.ACCURATE AMD OIJEA 4 s; r. OFFICE ON LOWER MAIN STREET PLATTSMOUTK NEBRASKA . T i " EAGLE AGAIN VISITED BY BURGLARS. The Village of Eagle Visited by Night Marauders. Merchandise Store of.Beaehl Vennner Borglarized and Goods to a Consider able Amount .Taken No Clue to the Thieves As Vet Obtained Other Mews Motes Around Town. Eagle, Neb., March 11. Special to The News. The village of Eagle feels lonesome if it does not have no up-to-date safe-blowing or burglariz ing act every other week. Eirly this morning burglars affected an entrance to the general etore of Beach & Ven ner by removing the glass from one of their front show-windows and made away with about $o0 worth of pants, men's shoes and gloves. There is but slight clue to the perpetrators, al though officers have been put to woi k upon the case. Sunday mornijg about 9 o'clock the two 6tory building on upper Main street occupied by Dr. McCandless i s an office wasdiscovered in flames. The fire department soon had two lines of hose stretched ana steady streams of water at work on the flames. Al though many predicted the building was doomed, it required but. a short time to get the fire under control. As this was the first opportunity for the fire department to show its mettle, the citizens are highly pleased by the work. . The Audience Was Well I'leased. a large and appreciative audience was present last evening to listen to Mrs. Keysor's lecture, "Christ Child on Art," and enjoy the stereopticon views. The exercises were opened by no organ solo by Miss Kessler, played with her usual delicacy and precision of touch. Then followed a trio, "When the Tide Comas In," beauti fully rendered. The last number on the musical program was an exquisite lullaby solo, sung by Miss Street in her usual faultless style. . Mrs. Keysor'a "Art Talk'- was thoroughly enjoyed and the beautiful copies of the old and new masters brought out by tne stereoscope, was a revelation of hitrh art that we do not often have the privilege of enjoy ing. The art department of the woman's club deserve great credit in securing Mrs. Keysor. PERRINE IS GIVEN HIS LIBERTY Ianocent Man Does Six Months' Time In the Penitentiary. Wednesday afternoon Governor Hoi comb commuted the sentence of young Hale Perrine and he was released from the penitentiary. This is the young man spoken of in The News a few days ago when Attorney H Koster of Niobrara was in the city in the young man's interest. Perrine was sentenced by Judge Ramsey last August for helping a man named Sul livan rob a 6tore at Louisville. He is a young man of good family and was the victim of bad companions. Per rine nas always protested his in nocence and the governor was in duced to exercise his clemency by reason, chiefly, of 'a long affidavit made by Sullivan in which he swears Perrine was entirely innocent and that he simply used him as a tool after the robbery had been committed. The mother of the unfortunate young man is lying dangerously ill at her home at Niobrara and his own health has been seriously impaired. An I'nfortunate Accident. The injury which little Pauline, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Grif fith of Omaha, sustained to one of her eyes a few weeks ago, was thought to be recovering, much to the relief of her parents and friends, but word was received by relatives in Plattsmouth today stating that it was found neoes sary to remove tne injured eye as it was not healing properly, and that the operation was 6uccessf Jlly performed Wednesday afternoon. Fire Department Election. . At the meeting of the fire depart ment held last evening the following officers were elected: President F. A. Murphy. Vice president John A. Murray. Secretary Chas. Miller. Treasurer Geo. Poisall. Chief V.. C. Tippens. Assistant chief RobertUayes. City Politics. The republican primaries are called for tomorrow evening, but the candi dates for aldermanic honors are not very thick. R. B. Windham is men tioned for the First ward,John Ronnie in the Second, C. A. Rawls in the Third, Walter Thomas in the Fqurth, and so far do candidate has been men tioned in the Fifth. BRIEFLY TOLD. C. A. Marshall, Dentist. Subscribe for The News. Farm loans T. H. Pollock. Dry wood for sale at A. H. Weck bach's. Insure in the German American. Fred Ebinger, Agent. Mrs. Geo. Dovey will play "Dear Aunt Clarrsssa"' in "Our Boys." Wanted At once. A girl for gen eral housework. Mrs. R. Geinger, 510 Vine street. Nothing better than Pill&bury's in the flour line. Try a sack. Zuck weiler & Lutz agents. Lee Atwood and Guy Livingston will appear as the short and long lovers in "Our Boys." A. J. Beeson and M. Willord, as-the Roman Fathers in "Our Boys," are guaranteed to be the real thing. Mrs. G. A. Murphy of Beatrice, wife of Senator Murphy, is in the -ity the guest of Mrs. W. II. Deal ing. Mr. Cunbie and Miss Isa Ross cf Taber college are in the city the guests of their cousin, Mrs. J. M. Leek. Mr. Hutchinson, attorney at Ne braska City was in town toJay, look ing after some court exhibits to be sent down there. J. L. Miller, the noted clairvoyant and spiritualistic medium, is in the city today, and may conclude to re main a week or twe. If you want a first-class piano or organ at your own price, call at Pettee's Music Store. All the new songs as they come out. You will find a full lire cf Mrs Crawford's pickles at Zuckweiler & Lutz's. There are none nicer. Try them and you will use no others. One minute is all the time necessary to decide from personal expeiience that One Minute Cough Cure does what its name implies. F. G. Fricke & Co. Torturing, itching, scaly skin erup tions, burns and scalds are soothed at once and promptly healed by De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, the best known cure for piles. F. G. Fricke & Co. Prominent residents of Nebraska City are confined to their beds with ague. Our Missouri neighbor can not out grow the early habits of its peo pie, wno usea to snaKe six months in the year. Plain and fancy sewing and dress making of all kinds promptly at tended to, and satisfaction guaranteed. at the dressmaking parlors of Miss Anna Critchfield, 807 Pearl street, Plattsmouth. The finest imported wines in the state, and the purest liquors, together with the premium Anheuser-Busch beer, are always obtainable at the "Casino" Plattsmouth 's leading I saloon, opposite the court house. Remember the leadiner 5-cent cigars in thiH market is "Wurl Bros." and o i the "Cabinet." Otto Wurl, the I manufacturer, is building up a great reputation for these goods out in the I state as well as at home. Try them. Don't allow the lung's to be impaired oy tne continuous irritation or a cough. It. is easier to prevent con sumption than to cure it. One Min ute Cough Cure taken early will ward off anv fatal lung trouble. F. G. Fricke & Co. Uncle rsed Baker, after being sick ior six weeKS, oioomea out today as fresh as a June rose. Ned isn't a bov any more, but he expects to get mar ried next week, and is gay as a lark uu account, oi me uappiness ne minks is in store for him. I If you have ever teen a child in the agony of croup, you can appreciate the gratitude of the mothers who know that One Minute Cough Cure relieves tneir little ones as quickly as is administered. Many homes in mis civt are never witnout it. f. G. I They are so small that the most I sensitive persons take them, they at e I so effective that the most obstinate cases of constipation, headache and torpm tiver yieia to mem. xnat is why DeWitt's Little Early Risers are known as the famous little pills. F. Hi. Fricke & Co. At Turner hall Saturday evening, M, , I arcn Id, beppert Thaler 8 Tyrolean I Quartet to onri X7D-ui. sii uartette ana YVarblei swill appear in their world-renowned Tyrolean songs Lcho solos on the zither. Vienna nnrf Bavarian f-rmr.lftt .,s ol r.wto, c, mwoi a. Liu uinuu i solos, Bavarian and Swiss songs and rlonfoa ?ll i- v. b I aiou uo uu lue program. t,xiers meeting in. the county superintendent's office tomorrow af- ternoon promises to be an interesting a one. Superintendent Hisey, of Coun cil Bluffs Is to be present to take charee of the meeting. He makes use of the nhono!'rai)h in illustrating his' methods of teaching, and will take up t. .,.Wt.f Arlthm.tl.tLthl tlm. Time for meeting, 1:30. All inlet estcd in this work are cordially iuvited. M. O'Donohoe, a resident of this city for twenty-six years a practicing at torney and a conservative republican, ; is mentioned for the office of police judge. Brother Archer has hereto fore been invincible, but If the nomi nation were given to Mr. O'Djnohoe he certainly could bo elected. His name will come before tho city con vention, and we