Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, May 08, 1897, Image 4

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    "Good Moreieg
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
Paint points to prosperity
your paints of Goring & Co.
The Woman's club will meet with
Mrs. H. D. Travis this evening.
If you want to buy or sell Platts
mouth property, see T. H. Pollock.
Miss Mabel White cave a theatre
party to a few of her friends last night.
Richard Bilstine is running a meat
market 100 miles west of Pocatello, in
Id ah a.
Rev. A. H. PoBt will preach Sunday
afternoon at 3 o'clock at Mt. Olive
Baptist church.
There has been a new sidewalk laid
in front of C. H. Parmele's property
on Third street.
Frank Nieraan went to South Om
aha yesterday with a view to secur
ing employment.
Get Landreth's garden seeds at
Zuckweiler & Lutz's, corner of Sixth
and Pearl streets.
If you want to see the finest line of
wall paper ever brought to this city
call at Fettee's music store.
Good pasture for horses and cows,
with running water, at Livingston
Heiebts. A. C. Pry & Sons.
Regular No. 5 from the east was
nearly two hours late this morning,
but the stub went to Lincoln on time.
Tonight the theatre-goers will have
an opportunity of seeing "Mr. Rols-
tron of Arizona" at White's opera
Frank Robinson's little daughter is
the latest case of malignant diphtheria.
No hopes for her recovery are enter
tained. The boys say Cnarley Beeson has in
vented a new tan shoe polish that's a
winner. It will pny you to see him
about it.
Cliff Wescott went out to Red Cloud
this morning to look after their branch
store, which is doing a flourishing
The M. P. folks have put in a sub
stantial sidewalk out near the depot
with steps leading down from the
Mrs. Fred Stadlemann writes her
husband from Alnsley, Neb., that his
sister is very low, with but faint hopes
for her recovery.
The G. A. R. memorial sermon will
be preached by Rev. J. T. Baird at
the Presbyterian church Sunday
morning. May 23.
Don't forget the M. E. church musi
cal entertainment Saturday evening- of
this week at Waterman's ball. It will
be well worth attending.
May 30 comes on Sunday this year,
consequently the Plattsmouth G. A.
R. will have Decoration day ceremon
ies all on Saturday before
If the person who borrowed our store
truck will return same, they will con
fer a favor.
Streight & Sattlek.
Hardy White roses very suitable for
cemetery planting, and nice hybrid
roses now ready for planting at L. A.
Moore's. A fine assortment. Call at
Quite a crowd of anglers went fish
ing yesterday in Jones carryall. A
good time Is reported but the fish are
as plentiful in the bayous near Ore
apolls as formerly.
Dr. Davis, a practical and scientific
optician, will return to Plattsmouth
and be at my store May 10, for a week.
Consultation and examination free.
There are plays and plays. Don't
lose sight of the fact that "Arabian
Nights" the "funniest thing that
ever happened" is in active rehearsal,
and will be ready shortly to make you
The many friends of Miss Evans, a
former teacher here, will be sorry to
learn of the death of her mother at
Salem, la. Miss Evans has for the last
year been teaching in the South Om
aha schools.
Vern Winn, son of Wm. Winn, is
confined to his bed by a very sore le,
caused by a bruise which he received
last winter. A consultation will be
held this afternoon regarding the in
jured member.
nnflnnditional surrender is the
nlv terms those famous little pills
known aa De Witt's Little Early
Risers will make with constipation,
sick headache and stomach troubles.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Croup land whooping cough are
njvta terrors: but like pneu-
cniiuuw .
la bronchitis, ana omor lurum,
lung troubles, can be quiCKiy
by uelng One jmnute uk"
F. G. Fricke & ix.
There'a no better flour made than
HAlVE without seeing our line and are not satisfied you cannot blame
business and we have by far
n up with new smiles, new Paper and new
ces to suit all. Our
rchase Wallpaper, Mixed Paints, Alabastine,
Helsel's 'Planslfter," manufactured
In this city. Ask your grocer for it,
and thereby get" the best and sup
port a home industry at the same time,
which builds up the town.
