Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, August 25, 1897, Image 4

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    The Republicans In Council at
They Bmtlfy With Zeal the Ticket Nomi
nated by the People Months Ago, and
Start the Campaign In Harmony and
I'nlson The Holt Universally Popular
Ticket Ever Named In the County.
C. A. Marshal. Dentist.
Subscribe for TheHews
lection, and those owing bills tire in
vited to m.iko settlement at once aud
saVo costs. .
It was not the famous Ncbawka
Look out for VA Prisoner of War." cannon you beard this afternoon, as
Col. Kroehler positively reiuseu u
procure it for a "A Prisoner of War"
The convention of republican dele
pates from overy ward and precinct in
the county met at Louisville yesterday f(.om Louisville.
at 1:30, and in two hours time accom
plished the nomination of a ticket
which any party might be pioud of.
Jesse L. Hoot, of this city, was
unanimously chosen as chairman of the
convention, and to his clear-headed,
decisive manner much credit, is due
far the smooth sailing aud orderly
work of the convention.
Prof. Morrison and A. U. M&yfield
were chosen as secretaries. The con
vention was called to order first by
Dr. Hall, chairman of the county cen
tral committee, when the call was
reid by Secretary D. K. Barr. Mr.
Barr had expedited business mater
ially by gathering up the credentials
and making a list which, when read,
was adopted without appointing a
committee on credentials.
Nominations being in order, Chas.
Graves of Liberty precinct, in a neat
speech, . placed the name of A. K.
Eikenbry before the convention fo
treasurer. It was seconded by Ben
Horning of the precinct, Ericson of
Greenwood precinct and others, and,
on motion of It. B. Windham, Mr.
Eikenbary was nominated by acclama
tion. Harvey Holloway, for sheriff.
Snyder & Co. for bargains in jewelry.
Eat Mrs. Morning's home-made
Snyder & Co., jewelers and opti
cians. Dry cobs for sale. Enquire at this
Soda water Thursday
terian benefit. -
Charley Noyes is in town today
Firewoks at G irfield park Welnes
day, August 20.
Remember Wednesday the 25th
at Garfield park.
Stop at the soda fountains on your
way to the p ay.
Remember Wednesday the 2Mb, "A
Prisoner of War."
All lovers of lirst-class cigars.smoke
Wurl's "Gut noil"
No man or woman c:in enjoy life or
accomplish much in this world whilo
suffering from a torpid liver. De
Witt's Little Early Risers, the pills
that cleanse that organ, quickly. F.
Preshy- G. FricKe & Co.
Is your liver tired? does it fail to do
its' duty? If 6o, don't neglect its call
for help. A few doses of Heroine rony
save you a spell of sickness. Ilerbine
is the only perfect liver medicine, I
cures Chills and Fever. Too. Sold by
F. G. Fricke & C.
iTTTTrTZrilThe Casino Saloon'
I Mt bill MWA LHUnilKI.
All work carefully and
neatly done. Family
washing and washing of
delicate fabrics promptly
attended and en'ire
Satisfaction Guaranteed n
Small precautions often provont
great mischief. DeWitt's Little
Early Risers are very small pills in
size, but aio most eneewvo in pre
venting the most sei ious forms of
liver and stomach troubles. Tin y cure
constipation siifd headache and regu-
)r. Elstcr. Waterman block, for late the bowels. F. G. Fricke & Co.
painless dentistry.
Insure in the German American.
Fred Ebinger, Agent.
Look out for the sky-rockets
Wednesday evening.
W. J. Ilesser and eon, Ed , were
Omaha visitors today.
Drink soda wa?er while you are
waiting for tho band.
Git an ice cream soda as you no
home to dim er Thursday.
Mrs. Ida Wagner, teacher of piano,
organ, and musical theory.
TLo Platte river ferry was obliged
to qrit running yesterday on account
of the high water in the slough near
north shore of the river. However,
the difficult' will bo rendered in a
few days, as James Thomas, tho pro
prietor, is going to take another boat
up there and no further trouble will
be experiotievd.
The mem hers of tho Epworth
League will held tluir business and
social meeting Thursday of this week
at the hmoo of Miss Margaret Davis,
on Poarl street. Tnese meetings are
South Sixth St.,
I Spring..
