Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, August 25, 1897, Image 2

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TtieSeml-Weekly News-Herald
m 0 m BY THE
One Year, in advance, . - . . - 00
Six Months 2
IVoalr ........ 1U
Single Copies,
. . . 1 00
Six Months, au
Of any Cut County Paper.
Governor Holcomb assures Om
aha's chief of police of bis hearty sup
port. So does the gamblers' combine
and keepers of disorderly houses and
resorts who insisted on having a police
chief not distasteful to them. Omaha
Bee. v
The republican county convention
will be held at Louisville Monday and
the winning ticket named, says the
hawka Register. Our present efficien
county officers are deserving' of a re
nominatioD, which, in most cases, we
believe, will be given by acclamation
Sweet winged peace refuses to
hover over the tents of our ovening
contemporaries in Lincoln just now
since Col. Seacrest mounted the t i-
pod at the News sanctum. The good
offices of the country press should be
tendered at once, in order that blood
abed may be averted.
The Illinois farmers and capitalists
now traveling over the fertle counties
of Nebraska on special train by cour-
sesy of the 15. & M. are amazed at the
crops and evidences of wealth laid be
fore them. They have been feted and
dined until the stories they will tell
when they get back will be too large
for home consumption. Their friends
won't believe them.
The soothing influence of Bryan,
Holcomb and Allen, was noticeably
missing yesterday in Iowa, when the
populists nominated a state ticket
with no fusion attachment. If these
three worthies could spread out and
cover a little more territory, the lone
some quality of Nebraska fusion
would not be so marked, and it would
lose its bargain counter appearance
in a measure.
hie liee win soon De able to prove
that Governor Holcomb, of the Bryan
Allen syndicate which is running Ne
braska politics just now, is nothing
more than a venal vampire of the
vintage of 96, which is every whit as
bad as the old-fashioned kind that
used to give Rosey the "phantodds."
The time is not far distant when the
ambition of the trio and their under
strappers will conflict, and then there
will be a commotion which will break
the demo-pop machine asunder. -
TnE democrats are frightened out
of their wits at the thought of the
republican ticket being composed of
the present efficient and popular offi
cials. The attempt of two or three
leaders to create a seism in the ranks
by crying "bossism" is only laughed
at, as the editor of this paper never
asked a pledge of any man in his life.
and every man in the court house
stands ready to say that he has not
been approached, directly or indi
rectly. This sort of cheap campaign
ing is clownish and only reflects on
the immature judgment of those who
indulge in it.
It is remarkable, says the New
York Sun, that neither the Ohio popu
lists nor the Virginia democrats freed
their mi uds as to wheat. The conduct
of wheat merits the severest reproba
tion, and the democratic and populist
platforms ought to walk hand in hand
with silver, while Hon. William Jen
nings Bryan wept pitifully over both
victims of plutocracy's inhumanity to
man; and now wheat is a plutocrat it
self, and silver is in the poorhouse.
Wheat is a traitor to the glorious
cause of 16 to 1, and incandescent reso
lutions ought to be hurled at it by
every convention of silver thinkers.
The republican primaries will be
held in the wards and precincts of this
county tomorrow evening, and it is
hoped there may be a full turnout
everywhere, so that the convention
will be a truly representative one,
dominated by no cliques or factions,
as upon it will devolve the naming of
the men who will administer the af
fairs of this county for the next two
years. There seems to be a demand
lor the renomination of the present of
ficials that is practically unanimous,
and it is not surprising, as more com
petent, honest and' obliging officers
could not be found in the state .than
those who have honored this county
with their presence during the last
two years.
The democratic camp has been 1 oil
ing round the edges vigorously for a
few days, many of the leaders being
determined that one of the pop nomi
nees'on the fusion ticket should be re
moved aud a fellow more to their lik
ing put on. Several councils were
held, the big medicine men wtr.i
called together and much palaver en
sued. All agreed that removal was
dangerous and might prove suicidal to
the whole ticket, but if the candidate
would only resign all would bo lovely.
The candidate, however, -refused to
resign, and the matter had to be aban
doned, hence a dark, heavy gloom
with brown edges still hangs over the
democratic camp, and the bosses are
sore at heart over the result of their
hasty and ill advised work at Weep
ing Water.
