THE SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS-HERALD, PLATTSMOUTH NEB., DECEMBER 9, 1896. mi Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength. Latest United States Government Food Report. CITY AND COUNTY. SATURDAY. W. Jennings of Orleans is visitiog" his uncle, I. S. White this week. Mrs. Roy Britt of Omaha was in the city today visiting her mother and other relatives. The board of county commissioners have pone out in the countj- to inspect Bornsbridges today. One coach could not 6eat the crowd which went to Omaha on the early train this morning. Assistant Suuerin tendent of Motive Power Quereau returned this morn ing from a business trip to McCoott. A. J. Trility has quit the Singer Sewing machine business, and V. L. Street will look after Singnr affaii s hereafter alone. At foreclosure sale today of the Me Iiae farm west of South Uend consist ing of eighty acres. C. II. Parmele was the purchaser for $2,245. Dr. L. P. I 'oik of Raymond came down last eveniDg to attend his broth er, C. S., who is much better today. He returned to Lincoln this morning. Such incqmparable December weather as wo have today is only pos sible in Nebraska. We trust the quantity may keep pace with the quality. One of the Macabees was arrested last evening on the charge of being drunk and disorderly and the usual fine was assessed against him by Judge Archer today. Colonel fiixby has discovered that a man can't love his enemies. Ho fails to state how he arrived at this conclu sion whether by analysis of the sub ject or by an actual lest. T. Frank Wiles came homo this mo jning from a visit of several days at Palmyra, Mo. Frank was in the social swim down there and had to re turn home to recuperate. George Liehnhoff's valet in the front window of the store has become addicted to the tobacco habit and on a wager can smoke more cigars in a month than any man in Nebraska. Take a look at him. The new time cird goes into effect on the Burlington tomorrow, but no changes occur in time of trains here. The Schuyler will be made up and start from here on the new time card instead of from the Junction as former- The Louisville Courier says that J. V. Glover, a well known resident and merchant of Louisville for many years, was killed at Los Angeles, Calif., by being run over by a heavy wagon. His family wa9 living at Uot Springs, S. D., and ho had gone to California to look up a location. MONDAY. Mrs. D. S. Guild is reported quite ill today. R. J. Vass went to Lincoln on busi ness today. Miss Rose Ilyers was a visitor in Omaha today. Kx-Senator Thomas was a Lincoln passenger this morning. Wi'liam O. Carr was in the city over Sunday visiting his parents. Work was berun at H.ivclock last week on two engines, class C" style A final settlement was today made iu the estate of Stephen Wilsc, de ceased. Mrs. Bart Kirkham depirted today for Crawford to visit her gi andmother who is reported quite ill. The exoected snow storm f.nKd to cre,t thii far east though snow is rc ported falling in Wyoming. Frank Jacobs and wife i-ppoared in county court today in the interest of the estate of Fred B. Busething. Marriage license was Luuay iutu toueorge uenry oacu.. u. xul3V and Miss l-.iizauein ix-kic Creek. Charles Beach, the popular postal for resisting disease thin people, nerveless, delicate I JLhe looa lor all such men, women, or cnildren is cotts mulsion. The hypophosphites combined with the oil will tone up the system, give the blood new life, improve the appetite and help digestion. The sign of new life will be a fattening and reddening, which brings with it strength, comfort and good-nature. Bt turt you pet Scctf t Emulsion -when you want it and not a ektaf tubititutt. Scott &' Bovvne, New York, aii Druggists. 50c. and $i. clerk on the Schuyler run, enjoyed a visit from his father today, who re sides near Weeping Water. The state meeting of county com missioners will convene in Lincoln tomorrow and the Cass county board with County ClerK Robertson will be in attendance. Mrs. Morris, an aunt of the Tucker Sisters, accompanied by her daughter returned to her home in Kansas City this morning after a pleasant visit with t elatives W. II. McNerney, general agent for the Nederland Life Insurance com pany, with headquarters in Omaha, was in the city today and made The Ntws a pleasant call. Joe McMaken says they have 6even inches of crystal ice on their soring lane property at Cedar Creek and the first cold weather that comes they want fifteen teams and twenty-five men to help in storing it. The Lincoln papers print extrava gant press notices of the Oitumwa Quartette, which sang there Friday evening. There is no question but what it is a model musical organiza tion, and our people who go to the Presbyterian church to hear them the evening 01 December i) may rignt- fully expect a delightful entertain ment. A PROMINENT PLATTSMOUTHIAN. Mrs. Itichey's Gifts Kxtolled petent Critic. Ity a Coin- Wm. Reed Dunrov in the State Journal says: " 'The Crows' Nest' is an odd name for a house, but that is what Mrs. Isabel