Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, November 12, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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Absolutely Pure.
A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of
all in leavening strength. Latest United States
Government Food Report.
Mrs. Gorder and daughters were
Omaha visitors toda-.
Miss Mollie Kent visited Ler bister
in Omaha this afternoon.
Mrs. A. D. Eigenoroadt was a Lin
coln visitor this afternoon.
Rev. F. II. Fretind will co to Lin
coln tomorrow for a brief visit wiih
Uncle Timothy Clark camo over
from Weeping Water today for a
visit with relatives and friends.
Judjre Ramsey is Keeping' up his
lick at Nebraska City, having already
disposed of a largo number of cases.
II. K. Coleman of Greenwood was
yesterday appointed administrator of
the estate of E. li. Coleman, deceased.
Joseph Richards Carrijjan today
obtained permission to wed Miss
Anna Funk. Roth are residents of
this city.
John Rennie, one of the most popu
lar clerks in town, is assisting Will
Streight at Coates' until after the
The Burlington pay-car arrived to
day and squared accounts with the
shop boys for a month, thereby mak
ing them happy.
Sherad Graves of Omaha is reported
to have rented the vacant room in the
Neville block, opposite the postoflice,
for a barber shop.
J. L. Root, of the school board, was
over at Glenwood today inspecting
their schools. lie came home fully
impressed that the PlaUsraouth
schools were all right.
Colonel Curtin. the genial editor of
the Nebraska City Press ar.d right
bower to his highness, Colonel E. A.
15rown. was in the citv today and
made The News a pleasant call.
John Beeson is the proud possessor
of a Hamiltonian colt of recent pur
chase, which is extra fine. lie will
put on so much style one of these days
his farmer friends will not know him.
Walter Ede, E. S. Barker, Fremont
Brown and John SchulholT, four men
from the coach shops, went to Orraha
this morning to put storm sash in the
pullman coach which runs between
Omaha and Billmgs.
Sheriff Uolloway went dowu to
Hock Bluffs to serve some legal papers
today. If he sees Lon Moore loafing
around down that way he will bring
him in for safe Keeping. The gay
Alonzo is probably hibernating in
some southern clime by this time.
Wiley Black, Piattsmouth's own
and only genuine commission mer
chant, purchased thirt3' barrels of
choice New York apples in Omaha
yesterday. He takes in from fifty to
200 dozen eggs every day and is head
quarters for choice butter as he won't
buv any but the best.
The Nebraska State Volunteer
Firemen's association will meet in
Columbus January 16 to 21. The boys
were fortunate in selecting Columbus,
as her citizens are noted for their
pure hospitality, and arrangements
are already under way for their en
tertainment. Six hundred delegates
are expected to te in attendance and
Plattsmouth will be represented.
Charley Foter. of the Builinglcn
paint, shops seems to tread upon air to
day. It is not because he has won an
election bet, either. There came to
his home in Souh Park last night at
10:30 a young man claiming to bo a re
lative of Charley's, and asking to stay
awhile. The young man weighs ten
pounds. Himself and mother are do
ing well una but slight fears are en
tertained for Charley.
W. R. Davis, of Nehawka, is in
town today.
Frank Sackett or Weeping Water
was over today.
Mrs. Ed Fitzgerald and Mrs. Hiber
were Omaha visitors today.
-'- - -i," w-si
sir Z "A
for resisting disease thin people, nerveless, delicate!
Tl i t 1 1 i t i i r t
- me iuuu lur an sucn men, women, or cnuaren is ocotts
Emulsion. The hvponhosnhites combined with the oil
will tone up the system, give the blood new life, improve
the appetite and help digestion. The sign of new life will
be a fattening and reddening, which brings with it strength,
comfort and good-nature.
Be suTtycu ct ScotC w Entulslan when ye rvant it and net a cktaf tubttitutt.
Scott & Bowne, New York, au Druggist. 50c. and $1.
Emil Palmer and James Summer of
Louisville are in town today.
Frank Dickson is down from Louis
ville today attending to business.
County Attorney C. S. Polk was at
tending to business in Lincoln today.
Frank Alshuler and wife are spend
in" a few hours in Omaha this morn
ing Several bad attacks of spring fever
nave been noted today, but none are
likely to prove fatal.
Mr. and Mrs. Forbes of Lincoln are
in the city and expect to spend the
winter with their son, C. S. Forbes.