A splendid iiti" received; slso the
most complete anr1 .iant line of Plain
and Decorated Chinaware ever brought
to the city may be found at the sti-re of
Mrs. Henry Miller has gor e to Falls very interesting, ind nil young people
First Door East of Court House.
The Best in Groceries.
Pure Imported Wines and Whiskies,
and that queen of all medi
cines Malt-Kutrino.
City on a visit of a fow days.
Attend the phnr.ngraph.ic concert
was placed in nomination in a strong Friday evening a-. Uj-j M. E. church.
speech by Windham, seconded, on be
half of Eight Mile Grove, by Tom
Williams, ana made by Acclamation
on motion of Teagarden of Weeping
James Robertson was p'aeed in nom
inatiDn by II. S. Evans of Louisville,
seconded by Toland of Greenwood, D.
Come and see Lee Atwood as ' Uncie
Rufus" inxt Wednesday evening.
D.m't miss "A Prisoner of War" at
Gartield oarii Wednesday evening.
. If you want to buy or sell Platts
mouth property, see T. H. Pollock.
Watch for the gun from the fort at
,K. Barr of Plattsmouth and made by I Garfield park on Wednesday evt-ning.
Get you seat reserved at once for'A
Prisoner of War." There will le
a big jam.
Crabilj, the practical jeweler, will
acclamation on motion of C. S. Polk.
George Hay for recorder was placed
in nomination by H. R. Neitzal of
Elm wood precinct, seconded by Groen-
A : 4. J 1 T7I TT I
.-r . . . . repair your watch correctly
ui riaitnuiuuiu sou uiuers, anu maue i . ,
by acelamation n motion of C. S.
Polk. , .
For county judge George Spurlock
was placed in nomination by Charles
Noyes in a neat Bpeech which was
seconded by C. S. Polk and mada by Snyder & Co.'s. Corner Sixth and
acclamation on motion of E. M. Pol- Main street.
lard. Lost An Eton jacket. Finder
The only contest of the day really will please leave Fame at T. J. Thomas'
requiring a ballot was over the office meat market.
oi county superintendent, a. n. uusn- 0ur local columns have
in the city are . c:rdnlly welcomed to
attend. Atlho c ()- of the business
meeting a nice . j ratn wi t be
The prizu wirino now is "'Wiir!
Uros. '" i '-! tit ci;:i', which has
no i quiil !! j o; i.i:. rl'.ei . Is. Ii is
forpfil j'-n wiiy ' tii" front ngiiiiist.
keen eoun etitu i and is ik.w one vt
tho si s Hers in n. -u-rii Nebraska,
because i' is made from the finest to-
baci o." c:i-efuliy elcel d. .'I he1 Porio
Hero" is our best l()-ceiit cigar. Re
netubor Oilo Wurl, Manufacturer.
Kl. FITZfS Bi BS A ffil
Has new stock, new rigs and
is prepared better than ever
to take care of
fl Genera! Livery Business.
To Light His Cigar
- Or to consume his money in any
w;iy he chooses is the comforta! le po
sition our patrons Cnd themselves in
after dealing with us for a time. Our
prices can't bo competed with on equal
bupis with the quality of our goods.
PHIL THIEROLR, Proprietor.
Merchants' lunch every day from
9 to 11 o'clock at Donat's, in Stadle-
mann block.
A l'ointrr for Our KiimnTH
Some dozen or more of the le. ding
and fruit growers in this portion of the
couniy have adopted a new plan, so
far as this section is concerned, for
disposing of their fruit. They will
have a diagram of tiieir orchard made
Inrwl nlunl nn nv V i Wit lAn rr i t V ir
verything new and up-to-date at 1 ru
Quick trips made to all parts f the
county. Low price nnd coun
eous treatment assured.
l'latlsinontli, Nebraska.
nell, one of the most successful teach
ers in the county, was a candidate
against Prof. Farley's renomination.
Mr. Bushnell was named in n short
speech by T. T. Young of South Bend,
and Prof. Farley by Tea garden of
Weeping Water, seconded by several
A ballot was taken which resulted in
16Ii for Farley to 381 votes for Bushell.
The vote was not a fair gauge of Mr.
