Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, August 07, 1897, Image 4

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    ineSeml-Weeklu News-tterald
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
Snyder & Co. for bargains in jewelry.
Eat Mrs. Morning's home-made
bread. -
Snyder & Co. for" bargains in
Subscribe for The NEWS 15 cents
; per week.
Samuel Thomas was a Lincoln visi
tor today.
All lovers of ilrst-class cigars.smoke
Wurl's "Gut Ileil"
Dr. Elster, Waterman block, for
painless dentistry.
Insure in the German American
Fred Ebinger, Affect.
Miss Lizzio Carstens departed this
afternoon for Chicago.
August 12 and 13 Queen Esther at
tho Presbyterian church.
Mrs. Ida Wagner, teacher of piano,
organ, and musical theory.
Try a Sunday dinner at the Riley.
Bill of fare in tomorrow's paper.
If you want to buy or sell Platts-
mouth property, see T. II. Pollock
New goods, new prices, great
bargains at Hedbloom's drug store
More showers in Nebraska for today
a-o promised by the weather bureau
Wanted Good girl for general
housework. Small family. Mrs. T.
H. Pollock.
Merchants' lunch every day from
9 to 11 o'clock at Donat's. in Stadle
miion block.
Ice cream social at the Christian
church Tuesday evening, August 10,
Everybody invited.
Coates & Co. have just, received a
l.-irge shipment of rope which they
are selling at 8 cent?.
Tho band boys postpooned their
concert last evening on account of the
circus. They will play tonight.
Ice cream social at the South Park
Baptist church Tuesday evening
August 10. Everyone welcome.
The rain out in the county has in
surfed a good corn crop except a strip
a few miles in width along the river,
Rev. S. C. Green of Blair came in
this morning for a visit over Sunday
with his parents and other relatives
W. M. Renner got his left thumb
severely mashed at the shops this
morning and will take a few days lay
A. Sheldon of Avoca, the maker of
the best cheese ever sold in this mar
ket, was in town today looking after
big trade
We give special bargains in wall
paper and paint this month to make
room for our fall stock. Iledblocm.
tho druggist.
Watch repairing nearly and
promptly done. South side Main
street, John Crabill, near Brigus
barber shop.
Elder Wm. McCulloch and wife of
Red Oak returned home this morning
after a pleasant visit with their daugh
ter, Mrs. Street
Miss Lizzie Eikenbary returned
. last evening from Terry, S. P., where
she has been visiting her parents fo
several weeks.
T he waler mains on Main street
were closed for a couple of hours thi
afternoon, in order to repair a hy
drant on Maiu and Sixth streets
The Plattsmouth base ball team will
leave here tomorrow at 1 o'clock for
Rock Bluffs, and at 3 o'clock they will
show the boys down there how to play
The Mission Band will givo a lawn
social at the home of Mrs. Thomas
Wiles,westof town,onTuesday evening
August 10. Ice cream and cuke 10
Somebody fixed a dummy in Clark's
barber chair last night that made his
blood run cold when be came down to
open up this morning. It looKed like
a corpse.
Miss Jeannetto Ballance returned
home this morning after an extended
visit with relatives at Michigan City,
Ind. She was accompanied by her
grandmother and cousin.
Burning,, skin diseases in
stant-- -olievod by De Witt's Wilch
" Hazel Salve, .unequalled for cuts.
bruises, burns. It heals without leav-
"' ng a scar. F. G. Fricke & Co.
The rehearsals for the cantata of
Esther for tho benefit of the Presby
terian church are progressing in the
most encourcinsr "manner. It will
doubtless draw a large audience.
The circus folks, pronounced Wee
ing Water a regular pudding, the
sucker crop being a large one. If that
town beat Plattsmouth's record yes'
terday it must have been pretty bad.
Dr. Hall, D. K. Barr, J. L. Root, C.
S. Polk, Sheriff Hcllpway and several
others went out to Weeping Water
today to attend the meeting of the
republican county central committee.
