Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, April 07, 1897, Image 4

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IF YOU HAVE without seeing our line and are not satisfiedjyou cannot blame us. This is our thirteenth year in the Wallpaper
business and we have by far the largest stock this Spring than for any previous year. We figured that everybody would
brighten up with new smiles, new Paper and new Paint, consequently our stock of Paper is large, the assortment choice
and prices to suit all. Our line of Paints are not excelled in Cass county, and the smiles you will carry away with you if
you purchase Wallpaper, Mixed Paints, Alabastine, Kalsomine, Brushes, etc., at our store.
510 Main Street,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
"Good Moraing Have You Bought Your
The semi-Weekly News-Herald
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
Subscribe for Tns News.
Gering1 & Co. for wallpaper.
Farm loans T. H. Pollock.
"Humpty Dumpty" carnival at
White's hall.
Refreshments at "Humpty Dumty"
carnival 15 cents.
"Humpty Dumpty" carnival April
15 5 cents admission.
If you want to sell your property list
it with T. H. Pollock.
Insuro In the German American.
Fred Ebinger, Agent.
To trade Bicycle for a bupgry. En
quire at eheriff's office.
Paint points to prosperity. Buy
your paints of Gering & Co.
A good program assured at the
"Humpty Dumpty" carnival.
We will move into our new store
May 1. G EKING & CO.
A first-class article of navy soup
beans for seed. Enquire of A. D. Des
pain. Get Landreth's garden seeds at
Zuckweiler & Lutz's, corner of Sixth
and Pearl streets.
G. S. Barry, a prominent citizen of
Weeping Water, died at his home in
that city yesterday.
Nothing better than Pillsbury's in
the flour line. Try a sack. Zuck
weiler & Lutz agents.
Mrs. Prentiss of Havelock is visit
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Green, in this city today.
See the program for the entertain
ment April 12. Only 15 cents admis
sion at White's opera house.
Professor J. L. Miller, the medium
and clairvoyant, will remain in this
city this week. Office, room 5, Per
kins house.
Come and take supper with the la
dles of the Christian church, in
White's opera house, April 12. Tickets
only 15 cents.
You will find a full line of Mrs
Crawford's pickles at Zuckweiler &
Lutz's. There are none nicer. Try
them ard you will use no others.
There is no tonic so strengthening
or so pleasant to take, as the Anheuser
Busch Malt-Nulrine sold by Philip
Thierolf at the Casino for 25 cents per
Mayor Gutsche deserved a card of
thanks Sunday morning for having
all the principal side walk crossings
cleaned of a heavy coat of mud before
church, time.
Col. Ben Franklin Green, printer,
laureate and wandering poet of the
World-Harald, was in town today visit
ing his parents and incidentally sav
ing the country.
There will bo a dance and exhibi
tion at the Turner hall Saturday even
ing, Apiil 10. Visiting turners from
alt over the state will take part. Ad
mission 50 cents.
"Who'l be there?" Everyone to
take supper with the ladies of the
Christian church Monday evening,
April 12, in White's opera house. Ad
mission, 15 cents.
Mr. and Mr6. A. Rupley enjoyed an
over Sunday visit with the latter's
cousin, Will Hannah of Chicago. Mr.
Hanna has a good position with the
Adams express company.
Miss Harriet MoCroskey has re
moved her dressmaking parlors to the
rooms over Mrs. Melvins millinery
store, where she will be pleased to
meet her friends and patrons.
Plain and fancy sewing and dress
making of all kinds promptly at
tended to, and satisfaction guaranteed,
it the dressmaking parlors of Miss
nna Critchfi6ld, 807 Pearl street,
Unconditional surrended, is the
only terms those famous little pills
known as De Witt's Little Early
Risers will make with constipation,
eick headache and stomach troubles.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Croup and whooping cough are
childhood's terrors; but like pneu
monia, bronchitis, and other throat
and lung troubles, can be quickly
cured by using One Minute Cough
Cure. F. G. Fricke & Co.
The finest imported wines in the
state, and the purest liquors, together
with the premium Anheuser-iiuscn
beer, are always obtainable at the
"Casino" Plattsmouth's leading
saloon, opposite the court house.
Not only acute lung troubles, which
may prove fatal in a few days, but old
chronic coughs and throat troubles
may receive immediate relief and be
permanently cured by One Minute
Cough Cure. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Remember the leading 5-cent cigars
in this market is "Wurl Bros." and
the "Cabinet." Otto Wurl, the
manufacturer, is building up a great
reputation for these goods out in the
state as well a at home. Try them.
