Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, July 31, 1897, Image 4

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    Great July Olearano
Bale of GLOTHIMG..
As a general thing July is the dullest month in the year, but we are going to change the program
this year. While our sales have been good this spring, our collections have been very bad. Money
has been hard to get hold of and the time has come when we must have it. Our stock is in good
shape, but we intend to "trade dollars," as it were, by giving you Clothing, during July, at cost, or
below for
We cannot afford to sell Clothing at such prices and charge it on the book. Therefore, when
you come, come with the CASH. This sale'not only includes our Childrens, Boys' and Men's
Clothing, but our entire line of Furnishing Goods.
Children's all wool suits at $1.50, $2 and $2.50; Boys' all wool suits at $3, $3.50, $4 and $5;
Men's all wool suits at $5, $6.50, $8 and $10. You can hardly appreciate these prices until you
have examined the goods. No cotton field material in these suits. The wool is from "woolen
sheep." Remember, this sale lasts just one month.
1 V IVJl LVJ. .L
IbeSeml-Weeklu News-Herald
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
Snyder & Co. for bargains in jewelry.
Eat Mrs. Morning's home-made
Snyder & Co. for bargains in
All lovers of first-class cigara.smoke
Wurl's "Gut Hell"'
Dr. Elster, Waterman block, for
painless dentistry.
Insure in the German American.
Fred Eblnger, Agent. i
August 12 and 13 Queen Esther at
the Presbyterian church.
Mrs. Ida Wagner, teacher of piano,
organ, and musical theory. '
H. C. McMaken departed this morn
ing for Kansas City on a business trip.
Prescriptions carefully filled at
Hedbloom's drug store. Go there.
If you want to buy or sell Plaits
mouth property, see T. H. Pollock.
Snyder & Co., jewelers and opticians.
Corner Sixth and Main streets after
August 1.
Merchants' lunch every day from
9 to 11 o'clock at Donat'8, in Stadel
mao block.
Wanted Good girl for general
housework. Small family. Mrs. T.
H. Pollock. t
The county commissioners are
checking up the boots of the county
judge today.
G. A. Rose, one of the substantial
citizens of Union, was in the city to
day and made The News a pleasant
Watch repairing neatly and
promptly done. South side Main
street, John Crabill, near Briggs'
barber shop.
Weather fair and slightly cooler in
Nebraska is what the weather bureau
says for today.
Miss Dora Fricke accompanied Mr.
and Mrs. Joe on their Hot
Springs, S. D., trip.
.The ladies of the Exchange will
serve ice cream and cake Saturday af
ternoon and evening, June 31, at their
rooms on Main street.
Will move to our new location
August 1. Can offer you some good
pre-removai bargains Snyder .& Co.,
jewelers and opticians.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Curtiss lost
their infant babe today, which .only
lived a few hours. The mother is re
ported as getting along nicely.
" The Mission Band will give a lawn
social at the home of Mrs. Thomas
' Wiles, wesff town.on Friday evening,
August 10. Ice cream . and cake 10
cento; -: -. .
-.-caw Iron bridge is put in to
replace the ancient wooden structure
across the creek near the foot of
Wintersteen hill, south.. of the B. &
M. freight depot.
James Robertson and family went to
Louisville yesterday to attend the
1 T-TT 1 J Tl 1 ,
luuerei ui iwiiuuoiu ruwrnuu, wuusa
death was a severe blow to his ,
mother he being an onl son. j
Burning, itching, skin diseases in-
stantly relieved by De Witt's Witch
Hazel Salve, unequalled for cuts,
bruises, burns. It heals without leav
ing a scar. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Mrs. John A. Donelan and daugter,
Margaret, will return home tomorrow
after a three week's visit with Mrs.
Donelan's parents in this city, where
Margaret will be greatly missed.
