Neb Farmer WEEK1T EMAI TIIK NE'f. Estabished NOT.5.189L toonaoHdated Tun 1 imtk THE HEUALD, Kstabhshed AprllW, 1S6I ( uonBOtiaatea Jan. 1.1895. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB., AUGUST 7, 1897. VOL. V. NO. 92. LOUISVILLE BOYS IRE VICTORIOUS. Treat the Blencoe, la.. Team With a Complete Shut-out. Tom l'jrnil-i Kami of Hall, riayera Pat I'm a Kin (iante, Makine Hat Two K.rror -Flefnre Of the Game Marred liv a I'ont liinouH thowtr of Ktln A - P.rier leK-rlit ion Of the Game. Tom Parrnele's colts added another real p to their long string yesterday when they defeated the Illoneoe, la. team by a score of 7 to 0. It was a pretty game, although I'.lencoe never had a chance to win, as their inability to hit Jamicson prevented run got- ling. And Jamicson is about the best article in the pitching line that has happened for many days in thesa parts. IJis work yesterday was sim ply superb, ho allowing Blencoe but on scratch single and striking out seventeen men. In that may be read tho story of the game. LI is work was bucked by clean and sharp fielding which Louisville can bo depended on to nut up when it is needed. Blen coe was also in evidence when it came down to pitching, as Turner held the heavy hitting colts down to twelve hits which were scattered through Ihonino innings and performed tho feat of striking out nine men including tho old veteran, Jones. Had he been supported as well as Jamieson the score would h-ivo been closer. The visitors plnved irood b.ill, but their fielding was olT at critical times. Many of them seemed troubled with nervous- i cs and fumbled the ball when clean li'iuling w:is highly important. Blencoe epened tho I all in tho lirst when Itoonei ti uck out. Bob Brown boi.-ted a fly to left which l'Vlz cap liiivu iH-.d tin n Shafer cot into the game by m.ikintr the hit of the .season. lie butted a Call to Fcihart so hot that that estimable gentleman could not handle it and failed to get him cut. Turner ended the agony with an out from Clement to Reihart. The re maining innings were simply repeti tions of the first for Blencoe except that never again did th ceo tho ball. Jamieson got down "to work, and the wny the ball came to the plate was a caution. In tho entire nine innings twenty nine men went to bat, and only one man got beyond first base. For Louis ville, Clement punched out a fly into right which the fielder dropped, and Jamieson followed with a three-base hit which .scored Clement. But Jamie son's hit didn't win him much. Shafer had his eye on him and when the long pitcher wandered oil too far he slapped the tall to Brown and Jamie son wis out. Jones made a single and went to third on liooney's fumblo of Irwin's hit Reihart struck out and Adam fouled out, ending the inning. In Ih second I'armele went out from Ueiir to T. Brown, nnd 111 ug fouled out. Then Fetz mide a hit of his life. Hi? landed square on one of Turner's curves and lifted it clear out of the lot. When ii came back to the diamond Fetz had completed the cir cuit ami added another tallv to the list. Cli mcnt ended the inning with an out from 'Turner to T. Brown. Jamieson tingled in the third and Jones advanced him to second with a sacrifice and he went to third cn a passed ball. Irwin singled and Jamie son scored. Irwin went to second on Reiharl's single, and both men ad vanced a peg on Adams' sacrifice. I'arme'o could not do them any good, however, and made tho last out. I'llug opened tho fourth with a single and went to third on Fetz's hit and scored on Clement's single, as did Fetz Clement was advanced, two bases to third on errors, but was left there, as Jaruicfort went out from short to first, and Jones and Irwin struck out. In the sixth Fetz struck out and Clement singled. He stole second and scored on Jamieson's sin gle. Jamicson was caught by Turner -af second base, and Deur completed a double play by throwing Jones out to first. In the eigath Pflug struck out and Fetz went to first on T. Brown's error, but was caught at second. Clement singled and stole second. lie went to third on' Ilooney'9 fumble of J.imieson's hit and scored on an error of T. Brown. Jones for tho second timo struck out and ended the game. While the score wes one-sided, it does not detract from the merits of the Jilencoes, who can play fast ball. They aro the equal of any other team in the amateur lino around here, and thoir defeat is almost wholly duo to inability to hit Jamieson. They are a gentlemanly set of players nnd un derstand tho game thoroughly. There was a fair crowd "present, although the rain fell continuously, and marred the pleasure of the game. Score by innines: Louisville 1112 0 10 1 iilencoe 000000D0 0 -o Farned runs Louisville. 