3 ' 6' wi7 "y Absolutely Pure. A i rc.iiii i.'l tartar b.ikint powder. Highest of ai in h-avi uins '-treiifclii. Latest t'nitcd States ;. iniiievt I'ood Ki'xrt. CITY AND COUNTY. W.IK1.Y IJ:-. J. A li.iseineier, of Louisville, is in town today. Y.rs. TI. I). Travis is reported quite ill with pneumonia. Ed. SenulhotT i down home from Iliivelock on ft eick leave. Julio-? O:iilow and Vred LehnhofT weru in from Louisville precinci today. Marion Spangler rejoices over the advent of a new girl at his house this morning. L. J. Ma v field, editor of the Louis ville Courier, w;is in the city on busi ness today. Mrs. M. S. IJi iggs got a bad fall in an area way last evening, but was not seriously injured. Edwin Duff, of Nebraska City, was in the city on business a few hours yesterday evening. Miss Laura Smith of Michigan City, Ind., is in the city the guest of her uncle, Wash Smith, and family. Dr. Humphrey porformed a delicate opei-ation successfully Monday by re moving a tumor from a man's eye. Ike Cecil bns a new boy up at his house and 10 cent cigars are supposed to bo on tap over the auspicious event .). O. Ward and wife of Louisville nrecinet. old lime neighbors of the editor, niiide Thk Nkws a pleasant visit today. Miles Stnmlish and Dave Young, "Muirny farmers that have made a suc cors in their calling, were in town to day and made a welcome visit at The Nkws' sanctum. II. C. Creamer, one of West Hock Bluffs suhstantial young rirmers.made Thk Nkws a pleasant call today. He has 220 notes of corn planted which is coining nicelv, and with McKinley times rhc.id, Henri is feeling all right John, Ferdinand and Henry Ilon- nings, three of Eight Mile Grove's leaning farmers, were in town on busi ness today and made The News a ploasint call. They report corn a loor stand in their neighborhood, many having to replant. Judge King of Weeping Water, who was elected sheriff of this county in IHifl, visited lllfi NEWS to day. Mr. King is hale and hearty and carries his ago remarkably well. He will visit his old I'lattsmoulh friends today aud return home to morrow. TIIUKSDAY. Jmlgo Spurlock departed this morn ing for a brii-f visit with his parents out at York. Mrs. A. E. Kcinhackle and Mrs Wash .Smith were in the metropolis this morning. He'.. Stteng nnil George Reynolds of Nchnwk't are in town on bufii.ers today. A nice girl of standard weight is re ported as a recent sir rival at the home of Elias Kihlow. Jacob TrKseli and M. L. Fredrich, ac companied by their wives, were-Om aha tisilors today. Ji e H:iw kswoi th came in from the p:i.-,I 1 si evening and departed for h'-ai.i liiis morning. The giti club bus some new traps ai.d will make a shoot this afternoon I., iwt' how they work. Louis Olnatt ami wife and Chris Wohlfaith were among the Omaha visitors thi morning. W. J. Hesse r is reported much bet ter and hoped to bo well enough to st:rt home thi evening. Grandma 1 liomas was ngaiu worse today and the chances for her living more than a few days are poor. several new cases of measles are re ported today, the disease in parts of Ihe town having gaim u quite a foot hold. W. II. Birilo. traveling freigh borrowing ri.-. rv rr7 "s h K I I 1 in 7 The sign of this borrowing is thinness ; the result, nerve waste. You need fat to keep the blood in health unless you want to live with no reserve force live from hand to mouth. Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil is more than a medicine. It is a food. The Hypophosphites make it a nerve food, too. It comes as near perfection as good things ever come in this world. Bt turtyeu get Scot ft Emulsion wktm f0 want it and ut a cktaf tulstitute. Scott & Bowne, New York. All Druggists; 50c. and $1. agent for the 1. 1. & I. railway, with headquarters in Chicago, was in town today. Col. C. H. Querean of the motive power department of the Burlington made a business trip to Wymore this morning. Mrs. Drew and sons, Clyde and Ger ald, are down - fi om Omaha to attend Commencement and Decoration day exercises. John C. Faught, who has chargo of Rieh.ys' lumber yard at Philips, Neb., came in this morning for a visit with relatives at Murray. Ltev. Edward Murphy and wife de parted this afternoon for their home at Niobrara, after a few days' visit with friends in this city. Uncle Ned Biker was visiting rela tives in Omaha today and laying in a stock of fiuits for his fruit stand. which he will open soon. Another caso of diptheria was re ported this morning that of John 1 Sherman, the fifteen -year-old son or