Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, May 29, 1897, Image 4

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    "Good Moratag: Have You Bought Your Spring Wallpaper?"
IF YOU HAVE without seeing our line and are not satisfied you cannot blme us. This is our thirteenth year in the Wallpaper
business and we have by far the largest stock this Spring than for any previous year. We figured that everybody would
brighten up with new smiles, new Paper and new Paint, consequently our stock of Paper is large, the assortment choice
and prices to suit all. Our line of Paints are not excelled in Cass county, and the smiles you will carry away with you if
you purchase Wallpaper, Mixed Paints, Alabastine, Kalsomine, Brushes, etc., at our store.
510 Main Street, Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Dies From Wounds Received
Murderous Assault.
In a
Coroner's Jury, After Thoroughly In
vestlgatlng the Facta In the Case,
Charge the Victim' Nephew With the
Crime of Harder Commencement Ex
ercUe Largely Attended.
Yesterday afternoon about 4 o'clock
William Haight of Avoca, the unfor
tunate man who was the victim of the
rage of his nephew, Charles Haight,
died as a result of the wound which
he received.
As near as we can tret the facts
Charles Haight, a man about thirty
five years of age, was doing some car
penter work in a barber shop when his
uncle, Wm. Haight, entered the shop.
and the young man accused the latter
of having undermined him in eecur
ing a job using some pretty strong
language, which the old roan re
sented by telling young Haight that
helled. Young Haight then grabbed
the iron jack-plane he tai been using
and with deadly aim he threw itathis
uncle, striking the latter on the head
and crushing his skull. For two days
toe unfortunate victim lingered in
battle with death, but yesterday he
sank rapidly and toward evening he
was called to his final rest. The old
gentleman, it is said, leaves a family
to mourn his untimely taking off.
A coroner's inquest was held this
morning, which brought in a verdict
in accordance with the above facts,
and recommended that Charles
Haight be held to the district court
on the charge of murder, without bail.
The young man, who allowed his tern
per to govern him in the commission
of the crime, is now in jail, where he
will doubtless remain until the next
term of court.
County Attorney Graves will file a
new complaint charging him witJ
murder, which may come up for a pre
liminary hearing the first of the
week. The Haights are nut repre
sented as hard citizens, but it seems
the young man had a vicious temper
which he never tried to restrain.
The Commencement Exercise.
The Commencement exercises of the
Plattsmouth high school at the Pres
Dyienan cnircn iasi evening were
well attended the large audience tes
tifying their approval of the fine pro
gramme by frequent applause.
The opening number, an organ vol
untary played with the usual taste and
skill of Miss Kessler, was followed by
an invocation by Dr. Baird. The sec
ond number, a vocal duett, "Love," by
Mieses Swearingen and Street, was
rendered in such a pleasing manner
as to call forth a vigorous encore,
which was not responded to, much to
the disappointment of their friends.
Miss Kauble's beautifully performed
eolo on the violin was followed by
Hilt Wescott's valedictory .address,
delivered in such a graceful manner
that both instructors and fellow
graduates had good reason to be
proud of their pupil and companion'.
The subject matter showed thought
ful care and preparation, that would
have done credit to a far older head
than our Hilt's.
Misses Kauble and Hnjeck's "Rev
ery," for two violins, was played with
such exquisite touch that everyone
wished they could be heard more fre
quently in our city.
Rev. Wa P. Murray of Omaha de
livered a fine address and presented
the well-earned diplomas to the
graduates as they stood before him in
class, making a fine appearance with
their lovely flowers.
The class song. 'Fare well," which
closed the program, was composed by
Prof. McHugh and set to music by our
talented young valedictorian, who
played the accompaniment for the
closing of the greatest event in the
young lives of fifteen graduates from
Plattemouth's high school.
We must not omit to mention the
decorations which were so artietically
displayed as to call forth loud expres
sions of admiration. On the front of
the platform a large arch tastefully
. draped with the class colors, bore the
class motto "Step by Step We Gain
the Heights," underneath was hung
their emblem a. large gilt, four-leaf
clover the whole tastefully twined
with emilax. Beautiful potted plants,
palms and jape jessamines filled the
air with fragrance, which, together
with the lovely gowns of the gradu
ates, presented a picture' which will
linger long in the minds of those pres
ent. '
Insure in ' the German American.
Fred Ebinger, Agent.
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
Wallpaper at Gering & Co's.
QThe Orris Ober company at White's
Don't forget the show at the opera
house tonight.
Fresh strawberries every morning
at Weckbach & Co.
Paint points to prosperity. Buy
your paints of Gering & Co.
