Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, March 13, 1897, Image 3

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Absolutely Pure.
"A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of
all in leavening strength. Latent United states
Government Food Report.
Captain II. E. l'ariner was a I'latts
tnouth visitor today.
Ilonry Ei kenbary was attending1 to
business in Omaha today.
Superintendent J. G. Mcllu-jh was
a passenger for Omaha this afternoon.
I 'titer Cla ranee, oT Union, made a
pleasant visit at The N'kws oRico
The republican city convention will
t'Jiold S ttard :ty, M-rch liO, in Water
intui'M hall.
Ciaus ItroKenfeld, the Cedar Creek
mil lor, was a Luine-s visitor in Platts
inouth today.
(ieorgo Mattison, a prominent re
tired farmer of South IJend, was in
the city today.
Timothy Clark departed this after
noon for his home in Weeping Water
after a visit of several weeks in this
W. II. Freezts and family of Sj-ra-cu?e
li'ive moved to IMatlsmouth and
will t ceupy the Knotts hou?-e in South
Miss Kate Hern pel dor.r.rted today
for St. T,ouis, where she will visit the
wholesale millinery houses and be
come posted on all the latest styles
and pattern-, in order to rive her cus
tomers the honelit of her experience.
It is said that the Missouri river is
out of her banks at Sioux City and a
considerable portion of the town is
underwater. If this is eoi rect high
water may b.i looked for at this place
in a short time, which fact is very
pe.t.-i nff to t ho numerous duck hun
ters hereabouts.
An item in last evening's Nk'.s was
in part misleading. While the utmost
care h 3 been exercised in the fumi
gfatiori of the buildings nnd prompt
action taken as to the closing of the
two rooms where the expesm e was the
Meatest, and notwithstanding the
fact that thee is probabiy no danger
in tending children to school, at the
same time Mr. Mcllugh does not wish '
to be undet stood as advising perents
to send their children, contrary to
their own judment, and if parents are
in doubt as to the wisdom of sending
their children he would in no wiso ad
vise them to do so. Miss Slegel's ar.d
Mij-s Mauy's rooms remain closed
until next Mondday.
-,- L- T .. r i .i.,
i ' " . ,-, i urn tun iiikh i
tod :iv.
L. C. I'tillard of Nehawka was a
business visitor in Plattsmouth today.
Brooks I'eid and wife of Council
Bl utTs were Plattsmoulh visitors to
day. Frank Green of the World-Be raid
forco is in the oity fer a visit with
f rien Is.
A. A. Johnson of Weeping Water
was looking after business in the
county seat today.
Ed Fry, the Bed Oak cisiar manu
facturer, is in the city shaking hands
with o'.d friends.
Henry B. Gering departed today
for a business trip out in the Western
part of the state.
Julius Ilelllicker departed this
morning for Kearney, where he will
visit his brother for a few days.
A force of workmen did a good job
today by cleaning Main street olT,
and now '.he stone blocks fairly shine.
T- Editnr Ed Greenfield of the Union
Ledger was in the city tod y reading
signs and othe. wise enjoying himself.
Members of the Business Men's
Fraternity enjoyed another of their
'"Smokers" last night. A very enjoy
able evening is reported.
Charles Ne;.son, representing tlie
Security and Investment company ot
Omaha, was in the city today making
an attempt to establish a board ia!
Plattsmnuth. j
Clint Tolten and family moved out
Scott s Emulsion makes cod-liver oil taking- next
thing- to a pleasure You hardly taste it. The stom
ach knov-'s nothing- about it it does not trouble you
theie. You feel it tirst in the strength that it brings:
it shows in the eolor of the cheek, the rounding of the
anglss. tha smoothing of the wrinkles.
It is cod-liver oil digested for you, slipping as easily
intothe blood and losing itself there as rain-drops lose
themselves in the ocean.
What a satisfactory thing this is to hide the odious
taste of cod-liver oil, evade the tax on the stomach,
take health by surprise.
There is no secret of what it is made of the fish-fat
Jaste is lost, but nothing is lost but the taste.
ten t the standard all others try
ko cent and $ko
Chemists .
th e Gi st of the week to Cushing, Neb.
upon the Palmer branch of the B. &
M. They chartered a car Torn here
and took their household gotcls and
five head of horses out.
Parties ut from Union today lei I c
an interesting suprise par'y uhieh was
given Walter Jones l -st ever in. it
beintr his sixtieth birthday. About
lif'y people were in attendance col
several presents were given by which
to remembsr the occasion. A nice
supper was also set ved.
