Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, June 30, 1897, Image 3

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Absolutely Pure.
A i ream (f tartar bakinu powder. Highest of
ali in leavening strength. Latest United States
t ;.vci iiuicnt l-'ood Report.
AlU-tiel ilio uaso ball nioetin"; in the
cDuiiril chanihep Tucsd.-ij evening nt
Kay Wnlermiin returned from a
WKeU's, visit with his parents at Crete.
He attended the graduating exercises
of Own college while there.
II. N. Dovey and Joo Klein, to
gether with somo Omaha parties,' are
planning for a biff fishing' excursion
the first of July at Tekamah,this state.
The rain of today just came in time
to make the raspberry crop one of the
largest that has been had in these
parts for a number of j-ears. The
blackberry crop will also be extra
1 ho only people who will have a
kick on the rain will be the farmers
who have fields of ryo ready to har
vest. There are several fields in the
neighborhood of l'lattsmouth that are
dead ripe.
As usu il the old settlers' reut.iou at
Uniou gives promiso of being a grand
success this year. The dates fixed are
August 11 and 12. The ollicera of the
association this year are: EL- W.
roster, president; C L,. Graves, secre
tnry; Dan I. inn, treasurer.
Mrs. Hasse, secretary of the Fra
ternal Union of America, will be at
Smith & l'armele's drug store Tues
day evening, June 9, 1S97,' from 7 to
y o'clock, to transact business for fraid
lodge. Call and piy duos and receive
your benefit certificateg.
Frnnk Van Horn, who has been in
the employ of the Hurlington'a store
department at Lincoln, was trans
ferred to this city this week, where he
will se vo in the capacity of
stenographer. Re takes Miss Nettie
Ilallance's place, she having resigned.
Curds are out announcing the forth
coming wedding of Harry P. Liong and
Miss Kulalie Patterson, both well'
known and highly respected teachers
of Smith Bend. The latter is a daugn
ter of S-tmucl Patterson of that place,
and a neice of lion. J. M. Patterson of
this city.
The mayor ordered that all male
prisoners incarcerated in the city jail
should work out their fines on the
streets, but the rain of today inter
fered with the cnirying out of this
order. IIowover,they will probably get
an opportunity to exercise their mus
cles Monday.
Will Short, the genial hardware
merchant of Douglas, Neb., accom
panied by his wife, came over yester-
d ly for a short visit with Mrs. Mary
Cook, who is very ill with heart
trouble. Mr. Will Short is a son of J
Mrs. Mary Cook, and is a successful
bu-siner-s mun.
The rain of last night and today was
quite peneral over the county, most
localities getting more than fell in
this city. Three-fourths of an Inch
of water fell at Hock Bluffs, while at
this place- the fall was 22.01 of an inch.
While this is not a very large amount
of water, it will ?o much good to veg
elatdon. The g(oii people of Hock Bluff and
vicinity are making arrangements to
eelehrate the Fourth of July in the
good, old fa-ditoned manner. Cood
speakers have been secured and also
ample :imusements for all. Saturday,
July is the day upon which the cele-
l: alien will be held. A large crowd
will doubtless be in attendance.
Mr. Frank Vermilyea was the pos-
dPor f a nicn little driving horse.
but. she saw another horse on the
streets today which caught her eye.
She finally traded her horse for it.
giving to boot. The horse traded
for w;is a ti'ie looking animal but was
not worth much. An attempt is being
made to recover the horse and $10.
A large number of young people
gathered together at the pleasant
home of Mrs. Iviura Petersen last
evening, to attend the business and
nothing lost
Scott's Emulsion makes cod-liver oil taking- next
tiling to a pleasure You hardly taste it. The stom
ach knows nothing- -about it it does not trouble 3-011
theie. You feel it first in the strength that it brings:
: i t showrs in the. color of the cheek, the rounding of the
angles, tha smoothing of the wrinkles. -
It is cod-liver oil digested for you, slipping as easily
into the blood and losing itself there as rain-drops lose
themselves in the ocean.
What a satisfactory thing this is to hide the odious
taste of cod-liver oil, evade the tax on the stomach,
take health by surprise.
There is no secret of what it is made of the fish-fat
taste is lost, but nothing is lost but the taste. .
Perhaps your druggist has a substitute for Scott's Emulsion. '
isu t tbe standard all others try to equal tbt best for you to buytjS
o cents and $i.0 All Draft-gista is'
Chemist - New York g-ji
social meeting of the Epwortb. Leag je.
Those present enjoyed , the evening in
games and social ' con vernation. A
neat program, in which several of the
members took part, was well received.
W. B. Wise took in the metropolis
D. K. Barr was a Lincoln passenger
this moriing.
J. E. Marshall and family visited
relatives nt South Omaha yesterday.
Win. Delesdernier, the Elmwood at
torney, was in town today on business.