Gauntlet lodge No. 47, K. of P., will
give a select dancing party at Water
man's hall on the evening of Decem
ber 16.
Mrs. McCarty, the widow of Con
McCarty, is here today settling up
the affairs connected with her hus
band's estate.
P. A. Jacobson, the Louisville mer
chant recently burned out, is clearing
up to build another business room
24x70 where the old one stood.
By a decision of the supreme court,
district court reporters will hereafter
pet but 41,000 per year as salary in
stead of $1,500 as formerly paid.
The Misses Christian, who will sing
here Saturday evening, under the
management of Gust Hyers, are get
ting only good words from the public
Two prominent taxpayers of the
quiet Fifth ward had a fracas last
night and were going into court but
their differences were finally adjusted
Constable J. R. Danson returned
hon.e last evening from a business
trip which took him out over the
county. He says he never saw so much
corn in all his life.
The funeral of Mrs. Simon D. Mayer
was held yesterday afternoon, frcm
the residence, 1225 H street. A large
number of sorrowing friends wore pre
sent. State Sournal.
Ben Elson returned this morning
from a business trip down in Missis
sippi. He has been gone several days
and probably taught a few fellows how
to play penuchle in the land of cotton.
The Beatrice Express says Billy
Cole has sold out his jewelry establish
ment at that place. We saw Billy
this morning and he said nothing
about it. We think there must be
somo mistake.
The funeral of the lato Miles Mor
gan occurred this afternoon and was
attended by an immense concourse of
people, numbering many of the pion
eers, who sincerely mourned the de
mise of a cherished friend and kind
Joseph Carrigan and Miss Anna
Funk were united in marriage last
evening at the bride's home in this
city. Rev. Post officiating. They are
both well known residents of this city
and the best wishes of a host of friends
follow them.
C. II. Manchester of the Burlington,
and wife took their little son to Lin
coln yesterday to consult Dr. Dayton,
the occulist. The little fellow suffered
the loss of an eye several weeks ago
and the wound refuses to heal and is
distressingly painful.
Our own Robert J. Vass and the
versatile nenry Hempel are at pop
headquarters in Lincoln this week
mingling with the faithful each with
an earnest desire that they may be
come the favored who are to help di
rect the ship of state for the next two
The Scandinavian sisters will not
indulge in any attempted display of
vocal pyrotechnics, but they will sing
warm melodies, full of musical feeling
that will delight the audience. Do
not fail to hear them at White's opera
house Satuday evening, December 12.
Seats now on sale at Lehnhoff's.
Judge L W. Lansing left yesterday
for New York where he has perman
ently located. Judgo Lansing came
west in the interests of Major McKin
ley but he will not stop at Canton to
see the presideat-elect on his way
east. He has an office in room 102,
World building. State Journal.
Ben Elson looks fro&h as a daisy
since he returned from the south land
where he had a fine time. Ho visited
New Orleans, La., San Antonia, Tex.,
and drove 150 miles in a buggy through
th9 southern pine forests. The boys
are trying to get Beu to write a book of
travels and thus knock out Bryan's
new book, but he has not yet consent
ed to do so. Ben was received every
where with demonstrations of an en
thusiastic character.
To cure all old sores, to heal an in
dolent ulcer, or to speedily cure piles,
you need simply apply DeWitt's Witch
Ilazol Salve according to directions.
Its magic-like action will surprise you.
F. G Fricke & Co.
the food for all such.
How many pale folk
there are ! People who
' have the will, but no power
to bring out their vitality;
people who swing like
a pendulum between
strength and weakness
so that one day's work
causes six days' sickness!
Peoole who have no life
ff'I I 1 W ill VMil
sail 1 it , 1
S knows it is without an equal.
I The N. K. Fairbank Company, - Chicago.
An Kvent at Kebraska City.
One of the nicest oppossum feasts
that has been given in this city in
many a day was given last evening by
Sterling Shellenberger, the popular
restaurant man and caterer, at his
well known place on Central avenue,
between Eighth and Ninth streets, to
a party of his friends. You talk about
a feast, well he hud it, for there is no
one that knows how to serve an opos
sum in true southern style bettor than
Sterling. . He was at his best last
evening and those who were so fortun
ate as to be present at the feast will
not forget it soon. Nebraska City
Of unusual interest to every reader
of this paper is the announcement
made elsewhere in this issue by the St.