5. Three base hit lamieson. -Home run Fetz. Bases stolen Clement. 2: Parmete, Jamiesou. !iuble play Turner to Deur toT. brown, liases on balls Ott Turner. 1; ott Jamieson, 1. Hit hv Ditcher Bv lamieson. 2. Struck out By Jamieson. 17; by Turner. 9. Passed balls Jones. 1: Shafer. 1; llrown. I. Sacrifice hits Jones, Adams. Time lAi Umpire Patterson. Out in Colorado it has been rainii g every day for a week, and the damage cnu-'d by tho hard rains in the vici- hity t f Denver reaches into thousands of dollars. . POLITICAL NOTES. At tho silver Mass convention in Weeping Wr.ter Monday Mike Mor rissey of thi9 city was chairman, M Davis of this city secrerary. Mike Cavey pushed tho button and John Leyda did the rest. II. D. Travis was chairman of the democratic county convention and D C McEntee was sccrotary. Quito a contest ensued over the election of chairman of tho county central com mittee botwoen Dr. Hungate, Chas Grimes and D. C McEnteo. Ilungato was elected by a closo vote. In printing tho fusion ticket yester day, we forgot the name of Fred 1'at terson for surveyor. Fred has been running for that office ever sinco the Indians were fired off of Gospel Hill andjthe habit of being defeated, has become so fixed, that to elect him might cause an attack ot heart fail ure. Republicans must seo that Fred escapes unharmed. Phil Thierolf blossomed out as first-class medicice mixer Monday The pops wero to have coronor and the democrats surveyor on the deal but Phil wanted Sattler for coronor and he said he would surveyor for coronor and give 81.50 to boot The democrats agreed and Phil went over to the pop circus where the situation was explained and tho swap made in short time. Phil was the only demo crat on the grounds that day who scored a point. A Mperial Meeting:. The city council met in special ses sion last evening to consider the com promise of tho water company suit. and an ordinance in settlement of the matter was passed, which will bo found in another colum. Walter White has been a careful guardian of the taxpayers' interests, and from tho first he and Sattler have opposed any extension of tho franchise as being inimical to the best interests of the public. The fact, however, being well known that the city eould not hope to win the present suit entered largely into controlling the members who voted to stop the fight at once. Time will tell as to the wisdom of the council, and if it should prove bad for the city the zealous efforts of Walter White, seconded by Sattler and Heisel will not be forgotten. Had the city authorities placed any confidence in the water company's attorneys here the matter would have been settled up long ago. One fifth of the tax levy of the city has been required to pay water rentals, and it certainly looks as if some relief was due. , A Fine Jewelry Store. Henry Boeek, who owns tho best business corner in the city, recently placed a partition in his room and put in a fine front on Sixth street for Streight & Saltier, who crowded their slock in;o the rear room, thus using the new Sixth street front. Tho cor-1 ner room, with its eleraivt windows extends .back sixty feet, and is al ready occupied by Henry Snyder, who has put in ono of the finest lines of jewelry, watches, clocks and fancy stationery to oo found in the stale. The fixtures are of polished walnut, and instead of shelving rich walnut cases with glass doors grace the sides of the room. Omaha can not boast oi more elegant quarters, and Henry, having proved himself - a fine work man and good salesman, wilt no doubt continue to have a flourishing trade. He will continue to sell goods at prices below Omaha, and hopes to merit the best ciass of trade in high grade goods. Letter From A. II. Wecklmrh. " WIEN AUSTRIA, July 16, .1897. Kditor of The News: As I promised to write you when I went away, I will now try to keepray word. I left New York June 17, in a palace steamer, and was on the ocean eight days, but never missed a meal. I landed in Hamburgh, whore I stayed two days and a half, and then went to Berlin. I tell 3'ou. that's the town for 3our "whiskers." 