George Longenhagen has the con
tract for S150, to put in a new stone in
the court house to take the place of
the one knocked out by the llghtnipg.
The insurance companies foot the bill.
NexfTnursday and Friday, August
nd 13, are tne aaies ior iue pre-
inn oi "listner. loe ueautuui
. ' . . m 4 1 T"t A - - 1
i t ti
i riaiuiuDUb uj liiu
y;-those are
t-'ki I .11.1 a
only terms those famous little pills
known as Do Witt's Little Early
Risers will make with constipation.
eick headache and - stomach troubles.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Don't nauseate your stomach with
teas and bitter nems. ddi reguiaiu
jour liver and tick headacho by us
iog those famous little pill known
as De Witt's Little Early Risers.
, G. Fricke te Co.
There's no better flour 'made than
Deisel's "Plansifter," manufactured
in this city. Ask your grocer for it,
and thereby get the best and sup
port A home industry at the same time,
which builds up the town.
"They don't make much fuss about
it." We are speaking of Do Wills
Little Early Risers, the famous little
pills for constipation, biliousness, and
all stomach and liver troubles. They
never gripe. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Alter the performance of the circus
yesterday afternoon tho spectators
were treated with a grand balloon as-
cension and parachute leap. It was a
most successful ascension, and was
pronounced by many the best part of
the circus.
'I crave but one minute,'" said the
publicnspeaker in a husky voice; and
then he took a dose of One Minute
Cough Cure, and proceoded with his
oratory. One Minute Cough Cure is
unequaied for throat and Jung trou
ble. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Tho printers and the cigar makers
will again meet in mortal combat to
morrow afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, and
it is expected that the game will be
close and exciting, as the print's
nine has been materially strengthened
Willard Wise will play J,hird base.
There is a time for everything; and
the time to attend to a cold is when it
starts. Don't wait till you have con
sumption but prevent it by using One
Minute Cough Cure, the great remedy
for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis
and all throat and lung troubh s. F.
G. Fricke & Co.
It heals oveiylhing except a broken
he-:rt. may be said of De Wilt's Wilch
Hazel Salve. Piles and rectal dis
eases, cuts, burns, bruises, tetter, ec
zema and all skin troubles may 1m
cured by it quickly and permantly,
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Will Carstens got a severe gnsh cut
across the thumb of bis right h;ind to
day while working on one of the li. &
M. shop buildings. He was in the act
of picking up a hatchet, when his
hand came in contact with the
sharpedge of the tool. The injury will
necessitate a few days' lay-off.
John Griffin, of Zanesville, O., say?:
"I never lived a day for thirty years
without suffering agony, until a box
of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve
curod my piles." For piles and rec
tal troubles, cuts, bruises, sprains
eczema and all 6kin troubles, De
Witt s Witch Hazel alvo is une
qualled. F. G. Fricke & Co.
The prize winner now is "Wurl
Bros." famous 5-cent cigar, which has
no equal on the market. It has
forged its way to the front against
keen competition and is cow ono of
the brst sellers in eastern Nebraska,
because it is made from the finest to
bacco, carefully selected. The '"Porto
Reco" is our best 10-cent cigar. Re
neaiber Otto Wurl, Manufacturer.
Col. Keithley has formed tho circus
habit, and his friends are alarmed
about him. On Monday he attended
a circus at Weeping Water, including
John Leyda's side show, on Tuesday
he attended the Hummel circus and
yesterday arrived in town to attend
the circus again. We placed him in
charge of the religious editor who
saw that no ill befell hira while he
was in town.
Blackberry Jim will visit no more
circuses he got so "hot" yesterday
when ho thought of tho flim-flam game
played on him at tho side show, that
be concluded not to tako in the circus
at all. Ho took his family home nd
amused the little folks by spreading a
quilt out on the lawn, where he "skun
a few cats," turned somersaults and
hand-springs for their enjoyment. II
had a good time, tho childien were
entertained and Jim was not confi-
denccd out of any money.