have heard that m .iny demoeruls would suppo. t him. llio volunteer rniy ioiks uiu h i u5iuuS uU3i..v-n "r' night. The room in the Waterman block was crowded for hours, and al - th ugh the rate charged for supper was only 15 cents yet over A1 was re ceived. The supper is said to have -been quite an elaborate affair and re flects much credit on the Volunteers and their friends. J' he Volunteers now have a membership heie of 105 and tne work goes on every evening. PAPA HAD A PLAN. And It Kept Willy From Calling on Misn Maud so Much It is stated that a few loving parents out in east Lit. coin or other portions of the city are going to adopt the scheme devised by a Detroit, Mich., father. The Fiee Press, tells the plan as follows: The object of his affections lives way out in the suburbs, but true love laughs at distance as it does to a good many othor impediments. He wasout there every evening.mott of the after noons, and not less than h.df of the foieuoons. . Her father is very justly classed among the stern parents, as they ate viewed from the stand ooint of youth, and peremptorily called a halt. "See, here," he began after corner insr the youth in the library. "This continuous performance business must stop. A young man like you should have something useful on hand and b3 laying the foundation for a success ful career, but in any event you can't live here while you're oniy sice pi cer and eating at home. I won't have it. sir. My wife and daughter, may be willing to adopt you, but I'm not. This thing of coming oftener than the mail wagon or the milk man or tho grocer's y 'i rr r r tlHTnil nil f " "But I'm sincere and in earnest "Thunder and lightning, boy, don't I see ycu are in earnest? That's the trouble. You're coming or going about all the time. I would bo doin my plain duty to stop the whole busi ness short off, but I've arbitrated with the women folks, and here's the plai I'll give you twelve of these tickets, E ich one is good for a single ad mis si.jn to this house. The dozen must do for a month, no matter if you use them all the first week. A ticket ha to be laid on my desk every time you call, and if there's any llimflammicg counterfeiting of tickets or any other attempt to beat tho court the whole contract will be thereby canceled, and .vou couldn't get in here with a jim my." The courtship, thus regulated, goes merrily on. Prof. J. L. Miller, the psychic hypnotist, medium and clairvoyant. will deliver a lecture on spiritualism at G. A. Ii. hall Monday evening. March 15. Prof. Miller will give some wonderful psychic tests at tho close of the lecture, mental character. reading giving a complete daiineation of the Datural adat.tabiliti- of nP,-sn9 v. , ,u TI i.. this without touching the subject. will also do the same of a photograph in a sealed en velo it in his hand; read the history of a 1 j 1 j . , watch, ring, etc., sent up to him from .the audience. Prof. Miller comes well recommended bv both acknowledged to be one of the lead ing clarvo.vants of the present age Admission, 10 cents Deafnesa Cannot lie Cured. by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cureDeafness. and that is by constitutio nal remedies. Deafness is caused bv an innam.nl condition ot the mucous lining of the Eustachian lube. W hen this tube gets mtlanied you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed IJeatness is the result, and un- 13 .".!VJ . .it, .vault. 4 1 J ' 1 UU- less the inflammation can be taken out and this tune restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caur-ed by catarrh, which is nothing but an in .tiamed condition of the mucous sufaces. e will give Une Hundred Dollars for any case Leatness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured bv Hall s Catarrh l ure. Son.t fr rirm. Iars - lree - v . rHirYFV.r . . . ,t F.J.CHENE & Co.. Toledo. O. &soia oy uruggisis. uc. Commandant Wilson of the Grand Island soldiers home, has been sick for week O'BRIEN MAKES A STATEMENT. Claim "The New"" t rUW isniH Were Not Well Founded. To the Editor of The News: ! SOUTH BEND, Neb., March 12 -In , i'"! - an article commenting on my actions in seining some pomfs at Li Platte, j wherein you make sonic btaiemenls i which are an injustice to me and have no foundation in fait, 'i lie report I ma itd you detailed the operations of this bi-nnch of the public service for the year IS'JG only. 1 made one trip to La Platte during June, IMhi, to seine the overflow ponds in the vicin ity of L t Iatie at the rt quet of a citizen of lh.it locality and I desire to I s.iv that w:;o ever s tiu I iut tt siunu in tUe slouch - where the 1 attsmouth peuDle are in the practice of li sni ng tolls a ma,icioU3 ,artenood. I do n.,t iasli ycm lo l;lto my W).d in thia ra:lUer but. will iefer to Levi Kimball, William Ilogebocm or Mr. Hood, the 13. 