Mr. and Mrs. C W. Sherman. - Gustavo Wockbach was taken sud-: donly ill this morning and his brother, A. 11. Weckback, of this city? was telegruphed for. He went up this af- tornoon. All ladies of the Fraternal Union are requested to meet at the homo of Mrs. Hawkins on Chicago avenue, Friday afternoon. May '28. By order of committee. Mrs. A. D. Eigenbroadt left this af ternoon for Madison, Neb., to see her aunt, Mrs. Seeley, who is very low, with no hopes for her recovery. Mrs. D. Miller, has been with her for sev eral weeks. To avoid any misunderstanding we will state that N. S. P. A. stands for Nebraska State Pharmaceutical As sociation, and Dick O'Neill is not president. IL R. Gering of this city is the president. Deputy sheriff S. P. Holloway went to Kearney yesterday to take Willie Campbell to the reform school, where the latter was sentenced some days ago by Judge Spurlock. The boy's relatives live at Weeping Water. The latest report from Wm. Katght says he is slowly sinking, and that his death is but a question of a short tima. He is past sixty-five years of age. His assailant, Charles Haight, is about thirty-five years of age, and is confined in the jail here. A. W. White, who .repesants the old reliable Phenix Insurance com pany of Brooklyn, paid Oswald' Guth mann $."00, the amount of bis loss in the ljouisville fire. The Phenix is always prompt pay, and no lawsuits for a man to get his money. Odd Fellows Election. The following officers were chosen last evening: Noble Grand E. P. Lutz. Vice Grand E. Lemm. Secretary C. E. Wi throw. Representative II. J. Streight. English Spavin Liniment removesal Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses. Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring-Bone, Stifles, Sprains, all Swoolen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonder ful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists, Platts- raouth. Can Not Recover. The sheriff today received a tele gram from Avoca saying that William Haight, the man assaulted by Chas Haight, was sinking and no hopes for his recovery are entertained. This will place the assailant in a very un comfortable position, ps he will have to face the charge of a most heinous and unprovoked murder. The Avoca people are much wrought up over t he affair, but they will let the law take its course. With Judge Ramsey on the bench the people have every confi dence in a fair administration of ju3 tice, with no aggravating; delays. A Queer :(?) Medicine. There is a medicine whose proprie tors do not claim to have discovered some hitherto unKnown ingredient, or that it is a cure-all. This honest medicine only claims to . cure certain diseases, and that its ingredients are recognized by the most skilled physi cians as being the best for Kidney and Bladder Diseases. It is Foley's Kid ney Cure. For sale at Smith & Par mele. Rheumatism Cured In a Day. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in one to three days. Its action upon the sys tern is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. Th first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents Sold by P. G. Frlcko & Co., druggist9 J Subscribe for TnE NEWS. from health. If you have borrowed from health to satisfy the demands of business, if your blood is not getting that constant supply of fat from your food it should have, you must pay back from somewhere, and the somewhere will be from the fat stored up in the body. g This Great Soap makes home, home indeed. Keeps g everything clean. Keeps the housewife and everybody 9 happy, r Try it. - Sold everywhere. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago. k - - - ooooooeeooeooooeoooc6eHsoaooaooofe6ooooocoo Were Unjustly Accused. Chickens will ever be the cause of in- umerablo quarrels. Some people after being repeatedly requested to pen up their fowls) take special de- ight in watching their chickens scratch out the seed which has been placed in the ground by their more ndustrious neighbors. An instance, which demonstrates the idea some people have of the right of chickens to respass and demolish other peoples property, occurred in the soutnern part of the city the other evening. It seems that a certain peaceable family, arter a whole day spent in chasing their "accomodating neigh bors'" chickens off their premises. incidentally, or rather accidentally. crippling several which came in con tact with the missies employed to hasten their departure) were greatly annoyed by being unmercifully and unjustly