Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, May 05, 1897, Image 1

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    ,s h wN pi
jUd W o-j. iJliMA
THE II KC A Lit, Est.ibliM.cil April la. inM. f "oiioatd Jan. 1, lfsw
plattsmouth, neb., may 5, woi. -
VOL. Y. NO. 66.
Initiate of Xeu-Hpaprr '.lakl.i".
fr'roin Tinms-I lerald.
And epenking of lb re
nii'Mje me of the greatest t-oil ever per
petrated i d a newt-paper The Ago
Herald cf that city and the Atl-aua
Constitution were great rivalb a balf
dozcu years ao, libuUt the time tho
notorious Ilibo llui-rows, IbwAiab iiur
trjun-robbor, was terrorizing thil
part of tl.e eoiub. II. W. Hat rett, w ho
waa at t.K.t lime a meinbor of the Cuii
fetitutiou blah, taid to hid luanaging
editor OLe day that ho could li.jd Iiur
rowj if given tha commission to uo so,
and that he -would yet an interview
with hirn. liurrows wa-- then operat
ing' in ana about, Uirminy ham, ur.d
was supposod to be camped in the
luouiitalns near the greut Slos furn
ace. Barrett was told to go. Ho went
to Birmingham, and in a moment of
forgetful ness;told im, nequaintanee or
his visit. That afternoon he was met
by n man in the garb of a mountaineer.
"This here Air. Barrett V' he asked
of the journalist. It was.
" je heie.'pard," the man spoke in
a couiiding sort of tone, "don't you
want to see Mr. Burrows V"
Did he ? Well, hadn't ho tiaveled
200 miles for jiiat.euch a purpo.vo V
Wasn't his reputation Lat t-take with
the managing editor? Goodness
alive, that's what he ws here for.
"Well, for $200," s:!id the newly
found friend, "I wiil take you lo hi.
camp within less thou ten houis. "
Ten minutes later Barren v. a
counting out -t-OO that ws left in th
hands of a well known s-ali on mat
vviimn oix nouis Air. liarrett wa
asirido a mule with his face turned
toward the mountains that lay north
ward. In the glow cf an evening's
sunset he was piloted to wheic a h;.lf
Utzju meu, heavi'y armed and having
the ppaaraneo of desperadoes, were
seited around a eauip lire. They
levclvcd guns at tbo intruders v.od
commanded them to halt. iJr. L? trrott
told 11L0 lie was and what he wan led".
Wa. Mr. Ilubo liur.'ows in the crowd?
If no, would h bo interviewed? A
man noke .up and sud hi
onmo was Burrows and that if the
newspaper man wcuid quote him cor
rcctiy he would talk. Barrett Lot
dowufrom histiied Bleed and li-tened
toJtaUs of the man with a, red hand tna
handkerchief lied around his throat.
lwtuty-four hours later the Consti
tution had tekgraphed a! I of its agents
between Atiautu and Bii uiitilun that
it Would (-end a special train over the
road lc tided down with . an exua oJi
tion of the Constitution containing a
fcitrr.ed interview with Kubc Burrows.
At t lie .appelated time the Coqslitu
lion's train pulled out of Atlanta.
Mid ay between ti;e two citie-, at
Annison, I think, it met an ex t -a froiu
liii iuinyham, piled . up ; with 'Age
Heralds, tolling ail.t:ll aboul ho -a the
Age-IIerald.fctalT had;,trapj ed the lu ll
linnt.young metrburof the.p; efeto'.ot
hailing from Ali. inta. Bariett w us a
pisseiiger on the Atlanta tr.nn up to
ibe lime'it resiclied Anni.-i n.. v a
uot In aid of for six month-s ai'u rv.;.id.
Then i.e appeared at Woshingt. a : s
the.natioual capilc l iui rtOMniitiii
the Constitution and the piivuio sec
re ta ry;to H pea ker Criop. Subv. i u e 1 1
he wa f jw con espondent to Cuiii dur
ing that country's trouble with Ja;.
