Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, April 14, 1897, Image 4

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    "Good Morning: Have You Bought Your Spring; Wallpaper?"
IF YOU HAVE without seeing our line and are not satisfied you cannot blame us. This is our thirteenth year in the Wallpaper
business and we have by far the largest stock this Spring than for any previous year. We figured that everybody would
brighten up with new smiles, new Paper and new Paint, consequently our stock of Paper is .large, the assortment choice
and prices to suit all. Our line of Paints are not excelled in Cass county, and the smiles you will carry away with you if
you purchase Wallpaper, Mixed Paints, Alabastine, Kalsomine, Brushes, etc., at our store.
510 Main Street, Plattsmouth, Nebraska s
mm 1 i , ..... . . . . i. i . - "
- i
THe Seml-Weeklu News-Herald .
From Tuesday's Daily.
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
Farm loan3 T. H. Pollock.
Gering & Co. for wallpaper.
Subscribe for TnE News.
E. A. Oliver was an Omaha visitor
D. W. Foster of Union was in the
city today.
If you want to sell your property lit t
it with T. H. Pollock.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Parmele were
Omaha visitors today.
Judge Ramsey has adjourned dis
trict court to April 28.
Insure in the German American.
Fred Ebinger, Agent.
To trade Bicycle for a bugery. En
quire at sheriff's office.
The admission to Dr. May's lecture
tonight is 10 and 20 cents.
Charles Graves of Union was a busi
ness visitor in the city today.
Paint points to prosperity. Buy
your paints of Gering & Co.
Don't forget "A Scrap of Paper," to
be given by the Seniors April 19.
We will move into our new store
May 1. Gering & Co.
A. D. C. Rodgers and wife of the
Volunteers, returned to Omaha today
Mrs. Fred fiowland of Ilavelock is
visiting relatives and friends in the
- city.
Nice rag carpet for sale enquire of
Mrs. C. Barr 1st door west of High
Admission only 10 and 20 cents to
hear Eugene May lecture on "Yellow
stone Park."
Hiram Robina is able to be on the
street again, after a four days' siege
with the grip.
Blacksmith tools and a good foot
power scroll saw for sale. Enquire at
The News office.
Dr. Eugene May's lecture at the
Presbyterian church tonight will be
interesting to all.
Get Landreth's garden seeds nt
Zuckwoiler & Lutz's, corner of Sixth
and Pearl streets.
Good pasture for horses and cow,
with running water, at Livingston
Heights. A. C. Fry & Sons.
You ehould not fail to hear "With
a Bicycle Through Yellowstone
Park" at the Presbyterian church to
night. The Rt. Rev. George Worthington
will officiate in St. Luke's parish on
Easterday in the evening for con
Remember, the J. H. Palmer
feather renovator will only remain a
few days longer. Get your work done
at onco.
Come to the "Humpty Dumpty"
carnival given at White's hall, April
15. Admission 5 cents. Ref resu
me nts, 15 cents.
You will find a full line of Mrs
Crawford's pickles at Zuckweiler &
Lutz's. There are none nicer. Try
them and you will use no others.
Remember that "Scrap of paper" at
White's Hall next Monday nighl.
Prices 15 and 25 cents. Reserved seats
on sale at Lenhoff's until April17.
There is no tonic so strengthening
or so pleasant to take, as the Anheuser
Buscb Malt-Nutrine sold by Philip
Thierolf at the Casino for 25 cents per
The young men will hold a Bible
class In the Y. M. C. A. rooms Tues
day evening of this week at 7:30. All
young men invited to come and bring
heir bible.
. Miss Harriet McCroskey has re
moved her dressmaking parlors to the
rooms over Mrs. - Melvins millinery
store, where she will be pleased to
meet her friends and patrons.
If the Missouri river continues to
raise, Charles Dabb's gosoline launch
"Sundown" will have to be brought
into requisition to carry the mail be
tween this city and Pacific Junction.
