Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, August 28, 1897, Image 1

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TllK NEW?. Establshed Not.S.1M1. ioonsolldated Jan. 1 1805.
THE HKUALD. Established April 10. tS&L (onsonaaiea Jan. l, isjz.
VOL. V. NO. 8.
Plattsmouth'sHome Talent Greeted
By a Large Crowd.
Gnrnll I'nrk the Scene of One of the
mtt IntertntinB Kntrrtaininent of the
!raMii-A t-t Sum ltealiznt For the
I'. K.. O. Society Otlirr Item of In--
tereiit to "New" Headers.
The rendition of the famous war
drama, "A Prisoner of War," at Gar
field park last evening' was one of the
mo: t interesting entertainments
IMattsmouth people havo been per-
mitted to attend in manv a day. partly
because of the Dovclty of attending an
outdoor entertainment, and because
of the merit of the piece well handled
by a company of home artists under
the tutorship of Chatles Nelson, a
professional actor. '
The scats were enclosed with a can-
vap. and the stage lighted with arc
lights and was arranged with good ef- .
Miss Hose Ilyers, as Eupheiiiia Mc -
( rtvry, did come tine character work
and fully maintained her reputation
nr..JU ,.f mnrn than opdiniirv
ii,- .-t tv: that of a south-
em maiden lady.
Dave McKntre, as Lieutenant Gor
don Hay no, was the center of the plot
ami mastered his part with the case
of an old timer upon the stage.
Colonel Charles Proscott, the part
which Guy Livingston performed, was
a leading character in the play, and
he did memo fine emotional work which
greatly pleased the audience.
Lee Atwood was right at licme in
one of the most difficult parts that of
Uncle llufus, the colored servant, lie
was funny and pathetic by turns
A. K. Fitt, as Major-General Stam
berg, was i-x.-rellort and presented a
fine soldierly appt-arance.
Thomas Whalon, as Sartreanl 11 in
ton. did onio good work, while Em
mons liiehoy, Hugh Roberts. Fi od
McCauley, Louis Thomas and Franco
ISallanco were all clever in small, but
very important parts.
Ky Dodge, in the charaotor of
Brigade Surgeon Fielding, was a
win tier.
Miss Myrtle Levings, as Suson Mc
Criery, was quito funny all the way
through. She played opposite Charles
Nelson, as Thomas Henry Bean, and
these two kept the audienco in a good
humor throughout tho evening.
The P. Iv O. ladies, under whose
auopieos tho p'ay was given, will real
ize a neat sum out of tho ontortain
inent, the attendance being near f00
last night, and from present indica
tions will bo even larger tonight.
TKLFfiltAl'IilC HKKVI riF.S.
William Harper, living near Car
rollton, Mo., killed his wife.
Clevolai.d has prepared an informal
reception for President MeKinly, who
will arrive in that city at I oYUcK
next Friday morning.
First Ohio light artillery will go
into camp at the itfashvillo exprsition
September 10. There will bo 400 men
and twentv -four cannons.
Eight berry pickers who went down
the shoro of the lake from West Su
perior, and whose prolonged absence
caused anxiety, have returned.
1'rohibitioit Convent ton.
The prohibition county convention,
will be held at Weeping Water Sep
tember 1, at 3 p. m. The afternoon
meeting will ba held inDr. Fate's of
fiee. A general mass meeting will bo
held in the evening in tho M. E.
church. State Chairman Parker will
be present and give tho evening ad
dress, and State Secretary Huckins
will entertain with some of his stirring
songs. All pruhibitiouists aro re
quested to be present as we wish to
nominate a full county ticket and
thoroughly organize the county for
prohibition work.
There In Clans of Pt-ople
Who aro injured by the use of coffee.
Recently there has been placed in all
the grocery stores a new preparation
called Graino-O, made of puro grains,
that takes tho place of coffee. Tho
most -delicate stomach receives it
without distress and but few can toll
it from coffee. It docs not coPt over I
as much. Children may drink it with
great benefit. 15 cts. and 2 els. per
Uackago. Try it. Ask for Graiu-O.
l'earl Steam Laundry.
B. F. Goodman will open up his
laundry opiosite the court house about
Mouday, and will handle all kinds of
laundry work. Shirts, collars and i
cuffs a specialty. All colored whirls
washed wii ho it fading. Cave will be
taken in washing silk and flannel gnds i
Family washing done rough, dry or
ircmed. Leave orders at olliee, and
your laundry will have our te.nt at
tention. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Corn Curukval.