Last year he harictiarge of th'.- .t;.-r-a
y department pf the Bry-iri ctj'-p-in
B-riet is a gecii boy ; ii i Ii.j.s an
even t-:up''r, but it is r.evi. r safo to
say 'Kuhe''i!i hia'p et-oie-e. Uo iniiit
T'avo not o radiy la the wind.
Thou oil nnd 5'-nS-F3 tree.
Kor cob tliTt farr-m--r novermorj
Can bi-aut" Lr::K to tbt e.
That but a dosol; . li-u t:f'i
lj.ust Biaad lyai tbe Ji.a. .
Die lnsplrnttora i the fsprinsr
Long years r-rj at thy b.ari.
Taou c.iv'et tror.h rti-A.nj p. ianmn
space '
Grar.d Jrrcnros to nrt.
OW tree, thoa actti's t p-lorlousty '
Wilhla tbu worid t'..y iarl.
Thon s!?-rt r.nt such a rrsournri-.I r"rr(.
Vtt if thy volcp inu?t be '
Like i' the lindcitone
j;e 1-ri-a.tncd -xTii; ir.r.iy,
3Tr thino was rmt a vviibtcd Jiff,
JUasniiiceiit old tree!
Mrn, vrhlta ha!r--l man, If thu ? rr-t (Jen
Bravely in lif l!.v
If treo v h.13 :raJo
Its rnii.Tie i.i xy ht-rt.
Say why sUwula'st tjuu at dontfa c-!d
In grief aad terror st.irt?
Oh. Ftan'1 hor.-rto tl.e v. rand old trco,
And. trn -is cn its : iisi.
Pcrirr;i trur.K, t ft ursiv.'.iv up
Thy last bat l;il,:: s hyrr.n.
For thou )a':t ri'-bty t'. Tc 1hy ptrt.
What irn re ran i-hiiibim?
Yv'. II. aiiai't: In Xew York Lodger.
A German savant discovered that
ki3.-iDf- was dangerous business, and
that deadly microbes were carriel in
tbat way. Just as the kissing- fad;
To California, Couifortnkly. T"P KT "T TiTlT T "CnPT1
Every Thursday afternoon a tourist JXK" V V "uA i- J-.
sic-epinr; car for Salt Bake City, San " The well known Focciahst N
Francisco and Los Angeles leaves .-f.f: &j&
Plttttsmouth via the Buiiiugton route.
I It is cjrpel-ed, uiibol-tered in rattan,
They tVere an Ouijroirili of the Iteatr.n
l'ires on Kradlanda.
. Lientcaant Jo'an M. Bllicott, U. St.
N., writes for St-. Nicholas a paper 0:1
lighthouse, cut it kc?, "Tha Li-hid Tl.aS
Gnido la the Ni:;Lt. " Lieutenant Blii
cott pays:
Vfhcu hliips are tiijiu upon thpece iu
the liphta of henven are their "gtiidrs.
Even iu the dark ngos, when tfco cc:n
pass and fc-oitunt were iinkisov:n instir.
ments, the EceiJiuigly iuotici:icK3 pf;e
star huiip like a b aeon lipht iu tisa
nortlicru heavens, anl the- ri.ilit; nud
eettine of tho sxm s.rd stars oi-iiu-
gnished th east from tho v,f;;t. AWn,
however, f Lip? como near tho Jatid, the
lights of heaven are not Fn-:".cicitly
safe to jruico Uam. Bol:s lie iu their
paths, cu&'ct'U in the nnjbf, reefs and
shoals Krc-ad nuoVr the water, wLilo
un.suspecttd rniicuts sveeep the frail
craft all biiuoiy upon these danger?.
KcT-rtheh -.-, f-hips were paii d along
dangerous coasts for cri;turies before u
plain pystein of marliing il.iugercns
places was invented. The early mar
iners were hold eel reckk ss rovcrp,
more than haif pirates, who sehk in
wa, aooui obsolete a noted t rccch 13 spring seats ar,d ;acks and is pro-
pnysieian proves tnre is no truth in
the German theory. Now tho ques
tion j, where are we at.