It should be made a matter of public
knowledge that DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve will speedily cure piles of
the longest standing. It is the house
hold favorite for burns, scalds, cuts,
bruises and sores of all kinds. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
When a cold is contracted, cure it
at once at once. One Minute Cough
Cure will set you on the road to re
covery in a minute. It will cure pneu
monia, bronchitis, croup and all forms
of lung and throat troubles. F. G.
Fricke &, Co.
Personal The gentleman who an
noyed tho congregation last Sunday
by continually coughing will Ond in
stant relief by use One Minute Cough
Cure, a speedy and harmless remedy
for throat and lung troubles. F. G.
Fricke Si Co.
Wrhen the spring time comes, "gen
tle Annie," like all other sensible
persons, will cleanse the liver and re
novate the system with DeWitt's
Little Early Risers, famous little pills
for the stomach ail the year round.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Fine young pansy plants of Dreers
Royal Exhibition Varieties, twenly
five cents per dozen. If planted cut
now, will be in full bloom by May 1st.
Call at the greenhouse or order of
your groceryman of whom you buy
lettuce. L. A. Moore.
Thirty years is a long time to 5ght
so painful a trouble as piles, but Jacob
Mitchell, of Unionville, Pa.,struggled
that long before he tried DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve, which quickly
and permanently cured him. It is
equally effective in eczema and all
skin affections. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Treasurer E kenbary was at Union
today, Deputy Pollook was sicK, Mr.
Munger was called into court, which,
for a part of the day, made Miss Alice
Eikenbary the officer in charge. The
young lady is as capable as any other
member of the force, so that the
county was well presented, anyway.
The Missouri rivor touched its
highest point 11 and 4-10 feet last
evening. Quite a current poured over
the banks on the east side, cov ring
a vast acreage of the bottoms with
water. This morning the river had
fallen a little, and it has steadily
but slowly receded all day, so that
no danger need be looked for here at
this time.
Ed Fitzgerald, Father Carney and Sheriff
Holloway Have a Close Call.
Yesterday afternoon EJ Fitzgerald
and Father Carney drove down to
Union and as they were returning
home about 7:30 o'clock out just this
side the fairgrounds they wero startled
to hear a team coming toward them
making noise enough for a freight
train. Ed could see nothing but he
drove out to the side of the road to es
cape the furious team that was bear
ing down upon them in the darkness.
He had no sooner got to the side of the
road than the team hove in sight
dragging a buggy and running square
ly toward them. He gave his horses
a stroke with the whip to get out of
the way, but as the team lunged for
ward the double-trees broke and away
went the team, and at the same in
stant the runaway struck the buggy
with the force of a cyclone. For a
moment, men, horses and buggies
were piled up in confusion, Father
Carney was thrown into a barb wire
fence, and his clothes were literally
torn off of him and he received a
deep gash in his right thigh. Ed
Fitzgerald escaped with but a few
bruises and the horses of neither team
were seriously injured, though receiv
ing some ugly cuts on the barb wire
It turned out that the runaway team
was Sheriff Holloway's. A neck yoke
casting had broken which let the
tongue down and as the buggy
was quickly upset, the sheriff thrown
out and the vehicle was being: dragged
when it struck Fitzgerald. Mr. Hollo
was not hjrt. It was certainly fortu
nate all round that it was no worse
Both buggies looked like they had
been fed to a threshing machine.
Something Extra Nice.
Wm. Neville & Co., has just re
ceived from Pabst Brewing Co., Mil
waukee Wisconsin, a new brand of
beer called, "Doppelbraue" (double
strength) always on draught. Cull
and try it. It t peaks for itself.
A Resident On the Sand-ISar Compelled
to Make a Hasty Ketreat.
While the floods have been creating
such terrific havoc in the south and at
otner places over the country, we have
not been destitute of experience at
home. Mr. Walker, who has been a
resident for some time past on the
t-aod-bar just above the water works
pumping station, had a singular and
exciting experience yesterday after
noon. The muddy waters of the Mis
souri have for several days past been
encroaching upon Mr. Walker's do
main, and yesterday It had gotten so
high that he considered the danger
point reached. He immediately came
to town to secure help in getting hi
family and pioperty out of danger.