Not only acute lung troubles, which
may prove fatal in a few days, but old
chronic coughs and throat troubles
may receive immediate relief and be
permanently cured by One Minute
Cough Cure. F. G. Fricke & Co.
The many friends of Mrs. I. ' S.
White will be glad to 'know that she
underwent a successful operation at
North Platte recently and Is improv
ing nicely. Mr. While returned yes
terday from a weeks visit out there.
Services at the Christian church
Sunday morning and evening. Guy
E. Wingate, formerly of Plattsaouth,
will deliver a popular lecture. Ad
mission free. A collection will be
taken after the lecture for a worthy
Another solid train, a regular ti me
an nihilator, passed through on the
Burlington today on its way from New
York to California. It was a beauty
and consisted of seven conches, con
taining all the appliances of a modern
It should be made a matter of public
knowledge that DeWitt's Witch
Bazel Salve will speedily cure piles of
the longest standing. It is the house
hold favorite for burns, scalds, cuts,
bruises and sores of all kinds. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
When a cold is contracted, cure it
at once at once. One Minute Cough
Cure will' set you on the road to re
covery in a minute. It will cure pneu
monia, bronchitis, croup and all forms
of lung and throat troubles. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Last night the young ladies showed
respect for the comfort and welfare of
others at White's opera house by re
moving their hats during the enter
tainment. They struck a popular
chord, for the public appreciated their
sensible action.
Thirty years is a long time to fight
so painful a trouble as plies, but Jacob
Mitchell, of Unionville, Pa.,struggled
that long before he tried De Witt's
Witch Hazel Salve, which quickly
and permanently cured him. It is
equally effective in eczema and all
skin affections. F. G. Fricke & Co.
The German Lutherans expect to
advertise for bids on the new church
which they intend to build sometime
in the near future. The church will
occupy the site of the old Herald
office, and will be 30x40 feet. The lo
cation is a nice one, and will add to
the appearance of that part of the
S. S. Cone, of Allegheny, Pa , will
be in Plattsmouth May 31 and June 1
and 2, to give bible readings from
charts. Ills subject will be "The
Plan of the Ages." All who are inter
ested in bible topics will be cordially
welcomed to hear him. His talk will
be entirely independent of all 'sec
tarianism. Further notice of his ap
pearance will be given.
The Fraternal Union lodge 6eema to
be doing finely for a new organization.
Twenty-six have been initiated and
twenty more applications are already
on file. The committee on by laws aie
Joseph H. Gray, Mrs. Nellie Curtiss
and Mrs. Elizabeth WayDright. The
relief committee is R. B. Windham,
G. M. Spurlock, R. B. Carlyle ar.d
mesdames Eaton, Shryock and Hick
son. The Epworth League will hold a
business and social meeting this even
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.
P. Campbell in South Park. All
leaguers are earnestly requested to be
present and all young people cordially
invited. A number of leaguers will
meet at the church at 7:30 and go out
from there. Those who are not fa
miliar with the location of place of
meeting are invited to come there and
join the crowd.
Ray Wiles had more than his shara
of grief yesterday and when he gose
fishing again, he will walk, or take
the train. He took his best girl and
with horse and buggy joined a jolly
party that went out to the Platte
bridge. In the evening all got ready
to go home but Ray's horse got loose
and he had to chase It afoot about
four miles, before he could catch tne
wary animal, and by that time the
shades of night had fallen and he had
a rough time driving in to town.
Mice lee.
F. S. White stored an immense
guantity of choice crystal ice last
winter which he will deliver to any
part of the city at lower rates than
heretofore. Leave orders at the store,
and get the best at prices which
are right.
Gering & Co. for wallpaper.
Have You- BouglUt
the largest stock this
line of Paints are not excelled m uass county,
Death of Maud D earing.