According to the commissioner of
penbiocs the pcusiou roll has reached
the maximum and from this lime for
ward will show a decrease, says the
Omaha Bee. The Washington corres
pondent of the Philadelphia Ledger
reports a conversation with Commis
sioner Evans in which he stated that
last year 31.9C0 pensioners died, in
addition to which 1,074 widows lost
their pensions by marriage, 1,845
minors receiving tensions lost them
by arriving at the a'e limitation.
2,683 by failure .o claim them and
3,500 from other causes, making a
grand total in tho reduction of pen
sioners of 41,122. The commissioner
expressed the opinion that congress
should take prompt action in prevent
ing a multiplication of tensions
through the marriage of old soldiers,
there being ih-w on the rolis the wid
ows of teven i evolutionary soldiers.
Many young women marry aged men
for whom Ihey care nothing except to
have a pension for the balance of their
lives, and the commissioner .thought
that this is a matter which should re
ceive the attention of congress. A
statement regarding applications pre
pared at the pension office shows that
there was :i very l.-irge increase dur
ing the ear ending with June last.
This is explained by the fact that the
hard times caused many men to apply
for pensions who had previously not
needed them and because there was a
very general feeling throughout the
country that the claims of pensioners
would be given m re favorable con
sideration at the present' than by the
last administration. According to
Commissioner Evn"f, many soldiers
felt that the dennr;iiic administra
tion would not alio their claims,
however just they might be, and they
hesitated to put in un application. In
this way thousands of applications
were held b:ick until a change of ad
ministration and now they have been
sent on.
There are now carried on the rolls
over IM)O.(MK) pensioners and it would
certainly seem that the number can
not here ifter materially exceed this.
even if it is not reduced from now on.
Of these pensioners it is prob ibly safe
to say that every one has a perfectly
valid chum under the laws. Undoubt
edly there are still some who have
not asked and possibly never will ask
the beneficence of tho government in
the foim of a pension, but these can
not bo very numercus. Henco there
seems to be good ground for tho view
of the commissioner that the pension
roll has reached the maximum under
existing legislation. It does not
necessarily follow, however, the
annual charge for pensions will not
be increased, though this must be re
regarded as highly improbable.
OUR neighbor is unduly exercised
about republican bosses. It had better
cast about and see what's the matter
in its own ranks. It was the demo
cratic bosses which foisted a ticket
onto that party which has already
made the leaders sick, and many of
them have staled openly tbet they
only expected to elect Billy Wheeler,
the democratic nominee for sheriff.
The ticket has been openly ridiculed
on the streets here by democrats over
since the convention, and the idea
of electing such a mongrel affair is
not seriously thought of. This is
what bossism does. Had the demo
cratic con vention not been dominated
over, it never would have accepted a
ticket which, in calmer moments, the
delegates repudiate and will rot sup
port. If the so culled republican
bosses can put up;as bunglesome a job
as tho democratic bosses,our neighbor
should help it along rather than de
rive it. We have not once complained
of the democratic bosses we like
them; we like their work. Tuey set
up a straw ticket which is easily over
thrown, and they might be equally
pleased with what the other fellows
do if they will await tesulls with becoming-
The last of tho Cnupman medicine
in Otc.e coutny was completely
knocked out at the primaries down
there Thursday evening. John Wat
son and his chief fuglemen were al
lowed to look on, but were not per
mitted to go as delegates to the county
During the winter season in the
Klondike region, when a man calls
for a little ice in his whisky, the b ir
keepor just raises a window and chips
a little off tho atmosphere.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Holmes drove to
Plattsmouth Tuesday to meet the lnt
ler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. G: okin,
and her brother and wife, Mr. and
Mrs. K. Gookin, from Chariton, Iowa,
who will visit a few weeks here and
near Dunbar. Nehawka IJogister.
S. L. Furlong has for ten years p-ift
kept an account of tho assossors' re
turns on live stock in this county, and
he informs us that we have 2,000 moro
cattle this year and 10,00(1 moro bogs
in this county than ever booro at the
time of taking the assessment.
I'aiM County Iairy.
