THE SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS-HE UALD, I'LATTSMOUTH NEB., MARCH 17, 1897. PONDER Absolutely Pure. A"Cfuim of tartar baking powder. Highest of Jail iiilt avening strength. Latest United States (jovsriinient Food Report. CITY AND COUNTY. SATITIIDAY. Ed Fitzgerald had business in Louis Tillo today. UeriTy Hoeck was a busines-s visitor in the metropolis todny. P. Wolf is :tii kin? a layoff from bis duties at tho 15. 5c M. s-hops by reason -of a bruised band. Mr. Hetberineton of Atchison, K in the city visiting hor cousin, .Mrs. F. II. Wilson and other relatives. O. B. Folk, attorney at Lincoln, is in tov.Ji today assisting- his brother in the trial of the Chapman-Xeitzel case. The turner hall has been nicely - piiutei and decorated this week and is now tho finest hall in tho city. Gas has also been put in. Miss Anna Wycoff departed this morninpr for. her homo at Ottumwa after a pleasant visit of several weeks here with her sister, Mrs. Shewej-. She mado many friends while stopping in this city, who regret her departure. Judge Archer says he will not emulate the example of Conkling and Platte, by resigning to be elected, lest he might moot the same sad fate, and unless he does resign, or dies, there "wilbo no police judge ejected until next spring, as his term is not out un til that time. C. A. It iwls is not a candidate for tho city council, but VA Barstow is, and Ed would make a good represen tative of the Third ward. Wo havo not heard of any serious opposition to him in the republican ranks, though Jap Summers' name has been men tioned. Kobert Mettoer has purchased the parsonage property in the north part J of town from tho German Lutheran association. They will move the par sonage onto the rear of the church lot and Mr. Metteer will move his Weep ing Water house onto tho property. Elawood Echo. The Chapman-Xeitzel case is on trial today to a j jt-y of five, com posed of JIcps: s. Fiank Uiohej-, Andy Dill,Theo. Sioi kj hn, Ljvi Churchill, Robert Troop. Al'.en Eecson and .Mathew Goring ap,-ar for Chapman, and C. S. Polk of this city and O B. Polk of Lincoln appear for Xeit,.-l and tho Bank of MurdocK. The ctw? was only fairly started this afternoon and . a full report wi'.l bo given on Monday. MONDAY. Lee l'oll.ird oi Nehawka waio town today. E. U. Wooky is down fiom Lincoln - oa courj .business. O. L. Joiner ul Nebraska City came 1 up to see a live town today. Miss Clara Street weT-t. to Omaha " today for a week's 6ojouro . Miss Mollie Kent is down from Om - aha today n a visit with fiicnd. Henry Eikenbary wa shipping his "Stock of aurniua anoles to Omaha today. Mts- I. S. White departed this af UernvTn for i visit with relatives at -Jvur-a l'hittc. Harrison Smith, who has been on the sick list, was iu town today feeling young as ever. Attorneys Ed Jeary and William Deles of El ra wood are iu towu today attonding cou 1 1. Ed Smith has had quite a siego with la grippe, having been ill s-iuco the fifth of tho month. Mrs. James Robertson and children went out to Louisvilie today far a visit with relatives. John Pocock one of the pioneer set tleisof thiscuunty, now a resident of Nance county, was in town today visit- ing old time iriends. Dr. Humphrey went out to S tunders county the other day and purchased fine Hatnbletoniao horse that's a good looker as well as gcod goer. Miss Mary Phelps departed this Scott's Emulsion m-nkes cod-liver oil taking1 next tiling to a pleasure You hardly taste it. The stom ach knovs nothing" -about it it does not trouble you theie. You feel it first in the strength that it bring-s: it shows in the eolor of the cheek, the rounding of the angles, tha smoothing of the wrinkles. It is cod-liver oil digested for you, slipping as easily into the blood and losing itself there as rain-drops lose themselves in the ocean. What a satisfactory thing this is to hide the odious taste of cod-liver oil, evade the tax on the stomach, take health by surprise. There is no secret of what it is made of the fish-fat , taste is lost, but nothing is lost but the taste. Perhaps your druggist has' a substitute for Scott's Emulsion. Isn't the standard all others try to equal the best for you to buy ko cents and $i.ot SCOTT Chemists - morning on the 7:30 train for a visit with friends and relatives in St. Paul, Lincoln ana Jtnana. lier many friends here with her a plasitit vi-it Henry 11. Gering returned home Saturday evening1 from a business trip up in l.ortbern Nebraska and South Dakotr.. Ue was in Sioux Cisyand re ports Plattsmouth as a hummer by the side of lliat town. The News has it from good author ity that D. K. Bmr will open a law orlioe down town