5c M. agent at Li Plalle. The two former jjentle men accompanied mo while I wis seining, and kiiow that I not only did not seine in tho slough you have re ference to but that I did no ireining within a mile of it. I also reported that I had secured 2,000 ti.-h and you make the number, either p irposelj- or erroneously. S, 000 lis h. (The latter was a typographical error. KJ.) In your statements you would alto have the public bcleves there, is no shallow ponds in tho vicinity of La Platte, when, as a matter of fact, it is well known to every citizen of that town or even school boy that thousands of fish perish every summer in the shallow ponds about one mile below the main slouch. The only reason this condition of things did not hap pen the past summer was because tho water was up but a short lime. I Know it has been claimed that the crew in charge of the car some years ago seined the main slough, but I was not in charge of tho work at the time and should not bo culled to account for the iictions of other persons dur ing the year ISOti. I have not made a practice of despoiling the fishing re sorts of one part of the state for the benefit of another, and if you will in vestigate the matter you will find that your charge, as far as I am con cerned, is groundless and an injustice to me. Yours truly, W. J. OTJkiex. KHtabliMheri ItusinesH fur Sale. As I desire to quit the blacksmith iug business I ofTer for sale at a bar gain my tools and material on Wash ington avenue. I have a gool trade, but want to engage in otner business. I also have for sale new running gears to a farm wagon. Parlies knowing themselves indebted to me will please call and settle at once us I expect to leave the city soon. T. B. linowx. Many cases of "grippe" have i:itelv been cured by Que Minute Cough Cure. This preparation seems espe cial- adapted to the cure of this dis ease. It acts quickly thus preventing serious complications and bad effects in which this disease often leaves the oatient. F. G. Fricke & Co. l'roflamatiou of City IClt-ction. I, John A. (iutsche, by the authority vested in me as mayor of the city of Plattsmouth, Nebras ka, do hereby call an election to be held in said city of 1'lattsmouth on. 1 ucsdav. April r. A. U 1W. for the purpose of electing the following city officers for the term of two years, towit: One councilman from the First ward. One councilman trom the Second ward. One councilman from the Third ward. One councilman from the Fourth ward. ne councilman from the Filth ward. There shall also be elected for the term of three years- Two members of the school board for school district No. 1. The polls at said election shall be opened at nine O) o'clock in the forenoon and remain open until seven 7i o'clock in the evening and shall be located as follows: First ward Corner room in Perkin.i lioue. Second ward Turner hall. Third ward -W. 1). Jones' livery bam. Fourth ward-Christian Wohliarth's store Fifth ard A. fiach's store. Done this 1st day of March. A. D. ls7 , . John A. Gi tsciie. Mayor. ' Attest' 13. C.Kerr. City Clerk. 5 in I t Si Par GUARANTEE Chester's Compound Extract of Celery to good as any other prv.piratioD of ready to refund your moaey if it does not Celery Compound you ever used. Indicated in generel debility, lo99ofoappe tite, nervousness, sleeplessness,.etc. A Great Nerve Tonic and SysKrm Renovator. It Makes Weak People Strong. PRICE. $1 71 BOTTL The M. W. W. Club Tho M. W. W. club were delight fully entertained by Mrs. Dearing and Mrs. Miller yesterday afternoon at Mrs. Dealing's pleasant home. About twenty-five ladies were Dre sent, Mrs. Senator Murphy from Beatrice being the guest of honor. A dainty 5 o'c oek luncheon was served. A number cf ladies present made up a party and attended Mrs. Ke set 's "Art Talk" in the evening. Notice. There will be a meeting of the M. M. and S. M. C. Saturday