Lovers of that delicious spring
beverage, Bock beer, will find it on
draught at Phil Thieroif's, the City
hotel and at John Muinm's. Call
early as the supply will not last long.
Unconditional surrender is the
only terms those famous little pills
known as De Witt's Little Early
Risers will make with constipation,
6ick headache and stomach troubles.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Don't forget the mask ball at
White's hall, April 20. After the!
cotillion which will be an extra affair.
the old fashioned "Virginia reel will
be danced. Don't fail to be present
whether you dance or not.
Croup and whooping cough are
childhood's terrors; but like pneu
monia, bronchitis, and other throat
and lung troubles, can be quickly
cured by using One Minute Cough
Cure. F. G. Fricke & Co.
If you want to make a cheap trip
through "Yellowstone Park on a Bi
cycle," just go to the Presbyterian
church tomorrow night and hear Dr.
Eugene May describe the wondrous
beauties of this fairyland.
The finest imported wines in the
state, and the purest liquors, together
with the premium Anheuser-Busch
beer, are always obtainable at the
"Casino" Platten-outh's leading
saloon, opposite the court house.
Not only acute lung troubles, which
may prove fatal in a few days, but old
hronic coughs and throat troubles
may receive immediate relief and be
permanently cured by One Minute
Cough Cure. F. G. Fricke & Co.
The ladies of St. John's church have
secured the services of the Philhar
monic Male Quartet for their musical
entertainment at White's opera house
Thursday, pril 22. The quartet
comes very highly recommended.
Remember-the leading 5-cent cigars
in this market is "Wurl Bros." and
the "Cabinet." Otto Wurl, the
manufacturer, is building up a great
reputation for these goods out in the
state as well as at home. Try them.
mere are all Kinds ol scraps some
you should see and some you should
not but don't fail to see "A Scrap of
Paper," a play the Senior class will
give Monday evening, April 19, at
White's hall. Admission 15 and 2.
It should be made a matter of public
knowledge that DoWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve will speedily cure piles of
the longest standing. It is the house
hold favorite for burns, scalds, cuts.
bruises and sores of all kinds. F. G
Fricke & Co.
When a cold is contracted, cure it
at once at once. One Minute Cough
Cure will set you on the road to re
covery in a minute. It will cure pneu
monia, bronchitis, croup and all forms
of lung and throat troubles. F. G
Fricke & Co.
Personal The gentleman who an
noyed the congregation last Sunday
by continually coughing will find in
stant relief by use One Minute Cough
Cure, a speedy and harmless remedy
for throat and lung troubles. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
When the spring time comes, "gen
tle Annie,'' like all other sensible
persons, will cleanse the liver and re
novate the system with DeWitt's
Little Early Risers, famous little pills
for the stomach all the year round.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Fine young pansy plants of Dreers
Royal Exhibition Varieties, twenty
five cents per dozen. If planted out
now, will be in full bloom by May 1st.
Call at the greenhouse or order of
your groceryman of whom you buy
lettuce. L. A. Moore.
A riot of no 6mall proportions is
said to have occurred out in the Bo
hemian hall Sunday night, in which
some of the participants received
severe injuries and are unable to be
out yet. The matter will probably
receive an airing in police court in a
few days.
There will be daily services at St.
Luke's church on Monday, Tuesday
and Thursday at 4 p. m.; Wednesday
evening at 7:30; Good Friday at 10 a.
m. and 12 to 3 p. m., evening, 7:30;
Caiterday Holy Communion, 8 and 11
a. m., evoning service at 7:30.
Thirty years is a long time to Sght
so painful a trouble as piles, but Jacob
Mitchell, of Unionville, Pa.,struggled
that long before he tried DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve, which quickly
and permanently cured him. It is
equally effective in eczema and all
9kin affections. F. G. Fricke & Co.
On Monday evening, April 19th., at
Whites ball the Senior class will give
a play entitled "A Scrap of Paper."