Bushnell's popularity, however, as
Mr. Farley's nomination was conceded
from the start.
pies, and then on soma date to be
agreed UDon the ent'tro crop will be
disposed of at auction. The d ito will
bo thoroughly ad vertised so that all
fruit growers in this section of the
been I country will be h err, asid then thev
abridged today but we will make up will Vie dri veu to a n o; ch ird, and af
for it tomorrow. tor inspectiou the fruit will be sold to
We are now located in our new store I tho highest and best bidder,
corner Sixth and Main'streot. Call and This seem to bo an excellent plan
see1 us. Snyder & Co.
This is just tho time of tho year
when you can get great bargains at
Hedbloom's drug store.
Carl Kunzrain, Albert Churchill
I for the farmer, as it re'ieves him of
all responsibility and trouble, he not
haying the of picking and sorting
and running all over town to sell his
crop. In Iowa thi s-mill fruit crop
I ll a flArinonlK ri I j i3r.l in V I a
a . , j 4. l "kJ II VUUIIll 1 WV II U I 3 i W U Ol III Villi?
and George Snyder were attenlingtol 1 J
business in Omaha today.
Wanted A good girl for general
housework. Enquire of Mrs. F. 11.
E. E. Hilton was named in a good I Wilson, North Eleventh street.
speech by Frank. H. WHsod for sur
veyor and on motion of Pollard he was
nominated by acclamation.
Henry Boeck was placed in nomina
tion for coroner by S. S. English of
Tipton in a humorous speech aud the
usual honor of a nomination by accla
mation was given. Henry brought
-. ... -
uown me nouse in nis Biieecb oi ac
knowledgement. All the candidates
were called for and they responded in
graceful speeches.
The first sale will take place early
in September. NJb'sk-i City News.
Blfliilire Arr.-tig;it-l.
Mcltitiro.the man whostolea pocket-
bo k down t:er.r the ferry landing
from a Mr. Il.iiiey, was i.rraigned to
day nnd entered a plo:i of not guilty
He did not givo himt-elf up, :is wa:
Thesccietary of tho Fraternal union
will be be at Smith & Parmele's drug
store Tuesday evening from 7-lo S
Corn is two cents lower and wheat
nve cenis lower touay, mo oearsseera- stited in the Journal last evening.
ing to havo got control of the market, hut was arrestod by Sheriff Holloway,
Snyder & Co. carry the finest line I who w-s in search of him and found
of watches and juwelry ever shown in I him in aea'oon. The sheriff did not
delay a, moinont afier ho was notified
of I he crime. Mclnt ire will have a
hearinir Monday.
OrIiiiHiic No. 193.
AN ORDINANCE providing for-the levying of
city taxes for the tiscal year beginning the sec
ond Monday in August, A. 1 . lt9.", knowu as
the General Appropriation bill.
Section 1. That there be am) is hereby given
upon the dollar valuation 0:1 all real, peisonal
and mixed property witinn the corporate limits
of the city of I'laltsmoiith, Neb., not exempt
from taxation by tho laws of the state of Ne
braska, the following taxes, viz:
General fund h
Gas and lichtinir fund 5
Omaha Southern Railway bonds.
interest "
lturlington & Missouri Kiver K.
K. bonds 3
Kcarton Liouds interest K ,
ecr bonds iuterest
High School bonds interest V
$1,313 75
2,ri'.W OS
3 mi
Intersection paving bonds iuteiest l)i
rirehvurant rental tuna 1
1.H17 ti."
l.tiir 't
1 fX7
3.771 Wi
U4: t',-.'
4.:ii:i 7ri
o: -:
' w
0 Jl IPPSpl
-- H
if - n
To wear a wii.ter suit in summer. It hampers a man physicilly, men
tally, socially and in a business way. Some people are always a season be
hind in the matter of clothing. There is no excuse for this with Miinmrr
clothing at the prices at which wo are closing out the remainder of our light
weight stock.
Wash Suits.
Notwithstanding the immense sale
we have had on those suits wo still
havo a full assort-r ent of f-ies on hand
To dispose of them- quickly v e oiler
them at 115 per cent discount,
Fancy Linen Suit in all sizes, former
pric- -3 00, now $2.25.
Imported Linen ('rash Suit, made up
noily, former pric $-5 (, now $:.7o.
imported Brown frney Crash suit, 'ai-
lor m-ide, former price -?' '0. now
4 00.
Our sh suils are ail carfully
sh tt ik, :.t:d we I trimmed.