The entire community was saddened
today at hearing of the death of the
bright and promising little daughter
of Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Dearing which
occurred near Sioux City at 9 o'clock
this morning, where they bad gone to
consult a specialist. . Her disease, dia
betes, refused to submit to the best
medical skill, and the sweet-faced,
lovable child has gone to the better
world. The interment will, no doubt,
be made in this city, but the time can
not be given today.
Tonight' BUL
The Madison Square Comedy com
pany will this evening present to our
theatregoers the sensational melo
drama, "Mr. ltolatron of Arizona."
The company have already demoLs
trated the fact that they are the
cleverest people engaged in the
repertoire business anywhere about
this section of the country, and will,
no doubt, hold up their fine reputation
in this piece. On account of the im
mense crowd of last evening, Mr.
White will provide over a hundred
extra seats tonight, and every effort
will be made to seat all. It would be
belter, however, for those who intend
coming to purchase their seats in ad
vance at Lehnboffs, where a fine re
served seat may be had for 10 cents.
A rain Crowded.
White's hall was last night packed
to the doors with an enthusiastic
audience.The piece put on by the Mad
ison Square Comedy company was the
beautiful comedy drama, "Kathleen
Mavourneen," and we may say we
have never seen a better performance
given by a repertoire company.
Miss DeVoss, as "Kathleen," capti
vated the audience and was thorough
ly charming in the character. Miss
Moore was equally clever In the part
of "Terence O'Moore." He was par
ticularly strong at the close of the
third act and received round after
round of applause for his fine
work. Mr. Nelson as, "Black Rody,"
gave us a very fine piece of character
acting and the balance of the cast sus
tained their already good reputation.
This evening the company will pre
sent the sensational melodrama. "Mr.
Ralston of Arizona."
Thompson Case Reversed.
The brakeman, Thompson, killed by
the M. P. freight at Union while mak
ing a coupling, was known to several
people here. His widow brought suit
for damages, for Herself and children,
and the case was tried before Sam
Chapman, who, in a high-handed
manner, refused to allow it to go to
the jury and entered an order of dis
missal. An appeal was taken to the
supreme court, which reverses the ac
tion of Judge Chapman and sends the
case back here for trial.
Tarn era at St. Loala.
The Plattsmouth Turners have ar
rived safely in St? Louis, .according
to the Globe-Democrat, and made a
good appearance. We hope to learn
of their capturing some of the prizes,
and if they do not, those who do, will
earn what they get. The delegates
from this city to the National Turn
feat are Paul, Emil, Otto and Bernaid
Wurl. Geo. Kohnke, Albert FricKe,
Joe Peters, Philip Miller and Prof. A.
E. Spiedel, the teacher.
M. K. Church Maslcale.
The following program will be ren
dered Saturday evening. May 8, at
Waterman's hall:
Music... Mandolin Club
Vocal Solo Miss Swearingen
Recitation... Miss Waybright
Socai Duet Petersen Sisters
Violin Solo Miss Kauble
V ocal Solo Miss Matilda Vallery
Male Quartet campbel Brothers
M uslc. . M andolin Club
Recitation Clara Brown
ocal Solo Miss Street
Recitation Miss Mauzy
Duet, accompanied by violin Petersen Sisters
Vocal solo Master Lane
Song M ale Quartet
Hilt Wescott. C. S. Polk. Will Beach and
W. C. WUletts.
Were Nicely Kntertalned.
Mrs. H. D. Travis entertained the
ladies of the M. W. W. club in a most
delightful and informal manner yes
terday afternoon. About thirty guests
were present. The rooms were beau
tifully decorated with apple blossoms,
and a dainty six o'clock luncheon was
served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs.
C. M. Butler and little Miss Travis.
'-. School Teachers' Meeting.
The regular meeting of the teach
ers ot this section of the county will
be held tomorrow afternoon in office
of the county superintendent Mr.
J. W. Berge Is to be present to give
instruction In drawing. All inter
ested are cordially invited.
Dancing: School.
