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About Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1896)
THE SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS-HERALD, PLATTSMOUTH, NEB., DECEMBER 26,1896. ,V. N-;jjAYS AND SATURDAYS M. D. POLK, EDITOR DAILY EDITION. One Year, in advance, .... Six Months, D6 Week, Single Copies, . $5 00 . 2 50 10 5 SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION. One Year, in advance, .... $1 00 $ix Months 50 T.?-E LARGEST G1RGULAT10N Of any Cass County Paper. Senator Vest laid over has Cuban speech until after the holidays, when Grandma Spain may as well get off the earth, for when a Missouri senator gets after anything he don't rest until he accomplishes his task. A state meeting of Nebraska sher iffs begins in Lincoln this morning. A very large attendance is expected and a systeicized method of attending to the duties of these important officers will be discussed. Some needed leg islation will also come up for consider ation. EVEKY bill ITon. J. B. Strode has introduced in congress has been a sensible one and oe for the benefit of the people. He introduced one yes tarday u promote the safety of ship pers and employes upon railroads by compelling commom carriers to con nect their freight cars with safety ap pliances. The Chicago Inter Ocean thus speaks of Nebraska: "Two years ago Nebraska was suffering from a long drouth and the legislature appropri ated $150,000 for the relief of farmers, and there were prophets who foretold of the ruin of Nebraska. This year she reports her crop of corn alone at 3 -.0,0. 0.1 00 bushels. Nebraska is liatm to dUdste' s. bui it is :i great state." THE Dallas News accounts for it. It eays the hen tyat laid the egg that was thrown at Secretary Carlisle at Covington, carried Kentucky for sound money at the late election. This is going quite aways back for the final cause, but as it is complimentary to a very faithful and unostentatious friend of man, it will pass. That Kentucky' hen should be hunted up and the honors due her should be paid by a ra"pfuLpecple. State Journal. Chairman II ANNA, who has earned the hearty ill will of the popocrats, seems to rather like it and has taken charge of the national republican committee with a vim that bodes no rest for his political opponents. The committee has taken permanent quar ters in Washington as if entering upon another campaign, and we are promised the banner oi republican ism with sound money and protection as its motto will not be allowed to trail in the dust. The educational campaign begun feO auspiciously last June will continue. The senators who take a humane view of the Cuban war for liberty, have had their day in court, and it looks as though even if congress passed the "sympathy resolution" unanimously, ii wou'd amount to nothing; as it is evident, the matter of declaring Cuba independent, is purely an executive prerogative with which congress has no more to do than an average town council. While our sympathies are with the insurgents, yet we can not commend the .unstAtesmanship like course of the national senate. It looks too much like boys' play. Anthracite coal has been on the free list for years, and since it is all owned in this country by a trust or combine, the tariff could be of no pos sible help to the public generally. ID deed, it would be nothing short of an outrage to have a tariff at this time placed upon anthracite coal. If we could get this articlo from Canada or "Moxico,--which we are now being robbed of $10 per ton to pay for, at a less price, we ought to be allowed to do it. We want protection to Ameri can industries, but not to soulless trusts which have fattened on public necessities. Another trust could be crippled that of sugar if sugar were placed on the fiee list and a fair bounty paid to the producers in this country. There was nothing inherently im probable in the report of the murder of Maceo by the Spaniards, even be fore the intelligence came which seems to confirm the story, says the Globe-Democrat, This barbarity is in line with other Spanish crimes in the present and preceding uprisings in Cuba. Twenty-three years ago the world was horrified at the news of the slaying of General Canby and one or two companions by the Modocs while on a peace commission to these sav ages, but the latest reports show that Maceo's assassination was attended with features of infamy which were absent in the case of the American general's murder. The entire war in Cuba has been characterized on the part of the Spanish by crimes which recall the acts of Ghenghis Khan. This latest outrage shocks civilization and will take away from Spain the small amount of sympathy which Europe had for her in her struggle and will hasten Cuban recognition in the United States. The Modoc mur derers were hanged, and it is a pity that justice cannot be wreaked on Weyler and his companion barbarians who concocted or executed thia crime. COMES out as a protectionist. U .ited St ites Senator McEnery of Louisiana has startled his democratic breth:en of the old school by