Pat Murphy, an old-imo Platts
mouthian, who served fs chitf of po
lie-i several years when Plultsmoutb
was "tuff," was shaking hands with
oil friends in the city todiiy. He had
not been in town for tea years and was
surprised when be saw the in-prove
merits that had been made.
Dick Burr used to consider him
self one of the best pastry cooks in
the country and when ho was U9k-d to
assist the Volunteers in their supper
set about to bake a cake. Beintr some
what out of practice he spent over
twelve hours of hard work d eparing
the "luscious" piece of pastry and
now consider? be has contributed over
$3 to the good cause his timi biing
worth that sum per day.
McGinnis Churchill, Geo. Churchill,
Jim Holmes, Jeff Lewis Will
Spohierand John Johnson formed a
jolly hunting P'rty that went over
onto the island yesterday mo:ning
Their hilarity was spoiled, however.
soon after they landed by the running
of heavy ice so that they could not
leave the island, and this morning
they were still locked in without fire
or provisions. They will propably get
out of their chilly jail srmetimo today
Laurel needs a resident u utiet.
The farmers' institute i.t Banning
ton was a howling succcs".
E. C. Spooner, near t, lost
his house and barn by tire week.
The citv election of Pender wiil bi
is harmonious as no election :.t ail.
Commandant Wilson of the Grand
Island soldiers home, has been ick for
a week
Neligh people who have longed for
a bdet sugar factory will be obliged to
wait until 'i)S.
A I'Yemont lireru m ii ft some
matches in a goi d suit of clothes. Now
he hasn't any clothes.
The Beatrice creamery had to shut
down this wdek. The engine got on a
tear and smashed things.
I-Vom present indications, the Nor
folk beet sugar factory will have all
the beets it wants this iear.
The York band played to a phono
graph this week, and Messrs. Susa
and Gilmore are tearing their hair.
Fake grocers have been pulling the
nether limbs of the farmers around
I'ender and the local merchants kick.
There was a violent electrical sto-m
at Norfolk Monday, aceoroo.u.ied by
the first thunder and lightning of the
Thieves tried to break into the Val
entine jail.
" Grand Island is threatened with a
local prize fight.
Prosperity came to the Laurel Ad
vocate in the form of a lot o.f new ads.
Tiirt tinn nl n r.f rini.tu l?iwL- u'orp
' " "
'treated night to a lecture by A.
L. Bixby.
Two Columbus youths ran away
from home, but were nabbed at Grand
Island and sent back to their sorrow
ing parents.
The rivers and lakes of the state
are beginning to fill up with ducks
ar.d peese on their way .lorth, and the
hunters govern thensel"vs accord
ingly. Fifteen yars ago Nate Crawford
lived in a miserable sod shanty near
Westerfield. Last week he celeb- ated
i nis crystal weuuing ou one o: trie.
unesi iarms in me siaie.
A man near Hampton, for whose
veracity the Times vouches, says he
an ear of corn, the Cob of which had to
bo split into four pieces in order to
i get it into the stove.
A Belvidere girl tojk a- jug of hot
water to keep her feet warm. Her feet
grew so cold in the night that they
f rozo the water and burst the jug. At
least, that is what the News says.
oeorgo riaucK, a larmer near
Hebron, left his heme suddenly with-
: out giving auyono notice of his de
parturo. He has been eicx for some
time and it is thought that his mind
has become deranged.
Gandy is moving for telephone con
ncction with North Platt-i.
The flying machino which has been
seen in various parts of the state,
passed over Wood Itiver at 1:17 a. m.
Wednesday morning. Tho aeronaut
must Be carrying a big lantern. He
to equal the best for you to buy f
AH Druggists
. New York
D You Wash?
Of Course -1
(Do you Wash QUICKLY?
pi Do you Wash EASILY ?
U)o you Wash CHEAPLY?
You may IF you will use
The best, purest and most economical soap made
Sold everywhere. Made only by
was a mile or so high, but the outline
of his queer craft was plainly visible.
Wood Kiver Interests.
York people are taking heroic
measures to discourage botlegging.
There is a good opening ia Butte
for a shoemaker; also a watchmaker
and jeweier.
Ala public sale of Jersey stock near
Fremont cows sold rapidly at $40 and
$GC each.
The illustrious Joe Camp has"turned
. - - A 1.
up again, ana is now running mo
Rustler at Lehi City, Utah.
The recent revivals at the Methodist
church in Broken Bow more than
doublet! the membership of that
Tho West Point Republican is of
the opinion that politically Hon. W.
E, Peebles ought to be suppressed.
A York bov while leading a horse
to water slipped down and the ho se
planted its hoof, sharp-ohot, squarely
on the lad's cheek, making a very
ugly wound.