Louis Globe-Democrat, unquestionably
the greatest of American newspapers.
The mail subscription price of the
Daily and Sunday Globe-Democrat is
reduced at one blow, from twelve to
six dollars a year, placing it within
the reach of all who desire to read any
daily paper during the comming great
national campaign. The Veekl3"
Globe-Democrat remains at one dollar
a year, but is issued in Semi-Weekly
sections of eight pages each, making
practically a large semi-weekly pnper
This issue is just the thing for the far-
mar, merchant or professional n:an
who has not the time to read a daily
paper but wishes to Keep prom ptly:mcl
thoroughly posted. It is made cup
with especial reference to the wants of
every member of the family, not only
giving all the news, but also a great
variety of interesting and instructive
reading matter of all kinds. Write
for free sample copies to Globo Piiint
ixo Co., St. Loris, Mo.
Don't be persuaded into buying
liniments without reputation or merit
Chamberlain's Pain Balm costs no
more, and its merits have been pro
ven by a test of many years. Such
letters as the following, from L. G.
Bagley, Hueneme, Cal., are constantly
being received: "The best remedy
for pain I have ever used is Chamber
lain's Pain Balm, and I say so after
having used it in my family for sev
eral years." It cures rheumatism,
lame back, sprains and swellings. For
sale by all druggists.
English Spavin Liniment remo vcsal
Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and
Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavins,
Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring-Bone,
Stifles, Sprains, all Swoolen Throats,
Coughs, etc. Save $59 by use of one
bottle. Warranted the most wonder
ful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by
F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists, Platts
mouth. How to 1'revent Pneumonia
At this time of ihe year a co'd is
very easily contracted, and if left to
run its course without tho aid of some
reliable cough medicino is. liable to
result in that dread disease, pneumonia
We know of no better remedy to cure
acough or cold than Chamberlain's
Cough Ilemed3. Wo have used it
quite extensively and it has always
given entire satisfaction. Olagah,
Ind. Ter. Chief.
This is the only remedy that is
known to be a certain prevt ntive of
pneumonia. Among the many
thousands who have used it for colds
and la grippe, we have never yet
learned of a single case having re
sulted in pjeuininia. Persons who
have weak lungs or have reason to
fear an attack of pneumonia, should
keep the remedy at hand. The2 and
50 cent sizes for sale by all druggists.
M-. C. M. Dixon, a well known
merchant of Ridge, Fulton
Co., P.i., has a little girl who is fre
quently threatened with croup, but
when the first symptoms appear, his
wife gives her Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy, which always affords prompt
relief The 2 and 50 cent sizes for
sale by all druggists.
Dr. Marnh.aU, OraUnate Dent int.
Dr. Marshall, fine gold work.
Dr. Marshall, gold and porcelain
Dr. Marshall, crown and bridge work
Dr. Marshall, teeth without plates.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of failings.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plates.
Dr. Marshall, perfect fitting plates
Dr. Marshall, all work warranted.
All the latest appliances for first
jlass dental wo'-k.
DeWiti s witca nazel Salve
Cures Piles. Scalds, Burns.
tVhen Baby was sick, 0uve her Castorfa.
When she vas a Quid, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
Wben she bad CSjJldren, she gave thein Castoria
"You can take that soap
right back and change
it for Santa Claus Soap.
I would not use any
other kind."
Kvery woman who has
ever used
Sold everywhere. Made only by
Champion Corn Hnker of the World.
M. F. Berry man picked in forty-two
days 5,850 bushels of corn. The lar
gest day's work was 100 bushels. The
longest half day, from 5:o0 until 12
o'clock, he picked 111 bushels by
weight," hauled the first load a half
mile scoopod it into a crib thirteen
feet high. He hauled the second load
two miles to the crib by 12 o'clock.
Weeping Water Republican.
Every afternoon and night this
week we will sell at suction at the
San Francisco
AU points west.
St. Joseph
Kansas City
St. Louis and all
points East and
No 2a I.Ofal express, daily, St loe.
Kansas. M Louis, all po:nts
south 11:10 am
No 4. l.oca. em. daily, lturllngton.