Tho old reliable Missouri Pacific
will sell tickets for those dciring to
attend iho carnival at Atchison at the
rate of one faro for the round trip.
Tickets will bo sold Sept. 22 and 23,
with final return limit on the 21. For
full n!iltiutftpa 4nriii..A T
, . ' K....h . ,
Stouienborough, agentof tho Missouri
Subscribe for TllK Nkws.
Itoth Pitchers lilt Hard. Hat Tabor Lones
Through Kockjr Fielding
Plattsmouth inaugurated the naw
ball park at.Tabor yesterday by de
feating the home club in an interest
ing contest. Both teams presented
their strongest men and as a result
the gamo was one of the most interest
ing played for some time. Tbo visi
tors won by better fielding and clever
work on the bases. Both pitchers
suffered from heavy hitting, as nil the
batters seemed to be in fine form and
found the ball easily. Despite this
fact the score was not unusually large
and thero-was no excuse for the Tabor
puouc not patronizing tne game
bettor. e Plattsmouth pitcher was
, hil hard, but it was on account of the
f& that he had pitched a game the
day before against Ashland and bad
, shut them out at Louisville. Despite
this drawback he pitched winning
ball keeping the hits of the locals
scattered through their nine innings
'except in the ninth inning when a
bunch of h.ts yielded three runs
i Piattsmouth started the run getting
iintil6 second when Ben Frans got a
' passage to first and was advanced to
' second on Patterson's hit, which
forced Miller at third. Both Frans
ana l atterson advanced a base on an
error oy iiuino wnicn save lrwm a
life and error by G. Wetherhead
scored both runners and Irwin. In the
fifth Miller secured a base on balls
stole second, went to third on Ben
Frans' hit, and scored a moment
latter by TJunsaker hitting Goos when
the bases were full. B. Frans was
forced to third by Gcos being hit and
scored on Pribble's single. Irwin was
forced to second and went to third on
Pribble's hit and scored on an error by
Hall. Goos went to second on Prib
ble's hit and to third on Hall's error
and scored on Clement's hit. In the
sixth Steve Frans got a life on Whcel
barger'a muff of his Hy to center was
forced to second by Miller's base on
balls and scored on Patterson's three
base hit, which also scored Miller, in
tho eighth Clement got first on Laird's
error stole second and wont to third
on Hume's error which gave Jones
first, and scored on Stevo Frans hit.
Jones stole second and scored on
Frans' hit. Miller got a base on balls
went to first on B. Frans foce of S.
Frans at third, stole third and scored
on Irwin's single. This ended the run
getting. Tabor made three runs in
third, tying the score. Wilkinson
mado a three-base hit and scored on
F. Wethorhoad's single. Wetber
nead went to second on Wheellmrger's
base on b.ills and scored on Laird's
single which advanced Wheolbarger
to second and ho scored a moment
later on G. Wetherhead's two base
hit. In the fourth an error by B.
Frans gave Martin a life and h o stole
second and scored on Wilkinson's hit.
In the seventh F. Wetherhead made a
double, and scored on Laird's tripple.
In the eighth Hall scored on errors
and in the ninth threo more runs
wore added to Tabor's score on hits
coupled with a few errors.
Tabulated score:
An. k. mi. ic. a. k.
Pribble.Sb 0 1 it o
Clement, ss 5 1 2 u :t o
Jones, s f..: 5 1 1 1 1 1
S. Frans. c 5 1 2 H 3 I
Miller, ni 1 :i 0 1 0 0
B. Frans. lib 4 2 1 4 2 1
Patterson, rf ! 1 t 3 U 1
Irwin, p 4 2 a 9 7 o
tioos. lb 4 1 U 10 11
Totals : 13 II 27 17 I
AB. R. I1H. I-O. A. E.
Wheelbarger, in.". 4 - 1 a u 1
I.aird. lb 5 12 0 0 3
G. Wetherhead. 2b 4 1 a 4 11
Hall. 11 5 1 U 1 l 1
Martin, c 4 1 1 7 HO
iiunie, ss 4 0 3 0 a 2
Wilkinson. 3b 5 12 5 0 0
F'. Wetherhead, rf. 4 2 2 0 0 0
llunsaker. p 4 0 0 1 7 0
Totals 39 9 12 27 If. 8
Score by innings:
flattsniouth 0 3 0 5 2 0 0 3 013
Tabor 0 O 3 1 II 0 1 I 3 V
r.arned runs labor ft. 1'lattsmouth 3.
