Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, June 23, 1897, Image 1

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    : X. '
Neb Farmer
TDK NEWS. Establshed NOT.5.189L 1 -u.. T .
THE iiEUALD, Established AprlUO. i8M. f Consolidated Jan. 1.1885.
VOL. V. NO. 80.
i TT
Nearly Killed Ulm.
- Another fracas that may yet bo a
traced v oecuried at IlayulocK this
morning, the participants being John
Dougherty, suction foreman for the
Burlington, and Joseph Pintzman, a
laborer. Dougherty and Pintzman
are neighbors aod the latter is the
possessor of a cow which be prizes
very bigbiy, bo is wont to lariat the
bast out during the day, bo that it
may graze upon the scorched grass.
This inorninjr, for the 101th time the
animal got over on Dougherty's pro
perty, and a warm discussion followed
tho calling of Pintzman'e attention to
the matter by Dougherty. Following
the verbal came a physical argument
and the whole affair ended by Pintz-
nmn's slugging Dougherty over the
lioad with a sledge hammer. Two
blows wop.: struck and one of them is
said to have fractured Dougherty's
skull. Tne attending physician is
afraid that the fracture is so serious
us to cause death.
Coustable Broadwater arrested and his case was set for this
this afternoon before the Uavelock
justice, although the trial will not
probably occur before Monday. Lin
cole News.
Will Krtorn the Cannon,
Commissioner Geo. Young informs
us that the Nehawka boys desire to
present the old cannon to the G. A. FL
museum in the court house if our peo
ple want it. The cannon is not safe
to tire, and we believe Bon Hempel's
curio room would be the right place
for it. Bring it over, boys, and we
will have Colonel Kroehler, Captain
Guyromeo Livingston, Sergeant Wal
ling and u few nioie of the men who
fought, bled and ran from the battle
field of Nehawka, go out and escort
the civaluade to town.. The guard
which brings the cannon over must be
composed of nion who can take a
glass of beer, ns Col. Kroehler insists
on dclug the right thing.
New KalltliiiK at Fort Crook.
Colonel Marshall, chief quartermas
ter of the Department of the Platte,
has been authorized to construct two
double Bets of officers' quarters at
Fort Crook. The buildings will be
about 08x58 feet, and two stories in
height, with cellars. The lower floors
will be of brick and the upper of tim
ber. The build iogs aro to be fitted up
with all modern conveniences. Each
will accomodate two families. The
architecture of both is the same, and
is quite tasty. The structures will
cost about $7,500 each. The work on
them will commence in about a month.
Volunteer Meetings Postponed.
' There will be no meeting at Volun
teer hall until Tuesday, June 22.
Captains Chase and Fuller go to South
Bend for a few nights.
On Thursday night Staff Captain
Kogers will be hero and speak. An
ice ci eain social will also take place.
Mrs. Staff Rogers will also be here
and talk at the M. E church.
Michael McCarroll died at his home
on Wintersteen hill at 8 o'clock Fri
day evening, and was laid to rest in
the Catholic cemetery yesterday at 2
Deceased had been a resident of this
city about seven years and leaves a
wife, but no children. He was a cou
sin of Pat McCallan, Pat Shields and
Mr. Campbell of this city. Mr. Mc
Carroll has been ailing for several
months, death overtaking him while
sit' iug in a chair on the torch at his
t'unl of Ttianka.
We wish to express our heartfelt
thanks to the many friends and neigh
bors who ho kindly aided us during
the sickness and death of our father,
'Jjd.alsi those Cip prosented us with
jaj,vviutiful flowei' especially,Mr
tbeui so uW Cliflonvrho arrange!
JPSTartih Flansburoh,
, JVJ'ks. - E. B. Perky,
r'K Mits. O. C. Smith,
Mr. E. J. Dudley.
Couiuieuceiueut at St. John's.
Tho graduating exercises at St.
John's Catholic school will be held
Friday eveniug, Juno 25. There are
five members of the class, as follows:
Anna M. Kuoplichek, Catherine E.