1 stayed there three days and saw many things I had never seen before. It's a fine city, with line people. I then went to Stutgart, which is an interesting city; from there to Manheira, and then down the Rhine, and if there is a heaven on earth it is along the blue waters of the beautiful Rhine. No one drinks water here it's all wine, and the fin est kind, too. Tho scenery between Manheim and Kolln Is grand, I tell you. From the last place, I went to my old home where 1 was born. In tho little village of Waldhausen. After a nice visit there I went toWurtzberg, Darmstadt, Muenchen, Sstrasburg, the cathedral town, and I am now at Wien, (Vienna) the city which is said to have the most beautiful parks In the world I will stay here a few days, then I go to Carlsbad, and from there to Switzerland. 1 will be home in Sep tember, and then can tell you better than I can write of my trip. Tell Bar ney Miller bis St. Bernard dogs are coming by telegraph, to iook out for them. With best regards, I am yours. Very truly, A. G.'Weckbach. Hi nieneekers Excursion. Tickets on salo via the popular M. P. railway to all points in the south and west at ono fare for the round trip plus $2 on the following dates only. Auc. 3 and 7. Sept. 7 and 21. and Oct. 1 5 Hnd 19. , C. F. Stouten bo ROUGH, Agent. INFORMATION AND OPINIONS. The Nebraska City News, the demo cratic organ of Otoe county, is opposed to fusion. If it will come uo this way and sample the boud dished out by the fusionists it will have ample reason for declining that sort of aid. in Chief of Police Melick of Lincoln has resigned. Uncle "David McCaig was in town yesterday and the fact that ho had a conversation with Dr. Jekyl (Chap man), leads us to think that the democratic management has been given up in disgust, and that the Dops are now to be the object of his kindly care. This means several more votes for the republican ticket.- The silver dollar is today worth 43 cents, or would be worth only that amount if it were not backed up by the gold dollar. It continues to decline, but the country refuses to go into bankruptcy on that accouut,and every day furnishes proof that the Bryan theory of finance is thinner than moon shine. Tho "furriners" have discovered a tasto for buckwheat cakes, conse quently "large amounts of the grain and flour were sent abroad last year. Tho government has established a mail route to that part of the Klon- dyko In Alaska Territory, whereby the miners can hear from home oftener than heretofore, and without going 100 miles to a postofflce. Uncle Stm never sleeps. Tho Union Pacific took a whirl at record breaking Wednesday and sent a train from North Platte to Omaha, 291 miles, in 275 minutes, this beats the record for that distance, and it will bo some time before this rate can be excelled. The same train passed through here via the M. P. for St. Louis yesterday, carrying Uuion Paci fic receivers and officials. - - The terms of thirty senators will expire in 1899. In the first senato of tho United States there were only 26 senators all told. Ex. In Montana 6heep are sheared by machinery propelled by watcrpower. California has a new grain harvester, with a cutting fronjt of 52 feet, which reaps, threshes and 6acks 180 bushels of wheat an hour. Tho American farmer is keeping up with the times. Ex. The British navy has no, armored vessels which will compare with the New York and BrooKlyn. The visit of tho Brooklyn to the Queen's jub- lee has stirred them up and the First Lord of the Admiralty has recommen ded a supplementary naval e-.timato to the house of commons for' four ves sels of.t like kind, and says "they are a necessity in view of other foreign navies." Ex. A tiraiul Opportunity. There aro today thousands of young people on tho farms and in theNvil lages who aro tied down by lack of education to work they heartily dis like. Are you one of them, my friend? If so, the Grand Island Business and Normal College can put you on the road to success if you aro ambitious and willing to study. It makes no difference how backward you are pro vided you aro plucky and mean busi ness. We teach everything necessary for a successful start in life. If you aro short of money wo will accept a good note without interest for tuition or if necessary wo will furnish every thing tuition, board, and books nnd give you time to graduate and pay for same afterwards. Business, Nor mal and Shorthand courses. Board $1.50 per week. Established 12 years. College Record sent free or cata logue for 6 cents in stamps. This is your chance of a lifetime. Will you let it slip by. Add 1 ess. A. M. Hargis, President, Grand Isiand, Neb. Excursion to Hot Spring. 