! Dr. Dunn of Lincoln has about:
J 1,0-JJ acres of 1 irid devoted to tho cul-j
! , , , , , ... I is'Jed nor so hn to lo"k at as a palace
j Columbus has aoeut tho .atn.j amount ' .. . . . , .
I.i t-y s. 1 T , .X' CI, U !i lU'il' ..-'V- V I iUC 111,
, , f. . ' . , Second clasj tickets ere accented forfl
ci.Gugu aau biy tnc: go uv two, is
only So.
For folder giving full parliculnrs,
call at nearest Burlington ticket oRice,
or write to J. Francis, G. I'. A., Bur
lington route, Omaha, Neb
vided with curtains, edding, towels,
soap, etc. An expe i-;need excursion
conductor and pj iyrm Pullman
tvrter ocomr 'nv t tnreugh to the
laC)ti.3 CO!et. -
W biio neit her s'o t xrea-ively lin-
the neighborhood of G.'K'O acres be
ing cultivated in the state. The
crop, is becoming sin important one.
C. is. Rush, tho Wayne county mur-dti-tr,
who killed his family whils in
a lit of religious insanity, h is pleaded
guilty to tho charge of murder, but
w- - , j- -jm n -r .j.--f 1 1
Tho AAre?tfield (lad. ) News prints the
fr! bnvi ncr in rpcurd to 4 n old rosi.'n.nt
winioui mance. nas secureu ai , ,, . , - .
of that pia;e:
'rat!; McAvoy, for
cbango of venue to Pietce county and . ,.,',... t , T
, . ,, i many years in the emn.oy of tiie L.
IUO in;u win lano iu o u uu. . i .
-1 . I iN A
There is talk among the railroad of- j
ticials cf a charge in the time table of
tbe Missouri' Pacific trains. If the!
chiee is made, the night trains over -.
this branch wul be discontinued and
they will be run west of here over the
& C lwy. here, says: T have
used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
a i;d D.arrhoea llemedy for ten years
I or
lonjrei am never without it iu mv
family. I consider it the best remedy
o" tii.j bind mauutacturra. 1 fike
ple.icuro iu rccommen 3ing it.'" It is
' ii !:iHi'itifl fin- ill, bowel .disorders. h'nr
Weeping Water and Auburn branch, ; hv aU drvgei).t
so as to do away with the train now j ' .
run oil that branch. This is another
blow that pio.-perity is hitting tho
rui-roadn. The day pa'-secge.r t ra": n ni
wiil go through this city t:s umi-jI. '!
Nebraska v i t.y News.
The b jQ( t.f the this countiy, with
Ino aid of tie eplcudid o'i tiuatioc
given theru by the state - institutions
for i hat purpos-. aic enabled to r.itke
a living at some ti ado or by tuning
rnu.-ieal iiiotratatir.ts, bu t t rca 1 1
ieat of a blinu man nerformirig comes
-It Is tho IlPSt Oa i:artli"
That is what Edwards & Parker,
c'i cbr.nts of I'l-iins. G;i .', say cf
i:,!n!;f. Iain's Pain Balm, for iheu-
n.a:i?u:, laino lack, deep seati'd and
liiu-seiiiar pr.ins. Sold by all druggists.
- i
Yi'hen the spring tici'1 romcs, gen
tle Aunie,'' like all t tber sensible
poifons, wii! c!eaii?o t'je liver ti'ui re
ntrvale . the sjtcui th D.'.Witt's
Little Early Kisei s, fai-but-. hiiio pills
Pr the toIJab i ti til year ti-unc.
I '. il. l icko o Co
ol Now Vork is now at
and will be fur the coming wceic
whore he will be to see anyone sintering
o( the Liver. Kidneys. Skin. Rheumatism and
Xeuraitjia. H.irt, -Nerve nud Stomach troubles.