accused of perpetrating petit crimes which would make even a guilty person blush no proof, of course, was forthcoming. Thewrathy and "accommodating"' neighbors left the inference that the world belonged to them, and that if a peaceable citizen wished to live in their neigh borhood in comfort and away from their scratching nuisances, they must place a high, board fenco around their own premises. While no complaint has been filed by the parties so unjustly accused. yet the above incident shows the dense conception some people possess of doing right by their neighbors. The Ilest Remedy For Rheumatism. (From the Fairhaven. N. V., Register.) Mr. James Rowland, of this village. slates that for twenty-live years his wife has been a sufferer from rheum atism. A few nights ago she was in such pain that she was nearly crazy She sent Mr. Rowland for the doctor, but he had - read of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and instead of going for the physician he went to the store and secured a bottle of it. His wife did not approve of Mr'. Rowland's purchase at first, but nevertheless applied the Balm thoroughly "and in an hour's time was able to go to sleep. Che now applies it whenever she feels an ache or a pain and finds that it always gives relief." He says that no medi cine which she had used ever did her as much good. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by all druggists. A Jueer "Accident. Just as a passenger was getting on the train last evening after the train had started, his watch fell from his pocket and bounced pquarely on the rail in front tof the wheel, which passed over it, smashing the case and works na flat as the proverbial pan cake. It was about s' worthless a watch niter., thu accident -as could be imagined, nothing. of value being left save the coin in the caso. At White. The- Orris Ober Opera company gave another superior entertainment at While's opera house last evening. but tho patronage was not near what the talont of the company and excell ence of, the program deserved. The company cancelled - its date for tonight on account of commencement exercises, bui will give a first-class entertainment at the ouera house Fri day evening. Cheap Kates to Ianilon, Mo. For the iishing season the 11 & M will sell round-trip tickets to Lang- don, Mo., at $2.80 every Saturday and Sunday, good to return Monday, and for party of five or more on solid ticket limit to return, three days from date of sale. W. L. Pickktt, Agent . Llftt of Let t ern. - Remaining uncalled for at tho post office at Plattsmouth, May 6, 1S)7: Buttons, G F Goodiu. Flora Hunter. Grace Mason, S J Sterrston. A H Salsburg. J W hite, Tillie When calling for any of the above letters DieaiO My 'V.dverlised ' W. K. Fox, 1 M. Chnp Batm to Nashville, Teiin. For tho Tenne3eo Centennial, nn inlernalional oxposiiion.ut Nashville. Tenj., tho IS. & M. will sell "round trip ticket for $34.40 from. Mi y 20 to October 13; Cn.il limit November 7, 1897. For further information coll at B. & M. ticket office. W. L. Pickett, Agent. Dreftn makiiiK. Parlors over Hei old's store, neat fitting latest styles and low prices. Cora m. Alexander. It In the Itest On Karth." " That is what Edwards & Parker, merchants of Plains. Ga., says of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, for rheu matism, lame back, deep seated and I muscular pains. Sold by all drug-gists o e a o o o o o r o The Cat Came Back 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Because there was no place like the home where they used Santa Claus Soap ' 0 SPECIAL MARKET LETTER The following market letter is fur uished us by McLain linos. & Co., Commission Merchants, ltialto Build wig, Chicago: There have been encouraging signs at improvement in general business the past week, which augur well for the future, and although not pronounced enough, in more than a few lines, to warrant the prophecy ot a general re vival of trade, they are sulliciently sig nificant to inspire hope of a irradual re newal of commercial and industrial activity. Among the gratifvinsr null cations are a greater demand for money for purely commercial uses anil a fair increase in the total bank clearings of the country as compared with those at the corresponding date one year ago. The 'armistice between the Greek and Turkish armies has developed a more stable feeling abroad, w hich has been rellected in the volume of busi ness on foreign exchanges, and in an improved demand for American secur ities. The possibilities