Drayman Ezra Perry took two
teams and endeavored to remove the
slock and household goods, but the
water ht-s raised so rapidly that it was
almost impossible to get out with a
lead. The beaten track was covered
with several feet of water, and one of
the teams ran upon a stump, which
had to be cut off under the wagon. In
the meantime the water had reached
the wagon bed and thoroughly soaked
the contents. At another place one of
the horses got tangled up in some
grape vines and had to be unhitched
and drawn out and hitched at the end
of the wagon tongue. A wire fence,
which crossed tho road, was uext
struck and had to be cut under the
water. Mr. Perry lost his hat and
whip. The Walker family, when they
finally got away from the clutches of
the murkey waters, seemed satisfied
that the "contested land case," as far
as they were concerned, had been
settled by the "upreroe court" the
Missouri river.
Mr. Walker and family moved into
a house owned by John Reuland.
Frank Kaoth lias a Clone Call for Ills
Life at the Hands of James McComb.
Last evening an affray, that might
easily have resulted fatally, occurred
at Mynard. It seems that Frank
Rauth, a farmer living in that vicin
ity, has had a man in his employ for
some time named James McComb.
McComb had been discharged and
in the course of a settlement some
words passed, when McComb drew a
revolver and fired two shots at Rauth
and then escaped in the darkness.
One of the bullets grazed Rauth's
body a little below the heart, he
having his side turned toward his as
sailant, and the other passed through
the muscle of his right arm near the
The sheriff was notified and tried
to apprehend the criminal, but so
far with no success. He has sent out
telegrams and notices, and has no
doubt of bringing McComb to justice
later on.
Aa Old Cass County Resident.
Charles II. Dili of 1108 T street, died
yesterday morning from paralysis af
ter a serious illness of a few days. Mr.
Dill had been a respected resident of
Lincoln for thirteen years, and before
that lived on a homestead near South
Bend, Cass county, for eight years.
He was born March 6, 1821, at Utica,
N. Y. Moving to Wisconsin at the age
of nineteen, he married there in 1853,
Miss Emily P. Davis. He went to
California during thegold, excitement
It was on his return from there that
he settled at South Bend. To himself
and wife ten children were born, 6ix
of whom live in Lincoln, as follows:
Mrs. G. H- McCain, Mrs. W. J. Man
ley, widowed a month since ana living
with her parents; Mrs. M. Smith, B.
F. Dill of West Lincoln, Officer C. P.
Dill and Horace Dill. Mrs. A. Wilsey
of Council Bluffs is another daughter.
Relatives of the deceased and of his
wife are expected for the funeral,
which will be held from the residence
at 2 p. m. Wednesday. State Journal.
Fat a Stop to Fain.
Rheumatism, Neuralgia and other
painful afflictions are now as easily
cured as they were once hard to cure.
Science has learned what pain is and
Ballard's Snow Liniment is the result.
CureB strains, cuts, bruises stiff joints
and contracted muscles. Penetrates to
the very bone and relieves almost
from the moment it touches. When a
liniment is needed, you owe it to your
self to get the best. The dealer is
authorized to guarantee this one.
Price 50 Cents. Sold by F. G. Fricke
The Fragrant Sweet Pea.
Best and latest varieties of Sweet
Pea seen at 7i cents per ounce. This
seed can be had either mixed or in
separate varieties, as it is from pack
ages I buy to grow for cut flowers my
self. L. A. Moore.
Paints and oils at Gering & Co's.
W. C. Tippins and Miss Lena
Schrader were married last evening
at the home of the bride's patents in
this city by Rev. J. Ratz.
The groom is one of Piattsraouth's
best young men and well deserves
the excellent lady he has chosen for
a helpmeet.
The bride has resided most of her
life here and is admired for her
womanly graces and kindly disposi
tion. The happy couple departed for a
visit with relatives at Lincoln, after
which they will go to housekeeping
in the Second ward, where a cos-y
home fitted up by the groom awiiits
them. The News extends its heartiest
Positively Awful.
Joe Teahon, traveling passenger
ajrent of the Wab.tsh, the Omalia
World-Herald says, has returned from
a trip through the state and tells this
"As we were approaching Tai mage
the other day a lady with a poodle
dog came into tho 6moker. A travel
ing man called her attention to the
character of the car and told her she
had better go into one of the others.
She declared that she was gointr to re
main right there, and she told him
that be must not light and smoke the
pipe ho was filling with tobacco. lie
opened the window and caimly lighted
his pipe, and was pulling uway when
she again demanded that ho desist.
He again told her that she could go
into one of the rear cars. It went or.
for a few minutes when she leaned
over and snatched the pipe from his
mouth and threw it out of the window.