Malaria, Chili-! and Kevcr. Catarrh. Ibonchiiis,
Asthma ami l.iinK aftccUon, Diseases, of Women
aa i Cliildren, Nervous prostration, etc.
msKAsKit a paktici
Al! cordially invited ami welcome whether they
take treati-i nt or not. Treatment moderate in
cost and lully fruuranteed to be satisfactory. Dr.
Follett has had wenty-cight years of experience
as a sjiecialist in ail chronic diseases, meeting
with universal success. Many cases are incurable
The doctor no case to treat except he feels
confident he can cure or materially benefit the
-eis made at yotir residence in town without
c'jtirge where treatment is given. Notice of calis
tiroligli the iostoni''e or at hotel. Rarlor en
tianco east side in T'htrl street.
Office hours 1 to f p. ni. All medicine purely
vegetable. Outside calis made daring forenoon.
j fr-om JCckome, Ind. For twoyears tiu
I hi - .- or k in If.,' cniirr. ! t i.-a p i n t-inil-'iVKKKLV XkIVs-Ukk.AI.H-
oi-Cl a rood of the coast. along which f . , , . ,. .- , , 1 , i . . .
.,- .., . , ,, . , . - . , t::at to.vo Iris ilo!.oii the en or Is r.f e.c- 1 e.- ve-.r. piivhIkc :n i-u lie--.
tiie- nu.xii.1., uua auiiii uut, wave esiao- , .
lishcu ' iighta r.tnl ' iauuraarks on thtra '
ko it record Ih
e p- o...r . - -
per 1 3 to 11
had they cared to do bo. Tho ir-Je te- ,im- A v' tK hZ il ,)UiAl 1Ii3u Li-V tae
ginning, then, of aKjsrrmof lighthoutes j name of Wm. Brink man r.iTei ed to so
t:;e merchants with wLom pair , and th? count v co.nmisloners
-Legal Netici.
Will Att.i-.l I lit- !Uy Frstial.
The memi'-e: s of the il) .-.rt club of
this c'ty H ft this aftci nt;o:.' on th fa-.t
maii t:; participa.e in the Mny festival
of the vuriom Mozsrt tnus of the
stated Lincoin. TheMisscb Kaub
Gl irf:. Cagnoy, If.j 'k, l-lso:-, Peter
sen. Ke.efer and Mis. 1 .l iV.-'On
are o the miscellaneous r."gri:rii,
while the Piati.-ii.nlli ciu'i will be
represented by tho Misses Kaoble and
Clark. The club nr.ticio t s a gixid
tima. Mif-s Cagney has been coaching
thec.uh, with Miss Ksuble as aceoni
panis!, and . we arc su-o they will do
tlieti. el ves ct edit a', the c i pitol city.
The Misses' Clark and-Klson wi'.l re
main and visit friends fer it c ep'c of
weeks. -
Important School Noii-e.
Owing to the reappen ranee of dipt -then
i in our schools in the CVnt rT
building, that building will be
cior-td for the remainder of the wtk
and will be thoiouably i leased and
fumtgnted from top to toltcm The
r'resi.nwn nn.l Juni-'i"' daises o. tae
high bCfiooi and the. morning division
cf tbe eighth grade wit; - t rett rn lo-m-ri
ow mm uing. Nouc f the octns
will be open until Monday nexi. !'y
order of the board.
was when t:;e merchants with w-cm pair
tho reckless narint rs traded in these ga v: h
dark ages built beacons near the harLor : m
mouths to pui-to tiae fchips into roTt by
day and liLtvd tires fer their gnidaEce
at night. As fucU a harbor guide Lad to
in the
no clu- :v
If he
;ed to
He "t.
i o
in i h." e-ttiv:
bo a sure Jaudmsrk in tho daytiine ad
a light ly night, it ser-u took on a set
tled f-hni ( a tc".", tr o:j which could be
buili a tire, and sch a tower was usual
ly built vi eif ::.
This method .f gcidirg fhips intc
the rjorts which they sought v.:is Fcarce
ly established l.cfote Imujaa wicliediifss
nscd it as a means for their destruction.