The Senior class will have a swell
banquet at the Hotel Riley tonight.
If you war.t to buy or sell Platts
mouth propei ly, see T. H. Pollock.
A new crossing was put in by the
city yesterday at the corner of Seventh
and Vine streets.
Mrs. Rock wood and Mrs. M. L.
White went to Ashland today for
visit with friends.
Choice cape Jessamine in quantities
at only 30 cents per.dozen, for decora
tion day, at L. A. Moores.
Call at the Iledbloom drug store
Snvdor'a old stand and see the new
wall paper, paints, oils, etc.
Dr. Wilkinson of Omaha, specialist
for eye, ear, nose and throat, will be
at Dr. Livingston's office Moaday,May
Rev. Fuller will occupy the pulpit at
the Christian church Sunday evening
on account of sickness at Elder
Youtzy's. "
If you want to spend an enjoyable
evening and see one of the best com
panies which ever came to town go to
White's opera house tonight.
George Olive of the Weeping Wate
Republican made the News a pleasan
visit today. He was in town to meet
his mother on her return from Corn
ing, Iowa.
Special Straw Hat Sale at Herold's,
Boy's. Misses' and Cnildren's 50c, 75c,
$1.00 to $1.50 straw hats. Your choice
for 29 cents. Don't wait too long.
Sunday is decoration day and as
Saturday is to be observed in this
city and all places of business are to
be closed. The News will not bo is
sued tomorrow.
The baccalaureate sermon Sunday
morning at the Presbyterian church
by Rev. J. T. Baird will be in the
nature of a union service, the other
churches joining.
A splendid funny comedy drama
For a Million" will be put on at
White's opera house tonight. General
admission, 15 cents; reserved seats at
Lenhoffs, 25 cents.
Unconditional surrender is the
only terms those famous little pills
known as De Witt's Little Early
Risers will make with constipation.
sick headache and stomach troubles
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Iledbloom, the new druggist, is here
to do business and will sell goods at
popular prices. Call and see his com
plete line of paints, brushes, wall pa'
per and everything usually found in a
first-class drug store.
S. S. Cone, the eloquent lecturer
will hold forth at the Christian church
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
evenings of next week. "The Plan
of the ees' is his subject, illumi
nated with bible charts.
croup ana wnooping cough are
childhood's terrors; but like pneii
monia, bronchitis, and other throat
and lung troubles, can be quickly
cured by using One Minute Cough
Cure. F. G. Fricke & Co. '
There's no better flour made than
Fnisel's "Plansifter," manufactured
In this city. Ask your grocer for it.
and thereby get the best and sup
port a home industry at the same time,
which builds up the town.
Not only acute lung troubles, which
may prove fatal in a few days, but old
chronic coughs and throat troubles
may receive immediate relief and be
permanently cured by One Minute
Cough Cure. F. G. Fricke & Co.
It should be made a matter of public
knowledge that DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve will speedily cure piles of
the longest standing. It is the house
hold favorite for burns, scalds, cuts.
bruises and sores of all kinds. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Whenja cold is contracted, cure it
at once at once. One Minute Cough
Cure will set you on the road to re
covery in a minute. It will cure pneu
monia, bronchitis, croup and all forms
Of lung and throat trnuhla v ci
Fricke & Co.
When the spring time comes, "cren-
tle Annie," like all other sensible
persons, will cleanse the liver and re
novate the system with DeWitt's
Little Early Risers, famous little pills
for the stomach all the year round.
F. G. Fricke & Co-
Just received at Herold's, the pret
tiest Line of Ladies Parasols and Uik
brellas ever brought fo Plattsmouth.
Special Umbrella Bakoain 20
dozen ALL silk (pieced) Umbrellas,
at 69 cents. Same quality of silk you
find in the $3.00 umbrella, but pieced.
Herold's have sold a few thousand
straw hats in the last few days, but
they still have a few more. A man
from Greenwood read their "ad" in
The News and the first thing he did
when he struck town today was to
buy one of the bargain hats at
Herold's. -
The gasoline pleasure boat, "Sun
down," is now prepared to take fish
ing and picnic parties anywhere on
the river, at very reasonale rate?.
This is the best season of the year for
fishing, and the opportunity of thus
properly enjoying a day should not be
allowed to pass.
Throe cases of measles were re
ported to the board of health yester
day were from the west end of town,
and were the families of Skomal,
Holly and Vetesnek. The cases re
ported today were from Winterstecn
hill, and were families of Mason and
Walter Thomas.
The team attached to Ed Fitz
gerald's express wagon took a notion
to run away this morning. As they
turned the corner Dear the Riley hotel
a trunk which was in the wagon was
thrown out upon the pavement and
the team was stopped a little further
on. No damage was sustained.