which the Cu ban qnestion presents tends to restrict any marked improvement, however, and retards the revival of an active do mestic inquiry for stocks and bonds. Our wheat market still rules active and irregular, and is daily attracting the attention of a greater number of operators because of the possibilities that the situation presents. While the auspicious weather exerts a bearish in tlnence and encourages free short sell ing whenever there are any indications jf weakness, the rapid depletion of stocks and the fear of the consequences of their reduction to the point of actual scarcity soon checks the selling on slaughts and induces liberal buy ing for long account. The long wheat, being largely held by a few wealthy operators, does not come on the market on the breaks, on stop orders and exhausted margins, as it usually does when held by a large number of scattered traders, rendering it ditlicult for shorts to provide for more than a small portion of their contracts without causing a sharp advance. Late advices from France indicate a state of affairs that ere long may gen erate a decidedly bullish sentiment de spite the glowing reports of crop pros pects received from the south and northwest. It is claimed that the crop in that country shows an average con dition 12 per cent below that of a year ago, on an acreage 8 per cent less, and that her import requirements will be 12,000,000 l.ii for the remainder of this crop year and 72.dK).(mh) im for the next. These estimates have inspired the bull contingent with fresh coinage, and have emlxildened not a fewlo add lib erally to their holdings. The fact that many mills in the wir ter wheat section have been closed be cause of 1 he dilliculty in procuring suit able wheat to grind indicates the pau city of supplies in first hands and en courages t he belief that but little of the new crop will reach our uiaikei lor some time after its movement f::irlv begins. With an increase in the foreign de maud, which tho French ndxh-es sug gest, there are substantial reas rs for the belief that before the end of July the situation may become acute. For eign markets as well as our own have been intluenccd by optimistic estimates of America s probable yield ami are in position to respond quickly to any in- tluence that will piesetit less rcseate views. These est imat'-s are all based on the result of the quing wl eat sow ings, which as yet have merely a favor able start, and still have to encounter the vicissitudes 'of almost 'an entire season's growth. There has already lieen so much damage to winter wheat that the spring varietv must mat lire with but Utile damage ! insure an abundant total, aud private advices of still further damage to the winter crop are becoming more liuuiemus. ihe Hes sian tly having beconu-tlis ouiajiiig! active in many localities. I'. iili hulls and bears realize that the weather in the near future is the most im'xu tant market factor, and that any change that would cause further injury to tin crop would be the signal for a rapid advance. There is but little to be said of the coarse grains, which rule rather steady and easy except when inlliieiu-ed bv wheat. Iteceints are increasing, and westprn nncriitiirs nrn iiicliiu-il U, s-H 1 ii i....... , i: i in-iiiK iiiiiiiriHru uj i.ii;;r .inh uhoiCi deceased, late of said county and an illd'eiise in the acrc;ie laliUil tliis )st:te. will be received, examined und ad ye;l.f (justed by the county court at the court flio viihl eimnlv rr rrr-iin in ll.i ..1.,ie.V,.S,r,le 8l,PP'y ol Pr.llll lit ' j'C uniLt'u ruaifs umi tjiiiiatia.siiiiws l lie following rliangps for the week: Wheat decreased l,44l.(HJO hti. corn tUweHseil 2.3(J3.0UU bu and oats decreased 1 ,087. MKi bu Kate to Milwaukee, Wis. For the annual meeting of the na tion il educational association the B. & M. will soil round trip tickets July 3, 4 nnd 5 for one faro plus $2.30, final limit for return July 10,11, and 12 only. An extended limit may be had , , ... " I - , . ... by deposltinfr tldvets With joint ajrent 'i:l,r..nL-r.o until AncTii.it It W. L. Pickett, Agent. Dr. Marshall, Graduate UentUt. Dr. Marshall, fine gold work. Dr. Marshall, gold and porcelain crowns. Dr. Marshall, crown and bridge work Dr. Marshall, teeth without plates. Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fillings. Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plates. Dr. Marshall, perfect fitting plates Dr. Marshall, all work warranted. All the latest armliances for first class dental work. . Alfalfa Keed. A No. 1 alfalfa seed for sale cheap t A. fl. Wockbach 's grocery store. t cp at A ntrCDTTPMPMT UC.ll.Al JiJ VHI. 1 iOCWlCM J Sheriff '8 Sale. By virtue of an orderof sale Issued by Geo. F. liouaeworth. clerk of the district court, within and for Cass eountv.Nebraska.and to medlrected. I will on the lUth day or June. A It ls7 nr. 11 n'clock a. m. of said day at tbe south door of the court house in tbe city of Flattsmoutii. in said county, sen ainuoiio auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described lands and tenements. to-wit: . . . Lotli in block l.M. in ine city oi nan- moulb. Cass county, Nebraska, togeiuer with the privileges ana nppurveiianues thereunto belonging or In anywise apper taining, the aime beinsr levied unon and taken as the property of Katherine Keu- land. alias Mrs, feter iteuiauu. et ui..uc feudants, to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by l'ettllMine& N ixon.nl ain tifTs. atratnst said defendants. I'laltsuioutu, Neb.. May lti. A. i is7 Hakvf.y Holloway. Sheriff, CasscouLty. Nebraska. Legal Notice. Tn Inrcen Greve. 1'eter G:cve. Claus Greve. tlanst ;rHve:Heter K.ock.Veibke Margarethe Kock and August Kock. non-resident detondants: You and each ot you are hereby notitied that on the aihh day of April. A. D: John H. I'ettibone and S. K. Nixon riled a petition in the district court ot Cass county against you, the object and prayer oi which is to tiave esiaunsiieu a tax lien in favor of said plaintitts and against lot in block 14 in the City ol I'lattsmouth. Cass countv, Ne braska, for the sum o! tllM 13. for years lKs, 18W. iwn tt-al nnrl ii.i. with 10 per cent interest tliere- on from about May 6th, IKS--', less a payment of in January Ji: equiiame icuci, lorenusure ot said lien, and sale of said property to satisly rc, is ,l..ia.i,(,l You are reauired to answer dnio mth 10 rer cent anuuai inieresi ana said petition on or bctore Monday, lutie 2lst, 11. JOHN 11. 1 ell iBuat - iii.iv". May 3. '97. - Legal Notice. To Arthur and Ellen Spivev. non-resident de fendants, you are hereby notified that on the 1th day ot May, A. I). 1?87, Allen Ueesou and Jesse L Root commenced an action in the district court of Cass county. Nebraska, against you. for h iMirnnse of recoveriiie $19.0U balance due tl,..m a lauvi-rs fur nrnsMutine the suit of Spi vey vs. Moon in county court ot Cass county, Ne braska, in April r-9. and the further sum of due said plaintitts as lawyers for defending the suit of Kellogg vs. Spivey in district court oi said county in lsWl and 18U7. It is claimed that you impliedly agreed to pay said Allen lieeson and Jesse L. Koot what such services were rea sonably worth aud that said services were worth the said sums of $1U and $1)5. and the said sums are'due nlaintitis from the deiendans. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the -1st day ol June, A. u. isii Allkn Heeson anu Jesse I.. Root, 1'laintitts. May 3. '97. Sheriirs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by George F. Houseworth, clerk of the district court within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di- n-cted. I will on the l(th day of tune. A. I. 1,S'.7, at 11 o'clock a. m. ot said day at the south door of the court house in the citv of Platts mouth. in said county, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following lauds and tenements, to-wit: Lots six (o), seven (7) and eight (8), in block three 13) in Duke's addition to the citv of r'latts- mouth, Cass county. Nebraska, together witn tne nrivilecres and aDnurtenances thereunto belong ing or iu anywise appertaining. The same being levied noon and taken as the property of Llewel lyn A. Moore, et al defendants, to satisfy a judg ment of Charles Parmele. as receiver of the Citizens Bank 01 Plattsmouth, Cass county, Ne braska, plaintin, against said delendanUs. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. May 18. A. I).. 1W7. Harvey Holloway, Sheriff, Cass countv. Nebraska. Legal Notice. In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska. I In the matter of the guardianship of Adolph i Koscnbaum, insane. Order to show cause why license should not issue to sell real estate. Thid rai nn for hariufr uoon the petl- tinn ni I W. lnhnson. as triiardian of Adolph Kosenbaum, insane, praying for license to sell the east half of lot one 11), in block thirty-three (:53): and lots one. two and three II, 2 and rfi. in block thirty 3'.D, all in the city irtv 3 I . a i in tne citv oi i iaiismoum. Nebraska, for the purpose ot preserving the es- tate of said Adolph Kosenbaum, insane, and pre- vent its going to waste and decay and greatly de preciating in value. lands are sold that the estate of said Adolph k.w.