Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, August 25, 1897, Image 1

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THE NEvv?st,shv.1duNv5'1,:,1 o,. toonsolldated Jan. L 1805.
THE 11KUALD, Established AprlllO.iWU. J
VOL. V. NO. 97,
One Ballot Rcvulred to Nominate
a Superintendent.
Content Kctwrra Farley and Knith--.
' nnl or Short Duration All of tlie
frmrut Iut-nnibt-utH Ki-nonilnat el Kx---lt
the OlJIoe f toroiifr.
L.OUISV1LI.R, Neb., Aug. 23, .:;0 p.
m. (Special i j The Nkws,)-The re
publican convention in session here
today was called lo order at 1:00 and
was te presented with tho full delega
tion, and everything passed off har
moniously. J. L. Hoot was.chosen as
chairman, and Morrison and May field
as secretaries. The following1 nomi
nations were made by acclamation:
-Harvey -IIoHoway, sheriff; A. II.
Eikonbiry.treasurer; J. M. Uobortson,
clerk: O. M. Spurlock, judge; George
Jlay, register of deeds; 11 K. Hilton,
surveyor; Henry liaeek, cororer. The
biThk on county superintendent re
sulted as follows: Farley, 101 i; P.ush
nell, 3l.
Following are the delegates to the
ite convention: S. S. English, J.
C. Stevenson, S. S. Hall, Win. Deles
Ki farmer, ti. v.. iuei, l. x. ioune, v.
r - i . . . t T t t if i T "XT
f . I "Cll, 1. i. vvuiuiuru, i.i .
lrakeJ. H. Davis, W. Gilraore, C.
Miyfield, M M. Foilard. Chas. L.
(; raves. Major Hail, S I Thomas, C.
V. Hay, S. W. Orton, M. D. Polk, J.
II jot, liyron Clark, Wash Smith
Georo Sheldon of Nehawka was
chosen in chairman of the county cen
tral committee, and at iho
time the convention is ranking Un to
lection of a secretary.
ShrnfT llollowny Find lie lleloitg In 'ie
I'euuKj'lvaiiia Anylniii.
James Hrennnu, the ins::r" tramp
who came near doing Tip Jai.oi- H dlo
way tho other day, was ricen ly re
moved to tho royr farm a no ro m
could lo found for him at the .state
asylum. Sheriff Holloway has been
lookin'' up the fellow's home, and ust
eveniiiL' he received a letter fioiu the!
chief of police at Ashlaud, Penn., in
v. bich the chief said that Brennan's
mother resided theie, Breunan hid
bijen an inmate of their poor house,
and that eighteen months ago he was
taken to the asylum ot Harrisburgh,
vjrrro, the chief asserts, be now is.
It is evideut from tho chief's letter
that U.euniiD has escaped frt-m the
asylum and has wandered out here.
.The horit? has already written to his
mother and to the asylum author ties
of ISrennan's condition here and atkek
them to send for him at once.
Pron pt action in the matter will
thus save tiie county several dollars.
If the authorities thero lefuse to act,
- lire nn an wi.l bo tent buck anyway by
our county commissioners.
Fear ertalned That a 15. 4 M. ARent
I1h l-t Willi Foul 1'lay.
Charley I!eich, tho pist il clerk on
the Schuyler run, relates a slrnnsre
tory about the disappearance of the
11. & M. aent, L. L. Riy, at Ithica.
Yesterday morning as thoir tr.iin
came through lthici no ojjent p
peared, and his wife, who looked as iT
she had been crying all night, said
that her husband had reported the II
o'clock freight out, during' tho night
had given her all the depot money as
usual, had locked up tho building and
the last thing he did was to seal up
gome cars. Ho had not been tccn
fcinco. Foul play is feared, and search
last evening and today was made
through tho cornfield and all over the
country. The Adams E.xpres3 com
pany, it was thought, might bo short,
and their expert went out. but he
found every thing straight to a cent.
Tho wife is cr.izod with grief and
can givo noie-ison why her husband
m ""fchouid go away. Not tho slightest trace
of him ro far ha3 been obtained.
(iot Nothing1.
. A burglarious tramo visited John
It etei's house while he and his wife
were" down Uvvn lasrt evening about
y o'clock. Chas. Yelko uoticed a
liirhi in the house and he went over
-with his rifle to see what was wrong,
as he knew the folks wore away. Mr.