The republicans of St. Helena are
few, but patriotic to tho core. They
Dut out flags and hired the Viand to
come out and play in honor of Mc-
Kinlcv's inauguration.
The Meadow Grove Tribune hints
at great improvements which will be
mado in that town tho coming summer.
A new Hour mill and grain elevator
are among the probabilities.
John Thomssen, sr., living on the
island, tho father of County Treasurer
Thomssen, has for tho past thirty
yeais had ni Indian pony, which has
been something of a favorite with the
family with tho family, says the Island Independent. .Mr.
Thomssen bought the animal in 1SG3
of a Pawnee chief, and it was then
upposed to be live .years old. The
Pawnee captured it in a battle his
tribe had with Sioux Indians between
this city and Kearney, about 'G2 to '64.
The auimal died last week, at least
thirtv-seven years old.
Alfalfa Seed.
A No. 1 alfalfa seed for sale cheap
at A. H. v eckbach s grocery sto; e.
Take off the llorus.
The undersigned is now ready wilh
a good portable chute and tools, to ror
move the weapons of horned cattle at
ten cents per head. It never gets too
cold to dehorn cattle. Any time after
fly-time, until the first week in April
s the right lime. After that it is too
ate. If those who wish to have such
work done will address me at Rock
Bluffs, Neb., they will be promptly
answered. S. L. FUKLOXO.
IHnger of the Grip
The trteaiest danger from La
Grinpo is of its resulting in pneumonia.
If reasonable caro is used, however,
and Chamberlain's Couj;h Remedy
taken, all danger will be avoided.-
Amoog the tens of thousands who
have used this remedy lor L.a Grippe,
we have yet to learn of a single cae
having resulted in pneumonia, which
shows conclusively that this remedy is
a certain preventive of that dread
disease. It will effect a permanent
cure in less time than any other
treatment. The 23 and '50 cent sizes
for sale by all druggists.
The iranlet Kemedy
Mr. R JJ. Greeve, merchant, of
Chilhowie, Va., certifies that he had
consumption, was given up to die,
sought all modicinal treatment that
money could procure, tried all cough
remedies he could hear of, but got no
relief; spent many nights sitting up
in a chair; was induced to try Dr,
King's New Discovery, aod was cured
by use of two bottlos. For past three
years has been attending to business,
and says Dr. King's New Discovery is
the greatest remedy ever inane, as it
has done so much for him and also for
others in his community. Dr. Kings's
New Discovery is guaranteed for
Coughs, Colds and Consumption. It
don't fail. Trial bottles free at F. G.
Fricke's drug store. :i
lr. Marnhall, lirauuatt- lMttist.
Dr. Marshall, Cue gold work.
Dr. Marshall, gold and porcelain
Dr. Marshall, crown and bridge work
Dr. Marshall, teeth without plates.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fillings.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plates.
Dr. Marshall, perfect titting plate.--.
Dr. Marshall, all work warranted.
All the latest anoiiances for first
class dental work.
Notice to Creators.
Statk t-r Nebraska, i t-s.
Cass Countv. f
In the matter of the estate of Mary E. Scarle. de
deceased. Notice is hereby given that the claims and de
mands of all persons against Mary E. Searlc,
deceased, late of said county and state, will be re
ceived, examined and adjusted by the county
court at the court house in Plattsmouth, on the
n its
5th day oi October. A. I), 1P97. at 9 o'clock in the
forenoon. And that six months from and alter
the 3rd day of April. A. L)., 1W7. Is the time
limited for creditors of said deceased to present
their claims for examination and allowance.
Given under my hand and seal this sth day ol
March. A. Ii. 1M7.
cai, George M. Splrlock.
(-ea" County Judge.
Application For Pardon.
To Whom it Slav Concern: Hale I'errine was
convicted of the crime of burglary in the dis
trict court in and tor Cass countv, :eDrask.a, ou
the 21t day of August. l-rt. H. Roster, t.sq..
of Niobrara, Knox countv. Nebraska, will make
application to his excellency, the governor of
said state, on Tuesday, March' 16, 1S!7, at his
ottice in the capitol, for the pardon of said Hale
I'errine, and release from the state penitentiary.
Sheriffs Sale.
In the district court in and for Cass county, Ne
Alexander H. Rob Ttson.
trustee of the estate of
Ella V, Davis.deceased, App. Doc. "O," 137.