coining out boldly as a protectionist. He will work with the republicans on that issue and his vote in the senate may be all that is needed to secure proper legislation. Here is what he says: I realize, as many others now, that instead of running along with a deficit in the revenues, we should always have a surplus. There should always be a contingent fund, and the great government of the United States, with its wealth and progress, should not be confronted with a deficit in its public revenues, and should never offer an excuse of inability to pay promptly all obligations. If a hit,h tarfff will give the required or more thau the required amount of revenue I will favor a bill of that kind. 1 be lieve a United States senator should be for or against a measure on the high ground of its expediency or its benefit to the country. We realize in Louisiana the necessity for legislation that will build up and no- destroy the industries by which we live. Ther is no use disguising the fact. Lo'iie iana favors legislative protection for its industries, and I will support a measure that will give Louisiana he share." The "ego" element of Grover Cleve land continues to assert itself, and h seems to take great pride in showing totbewoild that ho has as mucl power even in a republic as any mon arch in Europe. The wisdom of th senate and congress of the United States are as nothing iti the opinion of the president, as compared with hi own transcendent ability. While Olney is right as to the executive pre rogative, yet it is a disgrace to th whole country thitthe governmen refuses to show a spirit of sympathy for those who are placed in bondage thousand times worse than ours ii 1770 when France came to our rescue Senator Thurston visited Chair man llanna at Cleveland yesterday, it is said, to get his recommendation for M. II. De Young of San Francisco for the position of postmaster-general Mr. De Young is editor and proprietor of the San Francisco Chronicle and a better man for this position has not been named. The cau-its of the recent earthquake in England has been attributed to the fact that Mr. Bayard walked too close to the edge of the island and came near tipping them all in the sea. Grover had Delter get his obsequiou ainister home a soon as possible, lest we are beset with new international compli cations. Secretary Hert.ert says the bat tleship Texas is all right, and that settles it, remarks an exchange. If the pumps are not worked too hard it will settle itself. INFORMATION ANU OPINIONS. Some of the newspapers are advo cating the pensioning of the darkey who took a razor and broke up an Un cle Tom's Cabin show at St. Louis the other day. - Remarkably ingenious improve meats have been made in the mode of manufacturing gas, by A-hich, in many points of England and on the continent, the price of delivered gas has fallen to 70 and GO and even as low as 40 or 50 cents per 1,000 feet. The possibilities of fuel gas under New methods of generation are hardly less than those which the new incandescent system (the Wei abac h and other burners) have provided for its illuminating brother. Several companies are now seeking a franchise in New York city, one of them offering to furnish fuel gas at 50 cents per 1,000 feet to householders and at 3o cents to large manufacturers, while paying $100,000 for the franchise, and after five years 3 per cent on the net business is to go to tho city. Washington Star. A Michigan girl wagered 1,0C0 kisses on Mr. Bryan, that is, she bet on Bryan and her lover was to get the kis-ses. Tho payment of the debt pro gressed smoothly until a dispute arose as to whether the count had reached D!)7 or 90S There being no referee, a recount was acceded by both parties. A man purp rting to be a mission ary btarted from Council Bluffs a few weeks ago to wheel a barrow ncroi-s the country, holding evangelical meet ings alone the way. His destination was Capo Town, Africa, but in Ohio he was arrested for holding up a woman, and now he will be given a chance to convert the prisoners in the state pen. And "December's as pleasant as May."said the song writer who doubt less had reference to Nebraska. Farm for Sale. 240 acre farm three miles from Plattsmoutb, one mile from Mynard, Cass county, Neb. First-class im provements consisting ot a good nine room house, large barn, cattle sheds, corn cribs, granaries, out buildings, young bearing orchard. All under plow and well fenced and cross fenced. Running water. Price, $45 per acre. Terms, one third cash, balance on time at low rate interest. T. H. Pollock, Agent, Plattsmoutb, Neb. Take Notice. We are now prepared for taking in horses and colts for pasturing by the month. Wm. and A. A. Wetenkami DeWitt's Witch Hazef 5al v6 Cures Pile. Scalds. Burns. DEDUCING RUBBER. HOW ARTICLES OF USE ARE MADE FROM THIS VALUABLE PRODUCT. A Long List From Kubber Hands to Sur gical Supplies An Interesting Descrip tion of How Bulbs For Syringes and Atomizers Are Made. Rubber is one of the most Btaple and useful articles id modern use. There are but few uses to which the wonderful