We earnestly solicit the intereet and
patronage of the public in our effort
to present a creditable entertainment.
The prices will be 15 and 25cents. No
extra charges for reserved seates
which will be on sale at usual place
next week.
Bncklen Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe
ver sores, tetter, chapperhands, chil
blains, corns, and all skin eruptions.
and positively cures piles, or no pay
required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect eath faction or money refunded.
Pylce 25 cents per box. For sale . by
F. G. Fricke.
Highest At This Point Since the IliRh
Water ol 1881.
The old Missouri is pgain on the
rampage. At noon the government
gauge showed 13 8.10 above mean low
water, and on the Iowa side east of
the city it is cutting it3 way into the
land. As a result of tbis it has not
raised much since morning. The
Burlington's river trrck on the Iowa
side is under water, but it has not
reached the main line.
At Yankton, a huge ice house was
floated against, the Great Northern
bridce over the Pine river, and both
structures are ehi eatened with dis
tructiou. Ileavy rains fell In all this
section last night and todny and
streams emptying into the Missouri
are all running bank full again. The
river here will rise at least twenty-
four hours longer.
Last evening the river broke over
into its old channel by Omaha, flow
ing into Floience lake, which was
formed when the river changed its
course nearly twenty years ago,
Last night the water wus pouring
down through the lake and has flooded
the bottoms in the vicinity. All the
houses in North Omaha, two or three
hundred in number, are surrounded
and the inhabitants have been moving
to higher ground. The Missouri Pa
cific and Elk horn tracks are under
water. The river is still rising.
The water from the break into Flor
ence lake is finding an outlet into Cut
off lake and if the rise is much greater
there is groat danger that the river
will re-establish ita abandoned course
of twenty years ago. In this event
the property loss will be enormous, as
there are enormous railroad plants,
factories, eta , in the lino of tho threat
ened cutoff. It was stiil raining there
at midnight and there was no way of
telling what damage was being done
in the darkness by tho unruly waters
A Lively Kunawajr,
Chris Volenaegfle, a farmer residing
south of town, Cima in early this
morning and tied hi team in front of
Clark's grocorv. The animal that
was tied managed to slip his bridle off
and they immediately started to run
The team ran up Main street to
seventh and circled back around to
the court house' on Vino where tht
tongue to the wagon broke and they
were stopped. No damage was done
except to the wagon.
The Christian Church Entertainment.
The entertainment given by the la.-
dies of the Christian church at
White's hail last evening proved a
gratifying success, both financially
and socially. A good crowd was in at
tendance and the program was highly
appreciated. A good supper was
served, to which those in attendance
did ample justice. A neat sum was
realized for the church.
Ir King's New Discovery For Consumption
This is the uest medicine in the
world for all forms of Coughs and
Colds and for Consumption. Every
bottle is guaranteed. It will cure and
not disappoint. It has no equal for
Whooping Cough, Asthma, Hay
Fever, Pneumonia. Bronchitis, La
Grippe, Colds in the Head and for
Consumption. It is safe for all age,
pleasant to take, and, above all, a
sure cure, li is always wen to tatce
Dr. King's Little Life Pills, in con
nection with Dr. King's New Discov
ery, as they regulate and tone the
stomach and bowels. We guarantee
perfect satisfaction or return money.
Free trial bottles at F. G. Fricke's
drug store. Regular size 50 cents and
$1.00. 6
The Randolph Times says it will
print everything in tho line of news
that is fit for publication, no matter
who it concerns, what it is or where it
A Valuable Prescription.
Editor Morrison of Worthington,
lnd., "Sun," writes: "You have a
valuable prescription in Electric Bit
ters, and I can cheerfully recommend
it forConstipation and Sick Headache
and as a general system tonic it has
no equal." Mrs. Annie Stehle, 2625
Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, was ail
run down, could not eat nor digest
food, had a backache which never left
her and felt tired and weary, but six
bottles of Electric Bitters restored
her health and renewed her strength.