Burglar had gained an entrance
through a roar window by breaking
the glass, and when he heard Yelke
he got out at the place of entrance,
and as he ran, Yelke fired a parting
salute at him with his rifle, but with
no apparent result other than to ac
celerato his speed. The poHc3 were
notified and made a hunt for the fel
low, but from the meagre description
given were unable to find him.
Boetel had better put bis silver
ware in a batik vault, as this is the
second time his house has been en
tered by burglars.
Ieu of Win. Hicks.
Wm. Hicks, an old resident of the
county, died yesterday" at his home
ne..r Cuilom after an illness of two
years. The funeral took place in this
city t')day. " .
Now is the time to subscribe for THE
Skmi-Weekly News-IIkuald. It
jfi does not hesitate to expose shams and
frauds, na matter by whom perpe
trated. Give it a trial, only 81 per
Ye I'eople of 1'lattainoath Welcome.
Now be it resolved that we ladies of
ye famous order of P. H O. do hereby
command that it be announced with
many flourishes pf trumpets that all
ye people of ye town of Plattsmouth
and vicinity are hereby summoned to
appear at ye merrie making to be held
in what was well and favorably known
as Garfield park, situated in tho most
high place of yo most well known
town of Plattsmouth, and furthermore
that this summons be operative and
binding upon all our townsmen and
townswomen and upon our country
men and countrywomen upon the two
day9 now Known in ye present calen
dar as yo 25th ami 2uth days of ye
month of August. x
Upon such days in such place afore
mentioned ve glory of our honorable
order will be upheld before all comers
by a most noble band of knights and
ladyes. Upon this pleasant spot there
will be enacted for tho pleasure of all
comers, many stirring scenes of battle
and of love. Some shall bo greviously
slain in the onset, some shali prosper
in the favor of their ladyes, but all
who come from far and near to enjoy
j'e kniirhtly tournnment shall, bo ex
ceedinge pleased.
That noble knight of much renown.
Sir Augustus Fitt, will head ye list of
knights, and our Herald deems it but
an idle waste of breath to cry further
unto ye populace his great virtues, 'for
unto ye all is he known as a man of
high degree and honor.
Sir Guy Livingston, also s man of
fame, will hold yc lists against all
comers beneath ye erreenwood tree.
Ye Herald doth call to all men's minds
bis fame well and justly earned when
he did hold a lance and run many a
joust against yo far famed knight. Sir
Polk, in yc battles of ye Guelphs and
Ghibelcnes amongst ye hills of county
Then there will also be upon the list
yo knight from Dublin, Sir David Mc
Entee, a godly man of prowess who is
most anxious to run a course in honor
of his fair ladye
The leech. Sir Roy Dodge, will,
upon this occasion, make tender of
his services in aid of all who may sus
tain ye misfortune to meet with injury.
Leaves and balsam salves
he has most famous for yo wound in
flicted by ye sword or petronel.
Yea, even unto Africa's far clime
has our edict reached and attracted
by the great honor and glorie to be
won, the famous black knight, Sir Lee
Atwood, will bold a lance for the fair
name of his dusky damsel. Nay, smile
ye net' lest Sir Atwood smite ye for he
is an exceeding dooghy knight.
Limerick doth send a mighty man
of mighty frame .and glorious inein
and stature, known to ye nil as Sir
Thoma9 Whalen. Verily is he a
wonderful man and justly to bo Com
pared unto Sir Galahad of o'd,
he of the holy Grail.
Sir Hugh Roberts will assist ye
leech. Sir Dodge, in his minis; rations
unto ye sorely wounded knights.
Sir Emmons llichey. second to none
in prowess, will run a course with all
comer?, as will Sir Franco Ballance,
Sir Fred McCauley and Sir Louis
Thomis, all hoping to" gain great
glory in any small bickering which
maj' arise.
Also there will bo beneath this
greenwood tree the" warrior mnids.