R.F, Do in has again trikon chnrge
of the Cass County Dairy 'and will be
pleased to serve his old customers and
also others desiring pure milK. ne
will also furnish cream and butter
milk when desired. Your patronage
is solicited.
Dangerous Drinking Water..
Death lurks in impure Water. It
breeds dieases often in epidemic form.
The first symptom is looseness of the
bowels. These diseases are chocked
by taking Foley's Colic Cure. Smith
& Parmele.
Subscribe for The. News.
Steele City people are m .king an ef
fort to raise money to start a cream
ery. L. T. Brooking of Funk h s shipped
150,COO bushels of shelled corn during
the past twelve months.
The Harding Creamery company of
Norfolk has tiken charge of and wilt
operate the Battle Creek creamery.
Tilden people have subscribed al
most enough stock to sfirt a creamery
and expect to raise the remainder in a
few days.
T. S. Montgomery, liv ng ton miles
west of Cortland, will have about 1,00C
or 1,200 bushels of nie peashes this
year, which will begin to ripen about
September l. -
John Hickey, sr., of Gretna says
that he will have atmut 5.000 bushels
of apples thin fall. no anticipates
the price will go up to $1 a bushel be
fore winter, as the easteru. states have
had a failure in crop.
The manager of the canning factory
at Edgar states that the quality of
Bweet corn this year is the best that
has been gr wu there for v number of
years, and that they h:ive enough in
sight to put up 40(1, OOu cuns.
One of the Toll ion boys, near North
Platte, threshed his wher.t a few days
ago and it a"oiMgtd thirty-six bushels
to the acre. The ditch farmers are
not complaining this vh.ip on account
of yield or p: -iees. A majority of them
have plenty of hogs to eat up their
big corn crop,
t It is thought that the beet crop
around Norfolk will be sufficiently
ripe by September 15, :. rid the man
agement of the facto.-,) expects to
start the machinery whirling at that
date. The crop is immense in all the
territory tributary to Norfolk and the
factory will bo kept busy until late in
the winter. Numerous improvements
have been made and the factory people
calculate that they will be able to
handle the crop with greater ease and
better resu'ts than than over before.
Dr. Kliifj'n New Discovery For Couniuitioii
This is the oost medicine in the
world for all forms of ("Umghs and
Colds anl for Consumption. Every
bottle is guaranteed. It will cure and
not disappoint. It. has no equal for
Whooping Cough, Asthma,- Hay
Fever, Pneumonia. Bronchitis, La
Grippe, Colds in the Head and for
Consumption. It is safe for all ages,
pleasant to take, nd, above all, a
sure euro. I; is always well to take
Dr. King's Littlo Life Pills, in con
nection with Dr. King's New Discov
ery, as they rejrulale and tone tho
stomach and bowels. Wo guarantco
perfect satisfaction or return moncj'
Free trial bottles it F. G. Fricko's
drug store. Iteular size 50 cents and
$1.00. 6
Try Allen's I oot-Katte,
A powder to be shaken into the
shoes. At thi-? season vour feet feel
swollen and hot, -and g t tired easily
If you have smartiner feet or tight
shoes, try Allen's foot-Ease. It cools
the feet and makes walking: easy
Cures and prevents swollen and sweat
ing feet, b. islets and callous spots
Relieves corns and bunions of all pun
and gives ret anc1 comfort. Try it to
day. Sold by all druggists and shoe
stores for 25 ceuts. Trial packages
FREE. -Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le
Rov. N. Y.
IVarl Stfani Laundry.
11. F. Goodman will open up his
laundry opposite the court house about
Monday, and will handle alt kinds of
laundry work. Shirts, collars and
cuffs a spoeialtv. All colored shirts
washed without fading. Care will be
taken in washing silk and llannel goods
Family washing done rough, dry or
ironed. Leave orders at office, and
your laundry will have our best at.
lention. S itisfaetion guaranteed.
IOO Kfwuril !IOO.
The renders ol tliis uaDt-r will be Dleaseil to
Icaru that there is at legist one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in all its
stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis
ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken lntoraaily. acting directly
upon the blood and mucous sm faces ol the sys
tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the
disease, and giving the patient strength by build
insr ul the constitution aud assistiue nature in
dome its wort. '1 he pioprietors have so much
laitli in its curative powers that they oiler One
Hundred Dollars lor any case that it tails to cure
Send for list of testimonials.
