Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, June 30, 1897, Image 1

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THE NEW 9. Establshed NOT.5.189L rionnlMtrl I- i ibo
THE HKliALU, Established April 10.1864. f UOnSOliaated Jan. 1,1895.
VOL. V. NO. 82.
Five Graduates Acquit Themselves
With High Honors.
Several Interesting l'apirra And Eiwaye
ICea.l Hy Members Of the Class A
Former I'lnttsmnuth Boy Meets With
n Serious Accident At Lincoln Death
of f. S. Mauehester's Little Hoy.
The close of the year's work at St
John's school in this city Friday eve
ning was marked by a most enjoyable
program and a crowd that filled the
auditorium of the building to stand
ing room
A pretty graduating class consist
ing of flvo young ladies having fin
ished tne thorough course prescribed,
were awarded diplomas at the hands
or Mathew Gering, who made a very
appropriate address.
The graduatee were Misses Nellie
(iulhmann, Josie Murphy, Catherine
McCallan, Catherine Ilouk and Anna
M. Knoflichek.
The greeting chorus by pupils of the
school was good and showed, as did
everything else, the most thorough
and correct training on the part of the
Sisters who have charge of the school.
The other musical numliers were good
and the dialogues brought forth loud
Miss Guthman's paper entitled
"Waiting," was read with admirable
trrace and was a production of real
merit that would have been a credit
to a:iy college graduate.
Miss Murphey's essay spoke of
"Trilles," which, hy maunet of dis
cussion, became quite interesting.
Her presence was good and the paper
was a credit to her.
"All Change Tends U Perfection,"
was Miss UouU's subject. It was han
dled on a high plane of reasoning and
furnished food for thought. It was
above the av rage of graduating es
says. Miss McCallan chose "Stepping
Stones" as the subject of her essay
and she proved quite entertaining.
Miss Knoll ithek, the valedictorian
chose the appropriate subject, "Out
of School Life,Into Life's School" and
her production was one of the best,
proving they had made no mistake in
their choice of the one to deliver the
good bye address.
The school closes for the summer
holidays after a successful year's work
in all departments. The attendance
has been largo, and the Sisters from
Sinsinawa Mound, have shown them
selves to bo scholarly and fully capa
ble of managing . the school with
marked success.
Severely Injured.
The following from the Lincoln
Journal has reference to a son of Ben
ton llrown, formerly of this city, and
the many friends of the family will
learn of the distressing accident with
groat regret:
"The first annual accident with fire
crackers occurred Saturday night
wht-n Earl Brown, who lives at 305
South Twenty-seventh street, had his
left hand blown off. A cannon cracker
had been lighted and the fuse burned
out without exploding. Another fuse
was put in with equal success. Sup-1
posing that the fire had gone out, thel
owner gave it to a boy who started in-1
to a drur store on the corner of I
Twenty-seventh and O streets to eet
another. As he entered the door the
cracker exploded, shattering his leftj
hand. lie was taken to his home
where Dr." Reynolds amputated the
middle and third finger and a part of
the index linger and thumb. The in
jury is so serious that it is feared I
he may lose his hand."
Wealth of the Nation.
(Ladies Home Journal.)
The wealthiest nation of the world
is the United Suites. The census of
lS K) iows the true valuation, or fair
selling price, of the real and personal
property of the country to be ?G5,C37,
091,197. It is an increase of over forty-
' .... . .. ...
nine per cent 01 tne valuation 01 tne
previous decade, and is about six
times the value of the money of the
entire world. The mind cannot grasp
tlit meaning of such figures without
graphic illustration. This amount in
Ifold would loud 123,570 carts, each
carrying a to.:.' If 2,000 gold dollars
wero piled one on the other they would
form a sla-k three feet high. Make
similar piles close together till a wall
of gi ll one mile long and worth $230,-
4U0.00O id formed. Increase this wall
to twenty-eight and a quarter "miles
aud the amount would represent our
national wealth. Placed side by side
the coins would foi in a carpet of gold!
covering live t-qu:ii e miles.
l harfft-tl With Petit Larceny.
May Enyell, a woman down
tow.ird Union, who has been working
for Mrs. S. II. Shumaker, was ar
rested Saturday evening on the
charge of stealing a dress, some skirts
and four sheets from her employer.
