THE SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS-HERALD, PLATTSMOUTH NEB., MAY 5, 1897. 3 i 'A mm Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of alt in leavening strength. latest United States Government Food Report. CITY AND COUNTY. SATURDAY. Col. Joseph A. Connor of Omaha, Is in the city today. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Il ilz will be sorrj' to learn that their littla daughter is seriously ill with diphlhei ia. This is the only case known of in town. Albert A. Prehtn of Des Moines, la., and Miss Almina Kynett of Danbury, Neb., were unitod in marriage in the Hotel Riley parlors today. Rev. F. II. Freund officiating. The funeral of Mrs. T. W. Shryock occurred at 12 o'clock today and was largely attended by old-time friends and neighbors. A fitting obituary no tice will be given Monday. Ed Dorrnt opened up his new 6aloon in the Stadelman building ia good etyle this morning with everything bright and cleun. Joe Nejedly will assist him in caring for the business. Wm. Neville has concluded to not take out a saloon license and will run a temperance billiard hall and keep tobacco and cigars. This will leave but four saloons, as Hans Goos has also quit the business. Miss Bell Kimball, of Omaha, is in the city making arrangements for the play to he presented on May 10 by Frank Lea Short. They have been rehearsing for some time, and expect to give Platfmouth . people a rare treat. Rev. Frank Campbell, of the M. E. church, has gone to Corning, Ia., to spend Sunday, and Rev. John Dale will occupy the M. II pulpit here at morning t-ervice, and the German Methodist minister will preach in the evening. J. C. Eikenbary and son, Elmer, re turned today from an extended visit to the Black Hills country, where they found a promising outlook for business a.s soon as the snow melts and summer weather sets in in the mining districts. Perry Walker returned home the first of the week from his long over land trip down iuto the mountains of New Mexico. He is in much better health than when he went away, though very niucb worn out from the fatigue of his long trip. MONDAY. P. K. Iluffner made a business trip to Council Bluffs today. Rev. Fred Warren has resigned as pastor f the M. U. church to accept a larger charge. J. F. Vnll ery, of Chicago, came in Saturday for a brief visit, and in com pany with his wife returned home to divy. The box social given by the mem bers of the U. B. church, south of town, turned out a very pleasant social affair and netted $6.50 lor the Young People's Christian Union. James McShane of Wyoming was in the city today on business with the B & M. store department. Mrs. Wintersteen is at home after epeadingthe winter in Texs with her dauhtar, Mrs. Frank Guyle. Bennett Chrisweiser has purchased the J. C. Eikenbary residence on Pearl street, and Crof t;ilks of moving out to the Hills country. Mr. and Mrs. Blose returned to their hom-s al lieu UaK Sunday even ing, after a pleasant visit with their uncle, Allon Beesorj, and family. Tuk Nf;ws man enjoj'ed a drive yes terday behind Dr. Humphrey's hand some llambletonian borse. The ani mal is a fi tie one, with the speed of a racer. Messrs. Mathew Gedngand Charles Grimes departed yesterday for St. Paul, where M r. Gering will argue the water company case before the U. S. court of appeals. Robert Turner, who used to fire here on the B & M. for George Ballance, oxygen starvation You can starve the body in more ways than one ; you can give it food and not feed it. It needs oxygen. The oxygen you get from the air is carried to all parts of the body by the red corpuscles of the blood. One drop of blood contains millions of these. When these are deficient in blood, we call it poor blood, and it shows itself in general weakness, lack of appetite, and loss of weight. What you want is something which will make more red corpuscles. of cod-liver oil, with hypophosphites, is something: an number of substances active principles; which will eufce xne reci corpuscles ot the blood.r joc, .Pd$..oo SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists. New York. was in town today visiting Robert Sherwood. He is now rutin in tr an cn giue out of Rawlins, Wyoming, ou the Union Pacific The M. E. folks