Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, November 16, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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. - ' .7
Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of
all in leavening strength. Latest United states
Government Food Report.
Miss Lizzie Eikenbary visited
friends in Omaha today.
D. S.- Guild and little son were sight
seerera in Omaha today.
Misses Amelia and Tillio Valleiy
were Omaha visitors today.
The 'ehawka gun club had a biff
shooting tournament at that place to
day. Cliff Wescott come down from Lin
coln last evening, to spend Sunday
with his parents.
Captain II. E. I'almer of Omaha
was in the city today -looking after
some business matters.
I toy Britt was in the city today in
consultation with Dr. T. I. Livings
ton, he having very poor health at
Judge B. S. Ramsey adjourned court
at Nebraska City yesterday until Mon
day and came home to spend Sunday
with his family.
CaptaiD Billingsby of Lincoln was
in town today taking depositions in
the damage case against tho Rock It
land railroad resulting from the big
wreck near Lincoln in
Wilmorc Cotnstock, a prominent
young ati rney of Lincoln and chair
man of the judiciary committee of the
city council, was in the city today tho
guest of U. Guy Livingston.
Jack Denson is doing more travel
ling nowadays than anybody. lie has
been in about every town in the county
this week and departed early this
morning to serve some more papers.
Smith Ilines was in town today re
lating a tale of woe to County Attor
ney Polk in regard to his recent scrap
down near Union. Frank Albin and
William Clarence, whom he claims
assaulted him, will have a hearing at
Union next Tuesday.
Henry Richmond, editor of the Red
Cloud Nation, a populist paper, who
served in the capacity- of city editor
of the Herald in this city under the
regime of Blanchard &; I'otter, was an
over-night visitor in town, returning
to his home this afternoon.
S. A. Davis of Piattsmouth and J.
XI. Adams of Chicago were in Glen
wood Monday and on yesterday Super
intendent J. G. McIIugh and J. L.
Root, of the school board of the
former city, were in town visiting
the public schools. The Piattsmouth
people are discussing a change in
their reading text books. Glen wood
Billy Weber went out to Cedar
Creek and Louisville to deliver some
of his cigars, which are becoming
famous, and while at the latter place
his team got loose and started home.
The horses arrived safely at Uncle
Jake Vallery's p'.ace last night, where
they were taken care of, not having
damaged the buggy or harness in tho
least. Billy came in on the train to
day, right side up with care.
Mrs. Charles Fry and daughter cf
Lincoln are visiting friends in the
Claus Breckenfeld, the Cedar Creek
miller, was looking after business in
the city today.
Charles Graves, tho ex-cditor ar.d
attorney of Union was a business visi
tor in Piattsmouth today.
Mr. aud Mrs. C. A. Rawlsare enjoy
ing a visit from the former's mjther,
who resides at Glenwood.
Hans Frahm is the happiest man
in town as a result of a boy bihy
which arrived Saturday night.
Mrs. II. G. Taylor ana mother, and
Mrs. Purdy, will spend the holidays
at Piattsmouth. Alliance Grip.
Miss Lizzie Carstens came down
from Omaha Saturday for a visit with
relatives. She returned Sunday morn
ing. John II. Weaver and Winnifred
for rcsistir disease thin people, nerveless, delicate!
The fooJ. for all such men, women, or children is Scott's
Emulsion. 'I he hypophosphites combined with the oil
will tone up the system, give the blood new life, improve
the appetite and heip digestion. The sign of new life will
be a fattening and reddening, which brings with it strength,
comfort and good-nature.
Be turtycu ct StolC i Emulsion tt krn yon want it and net m tktaf sulttitutt.
Scott & Bowne, New York, ah Druggists. 5oc. and $i.
Slade secured license to wed in county
court today. Tho former is a resident
of this county and the latter resides in
Ot( e.
G. L. F irloy gave a, talk at the
Young People's Society of Christian
Endeavor meeting at the United
Bretheren church south of town Sat
urday evening.
Dr. E. W. Cook was taken quite lit
Saturday night and was obliged to re
remain at his home during Sunday,
but was able to be out todnv. He had
an attack of tonsilitis.
Sheriff nolloway departed today for
Julesburg, Col., and on his return
will visit Lincoln, Hayes and Thayer
counties In this state, on business in
relation to 'the sale of the Hendee
real estate.
Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Badgley start
Friday night for the east. They will
stop at Plattsmsuth for a day or so on
their way to Valparaiso. Ind., and
Jackson, Mich. They will be gone
for about a month. Alliance Times.