McCallan, Nellie J. Guthmann, Cath
line L.Houk and Josephine M. Murphy.
An interesting program has been
prepared, as is customary with this
school. -
They Came to Urlef.
The Chicago Comedy company went
stranded hero today and THE NEAVS
office had to get out an attachment in
order to collect a printing bill. The
hot weather had brought about poor
business for the last three weeks and
the manager could not stand the losses.
Mr. Guthman also had much trouble
in securing pay for a week's board.
The members scattered for their
homes in different parts of the
Cheap Kat-s to Naubville, Tenn.
For the Tennessee Centennial, an
international exposition, at Nashville,
Tenn., tho B. & M. will 6ell round
trip tickets for $34.40 from May 20 to
October 15; final limit November 7,
1897. For furtner information call at
B. & M. ticket oflice.
W. L. Pickett, Agent.
Ice! leel Icel
H. C McMaken & Son are now. pro
pared to deliver nice, clear ico to any
part of the city.
AU Members Were Present and County
Business Matters Attended To.
PLATTSMOUTH, June 15. Board
met pursuant to adjournment. Pres
ent, J. P. Falter, J. C. Hayes and Geo.
W, Young county commissioner, and
James Robertson county clerk. Min
utes of last session read and approved.
when the following business was trans
acted in regular form.
Claims allowed on the general fund:
J P Falter, salary and exp... $35 80
J C Hayes, 30 80
Geo W Young" -?'...
State Journal Co, records, etc.
is' 60
42 00
sseo Tel Co, rents.
22 55
BCLyle, rep' carriage 3 50
A It Eikenbary, clerk hire.... 90 00
E E Hilton, viewing road 2 GO
Lehnhoff Bros, m'd'se to county 11 00
W K Fox, stamped ear 17 92
W Beeson, cleaning well 2 00
D M Johnson, wood. 6 00
Geo Hoffman, m'd'se to poor 11 00
N H Wilkinson 14 90
P A Jacobson .. .... 5 00
EE Day ".. 7 00
S FGerardet .. 5 00
BC Marquardt... ".. 12 00
O A Axtell , '.. 5 00
Stauder Bros ". . 10 00
Bennett & Tutt ".. 12 00
John Kopia ".. 4 00
L Egenberger... : 1100
P.F Huber 5 00
A Baet : . 10 00
A L Upham. boarding pauper 11 80
A H Graves, wood to poor 2 00
M M Fall, as'ne Tipton orec't 121 00
l, f skinner " U'wood "... muu
J Mefford . " S Creek M.., 146 00
H Mindermann. W Water 100 00
G E Vandenberg, Elm wood .... 130 50
C S Levis, 3d ward Platte City 148 00
F II Sackett, 2d ward, WW... 74 10 large cattle leeding plant in connec
YV alter Probst, Platte precinct 136 00 tion. It is announced that the Cramps
A Sheldon, Avoca 80 00
B & M It It Co, ticket pauper S 78
B C Jack, testimony in inquest 10 65
Cost Bill, State vs Haight . 10 30
O Gutbman. error in claim. . . . 20 00
E B Craig, burying pauper.... ' 15 00
II Itoelofsz, eroneous tax 8 84
Official bond of Lewis Schultz, road
overseer district No. 1, was approved.
The clerk was ordered to correct
error in assessment on lots 4 and 5,
block 5, Eagle, Neb., on affidavit of
M M Fall, asseesor. Hoard adjourned
to meet June 16, 1897.
June 16: ,
Jioard met persuant to adjournment,
full board present. The following
claims were allowed on the genera
II G Strong pVg bridges $75 00
Fee Bill, State vs Shumaker... 13 95
Road fund:
T E Williams, work on dist' 12 7 00
J J Stull, work on bridges 8 00
Hoot & Edmunds, lumber 6 50
Ricbey & Dickson, " and coal 31 85
J R Sneeley, bridge fund, build
ing bridges ..1&'JS 74
In the matter of tho road petitioned
by J. C. Cummins and others known
as road No. 320, and refused by the
board of county commissioners on June
7, 1893, was taken up by, the board on
this day and reconsidered and same
granted as petitioned for and damages
allowed as follows: SEi N W i Sec
26-12-13. $112.50; NEJSWi Sec 26-12-13,
$112 50; S E J S W J, $100.00.
