Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, May 05, 1897, Image 4

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C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
Farm loans T. H. Pollock.
If you want to sell your property lifr
it with. T. H. Pollock.
Horse and buggy for sale cheap, en
quire at News office.
Insure Jn the German American
Fred Ebinger, Agent.
Good dry wood wanted at once at
the Ilotel Plattsmouth.
Paint points to prosperity. Buy
your paints of Gering & Co.
Capt. II. E. Palmer was in the city
attending to business today.
When will the drouth bo broken? It
has not rained here for three days.
We will move into our newstoie
May 1. Gekino & Co,
The B. & M. pay car is bulletined to
arrive here Monday morning, May 9
Byron Clark was attending to legal
business in Weeping Water yesterday
Some nice pictures have just been
received at Unruh's that are worth
The plum and peach orchards are
more beautiful now than the ;best art
1st could describe.
Get Landreth'a garden seeds at
Zuckweiler & Lutz'e, corner of Sixth
and Pearl 6treets.
Miss Alma Coates, of Hillsdale, was
t.h truest of her aunt. Mrs. J. II
Thrasher, yesterday.
Charley Murray came in from Pen
der vesterdav for ft brief visit with
Cass countj- relatives.
A pleasant home for a lady to take
care of baby may be obtained by cal
ling at The News office.
If you want to see the finest line of
wall paper ever brought to thin city
call at Pettee'a music store.
Good pasture for horses and cow-,
with running water, at Livingston
Heights. A. C. Fry & Sons.
The M. W. W. club will bo enter
tained bv Mrs. H. D. Travis at her
home, Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock
Tbo High school band has taken up
permanent quarters in the old Lieder
kranz hall in the masonic biock
lower Main street.
If the person who borrowed our store
truck will return same, they will con
fer a favor.
Stueioht & Sattlek.
Ilardv White roses very suitable for
cemetery planting, and nice hybrid
roses now ready for planting at L. A.
Moore's. A fine assortment. Call at
There is no tonic so strengthening
or so pleasant to take, aa the Anheuser
BubcD. Malt-Nutrine sold by Philip
Thierolf at the Casino for 25 cents per
Mrs Gephardt, sister of Mrs. Fred
Respectfully Invite all the People in Plattsmouth and Cass ccuntv to call
Stadelman; is reported serieusiy ill at
her home in Ainsley, Nebraska. Mrs.
Stadelmano departed yesterday . f ot
her bedside.
Philip Batchelder, residing down;
near Hock Bluffs has a three-year-old j the crowd tonight as the Madison , times, though they have the .-ym-Alberta
peach orchard that is louckd Square company proved at last night's pathy of tho entire community.
with bloom, matcing a delightful ap
pearance worth going to sou.
Hon. E. M. Pollard was in the cily
vesterdav on business for the first
time since the legislature adjourned.
He seems to have stood the ordeal
firt-rate after he got used to it.
Plattsmouth is to have five saloons
after all. The Krug brewing com
pany are having the Weber room
fitted up today with the intention cf
running a saloon here of thei. own.
Mrs. Dodd sajs her children have
not been witn Greeson's tt all at:d
that the diphtheria mui-t have been
taken somewhere else, t-he thinks at
school by the older children, who hud
it first.
The Singer Sowing Machine oflioe
has been removed to Omaha and to
the sincere regret of Miss Mabel
Swearingen's friends, she wlli also go
to Omaha and continue as book-keeper
for the comp.iny. -
fjnconditional surrender is the
only terms Ihoi-e famous little pilis
known as Do Witt's Little Early
Risers will make with constipation.
sick headache and stomach troubles.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Croup and whooping cough are
childhood's terrors; hut like pneu
monia, bronchitis, and other thront
and lung troubles, can bo quickly
cured by using One Minute vough
Cure. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Not only acute lung troubles, wbicli
may prove fatal in a few days, but old
chronic coughs and thro:it trouble:
may receive immediato relief and be
permanently cured by One Minute
Cough Cure. F. G. Fricke & Co.
liemeraber tho leading 5-cent ciga-s
in this market is "Wurl Bros." ar.d
the ''Cabinet. " Otto Wurl, t he-
manufacturer, is building up a gre.u
reputation for tbpee goods out in the
state as well as at home. Try them
It should be made a matter of public
knowledge "that DaWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve will epeedily cure piles ( f
the longest standing. It is the house
hold favorite for burn.?, scalds, cuts,
bruise3 and sores of all kinds. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
George Thomas was in Omaha yes
terday looking over the exposition
grounds. He expects to get a job
there as soon as the work on tho build
ings begin, which will be about the
first of July, when oyer -000 carpenters
will be employed.