-nhaimi insane, is in srreat dancer of depre ciating in value and going to waste, it is hereby ordered that all persons lnterestea in sam esiaie appear before me at the office of the clerk of the district court of Cass county. Nebraska, at Plattsmouth. on the i"th dav of Mav. A. O. 1897. at 1 o'clock p. m., to show cause why a license should not be eranted to said guardian to sell said real estate as above described, to prevent its depreciation and waste. Dated this l-'tn day ot April, n.. u. irvi. Imlire of the District Court. 15ASILC- JVAaiSt, Byron Clark and C. A. Rawls, attorney for estate. Legal Notice. In the district court of Cass county. Nebraska. James Barr Ames. Plaintitt, i vs. f PranrH Flln Miliar, et al.. In France F.llcn Miller. Albert A. Miller, Anna 11 KpM.W ham tu. Keed. t-stclia Keea, Clinton Reed. Lucille Keed, Benjamin A. Gib son, Alexander is. 1'orter and Benjamin A. uio uin trustee nf the Weeoim? Water bank: Von and each of vou are hercbv notified that on the 17th day of April, A. U. 18y., the plaintiff filed his petition in the district court of Cass countv, Nebraska, to foreclose a mortgage ex ecuted and delivered upon the luth day ot Sep tember, A. U, I8.7, conveying to Benjamin iiibson lots one and two, in block tilty-one, in the city of Weeping Water, in Cass county. Ne braska, tiled tor recora upon ine om aay oi Sep tember. A. IJ. 18r7. at 8:10 o'clock a. m. and re corded iu book "V" of mortgages, at page 5ti"; given to secure a note of even date for Sl.ftuo pay- , , . ... .... I . . A 1 , a Die to n. a. uiusou, Deconiing uue ejiciuut;i i, isit-'. which note and mortgage were sold and as signed to one Samuel T. Ames before maturity for value, and by said Samuel T. Ames sold and assigned to plaintitt, and to have said mortgage and note decreed to be a first lien upon said lands, and the interest and liens of whatsoever na tnr and ilisrrintion of vou said several defend ants he decreed inferior to plaintiff's lien on said lots, and for an accounting of the amount due planum and decree ot sale, and equitable reliet. Vou are required to answer said petition on or before the 7th dav of June. A. 1). 1897. and set forth your interest, ciaim and title in and to said lots or vour default will be entered therein. Iambs Bakk Ames. By his attorneys. Byron Clark aud Montgomery K 1 tall. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of a fee bill issued by George r. Houseworth, clerk ol district court within and tor Cass county. Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 will ou the lNth dav of I line. A. I). 1W7. at 11 o'clock A. in. of said day, at the south door of the court house iu the city of 1'iattsmouth, in said countv. sell at oublic auction, to the highest bid der for casii. the following lands aud tenements. to-wit: All of lots 24 and 32 iu section 20, township ranee 14 in Cass countv. Nebraska, together with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto be being levied upon and taken as the property o longing or in anywise auuei laiuuiv- ' ' "; illiam -M. uinry to sausiy saui lee ujii. I'iattsmouth.Nebraska. May is. A. IJ. 1897. Hakvf.y Holloway, Sheriff. Cass countv, Nebraska. Notice to Creditors. State of Nebraska, ) Cass County. 5 ' r ss In tbe matter of tbe estate of Andrew Rhode, deceased. ) Notice is nereuy friven inat tne claims nd demands ol all persons uc.imst. Andrew I "ouse at tiansinou in, on IDO -.-.an o:iy or J November. A. 1). lst7, at o'cloolr in the j af ternc tfternoon. And that six luouths from aud after tbe '-Dtli day of Mav, A. l. Iisit7. is the time limited ror creditors oi said deco-ised to present their claims for examination and allowance. Given under my hand and seal thin 25th day of May. A. I). 1"7. ,,. ,. George M. Spuri-ock, (bca,) County JudBe. Notice to t'retlitors. State of Nkhraska, ) ss County of Cass. J In the matter of the estate of John F. C. Hen- niiiRS, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the claims and de mands of all persons against lohn F. C.Hennincs. ' UeCCilSMTU, litlt. OI 9(1111 luuniv duu Mitic. will uc received, examined aud adjusted by the county I court Sit the court house in 1'lattsmouth, on the i i I i . , t : J .J . . . . .. : ' 1 I ffiHh day of November. A. I). 