Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, September 25, 1897, Image 1

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    Semi weekly
TUB NEWS. Establshed Nov. 5. 189L 'consolidated Jn l isr.
THE UEKALL), Established AprlUO. it, f WMOtiaatea Jan. 1.1805.
VOL. V. NO. 106.
Dr. Jicknun Found.
The readers of the News will re
member that lust April a woman re
presenting: herself as the wife of D -.
Jackson and said she lived near Paci
fic Junction, was in town looking for
her hufban-J. Well, the sequel of the
story comes from Omaha and is aa
foil'iwt-: Mrs. Jackson relites that
last April her husband sold his farm
for l,ii0. Within a short time af
terwards ho departed for a short drive
on me business with his farm waron
and a lew implements. Lie went to
ward the Missouri river and the next
d ty the team and clothing, reoognized
as the doctor's, were found on the
river bank. No trace was discovered
of their owner, and the woman
naturally mourned him as dead. As
a consequence of not being able to
loctte the money which tb.3 farm
hrnueht, she has hud an exceedingly
dillicult time to support herself and
chi d.
Lately she has heard rumors that
her husband had been soon in Omaha
and he c;ime yesterday in the hope of
fiiiriii him. The- only rWw in her
prH-ts-iinn was the letter head of a
hmel near the depot, the back of
which lu-r liu-ht!id hud or.ce used
wh.Mi writing her from Denver. To
gether with Officer IlofT she visited
lhi hut 1 a id found that her husband
h d indeed hot:: there. A iorter was
found wh said that he had carried
the mau's baggage to a "very indiffer
ent lodging hou-e ne;ir Eleventh and
Masoa-street". It was one rnrvlr fre
quented by others than co.orcd peo
ple jind is otherwise a cheerless and
forbidding: place.
The man was there, however, and
not in a socially prosperois condi
tion. S. little so, in fact, that he was to give up all attempts to liecome
a e lemoiMililH mid was relieved at be-
inirable to return onco more to bis
count-y connections. Mrs. Jackson
had Wome lainfuly nwj-re by this
time, of course, that her husbirid had
done serious thiners that, he should
not have done. She feared, too, Tom
little things thnt for a while there
hail loeii another woman in the case.
In rpito of it ail. however, her he trt
was not equ il to the task of abandon
ing him and she forgave bin; frei- and
entire. And so the man m down
with his family toward the, the
remnant of the thous-md in his pocket,
and his little boy by tho h ml. Ne
braska City News.
Mother' MMttng.
Yesterday afternoon at the charm
ing homo of Mrs. Wescott, a mother's
meeting look place. The comfortably
..I,,,-.! nnd irnnninn'i' interested
II L I V ' I 1 ' ' ' " " , j
faces of the women present attested to
the interest felt in the theme for the
afternoon viz: "The Influence of
Mothers." Mrs Winslow, superin
tendent of the department, presided
aid was a charming example of the
motherhood of which the ladies had
mot to consider.
Extracts from Willard Hall Echoes,
were read and commented upon. A
touching solo, entitled "Beckoning
Hands," wts most feelingly rendered
by Mrs. James Herold.
The largo number present ld one
to expect that a rare treat was to be
enjoyed, nor was that expectation
void when Mrs. Stouten borough was
called to the floor and read a carefully
propared paper on the afternoon's
theme. Mrs. Stoutenborough paid a
most beautiful tribute to the memory
of the mothers who have "gone
hence," and impressed most strongly
on her hearers the value of tho daily
inlluence in tho home.
At tho conclusion of the paper, a
few remarks from some of the mem
bers. the ladies were asked to tarry.
while a social cup of tea with wafers
and cake was served hy tho ladies of
tho department. The afternoon was
a thoroughly en joy able one, and those
of us who went as guests, returned
home with tho full determination to
go in tho future as members.
lrority In the Vet.
Arthur B. Smith, assistant general
passenger agent of the I. & M. , has
returned from an extendod trip
through the northwest. He says that
the return of prosperity to Idaho,
Utah, Montana a d Wyoming, as well
as Nebraska, is real and not fanciful
He eavs the stock men, the sheep men
and the growers of grain and fruit all
through those states aro enjoying
better returns from their investments
than for a long time. While at Salt
Lake, Butte, Boise ard Hillings, Mr,
Smith heard considerable inquiry
abcut the Trans-Mississippi Exposi
tion, and did not overlook any chances
to boom the same. iiee.