The crowd of suckers who tried to
make money rn the imjiossiblo shell
game which has been exposed time
and again, was quite largo here. .Be
side those mentioned yesterday. Sam
Parker lost $25, and seven or eight
others were heavy losers. The man
who gets beat at any sort of a gamb
ling device gotten up for the sole pur
pose of stealing his money is not de
serving of much sympathy. The
game is built to beat the public, and
if it did cot work, it would not be
played, and again in a gambling
game, the man who wins is no worse in
the eye of the law than the man who
Wilt Meet la Ixu)vllle On Mondjr, Aug
ust 23.
Weeping Water. Neb., Aug. 6, 4:30
p, m. (Special to Tub News.) The
republican county central committee
met here this afternoon with a full at
tendance. The convention was called
to meet at Louisville at 1 o'clock Mon
day, August 23, and the primaries are
to bo held Saturday evening, August
1. :
The best of feeling prevailed, and
the nomination of the present in
cumbents, and their election seems as
Notice Ol' Keinoval,
On Monday, August 9, I will remove
my stock of jewelry the Hedbloom
rug6tore Snyder's old stand where
moi worn ar.j irooa koous at iow
. i 4 . 1
ill ninf tVi nrk in r.j nnr mnt tn
John T. Colemak
A Prisoner of War" to lie Presented By
.FIiHsmoath s Talent.
Arrangements are now being com
pleted for the roost novel entertain
ment tbat this city or any other city
in Nebraska has ever had the oppor
tunity of witnessing. Some years ago
a number of prominent New York
ers aeretd to tfive a benefit to the
actors' fund of New York. On account
of the heat it whs feared the attend
ance wou'd bo very slim. The project
was about to be given up, when it
dawned on them that this objection
could be overcome by giving it out of
doors and selecting a play suitable to
outdoor presentation.
Shakespeare's beautiful comedy.
"As You Like It," was finally con
sidered the most fitting bill, aud was
produced on Staten Island in the pres
ence of more than 2,000 spectators.
This performance has been followed
by many more of a like character
throughout the eastern states. The
idea has never been tried here, but in
tho course of a couple of weeks Platts
mouth talent U inaugurate this
style of ontertainment in Nebraska by
tho presentation of the mo3t succssful
war drama of the 6tage, "A Prisoner
Of War."
This pieco is "particularly -suited to
outdoor presentation, being full of ac
tion and diarr-ttic situations. Tho
performance will bo given by our best
local lalont, directed by a orofestdon
al actor and stage director, Mr.
Charles Nelson, who, it will bo re
membered, was hero as staye mana
ger of tho Madison Square Comedy
Co., early this season.
Mr. Nelson has, since leaving the
company, been engaged in work simi
lar to what is contemplated here, and
has staged successful productions in
Nebraska City, Weepiny Water and
other towns in Nebraska. Ho has a
thorough knowUdge of the details
necessary for the wo k. and with the
able co-opera'ion of on- local a list
will undoubted y m ike oat-door
performance the event f the -tisiiu.
We will announco i iu earl o' the
pi iy and further par ieuia- in !!
near future.
A Cordial F;ir-e".
The members of the Get m tit F. auca
verein No. 1 and a f.-w other friet ds
of M s. J. V. Egenhcrtrer, jr., were
splendidly entertained at that lady's
home in this city yesterday afternoon.
The special reason for the gather ing
was a formal good-bye extended by
friends to Mrs. Egenberger, who will
leave soon for her fut jre home in S ill
Lake City, where her husband has a
good position.
The homo was beautifully decorated
with flowers gifts from her friends
and guests. A nice luncheon was
served, and Mrs. Egenbergor proved
a charming hostess, and her many
friends will miss her kindly resence
and gracious manner.