Chicago, all points e;ist 10:1 am
Nolo. Local exp. daily except Sun
day, Pacific Junction 11:"5 am
No 02. Local exp. daily except Sun
day. I'acilie Junction 12:23 pin
No 30. Freight, dai ty except Sunday
I'acilie Junction 2:.y) pu
No 2. Vestibuled exp. daily, iiur
linzton. Chicago and ull
points east 5:31 pm
No 12. Local exp. dally. St Joe. Kan
sas City. St Louis. Chlcairo
all points cast and south.. pm
No Freight, daily, from Omnha
to fae Junction. Iv Omaiia 3:15 pin
No a. Local exp. daily, Oinah.u Lin
coln, Denver and interme
diate stations 7.:i2 am
NofC. Local freijMit, daily. Oinau. S:.VJ aiu
No 2'X Local freight, dally, ex Sun
day. Cedar Creerf, Louis Soutli Hend 7::J7 atu
o 7. Fat mail, dally, Omaha and
Lincoln 2:22 pin
No 3. Vestibuled exp. daily, Den
ver and nil points In Colo
rado, Utah and California.
Grand Island. Black Hills,
Montana and I'ucltic N. W. 3:43 pm
No 9. Local exp. daily except Sun
uay. Louisville. Ashland,
Wahoo, Schuyler -1:00 pin
No 11. Local exp, daily except Sun
day, Omaha and Lincoln.. 5 27 pm
No 17. Loc;il express, Sunday oniy,
Omaha 5:'-7 pm
No 73. Freight, daiiy. Louisville. . . i:05 pm
Sleepinsr dlninz and reclininz chair cars
(seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold
and bacaje checked to n; point in the
United States or Canada.
For Information, time tables, maps and
tickets call or write to
V. L. PICKETT. Asront.
l'ial tsmou t h. Neb.
J. FRANCES. Gen. I'ass Alt ,
Omaha. Neb.
f 1 ftiis shap
ji. i. i i.ui: tAiib,
No. 1 4.f0 a.m
No. ! H.."f a.m
No. 121, local freight 3.f p. in
No. 2 10.4:5 p.m.
No. 1J2, local freight 7.35 a, uu.
Nn. 10 3 p. m.
Legal Notice.
Lewis Lee. defendant will take notice that on
the 4th day of December, IMHi. Lucy Lee, plain
tiff, herein hied fier petition in the district court
of Cass county. Nebraska, against said defend
ant, tiie object and prayer of which is to obtain
a decree of divorce from the defendant upon the
ground of extreme crueltv and non-support. Vou
are required to answer said petition on or belore
the ltn clay of January, le'.'l.
2132 Ll'CV Ltt. 1'laintifT.
Shenff's Sale.
Uy virtue of an order of sale issued by George
F. Houseworth, clerk of the district court within
and for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me di
rected. I will 011 the 'Jth day of January, A. I).
1'.'7. at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south
door of the court house in the city of l'lattsmouth
in said county, seil at public auction, to the high
est bidder for cash, the following real estate, to
wit: Fractional lots 1, 2. and 3 in block 8 in White's
addition to the city of l'lattsmouth. Cass county,
Nebraska, and lots 1, 2. and 3 in block K. in the
city ot l'lattsmouth. Cass county. Nebraska, to
gether with the privileges and appurtenances
thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining.
The same being levied upon and taken as the
property of Wellington W. Drummond et al.,
defendants, to satisly a judgment of said court
recovered by Livingston Loan and Uuilding As
sociation. plaintiM: against said defendants.
l'lattsmouth, Nebraska. Deccmber:.A. D. 1S9C.
Harvey Hoi.ioway,
Sheriff Cass county, Nebraska.
Legal Notice.
Notice by publication for probate of will. In
the count v court ol Cass county. Nebraska. In
the matter id the estate of John F. C. Ilennings.
deceased. Catharines. M. Heuuings, John A.
Hennings. Charles C. llennings. Ferdinand J.
Hennings. Kmma M. lirau. Kosa Hennings.
guardian of t errace C. Hennings and Sophia M.