at an early d ite. and will resign his present position. He h s, wit hout special effort, secured a good practice which it will pay him to attend to. Martin Alden, a boy tixUeis years of age, whostemi especially gifted as a 6peaKtr, and who is quite devout, wili be sent to Chicago Thursday by the Volunteers where he will go into training for work in the lieid. The local force will rais ; tho money to eond him. Henry Ii. Gering has a big force at work on his store building next to the corner of Fifth and Mam streets. Tho front will bo of plate glass and tiled floor. There is r,o better or finer store front in the state than this oue will be. Tho interior is also to he linished up in the finest manner. The suit of Sam Chapman vs. II. Xeitzel for $'J00 attorney fees is silll on in county court and mav latt an other day. We shall not attempt to publish any of the testimony until the case is closed. The plaintiff has about finished his side of the case, and the defense has not examined a witness, vet we neard several express! the opinion that Xeitzel had already paid out more than a fair fee and that not a cent would bo rccovc-cd, from the unfortunate client. AN INTERESTING MEETING. Household Kcononilc Department Hold An Interesting: Senhion The Household Economic depart ment of the Woman's club, witi Mis. Vauh as leader, met at Mrs. Eis-m's yesterday afternoon with a large pro portion of its members and a number of visitors present. After the routine business, and a short talk from Mrs. Kay on physical culture, Mrs. Waugh tooii charge of the program. Tho opening number was a piano soio by Miss llajek and was rendered in an artistic and pleas ing maimer. Mrs. Wise followed with an amusing paper oo "The Cakes of Our Grandmothers," in which she contrasted the cooking fo:- Grandpa "John" and the "John" of today the up-to-date John subsisting entirely on angel food, hence his nature. Mrs. Charles I'armele's p iper on tea and coffee, their origin and usage, she averred, was taken largely from the encyclopedia, but it was discussed in such graceful wording that the ladies were quite contented to receive it second-handed. Mrs. Waugh gave an er.tertnining little talk on foreign seiiug of beverages, and the program ended with a piauo duct by Miss Cagney and Miss Elson, performed in a pleasing manner. Coffee and cake were served from a tl.iinniv decorated table during the evening. LION MLAKLY E.CAl'hS. KiuK of iSeastm MauaKH to (live Oiualia I'etleKtriaiiH a Scare. Omaha, Neb., March 14. About 200 people had abundant opportunity to twitthe lion's tail this afternoon, but when the caudal appendage of the ki ng of Leasts was withiu easy reach all but one backed ojt. The rest made a wild scramble for places of safety. The managers of a local playhouse had arranged with a lion-tamer from the east for a week's engagement, and the cage of beasts arrived thisafte:- noon. The transfer of the animals fiom tho wagon to the tempo, ary quarters attracted a large crowd of people on the street at the time. Ouo of the lions became restive during the change and foreed open the door. It managed to get its head and fore paws outside, when Keeper Frank Hall dis covred he attempted break for liberty. Picking up a club he attacked the auimal single-handed and with much difficulty foiccd it back into the cage. The turmoil which arose and the haste made by pedestrians to escape frightened the horses attached to the wagon on which was placed the cage They started to run away, carrying tho animals with them, with Hall in I the rear tryintr to spring the padlocks on the Cflfre. Succeeding finally in thi ho climbed over tho cage and rlbbing the lines checked the fright I cned horses after a lun of several aliylOCiiB 1 No one wa9 seriously injured, but , several were knocked down and ' bruise in tho disturbance. All Druggists & BOWNE - New York lost DobuWash? OF Course -(Bo you Wash iTiTDo you Wash EASILY ? lU J Do you Wash THOROUGHLY? IDoyou Wash CHEAPLY? You may IP The best, purest and most economical soap made Sold everywhere. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRS AN It COMPANY, CHICAGO. HE NEVER CAME BACK. The Man Who Saw These Things In Ne braska Dare Not Return. I have seen," says a man who con ceals his identity, but Tho uses the Seattle Post Intelligencer as a means of reaching the public, "dust storms in Lincoln for three days, so one could not see across the street, and thirteen days of blizzard in a month and a half, during which one could not see a hundred yards at any time. I have had the loof of a hotel picked off over my head by a Nebraska zephyr; seen a rran picked on the street in Lincoln by the wind and slapped, down upon the sidewalk like a shingle; seen plate glass windows smashed in (not blown out) by tho wind, and seen fiom our ofliee window the second and third stories of a bi ick building knocked oil from the tirst into the street by the S.imo agency. I have kjtiOWn lightning J , c.,!F ., r?o,u., ivil iiiii ! a half mlie of me witbiu half an hour. I h ive been thunder showers the last day of December ami snow storms tho first day of May. I have walked homo with summer clothing oa aud no over coat at 9 o'clock at night, while peo ple were sitting out of doors, and have frozen my face and ears at 8 o'clock the ue.xt. morning while going two biocks to breakfast. I have seen the mercury at 45 degrees below zero in winter, and at 113 degrees above in the shade in summer. I havo seen in July thirteen days and nights of hot wind, during which the mercury did not go below 10;, and iu which corn fields premising fifty to seventy-five bushe!s to the acre were burned to Wiirlhleisnes. In Nebraska I liuve known half a dozen towns to bo swept practically off from tho earth by cyclones; and I have spent quite a number of hours watching them the cyclones, not the towns gather in the northwest, with 1113- chair conven iently located with reference to in open collar door, prepared to slide if they came my way." Dangers of ttie Grip The greatest danger from La Griope is of its resulting iu pneumonia. If reasonable care is used, however, aud Chain bet Iain's Cough Ileniedy taken, all danger wiil bo avoided. Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy for La Grippe, we have yet to learn of a single case having resulted in pneumonia, wLich shows conclusively that this remedy is certain preventive of that Oread disease. It will edect a permanent core in Icps time than any other treatment. Tho 2-3 and 0 cent sizos for sale by all druge-ists. Take o IT trie iloins. The undet'aigued is now ready with a good po. table chute and tools, to re move tho weapons of ho-'ned cattle at ten cents per head. It never gets too cold to dehorn cattle. Any time after flj'-time, until tho first week in April is the right time. After that it is too I'lta Tf t hnp vvlir w-iili tn l-invo cnoli work done will address me at Itock BlutTs, Neb., they will bo promptly answered. S. L. Fukloxo. English Spavin Liniment removesal Uard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses. Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, King-Cone, Stifles, Sprains, all Swooleu Throats, Coughs, etc. Save $50 bj- use of one bottle. Warranted tho most wonder ful Blemish Cure ever known. Soid by P. G. Fricke & Co., druggists, Platts inouth. ' List of l. lters. llemainino; uncalled for at the post office at I'lattsmouih, March 10, 18!i7: F.verett, Win Hensley, John Karveuck. Jos When calling for any of the above letters please say "ad vei-tiscd.' W. K. Fox, P. M. Alfalf i Seed. A No. 1 alfalfa seed for sale cheap al A. 1. Week hach's grocery sto- e. Dr. Marshall, tiratiuate Dint 1st. Dr. Marshall, fine gold work. Dr. Marshall, gold and ijoi -celaii: crown 3. Dr. Marshall, crown tind bniO jre wm V Dr. Marshall, tooth without, plates. Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fiilinps. Dr. Marshall, ali kinds of plati. Dr. M irghall, perfect tittinr . Dr. Marshall, all wo-k warranto-. All the latest annUaiices for first class dental work. Subscribe for TlJK Kkws. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Ilotice to Credtors. State Neuiiaska. ss. (.'1199 CO 11 11 tT. ( In the matter of the estate of Mary E. Sc'irie, de deceased. Notice is hereby given that the claims and de- luauus oi an persons ajiiiiuM .iary e.. senile, i f .i ! i aeceasea, late oi saiu couuiy ano Maie, in oe re - ceived. examined and adjusted by the county court at the court house in 1 lattsniouth, ou the you will use 5th di.y of October, A. D. l.v?7. at 9 o'clock in the forenoon. And that six months from and after the Mrd day ot .April. A. U.. 1K7, Is the time limited for creditor? of said deceased to present their claims for examination and allowance. Given under mv hand and seal tins 8th day of March. A. D. lel'. ,c ,. George M. Spcrcock. -Lal' County Judpe. Application For Fardon. To Whom it May Concern: Hale Perrine was convicted of the crime of burglary in the dis trict court in and for Cas counlv, Nebraska, on the lilt day ol Augus ., IKW. H. Roster, Ksq., ol Niobrara, Kr.ox cou ltv. Nebraska, will make application to his excellency, the governor of said state, on Tuesday, March IS. l:.r. at his otuce in the capitol, for the pardon of said Hale Perrine, and release from the state penitentiary. Sheriff's Sale. In the district court in and for Cass county, Ne braska. Alexander H. Kob-rtson, 1 trustee of the estate of E'la V. Davis, deceased, App. Doc. ,-0,"' 1U7. vs. Michael O" I ionohoe. et al. I Hi-.KEAs, In the above entitled action pending in the district court in and tor Cass county, e-bra.