The guests were Messdames Wm
Hassler, II. Spies, A. II. Weckbach,
Wm. Weber, Ed Sta nm, J. V. Egen
berger, sr., M. Soennichsen, Phil
Thierolf, Fred Goos. Ed Heitzhausen,
J. Lindtman, Joe Droege, Joe Fetzar,
Chris Wohlarth, II. Hertz, C. Kunlz
man, John Mumm, H. Kliotsch, C.
Kohnke, L. Brinckman and Miss
How It Was.
Two reasons why the democrats
wanted the office of -oroiior:
First They were afraid that if the
"pops" elected coronor that ho would
sit on the corpse of tho democratic
Second The "pops" got treasurer
which is tho head of the ticket and
coronor which is the tail of tho ticket,
and it would look as though tho demo
cratswho got about all that goes be
tween these two offices, were swal
lowed. Hence they wished the tail of
tho ticket, so as to have a convenient
hole to crawl out of.
Italliird'K Ilorehonnd Syrup
is tho ono romedy for Throat and
Lung Troubles that cures the right
way. Gives Nature just the help
needed. Heals and staengthens while
it cures and is just as harmless as it is
sure. Its remarkable success for years
makes possible this guarantee: Use it
faithfully for Coughs, Colds, Bron
chitis, Whooping Co-.igh, etc If it
fails to benefit, our authorized agent
will return your money. If anything
stronger than this could bo said.
Horehound Syrup would deserve It,
Price so and 60 cents. Sold bv F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Try Graln-O! Try Graiu-O!
Ask your grocer today to show you
a package of Grain-O, the new food
drink that lakes the place of coffee
Tho children may drink it without in
jury as well as tho adult. All who try
it, like it. Orain-O ha3 that rich
seal brown of Mccha or Java, but it is
made from pure grain, and the most
delicate stomach receives it without
distress, t the price of coffee, l-w.
and 25 cts. per package. Sold by all
Excursion to Hot Springs, S. !.,
Tuesday, Aug. 3. $17.15 for tho round
trip from Plattsmouth. Tickets good
to return until Sept. 2 The hottest
month of the year is still to come.
Spend it in the Black Hills. Bathe
in the mammoth plunge bath at Uot
Spring?, see beautiful Sylvan lake.
make the side trip to Spearfish and
you will return home with the know
ledge that nowhere could you have
had a pleasanter holiday. For full
information, call at B. & M. ticket
office. "
The secretary will be at Smith Si
Parmele's drug store Saturday night,
Aug 7, for tho purpose of delivering
your benent certiucates. Attend to
this matter before next meeting. Im
portant to you.
To the Editor of The News:
Will you kindly permit me to reply
to the article signed "C. S." in last
night's issue of The News, regarding
the old flag of Company A, First Ne
braska Volunteer. It implies a doubt
of .riffht to keep it in my posession. It
has been in our family since the close
of the war, having been presented to
my husband by those in authority for
saving it from the euemy, and carry
ing it during the rest of the battle
after the color bearer had been 6hot
down. When the regiment was mus
tered out, the flag was given to Mr.
Weils, as being the 1 ist color bearer.
and there has never been a doubt
raised as to our right to keep it.
When I can think that the public has
a better right to the old flag than I
have, I shall undoubtedly put it in
the rausoum, but until then I think I
have a perfect right to keep it in my
own possession and consider it a sa
cred relic which 'my late husband
prized too highly to place in the
hands of the public Very Respect
fully, Mrs. Wm. L. Wells.
The Shell Game.
The oldtime worn shell game,
which always goes with a circus, was
on in all its glory today,to the sorrow
of several farmers who ran against it.
Most of them' refused, to tell their
names, after they were bitten, but we
learn that a man named Carroll lost
$5, a Mr. Bates $20, while Wm. Fer
guson lost $5 and a gold watch. The
rumor that Amos Burtnott - had lost
$40 is denied.
Several others wore touched, and
the sheriff was kept busy trying to
keep people from losing their money.
Special Low IlAtes On the M. P.
For Indianapolis, September 9 to 11,
National Encampment Sons of Veter
ans. One fare for round trip; limit
for return September 17.