Two base hits Wheelbarger, F. Wetherhead,
Clement, Frans. Irwin. i
1 hr.-c base hits Laird. Wilkinson. Patterson.
Stolen bases WheelbarKer. Martin 2, PribMe
2, llune. Clement, Jones, Miller 3. B. Frans
Double play G Wetherhead (unassisted.)
Base on balls Orl llunsaker 7, ott Irwin 2
Hit by pitcher By llunsaker f. by Irwin 2.
Struck out by Hunsp.ker 5, by Irwin X.
1'assed balls Martin 1.
Wild pitches Irwiu 1.
Time of game. 2:15.
Kesolutious of Condolence.
The following resolutions of condol
ence wero passed by Ivy Leaf lodge
No. 13, D. of II.:
Whekeas, It has pleased Almighty
tod to call from our midst tho beloved
mother of our Sister and Brother
Resolved. That tho Ivy Leaf lodge
No. 13 respectfully tender our most
lioartieu sympathy to our Sister and
Brother Carlyle, their relatives ami
friends, and commend them to Him
who doeth all things well. who can and
will sustain them in their sad hour of
Resolved further. That a copy of
these resolutions he furnished the be
reaved family, spread upon the niinu
lo of the lodge and published in tho
bcal itapcrs.
Mns. Clara Conai.t.
OlmA Hajek,
Hilda Uakwiok,
Running sores, indolent ulcers and
similar troubles, even though of many
year's standing, nmy be cured by us-
injr DeWitt's Witch Ilazol Salve. It
soothes, strengthens and heals. It is
tho great pile cure. F. G. Fricke &;
Card of Thanks.
The children of tho late Mrs. Mary
i Cook do heartily appreciate the kmd-
I . A. . . , . .
ine8S of thelp friends and neighbors
during the illness and deuth of their
The Shooting Tournament at. the Fair
Ground Tomorrow.
The two days' state shooting tour
nament begins at the fair grounds.
south of town, at 10 o'clock tomorrow
morning and continues for two days
The hours are from 10 to 12, -and 1:30
to 5 each day.
Frank Parmele, a crack shot of
national reputation, witti G. W.
Loo mis, J. C. Roid, W. D. Townsend,
Col. J. J. Dickey, Gooley Brooker and
others from Omaha will be here with
the best shot from Glenwood, Red
Oak and rCouncil Bluffs. Quite a
crowd will be present from out in the
county. Randlett, tho man who broke
eighty glass balls straight the other
day will bo here.
It. will -be Quite an event, and as ad
mission to tho tournament grounds is
ireo, quite a crowd from town will en
joy the fine shooting.
John I. Blair of Blairtown, N. J.,
the well known railroad man, cele
brated the uinty-fifth anniversary of
his birth at his homo last Monday.
He is in his usual health. Bis son,
D. C. Blair, and his oldest grandson,
Charles Scribner of New .York City,
spent tho day with him. There was a
display of fireworks in the ovening ou
Prospect Hill, tho highest point in
Blairtown, in honor of Mr. Blair.
The grandfather of- Ethan Allen
Hitchcock, the new minister to Russia,
was Judge Samuel Hitchcock, one of
tho most eminent citizens of Burling
ton, Vt. Ho was tho first attorney gen
eral of that state, holding office from
17U0 to 1793, and a presidential elector
in 17i)2, when Washington received
his second election. In the same year
he was appointed judge of the Unito
States district court, becoming later
judge of the eocond circuit court of
the United States, receiving tho ap
pointment from John Adams. Mr.
Hitchcock's father was tho first attor
ney general of Alabama, whither ho
hud gone from Vermont as a young
man. Later ho was chief justico of
the state.
Not a trace of. Agent Roy of Ithica
has yet been discovered though dili
gent search has horn mado in every
way. His wifo is nearly crazed with
grief and can give no reason for her
husband's disapjeai ance.
The Onoa:a Midway, it is already
shown, will be more extensive and
equally as naughty as Iho famous ?1 id-
way at tho world's fair. Concessions
have been granted already that will
fully equal the Chicago Midway, and
the exposition is nearly a year away.
"A Irboner ot War" Tonight.