are trying fo pay off their church debt, and on Satur day evening of this week they will give a mubical entertainment in Wat erman hall. Reserved seats 2o cents, general admission 15 cents H. A. Cartwright, who is nown the employ of John Tighe at Mauley, was in town Saturday evening. He frays John is buying pcads of grain and is getting along nicely, which his many frie ids here will be glad to Know. Tom Kepple, a member of 1 HE News force, while feeding a job ,rea Saturday eot his hand caught and badly crushed in the press. fcortu- natelv. no bones were broken, but he will huva a Bore hand for several weeks. Thflre isn't a fiflv cent show on the road superior to the Madison Square company, and at their popular prices thn h mi s must be filled in order to pay expenses. The News assures the theatre going people that they will be agreeably surprised at the entertain ment given tonight. Wa&hington dispatches claim that ex-Congressman .ndrews is iiKeiy to be appointed to the position of ass'st- - m r . ant auditor of the treasury, wiin a $3,600 salary and a four year term of office. Nebraska certainly has no kick comiocr. as far as the administra tion ia concerned. The recent high water did not affect Poeey Meseeremith s farming opera tions as he is used to water. Posey claims to have been in the Ark where he got a little mixed up in getting out but he is all right, and no one can euess within a mile of his age from his appearance. King Wise, who was born and raised here, has got to be a religious enthus- iuut nut on the Pacific coast, and is re- I ported to be able to preach as good a sermon as one wouia wisn to near, i II. C. McMaken met a man on the train a dav or two since who had recently eeon King, at Santa Cruz, Cal. King is at the head of the lies cue Home, a largo charitable institu tion at that place. The little child of Mr. and Mrs. Iiatz is very near death's door from diphtheria. Dr. Humphry, the attend ing physician, hasn't much faith in the new remedy, anti toxine, but as a Inst resort he secured some today and is using it. At last accounts the little girl had shown no signs or improve ment. Other cases of the disease at e said to exist in the city, and the high school has been closed for the balance of the week to prevent a spread of the malady in that manner. Volunteer Meetings. The Volunteer hall was crowded last night and listened very attent ively while Captain Chase told of the ups and downs of life, uing part iof his past life to show that whatsoever a man sowed, that should he reap. I Captain Chase will open up Glenwood Tuesday night as an outpost for Platts moutQ. borne new recruits are ex pected soon to help in this work Don't forget Red Eagle and wife assisted by Staff Captain Rogers this week, Wednesday ajd Thursday. Also on me 1 1 oi May, an ice cream social at the Volunteer hall for the benefit of this Post. Notice to Kndeavorern. The next regular convention of the Christian Endeavor County union will be held at Elmwood, Wednesday and Thursday, June 23 and 24. This meet- ing was postponed that a goodly num ber of teachers and pupils intent at tend without its Interfering with their school work. Programs will be mailed to each society about June 1. Please remember date and plan to at tend. v e win open aDout z: io p. m. with a song service. Yours sincerely, Lottie M. Pollard, Pres. Geo. L. Parley, Sec'y. Fnt a Stop to Pain. Rheumatism, Neuralgia and other painful afflictions are now as easily cured as they were once hard to cure, Science has learned what pain is and Ballard's Snow Liniment is the result. Cures strains, cuts, bruises stiff joints and contracted muscles. Penetrates to the very bone and relieves almost from tho moment it touches. When a liniment is needed, you owe it to your- nAlf . . 