Joseph Holy and Miss Pet Veter
snek took out a permit to wed today,
Mrs. Carl Rawls and children de
parted last week for a visit with rela
tives at Kenosha, Wis.
Hermle, the little daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Herman Spies, has been
ill with heart trouble, but is reported
Oakley Polk is the proudest boy in
town on account of a new hundred
dollar bicycle, a 'liambler", pre
sented by his father.
Theodore Wilcox of Lancaster
county, aged forty-six years, and Mrs.
Sarah Altman, aged thirty-nine, of
this county, were granted a permit to
Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Wilson's little
babe has suffered from whooping cough
for several weeks, and now seems to
have pneumonia, and is quite ser
iously ill.
Clarence Tefft, accompanied by
John Graham, Avoca's hardware mer
chant, was in town on legal business
today and made an agreeable call at
this office.
Hon. R. B. Windham journeyed to
Lincoln on business today, and glad
dened the hearts of some of the junior
members of the household by taking
them along.
Bert Clement, editor of the Elm-
wood Leader-Echo, a live paper in a
live town was in Plattsmouth today
on business and made Tiik News a
pleasant visit.
Mrs. Shiffer of Nodaway, la., and
Miss Lulu Kuhney, sisters of Johu and
Harry Kuhney, have been in the city
visiting the latter and their families
for a few days.
Mrs. Geo. Cook and two sons. Perry
and Frank, of Alvo, are visiting with
the former's mother, Mrs. Mary Cook,
who is quite ill. The boys returned
home this afternoon.
Mrs. Fliesbach, of Imperial, Chase
county .accompanied by her daughter,
returned home this morning after a
pleasant visit of a few days with Mrs.
Sonter in this city.
Ed Murphy, who left here little
over a week ago, writes one of his
friends,from Billings,Montana,that he
has securuda good position in a bank
there, and will remain in Billings.
G. Victor Lindon, while out fishing
yesterday, caught six or seven beauti
ful bass about a foot in length. As a
piscatorial artist, G. Victo.' has no
superior in this part of the country.
Misses Alice and Emma Eikenbary
depart Thursday for Nebraska City,
where they will have an outing of a
few days, and will attend the celebra
tion which will be held there on the
A wreck occurred, on the Wabash
Saturday at Missouri City caused by a
washout. Five postal clerks were
killed, a brakeman, a baggageman
and the conductor is thought to be
fatally injured.
The Misses Lily and Anna Tighe
came in Friday to attend St. John's
commencement exercises, and visit
with Miss Nellie Guthman and other
friends. They will returned to their
home near Manley Wednesday.
The Beatrice Chautauqua closed it's
moit successful season yesterday when
15,000 people passed through the
gates. Crete comes next and a splen
did program is given which ought to
draw a crowd fully equal to Beatrice.
D. McIIugh, the blacksmith, is still
at work in his shop on Pearl street and
has no intention of going away. Re
ports that he was going away are
false and all work entrusted to him
will receive prompt and careful at
The hot wave which we suffered a
few days ago has drifted southward,
and people in Georgia and Alabama
are punished with a degree of heat
almost unbearable, viz: 104 to 106 in
the shade and in a low, moist altitude
at that.
Special care is taken in the selec
tion of cnoice tobacco for the manu
facturerof Otto Wurls, "Gut Heil"
cigar, it is rapidly winning favor as
one of the'.finest 5 cent cigars on the
market. Don't try it, or you will
smoke no other.
P. S. Wheeler, a well-known old-
Tell Your
that you have
read that Santa
Claus Soap is
one of the
greatest labor
saving inven
tions of the
time. Tell
her that it
will save her
strength, save
her time, save
her clothes.
The merits of
appeal at once to every thoughtful woman. It's the best, purest, and
most economical soap to be procured. Sold everywhere. Made only by g
The N. K. Fairbanh Company, - chjcj
time resident of this city, died Satur
day morning after an illness of -two
years, at his nome in Stanton county,
Nebraska. The funeral and inter
ment will take place today at Wheel
er's Grove, Iowa.
Next Sunday, Rev. F. H. Campbell
of the M. E. church, will baptize sev
eral of the members who joined the
church last winter. The baptising
will take place on the river near the
depot and will no doubt draw an im
mense crowd of people.
The corner stone of the new Evan
gelical Lutheran ctaurcti was dedicated
yesterday with appropriate ceremon
ies. Rev. Freund, the pastor, officiat
ing. The new edifice will be a nice
improvement to the old Herald cor
ner at Fifth and Vine streets.
Alex Campbell, superintendent of
the western division of the B. & M.,
and one of the best railroad men in
the country, was in town today from
McCook shaking hands with old
friends. Mr. Campbell was road mas
ter on this division in the early days.
John nennings of Glendalo was in
town today wearing a face that looked
like he had run against the jagged
edge of a cyclone. He explained that
a horse had kicked him, but he was
better than he looked and could tackle
his weight in wild cats without any
fear of results.