Tho ladyes, Ilyei-K and Levings, HUo
Brunhild and Sv.inhild from the
northern clime. And from the far
countries across tho sea have jour
neyed Sir Charles Nelson and his
ladve Ml anxious for advancement
amongst this famous company. All
will bo gayly caparisoned and we do
horebve announce that on o lidh and
2(th ye great tourney will begin and
all who wish to enter will signify
their "ood intention to ye courteous
kmchts. Sir Ixjlinhotl, who for. i
trilling fee will provide ample ac
O'yez, O vez, yez, sound ye
trumpet and beat ye drums. Assemble,
assemble at yo cnl! of ye order of ye
P. E. O.
The Opening Dyucr,
The hrst ball of the season was
triven at Waterman hall last night
and a most pleasant evening was
enjoyed by the devotees of terp&ichore
The Mandolin' club, which 6ecms to
bo better ihm ever, furnished the
music. Those present were:
H. M.Tartsch
Evcrton Eaton
Van Horn
Robert Crozier
Louis Thomas
Callie Atwood
Don Atwood
Ray Waterman
Jannette Ballance
H. F. Goos
R. T. White
F. R. Ballance
II. E. Snyder
Percy Agnew
Clara Smith, Omaha
Alice Eikcnbary
Anna Sullivan
Miune White
Florence White
Mayme Sullivan
An tonic Kesslor
Mabel Unruh
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A
Huffman, Michigan
City. Indiana
Delia Tartsch
Nellie Smith, Kansas
City, Missouri
Jessie Oldham
Harriet Sullivan
. Vallery and Mrs. Sam
lSueklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe
ver sores, tetter, ch tip pun hands, chil
blains, corns, ai d all skin eruptions,
and positively cures piius, or no pay
required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisf -ctioo or money refunded.
Pyice 25 cents per box. For sale by
F. G. Fricke. .
JDaugerons Drinking Water.
Death lurks in impure Water. It
breeds dieases often in epidemic form.
The first symptom isJoosrness of the
bowels. These diseases arc checked
by taking Folay's Colic Cure. Smith
& I'armele.
Sheriff Huberia this morning levied
on the goods and chattels of Henry
Wehling with a distress warrant, and
will sell the same to satisfy the de
linquent tax due from him unless he
should come forward and settle prior
to the sale. Nebraska City News. A
good plan for Cass to follow.
A young man whoh id given himself
up to riotous living, that is to say.had
taken board and lodgings in one of the
big Florida hotels, played the limit
by staying- two days in that hotel's
ccstly atmosphere. Then he asked
for his bill. It was presented and
amounted to $238. We have the New
York Times' word for it. Studying
the document for a moment he threw
it hack to the cleric, exclaiming:
"Guess again, vou chump! I've got
moid than that."
The deputy minister of the depart
ment of . railroads and . canals of the
Dominion of Canada, has written to
the state auditor a most elaborately
worded loiter askin? for information
as to tho constitution of tho state
board of transportation, says the Lin
coln Journal. It was so exceedingly
courtly that Auditor Cornell thought
of procuring the services of Hon.
Clementina Chase, of Omaha, royal
court correspondent of the exposition,
to iridito the response. . However, it
was found that there is a pamphlet
giving- all information about the
board and mailing this without a let
ter will do3go the issue and nave the
reputation of Nebraska's oflicial
etiquette. . ' ' ,
The bulls have made millions of dol
lars perhaps, on the bulge on wheat,
but it is as true as holy writ that they
didn't get their prolit by robbing the
farmers. They just fleeced tome other
operators, who in due time will fleece
th-jm.-All of them have a good chance
to die poor, while the average farmer
will leave a comfortable little estate
to his sons. Ex.
Men down east are in demand for
husbands. If all the bachplors in the
state of New York would marryr at
once, there would remain over 100,000
marriageable women -without hus
bands. These women must live, and
that explains why men have been
crowded put of so many lines of em
ployment. In the cities all the school
teachers except principals and buper
intendents are women. 1 be clerks at
the great stores, typewriter?, and in
many other places the men have t een
entirely crowded out.
A Trip to Klondike . For 15 Cents.
Remember the Hamburg Harvest
Home and Cereal Exhibit i& to be held
n Phillips' Klondyko Park, Septem
ber 6, 7, 8 and 9. Some of the liberal
premiums offered are:
$"j0 for best bushel of corn.
$30 for best bushel of wheat.
20 for best bushel of oat-.
$10 for best bushel of poaches.
$25 for best variety of apples.
$ for be.t bu.-hel of apples.
Two base ball games each day.
Running and trotting- races each
Shetland pony trotting race' each
Bicycle races each day.
Hurdle races each day.
Chariot races each day.