Hennings. minor heirs of Henry J. Hennings, de
ceased, and all other persons interested in said
matter, are hereby notified that on the 2tth day
of November. 1 !"..!. F. J. Hennings tiled m said
court, a petition, alleging, among other things,
that John F. C. Hennings died on the Mh day of
September, lwrt, leaving a last wi 1 and testament
and posse-sod of personal estate valued at six
thousand two hundred ($.20().( dollars and that
the above named constitute all the persons in
terested in the estate of said deceased; and pray
ing for the probate of said will, and for adminis
tration of said estate. You are hereby notihed
that if you tail to appear at said court on the 14th
day of December, lw'.i, at 2 o'clock p ni.. to cou
test the probate of said will, the court inav al
low and probate said will and grant administra
tion of said estate to John A. Hennings or some
other suitable person, and proceed to a settle
ment thereof.
itncss my hand and seal of said county court
at 1 lattsmouth. this 21th day of Novemoer. A. D.
,. George M. Si-lrlock,
en' County Judge.
Legal Notice.
Notice by publication on petition for adminis
tration of estate In the county court of Cass
county Nebraska. In the m..iter of the estate of
Kache Osborn. deceased. Larkin Osborn, Han
nah 1 cnn. Calvin Osborn. Emanuel Osborn,
Soharah Stocker. M. V. Osborn. MarvO. Fhipps.
Cora. Hattie and Lvelyn Catt and afl other per
sons interested in said matter are hereby notihed
that on the 24th day of November, l.jfi, Hannah
1'enn tiled a petition in said county court alleg
ing among other things that Rachel Osborn died
on the 12th day of May, A. D. IsSM, leaving no
last will and testament, and possessed of per
sonal estate ol the estimated value of four hun
dred ($10.1.00 dollars, and that the above named
constitute all the persons interested in the estate
of said deceased, and praying for administration
thereof. Vou are hereby notihed that d you fail
to appear at said court on the ltah c ay of I 'ecem
ber, 1.6. at 9 o'clock a. m . and contest said peti
tion, the court w ill appoint K. F, Dean, or some
other suitable person, administrator, and proceed
to a settlement of said estate.
Witness my hand and seal of said county court
at rMattsmoutli. this Zitti day 01 isoveniDer. a
L). lsW. George M. Spcrlock.
Seal County Judge.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by
George t Houseworth, clerk of the district
court, within aud for Cass county, Nebraska,
ana tu mo directed. I will on tuel'.Ru day of
Itec, A. 1).. lsiHi, at 11 o'clock a. m. of said
day at the south Uoor of the court house in
the city of l'l lttsiuouth. In said county, sell
at public auction, to tno highest bidtler for
c-ah, the following real estate, town;
The south half (3 H of lots 1. 2 and 3 in
block tnirteeu (13) tn the city of i'latts
mouth.Cass county. Nebraska together with
all and singular tue hereditaments aud ap
purtenances thereunto belonging nr In any
wise appertaining. The same beinx levied
upou and taken as the property of a. I.
Yan:itta and J. Vanatta. defendants: to
satisfy a judgment of said court recovered
by ChiNes C I'aruieie as receiver of the
Citizens' liank Of l'lattsmouth, Nebraska,
plaintiff; against sail defendants.
1'lattsiuouth, Nebraska. No?. 17, A. li ,
Sheriff, Cass county, Nebraska.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by George
F. Houseworth, cleric of the district court, within
and for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me di
rected, I will on the 19th day of December. A. U.
l'Jt, at 11 o'clock a. in. of said day at the south
door of the court house in the city of l'lattsmouth
in said county, sell at public auction, to the
highest bidder for cash, ttie following real estate,
to-wit: All of block one west of the
public square in the village of Kock.
lilutts. Lar County. Nebraska. together
with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto
belonging or in anywise appertaining. The same
being levied upon aud taken as the property of
John J. Churciu 1, Laura I. Churchill, .Mary C.
loore and 1 homas Moore, defendants, to satisfy
a judgment ol said court recovered by Sarah Kl
len feinith, plaiutin, and Albert A. Sullivan, de
fendant, against said defendants.
Plattsmouth, Neb., Nov. 1',, A. U., 1K.
Sheriff, Cass county. Nebraska.
Sheriff's Sale.
