Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, August 04, 1897, Image 4

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    1 1 Great July - Clearance
ale of CLOTH
i -
? .-
As a general thing July is the dullest month in the year, but we are going to change the program
this year. While our sales have been good this spring, our collections have been very bad. Money
has been hard to get hold of and the time has come when we must have it. Our stock is in good
shape, but we intend to "trade dollars," as it were, by giving you Clothing, during July, at cost, or
S below for
We cannot afford to sell Clothing at such prices and charge it on the book. Therefore, when
you come, come with the CASH. This sale not only includes our Childrens, Boys' and Men's
Clothing, but our entire line of Furnishing Goods.
Children's all wool suits at $1.50, $2 and $2.50; Boys' all wool suits at $3, $3.50, $4 and $5;
Men's all wool suits at $5, $6.50, $8 and $10. You can hardly appreciate these prices until you
have examined the goods. No cotton field material in these suits. The wool is from "woolen
sheep." -Remember, this sale lasts just one month.
Leafllnu ClotHier
I 5
MeSeml-Weeklu News-Herald
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
Snyder & Co. for bargains in jewelry.
Eat Mrs. Morning's 1 home-made
Snyder & Co. for bargains iD
watches. ,
Subscribe for THE NEWS 15 cents
per week.
Yes, it "rained," but not that you
could notice it.
All lovers of first-class cigars,sraoke
Wurl's "Gut Heil"
Dr. Elster, Waterman block, for
paicles9 dentistry.
Insure in the German American.
Fred Ebinger, Agent.
Frank Wooster was attending to
business in Omaha today.
August 12 and 13 Queen Esther at
the Presbyterian church.
Mrs. Ida Wagner, teacher of piano,
organ, and musical theory.
Lom Cooper departed via the M. P.
thf9 afternoon for his home at Pales
tine, Texas.
O. C. McMaken returned last eve
ning from a beief business visit at
Kansas City. '
Merchants' lunch every kiy from
9 to 11 o'clock at DonatV, in SLadle
mann block.
Mrs. J. Lightfoot, of Philadelphia,
is here spending the summer with her
niece, Mrs. Lloyd.
Judge Ramsey has reached Hay
Springs, Neb., on his way home, and
may return this week.
Lost A siik umbrella, initial en
graved on handle. Will finder ploase
leave at Lehnhoff Bros, store.
A. W. White is confined to the
houso again with stomach trouble. lie
is some better and hopes to be . out
tomorrow. - '
C. II. Morrill and A. II. Bushnell
will compete with Supt. Farley for the
honor of a nomination at the coming
republican connty cenvention.
Our wallpaper trade is good because
weare giving speciaJMbargains to make
room for our fall stcck. ITedbloom,
the druggist.
George Ilouseworth.wifo and daugh
ter, departed yesterday for a two
weeks' visit with relatives at Bur
lington, la.
Watch repairing neatly and
promptly done. South side Main
street, John Crabill, near Brigcrs'
barber shop.
Mrs. E. J. Ethridge of Greenwood,
who suffered a broken lower limb sev
eral weeks ago, is visiting her sister,
Mrs. McElwain, for a few days.
Miles Drake and the Louisville ball
team, with Manager Parraole came in
on the Schuyler this morning for the
big ball game this afternoon and to
morrow evening.
Burning, itching, skin diseases in
stantly relieved by De Witt's Witch
Hazel Salve, unequalled for cuts,
bruises, burns. It, heals without leav
ing a scar. F. G. FricKe & Co.
Vim, vigor and victorv;-thoso are
the characteristics of Do Witt's Little
Early Risers, the famous Utile pills
for constipation, biliousness and all
stomach and liver tioables. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Unconditional surrender is the
only terms those famous little pills
known as De Witt's Little Early
Risers will make with constipation,
sick headache and stomach troubles.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Don't nauseate your stomach with
teas and bitter - herbs, bnt regulate
your liver and sick headache by us
ing those famous little pills known
as De Witt's Little Early Risers.