When a cold is contracted, cure it
at once at once. One Minute Cough
Cure will set you on the road to re-
them at their New Store, when
covery in a minute. It will cure pneu
monia, bronchitis, croup and all forms
of lung and throat troubles. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
White's opera house will scarce hold
engagement, that the people were all!
first-class and tho show given wes
more than good. Remember only 10 j
corns for reserved seats. ;
Speakingof a public building for
Plattsmouth the Nebraska City PreFS
says: "Nebraska City wishes you sue -
cess, but thinks it will be seme time
yet, as Speaker Reed has given it out
that no more public buildings would
be erected for the next two years."
Tho Christian S-ience Reading
rooms in
the Drew block are now
open daily from 2 to " f. nd 7 to !) p. ni
Sunday service at 11 a m. and Fridwy
evening at 8 p. m. Thursday after
not n will be devoted to charity cases.
Seekers for truth or heaith are wel
come at all times.
Ojc of the best band masters in the
country Mr. J. 11. Volkwein has taken
up his residence in this city and will
bo quite an addition to mutical circlea.
lie has charge of the High school
bend which is making rapid advance
ment. Mr. volkwein is a teacher on
both the violin and piana.
Thirtj' years is a Jong timo to Sght
so painful a troublo us piles, but Jacob
Mitchell, of Unionville, Pa., struggled
that long before he tried DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve, which quickly
and permanently cured him. It is
equally effective in eczema and all
skin affections. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Colonel Thrasher has opened a life
insurance collection and real estate
oilice in this city in the Anheuser
Cuseh block, with Judge Chapman,
where business will bo proraply at
tended to. He represents the North
ern Life association of Marsbaltown,
Iowa, and one of the very best in the
United States.
Sheriff Holloway carno near parting
company with his dog "Mark Hanna"
today The canine got mixed up under
the wheels of a passenger train and it
was thought wheels passed over iis
caudal appendage which showed rou;h
handling. As it was not abbreviated,
however, the chancss are tho dog only
suffered a stroke from the Drake beam.
Dad Carnes is liable to break out
with a bid Ot of spring poetry. His
room is in the old Boeek biiiMimr
looking out on the Ii. & M. park! I
.vhere the fountain plav?. the birds
siog and the new shade trees are put
ting forth their rich green leaves. Dad
is said to have received inspiration
from the scene, and a touch of the
divme afflatus is expected.
- The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Ratz finally succumbed to that dread
disease diptheria at 1:30 this after
noon. Her death i-i a sad blow to the
fond parents who are almost pros- j
ti-ato with grief. It is the more .1 j
when friends cau not be with them to ;
assist and give comfort in such trying '
Henry Weidtuan looks like seme!
dreadful misfortune had befallen him. j
Up to the time of going to pvas thisj
after noon he had written four letter-? i
! to Omaha, telephoned a tow limes ar d
' wu-9 wishing there was an invention
j whereby he could s-jnd himncif by
I telegr aph. Its a hnru blow Henry
j hut all ro-cs havo thorns, and you
i must accept, the hitter with the sweet
j or sweet would lose its s ivor.
j Col. Sherman, aceom p ui ied bv h is
old-time genhil tini!e,
back in
i.-r'rf j.:b
town again after an
in the leirUlature.
ii : I '.v i
lie looks
t;aie I
nun uouny. out gave no indication ii
having any diamonds or geld coin
secreted about his person, though i e
was on speaking terms with the
"Pu5h" v Inch is said to have in: tie
bushels of money out of tho legisla
ture. The oloiiui did not apje irto
grasp the situation fullv till too h;te.
ot- else he hesitated about making
mouey that way.
A Well l'lt-aneil Anilidicf.
Last evening White's opera, house
was thoroughly thronged with at. ap
preciative audience, who listened to
the Madison Square cmpmy's first
performance "A Cheerful" The
company is compoocd of a strong cast
throughout, and their effort s last even
ing were repeatedly greeted with loud
applauso and laughter. Mr. A. L.