8. I). Friday, August 20, $17.15 for the round trip from Plattsmouth. Tickets good to return nntil Sept. 19. Take advantage of the above low rate to visit the Black Hills. Bathe in the mammoth plunge bath at Hot Springs, see beautiful Sylvan lake, make the side trip to Spearfish and you will' re turn home with the knowlege that no where could you have had a pleas anter holiday. For full information call at B. & M. ticket office. There la a Class of People Who are injured by the use of coffoe. Recently there has been placed in all the grocery stores a new preparation called Graino-O, made of pure grains, that takes the place of coffee. The most delicate stomach receives it without distress and but few can tell it from coffee. It does not cost over i as much. Children may drink it with great benefit. 15 cts. and 25 els. per dackage. Try it. Ask for Grain-O. The Nebraska Epworth Assembly Will be held at Lincoln park, Lin coln, Aug. 3-10. Every Epworthian should attend. The program is equal to the best of tho 1897 Chautauqua programs. Tents may be rented at small expense. Good boating. Plenty of shade. Grounds under po'.ice pro tection day and night. One faro ft r tie iound tripvit the Eurlingtor. Route. Try Allen's Foot-T, ?, A powder to be shaken into the shoes. At this season your feet feel swollen and hot, and get llrod easily If you have smarting iSot or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ese. It cools the feet and makes walking easy. Cures and prevents swollen and sweat ing feet, blisters and callous spots, Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and gives re.t and comfort. Try it to day.- Sold by all druggists and shoe stores for 25 cents. Tritl packages free. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. ; r Iid You Ever Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to bo peculiarly adap ted to the relief and cure of all Female complaints, exerting a wonderful direct influence in givinestrength and tone to the organs. Jf- you have loss of appetite, constipat i-o, head ache, fainting spells, or ai nervous sleepless, excitable, meianenoiy or troubled with dizzy spelhjl Electric Bitters is tho medicine you noed. Health and strength are guaranteed by its use. Fifty cents and 1 at F. G. Fncke's drug store. - '; 3 Kallard'a Snow Liniment is a remedy that would b4.. in every home if all knew what thousands in all parts of the continent have learned. Those who have used ordinary lini ments aro amazed at what Sriow Lini ment does and tho rapidity with which it does it. Cures Lame Baej"., Rheu matism, Neuralgia, Soreness, Rruisen, Strains Muscular Pains anywhere. Equally good for Animals. R E. Morse, Traveling Salesman, Galves ton, Texas, says: "Two lott!es of Ballard's Snow Liniment cured mo of Rheumatism of three months stand ing." When buying remember Snow Liniment has no substitute. Price 50 cents. Sold by F. G. B'ricke & Co. National Encampment O. A. Ii. At the time of the National En campment of the G. A. R. the Bur lington route will sell round-trip tickets to Buffalo, at less than the regular one-way rate. G. A. II. special train with through sleepers for Buffalo leaves Omaha at 5 p. m. August 21. Berths reserved and special advertising milter fur nished on request. See nearest Bur lington route agent or write J. Francis, G. P. A., Omaha, Neb. List of Letters. Remaining uncalled for at the post office at Plattsmouth, Aug. 4, 1897: MiNanire. HG Peck. OK . Sweeney. Robert Sluvely, Dan .. Thcal. Mrs V y - - - .. -. When calling for any of the above letters please say "advertised." W. K. Fox, P. M. Legal Notice. In the district court of Cass county. Nebraska. In the matter of the guardianship of Adolph Koseiibaum, insane. Notice lo show cause why sale of real estate should not be confirmed. To Adolph Kosenbaum and all persons inter: e. ted in the estate of Adolph Kosenbaum. insane: Vou and each of you are hereby notified that uDon the 2ih day of August, A. D. lS'C I will ap ply to Basil S. Kainsey, judge of the district court of Cass county. Nebr.slta, at theolticeof the clerk of thedistrict court of Cass county. Ne braska, for an order connrmirg the sale of lots one. two and three, in block thirty, in Platts mouth, Nebraska, to August Gorder. and the east half of lot one. in block thirty-three, in Plattsmouth. Nebraska, to John V. I-.genbcrger and Robert Troop. Said sales were made by a irtue of a license duly issued to me by the judge of the district court of Cass county, Nebraska, on the'ith day of Ma", A. I). l!