Bands cf robbe rs, or, as they came tc
be called, ."v. rick :rs, " would hi ie
themselves t-nmt --where near tho haven
sought Ly a richly laden vessel, and,
alter overpov.Tvii the ro ttx-pcis,
would estinguish the l.-e-acoa fire on tin
night on which the .'hi; was erpectcd.
Then they would liht anethcr i'.ru lie
tome treac ln iovis r cf, The manner.
sailing boldly towr.rd the falso light, j oven i eg of tnis week.
v. ould dash iiis vss.T to dcrrtructicn on
the reef, whric-npin t.'.o robi-cr ba-:d
would plui:cltr the wreck and cS
with the Leo! v.
To Jtneen Crcve, I'etcr G-e'e, Ctrav 1 1 rev
I :a!is fjri-. erl'eter Kock.WeibKe Margnrcthe Kock
and . lift list Kock. non-icsidat d.-ta.,aiusr ou
a.;tl e::cli ot vov are hcivPv tvi:'tieJ that on ihe
.'!:h d.iv i-f Airii. A. if. IK'7. S.,hn II Pett ibone
siiid . E. XiAon file 4 a petit; n in t.t- district
r u rr i .f I "l-.s fililit V n.r.liosl I .M. t lie oi; iff t ant
eiit lo w-orli, a r:u is a le-ti.-t. tll'i prnV-r et which is to have est bii-lie-ia tax hen
. ' .. I.. . ..... . .1 ... :. 1 ..!..;...;.. .... .1 :. . ;.. l. 1
t,t.i, ..nil in I,, . ' 'i l"i .li'J I'l.iiiin,:.-, tiuu iu.lUioi. lui.' ui
. ,i il- i. il oi l n. I 1 ii 'in v. .is iifiiiii w. e-
Ournyt time Nebi a - ka City I lir.t-ka. lor the sum r.f Sl'O la. (ri.ars )-:. l,-'.i.
I )'.;. isii and i.-lTt. wiUi I'' per ct-ut miere--t th. re
1 ess. . ,n limn About Mavirth. I l.-sr, a payment of
, ! ,r ,a Uj jT.iiu.rv efjviityit-i --ii--f, p ftrcchisure
'?,'.; AT.Wi,?.- of i-i-rwr-ne if ?. --i L:'f i ''si. -; ..V- :-. -uv to - tifv
.. - . t' - .-aim: wan K, f.-r cent interest and
lf'i' a.c :.t the state houe l ist -.vii.te." 1 cots is ietnin:e-l. Vt.-t arc rt-qniretl to answer
. . , i sai-.l petition on or !, t-re Moiidav. June 21st.
wa a cnulum. and wo must say for; 17. j..un il. i'litTu-o.Ne axt, b. E. Nixon.
their c.e.lit that whe : it was paid for ! 'i--y:i-
( as the tclcgrnpti and tolepbono hill-1
kil'eJ by ttse score will testify) they!
kej't their i'i--dgc
Icgal Notice.
To Arthur and I"!li-n Spive , non-re-idnnt de-
Tf von hin- ; man ! f. von are hereby notiai d ttiat u tl.e 4th
. ' ' . i ,,v ! Vav. A. l. I V
lie is better tkr.n
tiie- in in who sells out to both sides.
At the f 'rt-iliton,
Iv.b'ii P.e:o-',i Y:v,v, the ;
Ameriean i-ir.ovp, wilt he
iCrei-liiea theatre in Omaha
Lioi"s rind I'i-.ppj-.
Here is a tale cf a ftrr-ugr auixn il
friendsliip told Ly p. via;- r in :i rec-eist
issue of Ihc Wts-'ttnirsr rCf-it-tle. The
etory is tiiifiUC. Accnuing tothe writer,
li'op.o who really t.nj-jy
r xtrao; ;i i r-a : y i n tne way of mu-iesl j
t iU-i.t, Shou.d not aliow the Oppor- i
tunlty to .00 by. .S :ui otni shou d )
malcviui eiioit to get v a party of
t c en' j'-t'i v-( a'id thus o -i n i: oi:i 1 aei: :
t.!i j r-turse cvi !
