THE SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS-HERALD, PLATTSMOUTH, NEB., JUNE 30, 1897. Th6 Semi-WeeKlu News-Herald PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS ' ... BY THI ... NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY, U. D. POLK, SDITOR. PAILT KDITION. One Year, in advance 5 00 Six Months 2 ( tne Week, . . Single Copies BIMI-WKKKLT KDITION. One Year, in advance, . . . . . il 00 Six Months, 50 THE LARGEST CIRCULATION Of any Cass County Paper. Thb production of silver in the United States last year was $76,069, 236, and of gold $53,088,000. SOMK af the democratic papers say the proposed annexation of Hawaii is a job in sugar. Last year they said nothing could save the country but silver, and now they say that sugar will be its ruination. The rest of the metals and groceries should be given a chance. Globe Democrate. The unanimous endorsement of Hanna, and the unimous vote which nominated Bashnell for governor of Ohio, Wednesday, spoiled all the nice plans of the democratic Buckeye polij ticians who have been gleefully tell ing about the great republican row that was going to break out in Ohio at the slate covention. "In and about Chicago business has takon a decided turn for the bet ter," says Chief Justice Fuller. Prom his own personal knowledge, he ads, "business in general mercantile lines, which has suffered much in late years. has picked up wonderfully, and we can truly say that an era of prosperity is at hand." This is the view ex pressed by intelligent, unbiased per sons everywhere. Mb. Bryan is sorry now that b made that allusion in his Columbus,0 speech on Sept. 1 of last year to the fact that Senator Sherman had as sorted in 1890 that $42,000,000 of new money Is necessary every year to keep pace with the growth of population and industry of the United States.Th fact that the mints of the Uuited States are going to add $100,000,000 to th currency of the United States in the fiscal year just ending, and that they added $99,000,000 in the calender year 1896, and that their is today $138,149, 612 more money in circulation in the country than there was when Mr Bryan was making his speeches last year, spoils the argument which he attempted to make by quoting Mr Sherman upon this point and indors ing the sentiment thus quoted. The McKinley wava of prosperity i rolling along at a handsome pace It struck South Omaha and one of the largest packing houses in the world vo cost one million dollars, will be erected at once.' A beet sugar factory with a paid up capital of six hundred thousand dollars, will also be erected without delay,, and numerous smaller factories which follow in the wake of these large ones for the utilization of the by products will also be built A round million of dollars will be ex pended on the exposition during the coming year which will send Omaha to the front again as the leading city of the middle west. Confidence has largely returned, and the whole country will soon feel the quickening impulse of renewed energy. Omaha can not improve without our people being more or less benefitted. We are so near the metropolis as to share many of its advantages. Plattsmoutb property is already looking up and more transfers have been made in ine last iniriy aays man were re corded in a whole year previous. If you want to buy a cheap home, you can not get it too soon, as property values are bound to go higher with out delay. The Lincoln Call of Sunday must have been a surprise toils readers uo less the tainted atmosphere of Lin coin has affected them until they shed tears every time a big thief is brought to justice and a semblance of punish' meat is meted out to him. The whole state seemed to applaud the firm ac tion of Judge Baker in the Bartley trial, which was not made a farce of by the silly objections and dilatory tactics of the defendant's attorneys. Harney naa as iair a trial as any criminal in this state ever had, and the effort of the Call to roast Judge Baker for the course he - pursued will fall - very flat. Baker subjected him self to severe crlticiBm for his action I . r i . . in me xuuauur case, out ne naa in a measure redeemed himself by refusing to worship -at the shrine of the big' goi miei iMeoraaKa naa ever , pro duced, -and all the wealth stolen from Nebraska tax-payer by this man Bartley has been - insufficient to turn Judge Baker from his course, and the judge's actions are applauded almost universally. We are astonished and humiliated to see a republican paper utter a word for the man who has done more to injure -the party than all the democrats and pops could do in half a century. Ben Baker may want to run for congress such an ambition is not criminal or reprehen sible, and if he will refuse to bow to the blandishments of thieves grown rich at publio expense, it is pretty good evidence that be would not make a bad congressman. We are only - sorry that more of our district judges do not want to go to congress, too, if that is the needful