Board adjourned to meet June 17,
June 17:
Board met pursuant to adjournment,
fill board present. Personal tax of
J. J. McVey was reduced on affidavit
filed. The following claim was allow
ed on the road fund: C. Probst, road
damages, road No. 315, $349.00.
The board proceeded to sit as a
board of equalization.
James Robertson,
County Clerk.
Would Not Grant the Request. "
C'haa. Haight, who has been confined
in the county jail for some time on a
charge of murder, appeared before
Judge Ramsey and, through his at
torneys, asked that he be allowed a
trial before the November term of
court. His honor stated that a special
jury would haTHfrAfihe summoned, and
the cost to the tax-payNs would be
large, and therefore denied the mo
tion. Haight's attorney gave notice that
he would argue a motion that hie
client be admitted bail, and the judge
set next Thursday on which
to hear the motion. Although mur
der is not a bailable offense, yet the
court, when satisfied that a charge of
murder in the first degree cannot be
proven,may admit the accused to bail.
This has been done three times in
murder cases by the supreme court of
this state.
Montana's Mineral Product.
Montana's mineral product during
the calendar year 1896 was valued at
more than $50,000,000. It is said that
the per capita product of mineral
wealth is the largest of any state in
the union. Copper was the largest
product of the state in value, the total
output being valued at $25,000,000.
Silver came next, owing to the large
amount of the white metal contained
in other ores than those known as
purely silver. The silver output was
valued at $20,000,000. Then comes
gold, and after that is lead, which,
however, was a comparatively small
Remarkably Low Kate
To Colorado, Utah and California, will
be offered by the Burlington route,
June 29 and 30 and Juiy 1, 2 and 3.
Open to all homeseeker, health
seeker and tourist. Call at B. &. M.
depot and get full information. J.
Francis, General Passenger Agent,
Omaha, Neb.
Insure in the German American.
Fred Ebinger, Agent.
Bishop Bonacum, who appealed his
case against Fathers Murphy and Fitz
gerald to the Papal Ablegate Martin
elli at Washington, was beaten again
and the priests were sustained. It is
said, however, that the heavy costs
were materially lessened by Martin
elli, otherwise the case stands as de
cided by the lower ecclesiastical court.
The astute city editor of the Lin
coln News has found out how J. E
Houtz got to be revenue collector
His telephone number for a long
time has been 461 and that of the
collector at Omaha has been 461, So
long as there ts no other reason ap
parent for Col. Houtz promotion, we
must accept the theory offered by
the News as correct.
H. K. Clover is having built a horse
less carriage which will appear upon
the streets of Omaha about two weeks
hence, says the Omaha Exhibit. The
motive power is a twelve-horse power
engfne of Mr. Clover's own invention.
He promises the newspaper men a
ride'up to Blair and back some even
ing after dinner. Mr. Glover has made
tbirty-two miles an hour on a similar
carriage he constructed in the east.
Some very important announce
ments have b3en made to the effect
that several. additional manufacturing
1 enterprises are contemplated at South
Omaha. Among them are a beet
and glucose factory, with a
wm build a factory for the manufac-
ture of cellulose from corn stalk pith.
The following parties are interested
in the beet sugar and glucose factory
and to the amount mentioned: Ar
mour, $50,000; P. E. Her, $50,000; J.A.
Creighton. $50,000; Ben Smith, $50,-
000; Dan Farrel. $20,000; Lew Hill.
$10,000. In addition to this it is an
nounced that $100,000 of eastern capi
tal is to put into tho enterprise. Om
aba Trade Exhibit.