! F. G. Fricke & Co.
Henry Snyder is moving into the
Boeck corner today which has been
specially fitted up for his convenience,
making it one of the finest jewelry
emporiums in the state. Southeast
corner Sixth and Main.
There's no belter flour made than
PeisePs "Plansifter," manufactured
in this city. Ask your grocer for it,
and thereby get the best and sup
port home industry at the same time,
which builds up the town.
The editor of The News had the
pleasure of meeting many old-lime
acquaintances at Weeping Water
yesterday, and the further pleasure of
adding several names to our growing
list of Semi-Weekly subscribers.
"They don't make much fuss about
it." We are speaking of Do WiitV
Little Early Risers, the famous little
pills for constipation, biliousness, and
all stomach and liver troubles. Thoj
never gripe. F. G. Fricke & Co.
"I crave but one minute,'' said the
publicnspoaker in a husky voice; and
then he took a dose of One Minute
Cough Cure, and proceeded with his
oratory. One Minute Cough Cure it
uncqualed for throat and lung trou
ble. F. G. Fricke & Co.
There is a time for everything; and
the time to attend to a cold is when- it
starts. Don't wait till you have con
sumption but prevent it by using One
Minute Cough Cure, tho great remedy
for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis
aiid all throat and lung troubles. F.
G. Fricke & Co.
It heals everything except a broken
heart, imay be Baid of Do Witt's Witch
Hazel Salve. Piles and rectal dis
eases, cuts, burns, bruises, tetter, ec
zema and all skin troubles may be
cured by it quickly" and permantly.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Mrs. March of Bridgewater, Nova
Scotia, arrived in this city this morn
ing with her sister, Mrs. Vo6burgh, of
Aon Arbor, Mich., on attendance at
the bedside of their mother, Mrs.
Mary Cook, who is dangerously ill.
Dr. W. B. Elster of this city is a son
of Mrs. Vosburgh.
Tho many friends of Mrs. John
Duke, jr., of Omaha, will be gaieved
to learn of her death at her home in
Omaha on Saturday last. Mrs. Duke
was a daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Kin
ser in this city, where she was raised.
The funeral took place in Omaha. She
leaves one child, a bright little girl.
Mrs. Alice McElroyof Fairfield, la.,
formerly Miss Pollock of this city.had
the misfortune to lose her infant son
last Friday, aged one year. Her sis
ter, Mrs. C. C. Parmele, on Saturday
morning hastened to her home. The
many friends of the family here ex
tend to Mr. and Mrs. McElroy their
sincere sympathy.
Tho Knights and Ladies of Security
will give a social at the residence of
It. F. Dear, at the poor farm, Friday
evening, Augusts. First conveyance
will start from Smith & Parmole's
drug store at 7 o'clock; others follow
soon after. Round trip 15 cents Ice
cream and cake 10 cents. The public
is cordially invited.
John Grittin, of Zancsville, O. , say.-:
"I never lived a diiy for thirty years
without suffering agony, until a box
or De Witt's Witch Hiizel Salve
cured my piles." For piles and rec
tal troubles, cuts, bruises, sprains,
eczema and all skin troubles, De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo is une
qualled. F. G. Fricko & Co.
The prize winner now is "Wurl
Bros." famous 5-cent cigar, which has
no equal on the market. It has
forged its way to the front against
keen competition and is now one of
the brst sellers in eastern Nebraska,
because it is made from the finost to
bacco, carefully selected. The '"Porto
Reco" is our best 10-cent cigar. Re
netubor Otto Wurl, Manufacturer.
There Is Nothing , jol.
There is nothing just as good a9 Dr.
King's new discovery for consumption,
coughs and colds, so demand it and do
not permit the dealer to sell you some
substitute. He will not claim there
is anything better, but in order to
make more profit he may claim some
thingelsoto bo just as good. You
want Dr. King's new discovery be
cause you know it to bo safe and re
liable, and guaranteed to do good or
money refunded. " For coughs, cold9,
consumption aDd for all affections of
throat, chest and lungs, there is noth
ing so good as is Dr. King's new dis
covery. Trial bottle free at F. G.