Balloon ascentions, band concerts
and other attractions too numerous to
mention. Admission only 15 cents.
renins sidmitted to grounds for 10
cents. ' -
11 tilrcad rates Ono and one-third
fare for round trip. k
For further information, address,
M. F. Phillips, Sec'y-i
Hamburg, Ipwa.
Tabler's Buckeye I'ile Ointment re
lieves tho intense itching. ' It soothes.
it heals, it cures chronic cases when
surceons fail. It is a scientific cer-
tainty. Its sales increase through its
cores, it is no experiment. Every
bottlo guaranteed. 50c. Tubes, 75c.
Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Ballard's Horchound Syrup is not a
mixture of stomach destroying drugs,
but is a scientifically prepared remedy
that cures coughs and colds, and all
throat and lung troubles. Its action
is quick, prompt and positive. 25 and
50 cents. Sold by Fricke & Co.
Running sores, indolent ulcers and
similar troubles, even though of many
year's standing, may be cured by us-
inc De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It
soothes, strengthens and heals. It is
the great pile cure. F. G. Fricke &
If you have ever seen a little child
in a paroxysm of whooping cough, or
if you have been annoyed by a con
stant tickling in the throat, you can!
appreciate the value of Ono Minute
Cough Cure, which gives quick re
lief. F. G. Fricko & Co.
Is your child puny,Deeked and peev
ish? Does it fret and cry without
seeming cause? Does it have convul
sions? If so,it has worm, and White's
Cream Vermifuge will safely expel
them and restcre its health.
Sold bv F. G. Fricke & Co.
llallird'a Snow Liniment will cure I
lame back, sore throat, wounds, sprains,
bruises, cuts, old sores. Ladies, it
will cure your back-ach.i. Sold by F.
G. Fricke & Co. '
Subscribe for The Neavs.
In Lamppost Letter Boxes.
"Ever find things in the boxes?" wa
asked of a postollice collector who wm
taking tho letters from a lamppost let
ter box.
"Some, but not such an everlaiitir
lot either," was the reply. "A thief
fieciugfrom his pursuers once dropped a
watch ii a lamppost'lctter box so that
it would not be found upon hi I person
nor alous tho liue of his fight, but
watch3 arc not commonly fonnd "in
lamppost letter boxes. - .
"Once when I came up to a letter box
I found standing Ly it a poIiceuiAn and
a woman. Tho policeman said that the
woman had dropped a dollar bill into
the box between some letters and s)jo
wantfd to get it back.- The rnles of the
postoffice require that anything that
may lc found in the boxes shall ho
turned in at the post office. The lor
mnst apply for it there. If I had fonhd
auy lJioix y in this box, I should have
been compelled to turn it in. But thrre
wasn't any money there. The lady
must have lost it or have left it some
where Ie. v
"As matter of fact not many thirds
of val jo are dropped into lamppost ! t
ter t-oxts. Up town yon find a dad
moue in a Lox occasionally, but tlrit's
about all. Children put the mice in Hie
Lox. They find a dead mouse in ihe
street and think it's fnnny to put it f a
lamppost letter box." New York Sbu.
Valley of the Euphrates. .
Jubn Piiiinett Peters, in his hook,
"Nippur, or Explorations oa the Eu
phrates," thus describes the valley of
the Euphrates: j
"Below Hit, in the alluvial delti of
tho two rivers Tigris and Euphrates,
existed ouo of the primeval seats of civ
ilization one of Dame Nature's lin
derpiirtens, to teach her children the
rudiments of higher life. Out of this
valley westward toward the fertile up
lands of uortiieru Syria, downward to
the rich coast laud of the Mediterra
nean, outward to Cyprus and the isles,
southward to the rival valley of the
Nile, the road of commerce and con
quest had been the Euphrates, and for a
largo part of the way the Euphrates is
no more than a road a narrow path
way, sunk 100 or 200 feet beneath tho
plateau of a sterile wilderness swarm
ing with wild Arabs. In tho earliest
ages this was the road that led the con
querors out and over which conquest
and civilization traveled hand in
hand. Later it became the road by
which conquerors entered into the very
heart of Babylonia. So it was that
Babylonian and Egyptian, Syrian and
Assyrian, Persian and Greek, Parthian
and Roman, Saesanian and Byzantine, j
Moslem and Christian.Neurged back and J
forth along the highway between the
eastern and tho western .worlds, bat
tling for possession."
Charitable Chinese.