Michael O Donohoe. et al. I
Whereas. In the above entitled action pending
in the district court in and tor Cass county, Ne
braska, for the foreclosure of a mortgage upon
the following described real estate, situated in
the county ot Cass and state of Nebraska, to-wit:
i.ots J, s. 3. 4. o and 6, m blocks; lots 4, a anu t,in
block m. all in the city of Plattsmouth: lots i, s.
half of said block 5; and lots 4.5 and block S.all
in w nite s addition to the city ot nattsmoutn. to-
gether with the hereditaments and appurtenances
thereunto belonging, and
Whereas, taid Alexander H. Robertson,
trustee, plaintitt. did. on the 7th day of January,
ls'.iii. obtain a decree of foreclosure and sale of
said above described real estate, and
Whereas, An order of sale as provided insaid
decree has been issued to me from said court,
commanding me to appraise, advertise and sell,
according to law.said above described real estate.
Now, therefore. Notice is hereby given that
I will, ou the K'th day of April, lS'JT, at the front
south door of the county court house in the city of
1'lattsmouth, Cass county. Nebraska, at the hour
of 11 a. in , of said day. sell said above described
real estate at public auction to the highest bid
der lor cash, to satisfy said decree, costs and ac
cruing costs and interest.
Dated 1 lattsmouth, Neb.,March 9, A. D. 18i7.
Harvey Hollowav.
Sheriff, Cass county, Nebraska.
Cor.gdon & Parish, Attorneys.
Sheriff's Sale.
By. virtue of an order of sale issued by George
F. Houseworth, clerk of district court within and
for Cass countv, Nebraska, and to me directed. I
will on the -Jth day ot March A. 1. 1W7. at 11
o'clock a. m. of said day, at the south door of the
court house in the city of Plattsmouth. in said
county, sell at public auction, to the highest bid
der for cash, the following real estate to-wit:
Lot in block IKS, in the city of
Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, to
gether with the privileges and appurtenances
thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining.
The same being levied upon and taken as the
property of Katheiine Keuland, alias Mrs. Peter
Keulaiid, et al., delendants. to satisfy a judgment
of said court recovered by Pettibone and Nixon,
plaiutirts. against said defendants.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Feb. SI. A. D. 1897.
Harvey Holloway,
Sheriff, Cass County, Nebraska.
Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska,
County of Cass. J
In the matter of the estate of Ann Cole, de
ceased. Notice is hereby given that the claims and
demands of all persons against Ann Cole, de
ceased, late of said countv and stale, will be re
ceived, examined and adjusted by the county
court at the court house in Plattsmouth ou the
JMh day of September. A. 1). If' 10 o'clock in
the forenoon. And that six months from and
alter the Utli day of March, A. 1). 197. is the
time limited lor creditors of said deceased to
present their claims tor examination and allow
ance. Given under my hand and seal this '2'th day of
February. A. L. 1'.7.
oeorge m.m-lrlock.
County Jndge.
Notice of Sale.
In tlie district court of Cass county, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate ol Eugenia M.
l'horngatc, deceased.
Notice is hereby civen that in rjumiance of an
order of Basil S. Ramsey, judge of the district
court of Cass county. Nebraska, made on the 11th
clay ol reoruary, .. u. impi, lor the sale ot the
real estate hereinatter described, there will be
sold, at the south door ol the court house in
1'lattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, on the 27th
day of March A. I). 1'.)7 at 1 o'clock p, m.. at
public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, the
following described real estate, to-wit: Lot Five
(5) and lot live and one haif in block sixty-
six tki), and the South twenty-two (1TJ) feet of lot
four (4 1, and the South twenty-two ('-iJi feet of the
west halt of lot three (M) in block sixty-lour (t4,
all ,n the city of Weeping Water, Nebraska: and
lot eight h) in block one ill in Hector's addition
to the city of W eeping Water, all in Cass county,
Nebraska Said sale will remain open one hour.
Administratrix of the estate of Eugenia M. Thorn
gate. Byron Clark, & C. A. Kawls.
Attorneys for the estate.
Dated February 25th. 1'J7.
Notice of Indebtedness.
The Plattsmouth Gas & Electric Light com
pany, a corporation organized under the laws of
the state of Nebraska.
The Plattsmouth Gas & Electric Light com
pany hereby gives notice that the following is the
list ana amount ot all the existini
sting debts ot said
corp-ir ttion on the 1st day
of rebruai
ry, A. D.
lr.'i. namely:
First mortgage, 6 per cent bonds of the
Plattsmouth Gas & Electric Light
company, interest payable semi-an-
nimllu lunA 1 ami IW.,mU, 1 O. r.V t
Accrued interest on same 30O uO I 1 h north half of lots one and two (1 and 2) in
Bins payable lo' block twenty-seven f'7) in the city of Platts-
Taxes 2ut( " ( mouth, Cass county, Nebraska; also, part of lot
releven 11 in section seven I , township twelve
.... $3o 5i 4j . 1 12 1, range fourteen 14 1. in Cass county, Ne
This notice is given in'c'ompii'ance with the pro- , oraska. containing one acre more or less and de
visions of chaper lrt of the compiled statutes of ( scribed as follows: Part of the portion of lot
the state of Nebraska. !elevenllj being and Ivnng south of the road
J. G. RirHEY. President.
S. B. Hovev. Treasurer.
C, D. JUNKS, Secretary.