1 1 . wr. - sen wi t;oir bun ubbi. no dealer is authorized to guarantee this one Price 50 Cents. Sold by P. G. Fricke & Co. Personal The gentleman who an noyed the congregation last Sunday by continually coughing will find in stant relief by use One Minute Cough Cure, a speedy and harmless remedy lor throat and lung troubles. F. G. Fricke Sc Co. Subscribe for The News. i oil- Its nprill inr aoion rl onnn 7 o rrt n reef fcsssssssss I 4lMr ISAMTA OAU. knows it is without an equal . Sold everywhere. The N. K. Fairbank Company, - A Merry Life. Oh..the farmer's life is a happy one. No master's slave is he! Each day is but a round of fun. Filled with his honest glee! He always is upon "the go"; He trots a merry pace. And. therefore, every week or so He mortgages his place! Gleve'and Leader. A. ). U. W. Memorial Day. The four A. O. U. W. lodges and the two D of H. lodges met jointly Friday and made preliminary ar rangements for the proper commemor ation of their memorial day, which occurs on Sunday, May 23. An elo quent speaker from abroad will be se cured. The following committees were appointed: On general arrangements J. P. Sattler, K. Goring, Louis Egenberger, Mrs. E. Ellis. Mrs. Val Burkel and Mrs. C. S. Forbes kjii uowers ana decorations viias. Bell, W. C. Willetts. Mrs. E. S. Bar- stow. Mrs." J. N. Summers and Miss Tressa Hem pel. A "May-lay" 1'arty. Miss Stella Boyd gave a "May-day" party at her home on Uranite street BYiday evening to a number of her friends. Music and games were in dulged in, after which light refresh ments were served. It was a late hour when the guests departed for their homes, all reporting a splendid time. Those present were the Misses Anna Frye, Susie Kroehler, Myrtle Worden, Lillie and Belle Martin, Maud McKay, Farmelia Newland, Stella Boyd and Messrs. Claude Butler, JohmBurley, Erary Newland, Ollie Osborn, Louie Walker, Jesse Perry, Tom Beverage and Charlie Kerr. Coughs Relieved at Once And every bit of relief is a part of a cure that will 6tay a cure. Use Bal lard's norehound Syrup and note how qUickly you are cured and how well vnn 1ppl Mftnrwurd. Snecific also for whooping cough and croup. John Coffin, Kirwin, Kans., says: '"When I began to use Ballard's Horehound Syrup for consumption the doctor had said that I would die in a few days. Am now upand around. Have no mora pain in chest or lungs." Price 25 and 60 Cts. No benefit, no pay. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. Strucli a Drouth District. A. B. Taylor returned home last week from a Business trip out in northwestern Kansas, near the Colo r.ido line. Strange to say he found a drouth there of the wost kind, not a crop of rain having fallen for over six week. Wheat that had been in the grouud more than a month had not sprouted and the outlook for that part of the country could not be much worse. Under New Management Friday morning the Goos hotel, for merly known as the City hotel, was taken charge of by Ed. Ileitz- hausen, who will conduct it in the fu ture. The name of this popular hos telry has been changed to Hotel Plattsmouth. and is being refurnished throughout with everything new. It will continue to be one of tho roost popular hotels in the city. Mr. Heitz hausen is a son-in-law to Peter Goos. English Spavin Liniment removesal Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses. Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring-Bone, Stifles, Sprains, all S woolen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonder ful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists, Platts mouth. The ISest Remedy For Kheamatlsm. (From the Fairhaven, N. Y., Register.) Mr. James Rowland, of this Tillage, states that for twenty-five years his wife hiis been a sufferer from rheum atism. A few nights ago sue was in such pain that she wns nearly crazyj She sent M-. Rowland for the doctor, but he h:tu read of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and instead of going for the physician he went to the store and secured at bottle if it. His wife did nut approve of Mr. Rowland's purchase at first, but nevertheless applied the Cairn thoroughly and in an hour's tiuro was able to go t; sleep. She now applies it wheuever she feels an ache or a v:tin .and finds that it always srivts relief. He says that no raedi cino wnich she hact used ever did her as much good. The 2-5 and 50 cent sizes f - -:t'e by uil druggists. P.