The Chinese are a charitable poople,
all of whom give freelv tip to their af
fording. Almost every ' to do China
man is a member of some charitable
body. During the terrible plague which
fell upon Hongkong some years ago
hundreds of cofSus were grr.i tr.rsi J
provided by the richer of the native
my. -mant class. But not one of those
Hongkong Samaritans thought of send
ing medical aid to his stricken couri'
tryrnen. Often in China you will see
eome old grave broken open. Those who
cared for it and worshiied about it are
dead or gone to Australia or California.
Usually those broken graves display a
heavy coffin. Sometimes through the
cracks of mortar or earth we see a largo
jar of clay, painted green, blue or red.
Such urns contain the bones and ashe
of poor Chinamen who have die! fal
from home.
Hi Iiiiti!-.
They were just cliug up tho real es
tate deal, isiid the man who always
wanted m rut-thinx thrown in to make a
good larj.::iiii uppenrtd to hesitate.
"What'il you throw mV"
"What'll 1 what?"
"What'il you threw in as a sort of
bonus ?"
"Oh, yes, yes, of course!" 6aid the
real estate man. "IIov? itupid of me?
Why, tho fiict ii, in our line of business
we nreiiot exactly in thohabit of giving
prizes, Lut, in this case, just to make it
binding, I don't mind throwing in the
back taxes."
"Novfyou're talking business!" ex
claimed the would be purchaser. "It al-
I ways pays for a man to stick ontfor his
i rights.
It was only after , the transfer was
made that he discovered the Lack taxes
were payable by and not to the owner.
Chicago Post.
The Obliging Hank rapt.
Good comradeship may count for
I much. No man ever typified this better
thau the Wall street broker who eaid
to his friend the reporter: "I didn't
fail until after tho evening papers went
to press, 60 that you could have it all to
yourself in the inornir.g. Come around
in an hour or so, and I'll give you the
figurea "-Writer.
Anjrelie Temperament.
"Be is cood natured, is he?"
"Good naturedl Why, I have known
I that man to wear a smiling face when
he was speaking of taking off a porous
plaster. " JJoston lraveier
T3- -
Or. J. H.
v - , - -
0 Has proven, in thousands of cases and for many years,
6 to be the Peerless Femedy for this dreaded disease
A Fr eale everywhere. Price, $i-oo per bottle.
V '
Try Orain-O! Try Grain-O!
Ask your grocer today to show you
a package of Grain-O, the new food
drink that lakes the place of coffee.
The children may drink it without in
jury us well as the adult. All who try
it, liko it. Grain-O has that rich
6eal brown of Mocha or Java, but it is
made from pure grain, and the most
delicate stomach receives it without
distress, i the price of coffee. ' 15c.
and 25 cts. per package. Sold by all
Subscribe for The News 15 cents
per week.
There Is a Clans ot I'eople
Who are injured by the use of coffee.
J Recently there has been placed in all
mo grocery stores a new preparation
called Graino-O, made of pure grains,
that takes the placo of coffee. The
most delicate stomach receives it
without distress and but few can tell
it from coffee. It does not cost over i
as much. Children may drink it with
great bonefit. 15 cts. and 25 cts. per
dackage. Try it. Ask for Grain-O.
Sr mi-Weekly NKvVS-Uekald $1
per year.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by George
F, lluuseworth, clerk of the district court, within
and tor Cass county. Nebraska, and to me di
rected. 1 will on the 25th day ol September. A.
lJ., 1X'.7. at 11 o'clock a. ui. of said day at the
south door of the court house in the city of I'latts
tnoulh. in said county, sell at public auction, to
trie higheat bidder lor cash, the followinj; real
estate to-wit:
Lot three (:i( in block four (1) in O Neil's addi
tion to the city ot l'lattsmouth. Cass county. Ne
braska, together uith the i rivi leges and appur
tenances thereunto belonging or in fuyise ap
pertaining. The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of David O'liriun and wile.
Hanora O'Brien, defendant . to satisfy a judg
ment recovered by Charles 'C. I'armele, as re
ceiver ot the Citizens' bank of l'latismouth Ne
braska, plaintiit against said defendant!.
1'lattsmouth, Nebraska, August '(. A. O. lHy7.
llAKVEY llol.I.OW AY.
" Sheriff. Casscounty. Nebraska.
- Sheriffs Sale.
By v:rtue of an ordered sale lssuil by Goo.