Joe McCarty and young Sharp were
scuffling Sunday evening, when the
latter accidentally inflicted a severe
gash on McCarty's hand. McCarty
"pasted" his opponent a few for luck
about the head. No arrests were made,
but McCarty had to employ a physi
cian to sew up his wound.
When it came time to go to work on
the street this morning several of the
city prisoners claimed to be ruptured
and unable to work, so that only one
man was taken out. The rupture
racket ought not to go. A mau that
can fight and raise hades is perfectly
able to work on the streets.
Judge Ramsey went down to Ne
braska City this morning to hold a
three days session of court which will
close his work for the summer. He
thinks of making a trip to the Pacific
coast the last of this week with a
party of friends and spend the hot
weather with relatives In Portland,
W. B. Robert.?, the fruit grower,
after an Absence of several months at
Fitzgerald, the soldier colony in
Georgia. arrived home Saturday
night ( to remain until his small
fruits are all marketed. Ho ia still
infatuated with the Georgia climate,
and is very anxious to sell his prop
erty here and move with his family
tojthe southland.
To Whom It May Concern.
In reference to the article signed by
the county board of commissioners in
last evening's Nkvs,I wish to say that
Commissioner G. W. Young informed
me that Treasurer Eickhoff did take
out between $300 and $400 more than
his salary amounted to. This state
ment was made voluntarily and not in
response to any question from mo.
I hereby aver that tho above state
ment is true.
Samuel. Ricitardson.
Subscribed in my presence and
sworn to before me this 26th day of
June, 1897. James Robkktson,
County Clerk.
Dr. Marshall. Uracloate Lentint.
Dr. Marshall, fine gold Work.
Dr. Marshall, gold and porcelain
Dr. Marshall, crown and bridge work
Dr. Marshall, teeth without plates.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fillings.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plates.
Dr. Marshall, perfect fitting plates
Dr. Marshall, all work warranted.
All the latest anoliances lor first
class dentr.l work.
A Queer (?) Medicine.
There is a medicine whose proprie
tors do not claim to have discovered
some hitherto unknown ingredient,
or that it is a cure-all. This honest
medicine only claims to cure certain
diseases, and that its ingredients are
recognized by the most skilled physi
cians as being the best for Kidney and
Bladder Diseases. It is Foley's Kid
ney Cure. For sale at Smith & Par
mele. Kate to Milwaukee, WU.
For the annual meeting of the na
tional educational association the B.
& M. will sell round trip tickets July
3, 4 and 5 for one fare plus $2.30, final
limit for return July 10, 11, and 12
only. An extended limit may be had
by depositing tickets with joint ageut
at Milwaukee until August 31.
W. L. Pickett, Agent.
Subscribe for TnE News.
Wife $k I
He and Toole Made a Tipsy Waiter Re
pout Temporarily.
Sir Henry Irving tells an amusing
story of a joke that he, with Mr. Toole
and a third party, played some years
ago at a Glasgow hotel. After their
work they were supping at the hotel,
where", eays Sir Henry, "there was in
the room a high screen. Tho instant the
waiter was gone we commenced opera
tions. We stripped the silverwn: 3, of
which there was a tolerable 6npply,
from the table and placed it behind tho
screen. We then opened the window
and turned out the gas, and finally all
got under tho table. Wo had only to re
main iu onr cramped position a few
minutes before we heard the unsteady
feet of onr friend, the waiter, along the
"The darkened room amazed him and
the cold air from the window seemed
to strike him with affright.
"'Goodness!' exclaimed he, 'it's
thieves they are. A thocht as much frae
tho luiks o' them, and frae their gay
talk and their lauchter. Eh, but I'm
a rained man. A wish a' had nae taen
tho baleo' that last bottle. Hear! Hear!
Thieves! Thieves! Murder! Thieves!
Thieves !' and shouting at the top of his
voice he ran out of the room and along
the passage.
"The minnte he had gone we shut
the door, lit tho gas, restored the silver
to the table and sat round as before,
enjoying a quiet cigar. Presently there
was a confused murmur alorg tho pas
sage. It grew louder and louder, and
in poured a truly motley throng, most
ly half dressed, consisting of the man
ager, two men in bare legs and slip
pers, and a lady with a blanket, in the
alarm of fear caught up, followed by
our agonized friend, the waiter. One
man was armed with a poker and the
other carried a bronze statuette ready
to hurl at the thief. As they entered vp
all eat back and looked at them in well
feigned amazement,- and Toole said
to the astonished and btwilrfercd man
ager, 'Do you always come in this way
with your friends when a gentleman
asks for his bill?' " London Telegraph.
A Factory Where the Mont Dt-adly Prue
Are i'rt-pared.
In London is a strange establishment,
behind a wilderness of warehouses and
tumbledown tenements, iu a remote
suburb. Its massive gates are locked and
Valously guarded. A visitor must not
only be careful where he steps and re
frain from touching, ho must also
breathe with great caution. One of the
terri bio poisons manufactured herein
pure anhydrous acid, a drug seldom
seen outside a chemical laboratory. Uns
is the deadliest of all known poisons.