Uy virtue of an order of sale issued by George
F. Houseworth, clerk of the district court, within
and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, 1 w ill on the 19th day of December, A. 1.
l.ij, at 11 o'clock a. in. of said day, at the south
door of the court house in the city of l'latts
mouth, in said county, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash, the loilowmg real estate,
tow it:
Fractional lot 3 in section 7, town 12, range 14,
in Cass county, Nebrask. also lot l block .S6 in
the city of l'lattsmouth. Cass county, Nebraska,
together with all and singular the hereditaments
and appuiteuances thereunto belonging or in any
wise appertaining. The same being levied upon
and taken as the property of Kathurine Keu
land, alias Mrs. Feter Keuland. et al, defendants,
to satisfy a judgment ol said court recovered by
1'ettibune and Nixon, plaiutitis, against said de
fendants. l'lattsmouth, Nebraska. Nov. 17, A. D. 1M6T
Harvey Hollowav,
Sheriff. Cass county, Nebraska.
Legal Notice.
NoCce by publication on petition for adminis
tration of estate. In the county court ol Cass
couuiy, Nebraska. In the matter of tiie estate ol
Charles Latus. deceased. and unknown.
heirs ol said deceased, aud all other persons in
terested in said mattet are hereby uotilied that on
the Hth day ol November, lStfti, . 1'oik tiled a
I petition in said county court alleging among
j other things that Charles Latus died on the 2in
day of October, lWd, leaving no last will and tes-
itainent and possessed of real and personal estate
ol tiie reasonable value of i21U.uU and that it any
. heirs survive, their names and are residences un
known to the petitioner. Vou are hereby notified
that it you tail to appear at said court oil the luth
day of December, lMt, at li o'clock a.m. aud con
test said petition, the court will appoint James O.
McClain or some other suitable person adminis
trator, and proceed to a settlement of said estate.
Witness my hand and seal of said couunty
court at l'lattsmouth, thisKth day ot November,
A. D.
,c George M. Spurlock,
(:?caI County Judge.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice by publication on petition for settle
ment ot nnai administration account, in the
couuty court of Cass county, Nebraska.
In the matter ol tiie estate ol Stephen
Wiles, deceased, Flizabeth C. Wiles, Rebecca
Murray, Thomas Wiles, fssac Wiles, John
Wiles, George Wiles. Larbara li. War
ner. Isabel Wiles. Nancy Spangler. Stephen
W lies, Joseph li. Wiles, lenjamin Wiles, Mar
tha O. Wiles, gmrdian of James A. Wiles. Kaiph
M. Wnes, Meplieu G. viies and Joseph M.
W iles, minor hairs of James M. Wi:es, a deceased
sou ot said deceased, and ail other persons inter
ested in said matter are hereby notihed that on
the 21st day ol October, l?"Jt, licnjamm F. Wile
tiled a petition in said county court, praying that
his tinal administration accounts hied herein be
settled and allowed, aud that he be discharged
troin his trust as executor, and that it you fail to
appear before said court on the Tth day ot De
cember, ltl5, at lu o'clock a. m., and contest said
petition, the court may graut the praer of said
petition, and make such other andlurther orders,
allowances and deciees as to this court may seem
p.oper. to the end that all matters pertaining to
said estate may be finally settled and determined.
W itncss my hand and seal of said county court
at Flattsmouth. tins 17th day ol November A.
D. 1M. Georoe M, Si-lrlock.
(Seal) Couuty Judge.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by George
F. Houseworth. clerk ot the district court, within
and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
!ccted. I viil on the 2d day ot January, A. D,
17. at 11 o'clock a. 111. of said day at the south
door ol tiie court house in the city ot l'lattsmouth,
in said county, sell at public auction, to the high
est bidder tor cash, the following real estate, to
wit: Lots hve LliJ and six l5J in block twenty
nine l'2iJ in the city ol l'lattsmouth, Cass county,
Nebraska, together with the privileges and appur
tenances thereunto belonging or 111 anywise ap
pertaining; the same being levied upon aud taken
as the property ol George f. W eidniati, et al, de
fendants, to satisfy a judgment ot said court re
covered by 1'eter J. Hansen, administrator ot the
estate ot J. M. bchneilbacher, deceased, p.aintiil
agaiut said defendants.
I'iattsiuoutn, Neb., Dec. 2, A. D., 1S.
Sheriff, Cass county, Nebraska.
Notice to Creditots
State .f Nebraska, ( t-s.