A special from LaPorte, Ind., says
William J. Bryan, accompanied by his
family, will spend several months at
Black Lake, a southern Michigan re
sort, where they will be the guests of
William R. Conkey, the Chicago book
manufacturer, who has about com
pleted the erection of a $10000 cottage.
c suite of rooms has been expressly
arranged for Mr. Bryan, and here he
will write another book which will
be published this fall and which will
treat of monetary problems.
Special Low Rates On the M. P.
For. Detroit, July 6 to 13, to conven
tion of Young Peoples' Christian
Union. A rate of one fare for the
round trip will be charged.
For Detroit, July 13 to 15, for Na
tional Republican League meeting.
One fare for round trip; limit to re
turn April 20. .
For Indianapolis, September 9 to 21,
National Encampment Sons of Veter
ans. One fare for round trip; limit
for return September 17.
For Chautauqua Lake, N. Y.. July
11 and 12. One ft re for round trip;
good until July 20.
For Minneapolis, Minn., July 4 and
5, good to return July 31. One fare
for round trip plus 50 cents; good un
til July 31.
Erie,"Pa., June 24, and 27, meeting
Knights of St. John. One fare for
round trip: good to return June29.
Indianapolis, August 18 to 23, for
Young People's Christian Union. One
fare for round trip; good to September
12 by deposit of tickets.
Toronto, Ont, July 15 to 18, for Ep-
worth League convention. One fare
for round trip; good to return by. de
posit of tickets August 12.
Milwaukee. Wis., June 6 to 9, for
National Educational association
One fare for round trip plus $2; good
to return until July 12.
For San Francisco, Cat,, Christian
Endeavor convention, one way rates.
For particulars see local agent.
Chattanooga, Tenn., July 15 to 18,
for Baptist Young People's Union of
America. Low rates on application
to local ticket agent.
A Race With the Officer.
Burl Chandler was fined $1 and
costs several months ago for fighting
and on promising to pay if given his
liberty he was set at large. He
skipped at once, but today he visited
town and when the police saw him
there was a race through tho alleys
and acroPb back lots that made Fitz
and Hanson blow line porpoises. The
boy outwinded them and got awav,
but they will catch him by stratagem
next time.
Bncklen's Arnica Salve. '
The best salve in the world for cuts,
burns, sores,, ulcers, salt rheum, fe
ver sores, tetter, chappep hands, chil
blains, corns, and all 6kin eruptions,
and positively cures piles, or no pay
required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Pyice 25 cents per box. For sale by
F. G. Fricke.
The W, C. T. V. Convention.
A very interesting report of the W.
C. T. U. convention here was received
from Nehawka last week written up
in a novel manner, but the work of the
convention had been so completely
covered before that we could not well
make room for the letter. -.
j Coughs Relieved at Once
And every bit of relief is a part of a
' cure that wilt slay a cure. Ue Bal
lard's Horeliflund Syrup and note how
quickly you cured and how well
you feel afterward. Specific also for
whooping cough . and croup. John
Coffin, Kirwii;,' Kaos., says: ''When I
began to ui Ballard's Horohound
Syrup for consumption the doctor had
said that I w-uM die in a few days.
Am now up aitd around. Have no mors
oain in chest 0r lungs." Price 25 and
50 Cts. No benefit, no pay. Sold by F.
G. Fricke & Cp. -
Put Stop to Pain.
Rheumatism, Neuralgia and other
painful afflictions are now as. easily
cured as they were once hard to cure.
Science has learned what pain is and
Ballard's Snow Liniment is the result.
Cures strains, cuts, bruises stiff joints
and contracted muscles. Penetrates to
the very bone and relieves almost
from the moment it touches. Wbon'a
liniment is heeded, you owe it to your
self to get the best. The dealer is
authorized to guarantee this one.
Price 50 Cents. Sold by F. G. Fricke
& Co.
Sold Six In One Day.
Those wonderful gasoline stoves
safe as a watch-Mare the cheapest and
most economical stoves in the world,
Pearlman sold six of them in ono day,
they are winners, and it will surprise
you to see bow simple the stove is in
its construction and operation. Call
in at Pearlman 's and ho will be glad
to show you thte wonderful stove.