Black Alpaca Coats, fast colors, re
duced from 2 to $1.2"i.
Black Sicilian Coats and Vest
French facing, was $2 7.1, now
Fine Grey Mouair Coats and Vests,
aisoN Brown, Oxford and Slate color,
Black Drape TVEtes Coat and Voj-t,
finest Goods made w:u $0.(M), now
Black and Blue Sorgo nnd Worsted
Coat-, and Vests nt $.",.50 and $1.5').
Straw hits P. ices cut right in tho
middV. Every Straw H it we Have
in S'ock will I'e Sold at ju-t Half
V ic.', rcg.r di s- of Cost.
Kir ileiiartnient fund
Library fund 1
Tark fund M
Total $.I77 'JO
Section 2. That in addition - to said above
taxes there shall be and is hereby levied upon
each able-bodied male resident ol said city not
exempt bv law. the sum of three dollars for poll
tax which shall be payable in cash or by two
days' work upon the streets of said city at the
rate ol one dollar and hlty cents per day.
Section 3. That the said several amounts si
levied are for the use of the city during the fiscal
year commencing on the second Monday in Aug"
list, A. L. l?i7.
Section 4. The levies hereby made shall be
immediately certified by the city clerk to the
county clerk of Cass county. Neb.
Section 5. All ordinances or parts of ordi
nances in conflict herewith be and the same aie
hereby repealed.
Section 6. This shall be in lorcc
and ellect from aud after ils passage, approval
and publication according to law.
I'assed and approved tins Ji'.ih day ol July. A.
I.. 1W.-.
Attest: 15. C. Kfkr. City Cieik.
John A. Gctsciie. Mnvor.
Plnttsmouth,and prices are way down.
Ice cream, soda and phosphates at
Fricke's, Gering's, LehnhofT's and
J. L. Root had been agreed upon by Smith & Parmele's, Thursday, Aug-
a majority of the delegates as chair-1 ust .6.
man of the county central committee,! The work of the city council last
but when he found one of the candi-1 evening has been crowded out of to
dates was not friendly to the plan he I day's paper and will be printed to-
peremptorally refused to allow his I morrow.
name usea or act ii maae unanimous, -Lost A dark snot ted vearlinir .Ter-
and George Sheldon, a sterling active
young republican of Nehawka was al
most unanimously agreed upon and
was elected.
Plattsmouth city, out of compliment
to Dr. Hall, gave him most of her
votes, purely as a compliment to him,
Mr. Sheldon being satisfactory to
every delegate present except Mr
sey heifer with slit in one ear. The
finder will cqnfer r favor by notifying
A. C. Frye or C. Speck.
The Plattsmouth base ball club
went over to Tabor in W. D. Jones'
car yall this morning, where they will
play the club of that place.
The little son of Frank Bila, nged
Sheldon himself, who did not crave Pno and a half year8 died lhis mro-
the burdensome position. Gil Beards
ley of Stove Creek was elected secre
tary, and on motion of Frank H. Wil
son W. H. Newell was recommended
for state central committeeman.
ing. Tne parents reside west or tne
high school, near Wm. Holly's.
Dr. Payne of Lincoln will give a
phonographic concert at tbo, M. E.
chuich Friday evening", August 27.
The commissioner's district was or- I Admission 15 cents, children 10 cents.
ganized by selecting Wash Smith for
chairman and F. H. Wilson for secre
tary. An informal ballot was taken
which showed Samuel Richardson a
little in the lead with F. A. Murphy
next and E. A. Oliver following with
the solid support of the Second
W. W. Coates & Co., havo just re-.
ceived over a ton of sheet iron which
they will manufactjre into stove pipe
the coming fall and winter. They use
only the best quality.
Major General Stamburg inspected
Ity Schools.
Mis.-j Helena Ilidford has been se
lected by the bo'trd to take charge of
the room vac. led try Miss Mathews.
She is a i'-eoos-cssing ladj' in appear
ance and conns highly recommended.
Being a -rraduate of tho state univer
sity, her qualifications ai e above ques
tion. - Mis 'Gone Marshall was hired
to take charge of the Mercertown
school, a selection that we believe was
a wise one.
Thecliools w ill open SejTterauer 20
under ansii'ire-i more favorable than
ever with abundant prospects of a
most successful year's work.
A Keat Uombttrdiiien t.