Cass County. (
In the matter oi the estate of Charles liutler,
Notice is hereby given that the claims and de
mands of all persons against Charles liutler, de
c jased. late ol said county and state, w ill be re
ceived, examined and adjusted by the county
court at the court house at l'lattsmouth on the
tli day oljune A. D. 197, at lu o'clock in the
forenoon. Aud that six months from and after
the 2tth day ot December A. D. lt-'Jo, is the time
limited for creditors of said deceased to present
their claims hi examination and allowance.
Given under my hand and seal this 1st day of
December A. D. IsUij.
George M. Spurlock.
ISealJ County Judge.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by George
F. Houseworth. clerk of the district court within
and lor Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, 1 will on the IMi day ot December, A. D.
1MH5, at 11 o'ciock a. m. ot said day at the south
door of the court house in the city of Flatts
mouth. in said county sell at public auction, to
the highest bidder tor cash, the following real
estate, to-wit: The north haif ot lots eleven aud
twelve (11 aud 12" in block thirty-six (:j0:, in the
city ot Flattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, to
gether with all and singular the hereditaments
and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in
anywise appertaining; the same being levied
upon and taken as the proper ty of Flizabeth A.
W oodson aud James M. W oodson, deteudants,
to satisty a uidjrnient ol said court recovered by
Charles C. I'aruieie, as receiver of the Citizens
bairn ol Flattsmouth. Nebraska, plaiutin against
said deteudants.
Flattsmouth, Neb.. November 17. A. D. lsStG.
Harvey Hollowav.
Sheriff, Cass county, Nebraska.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by George
F. Houseworth. clerk of the district court within
aud tor Cass county. Nebraska, aud to me di
rected. I will on the St-th day of December, A. D.
at 11 o'clock a. m. ol said day at the south
door of the court house in the city of Flattsmouth
in said county, sell at public auction, to the high
est bidder for ..ash. the following real estate to
wit: Cots three 3i and tour 4) in block thirty
nine (:.. in Voung & Hayes' addition to the city
ot Flatt-mouth. Cass couuty, Nebraska, together
with all and singular the Lereditaments aud ap
purtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise
appertaining. Ihe same beihg levied upon and
taKcu as the property of Samuel F. auatta, et al.
defendants, to satisly a judgment of said court
recovered by J. 11, Fettiboue and K. Nixon,
doing business under ihe firm name aad style of
Petnoone & Nixon, plaintirfs, against said de
fendants. , . .
l'lattsmouth, Nebraska. Nov. 24 A. D. l.-9t.
Hakvly Hollowav,
Sheriff Cass county, Nebraska.
Sheriff's Sale.
l)v virtue f an order of sale issued by George
F Houseworth, clerk of the district court within
and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected. I will on the -tith day of December, A. D.
l"Jt, at 1 1 o'clock a. tn. of said day at the south
door of the court house in the city of Flattsmouth
in said county, sell at public auction, to the high
est bidder for cash, the following real estate, to
wit: I-ot seven (7 in block thirty-eight (3 in
the city of Flattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska,
together with all and singular the hereditaments
and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any
wise appertaining. The same being levied upon
and taken as the property of James C. Fikenbary
ant tmily T. Fikenbary, et al. defendants, to
satisfy a Judgment of said court recovered by S.
. Nixon, plaintitf. against said defendants.
Flattsmouth, Nebraska, Nov. 24. A. D. 106,
Harvey Hollowav,
Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska.
lor tlic
Who Has the Best
To the person bringing to our store tho THREE
tween now and December 2T, wo will jjive one
Suit Valued at $15.00
To the person briDgir.p- the
SECOND heaviest wo will
To the person bringing the three ears weighing
THIRD heaviest we will give
This does not require a person to make
a purchase of us, but we have
...the most...
Complete Stock of Clothng
The Ccda
C. C. PARMELE, Receiver.
Highest cash price paid for wheat, and the
best flour ever made in Nebraska given in
Custom work specially cared for. Give
the new management a trial and you will
buy now other flour.
Ask Your Dealer For Cedar Creek Flour.
fa I J up Capital
Offers the very best facilities for the
prompt, transaction of !
STOCK?, bouds, eold. eoveretnent and lot i.
securities nouzht aud sold. leposlt,s re
ceived and Interest allowed on the certE
cates. Drafts drawn, available In any
part of the U. !S and all the principle
towns of Europe. 'Jollectlous m.iae an i
promptly remitted. Highest market
price paid for county warrants, state
and county bonds.