SHOO Howard 100.
The readers of this Daoer will be oleaserl tn
loam that there is at, least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in all its
stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure.-, known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh beini a constitutional dis
ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Mall's
Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces ol the sys
tem, thereby destroying the Inundation of the
disease, and giving the patient strength by build
ing ui the constitution and assisting nature in
doing its work. The proprietors have so much
faith in its curative powers that they oticr One
Hundred Dollars lor any case that it fails to cure.
Send for list of testimonials.
Address. F.J. he ney & Co.. Toledo.O.
t3"-Sold by Druggists, I3c.
The Liver Keeps People Well.
When the Liver, is sluggish all other
organs are involved. You suffer from
Constipation, BifHousness, Jaundice,
Headache, Indigistion, Pain in Back,
Chills and Loss of Energy. You will
never know how promptly , these
troubles can be cured until you use
Herbine. It cures "quickly when other
remedies utterly fail. Regulates the
Liver, Purifies the Blood.. Herbine is
a Harmless Vegetable liomeay tnat
gives new life andcnefgy almost froao
tho first dose. Pf ice 76 cents. Free
trial bottle at F. G. Fricke & Co.
Letter From a Dealer.
Hotel Delmoxico, Shenandoah,
Ta., June 1, 1897. Mr. Julins Pepper
brg, Piattsmouth, Neb Dear Sir:
Your express package of 500 Buds ci
gars received, and will say this much
for them: They sell better two to
one than any other 5-cent cigar I
handle, and have customers who come
three blocks for them The only word
I can say against them is they hurt
my 10-cent trade. Respectfully yours.
II. A. Meek.
See original of this letter at Pep
perberg'a office
Notice to Public.
Hereafter all orders for coal or
wood may be left at A. H. Weckbach
& Co's. grocery store. All orders
will receive prompt attention. A full
lino of different kinds of coal kept
constantly on hand. s
Free fills. v
Send your address to ET. E. Bueklcn
& Co., Chicago, and pet a free sample
box of Dr. King's New Life Pills'. A
trial will convince you of their merits.
These pill9 are easy in action and are
particularly effective in tho cure of
constipation and Sick Headache. For
Malaria and Liver troubles they have
been proved invaluable. They are
guaranteed to be perfectly free from
every doleteriauo substance and to be
purely vegetable. They do not weaken
by their action, but by givinjr tone to
stomach and bowel9 erreatly .invigor
ate tho system. Regular size 20, per
box. Sold by F.G. Fricke, druggist. 4
CH County Dairy.
R. F. Dean has again taken charge
of the Cass County Dairy and will be
pleased to serve his old customers and
also others desiring pure milic. lie
will also furnish cream and butter
milk when desired. Your patronage
la solicited.
Icel leer Ice!
R. C. McMaken & Son are now
preparod to deliver mice, clear ico to
any part of the city.
liver mm
Is the remedy von nxf . of
cases. It relieves promptly and works a permanent care.
won aLC cvcmtwhcrc at rn ottls
THE Dr. J. H. McLEAN MEDICINE CO., Sr. Louis. Mo.
Only 8S3.50 to San Francisco
June 29 to July 3, on account of
National Convention of Christian En
deavors. Special trains. Through
tourist and palace sleepers. Stop
overs allowed at and west of Denver
Return via Portland, Yellowstone
Park and Black Hills if desired.
Eodeavorers and their friends who
take the Burlington route are guaran
teed a quick, cool comfortable journey,
fine scenery (by daylight) and first-
class equipment.
Berths reserved and descriptive
literature furnished-on request. See
riP5imsl. Tt. A'. TVf Ti T? tlrlrtt nirant r
writo to J. Francis, G. P. A., Bur
lington Route, Omaha, Neb.
Less than half rates to San Fran
cisco, June 29 to July 3, via Burling
ton route. See nearest B. & M. ticket
Of Interest to Ladles.
I have taken the agency forthLa -
dies Taylor Dress Cutter. It is taught
In a very short time. Ladies who live
in the country are requested to call
and learn. It cuts French Darts and
Eaton Jackets. Terms reasonable.