Edith Neligh, who attempted to
take her own life by the laudanum
route Saturday afternoon, is so far re
covered as to be entirely out of danger
and seems to be pretty well satisfied
with the termination of her rasa act.
An order was issued from police
court that Lulu Ramge would either
pay her fine or leave town. She
sent word this morning that she
would leave town, but later recon
sidered the matter and notified the
authorities she would pay up and re
main with us.
The teachers' meeting held in Su-
Ierintendent Farley's office Saturday
afternoon was well attended, it being
necessary to borrow chairs from all
over the building to seat the crowd.
Professor McUugh's talk on "Teach
ing as a Profession," elicited great in
terest. I here were many other in
teresting ana instructive features of
the rreeting.
From tho amount of wheat that is
being unloaded at Ileisel's mill it
would indicate that this v-rt of Ne
braska was not so 6low on wheat
growing as it might be, and it is or
a good quulity. They are paying 60
cents per busheL Ileisel's mill is
about the busiest place in the city at
the present time. They are running
extra time to supply the demand for
their Hour.
The wife of a respected resident of
West Vine street "took on" too much
Saturday night and fell down and cut
her face. This angered her and she
came down town and reported to tho
police that her husband had admin
istered a trouncing to her, but upon
investigation it was found to bo a mis
take, that the wounds she carried were
the result of falling.
Fred Kroehler is willing to retract
all the bad things he has eaid about
how tough times would be in case the
free silver scheme was knocked out,
as he is now enjoying a period of pros
perity that is unprecedented. The
colonel is now enabled to carry into
practice a project he has been figur
ing, on for several years that of
poultry raising having just complet
ed the erection of a large poultry
yard which covers a large portion of
his premises. He contemplates rais
ing, to a large extent, campaign
birds, and will have them crow for
republicanism entirely.
The Turnverein Elect O dicers.
At tho meeting of the Piattsmouth
Turnverein society at their hall yes
terday the following officers were
elected for the ensuing vear:
President J. P. Sattler.
Vice president William Weber.
Recording secretary Joe Drucker.
Corresponding secretary Chris
Treasurer Fred Ebinger.
Financial secretary C. Wohlfarth.
First turnwort Emil Wurl.
Second turnwort George Koehnke.
Trustees William Hasler, Joe
Fetzer and Hans Frahm.
Committee on entertainment Fred.
Ebinger,J. P. Saltier and Paul Gering.
John Lulz was selected as musical
leader for tho year.
Sokols Elect Officers.
The T. J. Sokol Turner society, at
their meeting yesterday, elected the
following officers:
President M. Bajek.
Vice-president J. PoleceK.
Recording secretary E. Ptak.
Financial secretary O. Matous.
Treasurer A. Kanka.
Janitor Ed. Donat.
Trustee James Rebal.
Instructor J. Swobcda.
Marshal V. Volf.
Committee on entertainment Will
Holy, Emmons Ptak and Frank Ptak,
Tho length of life may bo increased
by lessening its dangers. The ma
jjority of people died from lung
j troubles. These may he averted by
( promptly usdng One Minute Cough
, Cure. F. G. Fricke &. Co.
the food for all such.
" How many pale folk
there are ! People who
have the will, but no power
to bring out their vitality;
people who swing like
a pendulum between
strength and weakness
so that one day's wrork
causes six days' sickness!
People who have no life
knows it is without an equal.
g The N. K. Fairbank
Recovered the Team.
Ben W. Pittman, of Nehawka,
passed through the city last evening
enroute home from Kansas, where be
went to secure one of the teams of
horses that was stolen from him while
in the livery business at Syracuse
some eighteen months ago. He went
before JuJgo Eaton and swore out a
warrant for ths thief on the charge of
stealing a buggy and a team of horses.
The man is now serving out a five
year sentence in the penitentiary at
Lincoln and as soon as he is released
Ben proposes to be on hana to see that
he is arrested and made to suffer an-i
other term for stealing his liorses.
Nebraska City News.
Of unusual interest to every reader
of this paper is tho announcement
made elsewhere in this issue by the St.
Louis Globe-Democrat, unquestionably
the greatest of American newspapers.