-ika, for tiie foreclosure of a mortgage upon the following described real estate, situated iti the coi.ntv ol Cass and state of Nebraska, to-w it: Lots 1. a. 4, a and ', iu blocK-; lots 4, ; and block s'J. all in the city of f'lattsmouth: lots 7. 8, (1 lit II o.i.-t l- ii r, K..iir ttw. cr.nth ..i h'ail of said bl7'cki:and Iots4.oa7id block wi i ie s aio tiiou to i lie cii y oi i lai i sTiioui h, to- gether with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and iiekfas. aid Alexander U. Robertson, trustee, plaiutilt. did, on the 7th day of January. lSi5. obtain a decree of foreclosure aud sale of said above described real estate, and hkkeas. An order of sale as provided in said decree has been issued to me Irom said court, commanding me to apprai.-e, advertise and sell, according to law.said above described real estate. Nw. Tlifc-RKFoKE. Notice is hereby given tiiat I wi-l.on the l-'th day ol April, lri'7, at the front south dour of the countv court house m the city of riait.-moutii. Cass county. Nebraska, at the hour of 11 a m , of said day. sell said above described rea: estate ;.t public auction to the- highest bid der for ca-h, to sati.-fy said decree, costs and ac cruing co.ts and interest. Dated I'lattsmouih. Neb. .March '.. A. D. 107. Harvey Holi.oway. Sheritf, Cass couuty, Nebraska. C'ongdm & Parish, Attorneys. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sa'e issued by George F. Ilouseworth, clerk of district court within and for Car-s countv, Nebraska, and tome directed, 1 will on the -th day of March A. I). K1. at II o'clock a. in. of said day. at the south door ot the court hou: e ill the city of Plattsmoutii. in said county, soil at public auction, to the highest bid der lor cash, the following real estate to-wit: Lot i2. in block iu the city of I'i.ittsmouth. Cass county,' Nebraska, to gether with the privileges and appurtenances t hereunto belon jing or in anywise appertaining. '1 he tame being levied upon and taken as tlie property of Katheiiiie Keuland. alias Mrs. Peter rceul.tnd. et al.. defendants, to satisfy a judgment oi said court recovered by i'ettibone aud Nixon, plauitiiis. against aid defendants. Jr'iattsi.iouth, Nebraska. Feb. St. A. D. lsff7. llAKVEY lll.lll.OWAY, Shcrirt, Cass County, Nebraka. Notice to Creditors. State ok Nei!U.vka. ' . County ot Ca-s. )" In the matter of the estate of Ann Cole, de ceased. Notice is hereby e;eu that the claims and dem.-Uids of all persons against Ann Cole, de ceased, late of said countv and Mate, will be re ceived, examined and a-Jjuste-i by the county court at the court house :n f'lattsmouth on the -Mh day of September, A. J ). li7. at I.) o'clock in the forenoon. And that six months from and alter tne iiin day of March, A. 1. ls:'7. is the time i.imted lor creditors ot said deceased to pre-ent their claims for examination and allow ance. Given iin.ier mv hand and seal this 2lh dav of February, A. I. 1K7. c ,. George M. Sri ki.ock, County Judge. Notice of Sale. in the district court of Cass countv. Nebraska. Iu the matter ot tiie etate ol Kugenia M. rhomgate, deceased. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order ot liasil h. Ramsey, judge of the district court of Cass county. Nebraska, made on the 11th dav of February. A. 1). 1 '.. lor the sale of tre real estate hereinafter described, there will be sold, at tiie south door of the court house n I'lattsmouth. Cass countv. Nebraska, on theli7ili -dav of March A. f. I;s7 at 1 o'clock p, in., at pubr.c vendue to the highest bidder for cash, the following describe ! real estate, to-wit: Lot Five (." mill lot five and one had (.V jl in block sixtv six (tv;i. and the South twenty-two C.') feet ot lot four (41. and the South twctity-tuo li.'i feet of the west half of lot three (4i in biock ixtv-four '!. ail n trie city ol v eeping Water, Nebraska; and lot eight iM in b'.ocic one 1 1 1 iu Hector's addition to the city oi i-eping Water, all in Cass county, Nebraska. Said sale w ill remain open one hour. Kl.LA TllOKNllATK. Administratrix of the estate of Eugenia M. Thorn g ite. Hvron Clark, & C. A. Rawi.s, Attorneys for the estate. Iaed February' 2Sth. li'7. ttiee of Iiuli liteiiiH ss. The I'lattsmouth Gas & F.lectric Light com pany, a cot por.ition organised under tlie laws of the stale of Nebraska. The I'lattsmouth Gas .t Tilertrir Licht com pany hereby gives notice that the following is the list and ,iiiiouiit of all the existing debts of sai J coipor tion on the 1st day of February, A. f . 