-vipts and oils at Gerinr& Co's. Children Cry for Piter's CastoriCo Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Served Him "You can take that soap g right back and change it for Santa Claus Soap. I would not use any other kind." Every woman who has ever used 0 40 Made only by g Chicago. Naming a Burmese Baby. A Burmese baby when a fortnight old ia named. On the auspicious day, which the astrologer has selected, there is a feast to which relatives and friends have been invited. The baby's head is washed for the first time, and his name is chosen. An English lady residing in Burma describes the process of select ing the name: The limits of the choice are deter mined by the day of the week upon which he was bora. Burmese custom divides the letters of the alphabet among the days of the week, and a child bom ou Monday must receive a name initialed by one of the letters be longing to that day. Ka. kha, pa, pba, nga, Taninla So, h.Ha, za. zhn. nya, Ainga. Ta, tua, da, dba, na, Sanay, is the beginning of a jingle which every Burmese child learns, as you and I learned, "Thirty days hath September. April, June aiid November." A child bom en Taninla (Monday) must have a name beginning with "k," 'g" or "n," and when ho is old enough to go to the pagodas the nature of the offering he carries, or rather its shape, is determined by the day of his birth. - , Each day of the week is under the protection or subject to the fury of some animal. The tiger rules Monday, and a Burman bom on Monday will offer to Gautama a candle shaped like a tiger and fashioned of scarlet or of yel low wax. Tuesday belongs to the king of beasts, Wednesday is the tusked ele phant's, Thursday is sacred to the rat and Friday to the guinea pig. The drag on dominates Saturday, and Sunday is dedicated to another fabulous creature, half bird, half beast. Youth's Com panion. Wanted a Meal. "Several days ago," Fays tho Ohio State Journal, "Congressman Watson sent several large sacks of flower and garden seeds home for distribution among his constituents. The papers an nounced this fact, and for three clays past there has been a constant stream of persons coming to the congressman's law office in Columbns. On Saturday a man came up and asked for leans. He was given two paeh ?.c;rs. He demurred to this and reacht d over into the f:uk and began to till his pockets. When called down by the a.t; :-.;iUt, the lover of beans said: 'I luivt u't got mongh for a mess yet. It takes more than a quart of beans to make a mess for my family. ' ' ' . From the I'ostofflce. The Visitor My man, what are you ii- the penitentiary for? The Gentleman In Stripes Collectin stamps. The Visitor Collecting stamps? Why, what is wrong in tht? The Gentleman In Stripts Nothin; but dey said I ought to have took the canceled ones only. Cincinnati Com mercial Tribuna Wine bottles are best cleaned with charcoal, broken in small pieces, and a little powdered charcoal left in bottles for a day or two will effectually remove any unpleasant odor. TIME TABLE PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. Lincoln Omaha Helena Portland San Francisco Ail points west. Chicago St. Joseph Kansas City St. Louis and al points East and South. TRAINS LEAVE A3 FOLLOWS No 20, Local express, daily, St Joe. Kutia;ta. St Louis, all rjolnts south U:40am 'n I l.rxal mn. rial I V. HlirllnZton. ChicaL-o. all points east 10:24 am No 10. Local exp, daily except Sun day No 92. Local exp. daily except Sun day. I'aclUo Junction No80. Freight, daily exceptSunday Pacific Junction No 2. Vestibuled exp, daily. Bur lington, Chica-o and all points east No 12. Local exp, daily. St Joe.Kau sua City. St Louis. Chicago alt points east and south.. No 7 freight, daily, from Omnha to r'lic Junction. Iv Ou.nua No li. Local exp. daily. Omuri.-i.Lln-coiu, Denver aud Interme din, te stations No 83. L c;il fre:int, daily. Uiuii-.a. No 2!t Locitl treiht. oaiiy. ex Sun day, Cedar Cree. Louis vine. South Lend No 7. Fast uiail, dally. Omaha and Lincoiu M am 1:1:28 pm 50 pm :'.A pm j 8'i pm i:l." "pin 7:32 m a in I'M' atu 2:22 pm No V uMtibuled exp, dally, Den ver and s. 11 polnis in Colo rado, Utah and California, Island. Black Hi;N. Montana and i'aciflc N. VV. :; i;j pm No 9. Local exp, daily except S.i - iay. Loulsvule, Ashland, Wiilioo, Schuyler 4:00 pm 5-27 pm No 11. Local exp, daily except sun- da v. Umaha and Lincoln.. No 17. Local express, Sunday only. OuiuhJ, No 73. Freight, dally, Louisville... 