Indianapolis, August 18 to 2:5. for
Young People's Christian Union. Ono
fare for round trip; eood to S.-plemhr
12 by'doposit of tickets.
M W. A. ririiir. Crctf. N-b . Aug. 18.
For tho Modern Wm dmen nicnie
at Crete, Neb., Aug. IS, tho Burling
ton route offers a rat of fare and one
third for tho round trip from points
within 100 miles of Crete. Tickets on
sale Aug. 18. aod good to return Aug.
10. A lino program has oen ar
ranged, and a good time is promised
all who attend. For full information
call at B. & M. depot.
All work carefully and
neatly done. Family
washing and washing of
delicate fabrics promptly
attended and entire
Satisfaction Guaranteed
South Sixth St.,
F. R. GUTHM ANN, Prop.
Rates Si and $1.50 per Dau
Centrally Located and Com
fortably Furnished.
Ordinance Mo. 102
AN ORDINANCE providing for the levying of
citv ta
1 taxes ior the tiscal year beginning the
(mil Monday in August. A. 1). nowu as
the dencral Appropriation bill
Section 1. That there be and is hereby given
upon the dollar valuation on all real, personal
and mixed property within the corporate limits
of t ic city of riattsmouth. Neb., not exempt
from taxation by the laws of the state of Ne-
uraska, tne loiiowing taxes, viz:
(icneral fund h $4,313 7
lias and lighting fund 5 2,9tl tis
Omaha Southern Railway bonds.
interest 6 3.235 30
Uurlington & Missouri River K.
R. bonds H
Kcarlon lionds interest 3
ewer bonds interest 3' J
i.fii- :
1 .KIT B5
1.NN7 2t5
iiign 3iooi uonus interest 7
3.774 5:
Intersection paving bynds interest. 1
Fire hydrant rental fund 8
Fire department lund
Library lund 1
Farlc fund 14
1I 60
, Total AH $25.4.7 99 ihat in audition to said above
taxes -Here sha'l be ard is hereby levied npon
each a'j'e-bodied male resident of said cty not
exenn. by law. lesum of three dollars lor poll
tax wii c i flial'. be pavable in cash or by two
days' wo x upon Uie streets of said city at the
rate 01 or- uorar ?ia nny cents per aav.
Sec ;on r. That the said several amounts si
levied are for the use of liie ci.y during the fiscal
year co.r nencing on the second Monaav in Aug
ust. A. li. IMi".
Section 4. The levies hereby made shall be
immediately certified by the city clerk to the
county cierx 01 v- ass county, rseb.
Section 5. All ordinances or par s of ordi
nances in conflict herewith be and the same are
nereoy repealed.
Section 6. This ordinance shall be in lorce
and efiect from and after its passage, approval
anu puDiicanon accoruiug to law.
Fassed and approved this 26th day of July. A
O., 1S97.
Attest: B.C. Kekr. City Clerk.
John A. Gutsciie, Mayor.
Special notices under tbts bead will be
charged for at the rate of cent per word
each insertion.)
WANTED: Upricht and faithful gentlemen or
ladies to travel for responsible, established
house in Nebraska. Monthly $5.IN and expenses.
Fosition steadv. Ke'erence. Enclose self-art-
dressed envelope. The Dominion Company,
Department 11. vtucago.
opportunity. Address SriF.FF company. 1UCJ0
Chestnut street. Fhiladelnhia. Fa.
IJ ANTED A Rood girl for general housework.
II tnquire ot Mrs. r. H. Wil:
lson. North 11th St.
The Casino Saloon
Pure Imported Wines and Whiskies,
and that queen of all medi
cines Malt-Nutrine.
Just the thing
for a Picnic
A bottle of our wine. The most re
freshing1 and invigorating beverage
that is obtainable. We can furnish
it to you by tho case or by the dozen
bottles at Philip Thierolf's. Wo keep
all kinds of wines and - liquors es
pecially designed for family and medi
cal purposes.