Richey, the poetess of Platts meuth, calls her home, and it is not so bad either when one sees the laree irregular house perched high on the hill. From the front porch one can see the broad old Missouri to the east, its yellow, muddy current tumbling through the sunlight, and far in the distance the blue hills of Iowa look vague and indistinct. To the west is as wild a bit of scenery as one can find in Nebraska. It is a sparsely wooded tract, ragged with hills and ravines and at this time of the yearlooks wild and uncanny. It is just such a place one would loolc for the hairy old witches of Macbeth, or the wild revels of the fairies that chased Tarn O'Shanter on that fearful night. The house is by itself, high above every thing like the eyrie of an eagle, or better, like the nest of a crow. From it, the irregular town cf Plattsmouth can be seen, the hil'.s and the trees, the spires of churches, peeping above the rugged hills, the tower of the court house with its clock and the roofs of the stores that line the main street. "Within doors Mrs. Richey has made it homelike and pleasant. A grate in which burns a cheerful Sre adds a charm to the room and pictures and little fancy articles adorn the walls. Mrs. Richey herself is a bright, cheerful little woman. She stays closely at home, finding all her comfort in her little manly boy, her husband and her writing. She writes when the inspiration comes and has cote book ready to jot down her fleet ing thoughts. She writes the poem out first in her note book, and then puts it in her portfolio. She says she does not especially care whether any one else reads her poems or not. She take smuch pleasure in making them, and likes to read them herself, so she feels independent of the world outside. She has a large number of poems that have never been published, sonnets and pretty little verses, sad and gay, all sorts of odd conceits and queer fancies. " A Harp of the West' is the title of her book published over ayear ago. This book has brought her recognition in the east and has had some very complimentary reviews, one of the greatest single poems. She has let ters from some of the most prominent American authors commending her work. One of these is a quaintly written epistle from James Whitcomb Riley which gives Mrs. Richey every reason to be proud, for it speaks most encouragingly of her work. William uean noweus in a scrawl also gives her a good word, encouraging and neipiui. 11 laKes some time lor a western author to gain recognition, but Mrs. Richey has no reason to com plain of her receptitn. Doubtless she will soon become known as one of the best writers of verse in the state. if not in the west." Giraue is going to be good in Plattsmouth this fall and winter and itho merchant who expects to get his I full share of it must mk n. lil fr u THE NEWS is read by more peo- . iJo Uian any oth,r publication in th cUy anJ tho mercnant who uses Us 'co umns as a trade-getter will use good judgment. the food for all such. How many pale folk there are ! People who ' have the will, but no power to bring out their vitality; people who swing like a pendulum between strength and weakness so that one day's work causes six days' sickness ! People who have no life AMTA knows it is without an equal. toid everywhere. Made only oy a The N. K. Fairbank Company, - Chicago. CRITICAL CONDITION. Former l'iattsmouth Lady Keturus From Salt Lake Iu a Helpless Condition. Mrs. Jerry Daniher, jr. , who came In here from Salt Lake City, is stop ping at one of the local hotels. She is suffering not only from inflamma tory rheumatism, but is certainly in sane. Just what to do with her seems quite a puzzle. No one cares to tile a complaint and to care for her is more than the ladies of her church are able to do. She has no relatives here who are financially able to ren der any assistance. The unfortunate woman may have to be taken to the asylum. Of unusual interest to every reader of this paper is the announcement made elsewhere in this issue by the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, unquestionably t the greatest of American newspapers. Daily and Sunday Globe-Democrat is reduced at one blow, from twelve to six dollars ayear, placing it within the reach of all who desire to read any daily paper during the comming great national campaign. The Weekly Globe-Democrat remains at one dollar a year, but is issued in Semi-Weekly sections of eight pages each, making practically a largo semi-weekly pnper This issue is just the thing for the far mer, merchant or professional man who has not the time to read a daily paper but wishes to Keep prompt yjand thoroughly posted. It is made tup with especial reference to the wants of every member of the family, not only giving all the news, but also a great variety of interesting and instructive reading matter of all kinds. Write for free sample copies to Gloim Print ing Co., St. Louis, Mo. Don't be persuaded into buying inimcnts without reputation or merit Chamberlain's Pain Balm costs no more, and its merits have been pro ven by a test of many years. Such letters as the following, from L. G. Bagley, Hueneme, Cal., are constantly being received: "The best remedy for pain I have ever used is Chamber lain's Pain Balm, and I say so after having used it in my family for sev eral j'ears. " It cures rheumatism, lame back, sprains and swellings. For sale by all druggists. English Spavin Liniraentremovesal Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses. Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring-Bone, Stifles, Sprains, all Swoolen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonJor- ful Blemish Curo ever known. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists, Platts mouth. How to 1'reveut l'lieuiuouia At this time of the year a cold is very easily contracted, and if left to run its courso without the aid of some reliable cough medicine is liable to result in that dread disease, pneumonia We know of no better remedy to cure acough or cold than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Wo have used it quite extensively and it has always given entire satisfaction. Olagah, Ind. Ter. Chief. This is the only remedy that is known to be a certain preventive of pneumonia. Among the many thousands who have used it for colds and la grippe, wo have never vet learned of a single cao having re suited in pneum nia. Persons who have weak lungs or have reason to fear an attack of pneumonia, should keep the remedy at hand. 'The2o r.nd 50 cent sizes for sale by ali druggists C. M. Dixon, a well known merchant of P.eisint Ridge, Fulton Co., Pa., has a little girl who is fre quently threatened with croup, but when the Cist symptoms appear, hi wifegUis her Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which always atTords prompt relitf The 25 and 50 cent sizes for silo by all druggists. Dr. Murlmll, liraduate Dfiiiist. Dr. Marshall, One gold work. Dr. Marshall, gold and porcelain crowns. Dr. Marshall, crewn and bridge work Dr. Marshall, teeth without plates. Dr. Marshall, all kind.3 of fillings. Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plates. Dr. Marshall, perfect fitting plates Dr. Marshall, all work warranted. . All the latest anoliances lor first A&ss dentf! work. DeVVitt s witcii nael Salve .Cures Piles. Scalds. IWirr.s. When Baby was sick, wt are her Castorla. When she vas a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she crung to Castoria. When she bad Cbfldren, she gave them Castoria erve o m tl J v: ignx: "You can take that soap right back and change it for Santa Claus Soap. I would not use any other kind." o 6 a e Kvery woman who has g ever used How to Cure Itilious Colic. I suffered for weeks with colic and pains in my stomach caused by bilious ness and had had to take medicine all the wbilo until I used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which cured me. I have since recom mended it to a gocd many people. Mrs. F. Butler, Fairhaven, Conn Persons who are subject to bilious colic can ward off the attack by taking this remedy as soon as the first symptoms appear. Sold by all drug gists. TIME TABLE PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. Lincoln Omaha Chicago St. Joseph Kansas City St. Louis and all points East and South. Helena 'Portland San Francisco All points west. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: No 2a Local express, daily, St Joe, Ki ns;is, ?t Louis, all points south 0:4) am No 4. Loc.ii exo. da.y, I.urliugtim, C'hic;i-'0, all points c;ibt 10:21 am No 10. Local ex p. flaily except Sun day, I'.icilic J uaciio.i 11:.V aiu No !i Local exp. daily exi-eut Sun day, I'ac-itio Junction 12:2S ptn JNo JO. t ret. lit, daily except uuuay l'acitic Junction No 2- Vestibuled exp. daily. Bur lington, C'liica-O and all points east No 12. Loc:tl exp. daily. St loe. Kan sas City. :St Louis. Cliica.uo all points east a fid south.. NOiS Freight, daily, from Omaha to I'ac Junction. IvOmaiia No 5. Local exp. daily.Omaha, Lin coln, lenver and interme diate stations No NY Local freight, da ily, Oniann. No 2'A Local fret.'ht. daily, ex Sun day. Cedar (.'reeu. Louis vihe, South Bond No 7. Fast mail, dally, Omaha and Lincoln No 3. Vestiouled exp, daily. Den ver and all points In Colo rado, Utah and California, Grand Island. Black lliils, Montana and I'aciUs N. W. No 9. Local exp, daiiy except Sun day. Louisville. Ashland, Wahoo, s-chuyler No 11. Local exp, daily except Sun day, Omaha and Lincoln.. No 17. Local express, Sunday only. 2:.'i0 pm ,"i:.'!l pm SJi" pm '.:l."i pm 7:.T2 am f :M am am pm 3:13 pm 4:00 pm 5 27 ptn Omaha 5:17 pm No T.i. Freight, daiiy, Louisville... S:05 ptn Sleep:n. ll.nin i and recl.nlnir chair cars (seats free) on through trains. Tickets soid and bavgae checked to an boint in the United States or Canada. For Information, time tables, maps and tickets call or write to W. L. PICKETT. Agent, 1'iattsmoutli, NtU J. FRANCES. Gen. Pass. At.. Omaha. Neb. -l. 1- TI.! K CAItl). TRAINS GOING NOKTII, No. I.. No. . No. l-'l ...4.50 a.n. ..11..M a. in . ..3.f8 p.m .10.43 p. in. . . 