5:27 pin 9:05 pm Sleeping, dinlnz and reclmlni; chair ears iseats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and buggaue checked to nnj point In the United States or Canada. For information, time tables, maps and tickets call or write to W. L. PICKETT, Agent, c c-r. . Plattsmouth, Neb. J. FRANCES. Gen. Pass. Ait., Omaha, Neb. Al. . TIME CAKD. TRAINS GOING NORTH. NO. 1 No. 9 No. 121, local freight TRAINS GOING SOUTH. No. 2 Na 122. local freight .4.50 a.ui 1LT)1 n. m o. ui JO. 43 p.m n M in Right No. 10 ,. .3.58 p til LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Sheriff's Sale. Bv virtue of nn orderof sale Issued by Geo. F. Uouse worth," clerk of the district court, within and for Cass coiinty.Nebraska.and to me d I roc to 1.1 will on the l.ith dxy or May, A 1 lvr, Ht 11 o'clock a. iu. of said day at the south tioor of the court house In the city of Plattsmouth. in said county, sell at Duunc auction, to the hlshest bidder for cash, the follow luff described lauds and tenements, to-wit: Lotli In block IS, in the city of Platts mouth. Cass county, Nebraska, together with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto b;lonin or in ;.nywise apper taining, the s ime betas levied udoii and taken as the property of Katherine Keu land, alias Mrs, Peter Remand, et al.; de fendants, to satisfy a judzment of said court recovered by i'ettttone& Nixon, u'.iiia tiffs. against said defenaants. Plattsmouth, Neb.. April 13. A. D. 17 Haiivkv IIoi.i.owa v. Sheriff, Cass county. Nebraska. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order ol sale issued by George F. Houseworth. cleric of the district court within and tor Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di rected, I will on the lMh day of May, A. 1. 1M7, at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south door of the court house in the city of i'latts mouth. in said county sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following lands and tenements, to-wit: Lots one and two. block thirty (30) in Young and Hays Addition to I'lattsmouth. Nebraska, also, lot four in block one hundred twenty three l--.3) in the city of I'lattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska, together with the privileges and ap purtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, i ne same oeuiB 10 iti uuu mm takeu as the pronertv of Edwin D. Jones and i 1. Jones, defendants, to satisfy a judgment of sai id Court recovered by Josiah i'ec. plaintitt. ncrniimt airl Hfft'nrtants. fjattsmouth, Nebraska. April 13. A. D., 1W. Harvey Holloway, Sheriff, Cass county. Nebraska. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by George r . Itousewortn. cterK oi me aisinci couri wiinin and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di rected. I will on the 15 th dav of May. A. L. lx'.7. at 11 o'clock a. m. of said dav at the south door of the court house in the city of Flattsmouth in said county, sell at public auction, to the high est omuer lor asn, tiie following lands and tene ments to-wit: Lots three and four (3 and 4) in block two (2) in Hays Addition to the Citv of I'lattsmouth. Cass County, Nebraska together with the privi leges and appurtenances thereunto, belonging or in anywise appertaining. Itiesame being levied uporr and takeu as the property of F, P. Lee, et al.. defendants to satisfy a judgment of said Court recovered by John G. Hays, plaintiff against said defendants, I'lattsmouth, Nebraska. April 13. A. I).. 1H7, Harvey Holloway, Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska. Probate Notice. In county court, Cass county. Nebraska. In the ' matter of the estate of Andrew Khode, de ceased. Lena Khode. Gotherd Khode, Charles A. Rhode. Bertha Khode. Gustave Ferdinand Khode. Adolph Khode and all other persons interested in said matter are hereby notined that on the Mil day of April. 