"That traveling man was at a white
heat with rage, and he turned around
and, grabbing the poodle, chucked it
out of the window. Theu she went on
the war path. - She declared she
would have him arrested at Tal mage,
where she said she knew everybody,
and he said if she did he would have
her arrested for stealing his pipe.
The argument was hot and heavy, and
when they got off the train they
rustled around for Jho town marshal
and finally found him, and. were tell
ing him their troubles when the
poodle came running up the track
with the pipe in its mouth."
Something to Depend On.
Mr. James Jones, of the drug firm
of Jones & Son, Cowdeu, 111., in speak
ing of Dr. King's New Discovery, says
that last winter h's wifo was attacked
with la grippe, and her case grew so
serious that physicians at Cowden and
Pana could do nothing for her. It
seemed to develop into hasty con
sumption. Having Dr. King's New
Discovery in store, and selling lots of
it, he took a botte home, and to the
surprise of all she began to get better
from first dose, and half dozen dollar
bottles cured her sound acd well. Dr.
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption, Coughs andColds is guaran
teed to do this good work. Try i.
Free trial bottles at F. G. Fricke's
drug store. 5
old People.
Old people who require medicine to
regulate the bowels and kidneys will
find the true remedy in Electric Bit
ters. This medicine does not stimu
late and contains no whiksey nor
other intoxicant, but acts as a tonic
and alterative. It acts mildly on the
stomach and bowels, adding strength
and giving tone to the organs, thereby
aiding nature in the performance of
the functions. Electric Bitters is an
excellent appetizer and aids digestion.
Old people find it just exactly what
tbey need. Price, 50 cents'and $1 per
bottle at F. G. Fricke's drug store. 5
Wallpaper at Gering & Co's.
Tbe Liver Keeps People Well.
When the Liver is sluggish all other
organs are involved. You suffer from
Constipation, Billiousness, Jaundice,
Headache, Indigistion, Pain in Back,
Chills and Loss of Energy. You will
never know how promptly these
troubles can be cured until you use
Herbine. It cures quickly when other
remedies utterly fail. Regulates the
Liver, Purifies the Blood. Herbino is
a Harmless Vegetable Remedy that
gives new life and energy almost from
the first dose. Price 7o cents. Free
trial bottle at F. G. Fricke & Co.
License Notice.
Notice is hereby given that F. G. Egenbcrser
ha film! his Detition as required bv the statutes
of the state of Nebraska with the city clerk re
questing a license to sell malt, spirituous and
Vinous liquors lor ine coniinp municipal year 1:1
the building situated on the east half lot 1 1.
block 28 city o Plattsmouth.
Plattsmouth. Neb.. April 5, I8U7.
License Notice.
Notice is hernby given that Philip Thierolf has
filed his petition as required by the statutes of
the state of Nebraska with the city cle- k request
ing a license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous
liquors for the coming municipal year in the
building situated on the west one-h alf(ii) of lot
six (6) block thirty-three 33city of Plattsmouth.
Plattsmouth. Neb April 2. lxyr.
( 3t It ever occur to yon. politic reader, that
! when those harbingers of spring the
-5r twittering robin anil the ca kliiiir lieu--
! are heard in the land it W to remind
! of the npyro;:'"h of delipht-
j j fill season of the vi :ti when oiir v.iie ih--
j 4 her head up in a t e!. tumbles the lur-
I . niiureoiit m the ard, t :n s i.p thecar-
! pets ami tells oa to
i r- f-
a paper hanger, f , . 1 1 1 . it h. ar.d send iiim
tiow n t Sn o
I Mi
, -r - (nr sauipii;-;
from flint . !efL;int stn k of Wal. I'apei?
lias year .-in; ui.i ;;j.r. i
is President ai d j-ro-pent y is about t
3 daun. the piemi-e iim-t i e slickeil up in
honor of the flavin. I'lebn iiiar;' to the
improvements to be
she will ng.iiu rt i-.i!:1-) yon of tin i ten
sive and v.'tr:'i sti.'t k ol huh lc n-vJc-u' p.
Wail 1'ancrs si." ha :v .it
j SS- and you m;1 co tln ie and i.,i and be
I f happy ever afterward -
1 Spring-..
A splendid iine j r-t ri-Cfived; y.K-n 'he
gjr most complete and elegant line of t'hiin
and I Vcoratc-d Clivinv. ;ue ever broi';. lit
to the fity inay be fouii i at the store ol
FirFt Door Fast of Court !:or-e
The Best in Groceries.