Expensive preparations have bee
mado at Garfield park for the presen
tation tonight of that 6tirring drama,
'A Prisoner of War." Tho cast is
good and a crowd of over a thousand
people is expected, and will be well
cared for. No money or work has been
spared to make it the theatriul event
of the year, in fact it is far ahead of
any entertainment given here during
the last eirut years, and we hopo the
public will appreciate the efforts put
forth foe its benefit, and will crowd
tho ampbi theatre. The admission is
ouly 25 cents and the show is as good
as the best in Omaha, where $1 is
charged. The cast of characters is as
Major General Stamberg .' Mr A F" Kitt
Colonel Charles Prescoti
Mr Guy Livingston
Lieutenant Gordon Havne Mr D McFntee
Thomas Henry boan Charles Nelson
Brigade Surgeon F'ielding Mr Roy Oodge
l ucle Kufus Mr Lee Atwood
Captain Woodlord Mr F red McCauley
Assistant Surgeon Hathaway
'. .Mr Hugh Roberts
Sargcant 1 1 niton Mr Thomas Whalen
Corporal of the Guard--.. .. - Mr Emmons Richev
Orderly to Geul Stamberg. .j
...Air fiance uallance
Orderly to Colonel Fiescott
.....Mr Louis Thomas
Enphemia McCreerv Miss Rose Hvers
Susan McCreery Miss Myrtle Levings
lache! olcureery.. Leah iNelsoii
A llarbecue.
Tho Woodmen of the World of Au
burn aro maKing arrangements for a
Errand old-fashioned barbecue to be
hold Monday,. September (i, 18;7,
Labor day, to which they cordially
invite- all members of tho order, their
families and friends. Special rail
road rates have been secured.
Lint of Letter.
Remaining uncalled for at the post-
office at .Plattsmouth, Aug. 25, IS',17:
runners. JW Hartman. Mrs M A
C J Joiison Smith, H G
When calling for any of the above
letters please say "advertised. '
W. K. Fox, P.M.
Cas County Uniry.
R. F. Den has again taken charge
of the Cass County Dairy and will lie
pleased to servo bis old customers and
also otners desiring: puro railK. He
will also furnish cream and butter
milk when desired. Your patronage
is solicited.
If you havo ever seen n little child
in a paroxysm of whooping cough, or
if you have been annoyed by a con
stant tickling in tho throat, you can
appreciate the value of One Minute
Cough Cure, which gives quick re
lief. F. G. Fricke & Co.
. Iangeronn Urlnklng Water.
Death lurks in impure Water. It
breeds dieases often in epidemic form.
The first symptom is looseness of tho
bowels. These diseases arc checked
I by taking Foley's Colic Cure. .- Smith
& Parmele.
Jour Characteristics of tho Little Dmiii
ner of the 'Wood.
TliPie is on r.rticle by Frank M.
Chapman in St. Nicholas ou "The
Little Drnmiiicr of the Woods," Riving
mnch curious iuformatiou concerning
the woodprcker. Mr. ChMpiuau says :
If we hud a w oodpecker in our bauds,
we should see in the beginning that its
bill is not slightly hocked, with the
urpPf mandible turned oowu at its end
aud overlapping tlio undtT t audible, as
in the crow aud other brds lhat "pick
up a living," but that oth mandibles
aro of equal length uuc cot squarely
off at the tip. It is, tlprcf re, like a
wedge or chisel.
Perhaps thetip of the bird's tonpne
will be seen appearing through its i;t ur
ly closed mandibles, aud our attention
is at once attracted by its peculiar
shape. We discover thit it is remark
ably long, and when -fully extended
reaches almost if not quito an inch be
yond the point of the bill. It is not
flat, like the crew's, but rouud aud
fleshy, aud has a sharp, horny point,
which, by looking at it Tery closely, we
see has a eeries of barbs bn both sides.
In the meantime oi.r bauds have
doubtless been pricked by the bird's
tail feathers, each featir being Ktiff,
bristly and pointed at -ho end. Some
of the larger woodpeckers tho pileatcd
and ivoryhill, for instauce have this
singular kind of tail fenther highly de
veloped. The iiiuin sttnor shaft of the
feather is much largt r than usual, and
each barb growing from this shaft is
curved downward and inward aud is
strong aud pointed. Comparing this
feather with the flat tail feather of a
crow, we see 'at once how different it is
iu form.
The wings do not impress us as in
any way unusual. Thty are neither
very long nor very short, but the ar
rangement of tho toes is so peculiar
that they were at once commented upon
by a blind girl, to whom I had handed
a specimen of one of these birds. In
stead of thn disposition common tomost
birds, three toes directed forward and
one backward, we discover two front
toes and two hind ones, and wo will
note also that each tot; is armed with u
strong curved nail.