Prices 50 cents and $1. Get a bottle
at F. G. Fricke's drug f-tore. 6
Havinsr sold rr.v statinnerv and ncira
u ml ml
business I am anxious to close up all
accounts. Parties know! no- t.h a m .
selves indebted to me on account of
stationery store will please call at
iiotei ituey. w. w. Coates.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
Cares Piles. Scalds, Burns.
Was a Devout Member of the Met hod in t
Church Since the Age of Sixteen.
Mrs. Martha Vestal, who pissed
away last Friday, was born in Indiana,
January 22, 1847. When four years
old her parents moved to Iowa, living
one year in Keokuk county, then lo
cating in Powashiek county, where
she passed her childhood. At the age
of sixteen she embraced the Chris
tian religion, joining the Methodist
church, of which she has been an earn
est and devout member ever since.
During har last hours, white suffering
great bodily pain, she fervently sang
"When I Can Road My Title Clear"
and "Nearer My God to Thee," and
was ready when the messenger came
to bid her como up higher.
Knowing full well that the time had
come for her to go, 6he was prepared
for tho journey, resting on the promi
ses of God, which the consciousness of
a well-spent life alone can give. Mrs.
Vestal was indeeda truly noble woman,
whom none knew but to love. She h id
a kind word and a cheerful smile for
all, with a word of eucouragemont for
those in trouble.
Martha (Allen) Vestal was ixarried
to L. H. Vestal on November 6, 1805,
in Iowa. They removed to Kansas the
following year, where they resided
until 1871, when they returned to Des
Moines, la. Remaining there until
about eight years ago, they moved to
Nebraska, locating near Ashland.
From there they removed to Platts
mouth, and have been residents of this
city for the past six years. There is
lelt to mourn her departure her be
loved husband and three daughtois
Mrs. W. E. Pal meter, of this city; Mrs.
Willis Babbitt, of Cedar llapids, la.,
and Mrs. Ed ward Richards of Ashland.
Mother, dear, has gone up yonder.
Where the good alone shall go.
She to us seems fonder, fonder
We have learned to love her so.
From all earthly paiu she's free.
On that bright, eternal shore;
. By the strand of the crystal :-ea.
There we'll meet her as of yore.
Her kindly word and pleasant smile
We will miss on our journjy here;
We will trust iu God the w hile.
For we know she is happy there.
God guide us all while here below.
That we may w hen our voyage is e'er.
Find up there our resting place.
Where our dear one has gone before.
Death of an Old Lady.
Mrs. Jane Rhodes passed to her
final reward at 4 o'clock this morninjr
at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Jones, Pearl and Thirteenth streets,
aged seventy -three yearB. Deceased
had been a sufferer from asthma for
three years. She was the widow of
G. W. Rhodes, a soldier in the Fifty
first regiment, Missouri infantry. will be held at the residence
Wednesday at 2 p. m. and interment
will be mado at Oak Hill cemetery.
Members Woodmen of the World. A
full attendance of all members is de
sired to bo present at the meeting to
be held Thursday, April 22. As im
portant business is pending.
Oswald Guthjiann, Clerk.
Garden Seeds.
Bennett At Tutt have a large supply
of all kinds of bulk and package gar
den seeds, as well as onion seeds.
Paints and'oils atGering & Co'a
- - - "
charged for at the rate of H cent per word
each Insertion.)
AGHNTS WANTED-Several frea outfitis work
ing well together from high rated factories, of
fered one salesman in each district. Cash com
mission, income for pushers. Syndicate P. O.
371, New ork.
WANTED A good girl for general house
work. Apply to Mrs. F. H. Wilson, corner
Eleventh and Timber streets. -
ANTED Girl to work in small family. En
quire at this office.
LOST A red Irish setter dog. The tinder win
bo rewarded if he wili return the dog to this
OST A dark brown pony, weight KM pounds:
j white spot in forehead; had on an old saddle
nd rope halter. Anv information will be thank-
f.,iiv received at the .News omce or ai r ngerau s
livery barn. Mark lies, owner.