Parlors over Herold's store.
Coka M. Alexander.
Subscribe for TnE News.
Legal Notice.
In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska
I.ydia U. Sterliug. flaintitt, "1
Thomas Recce, 1'hilip Ij.
Keece. the First National
bank of Greenwood, Neb.,
the National bank ot Ash
land. Neb.. V. K. Peake.
first name nnkown. and
Allen T. Cowan. Defend
ants, j
The defendants W. R. Peake first nam un
known and PhihD L. Keece will takf nnti- that
on the ltfth day of June. ltWT. Lvdia O. Sterling I
the plaintirt, tiled her petition in the the Dis
trict lurl ol I'ass Uouutv. Nebraska, airainct
Thomas Keece, Philip L. Reece. the First Na
tional Hank of Greenwood, Nebraska. The Na
tional lianic 01 Asniand, ISebrasica, V . K. Peake,
first name unknown, and Allen T. IV. wan the
ouiect ana prayer ol winch are to foreclose a cer
tain mortgage executed by the defendant Thom
as Keece to f.arnest A. lggenhoru aDd assigned
to this plaintirt upon the west half of the north
west quarter of section twentv-six 126) and the
east nan 01 tne nortn-east quarter ol section
twenty-seven (27, township twelve, range nine
east of the sixth P. M., Cass county, Nebraska,
to secure the payment of one promissory note of
,uu.waaiea lunevtn. 1SU4. and due and oav-
able in two years from date that default has been
made in the payment thereof: and there is- now
due upon said note and mortgage the sum of
$1,700 and interest at the rate of 10 Der cent from
the 4th day of July, 196, and plaintirt prays for a
decree of foreclosure and sale of said premi. es to
satisfy said mortgage, and that the claims of all
other defendants be decreed to be junior and in
ferior to that of plaintiff.
you are reuuired to answer said Del it ion on or
, . 11 .. ...... 1
oeiore me so aay oi august,
lated June "it, if.u.
Lvdia C. Sterling, by
V. S. Polk, her attorney.
Probate Notice.
In county court. Cass county. Nebraska. In
the matter of the estate of Joseph Flansburg, de
ceased. Martin rlansburg. Abbie Adell JJudl ;v.
Francis Isolia Smith. Sallie Keitnh Ferry and i
all other persons interested in said matter are
ncreoy nonneu mat on me iwin aay oi June. a.
ii. im., Martin flansburg, AbDie A. uudiey and
same Perry hied a petition in said court alleging
among other things that Joseph Flansburg died
on the 10th day of June 1M'7, leaving no last will
and testament and possessed of real and personal
estate of the estimated value of jAOO.OO and that
the above named constitute all persons interested
in the estate ol said deceased and Dravinsr lor ad
ministration thereof. ou are hereby notified
hat it you fail to appear at said court on the ltith
day of July, A. 1 - 1W7. at 3 o'clock p. nu and
contest said petition, the court wilt appoint
Joseph Y. Johnson, administrator, and proceed
to a settlement ol said estate. Witness my hand
and the seal of said court at Piattsmouth, Ne
braska, this 21st day ol June. A. IK. UU7.
l:M-a" County Judge.
Sheriffs Sale.
Bv virtue of an order ol sale issued bv Georcre
F. liouseworth. cleric ol the district court within
and lor Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected. I will on the 24th day ol July. A. D.
1.VJ7. at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south
door of the court house in the city of Piatts
mouth, in said county, sell at public auction, to
the highest bidder for cash, the following real
estate to-wit:
Commencing fifty-two and one-half feet east of
the south-east corner ol lot number twenty-six
Cfli) in section eighteen (18) in township twelve
(l- north, oi raiiRe fourteen (14) in Cass county,
Nebraska, runninir thence nor h one hundred
and thirty-live feet; thence east fifty-two and one
half ioet; thence south one hundred and thirty
rive feet: thence west fifty-two and one-half feet to
the place of begining all in Cass county, Neb
raska, togetner witn tne privileges and appurt
enances tliereunto belonging or in anywise
appertaining. 1 he same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Mary A. Miller and
property of Mary A.