The discoverer was stricken dead from
inhaling its fumes. From 3 to 5 per
cent of this chemical added to 05 or 97
parts of water makes prussic acid. This
diluted poison causes instant death,
even when taken in minute quantities.
Next to anhydrous acid, tho worst
poison they make is cyanide of potas
sium. Last year they turned out over
1,000 tons of it. Five grains being a
fatal dose, the annual output would be
sufficient to kill 2,500,000 people. In
the workroom, where men are gathered
around a witch's caldron containing
over a hundred weight of molten cya
nide, a strange picture is presented
The secthinp mass of white hot liquid
poison, with the lambent play cf the
furnace fires, the phantom faces of the
woikmtn, enveloped in an uncanny
looking glass mask, peering into the
heart cf the dreadful mixture through
the thick atmosi-'Leic, are a ttnible
eight. In another rooni, where are tons
of the picdnct, lc.ckii:g like
crystalizcd sugar, "get d enough to
eat," one mini is never allowed alone.
For some inexplicable leascn it exer
cises a strange lat-tinalicu for the men
who inhale its fumes. They are haunt
ed by a desire to eat it. But. knowing
that satisfying the craving iw ans in
stant death, most, but not all, arc able
to resist it. Aside from this fascination
its manufacture is not considered un
healthy. The Fame cannot be said of
corrosive sublimate. Its fumes are dead
ly Chicago Inter Ocean.
Both Ways.
"You are a producer of perrolenm, I
"I would like to ask you a question or
"I have noticed that when oil sells
high there is a great deal of activltv iu
well drilling. Why is that?"
' 'That question is easily answered.
We want to take - all the advantage we
can of high prices. That is natural
enough, isn't it?"
"No doubt it is, but when the price
of oil is low again prospectors are busy
putting down wells. How do you ex
plain that?" -
"The explanation of that question is
quite as simple as the other. When pe
troleum sells at a low price, we have
to produce more to obtain the same re
turn in dollars." -Pittsburg Chronicle.
Small Balm For Wounded Affections.
JlAXKATO, Minn., Dec. 24. TheStein
Salbaugh breach of promise suit has
nded, the jury bringing in a verdict oJt
1 and casta in favor of the plaintLS.
Death of Their Little One.
"Clinton C. Manchester, only child
of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Manchester,
died at the homo of his grandparents,
1036 North Twenty -eighth street, yes
terday. The funeral will be from the
residence, 103G North Twenty-eighth
street, at 4 p. m today." Lincoln
Tho little fellow so recently released
from his sufferings, was tho son of the
B. & M. yardmaster here, and was
three years and eight months old.
He suffered for months from a cancer
ous growth of tho eyo which wns in
describably painful. Tho patient lit
tle hero has gone to the either world.
His acute sufferings were borne with
a fortiludo that many grown people
would not have shown. Tho sympathy
of many friends is extended to the be
reaved parents.
Only $22.50 to Sun Frn mco
Juno 29 to July 3, on recount of
National Convention of Christian En
deavors. Special trains. Through
tourist and palaco sleepers. Stop
overs allowed at and west of Denver.
Return via Portland, Yellowstone
Park and Black Hills if desired.
Endoavorers and their friends who
take the Burlington route aro guaran
teed a quick, cool comfortable journey.
fine scenery (by daylight) and first-
class equipment.
Berths reserved and desoripUvo
literature furnished on request: Seo
nearest B. & M. R. H. ticket Pgent or
write to J. Francis, G. P. A Bur
lington Route, Omaha, Neb.
Less than half rates to San Fran
cisco, June 20 to July 3, via Burling
ton route. See nearest B. & M. ticket
Special Kates on the Hurling ton
For tho Fourth of July. Tickets
will be sold tho 3d, 4th, and oth, linal
limit te return tho Gth, one faro for
the round trip within a distance of
200 miles.
Y. P. S. C. E., San Francisco. Cal.,
from 7th to 12th, tickets on snlo com
mencing June 29th, at $22.50 ono way.
same rato returning.
Annual meeting. National Educa
tional Association, Milwaukee. Wis.,
tickets will bo sold July 3d, 4th, and
5th, one fare for the round trip plus
$2, final limit for return July 12th.
Trans-j-Mississippi, Silt Lake, Utrh,
tickets will be sold July 9th, 10th,
ono faro for Ihe round trip.
Utah Pioneer Jublie3 to bo held 17,
and IS, one fare for tho round trip,
with final limit for return 30 days
from date of sale.
Hot Springs, S. D., tii kct will le
sold June 25th, one fare for too round
trip, for further information .'.pj'ly at
ticket ollice.
W. L. Pickett, Agent.
Cheap'-Katea to LhikIoii, Mo.