The cannonading hea? d this after
noon was for the purpes of preparing
the citizens for the. hc;vy bombard
ment that will tike place nt . irfield
park totno: row night when the be-uiti-ful
and realistic war drama, "A Pris
oner of War'' will be given by home
talent for the P. E. O. society.
Notice to Contractors.
Bids for the erection of a frame school house
in district No. 0 will be recc.ved at the office of
County Superintendent Farley at the court house
up to 12! o'clock noon of August 31, 1.VJ7. The
ward. It was understood that neither I pieces for A I nsoner of plans and specifications may be seen otrapplica
Murphy nor Oliver cared specially for
the nomination, and on. the next bal
lot Richardson received a majority
and was duly declared the nominee
for commissioner.
War" this afternoon aud pronounced I tion to the county superintendent. The right to
them safe. The bombardment U.kes I reicct a"y or all bids is resetved
T. J. McCulloch. Director,
J. W. Holmes. Moderator,
W. A. Royal. Treasurer. .
To vilinm it mav concern.
You are hereby notilied that on the 4th day of
November. A. P., )W.". I'eltibnne and Nixon
purchased at public tax sale, at the court house
in riattsmouth. Nebraska, for the delinquent
taxes ol the year IK. 4, amounting to $::i.i;i, and,
paid subsequent tax for ihe years I S'.ir and ls,
which, with the interest, amounts to the sum of
iln.V- on the following property: The south
hall and northwest quarter of the northeast quar
ter ot section 7. town 10, rane l"i. cast, assessed
in the years 1!M and 1:is, in the name of T. J.
laineson. and in the year IS! to Tidball and
Fuller. They also purchased as above for de
linquent taxes of li'l amounting to $1 1.0.". and
paid subsequent tax lor the years ISit", and lS'.hi,
which, with the interest amounts to the sum of
$4.u on the lollowing: The southeast quarter
of the southwest quarter of section 1:1, town 12.
range 14, east, assessed in the years 1S4, lsii..
aud IWHi, in the name of Annie O'Kourke. all in
Cass county and state of Nebraska. The time
of redemption from ejich of said tax sales will ex
pire on the 4th day of November. SS7.
Petti ihink ,t Nixon..
You Catt Send
Your Dog
If you've a well trained one, an'l jou
will get just a? many, groceries for t he
money, just as honest weight, good
quality and fair treatment as you will
if you come yourself.
We are proud to b:iee our claim to
your grocery custom upon absolute
fair, square treatment to one and all.
We'd rather give a liill more than a
little less than hocest. weight every
time, bo it to nun, woman, child ser
vant, or even dog.
To raa'io room for our fail and winter s'ock we havo made a SI'M.'IAI.
CUT on nil summer fhoos, and to guard against carrying them over
we will let them a i;m:at ukdit'Tion'
fern I
feel';1 S,'--
(Special notices under thfs head will be
charged for at tho rate of ',4 cent per word
euoh Insertion.)
M I S V K I. L. A K lS.
WANJ KlJ: L priRht and faithful gentlemen or
ladies to travel. for responsible, established
house in Nebraska. Mouthly M.fHi and expenses.
Position steady. Reference. Kuclose M-lf-ad-dressed
envelope. The Dominion Company,
Department If, Chicago
ANTED Active, sober and trustworthy man
io a
to travel through this section. Salary $. a
month, payable weekly, and expenses; splcudid
opportunity. Ad-tress company
Cliestnut street. 1 hiladelptiia. fa
WANTED Family :is!iings, plain sewing and
dressmaking. 5I Kock and Filth streets,
or address Mrs. roman. box 3ir.
LOST A small pink box. containing la. lies
gloves aud handkerchief. Lost on road be
tween Weeping Water and Murray. Finder will
leave same with S. Ii. Litta. Murray, and re
ceive reward.
place at Garfield park tomorrow.
Moments are useless if trifled away;
and they are dangerously wasted if
Delegates to state convention were I consumed by delay in case3 whete One
selected as printed in yesterday's I M,nute Cough Cure would bring im
paper, and central committee selected mediate relief. P. G. Fricke & Co.