7.35 .a. ni. .3..riM p. m. local freigtit TUAINS GOING POCTll. NO. 2 No. 1 2. local freignt fr.o. 10 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Legal Notice, Lewis defendant will take notice that on the 4th day oi December. ISiHi, Lucy plain tiff, herein tiled her petition in the district court ot Cas county, Nebraska, against said defend ant, the object and prayer ot which is to obtain a decree of divorce from the defendant upon the ground of extreme cruelty and non-support. You are requireu 10 answer saui pennon ou or Delore the lsth day of January, 1M'7. -13'. I.fCV LKE, Shenff's Sale. V.y virtue of an order of sale issued bv Georire V. llouseworth. clerk of the district court within and for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me di rected. I will on the lull day of January, A. I). llr. at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south door of the court house in the city of Plattsmouth m sam county, sell at public auction, to the high est bidder for cash, the following real estate, to wit: Fractional lots 1. 2. and 3 in block 8 in White's addition to the city of Flattsniouth, Cass county, Nebraska, and lots 1, 2, and 3 in block K, in the city of I'l.-tttsmoiith, Cass county, Nebraska, to gether with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or iu anywise appertaining. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Wellington Y. Druniniond ct al., defendants, to satislv a judgment of said court recovered by Livingston Loan and Uuilding As sociation, plaiiititt: against said defendants. l'lattsinouth, Nebraska, Decembers. A. I). 1S0C llARVEY llnLI.OWAY, Sheriff Cass county, Nebraska Legal Notice. Notice by publication for probate of will. In the county court of Cass county. Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of John b. C. Ilcnnings. deceased. Catharines. M. Ilennirgs, John A. Ilcnnings. Charles C. Mcunings. Ferdinand J. Hemi'iigs. Kmma M. Lrau. Kosa, guaidiau of Terrace C. Ilcnnings and Sophia M. lieunings. minor heirs ol Henry J. Heiiuings, de ceased, and all other persons i,-. crested in said matter, are hereby nopped that on the 2mh day of November, lKfci, J. Ilcnnings tiled iu said court, a petition, alleg'ug. among other M'ings. that John F. C. I leitnings d'ed on the St It day of September, lsw, leaving a lasi wi 1 and testament and possessed of persona! estate valued at six thousand two hundred (, dollars and that the above named constitute all the persons in terested iu the estate of said deceased; and pray ing for the probate of said will, and for adminis tration ot said estate. You are hereby not'iied that if you fail to appear at said eourt on ,ue l'.'th day ef December. lM, at 2 o'clock p in.. 10 con test the probate of saii will, the court may al low and probate spiil will an. I orsnt mlminwtra- ltijnof said estate to John A. lieunings or some owier Miuaoie person, and rrocc-cd to a settle ment thereof. W itness my hand ami seal of said county court at I lattsmouth. this Tilth day of November. A. D. ' George M. Si i.rlock. beal County Judge. Legal Notice. Notice by publication on petition for adminis tration of eta;e In the county court of Cass county Nebraska. In the m .tier of the estate of Kachel Osborn deceased. Larkin Osbom. Han nah I enn, Calvm Osborn. Emanuel ikhnm Soharah Stocker M. V. Osborn. MaVy O. Fhipps! Cora. Hattie and Evelyn Catt aud all other per sons interested in said matter are hereby notified that on tiie 24th day of November. 1-1W. Hannah Fenn filed a petition in said county court alleg ing among other things that Rachel Osborn died on the 12th day ot May, A. I), lsyrt, leaving no last will and testament, and possessed of per sonal estate of the estimated value of four hun dred flUO.00 dollars, and that the above named constitute all the persons interested in the estate of said deceased, and praying for administration thereof. You are hereby notified thai if you fail to appear at said court on the lyth day of Decem ber, ix;rt. attf o'clock a. ni. and contest said peti tion, the court will appoint K. F, Dean, or some other suitable person, administrator, and proceed to a settlement of said estate. it H K s 0 Witness my hand and seal of said countv court at Flattsmouth.-this 24th day of November, A. L. 11'6. CiEORGE M. Spcrlock, Seal County Judge. Sheriff's Sale. Ily virtue of an order of sale issued by George F. llouseworth, clerk of the district court, within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to uie directed, I will on theiath day of Dec, A. U.. lSHrj, at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south door of the court house in the city of I'l tttsrnouth, in said county, sell at public auction, to tne highest bidder for ca-h, the following real estate, towit: The south half (s W of lots 1. 2 and 3 in block tnirteen (13) tn the city of flatts u.outh.Cass county. Nebraska together with all and singular the hereditaments and ap purtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of S. I'. Yanutia and L. J. Vanatta, defendants; to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by Chirles C. Parmele as receiver of the Citizens' Bank of Flattsniouth, Nebraska, plaintiff; against sail defendants. 