The mail subscription price of tho
Daily and Sunday Globe-Democrat is
reduced at one blow, from twelve to
six dollars a year, placing it within
the reach of all who desire to read any
daily paper during the comming great
national campaign. The Weekly
Globe-Democrat remains at one dollar
a year, but is issued in Semi-Weekiy
sections of eight pages each, making
practically a large semi-weekly paper
This issue is just the thing for the fur
mar, merchant or professional man
who has not the time to read a daily
paper but wishes to Keep promptljand
thoroughly posted. It is made tup
with especial reference to tho wants of
every member of tne tamily, noi out
giving all the news, but also a great
variety of interesting and instructive
reading matter of all kinds. Write
for free tampie copies toGLOlse I'kint-
ing Co., St. Louis, Mo.
Don't be persuaded into buying
liniments without reputation or merit
Chamberlain's Pain Balm costs no
more, and its merits have beetr pro
ven by a test or many years, aucn
letters as the following, from L. G.
Bagley, Hueneme, Cai., ar e constantly
being received: "The best remedy
for pain I have ever used is Chamber
lain's Pain Balm, and I say so after
having used it in my family for sev
eral years." It cures rheumatism,
lame back, sprains and swellings. For
sale by all druggists.
English Spavin Liniment removesal
Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and
Blemishes from horses. Blood Spavins,
Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Iling-Bonc,
Stifles, Sprains, all Swoolen Throats,
Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one
bottle. Warranted tho most wonder
ful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by
F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists, Piatts
mouth. How to l'revent I'lieuiiioiila
At this time of lhe year a co'.d is
very easily contracted, and if left to
run its course without the aid of some
reliable cough medicine is liable to
result in that dread disease, pneumonia
We know of no better remedy to cure
acough or cold than Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. Wo have used it
quite extensively and it has always
given entire satisfaction. Olagah,
Ind. Ter. Chief.
This is the onlj- remedy that is
known to be a certain preventive of
pneumonia. Among the many
thousands wjio have used it for colds
and la grippe, we have never yet
learned of a single case having re
sulted in pneumonia. Persons who
have weak lungs or have reason to
fear an attack of pneumonia, should
keep the remedy at hand. The2"i and
50 cent sizes for sale by all druggists.
M . C. M. Dixon, a well known
merchant of P.ei.smt Ridge, Fulton
Co., P.i., has a little girl who is fre
quently threatened with croup, but
when thefiist symptoms appear, his
wiTo gives her Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy, which always affords prompt
relief The Hr, and o( cent sizes for
s:le by ail druggists.
Or. Marshnll, Graduate Dentist.
Dr. Marshall, fine gold work.
Dr. Marshall, gold and porcelain
Dr. Marshall, crown and bridge wot U
Dr. Marshall, teeth without plates.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fillings.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds ol plates.
Dr. Marshall, perfect fitting plates
Dr. Marshall, all work warranted.
All the latest armliances for first
jlass dentH work,
DeWitt s riazel Saivo
Cures Piles, .scalds. Burns.
(Then Baby was sick, wt -ave her Castoria.
When she vas a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Silas, she clung to Castoria,
Wbeu she hail Children, she gave them Castoria
"You can take that soap
right back and change
it for Santa Claus Soap.
I would not use any
otter kind."
Bvery woman who has
ever used
Sold everywhere. Made only by o
Company, - Chicago.
How to Cure Iiilious Colie.
I suffered for weeks with colic and
pains in my stomach caused by bilious
ness and had had to take medicine all
the while until I used Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
which cured me. I have since recom
mended it to a gocd many people.
Mrs. F. Butler, Fairhaven, Conn.
Persons who are subject to bilious
colic can ward off the attack by taking
this remedy as scon as the first
symptoms appear. Sold by all drug
San Francisco
All points west.
St. Joseph
Kansas City
St. Louis and all
points East and
I.O'vil express daily, t-t Joe.
No 20.
No 4.
No M.
No S'2.
Ki-nsas. St L.OUSS. uil points
Loea e.D. daily, Jiuriington,
Chicago, all poiutse ist
Local e.xp. daily except pun
day. Pacific Junction
Local e.p. daily except Sun
0:4:) utn
10:24 am
lli.Vi am
day. Pacific J unction
NooO. rrci-ht, daily except Sunday
Pacific Junction
Vestibuled exp. daily. Hur-hn-Tlon,
Chiea.o and all
points east
Locai exp. daily, st Tne. Kan
sas City. St Louis. Cuieasro
all points east and south..
Preiirht, daily, from Omaha
to Pttc Junction, ivOmaoa
Local exp. d aily.Omah.u Lin
coiu, Denver and interme
diate stations
Local freisint. daily. Omaha.
Loc il freight, daily, ex sun
day. tVdar dee... Louis
vilie. South Lend
Fust in ail, daily. Omaha and
Vestibule i exp, daiiy, Den
No 2.