Vim, vigor and victory;-these are
the characteristics of De Witt's Little
Early Risers, the famous little pills
for constipation, biliousness and all
stomach and liver troubles. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Unconditional surrender is the
only terms those famous little pills
known as De Witt's Little Early
Risers will make with constipation,
sick headache and stomach troubles.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Don't nauseate your stomach with
teas and bitter herbs, bnt regulate
your liver and sick headache by us
ing those famous little pills known
as De Witt's Little Early Risers.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Daniel Lane of Council Bluff and
Miss Foote of Crescent City, Iowa,
were united in marriage today by
Judge Spurlock, the county commis
sioners acting as witnesses. The knot
ought to orove a substantial one.
There's no better flour made than
Feisel's "Plansifter," manufactured
in this city. Ask your grocer for it,
and thereby get the best and sup
port a home industry at tho same time,
which builds up the town.
"They don't make much fuss about
it." We are speaking of De Wilt's
Little Early Risers, the famous little
pills for constipation, biliousness, and
all stomach and liver troubles. They 1
never gripe. F. G. Fricke & Co.
"I crave but one minute,' said the
publioQspeaker in a husky voice; and
then he took a dose of One Minute
Cough Cure, and proceeded with his
oratory. One Minute Cough Cure is
unequaled for throat and ? lung trou
ble. F. G. Fricke & Co.-
The families of Drs. Marshall and
Shipman spent a very pleasant after
noon in the beautiful shady lawn oftbe
latter yesterday. Bountiful refresh
ments were served out doors and the
evening highly enjoyed at croquet
and social conversation..
John Griffin, of Zanesville, O., say:
"I never lived a day ,for thirty years
without suffering agony, until a box
of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salye
cured mv nilea." For nil pa and me
tal Roubles, cuts, bruises, n
eczema and all skin' Z". Oe J
Witt's Witch nazel Salve is une
qualled. F. G. Fricke & Co.
There is a time for everything; and
the time to attend to a cold is when it
starts. Don't wait till you have con
sumption but prevent it by using One
Minute Cough Cure, the great remedy
for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis
and all throat and lung troubles. F.
G. Fricke & Co.
It heals everything except a broken
heart, may be said of De Witt's Witch
Hazel Salve. Piles and rectal dis
eases, cuts, burns, bruises, tetter, ec
zema and all skin troubles may be
cured by it quickly and permantly.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
The prize winner now is "Wurl
Bros." famous 5-cent cigar, which has
no equal on the market. It has
forged its way to the front against
keen competition and is now one of
the best sellers in eastern Nebraska,
because it is made from the finest to
bacco, carefuliy selected. Tho ''Porto
Reco" is our best 10-cent cigar. Re
nember Otto Wurl, Manufacturer.-
The business and social meeting of
the Epworth League will be held Fri
day (this evening) at the neat
home of Mrs. A. P. Campbell in South
Park. All the young people are cor
dially invited to attend and bring any
friend who may wish to spend an en
joyable evening. At the close of tho
business meeting a nice progam will
be given.'For the con venienco of those
who are not acquainted with the place
of meeting, a delegation of young peo
ple will leave the Methodist chutch
promptly at 8 o'clock.
The rain last week was fully appre
ciated by our farmers and will almost
insure early corn.
Andy Graham is harvesting his
wheat. His crop iq excellent,probably
the best in this part of the count'.
A young man from Plattsmouth with
a good-sized jag on was making this
place hedious with his howls on Sun
day evening. It is a pity we have no
protection of the law here.
T. R, Birdsall continues to remain
very poorly. Mrs. Geo. Waiker, of
Greenwood, Neb., is attending his bed
side. Mr. Birdsall is so badly par
alyzed th'at he Isabel pleBS and' cannot
survive long.
Wm. Brown met with quite a pain
ful accident last week. He and Mr.
Fields were moving an old stable when
in some manner a scantling struck
him on theand, cutting an ugly gash.
At last accounts he was slowly im
proving. -
The house of W. H. Benscoter of
this place was buroed Wednesday
night. Mr. Benscoter was moving to
Whiting, la., and had just taken part
of his household goods with him.