For the fishing season the B. & M.
will soli round-trip tickets to Lang-
don, Mo., at $2.80 every Saturday and
Sunday, good to return Monday, and
for party of five or more on solid
ticket limit to return three days from
date of sale. W. L. Pickett, Agent.
Cass Comity lairy.
R. F. Dein has again tjiken charge
of the Cass County Dairy and will bo
pleased to serve his old customers and
also otiiers desiring puro milK. lie
will also furnish cream acul butter
milk when desired. Your p:itroni'trt
is solicited.
Have You Had the 4irip?
If you have, you probably need are
liable medicine like Foley's Honey
aud Tar to heal your lungs and stop
the racking cough incidentally to this
disease. For sale at Smith & Par
mole. Special Fourth of July Kte.
Tho M. 1. will sell ticket- to all
points within 200 miles, on July.". 4
and 5, limited to and including July 0
for return, at one fare for round trip.
Compfsxicn Preserved
ula wthm Msmi
RtmovosPrfc!t.i. P2n!e. ) -.T
Liver- iuos, i'.ic'.I.-r J, . v V
Siirbur.i eo.l ict?, nu'l n
6tor3 t::c skin to il3 origi
nal ircMine&i, producing 7ry-V'i. ' : '
rlesr acl he;ilt'ny com ti-tyv ''"T''!'-p-loxion.
Superior to all facti ; -preparations
and potfeotly hnrmlp At sll
druggists.or mailed for 5 Octs. beud ior circular.
VIOLA SKiM SOAP I, lroply liw.mpmM .
kin Hirirvin Soap, woequulefl for the ttfil.-l. ;;it ilhit s
ftral fr th nurnrr. Absotntrlr pur And d- iicau-lj mcdl
erted. Atlruitgit. Price 2 5 Cflnti.
The Q. C. BITTNER CO., Toledo, O.
,vtS5,MAN OUT CF ME,V9 )
In thirty d iys by a new perfected setontilie
method that can not fail utile- a the case is
bevonfl human aid. You feel improved tho
first dav: feel a tenelit every tay: soon
' know yourself a kin mnonsr men In body.
nrlnd and tioiirt. Drains una loss-s enaeii.
every obstacle to happy married Win re
moved, Norve force, will, energy, bruin
power, when faiiins are restored. If nn
flecie I such truulles result fat.iiiy.
Modie:tl advice free. M:ii o-i everwhere.
sealed for ft. Six boxes for t. JACKSu.N
MEIHUAL CO., Chioauo. HI., or oura.ent
L. suy l-sr.
will do if use1 aa a wash accord inn to ui
rcctior.s; prevent transmission of tdooa
disease", skin diseases, acute and chronic
ulcers, stricture, tissuro of the handii a i
feet, Kczenia. Tetter, bait liheuriiatlsiru I n
tlamatlonof the ltladti er. Diseases of the
bones, joints and muscles. Syphiietic In
sanity. Scurvy, Scrofula in ninny forms.
The above and a hundred other form of
disease are traceable directly or in ilrect iy
to riyphilllic Klooa Poison for whfch the
lr. Jae kson's Enslish Saety Tablets is a
sure pre venttve. and is nsafe Uertn Killer,
rendering enntir Ion hardly possible, hence
Its value. If neglected such troubles resul
fatally. Mailed anywhere, sealed fl: six
boxes fortv Medical advice free. JACK
SON MEDICAL CO., Chicago, 111., or our
agent, L U Bnyeer.
"1 W
'5I-! DAY
Notice to Creditors.
Statu of Nebraska, )
Cas County. J
In the mailer of the estate cf Andrew
Rhode, deoe;t-ed.
Notice is herijy ivo.a that the claims und
demands of all persons uainst Andrew
Khode, deceased, lute of said county and
state; wiil be received, examined and ad
justed by the cuunty court at the court
house t l'iattstiinuth, on the 2tau any of
November. A. I). Isw. at 2 o'elooK' in tho
afternoon. And that six months from uud
after the :Sth day of M;iy, A. 1. is tho
time llmiU-d for creditors of said accessed
to present their cl ilm9 for examination and
CJiven under my hand and sea! this T.tii
d::y of M:iv. A. I). 1M 7.
j .. ... t c .-
County ju-ijje.
Notice to ('retlitors.
State of Ni-kraska, ( us ,
County of Cass. J I
In the matter of the estate of.Johu F. C. Hen-'
ninis, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the claims and de
mands of all persons against John F. C.Henukig?,
deceased, !ate id said county and state, will !e
received, examined and adjusted by the county
court at the court house m Flattsrunuth. on the
L".ith day of November, A. I. 1V7, at 10 o'clock in
the foieuoon. And that six months fiom and
Jitter the Jfth day of May. A. I). l"Vi, is the time
limited for creditors of paid deceased to present
tiieir claims for examination and allowance.