1M7, Lena Khode tiled a petition in said county court, alleging among other things that Andrew Khode died on the ath day ot 1-ebruary, lM'.T, leaving no last will and testament and pos sessed of real and personal estate of the esti mated value of Sl.lOiMM), and that the above- named constitute all the persons interested in the estate of said deceased, and praying for ad ministration thereof. Vou are hereby notified that if you fail to appear at said court ou the 6th dav ot .May. IM.iT. at lu o clock a. m av ot at 10 o cloclc a. m.. and contest I said petition, the court will appoint Lena Rhode, I or some other suitable person, administratrix and proceed to a settlement of said estate Witness mv hand and the seal of said court, at I flattsmouth. Nebraska, this, the 13th, day of April. A. D., ISSI7. iSeai) Georc.e M. Spurlock. County Judge. Application for Druggist's Penult. To whom it may concern: Notice is hereby eiven that the undersigned has tiled his applica tion with the citv clerk of the citv of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, for a druggist's permit to sell spirituous and vinous liquors for medicinal. mechanical and culinary purposes at his place of business on west half of lot 2, block ', in said city of Plattsmouth, lor the period ol one year lrom May l. ims.. April i:i. 17. O. H. Snvuer. Agent. Legal Notice. Ti whom it mav concern: ou are hereby notined that on July 1J, iw. the following described real esiate. situated in South Bend. Cass countv. Nebraska, viz: I.ot 1 our (4) block thirteen (13) in the village of South Uend. Cass countv. Nebraska, was sold at pr tax sale bv the treasurer of said county lor the delinquent taxes due thereon lor the years ly4 and back years, to the directors ol school dis trict number hfty-seven k'u). who received a cer tiheate of tax sale therefor and who are the present owners and holders thereof. The time of redemption ol said tax sale will expire on me iin aay oi Juiy, (JMened) jmrectors school ijist. ino. ni. liy Jacob A. Cain. Director. Legal Notice. To VhiliD Stoll. George Lehr. George Lehr. jr.. A. S. Lehr, his wife, hrst name unknown.Charles Lehr. Minnie H. Lehr, William 1). Lehr, Martha L. Case, lames Case. Charles btolt. Mrs. atoll. his wile, hrst name unknown. Catherine Leach. John Leach, non-resident defendants: Vou and each of you are hereby notified that on January 11, i:vi, l. Hartley, as piainrin, uegau an action against you and other defendants in the district court of Cass county. Nebraska, to fore close a certain tax sale certificate and all taxes Daid thereunder, on lot 2. being the southwest quarter and a part of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter: lot (.t) being the southeast quarter and a part of the northeast quarter of the noitn west quarter, and ine normeasi quarter oi the southwest quarter, all in section J. town l.t. north ot range in said county, numbered .iwi, issued to the plaintiff on November 7. 1N4SI, pur suant to a sale of said land for delinquent taxes, Flaintitt prays tor decree ot foreclosure and sale of said land to satisfy the liens thereon, and for general relief. Vou are required to answer plain titt s petition on or betore April jo, inyj. Ei.lisT. Hartley, Plaintiff. By I. H. Hatfield, his Attorney. Notice to Creditors. State op Nebraska, Cass Countv. f In tho matter of the estate of Anna Ma- tionev. deceased. Notice is hereby given that the claims and demands or all persons aeainst Anna Ma- honey, deceased, late of said county and state, win be received, examined and ad' justed by the county court at the court house at I'lattsmouth, on the 8th day of November. A. I. I8t7. at 11 o'clock- in the forenoon. And that six months from and after the 8th day of May, A. I J. Wi. ia the time limited for creditors of said deceased to present their claims lor examination and allowance. Given under my band and seal this 5th day ot April, a. i. iyi. (Seal) GEORGE .M. PURLOCK, County Judge. Kotioe to Creditors. State of Nebraska, County of Cass. f In the matter of the estate of Martin Mahoney, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the claims and de mands ot all persons against Martin Mahonev deceased, late of said county and state, will be received, examined and adjusted bv the countv court at the court house in Plattsmouth. nn the . day ot ISovember, A. l). IW17. at 10 o clock in ) the forenoon. And that six months lrom and I alter the Mil d i limited for creditors of said deceased to present i (iiven under my hand and seal this nth dav of -. it, ,, ISealJ tEORGE M. Sl'tKLOCK. County Judge, 1 C31 :T 1 Oil CI ILL 9 oaic By virtue of an order of sa'e issued by George