"Mv bov came home from school
one day with his hand badly lacerated
and bleeding, and suffering great
pain," says Mr, E. J. Schall, with
Meyer Bios.' Drug Co., St. Louis,
Mo. 'I dressed the wound, and ap
plied Chamlerlain's Pain Ii.ilm i-ct ly.
All pain ceased, and in a remarkably
short time it healed without leaving
a sear. For wounds, sprains, swoll-
lngs and rheumatism I know of no
medicine or prescription eoual to it.
I consider it a household necessity,
The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by all
druggists -
Is your liver tired? does it fail to do
its duty? If so, don't neglect its call
.for"help. A few doses of Ilerbine may
save you a spell of sickness. Heroine
- is the only perfect liver medicine. It
cures Chills and J; over. 75e. Sold bv
i . . i? ricKo v.u.
Straight & Saltier sent out a big lot
of furniture yesterday for the new
hotel at Murray which will be opened
at once by Mrs. Wagner. Murray is
a good town and its substantial growth
is due to the well-to-do farmers who
reside in that vicinity and the ener
getic business men of the town.
The Jewish New Year will begin
next Sunday evening at 6 o'clock and
will end at 6 o'clock Monday evening.
Ten days later is the Day of Atone
The last hope of the popocrats has
vanished, with the fact that Jate corn
Is out or reach ol the frost.
Don. Wm. J. Bryan,' the personifi
cation of true democracy and the ex
emplification of all that is grand and
noble in man. Plattemouth Journal.
Such hero worshipping slush as the
above Is only a fair sample of the stuff
which is forced onto the public by the
idolatrous press or the silver propo-
ganda. If Bryan should be trans
lated to the other sphere, the world
would surely return to the darkness of
the middle age?.
A little outcabt kitten which found
its way into the Boston post office
four years ago has become one of the
notable cats of the city. She is per
fectly familiar with the government
building, and makes her daily lours
about it, but always by means of tho
elevators. She seems to know the
rank of every official, and conducts
herself with corresponding dignity
Other cats she Ignores, and she is a
terror to dogs, of which she has never
shown the slightest fear. It is quite
a sight to watch this high-toned puss
enter tho postmaster's office and seat
herself aa if she was one of the con
sulting authorities of the place.
Pekin's Kin Pan is the oldest news
paper in the world, having been pub-
nsneu continuously for nearly a
thousand years. It began as a monthly,
beeame a weeklr in 1361. and since
the beginning of tho century has been
a daily. It now publishes three
editions a day, and in order to pre
vent cheating the first, is yellow, the
second white, and the last gra.
T. S. Becker, a prominent young
attorney of Nebraska City, was in
town today on his way to Norther n
Nebraska nnd South Dakota, in
search of u g oJ location. Mr.
Becker is an old time Cass county
boy and with his education, pleasant
address and good business qualifica
tions, we shall expect him to make a
name to be proud of in his new home.
The Des Moines Register, to tanta
lize the silver crowd, publishes the
following inscriptions taken " from
banners carried in torchlight parade
during the campaign a year ago:
"Corn 8 cents a Bushel" "Burn Your
Corn" "Dear Money Means Low
i-rices a vote ior JHCKiniev is a
Vote for 10 cent Corn" "To Restore
Prosperity, Restore Silver." In the
light of developements these have a
pecular sound.
An Elegant Stock of Wall
Paper For the Pall' Trade
We usually buy enough in the spring to last
the year through, but our sales were so
much larger than heretofore that we were
compelled to add an additional stock to
supply our customers' needs for the fall
papering, which, by the way, is the best
time to paper and paint. We handle the
famous Mound City Mixed Paints "Horse
Shoe" Brand.
How I Thl. . V
A banker sauntering home for his
dinner saw a $10 bill lyintr on the
curb stone. Of course he picked it up
and took the number in order to fiud
the owner. While at home, his wife
remarked that the butcher had sent
in a bill for meat amounting to $10.