No 1-'.
No 7
No r.
:.':! pin
a m
a in
N o
No ua.
ver and i.ll pomis in Colo
rado, I tali and California,
;r:;nd Island, liiac-k Iliils,
Montana and Pacific N. W.
Local exp. daily except Sun
:i:!3 pin
No P.
day. Louisville. AMi.auJ,
Wulioo, Schuyler
No 11. Local exp, daily except Sun
day, Om.ih.i and Li n-oln . .
No 17. Local express, Sunday only,
No T3. Freight, daiiy, Louisville...
4:!J0 prn
5-27 prn
5:-7 pro
I'rdTi pm
Sleeping, dininz and reclining chair ears
fseats free) on through trains. Tickets sold
and Iju.'Kii.'b cheeked to nay tioint In the
United States or Canada.
For information, time tables, maps aud
tickets call or write to
W. L. PICKETT. Asent.
l'laitsmouth. Nib.
J. FIlANlTS. Gen. Pass At ,
Omaha. Neb.
. I". I I M K l Alil).
No. 1 4."0 a.ui
No. !l 11.51 a. in
No. 121, local freight.. - a..'! p. in
No. Z 10.4 !
No. 1 2, local freight 7.35 am.
No. 10 .'I5i p. in.
Legal Notice.
Lewis Lee. defendant will take notice that on
the 4th day of December, l-i'ii, Lucy Lee.
titf. herein hied her petition in the district court
ot Cass county, Nebraska, against said defend
ant, the object and prayer ot which is to obtain
a decree ol divorce from the defendant upon the
ground of extreme crueitv and non-support. You
are required to answer said petition on or before
the lMh day of January, P'.'i.
-'13 I-ICY Lek, Plaintiff.
Sheriff's Sale.
Bv virtue of an order of sale issued by George
F. llouseworth, clerk of the district court withm
and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to nie di
rected, I will on the !tth day of January, A. I).
llr. at J I o'clock a. m. of said day at the south
door of the court house in the city of Piattsmouth
in said county, sell at public auction, to the high
est bidder for cash, the lollowiiig real estate, to
wit: Fractional lots 1, 2. and ?, in block 8 in White's
ad fition to the city of Piattsmouth, Cass county,
Nebraska, and lots t, and 3 in block f-.t, in tiie
city of I'iattsniouth. Cass county. Nebraska, to
gether with the privileges and appurtenances
thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining,
'l he same being levied upon and taken as tiie
property of Wellington V. Druiiiiiiond et al.,
defendants, to satisfy a judgment of sai 1 court
recovered by Livingston Loan and Iiuilding As
sociation, piaintitt; against said defendants.
I'iattsniouth, Nebraska. December :,A. D. 1V.KJ.
Sheriff Cass county, Nebraska.
I ftral TSlr,( irr- '
1"c6. 1 muwtc.
Notice by publication for probate of will. In I
the county court of Cass cou.ity. Nebraska. In
the matter of the estate of John F. C. 1 leunmgs. )
deceased. Catharine. M. Ilennitigs, John A. .
llennings. Charles C. Hennirigs. Ferdinand J. 1
Ileun'iigs. Kimn.i M. l'.rau. Kosa HenniiigO
uaiUian ot l errace C. llennings and boplaa M. ;
Hcuniugs. minor heirs of Henry J. llennings, de
ceased, and al! other persons interested in said
matter, are hereby notified that on the --th dav
of Novcmlier. 1;.. F. J. llennings filed in saiii
court, a petition, alleging, among other tilings,
that John F. llennings died on the nth dav of
September. Is;h), leaving a last wr I and testament
and posse-sed of personal estate valued at six
thousand two hundred (S'l.L'CKl.Hi) dollars and that
the above named constitute all the persons in- ,
teiested in the estate of said deceased; and pray- :
; f..- l. . l...... ..( ,. .11 ...l...:..: .
OJ l-i im; jiiuUdlt. Ol SUl'l Hill, ,lilU li rt'JItlilil
rration ol said estate. ou
are hereby notifed '
that if you fail to appear at said court on the U'th
cay "t December. l:t;. at - o clock p m,. to con-t-.-t
the probate of said will, the court may al
low a id probate said w ill and grant adinitiistra-
"Jii ot sau estate to John A. lienni! gs or some 1
other suitable person, and proceed to a settle- I
ment thereof. j
VI:-- , , . . . .'.
uiiess my i;;inl anil seal ol s.nj county court
at I'iattsniouth. i4th day of November. A. D.