stimulant for per forming their sworn duty in a fearless manner. We doubt if another repub lican pap er in the state can be found a defence for this mm Bartley. A TRANSPORTATION STORY. Away back in the days when the populist party was a very small affair and the farmers alliance was just be ginning to make itself felt in the rural districts, a political shyster started an independent paper in a western Ne braska city, says the Kearney Hub. The first advertising contract made was one with the Union Pacific rail way, whereby he gave advertising space in eichansre for transportation. That was proper. , Months flew by and the organiza tion of the populist party was effected. Local populist politicians thought they saw a chance to make a fortune and they formed a stock company and purchased the paper of the political shyster. They came into possession in the early spring, and one of the first mails that the new managing editor opened brought two neat little pamphlets containing coupons good for a thousand miles of transportation on the great Union Pacific system. He handled them with care and ex pressed a desire to know what to do with them. The foreman was called in he had been converted by setting tbe new editor's stuff and he backed on from the desk a piece and eyed them with great misgivings. An at tempt was evidently being made to muzzle tbe capacious mouth of a free preis, Tbe mileage books were re turned. Meantime the paper continued to publish long drawn out article on subjects like "Whither are We Drift, ing" and "Watchman Wnat of the Night." The populist party grew in power, the subscription list became larger and tbe paper became tbe mouth pieca of ihe party and the ring that controlled it. Subscribers paid less frequently and the corporation that owned the paper soon found itself without the necessary resouroes to go out of existence according to law. Then two or three influential men in the party got behind tbe foreman and elevated him financially. He bought the paper. It was used by the ring and the spoils of office kept it alive. Then a split came in the party and another man came along and bought the foreman out. He owns it yet. Occasionally the agent of the railway corporation drops in and after a friendly chat with the editor goes out. When he is gone a little coupon book may be found lying on the edi tor's desk. It is good for transporta tion. It is partially or wholly paid for in advertising. That is proper. The trouble is the visits of tbe agent are not close enough togetber to suit the editor. He complains and his complaints are read in Omaha by the hired men of the soulless and con scienceless corporation. The fact is the railroad company finds it an im possible job to keep filled tbe rapa cious mouth of a "free" and "indepen dent" preas. information and opinions. Joe Bartley, one of the smoothest crooks known to the Nebraska police, was locked up in the Douglas county jail the other day. He was too dis tinguished a man to lock up with the cheap people who steal hams or purses or whip their wives, so he was put in the residence portion of the jail, and given all the comforts that a man could ask. We are glad to see that tbe officials of Nebraska jails recog nize geniuj whenever they see it, and encourage it. When the cheap thieves see how well the past masters in the art are treated, they will be inspired to greater effort. There is always room at the top. Walt Mason. xne lonowing remarKa on woman are credited to a well-known bachelor about town: A woman can come to conclusion without the slightest trouble of reasoning, and no sane man can do that. Six of them can talk at once and get along first-rate, and no two men can do that. She can stick fifty pins in her dress while he is get ting one under his thumb nail. She is as cool as a cucumber in a half dozen tight dresses, while a man wil growl and fume in one loose shirt. She can talk as sweet as a peach to woman sne nates, wnne two men . : a . would be punching each other's beads before they had exchanged ten words. She can sharpen a lead pen cillf you give her time and plenty of pencils. Ex. Probably one of the most novel and interesting weddings which has taken place in South Dakota for many years, if ever, was the one solemnized on June 24, uniting in marriage Picture Eyes, the daughter of a noted Sioux warrior named John Moose, and Thomas D. Cronan, an Irishman of wealth an social prestige. The bride had already been sold, but the Irish man managed to secure her release. In a Maine town there is a Custard t ie association. it originated in a pie-eating match between two farmers nearly a generation ago. Since that time it has held an annual festival. with custard pie as the piece deresist a nee. xnis "unnvaiiea aencacv" as the benighed natives call it, is washed down with cider. In 1871, at a celebration held in New York In honor of Prof. Moore, the ori ginal instrument invented by him was exhibited, connected at that moment by wire with every