FtJTRAYr.U v sorrei mare, mree years o j.
,ith white face: lame in left hind leg. Finder
leave word at this office.
STKAYr.n uk j i uLt.n a oiacK ana wnite
sow; cars lop down over eves, the left ear has
alightspiit. Suitable reward. John McDaniels.
HOKifc.s ana cattle taken tor choice blue-grass
and clover pasturing. Plenty of running: water.
Annlvto H. V. Beaver on the nremises near
Cullom or address Cedar Creek.
FOR KE.NT A desirable modern cottage;
Seven rooms, exclusive of bath room fand
closets. Inquire of owners. C. E. Wescott & Son.
Next Sunday
Our Colored Oxfords, $ to $2.25
Are as Fine as Silk,
We have them in Tan, Wine, Chocolate, Ox Blood
and Black. The man who can't be suited in our
spring line of Ox Bloods and Chocolates for $2.85
and $3.00 ough to have a spring tonic, for he
feeling well.
& It ever occur to vou. gentle reader, that
r when those harbingers oi spring the
twittering robin and the cackling hen
ft are heard in the land it is to remind
of the approach of spring-that delight- &
ft ful season ol the year when your wife tics
q her iiead up in a towel, tumbles the lur- ft
.g. nitiire nut in the vard, tears up the car-
igL pets and tells you to 4$
a paper hanger, forthwith, and send him f
down to Snyder's Lrug store tor samples Jf
from that elegant stock of Wall Paper? Jt
This year she will insist that
is President and prosperity is about to W
dawn, the premises must be slicked up in
honor of the dawn. Preliminary to the Vk
improvements to be
t she will again remind you of the exten-
4t sive and varied stock of modern-design
Wall Papers she has sceu at it
ft and you will go there and buy and be
it- happy ever afterwards.
I Spring..
A splendid line just received; slso the
most complete and elegant line of Plain
ft and Decorated Chinaware ever brought ft
lit t li fitv mav H fmin at t!i ctnri il
j .
ft ft
First Door East of Court House.
The Best in Groceries, g
Yonng and Old..
We none of us live so carefully
that we never require the aid of drupes
to pet us right- It's a comfort to know
where you can get them puis at
proticr price. We are not modest
nlout these points we c;tn girerou
what vou want.
15c per Week
Delivered to any Part of City
vviiy nut uiuoouii' iui hi iii c. ca. 1 1 vji uui iciuui
made shoes. We have them in all styles and
Ladies' Ox Blood, high cut, lace, at $2.50.
Ladies' Mahogany, high cut, lace, at $3.00.
Ladies' New Chocolate, patent leather
trimmed, a daisy, at $3.50.
Before 3rou buy 3Tour Spring Millinery. Even the wealth
iest people do not buy hats to throw away. It's provoking to
buy a hat which you think satisfies you, and then to see something-
better a short distance away. In every business there is
always one better than the rest. It's to your advantage to
find that store. In 3-our travels don't pass us by. We sell at
prices to suit the times. It will pay you to stop in anl inspect
our line.
Hats, Ribbons, Flowers
Laces Veiling....
We have secured the services of a First
Class Trimmer.
Grand E,aster Opening
North Side Main Street.
30 - bays a Fine Violin
J, auJ Complete Outfit.
Full (inarnnlxul.
00 buys a Mandoline,
, .Birdseye Maple, Mahogany or Rose
wood Finish. Fully guaranteed.
-4 A 00 bays An American
ijit guaranteed to stand.
strings, in Mahogany or Rose
wood finish.
S50 buys a $100 Organ.
imball Pianos e
IManos, little nsed, for $50, $G0, $80 to $100.
, Write for Catalocnea and onr
I A. HOSPE, JR., 1513
is not "
tArma. ykfrr-otr r.nmr-.r.n
Douglas Street, OLEAHA, NEB.