Fricke's drug store . Regular 6ize 50
cents and $1. , ' ' 3
Special Low Kates On the M. I '
For Indianapolis, September 9 to 1 1,
National Encampment Sons of Veter
ans. One fare for round trip; limit
for return September 17. -
Indianapolis, August IS to 23. for
Young People's Christian Union. One
fare for round trip; good to September
12 by deposit of tickets. - f '
I'opiilixtn Organize Itj Klectlng I. K.
Cronse As Chairman.
WEEriNO Water, Neb., Aug. 2.
(Special to The News, 4:30 p.m.) The
populists organized by electing J.
R. Crouse, chairman, and B. F. Al
len secretary. D. McCaig, J. W. Rea-
soner, R. J. Vass, Dan Foster, K
Reeco were appointed as a conference
committee to meet a like committee
from tho democraticconvention which
is in session at the grove, while the
populists are in the opera house.
John Ley da's convention, consisting
of seven men, are in session under a
store on Main street waiting for the
other conventions to name a ticket, so
they can endorse it The "demo's" or
ganized have elected H. D. Travis
chairman. Everything is confusion
and nothing can be figured out defi
nitely as to results, but it looks like
therewas war emraioent.
Try Grain Ul Try Grain-O! ,
Ask your grocer today to show you
a package of Grain-O, the new food
drink that lakes the place of coffee.
The children may drink it without in
jury as well as the adult. All who try
it, like it. Grain-O has that rich
seal brown of Mocha or Java, but it is
made from pure grain, and the most
delicate stomach receives it without
distress. I tho price of coffee. 15c.
and 125 cts. per package. Sold by all
The Nebraska Kp worth Assembly
Will be held at Lincoln park, Lin
coln, Aug. 3-10. Every Epworthian
should attend. The program is equal
to the best of tho 1897 Chautauqua
programs. Tents may be rented at
small expense. Good boating. Plenty
of shade. Grounds under police pro
tection day and night. One faro for
the round trip via the Burlington
An Insane Tramp.
An insane tramp wan taken from a
box car by the police this morning,
and an examination will take place
this afternoon. He will probably
have to be sent to the asylum. He
claims bis name is John Brennon. and
his homo is somewhere in Pennsy
vania. -
Try Allen's Foot-Ease.
A powdor to be shaken into the
shoos. At this season your feet feel
swollen and hot, and get tired easily.
If you have smarting feet or tight
shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools
the" feet and makes walking easy.
Cures and prevents swollen and sweat
ing feet, blisters and callous spots.
Relieves corns and bunions of all pain
and gives re.t and comfort. Try it to
day. Sold by all druggists and shoe
stores for 25 cents. Trial packages
FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le
Roy, N. Y.
nonces "ii i. mowing farts Wi ri iu.i
by a professor in ouo of our wcsIiti
univtritis: "Frr about ten ytjra i
have made specialty of examining and
repcriiug upon cases of real or suspected
poisoning. As a unmbcr of my i a.- i
have been ronuectrd with inrrtkr trials
I Ikivo bud considerable notice in the
d:iily pa i rs. This rrputaliou fr.r r.iak
iug analyses for pr.iscna has brought lr.e
a qui or c Lias of patrons.