Address, K.J, hemev &Co., ToleJn, O.
fST-bold by Druggists 7.c
Itncklon'a Arui Salve.
The bett salve in the world for cuts.
burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe
ver sores, tetter, chappet) hsinds, chil
blains, corns, and nil skin eruptions.
and positively euros piles, or no pay
required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Pyice 25 cents per box. For sale by
F. G. F. icke.
Corn Carnival.
The old reliable Missouri - Pacific
will sell tickets for those deirino- to
attend iho carnival at Atchison at the
ra'e of one faro for tue round trip.
Tickets will be sold Sept. 22 and 2,3.
with Goal teturn limit on the 24. For
full particulars enquire of C. F.
Stoutenborough, tgentf tho Missouri
Pacilie II tilway .
Cheap Kate to Kanaan Ciry.
The M. P. Ry. will sell tickets at
one faro for the round trip to Kansas
Civ n recount rf carnival and
Pi icsts t-f Pallas pas ade, October 3 to
y inclusive, good to return tilt Octo
ber 10. For further particulars en
quire of C. F. Stoulenborough, ajrent.
Cheap Kates to Omaha.
The M. P. will sell tickets to Omaha
August 23 at rate of one fare for
round trip, good to return the same
day or on the 24th. This is the cheap
est rate made on that day, from this
3 00 r-r Week.
I will pay ?3 per week for a good
girl to do genoral housework.
Frank Richardson.
Discussion on Grammar Between a News
paper and a Citisen.
The Chicago Inter Ocean becomes
both sarcastic and indignant when any
one questions the purity of its diction.
So when a reader named Campbell ven
tured to criticise expressions used by its
society editor the captious one found
that he had caught a Tartar.. This is the
way The Inter Ocean puts it: .
Inclosed with the following letter,
received a few days ago, were two clip
pings from the society columns of The
Inter Ocean:
Here are three barbarisms that caught my
eyo in this morning's issue of your pajicr
There is no such word as "gowned" it il
mearly a Cockney vulgarism that hud iu
origin in London, England 'Swclh-st is of
tho same nort and same origin No American
having any regard for purity of language citn
use such tinng As pll those words eiiH.-nr in
so called "society items" I take it your Society
editor is a umle or female dude and needs a
lesson in hingungi Tho harm done by iUa use
of such w i i ds in your paper is very pi out ai
thousands of children read it and r.bsorb il
words Do stop this Cockney vulgarity
J a mix Campbell.
There is no doubt you mean well,
Jim, but a term in a night school would
be beneficial even to you before you bo
gin tr give lessons iu English. To begin
with, yen would be tanght there that
our grandfather, Lindley Murray, al
ways told ns to use periods. You ought
to have known Lindley, Jim. He wes
a distinguished grammarian, you
know, or perhaps you don't know..
And then, Jim, there was Tennyson.
fie said of a heroine in one of his poems
that Fhe was "gowned in pure white.'
So you see Lord Tennyson found the
word "gowned" to be useful long be
fore yon learned to walk steady on yonr
hind feet or to eat with your front
hoof?!. Wehstcr says gowned means
"dressed in a gown; clad."
Ycu say that these barbarians "caught
your eye," aud yon fail to mention
which eye they caught. How is the
other ej'e?
Ycu are right when you say that our
society editor is either a male or a fe
male. Do you belong to one of these
sexes? Wo suspect not. When yon wiite
apiiin, spell "merely" as it should be
The way ycu spelled it is like spelling
your name "camel instead of "Camp
bell. " See that hump?
We don't like to offend your Feusilive
ear, or the other one either, Jim. Buy
Webstc r'ti D.: tiorary and a fourth read
er. Stmt light, and yonr sensitive ear
may outgrow its afilictiou.
Cropping Thrm Prevents the Animal
Krcflii Hearing; Well.
Any one who hits heard the mega
phc;:e must have wondered at the ex
trtu.riiinary power of increasing sound
that ii produced by form, and I would
like to call attention to one point in
connection with cutting dogs ears that
I do not remember to have seen men
tioneo any v. Here mat is, irom an
acoustic i tai'Opoint:
I have liik iy purchased a small York
Fhire triritr, inipoited from Fnglund
only a few imnths spa. Its ears vcic
clirped in England aft; r what the seller
of the do? declared to be "tho very lat
est style."