F. Ilouseworth, cierk of district court within aud tor Cass countv, Nebraska, aud to me diiected. I will ou the wh day of May. A.I'). IW7. at II o'clock a. m. ol said day.aMhe south door of the court house in the city oi Plattsmouth, in said county, sell at public auction, to the highest bid der tor cash, the following real estate tu-wit: The ' wcst half of the northwest quarter of section i9, i town 10, range 14, east, in Cas county. Nebraska, I together with the privileges and appurtenances iitereuuiu ueioug'iig or in anywise appertauiinar. The same beiiig levied upon and taken as the property of Liicmda Kotic. et al., defendants, to satisly a judgment of said court recovered bv John Smith, plamtilf. and Samuel Waugh as ex ecutor of the last will and testament ol John Black, deceased, against said defendants. Piattsmouth, Nebraska. April 6. A. 1). 1H97. harvey Holloway, Sheriff. Cass countv. Nebraska. Legal Notice. In the district court of Cass county. Nebraska. In the matter of the guardianship of Adolph Kosenbaum. insane. Order to show cause why license should not issue to sell real estate. '1 his cause came on for hearing upon the peti tion of J. W. Johnson, as guardian of Adolph Kosenbaum. insane, praying for license to sell the east half of lot one (1). in block thirty-three (:); and lots one. two and three (1. 2 and 3). in block thirty (3th. all in the city of Plattsmouth. Nebraska, tor the purpose of preserving the es tate of said Adolph Kosenbaum. ins.ine. and pre vent its going to waste and decay and greatiy de preciating in value. And it appearing to the court that unless said lands are sold that the estate of said Adolnh Kosenbaum, insane, is in great danger of depre ciating in value and going to waste, it is hereby ordered that all persons interested in said estate appear before me at the office o the clerk of the district court of Cass countv. Nebraska, at Plattsmouth, on the 25th day of May, A. U. 1897, at 1 o'clock v. m.. to show cause why a license should not be granted to said guardian to sell said real estate as above described, to prevent its depreciation and waste. Uatcd this r.'th day of April. A. D. ts'.7. -iJasil. Kamsev. Judg-! of the Distr ct Court. Ujrou Clark andC. A. Kawls, attorney tor cstute. Legal Notic. In the district court of Cass county. Nebraska. James Barr Ames, 1', f vs. Frances Ellen Miller, et al , ) To Frances Ellen Miller. Albert A. Miller. Anna li. Keed .William k. lei-d, r.steha Koed. Clinton Keed. Lucille Keed. Itenianiin A. Gib son, Alexander 5. Porter and Ueujamin A. Gib son as trustee ot the Weeping Water bank: l ou and eacn ol vou are liercbv notined tdnt ou the I7th day of April. A. I). 1N7. the plaintiff tiled his petition iii the district cnurt oi Cass countv. Nebraska, to foreclose a mortgage ex ecuted and delivered upon the ltltii day oi Sep tember. A. 1. INS. conveying to Ueuiaimn A. Gibson lots one and two, in block iiiiy one, in tiie city ol W eeping W ater, in Cass county. Ne braska, Hied lor recoro upon Ilie ntn oav oi Sep tember. A. I. at K:1U o'clock a. m. and re- tt rAA in Kjwilr ' i,f ni..rtruir.. at n:if7e Mill given t$ secure a note ol even date tor $l,ntu pav- able to li. A. Gibson, becoming due septemDcr i. in:r. which note and mortgage were sold and as signed to one Samuel i". Anwrs before maturity for value, and by said Samuel T. Ames sold and assigned to plaintitt, and to have said mortgage and note decreed to be a hrst lien upon a!d lauds, and the interest and liens of whatsoever na ture and description of you said several defend ants be decreed inferior to plaintiffs lien on said lots, and for an accounting of the amount due plaintitt and decree of sale, and equitable relief. l ou are remurea io answer iim pcnuou u m before the 7tii day of June, A. O. and set forth your interest, claim and title in and to said lots or your default will be entered therein. JAMES BAKU. AMhS. By his attorneys, Byron Clark and Montgomery & nan. Harper's Magazine IN 1897 FICTION: "The Martian." the new novel by I Du Maurier. the eagerly expected .successor to "Triiby," begun in October number, ISiM. with illustrations from the author's drawings. A new , novel by Frank K. 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