The woman savs she bought the ar
ticles and was to pay for them with
work, and seems sorely wrought up
over lief arrest, bhe was taken De-
fore Judge Archer todnv and plead
not jruiliy. 1 he case was continued to
July 12 for hearing.
(irrat Shirt ItarKaln at Ilerold's.
Twenty-five dozen Men's Fancy
Bosom Madras Percale and Soft Body
.ki.u umrili fmm . . . t ri
" - " - 'ls
your cnoico mr ia cents. This beats
t,.oAPil"hai'- Ku.i-
Two Days' Session Largely Attended By
Cass County Delegates.
The thirteenth convention of the
Cass county Chrislan Endeavor socie
ties was held at Elm wood this week.
The meeting was largely attended and
was the result of much good. affording
an opportunity for the delegates to ex
change ides on topics of vital interest.
The principal address before the con
vention was delivered by Judge
George A. Magney of Omaha, a for
mer Cass county boy, and was thor
oughly enjoyed by those In attend
ance. The election of officers for the ensu
ing year resulted as follows:
President P. A. Lamp ton. Union.
Vice-President L. A. Tyson1 Elm
wood. Secretary J. T. Jones, Weeping
Water. I ; j,
Treasurer Ray Pollard, Nehawka.
Missionary Superintendent Mrs. A.
L. Munger. Plattsmouth. " ;
Junior Superintendent Mrs. W.
D. Ambler, Weeping Water.
The next convention will be held at
Greenwood next June.
The delegates from this cy were:
Mrs. A. L. Munger, Misses Olive
Gass, Luella Matthews, Ella Ru fi
ner, Louise Smith, Ethel Dutton
and Roy Dodge, Earl Clark, George
L. Farley and Ralph Atwood.
It has been the plan heretofore to
hold the senior and junior conventions
together, but this rule was changed
at the meeting in this city last sum
mer and this year the junior conven
tion will be held in Nehawka in Aug
A Letter Received By Ills Wife Discloses
That He Still Lives.
Readers of The News will remem
ber seeing an account in these col
umns four or five weeks ago of the dis
appearance of "Doc" Swope of Pacific
Junction. The wily doctor, it will be
remembered, tried to lead the public
to believo he had drowned himself in
the Missouri river, but his wife
caught onto his scheme right in the
start. Swope decamped with quite a
large sum of money belonging to his
wife, and it now leaks out that there
is a woman in the case, who has
formed a partnership with the doctor
she posing as a painless dentist.
Mrs. Swope received a letter from
her delinquent spouse a few days ago
in which he stated that he was very
much alive and was longing to return
to his home and family. It is prob
able that he is running short of funds
and is desirous of coming home and
make a "raise."
More Orief for Cooley.
"Judge" Julius S. Cooley, formerly
of this county, is again in trouble in
Omaha as seen by the follow
ing from this morning's Bee:
"Julius S. Cooley was arrested yes
terday. The woman in the case is
Eva Riley, one of Cooley's clients and
at present a defendant in a police
court case. With Cooley was arrested
his brother Thomas Cooley, who is
named as co-defendant in the com
plaint that has been filed.
Julius Cooley's arrest is the out-
come of the case in which the Riley
woman is named as defendant. She
was arrested at the instance of Josie
Murphy on the char ere of larcenv ai
bailee. Miss Murphy loaned to Miss
u7V.r. o r-;T,A o a
watch. The Riley woman pawned it.
The watch was recovered and is now
in the possession of the police.
"Cooley appeared as the attorney
for the Rilev woman and managed, bv
dilatory tactics, to put off the hearing,
lie secured a continuance on an alle
gation that the Riley woman was too
ill to appear iu court. As the woman
was apparently in the best of health
when she was arrested the police did
not believe the allegation and quietly
1 began an investigation.
'Yesterday mornging at 3 o'clock
several officers visited the woman's
room and thev allege thiit th innk
I . . ' J
u v o i iuu biauauiii nun Haw rOOiey oe
cupying the room with her. The door
was opened on demand, but Cooley
had fled into an adjoining1 room, oc
cupied by his brother, Thomas. . All
three were arrested."