1!5- CtKokge M Sri klix K.
loa') County Judge.
Legal Notice.
Notice by publication on petiiion for adminis
tration of estate In the county court ot Cass
county. Nebraska. In tin- m .tt.-r of t h- f osborn, deceased. Larkin Osborn. Han-
. Y"''i' osoorn, t.niauuel boru,
.-uiitiau , -vi. k, . Usboin. Marv O. l'hipps. " ami tor Cass county. ."Nebraska, and to me di-
Cora. Ilattie and Fvelyn Catt and afl other per- 1 retted. I wiil on the -tith day of December, A. 1 1
sons interested I in said matter are hereby notiiied I IKttl, at II o'clock a. rn. of said dav at the south
that on the i4th day of November. D'.irt. Hannah ' door of the court house in the city of Piattsmouth
I eun tiled a petition in said county court alleg- ! in said county, sell at pub ic auction, to the hiuh
lng among other tnings that Rachel Osborn died ' est bidder for cash, the following real estate to
jji. n. " -, n. lfttij, leaving no j
"' icjiaiuciu, ana possessed ot per
sonal estate of tfie estimated value of lour hun
dred lj-4trt.Uiij dollars, and that the above named
constitute all the persons interested in the e.;tate
of said deceased, and craving for administration
thereof. You are hereby notified that if you fail
to appear at said court on the lfth day of Decem
ber, 1M-.K5. at S o'clock a. m . and conte-t said peti
tion, the court will anooint R. F. Ili-an. or some
other suitable person, administrator, and proceed
10 a seiiienieiii oi saia estate.
Witness my hand and seal of said couutv court
at Piattsnjouth. this 4th day of November, A.
L. im. George M. purlock,
Seal) County 'Judge.
Sheriffs Sale.
15y virtue of an order of sale Issued by
George l- llouseworth, clerk of the d. strict
court, within and for Cass county. Nebraska,
aim to ine directed. I will on thel'Jtu day of
Dec. A. L).. lMHj, at 11 o'clock a. m. of salu
day at the south Uoor of tho court house in
the city of i'l tttsmouth. In said county, sell
at public auction, to tne highest biUUer for
c.'i-ii, the foliowins re;tl estate, town:
The south half ts ',i of lots 1. 2 and 3 in
block thirteen l.i in the city of Tiaits
n,ou th.Cass county. Nebraska together with
ull auU singular the hereditaments and ap
purtenances thereunto beloninir or In any
wise a ppertaininz. The same beins levied
upon and taken as the property of a. I.
Yan:tta and t. J. Vunatta. defendants: to
satisfy a judgment of suld court recovered
by Cu ries C 1'armele as receiver of tiie
Citizens' Hank of l'laitsmouth, Nebraska,; aualnst sal 3 defendants.
flattsinoulb, Nebrask i. Nov. 17, A. I) , Harvey Huluiway,
Sheriff, Cass county, Nebraska.
Sheriff's Sale.
Uy virtue of an order of sale issued by (jcorjrc
F. Houbewortii, clerk, ot the dijtntt cuurt, within
and lor Cass county, Nebraska, and to nie di
rected, I will on the linh day ol December, A. 1).
at 11 o'clock a. m. of !-aid day at the south
door ol the court house In the city of l'laitsmouth
in said county, sell at public auction, to the
highest bidder for cash, the following real estate,
to-wit: All ot block one west ot the
public square in the village of Kock
liiutls. CasH County. Nebraska, together
with tiie privileges and appurtenances thereunto
belonging or in anywise appertaining, lhe same
being levied upon and taken as the property ol
Joiin J. Churchi.l, Laura 1. Churchill, .lary C.
Moure and Ihumas Moore, defendants, to satisfy
a judgment ot said court recovered by Sarah Ki
leu Smith, plaintirt, and Albert N. s-uiuvan, de
fendant, against said defendants.
i'iattsniouth. Neb., Nov. 1, A. IX, M.
Hakvev Hclloway,
sheriff, Cass county. Nebraska.
Sherilf's Sale.