The only money he hid with him was
tho bill he had found, which he cave
to her and ahe paid tho butcher. The
butcher paid it to tLe farmer for a
calf, and the farmer paid it to the
merchant, who in turn paid it to the
washerwoman; and she owing the
banker a note of $10, went to the
b inker and paid the note. The
banker recognized the bill as the
one he had found, and which, unto
date had settled $50 of debt. On a
more careful examination he found
the bill was counterfeit Now, will
BOtDo ol our nnanciai menus tell us
what had been lost in this transaction
and by whom, if any.
Not Ire to Contractors.
Seated bids will be received by the
secretary of the Board of Lducation
lor city of Plattsmouth till noon of
October 4, 1897, for supplying said
board with fifteen cords of well sea
soned cottonwood or lynn wood, to be
delivered in lots of one cord or more
to the several ward buildings in said
school district as directed by the
secretary, all of such wood to be
straight body wood. Also to supply
said board with twenty cords of good
dry straight body oak or hickory
wood to be delivered at the High
school building when directed by the
secretary of the board. The board re
serves the right to reject all bids.
E. W. Cook,
Secretarv Board of Education.
UolDfr Down Hill.
Peopie ;
from Kid
ney Diseases
fol a ; gradual
but steady less of
strength n nil vital
ity. They should
lose uo time in trying
Foley's Kidney Cure, a
Guaranteed Preparation.
Smith & Parmele.
worth almwt :u.
much today as tho
day you bought it; but you don't know it. As long as tho hair is on
the skin it is GOOD. Moth eaten or worn spots can be taken out
without even showing a seam
The only question is what can bo done with it. Its out of style
and worn. Maybe it needs new lining, or should be stylishly
trimmed. Tho old coat would make a beautiful full sweep cape,
and capes are just the thing this season. There's that old fur gar
ment you haven't worn for years, because it is all "fagged out."
Why, that will make a beautiful collarette; just the thing for fall
and spring wear. Then just look at that garment. It is entirely
"gone up." The hair stands the wrong way on it and it is worn
and matted. "Its no earthly use." 'Well, it does look bad, but by
the process of glazing the fur is brought out and cleaned and then,
when remodeled, it is like new.
During July and August of this year, we will make a speci
alty of ALTERATIONS and REPAIRS. Our system of measure
ment 13 such we can fit you as well bv mail a9 by personal measure
ment. We make NEW PUR and PLUSH GARMENTS to YOUR
in PI UltlC Cf LU. Kna City. Missouri.
Silk Manufacturers,
Try Allen's Foot-Eaae,
A powder to be shaken into the
shoes. At this season vour feet feel
swollen and hot, and get tired easily
If you have smarting- feet or tight
shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools
the feet and makes walking easy.
Cures and prevents swollen and sweat
ing feet, blisters and callous spots.
Relieves corns and bunions of all pain
and gives ret and comfort. Try it to
day. Sold by all druggists and shoe
stores for 25 cents. Trial packages
FREE Address, AUon S. Olmsted, Le
Roy, N. Y.
To heal tho broken and diseased
tissues, to soothe the irritated sur
faces, to instantly relieve and to per
manently cure is the mission of De
Witt's Witch Hazel Sal vo. P.G.Fricke
& Co.
Cul Comity Dairy.
R..F. Dean has again taken charge
of the Cass County Dairy nnd will be
pleased to serve his old customers and
also others desiring pure miltc. He
will also furnish cream and butter
milk when desired. Your patronage
is solicited. ' .
Mrs. Morning's - home-made
Owing to over-crowding and bad
ventilation, the air of the schoolroom
Is often close and impure, and teach
ers and pupils frequently suffer from
lung and throat troubles. To all such
we would say, try Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. For coughs, colds,
weak lungs and bronchial troubles no
other remedy can compare with it. '
Says A. C. Freed, superintendent ot
schools. Prairie Depot, Ohio: "Hav
ing some knowledge of the efficacy ot
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, I have
no hesitation in recommending it to
all who suffer from coughs, lung
troubles, etc" For saio by all drug
gists. "
It Save the Croapy Children.
Skaview, Va. We have a splendid
sale ot Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,
and our customers coming from far
and near, Bpeak of It in the highest
terms. Many have paid that their
child red would have died of croup if
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy had
not been given. Kellam & Qurren.
The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by
all druggists.
TryGraln-OI Try Uraln-Ol
Ask your grocer today to show you
a package of Graln-O, the now food
drink that takes the place of coffee.