Death of J. o. McCiain.
news reaches U9 today OI the
death of J. O. McCiain. one of Louis-
I ville s leading and best citizens. Mr,
McCiain came to this county nearly
twenty years ago from Illinois, and
I settled on a farm southeast of Louis
I ville, where he resided for several
I years, finally removing to Louisville,
where he embarked In busiue?s. He
was an honest man in all his t ran sac-
. . . . , 111
. . . b .
husband and father. He loaves a wife
:ind five children to mourn his loss
The funeral will occur at 2:30 tomor
row from the family residence. .
WUl Lay the Corner stone
The corner stone of the new Evan
gelical St. Paul's church will le laid
tomorrow after the regular per vices
I at Waterman's hall.
The COnerega
tion will go to the place where the
building is being constructed, and ap
propriate ceremonies will be held ac-
cording to the rites of the church.
Choice Cherries,
Choice ripe cherries will be delivered
I. . t.n
I"rti iuo k-j ... ..o.i "U""M
1 lots or more II desired by leaving
. m o w !.:.',
If the slander-loving correspondent
of the Bee in this town will clothe and
feed his own family as well as the
man he seeks to defame has his, he
will do more than he ever has done.
A nicely constructed boat arrived
yesterday irom Omaha and tied up
about half a mile above the water
works. It is a sail boat with all the
modern conveniences, occupied by two
men, who intend going down to the
Gulf of Mexico and from there will go
to Cuba. They are taking life very
easy, putting in their time hunting
and fishing. Nebraska City News.
People from out in the state say
Nebraska, taken as a whole, never
gavo premise of so bounteous a crop as
is indicated this year. The central
part of the state seems one vast corn
field nearly waist high, being much
further advanced than here, as no
dry weather has been experienced
Our national nosegay of Sfty-one
flowers, one chosen by each state and
territory as its emblem, . is being
formed quite slowly. The idea - was
projected about five years ago, but
thus far only thirteen states have
made choice of their representative
flowers, as follows: Alabama, golden
rod; Colorado, columbine; Delaware, I
peach blossom; Idaho, syringa, Maine,
pine cone and tassel; Minnesota, cyp-
ripedium, or moccasin Tower; Mon-
tana, bitter root; Nebraska, golden
rod; New York, rose; Oklahoma Ter-
ritory, mistletoe; Oregon, goioen roa;
Utah, sego lily; Vermont, red clover.
This leaves thirty-eight flowers yet to
be chosen before our national bouquet
can no authoritatively grouped and
used on public occasions as a new and
beautiful feature of our patriotic man-
ifestations. Nebraska City Pross.
The True Remedy.
W. M. Repine, editor Tiskilwa, 111.,
"Chief," says: "We won't keep house
without Dr. King's New Discovery for
consumption, cough and colds. ex
perimented with many others, but
ever got the true remedy until -we
used Dr. King's New Discovery. No
other remedy can take its place in
our home, as in it we have a certain
and sure cure for coughs, colds.
Whooping cough, etc" It is idle to
experiment with other remedies,
even if they are urged on you as just
as good as Dr. Kind's New Discovery.
They are not so good, because this
remedy has a record of cures and be
sides is guaranteed. Tt never fails to
satisfv. Trial bottles free at F. G.
Fricke's drug store. 4
Tom l'arniele's Winners.
The Indian base ball club which has
been taking scalps all over the country
came to Louisville yesterdav fresh
from a victorious game at Lincoln.
They waded into Tom Parmele's nine,
but with poor results. The Louisville
team outclassed them at every point,
and when the smoke had cleared
away tt was round that the score
stood 26 to 7 in favor of Louisville.
The boys up there will soon be getting
so their hats won't fit them if a nine
does not come alener that can take
them dQwn a peg or two.
Notice to Water Takers.
The use of water for sprinkling
lawns or gardens must be confined be
tWben tbe hours rm 6:30 in the morn-
iner, to a o ciock a. m. ana irom o to o
o'clock in the evening. Any one us
lDS water outside of above hours (ex
ceDt consumers taking water through
meier; ana iney mu" nl U9Q waier
Ior auove purposes aner o ciock p.
I 1, , , . r i - , .
m. 1 win oe cnui 011 ana me sum 01
two dollars ($2) must be paid before
water will be turned on again.
By T. H. Pollock, Receiver.