one of the 10,000 instruments then in use In the coun try. At a signal a message from the inventor was sent vibrating through out the United States and was read at the same time in every city from New York to New Orleans and San Fran cisco. : Fresh rawberries every morning at Weckbacu & Co. t'lfct will trump up Special Low Rtes On the SI. P. For Detroit, July 6 to 13, to conven tion of Young Peoples' Christian nninn a nf one fare for the round trip will be charged. Vnr TWrmt .Tulv 13 to 15. for Na' tional Republican League meeting Orm fare for round trio; limit to re turn April 20. For Indianapolis, September 9 to 11 National Encampment Sons of Veter ans. One fare for round trip; limit for return September 17. For Chautauqua Lake, N. Y., July 11 and 12. One f&re for round trip: good until July 20. For Minneapolis, Minn., July 4 an 5. trood to return Julv 31. One fare for round triD nlus 50 cents: erood un til July 31. Erie, Pa., June 24 and 27, meeting Knicrhts of St. John. One fare fo round trip: good to return Jjne 29. Indianapolis, August 18 to 23. for Young People's Christian Union. One fare for round trip; good to September 12 by deposit of tickets. Toronto, OnU, July 15 to 18, for Ep worth League convention. One fare for round trip: food to return by de posit of tickets Ausrust 12. Milwaukee. Wis., June 6 to 9, for National Educational association One fare for round trip plus $2; good to return until July 12. For San Francisco, Cal., Christian Endeavor convention, one way rates For particulars see local agent. Cbbttanooga, Tenn., July 15 to 18 for Baptist Young People's Union of America. Low rates on application to local ticket agent. Tbe Beet Remedy For Rheumatism. (From the Fairhaven, N. V.. Register.) Mr. James Rowland, of this village states that for twenty-five years his wife has been a. sufferer from rheum atism. A few nights ago she was such pain that she was nearly crazy She sent Mr. Rowland for the doctor, but he had read of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and instead of going for the physician he went to the store and secured a bottle of it- His wife did not approve of Mr .Rowland's purchase at first, but nevertheless applied th Balm thoroughly and in an hour' time was able to go to sleep. Che now applies it whenever she feels an ache or a pain and finds that it alwa-y (fives relief. He says that no medi cine which she had used ever did he as much good. The 25 and 50 izes for sale by all druggists. cen The Policy of the Northern Life Association of Mar shalltown, la., in incontesttble afte two years from date of issue. There are . no restrictions as t change of residence or travel. The company will pay one-half th face of tho policy in case of total per manent disability. Under the laws of the state of Iowa governing Life Insurance companies, an Iowa company is compelled to de posit certain defined securities with tne slate department, in trust for its policy holders. uon't De a cbump and waste you money on worthless insurance, but call at once on II. Thrasher, ,41 Main street. Agent for Northern Life AssociatiOu. Free Pills. . Sena your address to IJ. E. Bucklen & Co. , Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pill. trial will convince you of their merits ineso puis are easy in action and are particularly effective in the cure of constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deletenaua substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatlv invigor ate the system. Regular size 250, per box. Sold by F. G. Fricke, druggist. "Can storied urn. or animated bust. Back to its mansion call the fleeting breath? Can honor's voice provoke the silent dust. Or rlatt'ry soothe the dull cold ear of death?" InoI But the policies issued by the Northern Life Assoniationjjf Marshall town, la, will rob death of us terrors and provide an income for your wife and babies if invested in at once. See Jas. H. Thrasher, Agent, 412 Main street. . Special Meeting. The members of Star Lodge No. 4 D. of H. are requested to meet at their hall Tuesday eveoing, June 29, at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of making ar rangements for a social and public drill in connection with the public in stalment of officers. By order of C.of II. Great Shirt Bargain at Herold's. Twenty-five dozen Men's Fancy Bosom Madras Percale and Soft Body sbiits worth from 75 cents to $1.50 your choice for 49 cents. This beats the recent "hat" bargain. It Is the Uest On Earth." That is what Edwards & Parkers merchants of Plains, Ga., savg of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, for rheu matjaro, lame back, deep seated and muscular pains. Sold by all druggist. Bargains In Gasoline Stoves. We have a few of the best gasoline stoves in the market which we will sell at cost to close out. Call soon. Streight & Sattler. Choice Cherries. Choice ripe cherries will be delivered to any part of the city in half bushel lots or more If de&ired by leaving orders at F. S. White's. Ieet