The children may drink it without in
jury as well as the adult. All who try
it, like it. Grain-O baa that rich
seal brown of Mocha or Java, but it is
made from pure grain, and the most
delicate stomach receives it without
distress, i the price of coffee. 15c.
and 25 eta. per package. Sold by all
Buds, six for 25c at Gering & Co's.
Soap Manufacturers.
Jf8. Jas. S. Kirk A Co.,
Chicago, Tils.
We have given your"VhiteCIond" soap a thorough
test in washing pieces of linen embroidered with our
'New Process" Wash Embroidery Silks and lind it
entirely satisfactory. We take pleasure In recom
mending it as a superior article for laundering tine
Yours truly,
(Signed) Beldixo Bros. & Co.
Refering to the above, we deem it important to state
that this letter was entirely unsolicited by us. White Cloud
Soap now has the highest authority as its endorser as being
superior for fine laundry work. For the bath and toilet it
also ranks first as a pure white floating soap.
Established 1839.
soap manufacturers in the world.
i U Jrv
V If llM f V S Iff
Is the most dangerous of all
Kidney Diseases. Fains in the
Backjrregularitiesinthe Urine,
1 dwelling ot tne luhw -
domen are the first symptoms
Dr. J 'H. McLEAN'S
Has proven, $n thousands of cases and for many years,
to be the Peerless Remedy for this dreaded disease
New Goods Just Received.
Dry Goods, Dress M
Goods,and Notions M
. . m w .
Blankets, wooien m
Underwear, and
Irjnjl CVCi y LI I II I UOUaiiy lUUIIU 111 C. ill umuu
iHH Dry Goods store will be found at
1 Z. jB. l$zr&iiberg:3r9&
Lower Alain Street
Also a Full Line of Standard and Fancy
Groceries, Queensware and
We pay no rents, or expensive clerk
hire and give our customers the bene
fit of Low prices.
Call and See For Yourself.
$1.25 School Shoes 1.25
We Have Just Received
500 pairs 500
All Sizes, all Solid, Well Made Shoes,
with NO PAPER, which will go AT
LESS than Manufacturers prices.
We sell nothing but Shoes, GOOD
SHOES, and give .our whole undi
vided attention to SHOES, and by
so doing we study QUALITY - hence
your pocketbook.
We don't have to give youpenciIs to in
duce you to buy our Shoes. We
make the PRICE RIGHT, which
makes the pencil giving scheme a
very small and insignificant mis
leading inducement. Call and see
the BARGAI NS partially displayed
on our counters and you will be made
happy. jr
Open every evening till we get
tired. No more 8 o'clock closing.
FOOT MILLINER. Plattsmouth, Neb.
4MOO Reward SlOO
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there is at least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in all its
stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall s Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis
ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall s
Catarrh Cure is taken internallv. acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces ot the sys
tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the
disease, and giving the patient strength by build
ing up the constitution and assisting nature in
doing its work. The proprietors have so much
faith in its curative powers that they otfer One
Hundred Do la -a for any case that it tails to cure.
Send for list ol testimonials.
Address. F.J. henev &Co.. Toledo, O.
Eioid by uruggists oc
Annual Excursion to Hot Spring 8. 1.
The last of the Burlinpton lijuto'e
Ilot Springs excursions witl be thai of
Tuesday, September 28 As usual,
the rate will be one fare for the round
trip and the return limit thirtj days.
For tickets - and information about
local trains see the local agent of the
B. & M. R Ii. For twenty-four page
booklet dencriplive of IJot Springs,
Sylvan Lake, Dcadwood, ard Spear
fish, write to J. Franci. G. P. A.,
Omaha, Neb.
Subscribe for The Nkwp.
The '-Bicyclist s Bast Friend s a
familiar name for DoVVitt's Witch
Hazel Salve, always ready for emer
gencies. While a specific for piles,
it also instant'y relieves ' and cures
cuts, bruises, salt rheum, eczoma and
all affections of the skin. It never
fails. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Slates, tablets, pencils pens and inks
at Smith &, ParmeleV
The Head Ptish
Of our business is prescription
work, of which we use nothing but
the purest drugs and what your pro
scriptions call for. We save you IS to
40 percent on each prescription. You
never tried us. You don't know why?
A. trial will convince you. We follow
our motto: "The most goods for the
least money." AUcock'e Porous Plast
ers IS cents.