The Liver Keeps People Well.
When the Liver is sluggish all other
organs are Involved. You suffer from
PnnoTinall'nn il 1 iniiQnoQD Tonnrlfno
ndh Indii'on Pain in Back'
tieaaacne, inaigison, mn in uacK,
Chills and Loss of Energy. You will
never know bow promptly these
troubles can be cured until you use
Herbine. It cures quickly when other
remedies utterly fail. Regulates the
Liver, Purifies the Blood. Herbine is
a Harmless Vegetable Remedy that
I gives new life and energy almost from
the first dose. Price 75 cents. Free
trial bottle at F. G. Fricke &; Co.
Letter From a Dealer.
Hotel. Dklmoxico, Shenandoah,
Ta., June 1, 1897. Mr. Julina Pepper-
berg, Platlsmouth, Neb. Dear Sir:
Your express package of 500 Buds ci
gars received, and will say this much
lor thom: Thev Bell batter two to
one thswn n nr aiv.. n t 'r.a T
.1 "J WCUW lAglAJ M.
I handle, and have customers who come
three blocks for them Tho only word
1 can say against them 19 thev hurt
my 10-cent trade. Respectfully yours.
H. A. Meek.
See original of this letter at l'ep-
perberg s office.
SI OO Keward SIOO.
Th( rpadtfrt of tM nanpr ivill nlaml tn
- I learn that there is at least one dreaded disease
mat science nas oeen aoie to cure in an its
stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis
ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces ol the sys
tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the
disease, and giving the patient strength by build
I doing its work
ing up tne constitution and assisting nature in
x ne proprietors nave so mucn
I faith in Its curative Dowers that thev offer One
Hundred Dollars lor any case that it fails to cure.
I seno ior ust oi testimonials.
I r -J. HiNiiBw., xoieao.u.
Sotice of Sale.
Saturday, Julv 10 1897, at 1 p. m. in
store room formerly occupied by Ger
ing, on Main street, to the highest
bidder, I will sell my entire stock of
household goods, consisting of four
bedroom suits, a parlor suite, seven
rocking chairs, several upholstered
chairs,one full length mirror.two cen
ter tables, two sewing tables, one
White's sewing machine, all carpets
and rugs, window shades, poles and
fixtures, one sett dining room chairs,
two dining tables, one side board, sev
eral hanging and other lamps, one
large refrigerator, one four-burLer
Quick Meal gasoline stove, one cook
stove, one hard coai stove, ono West
ern washing machine, . dishes and
cooking utensils, crockery jars, fruit
jars, jelly glasses, two step-ladders
and a lot of other articles of kitchen
and household furniture too numerous
to mention.
These goods are new and up-to-date.
in late designs, and will be sold with '
out reserve to the highest bidder.
Terms of sale: On all suras of 310
over, eix months time will be
given on note with approved security.
Less than $10, cash. A cash discount
of 5 per cent will be allowed on all
sums of and over f 10. Mrs. W. G.
Keefer, owner. W. D. Jones,
i V Auctioneer,.
In :
Fret J'ill.
Senrj vour addrsa to H. E. Bucklen
& Co., Chicago, and get a free sample
Gf jjp King's New Life Pills. A
trial will convince you lof their merits.
These pills are easy in action and are
particularly effective in the cure of
constipation and Sick Headache. For
Malaria and Liver troubles they have
proVed . invaluable. Thev are
guaranteed to be perfectly free from
every deleteriaus substance and to be
pureiy vegetable. They do not weaken
by their action, but by giving tone to
stomach and bowels greatly invigor
ate the system. Regular size 1250, per
box. Sold by F. G. Fricke, druggist. 4
'Can storied urn, or animated bust.
Back to its mansion call the flee ting breath?
Can honor's voice provoke the silent dust.
Or Hatt'ry soothe the dull cold ear of death?"
But the policies issued by the
Northern Life Association of Marshall
town, la , will 70b death of its terrors
and provide an , Income for your wife
and babies if iii vested in at once. See
Jas. II. Thra9her, Agent, 412 Main
Coughs Relieved at Ouce
And every bit of relief is a part of a
cure that will stay a cure. Uso Bal
lard's Horehound Syrup and note how
quickly you are cured and how well
you feel afterward. Specific also for
whooping cough and croup. John
Coffin, Kirwin, Kans., 6ays: "When I
began to use Ballard's Horehound
Syrup for consumption the doctor had
said that I would die in a few days.