1K,7. at 10 o'clock in the lorenoon. Ana inai six nionins irom ana after the Ul'th day of May. A. D. 1M7. is the time limited for creditors of said deceased to present their claims for examination and allowance. Coven under my nana ana seal iius(in uay ui May. A. I). ItVT. Seal I George M. SpfRLOctt. County Judge. Probate Notice. In county court, Cass county. Nebraska. In the matierof the estate of Ann Lewis, deceased. Amanda E. Mowrer. Willa M. Weldon. Alice Schooley. William S. Lewis, Jranny K. Jsheliedy, Howard Lewis, Anna M. Maston. Sadie Iwis, Samuel Iwis and all other persons interested in said matter are hereby notined that on the 11th day of May A. I). 1W7, V. R. Baldwin hied a pe tition iu said county court, praying- that his : final administration account hied herein be settled and a lowed, and that he be discharged from his trust as Administrator, and that if you fail to appear before said court on the 1st. day of July A. D. lrr, at 10 o'clocic a. m.. and contest saia petition, Takra ances and decrees as to this court may seem DroDer.to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled and de- f r in 1 rl YVitni5 mv hand and the seal ot sa:a ' court at Flattsmouth, Nebraska, this, the Sioth day of May. A. D. 1W7.- , (seal) UEORGE M. rrnuii n. v,uuniy juatje. GO TO STAD ELM ANN'S FOR Nice Lunc!i6S, Stiort Order Meals. Anything Iesired in the Bak ing Line Furnished ou Short Notice. ft Ldics' Oyster Parlor Up Stairs Over the Restauiant. The best of Everything. ft ft ft ft ft ft ft FRED STHDELM AN. I'lattamootb, Neb. . ft FURNITURE UNDERTAKING House Furnishings, STOVES, RANGES. Our clock Is complete in all lim'R and we invite our friends to took it over. Wo wil nn.leuvor to please you. Call and see us. STREIGHT SATTLER. (Sueeepsors to Henry t'.oeck. ) PIjATTSMOIJTH. - ? r TIME TABLE PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. Lincoln Chlcasro St. Joseph Kansas City St. Louis and all points East and South. Omaha Helena Portland San Francisco All points west. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS No 2tt Local express, daily, St Joe, Kansas, bt l.ouis, ail puiuis south li:4i a No 4. Local exD. dally. Burlington. Chicago, all points east.... 10:4 am No 10. Local exp, Ually except Sun- day No 92. Loeal'exp. daily except Sun- No30. Freight, daily except Sunday day, I'aeinc Juncnon 1'iLciric Junction 2:30 pm 5:;jl pm No 2. Vostibuled exp, dally. Uur- liugton, Chicago ana an nnints east No 12. Local exp. aaily. St Joe.Kati- sas City. St L.OU1S. uuicaao all points east and south.. HM't pm No7S. Freight, daily, from Omaha to fao Junction, iv uiuaua H:1j pm No 5. Looal exp. daily, Oiuahiul. iii- col u, Denver aua lnieruie diate stations 7:32 am No 85. Local freignt, daily. Omaha. No2'.t. Local freight, daily, ex Sun 8:50 am day, Cedar creeK. JjOuis vliie. South lienQ 7:37 am 2:22 pm No 7. Fast mail, dally, omana ana Lincoln No 3. Vet-tibuled exp. daily, Den ver ana all points in Colo rado, I'tah and California, Grand Island. Black Hills. Montana and PacitiC N. W. 3:43 pu No 9. Local exp, daily except u - day. L.ouisvuie. asui&nu, Waboo. Schuyler 4110 pm No 11. Local exp, daily except Sun- I dav. Omaha and Lincoln .. 5 27 pu I No 17. Local express, Sunday only. vuiniia 5:27 p No 73. Freight, daily, Louisville... y:(lo pm SleeDlnz. dining and reclining chair cars (seats tree) on inrougu trains, x ituw uiu and bazgagu checked to any point in inn United States or Canada. For information, time laDies. maps anu tinlatj i.ull nf write t O . W. Li. r IthCi L X, ftgeni. I'laltsmou th, JNeii. J. Fit A NOES. Gen. f ass. Aitt.. Omaha. Neu. M. P. T1MK CAUIJ. THAIN8 OOINO BOIITD, No.121 Fast freight .5.10. in no. a-m No. 121, looal freight t B-m TRAINS OOINO SOUTH . No. 13! Fast freignt 10.:i p. m No. 3.S. local freignt 7.35a.m. No. Ji -" Aihlophoros By direct, simple and scientific ac tion operates on the BLOOD, muscles and joints taking the poison out of the BLOOD and out of the system ; thereby CUBING Rheumatism NEURALGIA and KINDRED dis eases, per Bottle. All Druggists. THE ATHLOFHOB03 CO., NW HaYOn, Ct BO YEARS EXPERIENCE. TRADE MARKS, rttt, COPYRICHT8 AO. Anyone sendlnjr sketch and description may auicklv ascertain, free, whether an invention la vrobalilv patentable. Coiuruuiiicationa gtrtetly ' confidential. Oldest affency foreecurlnK nateuu in America. We have a Wahlnton ofllce. Patents taken throuith Muun & Co. recetva Special notice lu the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, tieautlfallv lllufttrated. Innrest clrrnlatlon ot nv seientlfle lournal, weekly, trni 3.i a year H. SO six months. Specimen copies and klAUD liooK ON Patents sent free. Addree MUNN & CO., 361 Broadway. New York. IVIcLain Bnos.