Iiy viitue of an order of sale issued by George
F. llouseworth, clerk ol the district court, withiu
and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rei'ted, 1 w ill on the likh day ol December, A. 1 .
lyi, at 11 o'clock a. m. ot said day, at the south
dour of the court house m the city ot I'iatts
niouth, in said county, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder tor cash, tiie following real estate,
Fractional lot 3 in section 7, town 12, range 14,
in Cass county, Nebiask, also lot 1 1 block iu
the city of I'iattsniouth, Cass county, Nebraska,
together with all and singmar the hereditaments
and appuiteuances thereunto belonging or in any
wise appertaining. '1 he same being leied upon
and taken as the property ot ivatheriue Keu-
land, alias Mrs. Peter Keuiand, et al, defendants.
to satisfy a judgment ol said court recovered by
1'etti bone and Nixon, plaintiffs, against said de
Piattsmouth, Nebraska. Nov. 17, A. I). lKHi.
Sheriff. Cass county, Nebiaska.
Legal Notice.
Not ce by publication on petition tor adminis
tration of estate, fn the county court of Cass
coun.y, Nebraska. In the matter ol the estate of Catus, deceased. and uikiiowi.
heirs ol said deceased, and all other persons in
terested in Saul niattet are hereby notmed that on
the llth day ol November, lf'., c S, Poik hied a
petition in said county court alleging among
oihor things ttiat Charles Latus died on the L'sm
day of October, is;;, leaving no last will and tes
tament and possessed ol real and personal estate
of the reasonable value ot JUiD.oO and that if any
heirs sui ie, their names and are residences iin
knov. n to the petitioner. ou are hereby untitled
that it you l.m to appear at said court on the H'th
day oi December, lfi'ti. at h) o cluck a.m. and con
test said petition, the court wid appoint James O.
.McClain or some other suitable person adminis
trator, and proceed to a settlement ol said estate.
W itness my hand and seal of said couunty
court at Piat'.Miiouih. this lth day oi November,
A. D. lMij.
1 UtURLtn i'l. CI LRLlA,
' County Judge.
Netiee of Final Settlement.
Notice by publication on petition for settle
incut ot fmai administration account. In the
county court of Cass county, Nebraska.
In the matter oi the estate ot Stephen
Wiles, deceased, Llizabeth C. iies, Keoecca
Murray, 1 homas Wiles, lss.ic lies, John
Wiles, George Wi'es, Barbara t. War
ner, Isabel Vv lies. Nancy Sipangler. Stephen
W lies, Joseph L, W, nenjaiam r. W iles, -vlar-tiia
U. W lies, gu .rdiati of James A. W iles. Kalph
M. W Suphen Ci. vv i es aud Joseph M.
W :les, minor hairs of James M. W, a deceased
son ol said deceased, and all oilier persons inter
ested in said matter are hereby notiiied that ou
trie L'lst day or October. liKi, iienjamin F. W lie
hied a petition in said county court, praying that
his final administration accounts tiicd tieiein be
settled and a.lowed, and that he be discharged
from his trust as executor, and that if you tail to
appear before said court on the 7th uay ot De
cember, lfjti, at lo o'clock a. in., and contest said
petition, the court may grant tiie praver of said
petition, and make such other audluuher orders,
allowances and devices as to this court may seem
p.oper, to the end that ail matters pertaining to
said estate may be finally settled and determined.
W ituL.-s my hand aud seal of said county court
at Piattsmouth. this 17th day ot November A.
D, lNj. GLOKl.fc. M, SffkLOCK.
(Scai) County Judge.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by George
F'. llouseworth, clerk ol the district court, withm
aud tor Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
Itcted. I will on the -d day ol January, A. 1).
1 at 11 o'clock a. in. of said day at the south
door ot tiie court house in tfie city ot I'iattsniouth,
m said county, sell at public auction, to the high
est bidder lor cash, tfie follow ing real estate, to
wit: Lots live l."J and six poj in block twenty
nine L-y J in the city ot Piattsmouth, Cass county,
NebrasKa, together with the privileges and appur
tenances thereunto belonging or m an wise ap
pertaining; tiie same being levied upon and taken
as the property ot George 1. W eidinan. et a!, de
fendants, to satisfy a judgment ol s.nd court re
covered by Peter J. Hansen, administrator oi the
estate ol J. M. Schne.ib.icner, deceased, piaintitt
againt said defendants.
lJIat:smoutn. Neb., Dec. '2. A. I)., lt".
llARVtY lloI.LuWAY.
Sheriff, Cass county, Nebraska.
Notice to Creditors
State i f Nebraska, ss.