Am now up and around. Have no moro
pain in chest or lungs." Price 25 and
60 Cts. No benefit, no pay. Sold by F.
G. Fricke & Co.
Teachers' Meeting at Milwaukee,
A special chair car will be attached
to the M. P. train No. 9, on July o to
connect with trains leaving Omaha
the same evening for Milwaukee
Half fare rates. Quick time and
through trains. For further particu
lars call on C. F. Stoutenborough,
local agent.
Team Killed By Lightning. .
Albert Teal, a farmer residing near
Elmwood,had a close call with his life
Wednesday morning. He had just
stepped out of the barn when light
ning struclc it, killing two norses ano
shatteming the Duiiointr quite
severely. -
Ilucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe
ver 6ores, tetter, chappephands, chil
blains, corns, and all skin eruptions,
and positively cures piles, or no pay
required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Pyice 25 cents por box. For sale by
F. G. Fricke.
I Ice! Ice! Ice!
I H. C McMaken & Son are now pre-
1 pared to deliver nice, clear ice to any
I part of the city.
- Liquor License Notice.
To whom it mav concern: Notice is hereby
given that the undersigned (partners) have made
application to the board of trustees of the village
of Greenwood. Cass county. Nebraska, lor a li
cense to conduct a saloon, and for the sale of
malt, snintuous ana vinous liquors therein, and
that their petition has been duly hied with the
clerk of said village, as required by law, the
same to be conducted under the firm name ol
O Brien & Hall.
Dated at Greenwood this 2th day of June. II-'.'7
john u erikn.
Samuel S.Hall.
Results from
Liver and
Cured by
lr. J. EI. McLEAN'S
A Certain Remedy for Diseases of the Livct,
Kidneys and Urinary Organs
THE Dr. J. H. McLEAN MEDICINE CO., St. Louis. Mo.
Special Rates on the Burlington I
For the Fourth of July. Tickets
will be sold the 3d, 4th, and 5th, final
limit te return the Gth, one fare for
the round trip within a distance of
200 miles.
Y. P. S. C. E., San Francisco, Cal.,
from 7th to 12th, tickets on sale com-
mencinp June 29th, at $22.50 one way.
same rate returning.
Annual moeting. National Educa
tional Association, Milwaukee, Wis.,
tickets will be sold July 3d, 4thand
5th, one fare for the round trip plus
$2, final limit for return July 12th.
Trans Mississippi, Silt Lake, Utph,
tickets will bo sold July 9tb, 10th,
one faro for the round trip.
Utah Pioneer Jublieo to be held 17,
and 18, one fare for the round trip,
with final limit for return 30 days
from date of sale.
Hot Spring's. S. D.. tickets will be
sold June 25th, one fare for the round
trip, for further information apply at
ticket office.
W. L. Pickett, Agent.
Special Low Rates On the M. 1.
For Detroit, July 6 to 13, to conven
tion of Young Peoples' Christian
Union. A rate of one fare for the
round trip will be charged.
For Detroit, July 13 to 15, for Na
tional Republican League meeting.
One fare for round trip; limit to re
turn April 20.
For Indianapolis, September 9 to 11,
National Encampment Sons of Veter
ans. One fare lor round trip; limit
for return September 17.
For Chautauqua Lake, N. Y., July
11 and 12. One fare for round trip;
good until July 20.
For Minneapolis, Minn., July 4 and
5. good to return July 31. One fare
for round trip plus 50 cents; good un
til July 31. .
Erie, Pa., June 24 and 27, meeting
Knights of St. John. One fare for
round' trip: good to roturn Jjne 2I.
Indianapolis, August IS to 23, for
Young People's Christian Union. One
fare for round trip; good to September
12 by deposit of tickets.
Toronto, OnU, July 15 to IS, for Ep-
worth League convention. Ono faro
for round trip; good to return by de
posit of tickets August 12.
Milwaukee. Wis., June 6 to 9, for
National Educational association.
Ono faro for round trip plus $2; good
to return until July 12.
For San Francisco, Cal., Christian
Endeavor convention, one way rates.