Aden lie.-Ptm and lesse
l;.!.t oiauoenci-d an action ai 1.1- uistrict
roi-rl of tJis cou.iiy. ?t-!rask;'., against you, for
'i.t; r-irrosc ol lecovcrui'' .l'd.iri laiauce due
j ti-eni a-j law-ets l.r rrusi-rutai? the s-uit ot pi
! il". v-). in county coii'l if Ca.s county. Ne
, lir.i.-ka. in April l-t. and the further sum oi
, v'1 1 e,o said j,l.-.ii!t.;is as hswyers for l.-fviK.inp
at t he I Uie -nit oi Ke.lossr vs. Sj-ivey in district court 1.1
. ' I said oiiiii v in l.M i ami lhi'7. it is claimed that
t' ridav ' ; a.'tiiic iiv riuic-d to pa v ;.i-l Aaen IVismi
and J.s-e L. r'o"t what sm h sa vo.-s were rca--.n.-.l
.- worth and that tai l serv ice were
fomotbintf I worth the sai.l t-tans ot Si9 a-.'l ar.d the said
"is are 0 ui: in ; u s . 01 1 1 lite 1,1.-11 11,1.11..-.
vii arc- rcia'rod to ausv. er said petition at or
.l ot- "'.on i.iv, tae 'ilst day of June. A t. Is'.i.
A I.I i.N r.KI-s'oil .Ni JR 1.. lai.iT.
Plattsmouth ;
i- 1 a e.
a lioni s.5 that was ke
Somaliland ar'.c i ted a !
la cax.tivi.y m
1 terrier. 'i'h-re
. ;i -1, i.i
"oiimte r Si'.'itias;.
Vo 11 lie'?" hid' vas crowded ! !"
. hi. ;d ii-tene-l vei"-' atte..t ! - 't ti.
Ni- r
Ci. plain Chase t.M i-flio
s ( t use, u'l'i;; part .0!
I.!t-'iKC Not
l"-rclv given th.ft Mark Win e has
t.tit.a as leouae ! l-v toe ?-t.i.i:t.- i!
t Nebraska with tl.o vn.asa cl.-rk ol
i.i: i.... i.'!iui.-st:n a ii-ease to soil
i-.oi.S and vn:oiis .. -. .r: for ti.o Cont
ai year in ihe bua.ianr situated on
. i.i, 1 i.-.ce of i'?i;:;0 n t a s ruua. y.
M akk v Hi l l-:.
uce in awhile tho liUl fellows weald ' bs P--t -i-'c Ili:sl hiii-oever J J jXJ ' I
;mo chire to ti:e ca'C. Then kIib wcuid a man U'voj. thai sh nicl i-.o reap.1 v -
were several bull terrier purpies tear
the place where oho was conrluetl. and ! ".s -u u-
Ctuio Cior e to tne ca'C. j.i.t-il Mi'J weu-ii ;i man H'V'oj. fii'-tua ::o reap.
snarl, and the 1 apples wee Id f-camp. r ; Co a so will ocen up CJ Ion wood
back, but there was cr.a that seemed to Tuyiday nioht as an outpost for Plaits
nave tne goou will 01 to lioi-jies?, icr ' .
-1 1 . ' 1 .i : in out Li.
on A tlav vthn L.t z.i -re:ii-h-fi li-n rai.e
instead of growliiig, kLj thov.'td eigns
; ne
: f.
S.'iue new-- recruits are ex
led so. .111 to help in this work.
cf pleasure. : u h, i lodges nc i anu who
The puppr was euccurr.grel, End after ' ais-od by SiatT Captain Itigrs this
blinkiuc r.t the ljoness J:c-walked bchliv i weei. Wed - esJaj
in. To the f-urpri; 3 of tho hcrper, who i A is a tbe 11 of May, an ico ercara
wasexrreling to -xc tho rni-T-7 quickly jso.'ialat lb-!; Voiuuteer hnil for tho
killed, the lionefs sn-ctc-hed out her j ucRl of this Pest,
huge paw uml gently drew tho dog iu. ,
n-i i : -1 , ....--.-: , -. . . - 1
lire uit.ii iiaiuii as.uei iraicu v.iui nis Aco ruirg to the r.ew papers.