PHIL THIEROLF, Proprietor.
See Them Go !
. Groceries at a price to make them
go. First-class fresh stock. The best
to be found on the market, delivered
at your door for the smallest possible
price. Remember they aro excellent
goods. You will appreciate the val
ues given..
i We Can Accommodate
The Whole Family
in snoes. inline snoes at
little prices, for the little folks,
and big shoes at moderate prices
for the bifr folks. Our assort
ment of stjMes and sizes of fancy
shoes is simply immense. A
visit to our store is all you need
take to find just the foot-wear
you need.
Joseph lGtzer.
North Side Main Street.
callow j. h. Thrasher.
The only first-class Kental Ag-encj-
n tne city is that 01 xnrasner s.
ed. fitzcukai.i)
Has new stock, new rigs and
is prepared better than ever
to take caro of
ft General Llveru Business.
Quick trips mado to all parts of the
county. Low prices and court- .
6OU8 treatment assured.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Kills Roaches, Flema, Moths and Bedbnra. Mon
poisonoDa; won't stain. Lsxgs bottles, at drus
f isu aod grocere, & cents.
To wear a winter suit in summer. It hampers a man physically, men
tally, socially and "in a business way. Some people are always a Hoasnn he
hind in the matter of clothing. There is no excuse for this with tummcr
clothing at the prices at which we are closing out tho remainder of our light
weight stock.
Wash Suits.
Notwithstanding tho immense sale
wo have had on these suits wo still
have a full assortment of sizes on band
To dispose of them quickly vo offer
them at 25 per cent discount.
Fancj' Linen Suit in all sizes, former
price 3 00, now $2.25.
Imported Linen Crash Suit, made up
nobby, former pric-) $5.00, now $;i.75.
Imported Brown frncy Crash suit, tai
lor made, former price $0.00. now
4 00.
Our crash suits are all earful Iy
shrunk, and well liimmcd.
Infant's, Misses',
-IM i
They are Right in Price, Style and Fit.
Misses' Lace Chocolates from $1.10 un. Solid leather.
Misses' Button Mahogany, black trimmed, a beauty, $1.75 up.
Our Misses' Mahogany stray bow SANDALS are peach-j.-ronas.
Ladies' Oxfords
All colors and toes from $1.10 to $2.2.r
It is useless to wasto spaco on ou"
Men's Ox-Bloods
and Chocolates
From $2.85 up. See them we'll do
SAY, BOYS, come and see our OX-BLOODS and tell jour
Ma about them. They are beauties and wear liko an anvil.
Wo-don't sav you nre imbecile because you don't buy our
shoes, but all we ask of you is to drop In and see our Sum
mer novelties. Fine lino infant's soft soles. Repairing a
Robert Sherwood,
A lady is well dressed only
tended to. Thero is no moro important
I tractive, better to purchase where
Our stock compromises the best Bhapee
! right price, etc.
Special'Sale . .
All this week on
reduction in prices as
stock - Over one hundred to select from if you
call early. Remember
North Side Main Street. : Plattsmouth.
Semi- Weekly NEWS HERALD.
Hlack Alpaca Coats, fast colors, re
duced from $2 to $I.2".
Black Sicilian Coats and Vests
French facing, was $i7f,, now $2.
Fine Grey Monair Coats and Vests,
aiso Brown, Oxford and Slato color,
at $3.00.
Black Drape IVEt.-s Coat and Vcwt,
finest Goods made wa.i $0.00, now
Blaek and Blue Sorgo and Worsted
Coats and Vests at $....r)0 and $l..rl.
Straw huts Pi ices cut right in the
middle. Every Straw lf:it we Have
in Stock will te Sold at jut Hulf
Price, regardless of Cost.
Got 'Em..
Youth's and Boys'
the rest.
Door West Weckbach's.
when every detail is carefully at
than hats. Our nats aro always at
the lino is first-class and extensive.
only and they aro marked to the
trimmed hats at heavy
we wish to reduce our
the place.