Cass County. f
In t lie matter ol the estate of Charles Uutler,
Notice is hereby given that the claims and de
niauds of ail persons against Charles Uutler, de
cased, late ot said county and state, will be re
ceived, examined and adjui-tcd by the County
court at tiie coin i house at I'iattsniouth on the
:ih day otjune A. U. at 10 o'clock in the
lorenoon. And that six months from and after
the -tith day ot 1 ecr mber A. 1J. IhJ i, is the time
limited for creditors ol said deceased to pics.ut
their claims 1 -r examination and allowance.
Ciien under my hand and seal this 1st day of
December A. I). JW.
(iLuKct M. Sl'l'RLOCK,
Seal County Judge.
Sheriff's Sale.
I5y virtue of an order of sale issued by George
F. llouseworth, cleik of the district court within
and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to nie di
rected, 1 wiil on the linh day ot Kecember, A. ).
l-'.Hi, at 11 o'clock a. m. ot said day at the south
door of the court house in the city of I'iatts
niouth, in said county seil at public auction, to
the highest bidder for cash, the lolloping real
estateT to-wit: The north half ol lots eleven and
twelve (.11 and 1" in block thirty-six V-Wt in tne
city ot I'lattsmoutli, Cass cou.ity. Nebraska, to
gether w ith all and singular the hereditaments
ana appurtenances tiiereunto belonging or in
anywise appertaining; tfie same being levied
upon and taKen as the propei ty of i.lizabeth A.
V oodson and James M. v oodson, defendants,
to satisfy a judgment ot said couit recovered by
Charles C. raimeie, as receiver of the Citizens
bank of l'iaitsmoutii. Nebraska, piaintitt against
said defendants.
I'iattsniouth. Neb.. November IT, A. D. l-'.-n.
Harvey I1ollovav.
Sheriff, Cass county, Nebraska.
Nheriir's .Sale.
F.v virtue of an order of sale issued by fieorge
F. Mouseortfi. clerk oi the district court withiu
and for Cass county, Nebraska, ami to me di
rected. I will on the -tith day ot December, A. D.
ls'i"i. at 1 1 o'clock a. m. of said day at tfie south
door ot tiie court house in the city of I'iattsniouth
in said county, seil at public auction, to the high
est binder tor ..ash, the following real estate to-
Wlt: loIS t!,ree mi ana lour u.i in biock thirty
nine ( i'l. in l oung Hayes a.ldition to tne env
oi Flattsinouth. Cass county. Nebraska, together
w ith ail and singular the hereditaments and ap
purtenances tiiereunto belonging or in any uise
appertaining. J he same being levied upon and
taken as the property ol Samuel I'. auatta, et al,
defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said court
recovered by J. H. I'ettiboiio and .S. 1-.. Nixon,
doing business under .he firm name and style of
Fetiiooue iw Nixon, piaiulills, against said de
fendants. I'iattsniouth, Nebraska. Nov. "JJ. A. D. l.'M.
Hakvev Hollowav,
Sheriff Cass county, Nebraska.
Sheriff's Sale.
Hv virtue c f an order f sale issued by George
f . Uouseoriu, cictk oi uie uistrici court witluu
wn: i-ui seven ti in cock irnrty-eig lit
,:is, i
inecuyoi i iaiisuioum.-t.ass county. Nebraska,
together with all and sinRular the hereditaments
and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any
wise appertaining, lhe same being levied upon
and taken as the property of James C. Eikenbary
ani t-nnly 1. al. defendants, to
satisfy a Judgment of said court recovered by S.
t. Nixon, plaintitT. against said defendants
riattswouth, Nebraska, Nov. U4. A. D. 196,
Harvey Hollowav,
Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska.
Some th in or
Who Has the Best
To the person brinin to our
tween now and December 2i,
To tho person bringing the
SECOND heaviest wo will
To tho person bringing the three ears weighing
TIIIflD heaviest we will givo
This does not require a person to make
a purchase of us, but we have
...the most...
Complete Stock of Oothng
f. j. morgan;
C. C. PARMELE, R eceiver.
Highest cash price paid for wheat, and the
best flour ever made in Nebraska given in
Custom work specially cared for. Give
the new management
buy now other flour.
Ask Your Dealer For
t'nid up Cuuitai
Offers the very best facilities for t lie
brompt transaetion of
STOCK?, bonds, zold. coverernent and lo t
securities nuuirht and sold. Deposits re j
coived ana Interest allowed on tho eeirii- i
cates. Drafts drawn, available In any i
part of the U. S. and nil t lie principle j
towns of F-urope. Collections rnauc and
promptly remitted. Highest market i
price paid for county
and county bonds
warrants, state
II. N lMvey.
Wan .-h, K. F-.
in). K. I.vey, lre,
It. N. lovy
iv UVYrrr li
SVliite, 'i. I., ft--vr t
. vi :i. uli, t iHhirr
A-U ts)-lcr.