-S7, and by virtue of notice of said saie duly published and posted as shown by proofs on tile in said cause in the district court of Cass county, Nebraska. And you. and each of you are hereby notified to show cause, if anv there be. bv the said SOth day of August, why aid sales should not be con firmed. Dated this 4th day of August, A. D 1W7. I. V. Johnson. Guardian. . Byron Clark and C. A. Kawls. Attorneys. Notice. To whom it may concern. " ' You are hereby notified that on the 4th day of November, A. I)., IHUj, Fettibone and Nixon purchased at public tax sale, at the court house in Plattsmouth. Nebraska, for the delinquent taxes of the year 1;4. amounting to $.;!, and paid subsequent tax for the years 18ft." and 1MS. which, with the interest, amounts to the sum of 75.l- on the following property: The south half and northwest quarter of the northeast quar ter of section 7, town HI, range 1-. east, assessed in the years 1!4 and l!iK5, in the name of T. J. Jameson, and in the year 1S!0 to Tidball and r uiler. They also purchased as above for de linquent taxes of 1SUI amounting to $!.(, and paid subsequent tax for the years Ittlo and IH'.ni. which, with the interest amounts to the sum of f4.SO on the following: The southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section 19, town 12, range 14, east, assessed in the years 1MI, and IM)6, in the name of Annie O Kourke, all in Cass county and state of Nebraska. The time of redemption from each of said tax sales will ex pire on the 4th day of November. 1WT. 1'ettibone& Nixon. Notice to llrltlge Contractors. Sealed bids will be received at the office of the county commissioners until noon on the ISth day of August, 1U7, for the erection and com pletion ol one iron bridge 44 feet long. 16 foot roadway, needle beams, to be long enough to al low a four foot sidewalk. Stringers and flooring to be 3x12, solt pine. Bridge to lie built on iron tubeing. Biddeis must furnish plans and specifications, and a certified check for $liW must accompany each bid. The commissioners re serve the right to reject any Or all bids. Dated July ), 18OT. Attest: James Robertson, County Clerk. Dr. J. H. LIVER AND Has roven. in ttirKiMorls 0 to be the Peerless Remedy 1 .rJhnz w 1 WW j 7 IIS V For aale everywhere. Price, $1.00 per bottle. the dr. J. H. Mclean medicine CO., sr. Louis, mo. ..VAT UMV . . PERFECT HEALTH REGAINED. THE WONDER OF THE AGE. Grandest discovery. in the annals of modicine. Guaranteed to euro more diseases than any other medicine, treatment or system known to the medical profession. "No MAN made" remedy, but 'nature's' truo panacea. Vatuma is an antiseptic germicide, it positively destroys all "microbes" and germs of every kind, name and nature, it is healing and soothing to the mucuous membrane. It will per manently cure the majority of cases of Bronchitis, Catarrh, Dispepsia, al' Stomach troubles, all diseases of th. Bladder, Bowels Kidneys, Liver, Con stipation, Piles, Old Sores, Rectal Diseases, Ulcers, Eczema, Scrofula, Blood Poison.Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Diseased Discharges,Diseases peculiar to Women, Nervous and Physical Weakness, etc NO MATTER WHAT YOUR AIL MENT, or where you live, write us a full history of y ur trouble, and our consulting physician will advise you what to do in order to regain your health.. Consultation is FREE and sacredly confidential. Terms very low. For proofs enclose 2 cent stamp. Local agents wanted everywhere. No canvassing. "We advertise you in j'our home paper. Address with stamp. THE VATUMA COMPANY, I. O. Ilox, 1(13. Chicago, I1JL There Is Nothing: so tiood. There is nothing just a3 good as Dr. King's new discovery for consumption. coughs and colds, so demand it and do not permit the dealer to sell you some substitute. He will not claim there is anything better, but in order to make more profit he may claim some- tiling else to bo just as good. You want Dr. Kind's new discovery be cause you know it to be safe and re liable, and guaranteed to do good or money refunded. For coughs, colds, consumption and for all affections of throat, chest and lungs, there is noth ing so good as is Dr. King's new dis covery. Trial bottle free at F. G. Fricke's drug store Regular size 50 cents and $1. 