Deputy Sheriff S. P. Holloway re
turned last evening from his trip to
Kearney. He reports everything out
that way as looking One. An all
ni'ht rain bad fixed the country in
grand shape. Lee Westate, who used
to watch on the B. & M. bridge here
was laundryman at the reform school.
B. N. Loverin was also seen, and was
in good form enjoying life.
The prize winner now is "Wurl
Bros.' " famous 5-cent cigar, which
has no equal on the market. It has
forged its way to the front against
keen competition and is now one of
the best sellers in eastern Nebraska
because it is made from the finest to
bacco, carefully selected. The "Porto
Keco" is our be&t 10-cent cigar. Re
member Otto Wurl, Manufacturer,
Smoke no other.
sam nouowav saw a farm near
Kearney of 2,500 acres all sown in al
iaiia. xnat farmer will be wearing
diamonds in a year or "two, as alfalfa
grows whether the rams smile on it or
not. Peas were in bloom and come
corn had been cultivated the second
time. We fear if Sam makes another
trip to the Kearney institution, we
will lose him altogether, as he is
badly gone on the Ceutral Nebraska
farm lands.
-Ti i
) J
Is often shown on the faces of people who see an up-to-date gentleman ar
rayed in one of our new, stylish, spring suits. He feels like asking the sty
lish and fortunate wearer where he got it.' We wish he would, for he would
find that dressy and stylish suits in Plattsmouth are bought of Joe & Frank.
Our all Wool Cheviot suits at $5 and $6 are models of perfection. For $10 we
can give you your selection from twenty-five different styles of suits made
from the choicst fabrics, perfect fitting and made in the height of fashion.
We have just received our first shipment of Straw Hats, and can fit any
sized head from the smallest to the extra large. A peep in our window will
assure you that we are The natters of Plattsmouth.
A Had Dog Scare.
Yesterday a large black dog of the
New Foundland species came rushing
down town from the northwest, biting
and snapping at everything in its
reach. It bit several dogs up toward
Heisel's mill. It was finally killed by
Fitzpatrick after it had bitten Mr.
Coffee's doer near Main street. It is
not known whether the dog had hv
drophobia or not,as it was not frothing
at the mouth, but its actions were very
strange. Mr. Coffee had his dog
Kiiiea at once and all dog owners
should be very watchful for the next
ten days to see that no trouble is de
veloped. People cannot be too cam
rul in keeping their children off the
street where rabid dogs would be less
liable to bite them.
The New Drag Store.
Mr. Hed bloom, the gentleman from
Stromsberg, who purchased the Snv-
der drug store, is rerstocking and
cleaning up, preparatory to doing
some business. He brings with him
an experienced graduate pharmacist.
Charles Baughan, a young man of
pleasant address who will move here
with his family at once. Mr. Hed
bloom will move in a few weeks and
expects to be a permanent resident of
this city, and no doubt will receive
his full share of business.
Notice to Public.
Hereafter all orders for coal or
wood may be left at A. H. Weckbach
& Co's. grocery store. All orders
will receive prompt attention. A full
line of different kinds of coal kept
constantly on hand.
" Melchior Soennichsen.
Wall Paper to Snit All Tastes.
Paper from 3 cents per roll on up.
from Alfrod Peats, the greatest wall
piper house in the world.
James Pettee,agent for Cass county.
Neville block, North Sixth street.
Ice! Ice! Ice!
H. C McMaken & Son are now
pared to deliver
part of the city.
" j II aud clover pasturing. Plenty of running water.
Clear ice to anv Kates reduced to $4 per season of live months.
CuUom or address Cedar Creek.
Program For Decoration Day.
The line ofmarch will be formed on
Miiin streen in front of G. A. R. hail,
under command of Harvey Holloway
as marshal, and will move promptly
at 1 o'clock. On arrival at cemetery
the veterans and flower wagon will
move on east avenue, and the porces
sion will move along on west avenue
to south part of cemetery; the graves
of veterans will be decorated first,then
the following program will be carried
Music by band.
Song by quartette.
Oration by Capt, M. L. Hayward of Nebraska
Heading of President Lincoln s address at
Address by son of veteran, H. Guy Livingston
Song by quartette.
Memorial to unknown dead by V. R. C.
A Valuable Prescription.
Editor Morrison of Worthington,
Ind., "bun," writes: "You nave a
valuable prescription in Electric Bit
ters, and I can cheerfully recommend
it for Constipation and Sick Headache
and as a general system tonic it has
no equal." Mrs. Annie Stehle, 2625
Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, was all
run down, could not eat nordigest
food, had a backache which never left
her and felt tired and weary, but six
bottles of Electric Bitters restored
her health and renewed ner strength.