product cannot be put. It can be made as pliable as putty or as hard a9 wood, and is just as adapted for use as a hair pin as for a golf ball or a waterproof jacket. Few people, however, are as fa miliar with the process of manufacture as with the product itself. The larger part of our rubber goods comes from Brazil, which is the great est rubber producing country in the world. Here, of course, rubber workers handle their elastic material with an ease and celerity which is a revelation to the man who has wasted the greater part of a forenoon trying to mend a hole in his punctured tire. Although the larger part of rubber manufacturing is done by machinery there is still consid erable doue by hand. In making np goods for druggists, stationers and sur gical supplies the best grades of Para rubber, the best in the world, are gen erally used. - The ordinary commercial rubber ia gray, but its coloring is an easy matter. This is done by mechanically mixing with the rubber, after it is was-hed and dried, different kinds of pigments ox ide of zino for white, lampblack for black, golden sulphuret of antimony for yellow and vermilion for red. The rub ber mixed with the pigment is run through heavy Bteam heated rollers into thin sheets. The making of rubber bands i.s a sim ple process. Thin sheets of pure gum are wrapped around a form until it is shaped into a flat tnle cf the required thickness. This tube is then vulcanized, when it is shipped off the form and run through a machine, which cuts it cress wise into Btrips. Rubber erasers contain finely pow dered pumice stone or t niery dust. Tl: abrasive niutenals are mixed with ti:o rubber mechanically, which is then molded into shape and vulcanized un der steam heat. One of the most interesting processes in the manufacture cf rubber goods ia that of lulbs. Long bulbs, such as pyr inges and atomizers, are made from two pieces of rubber, but round bulbs, such as pumps and balls, are made from three pieces. For cutting the rubber line or galvanized iron patterns arc used. Considerable care is necessary in this, as the strength of the seam de pends upon the smooth fitting of the edges. The three parts for hollow bi lls may, however, be cut with a die. It ..;e bulb has a neck, small pegs cf iron are first prepared by being cemented and wound with strips of rubber as a tin cleus.- After the rubber is cut into the proper parts it is then brushed with cement the whole length of the skived edges and thoroughly heated. The bulbmaker then takes the softened rubber, and tak ing a prepareel peg places the nick on one piece on ere side of the rubber core and another i:i ek piece on the op posite side, then presses them firmly to gether, and, rolling the whole tube shaped piece between thumb and fore finger, has finished the neck of the bulb. The next process is that of knitting the edges which form the seam. This is done by holding the finished neck to ward the operator in his left hand. while with the thumb and forefinger of the light lie pinches the (.dges firmly together for nearly the whole distance around. Into the side apertnre, which is left open, is poured a little water or liquid ammonia. The opening is then made still smaller, and as a final touch the maker puts his lips to the orifice and blows full and hard into the bulb. The softened rubber under this pressure ex pands, the flattened shape is lost in a fuller and more rounded outline, while the operator, with a quick nip of his teeth, closes the opening, the imprisoned air and water holding tho sides apart in symmetrical corpulency. The partly made bnlb is now passed on to the turners, who, armed with scis sors with curved blades, carefully circle the seams, cutting away all unevenness, till the whole exterior is ready for the mold. The bulbs, as soon as they leave the trimmers' hands, are laid in shallow pans filled with chalk. When taken from here, they are carefully dusted with talc, bo that the rubber will not adhere to the inside of tho mold. A mold worker then takes one-half of the mold in his left hand and with his right gently forces a bulb into it, capping it with the eecoud half. Each bulb, if the pattern worker is skillful, will fit its mold; otherwise the finished bulb is apt to be imperfect. The molds are run upon small tracks into the vulcanizer. After they have been cured a sufficient time the vulcan izt rs are opened and the cans are run under an ordinary shower bath, which quickly cools them. They are then un keyed, the molds twisted open and the bulbs taken out. If tho work be well done, the swelling of the liquid within its rubber prison has exerted bo intense a force that every lino and letter within the mold is reproduced upon the outside of the bulb, while the sulphur, combin ing with the heat, accomplishes the vulcanization. The final process takes place in the cylind( r room, where in slowly revolv ing ti.mllii:g barrels the bulb undergoes a there ugh m curing. When taken out of the cylii lis, the dirty yellow color which tie lulls bore on leaving the mold has riiusppoared, and they are now smooth, Liu-and finished. The neck being er.t ill ti e required length, the bulb is ready ler marketer for the vari ous fittings which accompany it as ad juncts to the syrii:ge or atomizer. Rochester Union and Advertiser. Wanted to Ituy. Eighty acres Improved land near Plattsmouth. T. H. Pollock. Wanted 80 acres iranroved lnnrt within reasonable distance of Platts mouth. Inquire of M. S. Brimr p O. Box 907. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. .K o!h y!h TTSr 3 fc, tf ttf3 X u u " " YOU ARE IHVITBD To make your Christmas purchases of us because we have the goods at the right prices and are anxious to serve you. You can buy fine ?k Watdies, GtoGks, Jewelry. A FINE MUSIC BOX Will be given FREE to to some one. Every purchase of Si entitles you to a ticket. Drawing January 15, '97. And all cheaper than you have ever bought them before. "Balk- watches made to work." B. A. FTEL-WAIN, THE LEADING JEWELER. V Po GW CyO V PEARLMaN THE OLD RELIABLE DEALER IN FURNITURE Has a larger stock than ever which must be sold and he has made prices that will sell the goods. FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS Nothing "is nicer than an Easy Chair, an ele gant Picture; or a cOnvGnfent-VVUnDesk Pearlman has them thing to it. He has the sole agency for the best Stove on earth, the GOLD in all sizes and designs. No other house in Cass county carries half so large a stock and none can compete on prices, as he pays cash for his goods. YOU ARE... Specially Invited to call and see our prices. No trouble to ber the place. I. PEARLMAN, Opp. Court House. Sterling Silver Novelties m AAA We have them in artistic designs. A complete new line Silverware just received in latest shapes. Anything- 3011 want for the Iloldays in Silveware or Jewelry may be found at our Store. A complete Stock. AAA S3 4 JOHN COLEMAN, One Door West of Pepperberg's. : Plattsmouth, Neb. Mr. C. M. Dixon, a well known merchant of Pleasant Ridge, Fulton Co., PaM has a little girl who is fre quently threatened with croup, but when the first symptoms appear, his wifo gives her Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which always affords prompt relief. The 2o and 50 cent sizes for sale by all druggists. y ytv -dh cK j& i2a. "ll" ' V V J0 X ell, .ja Silver Novelties, Etc., Etc NORTH SIDE MAIN-ST. C'O (??h (?T"3 GO (sfo c'Vj 6S ty'-a fcjfS fci fcp fcyS cija to give away or nex COIN" splendid stock and get show good. Remem - PlaUsiiiouflt, Neb. Make Lovely Presents m m m j After hearing some friends continu I ally praising Chamberlain's Colic, j Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, j Curtis Fleck, of Anaheim, California, i purchased a bottle of it for his own ' use and is now as enthusiastic over its wonderful work as anyone can be. Tho 2-5 and 50 cent sizes for sale by all druggisss. for Infants and Children. THIRTY yeart' obaervatton of Castoria with the ptt.trnngof millions of peron, permit w to speak of it without gnesalng. It is nnqnestionaMy the best remedy for Infanta and Children the world ha ever known. It U harmle. Children liho iIt gives them health. It will save their live.. In it Mothers have something W1"t1y safe and practically perfect aia child's medicine. Castoria destroys "Worms. Castoria allays Teverishnegs. Castoria prevents vomiting Scnr Cnrd. Castoria c tire a Diarrhoea and Wind Collo. Castoria relieves Teething Trophies. Castoria enres Constipation and flatulency. Castoria nentralizeo the effects of carbonic acid gas or poisonons air. Castoria does not contain morphine, opium, or other narcotio property. Castoria assimilates the food, rcgnlates tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy and nattiral Bleep. Castoria is pnt Tip in nr.o-y'ze bottles only. It is not sold in bnlk. Don't allow any cne to sell yon anything else on the plea or promise that It is "jnt as good" and "will answer every purpose." See that yon p-ct C-A-S-T-O-H-I-A . The facsimile signatnre of Children Cry for PC of the LEHNHOFF BROS 14-inch Kid doll, . j' Shoe; stockings... 25 jj Larg-e blackboards 25 1,000 cloth books. 17 Toy books, 5c to. SI 00 j Games, 5c to 4 00 Doll buggies 25 Hobbr horses, up. 1 00 Doll beds 25 ' Tea sets, 10c to. .. 1 00 Photo frames 10 ;j Photo albums, 25c. 6 00 JJifiriC!, A mQ We Have the EVER I LEHNHOFF BOS 3 E BIG BOOK STORE. 2 FOR THE L. B. XHi GROCER Has put in a splendid and beautiful Chinaware, also Confectionery of all kinds. Egenberger's is recognized as headquarters for fresh Groceries, choice Green and Dried Fruits, Canned Goods and other articles usually Grocery store. A fine line of Tinware and Woodenware kept in stock. L. B. EGENBERGER, Lower Main Street. is on every wrapper. Pitcher's Castoria. eet son.. AT Toilet sets, SI to.. 10 00 Brass candle sticks, 25c to . Glass medallions 25c to Mirrors, 25c to. 3 75 3 75 5 00 Briar pipes, up to. 4 00 Meerschaum pipes, up to. . . . 6 00 Fountain pens up to 4 00 And manv others. l$nsUct&9 ...ioodctN. A A A - C -wO Largest Stock SHOWN, TMDE line of fancy Lamps kept in a first-class Hattamnnfi, wt HOLIDAY w vmaaa W V VAA A.V J KJ