"Qood Morning: SMITH & BRIEFLY TOLD. C. A. Marshall, Dentist. Subscribe for TnE News. Farm loans T. H. Pollock. Gerinjj & Co. for wallpaper. Cigar clippings 25 cents a pound fit H. Spies. Miss Maggie Oliver is lo town visit ing relatives. Insure in . the German American. Fred Ebinger, Agent. Horse and buggy for sale cheap, en quire at News office. Quality, not quantity, makes the ci gar. Smoke "Exquisitos." Paint points to prosperity. Buy your paints of Gering & Co. C. S. Polk was attending to legal business in Auburn yesterday. Mrs. D. S. Guild and her mother visited in Omaha this afternoon. Reserve tickets are now on sale for "A Scrap of Paper" at Lehnhoff's. . We will move into our new sto: e May 1. Geiuno & Co. Nice rag carpet for sale enquire of Mrs. C. Barr 1st door west of High School. Mrs. S. P. Hoiloway and daughter, Ezie, are visiting relatives at Ot tumwa this week. Get Lanareth's ear den seeds at Zuckweiler & Lutz's, corner of Sixth and Pearl streets. Will Holly purchased three lots to day lying next to his residence of Wo Breede of Hastings. The Art department of the Woman's club will meet this evening at the home of Mrs, Wm. Herold. If you want to see the finest lino of wall paper ever brought to this city call at Pettee's music store. Good pasture for horses and cows, with running water, at Livingston Heights. A. C. Fry & Sons. J. I, Unruh has graded, sodded and ' improved his Vine street residence un til it is one of the nicest in town. The "Exquisitos" is superior to any other 5-cent cigar made in this west ern country. II. Spies, manufacturer. Why is the "Exquisitos" the best 5-cent cigar on the market ? Because it contains the genuine Havanna filler. Uncle Sam Barker was in town to day scraping up an acquaintance with old friends who had not seen him for many moons. The weather is somewhat threaten ing today but it is to be hoped we m iy not be visited by another hail storm like the one of last night. This Is good weather for the tree3, but if you didn't plant a tree yester day you had better plant "an heuser bush" today. Last offense! Mrs. W. L. Pickett is visiting her parents at Evansvilie, Ind., and will attend the Tennessee Centennial at Nashville before returning home. There is no tonic 60 strengthening or so pleasant to take, as the Anheuser Bused, Malt-Nutrine sold by Philip Thierolf at the Casino for 25 cents per bottle. Mrs. E. J. Pickett is in the city with her son, W. L. Pickett, during the absence of the latter's wife in Indiana. She will probably remain five or fix weeks. A picture of Posey Messersmith's air ship has been drawn on the win dow first door east of Brigers barber shop. Posey says its true to life and what Posey says goes. Lovers of that delicious spring beverage, Bock beer, will find it on draught at Pnil Thierolf's. the City hotel and at John Mumm's. Call early as the supply will not last long. Unconditional surrender is the only terms those famous little pills known as De Witt's Little Early Risers will make with constipation, sick headache and stomach troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co. Croup and whooping cough ure childhood's terrors; but like pneu monia, bronchitis, and other throat and lung troubles, can bo quickly cured by using One Minute Cough Cure. F. G. Fricke & Co. Not only acute lung troubles, which may prove fatal in a few days, but old chronic coughs and throat troubles may receive immediate relief and be permanently cured by One Minute Cough Cure. F. G. Fricke & Co. I am the only man in the world that knows how to load a gun can say there are no gun shells loaded right, and can prove the assertion Will teach any man the art for a small sum. John Jackson. Remember the leadine 5-cent cigars in this market is "Wurl Bros." and the "Cabinet." Otto Wurl, the manufacturer, is building up a great IF YOU HAVE without seeing our line and are not satisfied you cannot blame us. This is our thirteenth year in the Wallpaper business and we have by far the largest stock this Spring than for any previous year. We figured that everybody would brighten-up with new smiles, new Paper and new Paint, consequently our stock of Paper is large, the assortment choice and prices to suit all. Our line of Paints are not excelled in Cass county, and the smiles you will carry away with you if you purchase Wallpaper, Mixed Paints, Alabastine, Kalsomine, Brushes, etc., at our store. PARMELE, DRUGGISTS, reputation for these poods cut in the state as well as at home. Try them. The senior class of the High school will repeat "A Scrap of Paper" on Tuesday evening, April 7, at White's cpera houe, fur the benefit of the public library. This is a meritorious entertainment and ought to .be well attended. It should bo made a matterof public knowledge that De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will cpeedily euro piles of the longest standing. It is the house hold favorite, for burns, scalds, cute. bruises and sores of all kinds. F. G. Fricke & Co. When a cold is contracted, cure it at once at once. One Minute Cou?h Cure will set you on the road to re covery in a niiouto. It will cure pneu monia, bronchitis, croup nnd all fornix of lung and throat troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co. Personal The gentleman who an noyed the congregation last Sunday by continually coughing will find in stant relief by use One M nuto Cough Cure, a speedy ucd harmless remedy for throat snd lung troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Vallery were the recipients of a largo number of expensive and useful presents. Wed nesday evening from relatives and friends, whoso wishes for their futuro happiness were shown in a very sub stantial manner. When the spring time comes, "gen tle Annie," like all other sensib'o persons, will cleanse the liver and re novate the system with DeWitt's Little Early Risers, famous little pills for the stomach ail the year round. F. G. Fricke & Co. Fine young pansy plants of Drec-rs Royal Exhibition Varieties, twenty five cent per dozen. If planted out now, will be in fu!l bloom bj May 1st. Call at the greenhouse or order of your grocery man of whom you buy lettuee. L. A. Moore. Mr. Elwin Birlowe of Boston, a comedian of wide experience is in town, and while hero may direct our talented amateurs in one or mere standard plays. Hois now negotiating with the leading room association to play under tneir r.uspices on or about May 10. We have opened a shop at til 0 Main street where wo will repar all kinas of gasoline stoves. Remember you save gasoane ana avoid danger by having your stove .cleaned. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Wo also clean burn ers on gas or oil stoves. Divis x Woodson. Thirty years is a long time to fight so painful a troublo as piles, hut Jacob Mitchell, of Unionville, la.,struggled that long before he tried DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, which quickly and permanently cured him. It is equally effective in eczema and all skin affections. F. G. Fricke & Co. II. J. Strcigbl. of the firm of Strelght & Sattler, has earned quit-; a reputation as an ercbalmer. The body of Mrs. Crawford shipped to Towa, was found in as perfect a condi tion several days aftor her death as it was the day the spirit left its tene ment of clay. Mr. Streight has spent much time studying the latest met hods of embalming,and fully cares the success achieved. A Stormy Night. Last night was the stormiest of the year in this vicinitj' the wind and hail fairly vicing with each other to see which could do the greater dam age. At Union the wind did consider able Carnage. It turned over out buildings and blew down Wm. Eikcu bary's windmill tower. nere in Plattsmouth the hail was worse than the wind. Several window lights were broken, and L. A. Moore is reported to have sutfered a severe loss at his green-bouse JOG glass having been broken. The rain fell in torrents for a while ajd in places washed the roads badly. Apricot and early fruit trees were almost stripped of their buds. An Electrical Freak. While the storm was raging last night a large crowtl was assembled in at Billy Neville's when a ball of tire, appearing about tho size of a man's fist, came into tho room over the elec tric light wire, and just before it reached the arc light it suddenly ex ploded with a loud report that fright ened every man in tho room out of his wits. No damage was done and the lamp was not put out. It was cer tainly a strange freak of the light ning, and those that saw it say they don't care to see any more electrical phenomina of that 6ort at such short range. - If you want to sell your property list it with T. EL Pollock. Have You Bought ; . : i ' " ' " ' A Fine Musical Entertainment. The musical entertainment for, the beneCt of St. John's church was a success in every particular with the exception of the weather, though in spite of the forbiding element, a largo and fashionable audienco listened to tho program with great pleasure. The opening number, "King's Hussars," a piano duett, performed by Miss Carney and Miss Clark, was well-rendered. Miss Mauzy's recita tion called forth a, vigorous encore, which was responded to most grace fully. Little Nellie McVey is a sweet little girl, and her song was very sweetly sung. The singing by the male quartette from Omaha was a prominent feature cf the evening's entertainment and was much enjoyed. One of the very best solus was Miss Clark's "Night Time." It was beau tifully sung, and called forth a well merited encore. Miss Kay's recita tion was somewhat marred by the patter of the haii on the roof, but was undoubtedly good, as was tho tenor solo, "Mine Always," by V. Brennan of Omaha. An informal dance - followed the program and contributed largely to the pleasure of tho evening. )f Interest to Pialtfimoiith. Judge M. L Hay ward this after noon rtcoived a telegram fiora I. A. Campbell, clerk of the supremo court, that the case of Morton vs. Carliu