What was left, consisting of a sewing
machine, bureau, a set of chairs and
other articles were consumed with the
house. The loss will be keenly felt by
Mr. ..Benscoter as be Is a poor man.
It is generally thought to be the work
of an incendiary as this is the third
fire that has been on the same-ground
in the past eight years.
Dr. Talmftge at Salem Chautauqua,
Dr. T. DeWitt Talmage will preach
and lecture at the Salem Chautauqua,
Sunday, August 8, and Monday. Aug
ust 9. Rev. Sam Small will be pres
ent during the entire assembly and
will deliver two sermons and several
new lectures. The Slayton Jubilee
singers, who have been received with
unbounded favor wherever they ap
peared, will give daily concerts. Aug
9 and 15. Three evenings will bo de
voted to the marvelous moving pic
tures. Senator Allen, Mrs. Helen M.
Gougar and a host of orators, lectur
ers, musicians and mirth-makers will
help make the Chautauqua a success.
Half rates via the Burlington route
August 7 to 15. Burlington trains land
passengers withing three minutes
walk of the Chautauqua grounds,
which are the coolest and shadiest in
the state.
Shot 111 Daughter's Escort.
A Hamburg, la., special says: J.
Marrow, a farmer living south of this
city, shot and instantly killed John
N, Good Monday evening. Young
Good had called to take Miss Marrow
to a social and just as he was getting
into the buggy, the girl's father
opened fire with the above result.
The murderer then shot . at his
daughter,but his aim was bad and she
escaped unhurt. Dr. Johnson was
summoned , und as he appeared.
Marrow shot at him without- effect.
He then took a dose of poison and is
not expected to live.
J. N. Good was a prominent and
respected citizen. J. M. Marrow, his
slayer, is an influential farmer, but
has. been considered flighty of late
and is supposed to have been insane
when he killed his daughter's escort.
Nebraska City News.
National Encampment Gt. A. R.
At the time of the National En
campment of the G. A. R. the Bur
lington route will sell round-trip
tickets to Buffalo, at less than the
regular one-way rate.
G. A. R. special train with through
sleepers for Buffalo leaves Omaha at
5 p. m. August 21. Berths reserved
and special advertising matter fur
nished on request. See nearest Bur
lington route agent or write J.
Francis, G. P. A., Omaha, Neb.
rut a Stop to rain.
Rheumatism, Neuralgia and other
painful afflictions are now as easily
cured as they were once hard to cure.
Science has learned what pain is and
Ballard's Snow Liniment is the result
Cures strains, cuts, bruises stiff joints
and contracted muscles. Penetrates to
the very bone and relieves almost
from the moment it touches. When a
liniment is needed, you owe it to your
self to get the beet. The dealer is
authorized to guarantee thia one.
Price 50 Cents. Sold by F. G. Fricke
Weekly Practice,
. The Plattsmouth Gun club holds a
weekly tournament every Thursday
evening on the river bottom near the
depot, when each member's skill is
tested by the saucer shaped objects of
clay, which are sent whirling into the
air by a trap, and the sportsmen
shoot them as they dart up and away
with a bird-like motion. Consider
able skill is required to hit them, but
some good scores are made at each
meeting. The following is the offi
cial score for last evening:
Patterson. 1 1 101 1 1 1 10 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 23
Pannele...l 10101110101100111010011015
Johns 101 00000 10 1010010 111 101 10 12
Searles.... 1001 101 1101 11 1010 1001 000 0-13
Mumm....l 10000000100010001000101 0 7
Hayes 100101001111001110001010 113
Donat.....O 1001 111 11 11 101 1101 11111120
Pollock... 1 11001 1111100011101001111 17
Querreau..U0101100100 00U00111000 0 11
Dearing. ..1 0111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 101 1 1 1 1 0 23
The Nebraska Kpworth Assembly
Will be held at Lincoln park, Lin
coln, Aug. 3-10. Every Epworthlan
should attend. The program is equal
to the best of the 1897 Chautauqua
programs. Tents may be rented at
small expense. Good boating. Plenty
of shade. Grounds under police pro
tection day and night. One fare for
the round trip via the Burlington
Ladle Can Wear Shoes
One size smaller after using Allen's
Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken into
the shoes. It makes tight or new
shoes feel easy; gives Instant relief to
corns and bunions. It's the greatest
comfort discovery of the age. Cures
and prevents swollen feet, blisters,
callous and sore spots. Allen's Foot-
Ease it a certain cure for sweating.