leeeaaiou, auu no m-;icu liiro Xicr 1 Qltio i-nshnnd became
warm lur ana Las reiiimncci wita nor ,
everttnee. The curious tiig 33 that
(spcflnl notiei-3 utuier this lieaU will bp
rii.-.rna for at the rio e-ent lier word
e;i h insertion.)
i.d Thursday. VZXTZCZ 1..
t i ; l 1 t i .v 14 ' J iitii4 l iii 1 ) ui 11 it rt f 1 u t ' v
I 4 i;-.
the. father of
seven t hildrcn rot Sencr r-go. Of the
ei-ven all lived but, one. It is to bo
yh.t; for this notice and dtsciiinniT property.
roit i:k.t.
I " K REN 1 Etht room apartment
'I I 'em! Is store. Incniire at tin; store.
in I
the li--ne3 will havp iir.i!:ii-.?t:da xrif h
tho other puppies. If they coma to the h'ic'1 h l in 14 surT..v of Chamber
cage to h-fo bow tJiuir- Jit;Io brother is -l.n's Cough Remedy, tho only sure
getting ulozfc, s ho row 11 ai thtiu in j cure for croup, whooping cough.
aid Jiieii-icing tbat they cel-j :r,d coufrhs, find so Insured his
cliilurc n
;nir,st .tht se disea-cs. For
sale for all drutrtrisls.
Iwtit Their l.litle tiirt.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. DodJ were called
upon lu-t eten'ng to mourn the loss of
their b iu'ht iittlo three-yea r-tdd
daughter from that most dread disease,
diphthe'ia. She had only b?ci sick
two days, thus making- her takiiig-t'lT
go eudden t hat the fend parents wore
tint . prepared for the shock. They
bve the heartfelt sympathy of their
many friends. On account of th ; eon-
tones po load
aro fri
adopted is trc.'.t.'d
just as if he va re- a cab cf htr cvn
. j l-e! !! lecl
A t 1 1. n - .. - 1 , . 1
, . r. , J : IT. C. MeMaken & Son nre ro-v pre
in taamg ti'Avn tne fciecpio ci the old i , .- .
Itcthcdist church ia Vawrluwn. whi, h ! v u' ':hvor ee"r n to ,iV'
tho Young 3Icus Catholic asscciation is ; l'Arl j til c:t-
temodaik.3 for its uiiD, tL-3 hisiczia old ' - - - -
weathercock cn tcp cf tho ttetplo had to
be removed. He is 3; feti high, with ,
a pewter body azd cojiper tail, a::d is
Eaid to have Lcea made by "Paul Ilcvere '
when about 20 yeuracld. It i; said that ',
the weathercock v.r.3 criminally 1-Iacf.d, ;
. good five-room l-.ouse for sale, to be moved
away. Enquire of Fred Eianger at hardware
stole. :
J1CU S M.E A rood top bupiry. I'or pai ticaiars
a ciKi'iiie ol D. LabbiuK'on or at Nev.s otfice-
i'iiK SALE -improved twenty cris near tm'.n.
I at a L:ip;:iin. Nine acres oi grotm! iuclud
e aj orclu.i'l, loi rent. A ir.ttnher i-l houseo tiiat
c .1 te sold ( neap. K. V- ' lNOHAM.
The Man of the World
Usually is "up to snuff" in all that is
vyorth knowing about the up-to-date styles
in clothing. Ask him who are the best and
most reliable clothiers in Plattsmouth, and
see if he doesn't mention our names every
time. Our fine stock is unlimited, our prices
low, and our fine suits will suit the most fastidious.
Our S5 and S6 ail Wool Cheviot Suits
A Child or Boy's suit at $1.25 Double
seat and knee.
Have you seen our line of $2.50 all Wool
Signs of Spring
- 'If yoil watch it li ug Store you
can always tell when npriifr is com-it-jj-.