had been reversed. This is the case against the county commissioners of this county to prevent them from making a levy to pay the Missouri Pacific bonds voted some yeirsago, when the road was built through this city. Judge Chapman decided that the bonds were good and should be paid, and this decision revarses his de cision and is a verdict for iho tax payers of this precinct. Nebraska City News. Kougli on Nebraska City A pon of J. Sterling Morton has presented Nebraska City with a li brary, and now the editor of the Press will lind his nose out of joint. Hereto fore when able citizens got into a dis cussion over any matter of history, political economy, science or tho what. they would always turn to Pete Brown, and whatever his decision was they knew was wrong, and the "right was, therefore, easily ascertainable. It must have cost Mr. Morton a con siderable sum of cash to have all the English classics translated and print ed in the Missouri language, but he is one of those young men who spare no expense when they know that they can bring joy to tho bosom of fellow-citizens. To the l'nblic. All persons, renters and owners of property, are hereby requested to re move all filth and refuse matter from their lots, also alley and street adja cent thereto, before May 1, 1807, after which date a rigid inspection of all property will bo enforced and all par ties who have not complied with this order will be prosecuted for violation of the city health ordinance. All re fuse matter must be hauled to the river dump grounds. On and afier May 1 tho slaughtering of any ani mals within the corporate limits of the city will not bo permitted ordinances No. 27 and 54 provide,upon con victior, a penalty of $-3 to $100. for each viola tion of the ordinances. Iho board of health respectfully asks the co-operation of all citizens in keeping their premises clean, thus preventing the origin and spread of disease. Jno. A. Gutsciik, Chairman, K. D. Cummins, M. D., Sec'y., Board of Health. A l'rtinful Arcidrnt. Wednesday afternoon while ut working on bridge repairs near town, Mr.Sheely allowed a heavy oak timber, through which a sharp pointed spike was protruding, u fall on his right foot. The ugly spike struck a little back of the great toe and was forced through the foot, producing a most painful wound, and one that is often con sidered dangerous. lie came to town and had Dr. Humphrey dress Ibe wounJ, and is getting along nicely. Kllrtrlc liitters. Electric Bitters is a medicine suited Tor any sen60n, but perhaps more gen erally needed when the languid, ex hausted feeling prevails, when tho liver is torpid and sluggish and the need of a tonic and alterative is felt. A prompt use of this medicine has often abated long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medicine will act more surely in counteracting and free ing the pystem from the malarial poison. Headache. Indigestion, Con stipation, Dizziness, yield to Electric Hitters. 60c and $1 per bottle at fc G. b'rieke's drug store. 1 510 THINK THE WORST YET TO COME. New Orleans Fighting the FlooiU Against a Strong Handicap. New Orleans, April '22. At mid night the city gaugo showed 19.3 feet above low water, and at the present rate of rise the early prediction of twenty feet will probably be realized. Ihe crest of the flood wave is now supposed to ho below Vicksburg, and with a clear track unencumbered by crevasses, will reach hero in throe or four days. Even with good weather the strain will bo terrific, and a study of the weather chart shows that rain is almost certain to come. Escape with a solid front below tho present Louisiana brer.ks will be a miracle. even aided by the magnificent work f iho levee defenders,' who are still lighting hs fieiccly as if the battle had not been on night and day for a month. Yestei day's light was much fiercer than ever before. In St. Bernard, just below the city, two ievees wero on the verge of tumbling in. The whole section was aroused aud every man responded. They ere still working and a crevasse has been avoided by building practically new levees. At Pike's Peak levee in St. James, across the river, the parish was not only aioused, but tho Texas & Pacific carried a lot of men aud material, and twenty-four hours' work avoided a catastrophe, fo- forty feet of tho levee had bloughcd off. A crevasse there would have done twice as much dam ago as the Mississippi breaks. Oa Bonne Torre, on this side of the river, an army has been tit work a week. A crevasse there would remove all fea sible danger to New Orleans. The citizens have largely augmented tho levee board's force in New Orleans and I.UOO men are at work. Today there was a conference let ween the citizens aDd officers and it is proposed to guarantee enough money to rui?e the long cordon of banks around tho city. Mayor Flower has ordered not to sparo houses or streets in sccurirg I earth or room wherever extra work! is needed to injure safety. So far only one house bus been torn