Harry L. Miller defendants to satisfy a judgment
of said court recovered by Charles C. i'arniele as
receiver ol the Citizens Bank, of Piattsmouth.
Nebraska, plaintirt against said defendants.
Piattsmouth. Nebraska.June 22, A. t.. 1897,
Harvey Holloway,
Sheriff Cass County. Nebraska.
Probate Notice.
In county court, Cass county, Nebraska: In
the matter of the estate of Benjamin (j. Uriggs,
deceased. Almy ., Jane c. Joseph (j.. Nicholas
Almy t., Jane E Joseph G.
A.. William W .. and Julia J. linggs: William I.
rsre A .. lames A.. v innt
inheld Ambrose c.
Charles A., William H.. Lyman H., Amos A.
Karnest I).. Inez J.. Harriet B.. and Pauline B.
Kilton, Annie E. Stone, Annie P. Whit, Lucy
. Booth, Harriet E. Saunders, Sarah J. Baker,
Katie J. Kilton, guardian, unknown heirs of
Mrs. illiam G. Briggs. unknown heirs of Ben
iamin G. Briggs, deceased, and all other persons
i..t..r.t,1-vim are herebv notified thafllohn H.
Becker, June 22d. 1X97. filed herein, his tinal ac
count and petition alleging, among other things,
that there is a cash residue in said estate of $2.-
3itt.3i : that the above named claim to be heirs of
said deceased and asking that his said final ac
count be allowed: that he be allowed commiss
ion, attorneys lees and expenses and lor extra
ordinary services not required bv an adminis
trator in the common course of his duty, in the
sum of 418.25; that the residue be assigned to
persons entitled thereto and that the Adminis
trator be discharged. 1 ake notice that it you
fail to appear before said Court on the 16th day
ot luiv A. Li.. IM7. at 9 o clock a. m.. and con
test said petition the Court may grant the prayer
ol said petition and make such further orders.
allowances and decrees as to the Court may seem
proper, to the end. that all matters pertaining to
said estate may be finally settled and determined.
Witness my hand and the seal o said Court at
Piattsmouth, Nebraska, this, the 22d day of June,
A. D., 1HU7.
rc,,, George M. Spi'rlock.
ealJ County Judge.
Diseases are manifested .
Backache, Rheumatism,
of Appetite, Foul
Tongue and Weakness
Dr. J. II. r.lcLEA.i'S
amiM mm
ecual service in mild or chronic
- Some Time Ago
F. G. Fricke & Co. tied high prices
to the tail of a oalloon and Bent them
.fjtfng to some" other country. Other
druggists looked at its departure with
sorrow and. long faces, but the people
smiled with unconcealed pleasure. As
i pretty well known, F.,G. Fricke
I keeps the best stock of drugs in the
city and sells them, as well as pre
scriptions, at low prices, while for
druggists' sundries, syringes, per
fumery, soaps, brushes, and all drug
gists' sundries he is simply unat
McLain Bros.&Co.
CM,e.o -o.. or T
Grain and Provisions bought and sold for
cash or for futnre delivery on margins.
Orders for Wheat executed in lots of l,00t
ba and upwards.
Correspondence tnvitea. consignments 01
Ora4n. Seeds and Hay solicited.
when visiting tnicago call ana see u
S. fl. Davis, Representative,
Piattsmouth, Nebraska.
Eye, Ear and
Chronic Diseases.
Spectacles and Eye Glasses Fitted
by the New and Improved Method.
Specific treatment for all Chronic
and private diseases. All medi
cine furnished, and a cure guar
anteed. If your local doctor has
.-failed to cure you, consult a phy
sician of p;reatpr experience.
Consultation at oflice, or by mail
OFFICK 1411 Locust Street, One llloclc
South of M. P. Depot.
teAddress Box 22. Piattsmouth, Neb.