Given under my hand and seal this ith day of
May. A. I). li'7.
leal Gf.okok M. ?P( Rl.orK.
County Judjje.
Piobaie Notice.
In county Ci'.rt. Cass county. Nebraska. In
the matter i.t tne ejtate of Ann Lewis, deceased.
Amanda h Mowier. Willa M. Weidon, Alice
Schooley, nliamS. Lewis, Fanny K. Miel'edy.
Howard Lc is, Anna M. Maston, Sadie Lewis.
Samuel Lewis and all other persons interested in
said matter are hereby notined that on the 11th
day of May A. D. i-'.r. V. K. Ualdwin tiled a pe
tition in said county court, praying that his Smal
administration account hied herein be settled and
a lowed, and that he be discharged from his trust
as Administrator, and that if you tail to appear
before said court on the 1st. day of July A. I).
I'.i7, at Id o'clock a. m.. and contest said petition,
the court mav grant the prayer of said petition,
and make such other and further orders, allow
ances and decrees as to Jhis court may scent
proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to
said estate may be finally settled and de
termined. Vitnes-i my hand and the seal of said
court at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this, the i&tli day
oi May, A. D 1M7.
C-'eal) George M. SrcKLOCK.
County Judj;e.
Notice Of Sale.
In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska.
In the matter of the guardianship of .-d"iph
Kosciibauni, insane.
Notice is heiebv given that in pursuance cf an
order of Uasd S li.iinsey. judge ol liie district
court of Cass county. Nebraska, made on the
'J."ith day oi May, A. 1 ). 1'.i", for the sale ol the
real estate hereinafter described, there wiil be
sold at ihe south door ol the court house in
1'lattsmouth, Cass county. Nebraska, on tile :ird
day ol July. A. 1). lJ', at 2 o'clock p. m. at pub
lic vendue to the highest bidder ior cah the fol
lowing described real estate, to-wit: 'Ihe east
half ol lot one, iu block thirty-three, and iots one,
t ao and three, in block thirty, all in the city ol
Flatisiuouth. Cass county, Nebraska, aid sale
to remain open one hour.
Dated this 1st day of June. A. D. ls'J".
J. W. Johnson. Guardian.
Byron Clark and C. A. Rawls, Attorneys.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of a fee bill issued by George F.
Houseworth.clerk of the district court.witluu and
for Cass county. Nebraska. uid to me directed, 1
will ou the 10 day of July A. I).,1M7. at 11 o'clock
a. m. of said day at the south door oi the court
house in the city of Liattsmouth, in said county,
sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for
cash, the following lands and tenements to-wit:
Lots in block ti!. and lot J in block 5S, in tiie
city of Llattsniouth. Cass county, Nebraska, to
gether with the privileges and appurtenances
thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining.
The same being levied upon and taken as the
property oi rVrsis S. Wuldron to satisfy a said
lee bill in the case of I'ersis S. Waldron vs. Wil
liam L. Browne, et al.
l'lattsmoutli, .Nebraska. Jure 8, I.c07.
Sheriff, Cass County, Nebraska.
fSherilTs hale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by George
F. Ilouseworlh, clerk of the district court, within
and for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me di
rected. I will on iheiodiyof July. A. L l-'.'7,
at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the south door
of the court house in the city of Llatt-mouth, in
said county, sell at public auction, to the highest
bidder for "cash, the following lauds a:ul tene
ments to-wit: Lots seven and eight iu block nine,
in Voting and Hayes' addition to the city oi
I'lattsntouth, l'as county, Nebraska, together
with the privileges and ar-purtenances theieunto
belonging or in anywise appertaining, ihe
same being levied upon and taken as the prop
erty of i'cu-r I Bates and Susan K. Hates, de
fendants, to satisfy a judgment of said coi'it re
covered by Jam -s M. i'atteison, administrator of
the estate ni Anib.osc I'attersou, deceased, p'ain
t'.H. against said defendants.
I'laltsmouth, Nebiaska, June A- P., l-'.T.
IIAKVFV I lot l.mV A .
Sheritf, Cass county. Nebraska.
. Legal Novice.
In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska
The f irst National Iiank of Greenwood, a cor
poration i ruani.ed und:r the law3 cd the L'nitcd
Stat.--, and transacting business in said county,
p i a i : t i r I vs Lhomas Keece and i'hiiiip L Keece,
To l'hiihp L Keece, non-resident defendant.
You are hereby notined that tiie I irst National
bank of Greenwood. Nebraska, a corporation or
ganized under the laws of the L'tuted states,
pi ir.tnt, has tiled a petition in the distnet court
of Cass couutv, Nebraska, on tiie J 1th
dav ol lime lsy7, against Thomas Keece.
and i'hiiiip L. Keece. tiie object
aud prayer ot which is to set aside a conveyance
aud have the same decreed to be null and void
3ml of none ellect.which said conveyance was ex
ecuted by Thomas Keece to I'hiiiip L Keece on
the liifh 'lay of August. ts.ii. aud was recorded in
the ohice ol the register of deeds of Cass county.