5 nni
$ J50 CLAUK iT iMPfCiiLE'LD'G.
w.N.B. Don't tokc any substitute
Hith the same no me but different h
spellin on which Nourdruist o
emakes twice as much .2
Ccmplaxion Prsssrved
iOLA GFIE; r riecl;:?-, PiTif !c3,
Lrvrr -:.:; -, K:cc!:::e jii,
5'jnb'..-i-i a::.! jn, an-1 rc
t?.,r. 1 .r. skill t - i'-s ir-: -i-
i aia uoiiirny c can j,,:
fn- inn. jiipfT.-fjr 10 iiifi.'.
r -reparations nnd pcrfi-ciiv lmrn:5
At ail
di-iiggisls, or milled I
or 5 Oets. iscfi'i lor cin-ilur.
1 -,
m a,
Bum r-'-iT'iinn svtp. Qqii:.i'-I r-r I itc, i
rival forth- ourTj. Ahiflut'lr riTf set del
ci. jii aruTin-ij. Price 2 5 Cntg.
TheQ. C. BITI'NER CO., ToleJo, O.
are the most powerful, safe proupt -.n 1 re
liable of this kind in the market. The
ormnal mid only irenuine woman's salva
tion. Ask your druz-'ist if he don't keep
them. Write direct to us hnd we will send
it direct upon receipt of price, ?1. seaied. tiy
ruall prep-tid. Medical advice free. JACK
SON MhDICAL CO., Chicago. 111., or our
agent. I. L, Snyder.
Corn in Cass County
tore the TIIUEE
will pi ve one
Suit Valued at $15.00 j
three e:irs weighing
giye one
Suit Valued at $10.00
Merchandise Valued at $5.00
a trin and vnn will
Cedar Creek Flour.
j mmm
I w ill do If use' as a wash according" to dl
I roc-tior.s; prevent transmission of blood
, diseases, skin diseases, acute anachronic
r ulcers, strict, nro. fissure nf t Iia hurnla nnd
8oO,0(Xi j feet, Mceina. Tetter, i-alt Rheumatism, I n
lO. Wu 'filiation of the liladJ er. Diseases of the
i bones, joints and muscles. yphlletlc In
sanity, Scurvy, !--rifula in many forms.
1 lie above and a hundred other forms of
fiiscase are traceable directly or Indirectly
J to Syphilitic lilooa I'oisoa for which the
Dr. Jack son's I-.tiuli sli Saety Tablets Is a
n j sure preventive, and is asatn Oerm Killer,
rendering contusion hardlv possible, hence
its value. If neglected such troubles resul
fatally. Mailed anywhere, sealed 91: six
boxes for.i. Medical advice free. JACK
MiN MF.DICAIi CO., Chicago, III., or our
agent. I. j. Snyeer.
niZii DAY
:n thirty d ;iys by a new perfected eclentlfio
uietiiod thnt can not fall unless the case Is
'K-yond humnri aid. You feci improved tfie
Jirst day: feel a benefit every day; soon
know yourself a kini; anions; men in body,
irlnd ami heart. Drains and losses ended,
every obstacle to ha.pp7 married life re
moved. Nerve force, will, energy, brain
power, when faliinir are restored. If nn--lecte
1 such troubles result fatally.
Medical advice free. Mailed everwhere.
ealot for $1. Six boxes for I". JACKSON
MEDICAL CO., Chicago. 111., or ourai,'ent,
it. sn ler.
Scientific American
Agency for
TRADE if4Dfr.
. -r utaiiin rATENTS)
j-i.r inrormanon ani rr Handbook writ V
ri;ji'?t burrau ror eecurtrut fau.-nt In America.
j:-.erv fatent taken out fy n Is brornrht before
tiie 1-ublic by a notice given tree of cnarge In Uta
Iji-rt cftT.-vf "ti 0f aTjy (pntifle pSpr fn the
v. :.t. !. t;:cuiii:y Illustrated, ho liit"lli(?pn' rhon. t 1 Tv!lut It, Week It, A3,OOl
y-.r: i.'"i.'iniMH A'l.lrfMiH, BCXM CO
wiu..;.iii, i-rooii-vny, VurK ""ty.
ou ekiv
ft iiiwrrwwvjl I l-Tt
i A
LAI Y .'. irf
The News for 10c,