Those who think they would like to
attend a dancing school under a com
petent instructor would help along the
matter by leaving their names at The
News office before May 11.
Spring than for any
Paint, consequently our stock of Paper is large, the assortment choice
a . i t .
Kalsomine, Brushes,
Telephone Connection ' Between Omaha
And the Eastern Cities.
Telephonic connectiou between Om
aha aud New York City and Boston
will be completed on August 1, says
the Omaha Bee. This announcement
was made by Pres dent C. E Yost of
the Nebraska Telephone company.
The long distance line sli etching half
way across the continent from the
gateway of tha new world to the me
tropolis of the trans-Mississippi coun
try, bas been in operation between Chi
cago and the eastern cities for several
years. It has been gradually extended
westward, the intention being toniuKc
Omaha the western teimiuus for the
pieseut, at least. The line is now com
pleted to a point about twenty miles
this side of Davenport, la., and it is
coming this way as rapidly as experi
enced workmen can set the pules aud
haug the wires.
Pi e&iutnt Yost says that it will tie
ready for business on August 1, aud
that tbe; man who desires to trans
act business in New York can do . to
through the telephone as easily and as
conveniently aa ho can iaik to his
friend in Lincoln or Hastings. Stul,
it is not probable that the lino will oe
used very frequently by men wbo de
sire to call up New York just for the
fun of the thing. The charges will be
somewhat steep, amounting to about
$14 for a five-minute conversation.
But even with the apparently high
rates it is believed that the line will
be used frequently by business men.
The lino from Chicago to New York is
almost overburdened with business,
although the charges are $9 for a five
minute conversation.
One of the extensions will commence
at Palmyra, In Otoe county, and will
take in the towns of Douglas, Sterling,
Smartville and Tecumseh. Another
new line will commence at Elk Creek
and run to Table Rock. From the
latter point two branches will be
built, one running to Pawnee City and
tbe other to the towns of Humbolt,
Dawson, Salem and Falls City. The
towns of Pawnee City and Falls City
will be the most important ones on
this line.
Coughs Kelieved at (luce
And every bit of relief is a part of a
cure that will stay a cure. Use Bal
lard's Horehound Syrup and note how
quickly you are cured and how well
you feel afterward. Specific also for
whooping cough and croup. John
Coffin, Kirwin, Kaos., says: '"When I
began to use Ballard's Horehound
Syrup for consumption the doctor had
said that I would die in a few days.
Am now upand around. Have no mora
pain in chest or lungs." Price 25 and
60 Cts. No benefit, no pay. Sold by F.
G. Fricke & Co.
The Episcopal Eutertalnnient.
splendid entertainment will be
given at White's opera house on tbe
evening of May 10 to secure funds for
roofing the Episcopal church. Frank
Lea Short and Miss Belle Kimball of
Omaha, assisted by the best of our lo
cal talent, will present one of the best
commedies extant. Cast of characters
and extended mention will be made.
You may expect the best entertain
ment of the year and not be dis
appointed. When the spring time comes, "gen
tle Annie," like all otber sensible
persons, will cleanse the liver and re
novate the system with DeWitt's
Little Early Risers, famous little pills
for the stomach ail the year round.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Insure in tbe German
Fred Ebingcr, Agent.
Subscribe for TllE NEWS.
(Special notices under this head will be
charged for at tbe rate of H cent par word
each Insertion.)
OST A red plush robe. The finder will le
A rewarded by leaving property with W.D.Jones.
ANTED A good ffirl for eeneral housework.
Call at residence of O. A. Marshall.
:OR RENT Eight-room apartment
Herold's store. Inquire at the store.
P. ' - I It 'HJl. I ' ' 1 Bate, IU Ul. !! . V. 1
away. Enquire of Fred Ebinger at hardware
JOR SALE A good top buggy. For particulars
enquire ot D. Babbington or at News office.
FOR SALE Improved twenty acres near town,
at a bargain. Nine acres of ground includ
ing orchard, tor rent. A number of houses that
can be sold cheap. R. B. Windham.