Majority of Directors.
Legal Notice.
In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska
Chanes C. I armele, as receiver
of the Citizens Bank of Platts
nioutli, Nebraska,
Marv A. Miller and Harry L.
Mary A. Miller and Harry L
MilUr r!ff..nft.
s. will take notice that on the 6th dav ol Feb-
ry. A. D. 1HH7. Charles C. Parmele. as re
ceivcr of the Cituens bank of Plattsmouth. plain- j
titt herein, hied his petition in the district court!
oi t. ass county. Nebraska, against said defend- j
ants, the object and prayer ot which are to fore- f
close a certain mortgage executed by the defend
ants to P. J. Hansen, and by said Hansen sold I
siguea to me Citizens bank of Platts
iiiuuwi. -NeDrasica,
ie amount found
ou are required to answer said peti:ion on or
before Monday, the iithday of April. A. D 1K97.
Dated this 16th day ol February. A. D "lsi"
Chas. C . Parmele. Receiver.
By his attorneys, Byron Clark and C A. Kawls.
upon the tollowini? described ! rhrti! innrla-j- rlntd on the Mh dav ol lune. I. 1 -.nMnrt.rl for tiu hnHr nnrf nmvpni
real estate, to-wit: i ,m, ..,.. .... ' i..-. j.ij ; n; ii, , I! V i - ,
,ltUl ,..f . , . f l luij ivu i , mm uuiy meu in onn-c - u.v tncew reaaers. tuci au quBsiiun received are
nnm 'ir ..: ,,. ,e &9ulhw--st corner of lot I clerk of t'ass county. Nebraska, on the nth day of U answered in rotation, oh promptly and lully as
shin t.- v rs',i' lntsectlor eighteen, in town-t une. iwft. and executed by Joseph H. Hall to fi jacticable.
c uiitv viL ranRe ,u"fteen. in Cass i Major A. Hall to secure the payment of the sum V jvrt: T he BAZAR is a notable picture-gallery.
hnndr.1 a,i thiri unmnS thence north one of, with interest at 10 per cent from June 5, T. reproducing the most beaatiiul works ol Aiueri
a,l ' r , l nve leet. thence east rifty-two j and upon which there is now due the sum of ! aa and foreign artists, as presented in the
thirtv tiv. font th ,ence soth one hundred and ( ir,.-i. default having been made in the pavment h annual Paris and New Vork exhibitions. Wit
half L, t io il, .n ,CJ .Uest titty-two and one- j of said sum. and no suit or other proceeding at R humor. F;verybody turns for a furarty laugh
ravment of a retain f '-'eKmng. to secure the Jaw having been instituted to recover said debt or P xo the BAZAR'S hist page.
t nib It Tl?"4 thnFnJ'ITiP. note dated SeP" I ay Part thereof, therefore I will se,l the property t Aa all-round woman's uaper-W Lat more ap-VmJ..U-''u?.
Su.m.!1-1-.50- ad due and therein described as follows, to-wit: Lady's 1S1 R oDriate giit can be made to wile, daughter or
Ih.'r." is nnw Htij i iw.j.itirti Jay mare on, Mima m, awnci
ersu'mno? 1Sf.P??fl?-Vt and mortgage old" star, rupture; Or. Oaks. ,
7itVl X,. 1. ' :arcn. A. D. lM.:that 1 llav Mare Colt: Alma Sue. sorrel mare, six years I -isjer than a subscription to HARPEiC S BA
n( , " J " :."-r lnero" at the J points, rive years oia: iNeuie tsv
oi SeDtem$r A Pf-S ?, I'-'T tne 10th dav vearso Id. star in forehead; Kit C
fl.F.MIrtr:-j . '"Shich sum with in ! ytar in forehead, five years old;
., ij'amim prays a decree that ! 1-11 and 1HH1 black mare colts
uc.cuuaa oe reuuireo. xo pay the same, or that 1 v.. old. star in forehead: I
saia premises De so.a (osatisiy ti
Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska, )
Cass County. )ss
In the matter of the estate of Ilershey
Shopp, deceased.