II. Jf lov-y. I. llHWhtwortli
s. Vnfi. F. E. Wnitf, 'i. t:. I'
.. K'. IKivcj, irM. . WnlcII) (.'ttwliifr
H. N. Duvry .t. CiMrr,
w N.B. Don't take any substitute
2 vith the same name but different -t
I nun iiic 2U1IIC I UJ 1 1 1 V uui vj u i i n 1 1
ispellin on which your druist o.
makes twice as much
Complexion Frsssrved
P-omorer-rVecklcs, Pinr-s
Liver. r.:r.!r s
plexion. Superior to nil
TTopumtions Bud
rirui, ists, or tauiL
repartitions end vorffiv hnrmip.-r A pll
.iled lor 5 C cts. kciid lor cin uiar.
VIOLA SKIN SOAP i- rlirply lncomrra.! n
kin p'iMns Sou?, Bntqui.b! fjr lue t.'i i.-t . ui,-l wi.hmit m
firal ror Ihi- nurMT. AvHolut-'r rrr wtd d.-;ica:t! mcul
tl. At drUri;i.. p,ie8 2 5 Cenli.
The Q. C. BSTTNER CO., Toledo, O.
n re the most powerful, safe prompt ani re
liable of this kind in the market. Th
nrienal and only genuine woman's salva
tion. Ask your dru(r-ist if he don't keep
thetu. Write direct to us nod we will send on t Tn, and ro-
etor-i the 6:in to iu nrirri- .X'.-C
nal irhnetiS, producing" u f4.'',,t; '
clear and btaittrr if.-n jCS: '
o iBia.'.Miisa
""'reel upon receipt 01 price, fi, seaieu. uy
mail prepaid. Medical 11U vice free. JACK
SON MEDICAL CO.. Chicago, 111-, or our
agent, I. L, Snyder.
Corn in Cass County
three ears weighing
giye one
Suit Valued at $10.00
Merchandise Valued at $5.00
Creek Mills,
will ilk) if usi' as
n-cltiir.s; prevent
dise;4-es, skin dlse
as a wash according to dl
nt transmission or Dioou
senses, acute and chronic
uicen-. stricture, hssure or the hands ana
feet, Jxzeiua. Tetter, talt Uheumatism, I n -ll.'ituation
of the Hi add er. Diseases of the
bonefi. Joints and muscles. Syphiletlc In
sanity, Scurvy, Scrofula in many fornjB.
Tnc above and a hundred other forms of
(iisense are traceable directly or indirectly
to pvphilitic ltlooa Poison for which the
Dr. Jac k son's English Saety Tablets is a
sure preventive, and is asafo tierm Killer,
rendering toritiirion hardly possible, hence
its value. If neglected such troubles resul
fatally. Mailed anywhere, sealed fl: six
boxes fnrJ.V Medical advice free. JACK
MN MEDICAI, CO., Chicago, IU.t or our
agent. I. L. Suyeer.
' 5 DAY nc-Mir nrTANrA s
s v rv r-' . . . . c V.
in thirty d.iys by a new perfected 9cientiflo
method that can not fall unless the case is
bevond human aid. Vou feel improved the
first day; feel a benefit every day: soon
know vourself a kin anions? men in body,
rritid and heart. Drains and losses ejjded.
every obstacle to happ7 married life re
moved. Nerve force, will, energy, brain
power, when falling are restored. If nn
LTlected such troubles result fatally.
Medical advice free. Mailed everwhere.
sealed for fl. Six boxes for t. JACKSON
MEDICAL, CO., Chioago. 111., or ouraent.
L. suyJer.
SsientiSo American
Arjency for
For information an1 frpa Handbook writs to
MUSS K CO., b6t liRODWT, New Yokk.
OMest burrau for w-rtnK patenta tn America,
F.verr patent taken out by uu la bronebt before
tuc public by a notice given tree ut charge la Uio
Jfricnfific JtJKtifatt
IrtT-ost c)rtitHtfoTi of any Brientlfle paper In th
v.-'.'..I. h:,len:litll.r Illustrated. lutelllpen'
ma f.fn':l't i-o without lu Weekly. 3,OOl
"nr: !.-) blx -7V r-: 'is. A-Mress, BCXV ft CO
Vvi.iji.ii.ii, atil i;rai-vay, ;W VurV ",t.
I TVS A - f-r-
The News for I0c