F. Ilousoworth, clerk of tho district court.'
within and for Cass county, Nebraska.and to
me directed. I wiij on the zrtb day ot tcpt, A
I) 1S7. at 11 o'clock a. in. of said day at the
south door of the court house in the city of
I'iat tstuuutn. in said county, sell at nubile
auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the
following real estate, to-wit:
The west twenty feet of lot twelve (12) in
bioru twenty-nine la the city of Platts
mouth. in Cass county. Nebraska, togctner
with the privileges and apnu ftet.t uces.
thcreunt i belonging or in anywi- 9 apper
taining; the same belue luviod upon and
taken as the property nf Silas O. Lej-son. et
al. defendants to satisfy a judgment recov
ered by F. Toy. plaintiff ugaiost said
Piaitamouth. Neb.. Aut. li, A. 1). 1S97
Haiivey Uoi.nowAV.
Sheriff. Cass county, Nebraska.
Legal Novice.
I In the district court. Cass county, Nebraska,
t Jacob Keiser. Flaiulitf.
I vs. 1
Christian Metzger. the un- i
known heirs ot Seldon N. j
Merriam, deceased, and the i
unknown heirs of Lydia
Merriam, deceased; Ruth j
Merrian, the unknownSieirs I
oi William I).
ceased; Art E. Alexander, j
and the unknown heirs of I
of Abijah Harris, deceased, j
Deiendants. j
To the unknown heirs ol Se'don N. Merriam
d cease-l and the unknown heirs of Lydia Mer-
nani. deCeksed:rvu,ii ..1c; unknown h. its
ot.W llliam 1). Merriam, deceased: Art r. Alex
ander, and the unknown heirs of Abijah Han is.
Vou are hereby notified that Jacob Keiser filed
a petition iu the district court of Ca-s county.
(Nebraska, on the Slst day ol August, 1 v.. against
you and Christian Meti-ger, the object and pr syer
of.which are to quiet the title in the plaintiff to
the following described real estate: Lot five, in
the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter" of
section twenty: and the southeast quarter oj the
southwest quarter, and the south half ;1 the
southeast quarter and lot seven, all in section
twenty, township twelve, range eleven. oast ol the
sixth principle meridian, in Cass county. Ne
braska, and to declare that the foregoing named
defendants have no estate or interest w hatever
in or to the above described land, and that plain
tiK's title thereiu be decreed to be good and
valid. And that at the date of the execution ot
the deed made by Christian Metzger to Frederick
Metger, to-wit on the "jrth dav of September.
1S."S. the defendant. Christian Metzger, was an
unmarried man. and that on the H'th day ot Oc
tober, jstx-", the said Abijah Harris was an un
married man.
ou are renuired to answer sa'd netilion on or
before the 4th day ot Octolier, lSi'7. or the allega-
uuu? incieiii win oe lUKeu as uuc against jou.
Dated this 24th day of August. l-s7.
Ja on Kkiser,
By C. S. Folk, his attorney.
Legal Notice.
In the district court of Cb-s countv. Nebraska.
Katherine Beck, l'iaintitf, i
vs. V
George Beck. Defendaut. )
1 o George A. Heck:
Vou are herebv notified that Katharine Heck
filed a petition in the district court of Cass
county, Nt hraska. on the 21st day of August,
lii. against you, the object and prayer ot which
are to secure a divorce Iroin the bonds of matri-
mouv. unon the ground that vou have erosslv.
wantonly and cruelly failed, neglected and re-
lused to support or contribute to the support ol
plaintiff without any cause or provocation on the
part of plaintiff.
Vou are required to answer said peti'ion on or
before the 4lh day of October. 1K7. or the allega-
: ...:n I... ...I. . . .a
lion iiierein win oe laneii as true agamsi you.
Dated this i!4th day ot August. IM'.
Katharine Beck.
I!y C. S. Folk, her Attorney.
SheiifTs Sale.
By virtue of an order ot sale issued by George
F, Houseworth, cleik of the district court within
and lor Cass couuty, Nebraska, and to me di
rected. I wiil on the ith day ol September. A. H.