M.1 Lnr V I1IL.II LI1I3 1U LM ICU LKIILI IU1 IIIUIT1IM1 I I 'A n W V. a. W I . Jl I rn 1 k . .
i uin iuo ui uixuij auu uisoasea i inursuay, ivujjusi 1:0. jirini; von'
it was Dy an oqqs one oi tne oest tissues, to soothe tho irritated sur- friends and drink soda water for the
natureu, roost narmonious conven- faces, to instantly relievo and to per- beno5t of the church.
tions ever neia in tne county, vie- manently cure is ihe mission of De
tory seemed to be in the air, and Witt's Witch Uazel Salve. F.G Fricke
everyone was impressed with the & Co.
splendid' personnel of the ticket which Jak"e EreWenfe,d Iiav Patternon,
Is now formally before the people for John L?oytl and G(jy McMaken Wf nt
endorsement at the polls in November, over to GIenwood Sunday on their
and no one well posted on the temper whoeU ar)d report a deiightru, llme.
Ol tne county uuuuu uu uvom uciui i rl. .,,j i. , . . . i
ing victory which will be recorded in Glenwood ia n nlco Pla to visit great regulators. F,
fniinr rf Biir-Vi Bnlondirl nfflcnra jia haVn I ttny Wuy. I 1
Z-1K?iSS& '"SrS Th...FreiIlTT.. account, r ,1,1 KT foc
three rousing cheers for the ticket, and tho accounts of E. A. Oliver have girl to do general housework.
McKinley and prosperity ' beea left with J. H. Thrasher for col-1- Fiiank Richardson.
.Sods Water.
The young ladies of the Presby
terian chuich will have chage of all
the soda water fountains in the citv on
Certainly you don't want to suffer
with dysuepsia, constipation, sick
headache, sallow skin and loss of ap
petite. You have never tried De
Witt's Little Eirly Risers for these
complaints, or you would have been
cured. Thev aro small nilla hot
G. Fricke & Co.
LOST On road southwest of town, a nnvelty
Cloth cape, lined with purple satin. I he tinder
will please leave the same at Uovev s store.
By direct, simple and scientific ac
tion operates on the BLOOD, muscles
and joints taking the poison oat of the
BLOOD and oat of the system ; thereby
eases. '1 per Bottle. All Druggists.
Ki!i Roactiw, I- lca, ,Vf.t .m no.'! Bmi'j'Jir. 'on
puiiiDOUB ; won't hta::i. liro tuttlt-H, rt r.r.iif
A mysterious ue.
In nature equal ends produce.
In man tliev join to fomo
At's extremes are shown
. shoes
Iniincoi" roar?c, in blacker
ru?set huos. w
Extremes in feet are fitted to a T 4
In any size for youths, men or
lady. . " " A
From the handsome Oxford tie
or lady's slipper.
North Side Main Street.
call on j. H. Thrasher.
Ladies' Oxfords
Cheap at $2.25, now $1.85
Our $2.00 Oxford t-ointr now for $1.-50 I Our fl. "5 Oxford eoirn now for $1.00
Our$I.r0 Oxford troir.g now for f I.2"IOur 1.10 Oxford po'rtf; now for els
Our $1.10 Oxford (Choral site) coin now for St els.
Misses, Childrens' and Boys' Colored
Goods suffer an Extra Cut.
We realize how hnrd it is to
LTt soaieth i ny durable, and we have taken extra pains to try and pluase you
;?nd we know we can do it with
Hotloni"and "Wear Wells."
o-ir extensive line of custom made "Anvil
One Door West Weckbach's.
The only iirst-class Ilental Asfeney
in tho city is that of Thrasher's.
412 MAIN ST.
Rates $ and S1.50 per Day
Centrally Located and Com
fortably Furnished.
rATTSMoirrrc. neiiiiaska
NEW'.': nDV&RTIS&i&fUS.
iCImosc and hoKitifie the btlr.
5 sri-lMerrr Fails to EMnre
'iTn'V A liair to It Youtkiul C
S-""L - ? r ' Cure i.p a hir ta
A lady is well dressed only when every detail is carefully at
tended to. There is no more important than hats. Our nats are nl ways at
tractive, iletter to purchase where the lino is first-class and extensive.
Our stock compromises tho best shapes only and they are marked to tho
right price, etc.
Speoal Sale-. .
All this week on trimmed hats at heavy
reduction in prices as we wish to reduce our
stock. Over one hundred to selectfrom if you
call early. Remember the place.
North Side Main Street. : Plattsmouth.