Prices 50 cents and $1. Get a bottle
at F. G. Fricke's drug store. 6
Board of Equalisation.
The countv commissioners will meet
as a board of equalization June 15.
All parties having business before the
board will govern themselves accordingly.
Gering & Co. for wallpaper.
(Special notices under this head will be
charged for at the rate of K cent per word
each Insertion.)
WANTED A good girl lor general housework.
Call at residence of O. A. Marshall.
iOR SALE A good top buggy. For particulars
enquire oi D. Babbington or at News office.
OR SALE OR TRADE On account of
sickness I will rent, sell or trade niv hotel in
Union for amall niece of improved prooertv
. . , . . . , r
near Plattsmouth. suitable tor tne poultry busi
ness. Address A. K. smitn, care no
Union, Neb.
The Casino Saloon
Pure Imported Wines and Whiskies,
and that queen of all medi
cines M&lt-Nutrine.
Got 'Em..
Infant's, Misses', Youth's and Boys'
nod. (Wt on
They are Right in Price, Style ami Fit.
Misses' Lace Chocolates from $1.10 up. Solid leather.
Misses' Mutton Mahogany, black trimmed, a beauty, $l 7." ui.
Our Misses' Mahogany stray bow SAND I S aro poach-u-rona.
Ladies' Oxfords
All colors and toes from $1.10 to $2.25.
It is useless to waste space on our
Men's Ox-Bloods
and ChocolatesljUA
From $2.85 up. See them we'll do the rest.
SAY, BOYS, come and see our OX-BLOODS and tell your
Ma about them. They are beauties and wear like an anvil.
We don't 6ay you are imbecile because you don't buy our
shoes, but ull we ask of you is to drop In and feo our Sum
mer novelties. Fine line infant's soft sole. Repairing a
X. -v.
Robert Sherwood,
FOOT MILLINER. One Door West Weckbach's.
61 5hi
(See that this Label is on the Itox)
w- V fWMIvmUi UIV Xiflt4)l NtdKCI IIKC'f UIUIX 101 UHlUn VI M'TlfMls)
union-made Cierars.
IN thtCwm coMjmttf with hem im htm mad K
Kii)lnll upon tiki lit 4U punsM to IM
Ask for Union-Made Cigars and Take no Other.
Not they who in sickness pine
Who know the value of pure Wine.
Not they who daily weaker grow
Who Wine's life-giving virtues know.
When the blood grows weak, when
flesh and strength melt away and sick
ness uxurps the place of health, noth
ing can restore and build up like
Wine. But it must be pure Wine,
such as sold by Phillip Thierolf, the
Wino of nature, not of art. Such
ulone cm warm the falling heart, and
new life to the blood impart. Get
your Wines and Liquors from Phillip
Thierolf, so you can be absolutely cer
tain of getting the positively pure and
PHIL THIEROLF, Proprietor.)
J Some People
nave corns...
iotel Smith,
COR SALE Three lots, house, barn ana good
well in Hillsdale, la. inquire at this omce.
lOR SALE A first-class milch cow. also
I horse, buggy and harness, very cheap. En
quire ol I. M. Grace at faniilv residence in Third
OR SALE Brick house. 3 lots, barn, cistern .
Good cave and voune fruit. -Jziauire at this
OKSES and cattle taken for choice blue-grass
And some have not. Most of us have. It
you are troubled with corns hard or soft
drop in and buy a bottle of our
..Corn Cure..
It will surely give you relief much more
satisfactory relief than you can obtain by
the use of a razor, and only
1 5 Cents a Bottle.
A lady is well dressed only when livery detail U carefully at.
tended to. There is no more important than hats. Oar hats are always at
tractive. Better to purchase where the line is first-class and extensive.
Our stock compromises the best shapee only and they aro mar ked to the
right price, etc. '
Special Sale . .
All this week on trimmed hats at heavy
I i a: i x i
reuuuuon in prices as we wisn iu reuuee our
stock.. Over one hundred to select from if you
call early. Remember the place.
License Notice.
Notice is hereby given that Mark White has
filed his petition as required by the statutes of
the state of Nebraska with the city clerk request
ing a licence to sell malt, spirituous and vinous
liquors tor the coming municipal year in the
building sitnated on the west one-half (H of lot
nine W, Mock twenty-eight ('-), city of Plaits
Plattsmouth Nebraska, MaySO. 1807.
Mask Whit .
North Side MainQStreet. : Plattsmouth.