McLain Bros. & Co.,
Mt-lini-.KS Cllll.Ai;0 HOARD HF TRAM
211 Rialto Building. Chicago.
Grain and Provisions bought and so! I f r
cash or for future delivery on Tiiaruiii-
Orders tor Wheat executed in hit-; of l.'-K)
bushels and upwards
Correspondence invited. Consignments of
Grain. Seeds and Hav solicited
When visiting Chicago cail and see i:.-.
S. fl. Davis, Representative.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Life Preservers.
A cry at nipht, a sudden pain, the
household alarmed, and till fcr the
lack of the appropriate remedy and
the difficulty of getting a doctor. For
just such emergencies we Lave house
hold remedies for nil the commoner
ailments, put up in convenient form,
at prices to suit every fnmily.
(Special notices 11 ruler this head iii ' e
chursiPu for :it the rnto ol V cent per word
ech insertion .
Mist i:m,am:i s.
AGL-:.NT-S WAN 1 l-.l -Si vi-r,-.! fiee .mttitis work
in;; well together from hipli rated fact. iriev. of
fered one salesman in each district. Ca-h com
mission. Income for pushers. Syndicate I'. O.
YTt, New Oik.
H)I! fAl.K.
:JK S U.F. A splendid littlecr tase for a so; g.
T. II. Pollock. Aiient.
I t)T A dai k hrowii 1 on v. :;;ht 1 o j .mn-K:
Li white pot in forehead: had 0:1 o'd .1 tt ije
and rope halter. Ar.v ii:tor::tt:'t vvi.' thank
fully received at the N'ews o!ii 'c or at 1 ititerai i s
livery barn. Mark !!es, mhiht.
arid clover pastiirini;. Plenty " t riyiniiM' vsm.
App to II. vV. i 'caver on iho i r. n:i-es 1 c ; I
Culioni or a Idie-s Cedar Creek. i
FOR RK.T--I'i7'Tald fort" ;; e
bearing orchard .id pa- ture. T. II. !'.:.. k.
A ent.
FOR KENT-A desirable m,hrn cottage.
Seven rooms, exclusive of ! room and
closets. Inquire ot ov. neis. C. K. Wesoot x :-"U.
7 1
The highest
accos is
d as
Every oM
knows there
You will fiiul
cacti two ounce
pons inside
r? o a a
v Ki'J& btgofJUack well's Durl
-C I5- a l,"g of tbis
v bmtcd tobacco on.l read
TJZ?3 coupon which gives a list
dztf of val italic nrcsents and how
ijH'TK tn trot
f to get
t 1
.... Before you buy your Spring Millinery. Kven the wealth
iest people tlo not buy hats to throw away. It's provoking to
buy a hat which 3011 think satisfies you, ami then to see some
thing better a short away. In ever' business there is
always one better than the rest. It's to 'our advantage to
find that store. In your travels don't pass us by. We sell at
prices to suit the times. It will pa- you to stop in and inspect
our line.
Hats, Ribbons, Flowers
Laces Veiling....
We have secured the services of a First
Class Trimmer.
GrziiicI faster Opening;
North Side Main Street. : Plattsmouth.
GO bnys a Fine Violin
jt a::JC:n:jpMeOulfil.- t.uaiautcvd.
09 buys a Mandoline,
- Jf Firdseye Maple, Mahogany or Rose
wood Finish. Fully guaranteed.
00 buys An American Guitar,
rruaranteed to stand.
strings, in Mahogany
wood finish.
3 SO buys a $100
.Kimball Pianos e
:;:;:!;. little used, for $50. $G0. $S0 to $100.
Write for CaaloKne8 and oar
but hare sold
consumer for 'H
thein tbe dealers'
Ota. iuip nj wuere
for exauiioation tie
fore sale. Every
thing warranted.
MO Htrlea of Car-
ness. Top BociriesaBlow
7ae t-Vt. phaetons as
ax . Hpnoe
Ko-tfi. SomyBmntn Price Ii5w. n wjuun. exn.
A ood uhUIu lor large, iree visiOKue. uaas, ran ana Kaaan, su. Am xl mm
claim for other
V Tu st as
is none just
good as
one coupon inside
pon 1
il two t
DaK.nml two cou
each four ounce
1 the
or Rose
1513 Douglas Street, OMAHA, NEB.
direct to tbe
yer, t
nrnu Burrcj meitbnnaina.
Miia tor fu
1 r -i mi r. 1 L.-i i i r a : 1 r j 11
ifti.U t 1 1
in,,, rM,a.,SZr
I L71 Jr77jL
3 -s--l