1S'.C. nj.mciy: First n ion-gage, 6 per cent bonds of the Plattsniouih Gas & Electric Light company, interest pay ible semi-an- nuallv 1 aurl Iwi-miwr 1 i'Vt I (in ty i Accrued intercut on same :tili li Bii s payable ion- Ta.xes iui!fi SSUl. .-SltS 4-1 This notice is given in compliance with the pro visions ot chapel 10 of the compiled statute s of the stale of .Nebraska. J. G. Richey. President. S. li Hovky, Treasurer. C-l. iiiM-s. Secretary. Majority ol Uirectors. Legal I'lotice. In the district court of Cass county, Clu'.ries c i arinetc, as receiver ol the t itii .'iiii Bank of i'aitts niouih. .Nebraska, vs. - j Mrrv A. Miller and Harrv L. I Miller. ' j ?. arv . Miller and Harry L. Miller, defend ants. hi'I take notice that on the (Mi day ol fr'eb- ruary, A. 1. lfW, Lhartes V. I'armele. as re- ceiver of the Citizens bank of I'lattsinuuth. plain- tilt herein, hied Ins petition :n tlie district couit ' of C"a:-s comity. Nebraska, ajrainst said delcnd- anls. tl.e object and prr, er ol vvliu h are to fore- close a certain mortgage executed by the defend- ns to F.J. Hansen, and by sail Uan-en sold and assigned to the Citizens bank oi I'iatts mouth, Nebraska, lipon the foil av. ins; described real estate, to-w it: Ceinmcucinir th-tv.o and one-ha f test east of the se-uihttist corner ol luinioer ti-.enty-six. in section eiMeea, m tawn- ship tvveiye, north of ra':-e f mneeii, in C'ioS countv. Neoi.isita, running tis-ince nortn one lninjie:. and thirty-tive leet. thence east tiitv-t'AO ami one-hid! feet, thence south one hundred and tliirtv-r.vs.. feet, thence west titty-two and one- ruiil lcet to the olaee of hpn-innin(T tn tin. ) payment of a Cert iin r roniiss ;rv' note date 1 Seo- temper 10, is.;i t;l0 Uiu f j j t r,tlj anj rjue r.:id payable on the loth day of March, A. 1 . lsii.':thnt is 1.CIT U!!e I'DOll SHlfl ma, ami n'rii-t'ir,. tliv l-tl.u oi I.'l 'J, -1. i... II. ....,., A l lcn. P'-r cent p;-r annum from the l"tu day I .,;.:'"', ",!". lor which sum wilti in , i I tins vite piainMif prays a decree that celencantste to pay the same, or that o.- i..v.ii. uvso-o rosatisty tnc amount loutta ' , i 1 1 . ri.ii'j it.j-ii i ji vi ";ciu'r?1 to answer said peti ion on or i ueiore ;int.ay, Uic .; .t d iy of April. A. U. 1'J i uaicu tins lotli d ty of February A I 1-VT I tius. C.'lf.,' Ke'ceHe'r. liy his attorneys, liyron Clark and C A Raw is Notice to Creditors. State of Nebraska, ) Cass County. f " In tbu mailer of the estate of Uershey c"hopp, deeeaseu. Viilli-u !. I . .1 1 , ir rtvi.ii I l . t I . . i (- : . . . . 1 . . V. i . I. . i j ill., i u j n ill. lb . i m 1 i i 1 1 1 1 'J ...... j demands of all person- ttiraiust liersliey , suopu. aoceaieu, late or sa;a county ana statu, will tie received, examined unci bJ jusleU tjy the eounty court at the court house at i'lattsoiouiri, on the Tin nay of September; A. I. lsvT, at 9 o'clock tu the forenoon. And that six months from an i after the 6th day of .M.ircb, A. l. is the tin e limited for creditors of said deceased to pre.-ent their claims for examination and allowance. Given under my hand and seal t his 'M ii day of Febi-u.iry. A. I. is.7. (Seal) Gkoiuje M. Spcklock, County Jt:di.e. Sheriffs Sale. Dv virtue of an order of sale issued by George F. Houseworth. clerk ot the district court, within and f -r Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di rected. I will on the tith day of March, A. !.. 1M7, at 1 1 o'clock a. ill. of said dav, ;,t the south door of the court house in the city ot l'iatts mouth. in said county, sil at public auction to the highest bidder tor cash, the hallowing rial estate to-wit: Lots eleven (11) and twelve (12) in block twelve 1J) in Tompson's addition to the city of 1'iattsmouth in Cass county. Nebraska, together with the prU ilexes ar.d appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. The s.tine being ievicd up jti and taken as the property of t'eter Carlson and Mathilda Carlson, deteud.ints: to satisfy a judgment of said court recovere.i by the Pioneer Savings and l oan company, ot Min-m.-apoiis, Minn., plaintift; again.-t sail detend ants, Piattsmouth, Nebraska. Feb. I. A. O. 1D7. tfARVEY Ifoi.UIWAV, Sheriii Cass couutv. Nebraska. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by lieorge V. House-worth, clerk of the distrk t court, w ithin and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to nie di rected. 