Ilid iioniif. -.
Thoy were just closing up the real es
tate deal, and the jntan wLo always
wanted something tlisown in to make a
good -bargain appeartd to Lesitute.
"What'll you threw in?"
"What'll I what?"
"What'll you throw in as a sort of
"Ob, yes, yes, ef course!" said the
real estate man. "!Iov.T stupid ef irje'
Why, tho fact is, iu t..r lino of business
we are not exactly in ;be habit of giving
prizes, but, in this case, just to make it
binding, I don't mind throwing in the
back taxes. "
"Now you're talking business!" ex
claimed tbo would bti "purchaser. "It al
ways pays for a man to stick out for his
It was enly after the transfer was
made that he discovered the back taxes
wero payable by and not to the owner.
Chicago Post.
The Obliging Bankrupt.
Good comradeship may count for
much. No man ever typified this better
than the Wall street broker who said
to his friend tho reporter: "I didn't
fail until aiter tho evening papers went
to press, so that you could have it all to
yourself in tho morning. Ccme around
in an hour or so, and I'll give you the
figures. " Writer.
Special Low Kates On the M. 1.
For Indianapolis, September 9 to 11,
National Encampment Sons of Veter-
ma. Ono fare for round trip; limit
for return September 17.
Indianapolis, August 18 to 23, for
Young People's Christian Union. One
faro for round trip;, good to September
12 by deposit of tickets.
You may hunt tho world over and
you will not find anethcr medicine
equal to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy for bowel
complaints. It is pleasant, safe and
reliable. For sale by all druggists.
K Back,
Or. J. Ha
0 Has proven, in thousands of cases and for many years, V
0 to be the Peerless Remedy for this dreaded disease
A For sale everywhere. Price, $1.00 per bottle. 0
BEST rigs for Weddings, Funeral a or Pleasure Parties, etc. Hack order
attended to promptly. Terms reasonable. Cash preferred. Calljand gel
rates. Telephone 76. .
N. B. W. D. Jones auctioneer !l kinds of goods nttA form sine?
disposed ot
A Trip to Klondyke For 15 Cents.
R.jmember the Hamburg Harvest
Home aud Cereal Exhibit is to bo held
in Phillips' Klondyke Park, Septem
ber 6, 7, 8 and 9. Some of the liberal
premiums offered are:
$50 for best bushel of corn.
$30 for best bushel of wheat.
$20 for best bushel of oats.
$10 for best bushel of peaches.
$25 for best variety of apples.
$5 for best bushel of apples.
Two base ball games each day.
Running and trotting races each
Shetlaud pony trotting race each
Bicycle races each day.
Hurdlo races each day.
Chariot races each day.
Balloon ascentions, band concerts
and other attractions too numerous to
mention. Admission only 15 .cents.
Teams admitted to grounds for 10
. Railroad rates One and one-third
fare for round trip.
For further information, address,
M. F. Phillips, Sec'y.,
Hamburg, Iowa.
Cheap ttatex to KansaH City.
The M. P. Ry. will sell tickets at
ono fare for the round trip to Kansas
City on account of carnival and
Priests of Pallas parade, October 3 to
0 inclusive, good to return tili Octo
ber 10. For further particulars cn
cjuire of C. F. Stoulenborough, ajfent.
You Can Depend On It
That Foley's Colic Cure is an instant
rolief for colic, summer complaint,
cholera morbus, diarrhoen, bloody flux,
chronic diarrhua, cholera infantum,
bilious colic, painters' colic and all
bowel complaint. Smith & Parmele.
Mr. C. L. Ilasbrouck, a druggist at
Mendon, Mich., says all of tho good
testimonials that have, been published
by the manufacturers of Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy could be duolicated in lhat
own. For f-rvle by all drnggists.
Notice of Sale Under Chattel Mortgage.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a
chattel mortgage, dated on the lsth day of Feb
ruary, A. IJ. ls'-'T. and duly tiled in the office of
county cleric ot Cass county. Nebraska, on the
Jlith day of February, A. 1). ls'.7. aud executed
by William Neville to Maia A. Crouch to secure
the payment of the sum ot fi'iS.Mi, and upoa
which there is now due the sum ot $'- 50 with
ten per cent interest thereon from the ISth day of
February, A U, ls'jT. default having. been made
in the payment of said sum and no suit or other
proceedings having been instituted to recover
said debt or any part thereof, therefore I will sell
the property therein described, viz: 1 ne bar lix
ture consisting ol counter, back bar. partition
and all other articles pertaining to the business;
stock of wines, liquors, beer, and cigars, con
tained in store room on east hall ol lot live
block thirty-fout i:U, Plattsmouth. Nebraska, or
that part of said stock now remaining on hand. at
public auction at above described store room in
ttie city ol I'iatismoutli. Cass count j, Nebraska,
on the aitli day of September. A 1). l!'7. ai
I o'clock p. m. of said day.