down, but tho work has only begun. Will Organise a liicyrle Club. Au effort is being put forth to or ganize an up-to-dato bicycle club in this city for ihe purpose of putting the one-third mile track at the fair grounds in shape, and making regular evening and Sunday runs. This will, no doubt, prove i f benefit to all con cerned. A meeting will bo held one evening next week with the object of completing the organization. Kttpplierries. A few choice Gregg raspberry plants for 3alo. H. C. McMaken. WANTS. (Special notices under this head will be chirped for at tire rate of 4 cent per word each insertion.) SI ISCELLA.N KOIS. A CENTS WANTKP-Sevcral free outtitis work ing well together from high rated factories, of fered one salesman in each district. Cash com mission. Income for pushers. Syndicate P. O. 1371, New York. FOR REST. JOR KENT Eight-room apartment HctoUJ's store. Inquire at the store. LOST. LOST Pair of goM-rimmcd spectacles, prob ably oq Sixth street. Finder will be rewarded by leaving same at News oriice. 1'AtSTl' KICK. HORSES and cattle taker for choice h!uc-gra?s aud clover pasturing. Plenty of running water. Kates reduced to ,1 per season of five months. Apply to II. V. l'.eaver on the premises near Cuflom or address Cedar Creek. M . iL - Stop to Consider Whether it is not better to purchase your Groceries from A. H. Weckbach at the low prices we name than to pny more for inferior good3 elsewhere. We keep everything in our slock of a standard quality and every one agrees thnt we fill the bill to their entire satisfaction for excellence, low prices and prompt service at all times. A. II. WECKBACII, WATERMAN BLOCK. Your Spring Wallpaper?' Main Street, Prosperity Our Colored Oxfords, $l.io to $2.25 Are as Fine as Silk. We have them in Tan, Wine, Chocolate, Ox Blood and Black. The man who can't be suited in our spring line of Ox Bloods and Chocolates for $2.85 and $3.00 ough to have a spring tonic, for he is not feeling well. ROBERT : SHERWOOD, ONE DOOR WEST WECKBACH'S GROCERY. DID It ever occur to von. gentle reader, that when those harbingers oi spring the twittering robin and the cackling hen arc heard in the land it is to remind YOU of the approach of spring that delight ful season of the year when yonr wife lies her head up in a ,uwel. tumbles the fur niture out in the yard, tears up the car pets and tells you to SEE a paper hanger, forthwith, and send hiru down to Snyder's Drug store tor samples frnm that elegant stock of Wall Paper? This year she will insist that M'KHMLEY is President and prosperity is about to dawn, the premises must be slicked up in honor of the dawn. Preliminary to the improvements to be INAUGURATED she will again remind you of the exten sive and varied stock of modern-design Wall Papers she has seen at SNYDER'S and you will go there and buy and be happy ever afterwards. Spring.. Crockery.. A splendid line just received; slso the J most complete and elegant line of Plain and Decorated Chinaware ever brought to the city maybe found at the store of J - fSH&R o GbfRK, First Door East of Court House. Til r. Dact in rSfnoriOC 1 llv UbStlil Vliuvviivai Q Don't Monkey With Drugs! When your physician gives you a preset iption to have filled, you can't be too careful whore you have it done. Patronize only druggists who have an established, reputation for"ctrefulness ni.d for handling only tbe purest and best. The pharmacy conducted by b (I. Pricke & Co., has this reputa tion, so why should you go elsewhere. F. G. FRICKE & CO.. SOCTH SIXTH STREET. "THE NEWS" 15c per Week Delivered to any Part of City Piatt smouth, Nebraska IS- Coming Why not blossom forth in a pair of our tailor made shoes. We have them in all styles and colors. Ladies' Ox Blood, high cut, lace, at $2.50. Ladies' Mahogany, high cut, lace, at $3.00. Ladies' New Chocolate, patent leather trimmed, a daisy, at $3.50. Seeing" 4 IS Believing". ..Don't take our word for it. And, aside from any question of saving- money, the certain satisfaction which such a stock of millinery as ours guarantees you is alone worth a great deal. It does away with all g-uess work in choosing the most fashion able and st3Tlish hats, toques, and specialties in the latest Pa risian millinery. Whatever is appropriate in milline', hats, etc., to the season, and to any station in life, is always to be found here. A FULL .PERFUMERY Is also to be found in our store. TUCKER North Side Main Street. y 'l CO bays a Fine Violin . J , aaJ Conijilcte Outfit. Fully tioamntowl Vs f 00 buys a Mandoline, Birdseye Maple, Mahogany or Rose- . wood Finish. Fully guaranteed. vfl 00 bays An American Guitar, ljfJm guaranteed to stand. Steel 1 strings, In Mahogany or Rose j wood finish. J SESD FOB CATALOGUE OP SHEET MUSIC. S50 buys a $100 Organ. Kimball Pianos m Organs ON EASY PAYMENTS. Tianos, little used, for $50, Write for CaUlofQM and oar term. PACTOBI PRICES. A- HOSPE, JR., 1513 Douglas Street, OMAHA, HEB. LINE OF SISTERS Plattsmouth, 1ST. $60, $S0 to $100.