Icel Ice! H. C McMaken & Son are now pre pared to deliver nice, clear ico to anv part of the city. Sewing Machine Supplies. W.L. Street has purchased the Sin ger Sewing Machine supplies of Mr. Trillity, and will keep a full line. next door to M. S. Briggs' barber shop, Plattsmoutb, Neb. . Birthday of th Locomotive. What has been regarded by some as tbe birthday of the railway locomotive occurred on Sept 27, 1825. with Ste phenson as tbe father of the event. The Stockton and Darlington railway had been bnilt, and, through his persistent Importunities, laid with iron, instead of wooden rails. It bad been intended merely for horse draft, but the inventor prevailed upon the owners to allow hint a trial of his steam locomotive. Stephenson himself was the driver on that occasion, and, before a tremendous crowd of curious and for the most part incredulous people, he drew a train of nearly 80 wagons, loaded with passen gers and coal, at a speed of 13 to 15 miles per hour. Thus the first train that ever carried nassencera made its iournev I in safety, and - the enthusiasm of tbe multitude was indescribable. But, notwithstanding this demonstra tion, the locomotive was still uumerci fully ridiculed by the majority. Nor was this ridicule confined to the ignor ant classes. Tho ablest engineers con tended that it was ridiculous to suppose that steam could ever be practically em ployed in competition with horse power for transportation. Almost incredible as it may now seem, it is a fact that politi cal economists inveighed against therai way and tbe engine as constituting an imaginary reform, which, even if success ful which was very doubtful would deprive stage drivers, teamsters and inn keepers of their livelihood. It was in the face of an almost universal opposi tion, of thfk wilcl, unreasonable kind, that a few men, led by tbe great Ste phenson, labored steadily onward and finally established the railroad and the locomotive as . institutions of the laud. North American Review. The Future of Germany. No one can prophesy the future of Germany. But so much at least seems clear that it will largely depend on the course pursued by the socialista Three alternatives seem open to them they may indefinitely continue their present opposition to tbe government, and then they can only be a source of weakness, or they may absorb the empire, trans forming it into a feudal state, fatal to liberty and therefore unstable, or they may, in retnm for certain timely con ce&sions, place their powerful organiza tion at the service of the empire and be its chief pillar of strength. This is the consummation that every friend of Germany and of humanity must devoutly wish. It would bring ad vantage to both sides and put an end to autocracy. The empire would have to abandon its attempt to return to im- di&eval military despotism and allow its subjects large liberty of thought, speech and action, while the socialists would have to abandon their notion of the stats as a mere economic beehive and accept it as tbe great institution ' for raising man above slavery to physical needs in to spiritual freedom and culture. In this way Germany might be strong without being enslaved, and the present condi tion of things, against which all thoughtful men rebel, might come to an end. Professor Thomas Davidson in Forum. Getting; Tliem Up. "There is only one successful way of getting a man up early, " says a hotel clerk. " We have to send a boy to his door who will knock until he hears and then tell him that there is a tele gram for him. That always brings a commercial man out at once, and as soon as he opens tho door for the tele gram we just say, 'Sir, it is 7:30 o'clock. ' He will slam the door shut with the biggest sort of an oath and tear about the room as mad as a wild bulL That wakes him np pretty thor onghly, and he comes down stairs feel ing so sheepish that he doesn't say a word. e practice that deception every morning. Wo ve got to. The other morn ing we awoke a man in that way after trying the bell repeatedly. He was mad at first, but when he came down stairs he said it would have cost him $500 if be had missed his train. " New York Tribune. foiut Not Well Taken. She John, you are a perfect about tbe house. bear He Maria, that assertion won't stand the test of science a single mo ment. A bear sleeps all winter. He doesn't have to get ont of - bed before daylight every morning to stir np the fire and call the hired girl. Try some other metaphor, Maria. Chicago Trib une. Supremely Exasperating, "Don't yon think Mrs. Spmrell ha. an awful temper?" "She has, but can yon blame the poor woman? She has a husband who just absolutely won't get mad at all." Ty pographical Journal. Dear Indeed. The dear, dear girls!" exclaimed Mrs. Pawkins, looking at her fashion able daughters enthusiastically. "Yes, tbe dear, dear girls," mutter ed Mr. Pawkins despondently. Pick Me Up. Since the beginning of this century the nse of the Italian lane-nape has greatly increased. In 1801 it was spoken by 15,070,000 people, and in 1890 it was used by 83.400.000. To Clean Bronzes. It is not a good plan to clean bronzes. as the polish is very easily spoiled, but if necessary nothing is better than cleaning them with water and ammo nia, using a stiff brush like a nail brush. Dry carefully after rinsing thor onghly. They should be carefully dust ed every day with a soft cloth and feather brush, and a little sweet oil may be rubbed on occasionally. To remove stains from bronze make the article very hot by dipping it in boiling water; then rnb it with a piece of flannel dipped in luds made from yellow noap, rubbing -Jean with soft linen cloths. Chicago MeraJd. Rheumatism Cared in a Day. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in one to three days. Its action upon the sys tem is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once tbe cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists Kidney Diseases Are tbe most fatal of all diseases Foley's Kidney Cure a gna ran teed remedy or money refunded, tor sale at Smith & Parmele. "THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER." O starry flag, thy sytnfvols mean -A higher and a holier thought By Bordid demagogues unseen, Who know not virtue is unbougbt. But, like morn's splendors, come unsought, And that the glory of thy stars Bhines on, though diminished when day unbars His gates, are still with glory ft aught. So Bhall thy stars forever tie The emblem of eternity. And stars and stripes together wave A beacon till the last crushed slave On earth's remotest shore or sea Bails the proud banner of the free. David B. Johnson in New York Times. AN ABLE POLICE HORSE. He Can Count Up to Six and Perform Other Feat. The cleverest horse on the New York police force is Pompey, whose register ed number on the books of the depart ment is 128. Let any horse or police man who disputes this statement step forward and prove to the contrary. Pompey gave an exhibition of his tal ents for the benefit of The Sunday Jour nal. He can count and understands or dinary conversation. He is, in fact, al most as intelligent as a policeman. He is the steed and inseparable com panion of Roundsman Redmond P. Keresey of the Thirty-eighth precinct, which is in the annexed district. Pom pey is remarkable not alone for his tal ents; he has also a history, which is full of human interest. His intelligence developed so rapidly that Keresey began to teach him a few tricks. He would tickle him under the right fore leg with a straw and say, "Pompey, give me your right hand." At first the horse would raise his leg to avoid the tickling, but soon he learned to do the same thing merely when he heard the words "right hand. " The same process taught him to offer his left foot when politely asked to do so. His education went on steadily, and he learned to raise his right or his left hind leg at a mere word from his mas ter. Keresey made the horse understand that when he used the word "papa" in conversation he referred to himself Keresey. Thus the policeman would say, "Give papa your right hand," and the animal would understand perfectly. The horse's name also was varied occa sionally to "Papa's Boy." An interesting feature of Pompey's education was the rapidity with which he acquired knowledge. In two weeks he raised his right foot when told to. His teacher had fewer difficulties than most men who train animals. Dogs are usually found to be inattentive and un duly exuberant. The superiority of the horse lies not in greater intelligence, but in greater docility. The next stage was to make Pompey say "Yes" or "No." A tickling on the side of the neck caused him to move his head eidewise. This was accompanied by the command, "Say no." Finally the tickling could be omitted. A titilla tion of his chin taught him to move his head up and down, which meant yes. After this Pompey began to learn to count. A light whip was placed on one of his forelegs near the ground. He raised the leg to avoid the obstacle and tapped the ground lightly. Keresey at the same time said, "Count one." Then he counted one without the use of the whip. This process was continued until Pompey was able to count six, which is his present state of proficiency. "Say, it's 6 o'clock, time for relief," says Keresey, and Pompey gravely scrapes his fore foot six times on the ground. He takes two steps to the right or left when told to do so, and in fact has so many accomplishments that they can not all be enumerated here. New York Journal. The Ant Pest. Soon the summer pest, ants, will be gin to worry tho tidy housekeeper. Here is what is alleged to be a sure remedy, It is inexpensive and comparatively harmless, at all events: Dissolve 1 part of corrosive sublimate in 100 parts wa ter, which will be a very strong dose, Remove everything from the shelves where the auts are, or tbe carpet from the floor where they appear to come np, and pour boiling water all around to kill them and clean the wood. Then pour the corrosive