Nebraska, on the SM day ol J-eptember, 1 -:., pur
porting to convey to said I'hiiiip L Keece the v est
had cd tiie northwest quarter of section twenty
six (u't-) and the ast halt of the northeast quarter
of section twenty-seven (-7), all in township
number twelve, range nine, east id the tith p. m..
in Ca.-s county, Nebraska, and praying further
that said property be decreed to be the property
ot Thomas Keece and that the same may lie sold
un.ier executions and the proceeds applied to the
pavment of piaintilt's judgments.
ou are required to answer said petition on or
beioie the th day of July, 1J-.-7, or the alle
gations therein will be take i as true against you,
1'hh First National Bank of (intesnwii.
By G s l oik. its Attorney.
Ltatcd this lt-th day of June, ls!'7.
Prcbats Notice.
Iu county court of Cass county, Nebraska. In
the matter of the estate of Susannah Thomas,
deceased. Samuel L. I honias. James VV. Thomas.
Slary A. Todd, Cyndrilla Carter, Thomas J.
1 nomas, George V. Thomas and ali persons in
terested in saidinatter, !ire hereby notified that
on the '.th day of June ls.!'7. S. L. Thomas tiled
in said court, a petition, alleging amoug other
things, that Susannah Thomas died on the tit li
dav of June ISfT. leaving a last will aud testament
and possessed of real and personal estate of the
estimated value cf $J,:.JtM and that the above
named constitute, all the persons interested in
the cs. ate of said deceased aud praving for the
probate of said will and for admiidstiat; on of
s;.:d esta'e- You are hereby notiited that if you
f.iil to appear at said court on the Sth day ol Juiy,
A. P. at ! o'clock a m., to contest the pro-
b .le ot said vv ill. tiie Court may allow and probate
said will, an J gr,mt udininisiratiun of said estate
loSaiuuei L. 1 homas or some other suitable per
son aud proceed to a s t;!eui:;it o' said estate.
Witness- my hand and the seal oi said court at
riattsi-.ionih. Nebraska, this, the Ptli day of
June, A i. IsV.7.
Geor;e M. Sri Rt.orx.
LSeull County Judge.
Probate Notice.
In county court, Cass county.
the matter of the estate of Benjamin G
ka: Li
deceased. Aimy G.. lane Joseph G.. Nichoi is
A . V iiham V., ami J u i in. J B iggs; Vv'i liam I'.,
George A., Jamds A., WinlicklS , Ambrose K.,
Charles A.-, William H . Lvman II.. An- s a.
Lamest P.. Inez G . Itoiiic. I',.. a:j.l Paj' il.
Kditoi:. Annie F.. Stone, Annie 1. White, I .m y
I. Booth. Harriet L. S.uaders, Sarah J. liakti,
Katie J. Kilton, guardian, unknown l.eirs of
M rs. V ilbam i . frrigjjs, unknown heirs of Hen
jamin G. Brigs , dece i red. and all other persons
imereMeo : on arc here'iy notified liiat'lohi il
lleckt r. June J.l. is-.'7, ri e l heieiii. his lin.-.l r.c
coi'tit and petition ;,!! gi ig. ainong other th'
that there is a cash residue in said ot fj.-U-Si
that the above named cbdin to be i.eiis i
said d -ceased r.nd asking tl. at h: ; s.i: 1 !n.d ::c
toaiit be allowed; that be be atiov.ed Coii.msss
i.)::. i.tiome' s fees and eipei...-e and foi extra
ordinary services not required by an adminis
trator in the cuimnoA course of lit .-duty, m tne
sum of that the re-:d".e be .-) igui d to
persons entitled thereto and that the Adminis
trator be -discharged. Take notice that it von
fail to appear before said Court on tiu; loth di.y
of July A. P.. 1-07, nt '.i o'c ock a. m.. and con
test said petition the Court may Errant the praver
of said petition and make such farther orders,
allowance and decrees as to the Coim rnavseer.i
proper, to the end. that all matters pertaining to
said estate may be finally settled aud determined.
Witness my hand and the seal o f a-d Court at
I'lattsm.-iath, Nebraska, this, the v."2d diy of June,
A p., is.r.
fSeai George M S.-rrtLoCt:.