Notice is hereby riven that the claims nnd
demands of all persons against liershey
Mi odd. deceased, late or saia county at.u
state, will he received, examined and &d
justeU by the county court at the court
house at l latlsmoutn, ou toe tn aay oi
September. A. I). 18l7, at 9 o'cloctr in the
forenoon. And that six months front and
after the tith day of March, A. I). 1st'". 11 the
time limited for creditors or said deceased
to present their claims for examination and
Given undermy hand and seal ttalsOtli day
of rebru.iry. A. I. 1W.
(Seal) George M. Spcrlock,
County Judge.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by George
F. Houseworth, clerk of the district court, within
and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, 1 will on the 6th day of March, A. I)..
lst7, at 11 o'clock p.m. of said day, at the south
door of the court house in the city of Flatts
mouth, in said county, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder lor cash, the following real estate
Lots eleven 11) and twelve (li) in block
twelve (12) in Tompson's addition to the city of
t'lattsmouth in Cass county, Nebraska, together
with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto
belonging or in anywise appertaining. The same
being levied upon and taken as the property of
I'eter Carlson and Mathilda Carlson, delendants;
to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by
the Pioneer Savings and Loan company, of Min
neapolis, Minn., plaintitt; against said delend
ants, Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Feb, 1, A. D. 197.
Harvey Hollowav,
Sheriff Cass county, Nebraska.
Slieriirs Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by George
F. Houseworth, clerk of the district court, within
and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected. 1 will on the oth day of March, A. U.
197, at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south
door ol the court house in the city of Plattsmouth
in said county, sell at public auction, to the
highest bidder for cash, the following real estate,
Lots numbered 85, 86. &S and 89 in the west
halt ot the northeast quarter ot section Id, town
I-'. north in range 13, in Cass county, Nebraska,
excepting 9 ltf-lOu acres deeded to John F.
Beaumister, and 13 J7-H)0 acres deeded to the
Omaha Southern Railway conipanv, the said
land containing 47 17-100 acres, together wilh
the privileges and appurtenances thereunto be
longing or in anywise appertaining. The same
being levied upon and taken as the property ol
William H, Shater, defendant; to satisfy a judg
ment of said court recovered by Katherine K.
Walker, plaintitt; against William H. Shafer, et
al, defendants.
Plattsmouth. Neb.. February 1. A. D. lSfr".
Harvey Holloway,
Sheriff, Cass county, Nebraska.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by George
F. Houseworth. clerk of the district court within
and for Cass county, Nebraska, an'd to me di
rected, I will on the -Oth day of March. A. I).
1897, at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south
door of the court house in the city of Plattsmouth
in said county, sell at public auction, to the high
est bidder for ..ash. the following lauds and tene
ments to-wit:
The north two-thirds fJ of lot five 5J; the
north two-thirds 1J of lot six 6, and the south
one-third VeJ of lots rive and six and tJ all in
block twenty-nine 1 29, in the city of Plattsmouth,
Cass county, Nebraska, together with the privi
leges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or
in any wise appertaining, the same being levied
upon and taken as the property of George P.
Weidman and wife Kmma Weiuman, et al, de
fendants to satisfy a judgment of said court
recovered by Peter J. Hansen, administrator ot
the estate of J. M. Schnellbacher, deceased, plain
titt against said defendants.
Plattsmouth, Neb., Feb. 17. A. I)., 1S97.
Harvey Holloway.
Sheriff. Cass county. Nebraska.
Legal Notice.
To Simpson C. Bethel and Maria Howard, non
resident defendants.
You and each of you will take notice that on
the 11th day of February, 1S!7. Andalatia Critten
den, hied his petition in district court of Cass
county, Nebraska, against you. the object and
prayer of which are to cancel and set aside a cer
tain deed, and the record thereof, purporting to
have been executed by the defendant, Simpson C.
Bethel, to the defendant. Maria Howard, to lots
57 and 573 in the village ol Greenwood, Cass
county, Nebraska, and to quiet the title in and to
said lots in the plaintiff Andalatia Crittenden.
You are required to answer said petition on or
before the 29th day of March. 1897.
By Eeeson & Root, his attorneys.
Sotice of Sale.
In the district court of Cass county. Nebraska,
in the' matter ol tbe estate of David V. Ml ler,
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an
order of the Hon. Basil S. Ramsey, judge of the
district court of Cass county, Nebraska made on
the tith. day of February lfcl7. for the sale of the
eal estate hereinafter described there will be
sold at the south door of the court house in
1'lattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, on the
13th. day of March 1XV7 at 10 o'clock A. M. of
said day at public vendue to the highest bidder
for cash the following real estate to-wit:
The south half of lot five i J in the southwest
quarter of the southeast Quarter of section
twenty I'lu township twelve l2 range nine ISM
east of the 6th P. M. containing five acres, and
the south half of the southeast quarter and the
south twenty acres ot the north haif of the south
east quarter ol section thirty-three 331 township
twelve 1121 ranee nine ISM east of the 6th i M.
containing one hundred acres all in Cass county,
Nebraska, said sale to remain open one lionr.