1 will on the tith day of March, A. D. 1st", at 11 o'clock a. in. ot said day at the south door ol the court house In the city of I'laitsmouth in said county, sed at- public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate, to-w it: Lots numbered K, SS and Hit in the west half ot the northeast quarter ot section 1-, town I'i. north in range 13, iu Cass county. Nebraska, excepting y lti-lK acres deeded to John 1'. lieauinisier. and l:t t57-K:) acres deeded to the Omaha Southern Railway company, the said land containing 17 17-lm acres, together with the privileges ai.d appurtinanccs thereinto be longing or iu anywise appertaining. I he same being levied upon and taken as tlie propei ty ot illiaui H, Mialer, defendant; to satisfy a judg ment of said court recovered by Katherine K. alker, plaintitt; against Wiliiam H siialer, el al, defendants. I'lattsmouih, Neb.. February 1, A. D. 1'.". Hakyey Hoi. low ay. Sheriff. Cass county, Nebraska. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by George F. Houseworth. cierk ol the district court within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di recled, I will on the -'oth day of March, A. I). lsi7, at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south door of the court house in the city ot Piattsmouth in said county, sell at public auction, to the high est bidder lor vash, the following lands and tene ments to-wit: The north two-thirds fij of lot live (5J; the north two-thirds J of Lit six.6. and the south one-third ' 1 ol lots live and six 5 and tij ad in bioqk twenty-nine pJl' the city ol I'iattsmouth. ('ass county, Nebraska, together with the privi leges aud a purtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. 1 he same being levied upon and taken as the property ol George 1'. Weidman and wile Lnnna YYeidinan, et ai. de fendants to sali-ly a judgment of s;ad court recovered bv lVter J. Hansen, administrator ot the e-tate oi J. M. sichnel.hacher, deceased. p!aui titt said defendants. i'iuttsmouth. Neb., Feb. 17. A. I)., 1SP7. Harvey Hollow ay. Sheriff, Cass countv. Nebraska. Legal Notice. To Simpson C. Iethel and Maria Howard, non resident deiendatits. Von and each ol you will take notice that on the 11th dav ol February, is;i7, Andalatia Cruteti den. hied his petition in district court of Cass county, Nebraska, against ou. the ooject and praer ol which are t: cancel aud set aside a cer tain deed and the record thereof, purporting to nave Deeii executed oy tne retendaut, SMinpson C liethel, to the defendant. Maria Howard, to lots 7I2 and fi3 in the viiiace ot t ireeuw ooc. Cass couuty, Nebraska, ar.d to ipiiet the tale in aud to said lots in the p!a:r.t,tl Amlaiatia t .nttenaeu. You are required to answer said petition on or belore the 'ihh day of March, 1.'7. Andalatia Ckittnhkx, Uy lieeson S; Root, his attorneys. Notice T Sale. In tlie d strict court of Cass county. Ncbra-ka. hi tiie matter of the estate of David W. MI ier, deceased. Notice is hereby Riven that p'ursuant to an order ol the Hon. ffasii S. Ramsey, jude of trie district court ol Cas couiit , Nebraska made on theoih. day ot February f :. lor the sale ot the leal estate hereinafter described there v iil be sold at tiie south door ot the court ho ise in Fiatismouth. Cuss county, Nebraska. ti the liith.dayof March 1SV17 at lb o'clock A. M. of said day at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash the ioiUnviiier real estate lo-wit: Tiie south had ot lot hve f'J in the southwest quarter ot the soulheast quarter ol fectoii twentv F- 1 town.-hip tMclve 11-1 raue n:ne(yl cast of the 'th P. M. containing live acres, and the south ha f of the southeast quarter and the south twenty acres of tt-e north hall of the south east quarter of section thirty-three township twelve 1.1-1 raniie nine fieast oi tiie titn I'. -M . containing one hu dred ni:re- all iu Cass county, Nebraska, said sale to remain open one hour. 1 ateJ l-eb. Hi. 1P'.7. U. 3. 1'olk, attorney for administrator. M ANSox L. MlM.KK. Administrator of the Estate of David V. Miller, Deceased. Notice of Sale. In the district court of Cass county. Nebraska. In the matter ot the estate ot Wib. im W. Conn-, deceased . Wherea-i pursuant t an order of the H m. Basil Ramsey, judge of the district court, th-; I il.ow ing de.-cri i e.l property was oiteied lor sale on the "loih day c-f June, l-Vii. at'lo o'clock a in. ol said day and was nut : old lor want ot bidders, now, therefore, Notice is heieby given that pursuant to an or der ol the Hon. Basil S. Ranisev, juJ:c ol tiie district court of Cass county, Nebiaska. made on thefith day of May. ls'.ui. for the sa:e td the real estate hereinafter described there will be sold at the south door ot tiie court house in Platts niMith. Cas-county, Nebraska, ou the 13th. dav oi March l-7 at M o'clock A. M ., ot said dav at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate, to-wit: Lot nineteen (IS)) Jones' tirst addition to the village or Greenwood and lets 32t and :i7 in the vil aee of Gieeiiwood ail in Cass couuty, Ne braska said sale to remain open one hour. John F. Poi.k Admmisirator of tlie Estate of Wi.liam V. Conn, deceased. V. S. Pol.K. Attorney for Administrator, Date February ftith. lsii.". Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of au exeuclion issued by George F. Houseworth, clerk of the district court witi.ia anil for Cass county, Nebraska, ami to mo di rected, I v. ill on the 10th day ot March A.H. 1 !'7. at 1 1 o'clock a. m. of said day at the couh door of the court house iu the ciiy et I'.atts mouih. in said county, sell at public auction to the higtrest bidder for cash, the (ollowinc lands and teiiemenis io-w n. i 'I be north half of lots one and two (1 and -) in block twenty-seven (s-.J in the city of Phitts- i month, Ca-s cou.ity, Mebraska: a so. paitol lot ; eleven 1 11 1 in section seven j ' J, low nship twelve 1 U-l. range fourteen fH. iu Cass county. Ne- i.raska. coiuaining one acre more or less and de scribed as lobows: 1 art of the portion ot lot Je.evenlllJ beuig and lying south of the road number seventy-three To as found surveyed and ) platted in the road records o Uas.. countv. Np- luaska, on page t, section 7. township 1. ran.c 11. as surveyed and platted of record, commencing at the west corner of said lot and running cast to the northeast corner, thence south far enough to make three quarters ot an acre: also ail tliat , part of lot eleven- 11 lvinir and being situate and adjoining the south side ol the y, acre tract 1 above described, containins one-hnittli acre, to- gether with the privileges and appurtenances S thereunto belonging or in anywise apiici taininp. The faille bciiiR levied upon ami taken as the I property of Liiabeth Mc ullough and A 1). Mc- Culiougn, hrst name uriknou, dclendants, to ' satisfy a ju.'.ntent of said court recovered by 1 J"1'" t'rish, piaintirf. against said dciendavit. ' I'ialtiiK.utli, .cOra?Ka. l ei), li. A. l. lV.r, ilARVKY liCiLI OWAV. Simriff ( ass County. Nebraska. . ,u Vi.i-I.r., w.,1. hatU'I tirasre Naif, ' N'oiice is hereby piven that by virtue of a chattel mortgage, dated on the "th day of June, and dulv'ti'el in the office of the countv clerk ot Cass county. Nebraska, on she Mh dav of ! June. lsH"1. and executed by J...seph II. liHil to Major A. Hall to secure the payment of the sum ol i"l9.J". vvit'u interest ai It'per cent from June ". , 1!'S. nn 1 upon which there is now due tlie sum of 1 sn7'.i5. deiauit having been made in tiie payment J of said mini, and mi suit or other proceeding fat I-..-., lifiv-iiitr hf..n im-T i 111 tH to rerriver -n:d Helil rr ' nnv nart thereof, therefore 1 will se 1 the property i therein described as to'nows. lo-wil: Lady's lf!l ; T,nv Mare Coil; A Una Sue. sorrel mare, six years 1 ,lrl ctir. rurvtrTr- t Irn ilrws. hri V Tiir.' llarL- ' nuiiifu hut. v-.jrtt ii'il- . U'v lnv nnri ri ycarso id. star in forehead; Kit Carson, bay mare ; star in lorehead, live years old: Kate K tar in forehead, five years old: Kate Ketchum s l i; and ls:Ci black mare colts: sorrel in. I years old. star in forehead; lieht Lav n .ire, tnree are. lour vears old: aua one horse mule, hve years oi J, ; Uvery barn in the city of riattsinoutn. in the county of Cass and state of Nebraska, on the lotii day of March, li'.ir. at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day Dated February la. 1h;i7, Maiob A HALL, Mortgagee. i en s tn C. C. PARMELE, Receiver. CLAUS BREKENFELD, Mgr. Highest cash price paid for wheat, and the best flour ever made in Nebraska given in exchange. Custom wor!; specially cared for. Give the new management a trial and you will buy now other flour. Ask Your Dealer For Cedar Creek Flour. Harper's Magazine IN J897 FICTION: "The Martian," the new- novel by Du Maurier, the eagerly expected successor to "Trilby," begun in October number, lMfcl, w ith illustrations from the authors drawings. A new novel by Frank R. Stockton developing a Twentieth Centui y Renaissance full of humor ous situations and characteristically illustrated. "A Pair of Patient Lover?," by William Dean Howeils. Other striking novelettes by American authors. Short stories by Mark Twain, Thomas Nelson I'aa, Richard Harding Davis, Owen Wister, John KendricU Jiangs, Ruth McLnery Stuart, Octave Thauet, Mary E. Wilkius. and other popular writers. SCTliNCL: Story of the Progress of Science during the Nineteenth Century, a series of pa pers by Dr. Henry Smith Williams, supplemented by contributions oa special subjects by expcit scientists. Aiticleoii the relations of curious psychological maiufestatiuiis to physiology by iJr. Andrew Wilson. AMERICAN FLA 1 URLS: "The Mexico of Today," a series by Charles F. 