1 . County Judge.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by George
r. Houseworth. clerk of the district court within
I and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected. I will on the 24th day of July, A. l.
iv., at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day at th couth
door of the court house in the city of 1'latu
nviutli. in ;aid county soil at public auction, to
the highest bidder for cash, the following real
estate, to-wit:
Commencing fifty -two an4 one-half feet east of
the south-east corner of lot number twenty-six
Ciii in section eighteen U) in township twelve
(I.) uoith. of range fourteen iH) in Cass county,
Nebraska, running thence nor h one hundred
and thirty-rive feet; thence east titty-two and on
haif leet; thence south one hundred and thirty
hve feet; thence west fifty-two and one-half feet to
the place of begimng all iu Cass county. Neb
raska, together with the privileges and appurt
enances thereunto belonging or in anywise
appertaining, i he same being levied upon and
taken a the property of Mary A. Miller and
Ilarrv I.. Miller defendants to satisfy a judgment
of said court recovered by Charles 0. r'arinele as
receiver ol the Citizens Bank, of 1'lattsmouth,
Nebraska, plaintiit against said defendants,
riaitsmoath, Nebraska.June S3. A. 1)., M7,
, Harvey Uolloway,
Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska.
Probate Notice.
In county court. Cass county, Nebraska. In
the mutter of the estate of Joseph Flunsburg. de
ceased. Martin Mansburg, Abbie Adell Dudl y,
I rani is lsoba Smith, s-allie Keziah l'crry and
a!l other persons interested in said irraiter are
hereby notined that on the I'Jth day of June, A.
P. li7. Martin Flansburg. Abbie A. Dudley and
Sa'be l'crry tiled a petition in said court allegiug
among other things that losenh Flansburg died
on the i'Uh day oi June 197. leaving no last will
and testament and possessed of real and personal
estate of the estimated value id .V"-1' and that
the above named constitute all persons interested
in the estate ol said deceased and praying for ad
ministration thereof. You are hereby notified
that if vou fait to appear at said court on the 16th
dav of July, A. 1. 1SV7. at it o'clock p. m. and
contest said petition, the court will appoint
Joseph W. Johnson, administrator, aud proceed
to a settlement of said estate. Witness my hand
and tiie seal of said court at 1'lattsmouth, Ne
biaska, this -.'1st day of June. A. P.. 1W7.
v- GliOKliE M. Sel'RLOCK.
fSeali County Judge.
Legal Notice.
In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska.
I.ydia C. Meriing, l'laii.t.ii,
vs. j
Thomas Keece, 1'hilip L.
Keece, the rirst National
bank ol Greenwood, Neb ,
the National bank ol Ash
land, Neb , W. K. l'eake,
first name unkovvn, and
Allen T. Cowan, Pefend- i
"ants. j
The defendants V. K. l'eake first name un
knowu and 1'hilip L. Keece will take notice, that
on the IS'th day of June, lSi", Lydia CJ. Sterling
the plaintiit, tiled her petition in the the Dis
trict Court of Cass County, Nebraska, against
Thomas Keece, 1'hilip L. Keece, the First Na
tional Bank of Greenwood, Nebraska, Ihe Na
tional liank of Ashland. Nebraska. W. K. l'eake.
rust name unknown, and Allen T. Cowan, tho
object and prayer of which are to foreclose a cer
tain mortgage executed by the defendant Thom
as Keece toKarnest A. Wiggenhorn and assigned
to this piaiutift upon the west hail of the north
west quarter of section twenty-six -(5) aud the
east half of the north-east quarter of section
twenty-seven (i7), township twelve, range nine
east of the sixth V. M., Cass county, Nebraska,
to secure the payment of one promissory note of
il.7UU.0-J dated June th, 1S4. ami due aud pay
able in two years from date that default has been
made in the payment thereof; and there is now
due upon said note and mortgage the sum of
$1.7(K) and interest at the rate of 10 per cent from
the 1th day of July, ls'.tri, and plaintiff prays for a
decree of foreclosure and sale of said premises to
satisfy said mortgage, and that the claims of all
other defendants be decreed to be junior and in
ferior to that of plaintiff.
You are required to answer said petition on or
belore the -d day of August, lkt7.
Dated Juuead, 1M.'7.
Lvoia O. Sterling, by
C. S. Folk, her attorney.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an execution Issued by George
F. Houseworth. clerk of the district court within
and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di--rected.
I will ou the 31st day ot July. A. 1.
Js'.ir, at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south
door of the court house in 1'lattsmouth, iu said
county, sell at public auction, to the highest bid
der for ca-h. the following real estate to-wit:
Lots 11 and It! (except that part deeded to Om
aha Southern Kaihvay company) and lots 18 and
20. all in Orchard Hill the city of
1' noutli. and the south half of lot 21 in the
noit'i- vest quarter of the south-east quarter of
se t; n 1'. towndiip 1'J. range 14, all in Cass
county. Nebraska, together with the privileges
and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in
anywise appertaining. The same being levied
upon and taken as the property of V illiam
Neville. Petendant. to satisfy a judgment of said
court recovered by the Hamburger company,
plaintiffs, against Michael McGuire and William
:,oi iiie. defendants,
idattsmoutn, Nebraska, June 25, A. D. 107.
Harvey Holtoway.
Sheritf. Cass county, Nebraska.
Anrone oendlng a nketeh and description may
quirlrlv uncertain, free, whether an invention la
i.robahlv patentable. Communications strictly
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