&Co. RECEIVERS A f D CI 31PFZRC MlllltllS CMICC0 HO. BO Cf TM j 211 RIALTO BUlLDiMG, CHICAGO Grairi and Prov-sions bjng't and :elJ fa" cai or for fntiro 'elivery on nnrtrins. Orders f--Tiir .1 tritciitcd iu leu of l,CCl Ln and cpw:.ru.--. Correspoadeoc invited. Consignments of Cr?, Sftsdi aad solicitnd. - Wuoii viuns CLicaga cell and see n fl. Davis, Representative, Plattsmouth. Nebraska. "THE NEWS" 15c per Week i to any Part of City NEW : ADVERTISEMENTS. BICYCLES RpetUl RArratn. flood FKEK. Vim Cvclm Camamnwr 332-344 WMbasb Ave., CbicMo HINDERCORNS mmy Corn!. Mop all pmin. Make walking y. lac, at Drurffiau. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM ClMtTMr asd TMantitle th bate Promote s luxuriant rrowtn. If evar Tuilm to Betop Ormj Com acmlp dimiM hair failing. CONSUMPTIVE l Pninful ill or lability of anT kind urn OINOEH TONIC Mum who wer hop. hweauil UiduouraKWl tuwo regained beiltu. by lu uk ij opened, that. 5v NRootbeeii?v The popping of a cork from a bottle of Hires is a signal of srood health and olea- sure. A sound the old folks like to hear the children can't ft -C" resist it. Rootbeer Is eompoisfl of the very Ingredients tho system requires. Aiding tbe digestion, soothing the nerves, purifying the blood. A temper ance drink for temper ance people. Made oolT by Tba Charlea B. Hl'aa O.. Phua. A paeka makn S mllooa, Bold avarywbara. a will do it usf' as a wash according to dl rections: prevent transmission of blood diseases, skin diseases, acute and chronic ulcers, stricture, fissure or tne lianas ana feet, Kezetna. Tetter, halt Rheumatism. In- namatlon of tne Itlaud er. IHseases or the bones, joints aud muscles. Syphlletle In anity, scurvy, M-roiuia in many tonus. ne above una a ounareu otner iorms oi iscase are traceable directly or indirectly o syphilitic lilooa l'oison ror wnieu tue r. Jaekson's Kuglish Saety Tablets Is a ure pre venti ve. and Is asafn Oerm Killer, rendering contagion hardly possible, hence ts viiiuo. it ncgiecteu sucn trouoies resui fatally. Maile"! iinywhere, sealed fl: six boxes for .'. Medical advice freo. JACK SON MKOIOAL CO., Chicago, III., or our agent. 1. L. Snyeer. QVJICKLV. TMOROUCMLV, FOREVER CURED ' 5 day ncrxtir ircTAlCf Oi nLKYL KLOIvKLK'X . " . t-SiMAN OUT OF ME k ) fiDFAT FNfl ISH PFiMFHY -.nT nrty NJlk.f li UIIMUWIIIkUllbVI v wr-, in thirty days by a new perfeoted scientiflo met hod t hat can not fail unless the case is bevond human aid. You feel Improved tbe first day; feel a benefit every day; soon know yourself a king among men in body, rrind and heart. Drains and losses ended, every obstacle to haopv married life re moved. Nerve force, will, energy, brain power, when failing are restored. If nn glected such troubles result fatally. Medical advice free. Mailed everwbere. sealed for 1. Fix boxes tor 5, JACKSON MEiJIOAti CO., Chioaso. 111., or our agent L. Suy ler. XT mia or OF IMITATIONS HlP-AtiE-K"gE U(-LO fOP'O CtNTS 1 1 LUPfO IW J tcr Jif. i- FOR SALE BVAU DHUOG.5T5 OR I JACKSON MEDICAL CO. CHICAGO ILL SCO bO CLARK 5T IMPERIAL B'LO'4. uNB. Don1 take any substitute 2 S with the same name but different 3 spelling on which your druggist o makes Twice as much C.E.WARE Or IMITATIONS Ml RemorpsFr.-ckles, Pimples, Liver - M, HlacUI'.cads, unhurn pud Tan, r.nd ro- storo-i tl:e to lfs ortKi- 11.nl frrsiir.fv.Ji. rroiucics s -i(.:.r Mini henltiiv fum ri.-t-oTi sn.-vriortonll lmr At all drufrfeisi-., or w.hcd for 50cts. Koud lorciretdar. VIOLA CKIN SOAP .Imply lcompirahl. u Vin lurilvi i- j-na,., unufcle-t f'.r ll toil. t. s4 wltfc val fur lh' liurwrr. . '"Iu!cl pnf and dell:U'l meatr At d.-urii. Pricw 25 CnU. The Q. C B1TTNER CO., Toledo, O. are the most powerful, safe prompt and IhblB of this kind In theliiiarkeu The orlirnal and only penulne woman s salva tion. Ask your dru-'lst. if he d in t keeo them. Write direct to us and we will send It direct upon receipt of price. JU sealed. rJ ma'l prepaid. Med Seal advice free. JACK soN Ml'..')l(.'Ah CO., Chlc.mo. 111., or our nent.I. U Snyder. -MASSING ALL OTHERS v AI1 over the world." STRONG ' SILENT- " SPEEX s Either Lock-SUtch or Chaln-SUtch. i i Each the best of Its kind. '' ' See the Latest Model. lilSINGER MANUFACTURING COL LOCAL OFFICE HOTEL RILEY BLOCK ' PLATTSMOUTH, : NEB. I ..7-5r rT t i it i it L 1ft VI Complsxioa Preserved DFl. HICRA'3 f-SS:" mm a wzm r -r'