For particulars see local agent.
Chattanooga, Tenn., July 15 to IS,
for Baptist Young People's Union of
America. Low rates on application
to local ticket agent.
I'ut a Stop to I'ain.
Rheumatism, Neuralgia and other
painful afflictions are now as easily
cured as thev were once hard to cure.
Science has learned what pain is and
Ballard's Snow Liniment is the result.
Cures strains, cuts, bruises stiff joints
and contracted muscles. Pe.ietrates to
the very bone and relievos almost
from the moment it touches. When a
liniment is needed, you owe it to your
self to cret tho best. The dealer is
authorized to guarantee this one.
Price 50 Cents. Sold by F. G. Fricke
Cass Connty Dairy.
R. F. Dein has again taken charge
of the Cass County Dairy and will be
pleased to serve his old customers and
also others desiring pure mil, no
will also furnish cream and butter
milk when desired. Your patronage
is solicited.
C. E. Wescott & Son are
openiug up an exceptionally
strong, handsome line in new
colorings and effects of sum
mer dress shirts, prizes from
40 cents to $1. Every one a
beauty and a bargain. We
can fit you. We can suit you.
We can sell you if you look at
our new and incomparable line ol
shirts. C. E. Wescott & Son.
Choice Home-Made Bread.
For nice, sweet, light, Graham, Rye,
Boston Brown or Salt Rising Bread,
also Cakes, Cookies, Doughnuts, etc.,
give us your orders and same will be
delivered at your home or you will
fiid a good supply at Hatt'a market.
Mns. Mousing.
Notice to Public.
Hereafter all orders for coal or
wood may bo left at A. II. Week bach
& Co's. grocery store. All orders
will receive prompt attention. A full
lino of different kinds of coal kept
constantly on hand.
Melciiiok Soennichskn.
Subscribe for the News.
a Bad
can be
Grandest discovery in the annals of
medicine. Guaranteed to cure more
diseases than any other modicine,
treatment Oi system known to tho
medical profession. "No MAN made"
remedy, but 'nature's' true panacea.
Vatuma is an antiseptic germicide, it
positively destroys all "microbes"
and germs of every kind, ' name and
nature, it is healing and soothing to
the mucuous membrane. It will per
manently cure tho majority of cases of
Bronchitis, Catarrh, Dispepsia, all
Stomach troubles, all diseases of the
Bladder, Bowels Kidneys, Liver, Con
stipation, Piles, Old Sores, Rectal
Diseases, Ulcers, Eczema, Scrofula,
Blood Poison, Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
Diseased Discharges,Diseases peculiar
to -Women, Nervous and Physical
Weakness, etc
MENT, or whore you live, write us a
full history of jour trouble, and our
consulting physician will advise you
what to uo in order to regain your
health. Consultation is FREE and
sacredly confidential. Terms very
low. For proofs enclose 2 cent stamp.
Local agents wanted everywhere.
No canvassing. ""We advertise you in
your home paper. Address witn
iim VATiraa uusirAni,
1. O. Hoi, I) 13. Chicago, I1L
St. Joseph
Kansas City
St. Louis and all
points East and
San Francisco
All points west.
No2U Local express, dajly, St Joe,
lvansas. M Louis, all points
south 9:40 m
No 4. Local exc dally, Burlington,
Chiouiio, all points east.... 1U:"4 am
Nolt). Local exp, daily except Sun
day lluVi am
No '.'2. Local exp. daily except Sun-.
day, I'uciflo Junction 12:29 pui
No 30. Freight, daily except Sunday
Pacific Junction 2.50 pui
No 2. Vestibuled exp, daily. Bur
linfcton, Chicago and all
points east 5:31 pm
No 1-. Local exp, daily. St Joe. Kan
sas City. St Louis. (JuicatiO
all points east and south.. pin
No7& v relent, aallv. from Omaba
to Fac J unction, lv Omaha :15 pm
Mo a. Local exp, Ualty. Omaha,
colu, llenver aud Interme
diate stations 7:32 am
NoS5. Local freight, daily. Omaha. 8:50 am
No 2 Local freight, dally, ex Sun
day, Cedar CrueK. Louis
ville, south i:ena tCs: am
No 7. fc ast mail, daily, Omaha and
Lincoln Z.'Z-Z pm
No 3. Vestibuled expt daily, llen
ver and all points in Colo
rado, Utah and California,
Grand Island, lilac k Hills.