The ears were first clipped and then
stifTtn d up with thiee effects on the
First. That tho bnzz cf a beo or fly
canoes him to ictreat utder cover of
Kt-eond. That he ducks !:ia head
when uhont to he pr.ttcd, a snic sign of
the length of time the pain cf the oj:er-
atic.n must Lave lusted.
Third (An effect I l:nl not crr.ect
erl. ) Th;:r he- Iran ul solutely no idea of
the direction cf t-'ouud.
In the vms of a mastiff dog any one
who observes the shell-like foim cf the
eur openiug may easily imagine the im
mense power of euth a trumpet like in to jmrcaic the volume of
sound. A chunge in the acoustical ar
rungemeut cf the flap of the ear would
necessarily entirely puzzle and bewilder
the owner as to the direction of Bound,
and this one point cu ear cutting would
seem of itself to condemn the practice,
Our Animal Friends.
A KatanM Magnet.
Professor Sniythe was once lecturing
in a provincial town on natural philos
ophy, aud in the course of his experi
ments ho introdnccd a most powerful
magnet, with which he attracted a
Mock of iron from a distance . of two
Can any ot you conceive a greater
attractive power?" demanded tho lec
turer, with an air of tiiumph.
"I can," answered a voice from tho
"Not a natural terrestrial object?"
"Yes, indeed."
The lecturer, somewhat puzzled,
challenged the man who had spoken to
name the article. Then up rose old
Johnny Sowf-rby. Said he:
"I will give you facts, professor, and
you can judge for yourself. When I was
a young man, there was a little piece o
natural magnet tlono up in a neat cot
ton dress as was called Betsy Maria.
She could draw me 14 miles on Sunday
over plowed land, no matter what the
wind or weather. There wasn't no re
fiistin her. That magnet o' yourn is
pretty good, but it won't draw so far as
Betsy Maria. " Strand Magazine.
His Connection.
Bannister, the comedian, was present
ed to a proud old Scotch dame. "Who
are the Bannisters?" she asked peevish
ly. "I do not recollect meeting with
them before." "Madam," replied the
actor gravely, "we are cloeely connect
ed with the Stairs." "Ah, there is a
good aud ancient family I" cried mad
am. "Mr. Bannister, I am delighted to
make your acquaintance." Household
A Description.
"Ob, Maud?" said the other eirL
"Maud is the sort f Ht1 that ovprvfpl.
low Who courts her l.ns hia nrrna fnll
and the man who marries her will have
uis nanas nut. - 'Indianapolis JooroaL
The "Bicyclist s Best Friend" is a
familiar name for ; Do Witt's Witch
Hazel Salve, always ready for emer
gencies. While a specific for piles,
it also instantly relieves and cures
cuts, -bruises"; salt rheum, eczema and
all affections of the skin. It never
fails. F. G. Fricke A: f!
Ball ird's Snow Liniment will cure
lame back, sore throat, wounds, sprains,
bruises, cuts, old sores. Ladies, It
will cure your back-ache. Sold by F.
G. Fricke & Co.
Close of
Bargains in SHIRT WAISTS. All new goods, no old stock in
this department 25 cents, 39 cents and up.
Lawns, Percales, Dimities and Organdies at your own price to
close. -
Wrappers! We will close out stock in this departmeut at greatly
reduced prices to make room for our new fall styles.
Reduced prices on all summer Slippers and Colored Shoes.
Laeies' Strap Sandals 98 cents. Good Quality Child's Chocolate
Shoes, special sizes 6 to 8, 88 cents; 8 1-2 to 11, 98 cents; 11 f-2 to
2, $1.08. All new goods.
We are still selling the best Summer Corsetmade for 48 cents.
September I Our New Fall Goods Will Be on Sale
Largest stock ever brought to Plattsmouth.
All of our light Parasols at actual cost.
San Francisco
All points west.
St, Joseph
Kansas City
St. Louis and al
points East and
No 20. Local oxpretw, daily, St Ion.