3 The Liver Keeps People Well. When the Liver is sluggish all other organs are. involved. You suffer from Constipation, Billiousness, Jaundice, neadAche, IndigisVn, Pain in Back, Chills and Loss of Energy. You will never . know how promptly these troubles can be cured until you use Herbine. It cures quickly when other remedies utterly fail. Regulates the Livor, Purifies the Blood. Herbine is a Harmless Vegetible It -inody that gives new Hie ami energy almost from tho first d-e. Price 75. cents Free trial bottle at F, G. Fricke & Co. The Kaln. A wide stretch of 1 nd west of Mur ray, also between this city wd Louis ville was blessed with a soaking rain yesterday that will settle the coin question. Other portions of the county are said to have been visited, but noar this place only enough rmo fill to lay tho dust. ISucklen's Arnica Salve. " The best salve in the world for cuts, burns, 6ores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe ver sores, tetter, chappep hands, chil blains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Pyice 25 cents per box. For sale by b. u. r ricke. Cass Connty Dairy. R F. Do in has again taken charge of the Cass County Dairy und will be pleased to serve his old customers and also others desiring pure milK. He will also furnish cream and . butter milk when desired. Your patronage is solicited Choice Home-Made Bread. For nice, sweet, light, Graham, Rye, Boston Brown or Salt Rising Bread, also Cakes, Cookies, Doughnuts, etc., give us your orders and same will be delivered at your home or you will find a good supply at Hatt's market. Mrs. Mokning. Mr. C. L. Hasbrouck, a druggrist at Mendon, Mich., says all of the good testimonials tht have been published by the manufacturers of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy could be duplicated in that own. For sale by all drnggists. BRIGHT'S DISEASE Is the most dangerous of all Kidney Diseases. Pains in the I Swelling of the Limbs or Ab I domen are the first symptoms MCLEAN'S KIDHIEV BALM nf mvs' and for many vears. for this dreaded disease The Best Goods IF YOU WANT "'Ml 1! ..L,. J3. MecenberQ-er.. m m m M Lower Alain Street. iUji A Full Line of Dry III has just m Ml ttii 01.n 1.r1 1 ue Desi uooas THAT OLD FUR GARMENT I day you bought it; but you don't know it. As long as the hair is on tho skin it is GOOD. Moth eaten or worn spots can be taken out without even showing a seam. , The only question is what can be done with 'it. Its out of style and worn. Maybe it needs new lining, or should lie stylishly trimmed. The old coat would make a beautiful full sweep cape, and capes are just tho thing this season. There's that old fur gar ment you haven't worn for years, because it is all "fagged out." Why, that will make a beautiful collarette; just the thing for fall and spring wear. Then just look at that garment. It is entirely "gone up." The hair stands the wrong way on it and it is worn and matted. "Its no earthly use." Well, it does look bad, but by the process of glazing the fur is brought out and cleaned and then, when remodeled, it is like new. During July and August of this year, we will make a speci alty of ALTERATIONS and REPAIRS. Our system of measure ment i3 such we can fit you as well by mail as by personal measure ment. We make NEW FUR and FLUSH GARMENTS to YOUR ORDER. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Write to us. VltM nvue C rn 1018-20 walnut street, nil UinC C LUi, Kausa City, Missouri. IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF FURS. Unev MM ARE THE MOOT FATAL OF ALL DIS EASES. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE is ii guaranteed remedy for all KIDNEY and BLADDER Diseases. THIS GREAT REMEDY IS SOLD BV SMITH & PARMELE, Druggists ly, PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. STILL IN BUSINESS. BEST rigs for Weddings, Funerals or PJeasuro Fat ties, etc. Hack order attended to promptly. Terms reasonable. Gash preferred. Call iind gel rates. Telephone 76. . N. B. W. D. Jones auctioneer all kinds ol aoods and trm tttncV disposed of 0 a Spring.. Crockery.. X T A splendid lin iusl received; slso the 0 most complete anH .'-.'riant line of Plain J A and Decorated Ctiinaware ever brought to the city may be found at the store of GLfRK, I i 6 4 Fit st Door Blast of Court House. The Best in Groceries. $ o "THE NEWS" 15 Cents Per Week). at Correct Prices Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, The Choicest Groceries, Queensware, Glassware, Finest Grades of Canned Goods, CALL ON Goods and Notions m been put in. M m ac torrect rnces igioi worth almost us much today as tho jiseasesl I W. D. JONES... Cass County's Oldest : LJveryman, 618 MAIN STREET. Dr. Elster, 13entist, LTTj All the Latest opllances Known to Modern -enlstry. I C pecial attention iven to Fine I 1 t Gold Fillings and Flate Work. I 2?-Teeth Extracted Without Fain. DENTAL, PARLORS ARK LOCATED IN Waterman Block, Aihlephoros By direct, simple and iclentifle ac tion operates on the BLOOD, muscles and Joints taking the poison oat of the BLOOD and oat of the system ; thereby CUBING 3TEURALG1A and KINDRED dis eases. 1 per Bottle. All Druggists. . THK ATHLOPHOK03 CO.. NW HaT"i& v .7