Dated Feb. ltt. 1897.
C. S. Polk, attorney lor administrator.
M anson E. Miller.
Administrator of the Estate of David W. Millec,
Notice of Sale.
In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate Ql William W. Conn,
Whereas pursuant to an order of the Hon.
Basil S. Ramsey, judge of the district court, the
following described property was ottered tor sale
ou the aoth day of June. l-yt. at 10 o'clock a. m.
of said day and was not sold for want ot bidders,
now, therefore.
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an or
der of the Hon. Basil S. Kamsev, judge of the
district court of Cass county, Nebraska, made on
the yth day of May. lbittt. for the saie of the real
estate hereinafter described there will be sold at
the south door ot the court house in Platts
mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, on the 13th. dav
ot March 1M7 at lu o'clock A, M ., of said day at
public vendue to the highest bidder for cash the
following real estate, to-wit:
Lot nineteen (111) Jones' tirst addition to the
village or tireenwoocl and lots :12B and :ty7 in the
vil age of Greenwood ail in Cass county, Ne
braska said sale to remain open jne hour.
John F. Polk
Administrator of the Estate of Wiiliam W".
Conn, deceased.
C. S. Poi.K.
Attorney for Administrator,
Date February lfith. 17.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an exeuction issued by George F.
Houseworth, clerk of the district court within
and for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me di
rected, I will on the Oth day of Alarch A. l.
iv.ii, at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south
door of the court house iu the city ol Platts
mouth, in said county, sell at public auction to
the biggest bidder for cash, the lollowing lands
2.11ft t PllHlllPIl t S tO-Wlt:
' numoer seventy-tnree ii-si as louna surveyed and
platted in the road records o: Cass county, Ne-
orasica. on page w. section 7. township 12. range
14, as surveyed and platted of record.commencing
at the west corner of said lot and running east
to the northeast corner, thence south far enough
to make three quarters of an acre: also all that
part of lot eleven 111 lying and being situate
; and adjoining the south side of the X acre tract
j above described, containing one-fourth acre, to
j gether with the privileges and appurtenances
j thereunto belonging or in si ny wise appertaining,
i The same being levied upon and taken as the
i Cullough, first name unknown, delendants. to
jjioncny oi r.uzaDem iuci unougn ana .a u. ic-
i aJisf'. a judgment of said court recovered by
1 J0'1'1 L lsh plaintiff, against said defendants.
r laiismoutn, iseurasKa. rtu. ii. a., lj. ii,
Harvey Holloway.
Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska.
( battel Mortgage Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue ot a
bay mare, dark
y. bay mare, nve
Larson, bay mare,
isaie rveiciiuin s
; sorrel marc, inree
i .i
ieht hav .narR. four
years old; and one horse mule, nve years old,
livery barn in the city of Plattsmouth. in the
county ol Cass and staw ol Nebraska, on the lMh
vlay of March, lH'.rr, at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day.
Dated February 19. 1W,
Maio a Haul, Mortgagee.
hps i tn
i ii m Leoer l
C. C. PARMELE, Receiver.
Highest cash price paid for wheat, and the
best flour ever made in Nebraska given in
Custom work specially cared for. Give
the new management a trial and you will
buy now other flour.
Ask Your Dealer For Cedar Creek Flour.
Harper's Magazine
IN 1897
FICTION: "The Martian," the new novel by
Du Maurier, the eagerly expected successor to
Trilby," begun in October number, 1S96. wilh
illustrations from the author's drawings. A new
novel by Frank R. Stockton developing a
Twentieth Century Renaissance full of humor
ous situations and characteristically illustrated. ;
"A Pair of Patient Lovers," by William Dean
Howells. Other striking novelettes by American
authors. Short stones by Mai k Twain, Thomas
Nelson Page, Richard Harding Davis, Owen
W'ister. John Kendrick Bangs, Ruth McEuery
Stuart, Octave Thanet, Mary E. Wilkins, and
other popular writers.
SCIENCE: Story of the Progress of Science
during the Nineteenth Century, a series of pa
pers by Dr. Henry Smith Williams, supplemented
by contributions on special subjects by expert
scientists. Articles on the relations of curious
psychological manifestations to physiology by
Dr. Andrew Wilson.