sublimate over the shelves till it reaches all the cracks and crevices and let it dry in. Then fill your powder bellows with red pepper and carefully blow the cracks and crevices full of that. Cover the shelves with pa- Xer or put your carpet back in place, and you will scarcely be troubled again. A Question of Weight. Bluffer I'll fight the man that called me a liar behind my back if he weighs a ton. Cuffer I'm the man. Why don't you begin? Bluffer Yon don't weigh a ton. New York Journal. In Siam the first wife may be di rorced, but not sold. The other wives may be divorced and sold. At various clubs in France lists of sligible girls backed by glittering bank foils are to be found. Of late years sport has become a kind of idolatry. So says the London Meth odist Times. General Grant's Two Tunes. A drum corps in passing caught sight of the general and at once struck up a then popular uesrro camp meeting air. Every one began to laugh, and Rawlins cried. "Good for the druinmersr " What's tho fan?" inquired the general. "Why." was the reply, "they are play ing 'Ain't X glad to get out ob de wil derness V " The general smiled at the ready wit of the musicians and said: "Well, with me a musical joke always requires explanation. I know only two tunes one is 'Yankee Doodle, and the other isn't." General Horace Porter in Century. The southern entrance of the Red sea is commanded by the fortress of Aden and the fort on the little island of Periui, in the strait of Babel-Mandeb, tho guns of the latter completely cover ing the narrow channel and the fortress dominating the entrance to the sea. Acer rd ing to the newspapers, an Ohio husband becamo tho lather or seven children not lon ago. Of the! seven un iicu uu- uiiu. ik o w w I hoped he laid in a supply of Chamber- Iain's UOUrn liemeuj, ids oniv euro cure lor croup, wnoopmg cuuKu,i mA And coughs, and so Insured nisi nhildron acrairiHt these disoisc9. For sale for all dru?eits. ----- - r Insure In the German American. Fred Ebinger, Agent. The highest claim for other jjTjj (i tobaccos is "Just as Sfajjf good as Kvery knows there is none just as good as rmnrrn n You will find each two ounce pons uisiue bag of Blackwcll s Durham. Buy a bag of this celc lrated tobacco and read the coupon which gives a list of valuable S to get THAT OLD FUR GARMENT' day you bought it; but you don't know it. the skin it is GOOD. Moth eaten or worn without even showing a kcuiu. The only question is what can be done with it. It out of 8t v'e. Mid woru, Maybe it needs new lining, or should bo stvlichl.v trimmed. Thoohlt oat would make a beniitil'ul full sweep cape, and capus ate just the thing this season. There 'h that t In fur gar ment you haven't worn for year?, because it is all "fagged out." Why, thut will make a beautiful collarette; just tho tiling for fall and spring wear. Then junt look at that garment. It Is entirely 'gone up." Tho h;iir stands the wrong way on it and it is worn and matted. "Its no earthly iiie.'' Well, it does look bad, but by the process of glazing the fur is brought out and cleaned ami then, when remodeled, it is like new. During July and August of this year, wo will maUe a speci ally of ALTERATIONS and REPAIRS. Our .system of measure ment id nuch wo can tit you as well by mail as by personal meanire-n-.ent. We make NEW KUR and I'LUSU GARMENTS to YOlllt ORDER. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Write tons. If III rtVUC rn iom-i hai.m't sriti:i:T, inn LflllC CS LUi KaiiMts Ciiy. MIsKouri. IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OK FURS. CO bays a Fino Yiolin 'Ml acd CompMe Outfit. If'uliy tiaartiuloaMt. CO buys a Mandoline, iHrdseye Maple, Mahogany or Rose wood Finish. Fully guaranteed. Q : 00 bays An American Ui y. guaranteed to stand. strings, in Mahogany or Rose wood finish. SEND TOR CATALOGUE OP SHEET MUSIC. $50 buys a $100 Organ. Kimball Pianos g Organs ON EASY PAYMENTS. .Pi alios. little used, for $50, Write for Catalogues and oar A. f-iGSPE, JR., STILL IN B EST rigs for Weddings, Funerals attended to promptly. Terms reasonable Cash preferred rates. Telephone 70. N. B. W. D. Jones auctioneer all disposed of ARE THE MOOT FATAL OF ALL DIS EASES. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE is a guaranteed remedy for all KIDNEY and BLADDER Diseases. THIS CHEAT REMEDY IS SOLD BY I i SMITH & PARMELE. Driiemsts PLATTSMOUTH, Also White Lead, Linseed Oil, Urtislies, nislies, Glass . . 0 U ll h HCKe 06 Evening Hews, 156 Week Durham." old smoker one connon inid Ixtg, and two cou cacn iour ounce presents and how them. s worth inmost u much today jh tho As long as tho hair is on spot- can In1 lakon out Gnitar, Steel $G0, $80 to $100. terms. PACTOIiX PRICES. 1513 Douglas Street, GUAH.4, KEB. lis apt; tf'.r -.r. 63 T'fr'y mm W. D. JONES... C7.s (Doutity'n Oldest 'Liveryman, 618 MAIN STREET. OUSIIMEiSS. or lle:isure Parties, olc. H.'iclc orde r& Cull n nd ret kinds ot goods attl rim stock NEBRASKA. 'it Var- and Putty. UO., UrUSffiflSLS-