Montana and 1'aciliu N. W. ' :t:4:i pin
No 9. Lccal exp, daily except -
oay. Louisville, Ashland,
Walioo, Schuyler 4:00 pm
No 11. Local exp, daily except Suu-
day, Omaha and Lincoln.. 52T pnl
No 17. Local express, Sunday only,
Omaba 5:27 pm
No 73. Freight, daily, Louisville... 9:05 piu
Sleep in sr. dining and reclinlne chair cars
(seats free) ou through trains. Tickets sold
and tmufzutre checked to any uoint in the
United Stales or Canada.
For Information, time tables, maps and
ticKets call or write to
W. L. riCKETT, Agent,
Plattsmouth. Neb.
J. FUANCES. Gen. Pass. Ant.,
Omaha, fiet).
No. 1 at Fast freight 5.10 a.m
No. ! 1L51 a-ni
No. 121, local freight - 4.01 o. m
N(K l:J! Fast freight 10.5i p. m
Si'. Ui. local freight 7.35 a. ui
o. ID 4.04 D. til
But we are still in the
....And will continue to carry a full
lino of all goods such as are found
in .1 fi' st-class jewelry store. No
old or shop-worn stock, but every
....Our prices will comparo favorably
with those of any reputable dealer
either in this city or in Omaha.
Fine Watch and Jewelry Repair
ing a Specialty.
SNYDER, Jeweler and Optician
506 Main Street.
Rates $1 and $1.50 per Day
Centrally Located and Com
fortably Furnished.
Missour Coal. Genuine Canon City Co
Leave orders at F. S. White's
The Wisest in .
the World
Couldn't mako a better drug es
tablishment than this one of ours, for
what can be better than the best? We
are not taking the credit to ourselves.
We hnvo done nothing but be honest,
and skirmish around until wa found
the best places to buy. Everything in
the store, from the assistants to the
perfumery, is the boat of its kind, and
here wo aro waiting to serve you in
any way a druggist can.
Paid up Capital
Off ers the very best facilities for tha
prompt transaction of
STOCKS, bonds, (cold. Roverement and loca
securities nought and sold. lepoalta r
ceived and Interest allowed on the eertu
cates. Drafts drawn, avallaDlo In any
part of the U. S. and all the principle
towns of Europe. Collections made and
promptly remitted. Highest market
price paid for county warrants, slate
and county bonds.
II. N Hover. D. Ilawkaworth
s. Wauirh. F. E. White, (4. K. Dovey
lid), K, lHvey, Pres. S. Waugb, Cashier
11. N. Uovry Asst. Cashier.
Eye, Ear and
Chronic Diseases.
Spectacles and Eye Glasses Fitted
by the New and improved Method.
Specific treatment for all Chronic
and private diseases. All medi
cine furnished, and a cure guar
anteed. If your local doctor baa
failed to cure you, consult a phy
sician of greater experience.
Consultation at oflice, or by mail
OFFM'K 1411 Locust Street, On Block
South of M. I. Vepot.
J-Address Box 22, Plattsmoutn, Neb.
McLain Broh.&Co.
mcmichi Chicago Board or Tnadc
Grain and Provisions bongrht and told far
cash or for fntnre delivery on martini.
Orders for Vtos.t executed in loti of l.OOi
bn and upward.
Correspondents invited. Consignments oi
Gr?vn. Beids and TTay solicited.
When viaitiu Caicago call and see tufc
S. fl. Davis, Representative,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
House Furnishings.
Our stock Is complete In all lines and we
Invite our frlendi to look It orer. We wil
endeavor to please you. Call and see us.
(Successors to Ux.ry Boeck.)
Delicious is iho proper word
to bo used in connection with....
....the meats we furniob. Our
beef is not full of ligaments,.... as to defy the knife and try
the teeth. Proper selection of....
"....stock and correct "cutting up"
explain the satisfaction which....
....our meats give.
,,;E. A. Oliver's Heat Market,
i I
k ui ii. i nruera ay r . o. 11 hud . l w -oia nv I Irntrcrwtu 7Sr
Filth and Main Streets.
- v