St. Joseph
Kansas City
San Francisco
St. Louis and all
points East and
All points west.
No 20. Local express, daily v Sst Joe,
Kansas, bt lxuis, ail puiuia
sou lb 3
No 4. Local exD. dally, Burlington,
Cnioauo. all points east.... 10:4 am
No 10. Local exp. daily except Sun-
day 115d am
No 92. Local exp. daily except Sun-
day. faulBU junction r:o jjiji
No 30. Frelnnt. aauy except, ounuajr
I'acino junction
2:50 pm
5:31 pm
8:25 pta
9:15 pm
7:32 am
8:50 am
7:37 am
2:22 pm
No 2. Vestibuled exp, dally. Bur
lington, j:nca20 ana an
nnints e&St
No 12. Local exp. daily. St Joe, Kan
sas City. M liUUIH. UIUfUKU
nil Doints east and south..
NoTS. Freight, daily, from Omaha
to rao junction, iv vsmaua
No 5. Local exp, dauy.Omaba,L.Jn-
coln, Denver and interme
diate stations
No 85. Local freight, daily. Omaha.
No 2U. Local freight, daily, ex Sun
day, Cedar t'reen, Louis
ville, South Hena
No 7. Fast mail, dally, Omaha and
No 3. Vostlbuled exp. dally. Den
ver and alt points in Colo
rado. Utah and California.
Grand Island, Black Hills.
Montana and Pacific N. W.
3:43 pm
41)0 pm
5-27 pm
5:27 pm
9 115 pm
No 9. Local exp. dally except Su -
uay. Louisville, asniauu,
Waboo. teebuyler
No 11. Local exp. dally except sun-
' day, Um ah a and Llnuoln..
No 17. Local express, Sunday only,
No 7a. Freight, dally, Louisville...
Plfwnlnz. dining and reclining chair ears
(seats free ou through trains. Tickets sold
and baggage checked to any ooint in tne
United states or can au a.
For information, time taDies. maps anu
tickt t call or write to .T.m
W. L. rinLll, nffcui.
Piattsmouth, Neb.
J. FRANCES. Gen. Pass. Agt.,
Omaha, aeo.
.W. V. TI M K CAK1I.
No. 129 Fast freight 5.10 a.m
No. 9 1L51 a. in
No. 121, looal frelsrht 4.04 D.m
No. 131 Fast f relent lu?- P-
No. U-i. local freint
No. 10 v
Rates SI and S1.50 per Day
Centrally Located and Com
fortably Furnished.
Missour Coal. Genuine Canon City Cos
Lesve orders at F. S. White's
'ailu News
I51 Cents Per Week.
All the local happenings of
the city and county, together
vlth a full telegraphic report
containing the latest newa
from all over the globe. -
Of any other Piattsmouth
paper, is, of course, the
best medium by which to
reach the people. Busi
ness men who have tried
The News' advertising
columns were more than
pleased with the results.
We would suggesUnow as
the proper time to place
one. Do not delay !
305 Maln-St.. Piattsmouth
"Some hae meat and canna eat.
And some'haejnone that want it;
But we hae meat, and we can eat.
And so the Lord be thanklt."
Because the people of Piattsmouth
know where to buy choice moats.
There ia no nutriment in poor meat,
and badly hung meat is tough. E.
A. Oliver maKes butcheriDg a fine art,
by being- an expert jud?e of prima
meats, and in knowing the proper
wav of both hanging and cutting them
J . - . . -i V . !
up. INieaiB proeureu iruui uiui bio
the acme of choice succulence.
E. A. Oliver's Meat Market,
Fifth and Main Streets.
House Furnishings,
Our stock is complete In all lines and we
Invite our friends to look it oVer. We wll
nndeavor to please you. Call and see us.
Successors to i;.ry Boeck.)
By direct, simple and scientific ac
tion operates on the BLOOD, znoscles
and joints taking the poison ont of the
BLOOD and out of the system ; thereby
eases. '1 per Bottle. All DnggflstM.
th attjxophobos coKsw Hayan, CV