"Evtiy car 1 have or more old
men futwl.i hip with samples f food to
Le- x:i!ii)i: tl lor joisoii The :e' i:ieu,
without ii ptiou. have mariiid ycnnn
wives, and Im ti the hucliun,! is taken
sick nti'1 doe-i not recover ; iickly a a
ho thiul.a l.e hhould he 1h pim to suspect
that his young wife Mains to prt ri.l of
him and is pcicouiiig him gradually
through the medium of his food O.
course he dots not wai.t his wife to
know of his sn.-pi inui, no he quietly
gets a sample of the food he susptcts,
aud at some unusual hour for work,
generally either early in the morning or
very late in the evening, he comes to
me and tells me very secretly that he
wishes to have an examination for poison
"Now the odd part is that though I
have made a number of such analyses I
have never found poison present in any
case Then the husband is very much
afraid that his wife will And out he fins
pec ted her, and ho gets out of iny labo
ratory in the quickest and quietest man
ner possible. So every year I expect to
see some elderly man coming apprehen
sively up my office stairs with a well
concealed sample of food about him to
be examined for poison. Every year he
comes, ever year I make my analysis
and find no poison, and every year the
old gentleman gets information that he
considers cheap at the price. " .Chicago
8trawberry Profits. '
A Kentucky strawberry grower re
ports a clear profit this season of $729.60
on seven acres of ground.
Dr. Talmage at Salem Chautauqua,
Dr. T. DeWitt Talmage will preach
and lecture at the Salem Chautauqua,
Sunday, August 8, and Monday, Aug
ust 9. Rev. Sam Small will be pres
ent during the entire assembly and
will deli ver two sermons and several
new lectures. The SI ay ton Jubilee
singers, who have been received with
unbounded favor wherever they ap
peared, wiil give daily concerts Aug-
9 and 15. Three evenings will be do
voted to the marvelous moving pic
tures. Senator Allen, Mrs. Helen M.
Gougar and a host of orators, lectur
era, musicians and mirth-makers will
help make the Chautauqua a success,
Half ratps via the Burlineton route
August 7 to 15. Burlington trains land
passengers withing three minutes
walk of the Chautauqua grounds,
which are the coolest and shadiest in
the state.
Choice Home-Marie Bread.
For nice, sweet, light. Graham, Rye,
Boston Brown or Salt Rising Bread,
also Cakes. Cookies. Doughnuts, evj,,
give us your orders and same will be
delivered at your home or you . will
find a good supply at Haifa market.
MB 3- MOBSlau.
worth almoMt its
much today as the
day you bought it; but you don't know it. As long as tho hair is on
the skin it is GOOD. Moth eaten or worn spots can be taken out
without even showing a seam.
The only question is what enn bo done with it. Its out of stylo
and worn. Maybe it needs now . lining, or should le stylinhly
trimmed. Tho old coat would make a beautiful full sweep enpo,
and capos are just the thing this season. There's that ilu fur gar
ment you haven't worn for years, because it is nil "fagged out."
Why, that will make a beautiful collarette; just the thing forfait
and spring wear. Then just look nt that garment. It is entirely
"gone up." The hair stands the wrong way on it and it Is worn
and matted. "Its no earthly use." Well, it does look bad, but by
the process of glazing the fur is brought out and cleaned anu then,
when remodeled, it is like new.
During July and August of this year, wo will make a sjK-ei-alty
of ALTERATIONS and REPAIRS. Our system of measure
ment i3 such we can fit you as well by mail as by personal measure
ment. Wo make NEW FUR and PLUSH GARMENTS to YOUR
lJl M nYKP 51 rn walnut ktiikht,
ITlfl LSI II Li LUi) KaiiHits Clly. AliHHourl.
) Sidney 1
nnnnofio uti
ii iv ems w wm v i I
t A is u guaranteed remedy for all KIDNEY and Y
L BLADDER Diseases. A j
i i SMITH 6c PARMELE, Druggists fj
Also White Lead, Linseed Oil, Brashes, Vor
tushes. Glass and Putty.
F. G. Fricke & Co., Druggists.
Can. Connty Dairy.
TL F. Dein has atrain taken charge
of the Cass County Dairy and will bo
nleased to serve his old customers and
alsoothers desiring pure mil. He, O
will also furnish cream and butter J lO V-fGPlLS
milk when desired. Your patronage
is solicited. ,.r tlflr
Subscribe for The Neivs. j -'rtJI WtJtJlS.