Today," a series by Charles F. t.ummis, splendid
illustrated the result of a recent visit to Mexico
undertaken for HARPER S MAGAZINE. Mex
ico is preeminently a silver-producing country,
and its monetary operations rest entirely on a
silver basis. Owiug to the keen discussion of
certain economic problems in connection with is
sues ol urgent importance in American politics,
these papers, will command general attention.
"'American Historical Papers," by Woodrow Wil
son, John Bach MacMaster. and lames Barnes.
The true story ol "Sheridan's Ride," by Gen. G.
A. Forsyth. Continuation of I lowell's "Personal
Reminiscences'' ot eminent Americans.
AFRICA AND 1 HE EAST: "W lute s Man's
Africa," a fully illustrated seiies of papers by
Poultney Bigelow, the result of personal observa
tions during a recent trip to Allien, covering the
whole tielif of European exploitation of that
country. Illustrated articles by Stephen Bonsai
oe the transformations going on in " Eastern Si
beria." recently visited by tie author. "Hun
garian Sketches," written and drawn by F. Hop
xiuson Smith. Tho full story ol the recent
Coronatiou of the Czar, by Richard Harding
Davis, illustrated by K. Caton Woodville, who
"was commissioned by tjueen Victoria to paint a
picture of the ceremon.
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Harper's Weekly
IN 1897
With the end of 16 HARPER'S W EEKLY
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cutumand in the great political events of the
most interesting and important period iu the
.history of the country, and it has spread before
its readers the accomplishments of science, arts
and letters for the instruction of the human mind
and the amelioration ot human conditions and ol
What the WEEKLY has been in its spirit and
purpose, as these have been manifested princi
pally in its editorial pages, it will continue to be'
It is impossible to announce with precision all
mat the WEEKLY will contain during the year
lfiil. It were as easy to announce what is about
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trnvi-ruiiieiit are to be won. hat advances ol the
people a.e to be made, what is to be the outcome
nt tin- continuous struggle between the spirits ol
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mint in li thp siaie of Eurone twelvemonths
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revealed, or what are to be the achievements of
.ai-ts and letters, tor the WtLKLi is to be a
pictorial record of all
Cartoons will continue to be a feature.
Serial Stories: A .New imgiaud story by
Miss Mary Wilkins. wiil begin in January. A
lale ol a Greek uprising the Turks, by
Mr. E. F. Benson, the author of "Dodo." will
follow. A sequel to "The House-Boat on the
Styx," by Mr. John Kendrick Bangs, illustrated
by hit. Peter Neweii.
More Short Stories will appear in the
WEEKLY than it has been potaiole to publish
diiring liH.
Departments: Mr. W. D. Howell's "Life
and Letters" have beeu among the most charm
ing features of periodical literature; Mr. E. S.
Martin and others will contribute observations
on what is going on in "This Busy World;"
"Amateur Sport" will remain the most important
di partment of its kind in the country.
The W EEKLY will Continue to present to its
readers the world's news most interesting to
Au.ericaus. to make important advances in uoth
tho literary and artistic leatures, and to retain
lor itsell the leading- place in the illustrated
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Harper's Bazar
IN 1897
The BAZAK, a thoroughly up-to-date periodi
crl for women, will enter upon its Thirtieth
Volume in IK:7.
A-s a Fashion journal "it is unsurpassed, and
is hu indispen-sabje requisite tor every well-dre.-sed
woman. Katharine De Forest writes a
weekly letter on current lashioiis Irom Paris. In
.New York Fashions, and in the fortnightly pat-tern-sl
e.-t supplement, ladies rind fuil details, di
Tections, and diagrams for gowns, wraps, and
children's clothing. Sandoz, Baude, and Chapuis
draw and engrave the newest and hnest Parisian
designs every week.
The serials for lyjT will be: "The Red Bridge
Eeighborhood," by Maria Louise Pool; and
Father (Juinnallion, by Octave Thanet. Short
stories will be constantly presented by brilliant
-writers, among whoiu are Alary E. Wilkins,
.Harriet Prescott Spoltird. Marion Harland. Ruth
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Sutton Bri-coe.
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the Union will form a scries of special interest.
Other interesting features are "The Out-door
"Woman,"' devoted to healthful sports ud pas--times:
"Music, a weekly critical summary of
music in New York: "Amateur Theatricals."
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Etiquette." "Good Housekeeping. "What Giris
Are Doing," Current Social Events." and per
sonals gleaned from original sources.
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At dru;cit. Price 2 5 Certt.
The G. C. BITTNER CO., Toledo, O.
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In America. We have a HaHhIngtnn offlee.
PutentB taken through Munn it Co. receir
special notice in the
beantifullv Illustrated, lnreext circulation Of
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Physician and Surgeon
Calls promptly attended, either
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