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What the WEEKLY has been in its spirit and pui poe, a.- these have been manifested princi pally iu its editorial pages, it will continue to be lt is ir.'.pi.aio'e to announce vuih preoUinri all ttti-.t the EEKLY will couta;n durioe tiie year lt7. It were a i easy to announce what is about to h.ippen r.i the A.niJ. vviiat inuiiiphs lor fjood govemii.ent :ne to be w ai, what advances ol the people a e to be made, w hue is to be toe outcome ol tne coiiiiauMus struie lietMeeu the sjriis oi war and pe.'.ce, wtial i to happen in tne cast, what is 1 ) be the state ol Lui o(ie t months hence, v. hat new marvels ol science are to be leveaied, or what are to ik l!.c a . h:e eluetits ol aits and letters, tor tiie WEEKLY is to ue a piclonal i ai: tins. Ctrtoons wid coulinue to be a feature. Serial Glories: A New LiiKtatut st.iry by M.s Mry E W ukins, bei:su in January. A taio ol a Greek uprising liie Turks, by Mr. E. t . Jietisoii, the author oi "Dodo,"' loiiow. 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CitJ ek Mills, wmmmm will do it us"' as a wash according to df roetu.t.s; prevent, tr.insmisslOD of blood (iiseast-, skin niscisen, acute and chronic niccrs. si riClure. fissure of the hands and feet, Pczc-intt, Tetter, Salt Iiheumatlstn. ln tiauiation of the ltladu er. Diseases of the bones, joinis arid miiHelos. Svphlletle In sanity. Scurvy. iM-rufula la tunny forms. 1 tie above and a hundred other forms of disease ar traceable directly or Indirectly " fvpiilitie Hloou Po:son for which tuo lr. Jac kfcon's Ltmllrh Saetv Tablets fa a sure preventive, and is nsaro Germ Killer, rendering contisrlon hnrdlv possible, heuee its vniue. If neirlecled such troubles resul fatally. .MaKod unywhere, sealed 1: six boxes for :. Medical advice free. JACK SON MEDICAL CO., Chicago, III., or our tigent. I. L. nyecr. worocrASE.') "N r.X OUICKLV. -if THOPOUCMLV. FOREVER CURED 4 k lJ-J ENGLISH QUICK ' 5 DAY . ,r- , .r- WLMl KtolORER . . 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It!ciseuds, ;i..-r i.'ii ;.;id T.-.n, tind re st'ir. s tiin KKia t.) orii !:.'! f..'- 'ip.i--:. r riiif'i-' ft f- ... .,. ........... . r.l .xm-T. Mincnor to ft'.l tarv ' - - ori ;. ;r linn-, and T.oriiH ily bunnies At all ilTiigu ists, onr.niic tl forSOets. Send ior circular. VlO'. A L't'V-i SOAP Is cimvly tinnpnrsM at uliia ;.--rll7i'i- Iso-. uri' -luslcl t,t tlie toilet. i"l wi'hHlt ft .-;vni f'.r li:-- ii'irsi ty. Holiil-lT .'r ncl d'-'licmtely mudl. cuiM. Ai itru-qi.ii. Price 25 Cnti. Ths G. C. G1TTMEK CO., Toledo, O. are the most powerful, saifo prompt and liable of this kind iu the market. The oriunal and only eetiulne woman's salva tion. Ak ytiiir druaist if lie don't keep them. Write direet. to us and we will send it direct upon reeeint of price, tU sealed, by in-tii prepaid. Modieal ndvloe free, JACK si'.W M i'.DH'AL CO., Chicaco, 111., or our avent, f. Jj, Snyder. 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE. i 1) rt . .-''u jf., TRADE MARKS, "ir-tuXfi DESICNS- COPYRIGHTS 4.O. AnroTie fiendlnir a nkpteh and description may quioklv ascertain, free, whether an invention Is pronhly patent 4lle. ('oDiniunications utrietly coutlilential. Olilest aireiicy forweurimr pat enti in America, We havo a Waxliinuton olllee. 1'ntents taken through Munu it Co. reeeir peciul notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. beautifully Illustrated. Inreent clreolation of anv scientific Journal, wwkiy, terniHf3.(m a Tear; 1 1.50 six months, tpeeimon copies and iiAso Uuuii on 1'a r i.nts sent free. Addreea MUNN & CO., 301 Uroadway, New York. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of I'LATTSMOUTL', "NEBRASKA. I'ald up Capital Surplus 150,000 10,000 Offers the very best facilities for the prompt transaction of lESUillE BANKING STOCKS, tiniidi!, cold, uoverement and loci securities oouxht and Bold. Deposits re eeived ho1 intenist allowed on tlie cert tl c::tes. Drafts arawn. avallaole In any part of the IT. !. and all the principle towus of Europe. Collections made and promptly remitted. HLzhest market pri.-e paid far county warrants, state ami voudiv honds. DIRECTORS: l N imvi-r l. lwkwortli M,!!!-.-,!. !'. E. '.VOlte. i. K. Uovxy i,. -. i:, ttnxrv, l'ri-H. s. Waoirh. Cashier I. ;."uvtj- Aht. t'ashlor. B. F. BRENDEL, M. D., Physician and Surgeon Call? promptly attended, either DAV or NIGHT. MD LU1A V, NE 3 A-3K A ft lf rvT F? tf . 3V