Kansas, St Louis. all points
sou lb 9:40 n
No 4. Local esu. dally, HurllnKtoii,
Chicago, all points east.... 10:24 am
NolO. Local exp, a ally except Sun
day 11:55 am
No Hi Local exp. daily except Sun
day. I'acitJo Junction 12:28 pm
No 30. Freight, daily except Sunday
I'acitic Junction 2:50 put
No 2. Vestibuled exp. dally. Bur
lington, Chicago and all
Domtseaat 5:30 ptu
No. 1 stub from Junction to Plalts-
moutb, tS:lfpiii
No IS. Local exp, dally. St Joe.Kau
saa (Jity. St Louis. Clilcaeo
all points east and south.. pw
No '5. Looal exp, daily, Otnaba,Lln
- coin, Denver aud Interme
diate stations 7:32 am
No 85. Local freight, daily, Omaha. aM am
No 2a. Loeal freight, daily, ex Sun
day. Cedar Creek, Louis
ville, South Bend 7:37 am
No 7. Fast mail, dally, Umaba and
Lincoln 2:22 pen
No 3. Vestlbuled exp. dally, Den
ver and all points in Colo
rado, Utah and California,
Grand island. Black Hill.
Montana and Faclfle N. VV 3:43 pm
No 9. Local exp. dally except Su
day. Louisville. Aahland,
Wahoo. Schuyler nu)
No II. Local exp, dally except Sun
day, Omaha and Lincoln.. 5-27 pm
No 17. Looal express, Sunday only,
Omaha j:27 pm
No 73. Freight, daily. Louisville... 9:U5 pm
Sleepln. dining aud reel mine chair cars
treats free) on through trains. Tickets sold
and Iatriae checked to uoy point In the
i; tilled Mtates or oanaua.
hir Information, time tables, mans und
tickets call or write to
W. L. PICKETT. Afjont,
Plattsmouth. Neb.
J. FRANCES. Gen. Pass. Ajtt..
Omaha, Neb.
No. 1 29 Fast freight
No. 9
5.10 a. rn
1 L 51 a. m
4.04 p.m
No. 121, looal freight
So. 131 Fast freight 10.52. p. ni
o. l.'-j. looal freight 7.35 a. m
N . " 0 4 04 p. m
Eye, Ear and
Chronic Diseases.
Spectacles anH F-yc Glasses Fitted
by the New jnil Improved Method.
Specific tro U mont for all Chronic
aud private diseases. All medi
cine furnished, and a cure guar.
anteoJ. If loeal doctor has
failed to. euro you, consult a phy
siciin of greater experience.
Consultation atollice, or by mail
OFFICE 1411 Ixx-tiHt Street, One Illorlc
South of M . f. Depot.
Address Box 22. Plattsmouth, Neb.
Leading Liveryman,
The tnrst o! rigs lurnislieii at all hur' an 1 liia
priCi-s are aiwavs reasonubie. i iirniusi I
convenient boardingslable for ta- '
mere in the city.
me - Summer Season
day you bought il; but you don't know it. As ong as tho hair is on
tho skin it is GOOD. Moth eaten or worn spots can he taken out
without even showing: a seam.
The only question is what can be done with it. Its out of style
and worn. Maybe it needs new lining, or should be stylishly
trimmed. Tho old coat would make a beautiful full sweep capo,
and capes are just the thine: this season. There's that old fur gar
ment you haven't worn for years, because it is all "fagged out."
Why, that will make a beautiful collarette; just the thing forfait
and spring wear. Then just look at that parment. It is entirely
"gone up." The hair stands tho wrong way on it and it is worn
and matted. "Its no earthly Ude.'' Well, it does look bad, but by
Iho process of glazing the fur is brought out and cleaned nnu then,
when remodeled, it is like now.
During July and August of this year, we will make a sin-cl-alty
of ALTERATIONS and REPAIRS. Our system of measure
ment is such we can fit you as well by mail as by personal measure
rr.ent. Wo make NEW FUR and PLUSH GARMENTS to YOUR
If All nVIfC n rn ioimo walmit htkkkt
Tin UlllC Ci LU Kohu I'll;, MlHxuurl.
) EASES. V f
i i ci cxnn rfinmcv rllDl? I J
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