hot, aching feet. At all druggists
and bhoe stores, 25c. Trial package
FREE by mail. Address, Allen S.
Olmsted, Le. Roy, N. Y.
Try Uraln-O! Try Graln-O!
Ask your grocer today to show you
a package of Grain-O, the new food
drink that takes the place of coffee.
The children may drink it without in
jury as well as the adult. All who try
it,' like it. Graln-O has that rich
seal brown of Mocha or Java, but it is
made from pure grain, and the most
delicate stomach receives it without
distress, i the price of coffee. 15c
and 25 eta, per package. Sold by all
Choice Home-Made Bread.
For nice, sweet, light, Graham.Rye,
Boston Brown or Salt Rising Bread,
also Cakes, Cookies, Doughnuts, et?.,
give us your orders and same will be
delivered at your home or you will
find a good supply at JIatt's market.
Mrs. Mobnixo. v
Notice to Brtdg-. Contractors.
Sealed bids will be received at the office of the
county commissioners until noon on the .ldth
day of August, 17, tor the erection and com
pletion ot one iron bridge 41 feet long, 18 foot
roadway, needle beams, to be long enough to al
low a four foot sidewalk. Stringers and nooring
to be 3x12, soft pine. Bridge to be built on iron
tubeing. Bidders must furnish Plan nd
specifications, and a certified check for SICO must
accompany each bid. The commissioners re
serve the right to reject any or all bids.
Dated July 30, 188.
Attest: James Rosmtson, County Clerk.
Unroll "- a"i - " in--iii bii 1 1 i ii II
ft IT I" el j-i',,, - -MTl-
i Efidney Diseases j
Is a guaranteed remedy for all KIDNEY and
BLADDER Diseases.
SMITH & PARMP.l.P. rri,fTfr,f
, - .fs-w. j.
--r i i omuu I n. riEDHAoKA! ry
Also White Lead, Linseed Oil. Brushes, Var
nishes, Glass and Putty.
F. G. Fricke & Co., Druggists.
Cas. County liry.
R. F. Dean haa again taken charge
of the Cas County Dairy and - will be
pleased to serve his old customers and
also others desiring pure mil. He
will also furnish cream and butter
milk when desired. Your patronage
is solicited.
Subscribe for The News.
Per Week.
Clothier. I
worth almoHt a
much today as the
day you bought it; but you don't know it. As long as the hair is on
theekin it is GOOD. Moth eaten or worn spots can be taken out
without even showing a seam.
The only question is what can lie done with it. Its out of style
and worn. Maybe it needs new lining, or should bo stylishly
trimmed. The old coat would make a beautiful full sweep cape,
and cape9 are just the thing this season. There's that Did fur gar
ment you haven't worn for years, bocause it is all "fagged out."
Why, that will make a beautiful collarette; just the thing for fall
and spring wear. Then just look at that garment. It is entirely
"gone up." The hair stands the wrong way on it and it is worn
and matted. "Its no earthly uie." Well," it does look bad, but by
the process of glazing the fur is brought out and cleaned and then,
when remodeled. It is like new.
During July and August of this year, we will make a speci
alty of ALTERATIONS and REPAIRS. Our system of measure
ment ia such we can fit you as well by mail as by personal meanure
acent. We make NEW FUR and PLUSU GARMENTS to YOUR
VAN nYKP Ji m IOI8.M WALNt'T street,
fill LI I IlU liUf Kaum CUjr. MUnourl.