HORSES and cattle taken Jor cnoic. oiue-guss
and clover pasturing. Plenty of running water.
Kates reduced to i per season of hve months.
Apply to H. V. Beaver on the premises near
CuUom or address Cedar Creek.
Your spring Wallpaper?"
us. This is our thirteenth year in the Wallpaper
previous year. We figured that everybody would
ana xne smiies you win carry away with you if
etc., at our store.
Main Street,
Some People
Have Corns...
And some have not. Most of us have. II
you are troubled with corns hard or soft
drop in and buy a bottle of our
..Corn Cure.
It will surely give you relief much more
satisfactory relief than yon can obtain by
the use of a razor, and only
1 5 Cents a Bottle.
Signs of Spring
If you watch a Drug Store you
can always tell when spring is com
ing. People begin to buy Sars iparilla
and Soda Water. We don't care how
soon they begin to come now. We
have all the various spring medicines,
a full line of Drugs, and our Sxla
Water can't be equalled.
On the top
of the Ladder
Wo always stand for all that is fresh.
prime, ana choice in meats, poultry.
hams, bacon, sausages, and game in
season. Our stock is always away up
on the ladder, but you will find our
prices ou the bottom round and always
E. A. Oliver's Meat Market,
Fifth and Main Streets.
The Casino Saloon
l'ure Imported Wines and Whiskies,
and that queen of all medi
cines Malt-Nutrinc.
The Sick
Men's Shelter
His haven of reft, relief from pain
and that horribly enervating feeling
that robs the body of strength and de
sire to work, and makes it a heavy
burden for the brain to drag around.
Rye Whiskey is the door to health.
It will put you in condition to do good
m rt. rich Ko w woalc men ac
complish anything. There have been
a lew great men woo were wenn. u
sick, but how much greater they
would have been had they been strong.
... . . ji ti
We guarantee every urop we on
pUre to be a drop of strong health.
PHIL THIER0LF, Proprietor.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska s
Infant's, Misses',
They are Right in Price, Style and Fit.
Misses' Lace Chocolates from $1 10 up. Solid leather.
Misset' Uulton Mahogany, black irimnifii, a beauty,! 7" im.
Our Misses' Mahogany stray how SANDALS are jicach- -rums.
Ladies' Oxfords
All colors and Iocs from $1.10 to $2-Y
It is useless to waste space on our
Men's Ox-Bloods
and Chocolates
From $2.85 up. See them we'll do
SAY, BOYS, come and see our OX-BLOODS and tell your
Ma about them. They are beauties and wear like an anvil.
We don't say you are imbecile because you don't buy our
shoes, but all we ask of you is to drop in and ten our Sum
mer novelties. Fine line infant's soft sole. Repairing a
Robert Sherwood,
FOOT MILLINER. One Door West Weckbach's.
(See that this
union-maae cigars.
Zhii (trvtrfirt. Twuvcqm cmjwd tti m wm riftl ties WwWi,
4m.Wt.H0t IHC QGMUMERS'lMUftW'Oiul UKtOHar ma. n oiyMlm tffvclea totfc.J
MttMuiiMMMLRMjnil.ll'tlllUiiAlfVUiAftlOf DlCCfon. ImlMMiamt
AH MittBMU upon tta LtM ml! M pniM4
Ask for Union-Made Cigars and Take no Other.
. ..Don't take our word for it.
of saving money, the certain satisfaction which such a stock of
millinery as ours guarantees 30U
It does away with all guess work in choosing the most fashion
able and stylish hats, toques, and specialties in the latest Pa
risian millinery. Whatever is appropriate in millinery, hats,
etc., to the season, and to any station in life, is always to be
found here.
Is also to be found in our store.
North Side Main Street.
Got 'Em..
Youth's and Boys'
the rest.
Label la on the Box)
Kcerfoa, to I
C M I U;
And, aside from an- question
is alone worth a jjreat deal.
I Local. J