People begin to bit y Sarapririlla
and Soda Water. We don't care how
soon they begin to come- now. We
have .ill the various spring medicines,
a full lice cf Drugs, arid our Soda
Water can't be equalled.
soiTU sixth sti;i:it.
II 7
$ Jul
Makisif Bot!:
Hkc!s "Mont"
Can he d;-ue whe o rou c:n
ret ehoiee ine ii--;st ! pi-ice.-. E. A.
Oliver l;eens the choices fresh, prime
hec-f, mutton, lamb, veal, poi k, ham-;.
lid bacon, and roiiitry audgnmein
senson. of such qu-ililv thnt vou net
plenty of nourlshnieol for ;i small
amount of etish.
E. An Oliver's Meat Market,
Fifth and Main Streets.
! Jl1 !":? ami cr.fle taken for choii e
- I i - l . :. , ...... , .... l1... .A t". -i n .n.T nal.-
pi::u v-ii'v.i i- i.-v-.i'.n.. a ii-ii ,i,i. i.. .
Kmc, r.-iini.e-.i to .; t nor season ot live n. .ni.'is.
A;,,.- to li. W. bc.'.ver on tle premises near
Ct:iir.ia or a. idre- Lid.j.r free:;.
19 r
in 1755, on tho eld church Lcilding
that was demolished in 117. Thcio is j
some dispute about hi cYi:crshi, the'
Unitarians claiir irg that he was simply j
leaned to the 2Itthcdi.-l3 wlzu tl:a lat-
ter bnilt their church ia l'i-17, v.-hiio tho .
Methodists chtira that they bonght him i
from tho town, lie will probably be ;
presented to the YVsr.erto'.vn Historical ;
society. Bctcii Traced ipt.
To Ki'J th n:tir, Elact Anti. . j
Yon may cxtcrmirato tlsck ant3 Ly
first keeping oat cf their reach all' j
sweets, btaud yi ur; and sngar. !
(Q - ''''"'---':Q
xsulls from a B-.d ;
Liver and am bz
Cuied by Usln
f ""
- z '
a a B
" -r i I
l .s h ij T 'ri i H i n r i
Oa:ions nature c the discasu t h j . boxes iu a pan cf v. jt;r, then arctmd
funeral took place this morning
Paints and oils at Gering.Sc Co
i the shelves put cither kvendcr, ground:
:loves, or, Letter, camp-hor. I-acaes j
Home Journal. ,
A Certain Remedy for D is: ares cf the Liver,
Kidneys and Urinary Organs
THE Dp.. J. H. WchCAN hlEOICINE CO., St. Louis. Mo.
-s. -. - 'jj-r-r?. .'J "
IfMgim To Be
iiFSnw - bmn Aiay
this year in valuable
articles to smokers of
The Beet I
Vou v. ill find one coupon in
side cticli 2-ouncc bag, and two
coupons inside each 4-ounce
bag. buy a bag, read thecouporl
n:;d sc o bow to "et your sharr
- m
a Fins Violin
1 V,vn
r-. 1 v'.'M;!trt Onlfll.
Fitted nith Cjlin, ViTa'tliMn, IlaraD
den, Roehford or the ne'-v Atlas
move men N, and at prices thit will
rurprie you they aro ho low.
5NYDER, Jeweler snd Optician
506 Main Street.
Missour Ccah Genuir.e Canon City Coa
o i.-rr. At r. . V'bitr
CD buys a Mandoline,
t ihru.scye Tlaple, Mahogany or Rose
wood Finish. Fully guaranteed
1 w
ays An American Guitar,
guaranteed to stand. Steel
j-.trings, in Mahogany or Rose
wood finish.
buys a $100 Organ.
vimball Pianos 1 Ororans
: t::;:s, littla nscd, for $50, $00, $S0 to $100.
Write for Catalogues and oar term. rACTOBY PRICES.
- HOSPE, JR., 1513 Dcaglas Street, OMAHA, NEB.
veiling News, 156 week