1M-T. at 11 o'clock a. in. ot said day at the south
door ol the court h-,u:-c iu the city ol I'latts-.
mouth, in said county sell at public auction, to
the highest bidder for cash, the tallowing real
estate, to-wit-
I.ots two (-) and thr-.-e (3) in bunk two f.'i in
John l-'itEerald's addition to the city ot 1'iatts
mouth, Cass county. Nebraska, together with the
privileges and appurtenance 'hereunto belong
ing or in anywise appertaining. The same be
ing levied uoon and takei as the property of
James S. l'ine and Amelia Fine, defendants, to
satisfy a jiir!frment of said court recovered by
Calvin H. I'armele. plainti.f against said defend
ants. riattsmouth, Nebra-ska. August 21, A. I). 1897.
Harvey Holi.owav,
Sheriff Cass County. Nebraska.
the most dangerous of all
Pains in the
f T t,-Jfc. in ffiiT Trine. 0
1 Swelling of the Limbs or Ab-
domen are the first symptoms
The Best Goods
JLoxycr Main Street,
A Full Line of Dry Goods and Notions
has just been put in.
The Best Goods
aaa ajo. t Cwmg K3I
im a via: Violin
a:.i IV'lr. OniriL
l i.ily ouatuniouU.
i t
? CO buys a Mandoline,
J j "i-drdscye Maple, ilahogany or Rose
wood Finish. Fully guaranteed
ays An American
guaranteed to stand.
strings, iu Mahogany or Rose
.wood finish.
buys a $100 Organ.
imball Pianos 1 Organs
r.os, litllo nsed, for $50, $00, $80 to $100.
Writa for Catalocosand oar
: i KOSPE, JK.5
Grandest, H.-covery in the noiiiilsof
medicine. ' Guaranteed to cure more
diseases than any other medicine,
treatment or system known to the
medical profession.'' "No MAN made"
remedy, but 'nature's' true ' paimcoa.
Vatuma is an antiseptic jyermicide, it
jiosi lively dee troys all 'tnicrotes"
aud 'genua of every kind, name and
oatuie, it is healing and soothing to
the mucuous membrane. It will per
manently cure the majority of caes of
Bronchitis, Catarrh, Dispcpsiu, all
Stomach troubles, all diseases of the.
Bladder, Bowels Kidneys, Jjiver, Con
stipation, Piles, Old Sort:-, llectal
Diseases, Ulcers, Eczema, Scrofula,
Blood PoisoD.Itheiunatism, Neuralgia,
Disented Discharges, Diseases peculiar
to Women, Nervous and Physical
Weakness, etc.
MENT, or where you iive, writo us a
full history of yt OP trouble, and our
consulting physician will hi! vise you
what to uo in order lo regain your
health. Consultation is I1JEE and
Isacredlv confidential. Terms very
low. For proofs enclose 2 cent stamp.
Ijocai jigenls wanted everywhere.
No canvassing. We. odvertise you in
your home paper. Address with
I. O. lint, 1) 13. Chicago, 111.
Mrs. Wayne Twitchell
friends in Omaha today.
I'ald up Capital ...
Offers the very be9t facilities to the
prompt transaction of
muiL uiiiiuuiu
u iu n i ui
STOCKP. bond9, cold. eoYcreiiiert acd lots
securities ootiznt ana sow.. Deposits re
ceived aiid interest allowed on the certti
cnU's. Drafts drawn, available In nny
part of 4h9 U. S. .r i ail the principle
towns or fc,urop(. Joueel ions made ano
, urotiiutly remitted. itfuhest market
price paid for county warrants, state
and county bonds.
N. "' U. lluwkuwortli
Ken. K. loy, Vren. X. Vii.rti. Cller
at Correct Prices
Fresh Fruits, Vegetables,
The Choicest Groceries,
Queensware, Glassware,
Finest Grades of Canned
at Correct Prices m
1513 Douglas Street, OMAHA, HEB.
Extreme Care '
And a thorough practical training
aro absol uteiy 'necessary in the com
pounding of physicians' prescriptions
and fa mil v receipts. 'We lead in these
requisites, find also handle only the
purest and freshest drugs and chemi
cals. Our drug 6tore is also noted for
its toilet and fancy articles and sick
room necessaries, while popular prices
always prevail.
Our stocW is complete in nil lines vl we
invite our frleucis to look it oer II
mloavor to. please you. Call and see un.
(Successors to .eiry l!oecV. )
Dr. Elster,
All the Latest opllances Known
to Mod err -'"'enfstry.
I C pecial attention given to Fine I
I t Gold Fillings and i'late Work. I
re"Tceth Extracted Without I'ain.
Waterman Block,
1ejM )
i i
1 :
l f