Dated August 27. A 1. ls'JT.
MaiA A. Ckoi en. Mortgagee-
211 n j alto ryj-LKri, c::-z' zo
ear.b .r f"- -'.vsjj-s
bn pi..'5 -r-'..
licrreS)'.'t;: ."ts... V --si? amer.i i c
S. ft. Davis, Representative,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
15 Cents
Per Week,
Is the most dangerous , of all
Kidney Diseases. Pains in the
Irregularities in the Urine,
Swelling of the" Limbs or Ab
domen are the first symptoms
W. D. JONES...
Cass County's
Oldest : Liveryman,
I The Best Goods
1 1
LtOWGJr RIniii Street.
U; A Full Line of Dry
M has ust been put in. ipi
1 The Best Goods at' Correct Prices !i
Hi m
and Cm ..nWf Outfit.
90 buys a Mandoline,
t Ijirdseye Maple, Mauogany or Rose
wood Finish. Fully guaranteed.
1 00 bays An American
, guaranteed to stand.
strings, in Mahogany or Rose
wood finish.
SO buys. a $ioo
iball Piano
ii -
iMOS, little used, for $50,
Write for Catlonemod or
.R fi?? B !P? R!?i
- jcrra I i m ! ii ii ! i ii
Try Allen's I-oot-10s.
A powder to be shaken into tbo !
shoes. At this season your feet 'eel i
swollen and hot, and get tired eaiiy. ;
If you havo smarting feet or tight!
shoes, try Allen's FooUlase. It coois j
tho foet ntd maiies easy.
Cures and prevents swollen and sweat
ing feet, b.istors and callous sjjots. !
IkOlievec corns arid bufliois !' :tii piin
and sivos i-eet and comfort. Try it to- i
day. Sold by all druggists and t--b!e i
stoies for resits. Tri;il pi'-ki-gosi
KitEH Address, Alltn S. Ohu-! ii, Le !
Roy, N. Y.
Try tSraln-t! Try Uruin-!
Ask your grocer today to snow you
a package of Grain-O, tho new food
drink that lakes the place of eoITee.
The children may drink it without in
jury as weil as tho adult. All who try
it, iike it. Grain-O haj that rich
seal brown of Mocha or Java, but it is
made from puro grain, and tho most
delicato stomach receives it without
distress. I the price of coffee, toe.
and -"i cts. per package. Sold by all
Itucklvu'i Arnica Siilvc.
The bett salve in the world for cuts,
burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe
ver sores, tetter, chapjfep nands, chil
blains, corns, and all skin eruptions,
and positively cures piles, or no pay
required. It- is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Pyice 25 ceuts pr box. For sale by
F. G. Fricke.
A Valuable Prescription .
Kditor Morrison of VVo-thinglbn ,
Ind., "Sun," writesiVou have a
valuable prescription in Klc-ctric Hit
ters, And I can cheerfully rccoinmend
it for Constipation and Sick Headache
and as a g-eneral system tonic it has
no equal." Mrs. Annie Stehle, 2(2
Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, was ail
run down, could not eat nor digest
food, hau a ba?kacho which nevor left
her and felt tired and weary, but six
bottles of Electric Bitters restored
her health and renewed tier strength.
Prices 50 cents and SI. Got a bottle
at F. G. Fricke 'a dru? store.
Ballard's Ilorehound Syruu is not a
niixturo ol stomach" destroying drugs,
but is a scientifically prepared remedy
that cures coughs and colds, and all
throat and lung troubles. Its action
is quick, prompt and positive. 5 and
50 cents. Sold by Fricke & Co.
Ball ird'e Snow Liniment will cure
lame back. sore throat, wounds, sprains,
bruises, cuts, old f-ores. Ladies, it
will cure your back -ache Sold by F.
G Fricke it O
Subscribe for TnK NEWS llccnts
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at Correct Prices
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And a tho'-ough practical training
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Cil "5-. -r?JS5rs II
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