Johnson county were in the city yesterday and both wanted to take the Stanley brothers to their counties for trial if Sheriff Huberle thought he could not convict them here. Both identified a quan tity of tbe stolen property which was recovered at their home near Eagle when tbe last one was arrested. Ne braska City Press. ueneral Is. V. Tracy was nomi nated for mayor of New York by re publicans of that city Wednesday The citizen's ticket, with Seth Low for mayor, was turned down and Boss Platte retained his position ' in tho saddle. Mike Seize r brought to the News office today a sample of his cotton crop, which he has raised this year, It is of superior quality and he raised quite a large . quantity of the same The seed came from the south and was found by him on the floor of a box car in tbe M. P. yards in this city. Next year he proposes to try rnising it on a larger scale. Nebraska City News. i Dig irrigation congress is in ses sion just now in Lincoln, and as usal our W. J. Bryan had to make a speech. If Billy" ever irrigated ho might be worth listening to. but like silver and other things, be loves to talk about, its all theory and his ac tual knowledge of the subject would not be of much import. .v Silver may be tnlked about this fall, but it doesn't rise to the distinc tion of an issue in the pending cam paign. Like the Irishman's dog it (leoeroni Buffalo UUl. Buffalo Bill, Nebraska's citizen of wild west fame, in answer to an invi- taticn from Governor Holcomb to ac company the governor us a member of his staff to Nashville. Tenn., aud par ticipate in the exercises thereon Ne braska day, October 8, has written that he is pleased that he will be in Nashville with Nebraska's wild west exhibition on October 7 aud 8, and that if tbe governor wishes anything for himself or staff, such as a band, regular army soldiers as escorts, or if be wishes the entire wild west show to turn out on Nebraska day, the pro prietor and his entire company are at his command. Colonel Cody extends an invitation also to the governor and his oflicers and ladies to visit the wild west show during their stay in Nash ville. They Tried to Hob the Fakir. The fakir , who was on the street yesterday afternoon and last night. gathered in a rich harvest. He pro-, ceeded to put a $5 bill in a package and sell tbe package for $2.50. Of course the poor men who surrounded the carriage eagerly grasped the op portunity of getting $5 at an outlay of $2.50. But, alas, wheu they had gone to some secluded spot to 'open the package and extract the $5 William, tbey were amazed to find that the "fiver" had changed to a "wunner" and they were out just a dollar and a half. The fakir had switched bills on them while they were looking at him. Otoe County Will Prosecute. Sheriff Holloway returned from Ne braska City today, whither he went in connection with the arrest of the Stanley brothers near that city. They have com mitted numerous burglaries, among otlTers, one at Eagle, and the Otoe county authorities are eager to turn them over to Cass county for trial. Cass county, however, will let Otoe prosecute them, and take a whack at them afterwards. They havo confessed to their various thefts, and are assured of a penitentiary sen-: tence of some length. They will be sentenced at the present term of the Otoe county district court. A few weeks ago the editor was taken with a very severe cold that caused him to be in a most miserable condition. It was undoubtedly a bad case of la giippe, and recognizing it as dangerous he . took immediate steps to bring about a speedy cure. From the advertisement of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy and the many good recommendations included therein, we concluded to make a first trial cf the mediciue. To s:;y that it was satisfactory in its result, is put it very mildlv, indeed. It acted like magic and the rrsu t whs a speedy and permauent cure. We havo no hesi tancy in leeommendh g this excellent Cough Remedy to anyone afflicted with a oougb or cold in any form. The B.iiine. of Liberty,Libertylown,Mary land. Tho 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by all druggi&ts. Croup Quickly Cared. Mountain Glkn, Ark. Our chi'd ren were suffering with croup when we received a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy It afforded almost instant relief. F. A. THORNTON. This celebrated rem.-dy is.fT sale by all druggists. and is Attention! Hoys erirls. There something1 in it for you. We are giving away with every pair of shoes a nice writing" tablet, for pencil or ink, and one good lead pencil absolutely FREE r i'AV ; The best line of .-hoes in the city. A nice line of Child's green Shoes in all sizes. See our Ladies' Calfskin Shoe for SI, 50. Childrcns' Shoes, SI. Misses Calfskin shoes for SI. 25. Garpets- Fall of 1897. We want you to call and inspect our line. Remember we have the largest stock of carpets in the county. New Brussels Carpet, 75 cts. 3j j New Velvet Carpet, $1.00. 2i t All Wool Tngrain Carpet, 50 cts. H Moquette Carpet, $1.00. It won't pay j'ou to go to Omaha for carpets this year. Re- gr- member this is 3'our last chance to get a carpet at a low price . . . ,as prices on these goods have all advanced. On these goods. .... we bought early You will get the benefit. Come and see.... New ; Rugs, New Linoleums, New Oilrloths, Etc. Kemeiiibcr we have the largest line of Hosiery, liaees, Gloves, Yarns, Underwear anil Ilaiiflkereliief ever shown, ami at the lowest prices. I B. G. DOVBY& SON Simuiu aim iiiiuiuiiiiitiu iiiiumiiiiii iumuiu mtut uuir SEMfl-WEElKY - i,oq per year. NEWS-HERALD 5 f 1 f I