Willard, wl.o is well-known to Plnlt
mouth thent:"e-goe.-s, assumed the
leading role, and his trials and tribu
lations as "Ly&mJor Ly. ti. M. - I)."
wore very amusing. Thi eve linj- the
the Poor House." Mr. Williard g;:in
assjming t ho leading rolv
M. K. Cliurcli Miiicnlo.
Tho following program a i 11 he ten
dered Saturday evening, May H, at
Waterman's hall:
M?if Mandolin Clvb
ulhi ouu .Miss rc.'i!
Recitation Miss ajbriaht
ocal l)iu-i I'eters.-n .Si,i
iolin Solo AK-s Kauhle
JtxralSolo Miss Manila a:l.ry
Male yuaitct Campl e!! Brother
Vocal olo
I'uet. accompanied bv violiu...
.Mandolin Club
. .. Ciaia Hrjwn
Nhss Stn ct
... Mii-? Macyy
1'etersen J-:.stor.s
Ma tefciW
v ocal olo
and S . C. i.ietts
Personal The gentleman who an
noyed the congregation last Sundny
by continually couching will find in
stant relief by ue Or.e M.nuto Cough
Cure, a speedy tnd harmless remedy
for throat and lung troubles. F. G.
Fricke &, Co.
Subscribe for The News.
AJSri 1 cp rsa
Of eI ' U fl H H .j?
V j '.f
they get located.
JL 1
our (Joiored Oxfords, to $2.25
We have them in Tan, Wine, Chocolote, Cx Slood
and Black. The man who can't be suited in our
spring lineof Ox Bloods and Chocolates for S2.S5
and $3.00 cugh to have
feeling well.
K Si
Lir-t i ig',:t fo.
stable rf .lob n
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Tin- M. F.. o!i'jr, !i rr ts -it rt
m ti'. S.;tu d i v t a l Waterman -h;iii
vvii! i:r- ;iti i al'y nicr
fair, o.i y t!r- b-.-t u;u- io-ti ialcnv :i
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I n:a Pf-vc-rai cotrnii'if'r arc k";,i.
bu-y arrr-iifiiig lor a li'ti:g -..-i.:irn-1
tion mcnj'.-rial day. Tho cxetri 'c.J
will be 1. .-ld at tbo c- ni'jtory o; S it-
urday, the '20. it st -.'i t f S;.n-J y a: ii !
M. L. il-.yward will i oiutor of il.o :
day. Guy . Livlpgs'on, who w.i.? to )
have spoken lt ycu:-, viii a'.o bu
heard. '
Gering & Co. for wailpaper.-
T (
- tt y
a. i
9- '
Why not blosaom forth in a pair of our tailor
mado shoos. Ve Iiavo them in all styles and
- colors.
Ladies' Ox Blood, high' cut, iaco, at $2.50.
Ladies' Mahogany, high cut, lace, at $3.00.
Ladies' New Chocolate, patent leather
trimmed, a daisy, at $3.50.
a spring tonic, for he is
i 1 -liars u. -.var'i f -i'
can not i-'nirr I
W offer ('-.e ti on,;
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The I.ivT K l- rni;lv tV .11.
!n n the Liver is -sluggish ill other
n sre involved. Yon u!Tcr fri 111
.ligation, I, Jnun"ici-,
l-ivhe, Ind"g-.?!tion, l'-.i:i in li-uk.
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Kn rgy. will
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j'-.-s Tii ho cun J until 'o(i uKo
. I , c.:r-!j quickly wLon Other
' .-- iiMrly f i II. !: 'gul.itos tho
. I ':r: ;!- t'i'- iJ'oo-l. IT rbine is
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i.e." jif.? ; i - ci c-icrgy fto'Ti
, J'rioo "" in-nt- I- r-
io t:.; a! F. (.;. Friciko i.' ' '.
f-j;vi".ii;i I -rr:almin-!it .
:.ui?i cnt'-rtaitiinent will h i
W ii opera hou-o oil tl)i
f a! v 10 to seetpe .mds for
!- I '
. : vcii fit
i v ii i ng
roofing t he J J .
1 .ca Sh-'i: t. find
i.-i-f church. I'rauk
JVUe Kimball of
a- I y tho best f our lo-
f, will pr-'-H-nt one of thebobt
! - t ; nt. Caat f characters
i ii- filion will no mado.
pr t the bvtt criti-rtain-;!"r
ar.d not In dis-
. .'V
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Turn f est jt Sf. I.dium.
ty (; to '.I. Otjo fate for rour, 1 trip
t-on s:.lo Mny o:;nd G. Limit t.)
.-.-Xv .
roroin aimv i. via thy grent IV
; titi route.