evening, March 13, at the u-ual hour and pine. "Seiah? I have spoken." By order of tiie president The Firnt Itattle." Peter llaniahan cf this city has the exclusive agency in Cass county for W. J. Bryan's book. "Tho First Untie." Parties desiring a copy should see him. Spring.. Crockery.. ." A splendid line just received; slso the most complete and elegant line of Plain and Decorated Chinaware ever brought to the city may be foun 1 at the store of ft GLflRK, First Door East of Court House. The Best in Groceries. GERING & CO., LEAD AS EVER IN Pure DruQS, Wall Paper and DruoQists' Sundries 4 TOR the Holiday trade they have hund. reds of articles useful and ornamental that will make elegant presents. They have recently added a Confectionery De partment and carry a complete line of Lowney's goods, which are considered t he finest in the world. It will pay you to trade at GERING & CO'S. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 WANTS. (Special notices under this bead will be charger! for at tbe rate of H cent per word each Insertion.) JIlStKLLANKOlS. ImJAXTED An 80-acre farm. Can pay 1. 31:0 I casn and nalance in one or two years, tn FOR SALK elm SAl.t A goon single top buggy very OK SAFE cheap. F I cheap, r.nquire ol Oeorge Johnson, or at the hank of Cass county. LOST, L social Tuesday evening. The tinder will con fer a favor bv leaving same at The News office. I tM A kid glove, on Washington avenue. Li binder will please leave it at News olfice. I'ASTl'K AGE. HOKSF.S and cattle taken for choice blue-grass and clover pasturing. 1'lenty of running water. Apply to H. V. Heaver on the premises near cuiioui or aaaress Cedar Creek. FOR RENT. FOR KENT A good six room house, of James Iferoid. Inquire PERSONAL. DFKSONAE To the ladies of Flattsmouth I Madames Marti and Sullivan, the popular and reliable Omaha modistes, make a specialty of worit ior mu oi iowu cusionu-rs. tyie, nt and reasonable prices guaranteed. I romptness and satislactory work a specialty. Dressmaking par lors rooms Mr-510-.Ml Brown block. Sixteenth and I Douglas streets, Omaha, Nebra ka. our pat ronage solicited. mmelle the kind on the market, and stand benefit vou as much as any other SIX BOTTLES FOR $5. ft wSSJ : j j'ji;11;' BlackwelPs Genuine 1 3 You will And one coupon Inslile each 2 ounce bug and 'wo coupon inside each 4 ounce bag. fcf Buy a bag, read the coupou aud see how to get your share of liOO.uoO In presents. J F2 ROBT. i AND HIS SPRING STOCK ...WILL... i mi MARCH WATERMAN BLOCK h SPECIAL PRICES On Winter Goods to save the trouble of moving. THE CITY HOTEL, HANS H. GOOS, Proprietor. Best $i Per Day House in the State Thoroughly cleaned and refurnished. A nice table :ind pleasant rooms. Uar in hotel stocked with pure Liquors and Ciyars. Corner Third find Main-bts. PLHTTSMOUTH, FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP rLATTSMOUTE, NEBRASKA. Paid up Capftai (30,4(0 10,000 Surplus Offers the very best facilities f or th e prompt transaction of LEGITIME BAB BUSINESS ! STOCKS, bonds, gold, govereinent and lo u securities Dousrht and sold. Deposits re celled and Interest allowed on the -erth- j cates. Drafts drawn, available In nnj part of the U. t. and all the principle j towns of Europe. 'Jol lections ruaue and I promptly remitted. IllheKt market j price paid for county warrants, state) and county bonds. j DIRECTORS: H.N liovfy. I. IIhKi wor! !i S. Wnuffb, F. F.. Whltf. 1.. iiv v lieo. E, Dovey, Frea, S. Vxi.i;li, h!iht II. . UoveT Aunt. CiMir. I JAMES W. SAGE. THE Leading Liveryman. The best of rips furnished at all hours and his prices are always reasonable. 1 tie most convenient boarding stable for far mers in the city. pearl st PLATTSMOUTH. j 1 is TOOD 15 TO NEBRHSKH. FURNITURE UNDERTAKING House Furnishings, STOVES, RANGES. Our stock Is complete In all lines and t Invite our friends to look It over. We wll ii.iodvi.r to plfiaso you. t'.-ill and seo us. ST HEIGHT & SATTLER. ssnrs to H-nry Itoeck.) it. a t'ismi i-rn. DR. B. ELSTER, DENTIST Tectn Extracted Without Pain All Dental operations performed in the be-t pos:b e manner by the latest scien tific method. A guarantee w ith all work, PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. STULTZ, House and Sign Fainter PAPER HANGER, Etc. - PLATTSMOUTH, : NEBRASKA This is the very best Smoking Tobacco made. i' i i i