1'lattsmoutta, Nebraska. Nov. 17, A. II., ls'Jti. Harvey Uolloway, Sheriff, Cass county, Nebraska. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by George F. llouseworth, clerk of the district court, within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di rected,.! will on the 19th day of December, A. 1. lb'M. at 11 o'clock a. in. of said day at the south door oi the court house In the city of Flattsniouth iu said county, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate, to-wit: All of block one west of the Bublic square in the village oi Kock lutls. Cass County. Nebraska, together with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of lolm Q. Churclii l, Laura 1. Churchill, iMary C. loore and Thomas Moore, delendants, to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by Sarah lil len Smith, plaiiititt, and Albert Ni Sullivan, de fendant, against said defendants. 1'laltsmouth, Neb., Nov. 17, A. P., l9t). Harvey Holloway, Sherilf, Cass county. Nebraska. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by George F. llouseworth, clerk of the district court, within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di rected, 1 w ill on the ll'tli day of December, A. H. IsUo, at 'I o'clock a. m. ot said day, at the south door of the court house in the city ol Flatts niouth, in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate, low it: Fractional lot 3 iu section 7, town 12, range If. in Cass county, Nebrask, also lot 12 block l.f iu the city of l'iattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, together with all and singular the hereditaments and appuiteiiances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Katheriue Keu land, alias Mrs. 1'eter Keuland, et al, defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by Fettibone aud Nixon, plaintiffs, against said de fendants. Flattsniouth, Nebraska. Nov. 17, A. D. 1H'.5. Harvey Holloway, Sheriff. Cass county, Nebraska. Legal Notice. Not'ce by publication on petition for adminis tration ot estate. In the county court ol Cass coumy, .Nebraska. In the matter of the estate ol Charles Latus, deceased, and unknown. heirs ot said deceased, and all other persons in terested in said mattet are hereby notihed that on the llth day ot November, C. S, Folk hied a petition iu said county court alleging among oilier things that Chat les Latus died on the 2siii day of October, 18'.tt, 'caving no last will and tes tament and possessed of real and personal estate ol the reasonable value of S210.0U and tliat if any heirs survive, their names and are residences un known to the petitioner. You are hereby notified that if you tail to appear at said court on the loth day ot December, lMti, at U o'clock a.m. and con test said petition, the court will appoint James O. McClain or some otner suitable person adminis trator, and proceed to a settlement of said estate. Witness my hand and seal of said couunty court at Flattsniouth, tins 17th "day oi November, A. D. lLMi. George M. Si-l rlock (Seal) County Judge. Notice of Final Sett lenient. Notice by publication on petition for settle ment ol administration account. In the county court of Cass county, Nebraska. In the matter ol the estate ot Stephen Wiles, deceased, Llizabeth C. Wiles, Rebecca Murray, Thomas Wiles, Issue Wiles, John U lies, deorge i!cs, tiarbara 1l. ar tier, Isabel wiles, rsan::y spangler, Stephen lies, Joseph i:es, fjeiijaiimi 1'. lies, Mar tha G. Wiles, guardian ot James A. Wiles. Kalph M. WliCS. Stephen ti. lies ana Joseph M. Wiles, minor hairs of James M, Wiles, a deceased son of said deceased, and all other persons inter ested in said matter are hereby not died that on the Zlst day ot October, l&yo, licnjamin r. Wile tiled a petition in said couuty court, praying that his tmal administration accounts hied herein be settled and allowed, and that iie be discharged from his trust as executor, aud that if you tail to appear before said court ou the 7th day of De cember, ls'.t, at 10 o'clock a. in., aud coutest said petition, the court may grant the prayer of said petition, and make such other aud iurther orders, allowances and deciees as to this court may seem p.oper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled and determined. W ltness my Hand and seal ot said county court at Flattsniouth. this 17th day ot November A. D, 1N). (jLOKl.L M, M'UKLUCK, iSeal) Couuty Judge. " Sheriffs Sale. Bv virtue of an order of sale issued bv Geortre F llouseworth. clerk of the district court, within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di rected. I will ou the U'd day ot January, A. D, is.7, at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south door ol the court house in the city of l'iattsmouth, iu said county, sell at public auction, to the high est bidder tor cash, the following real estate, to wit: Lots five Lr,J six ti in block twenty nine 2S in the city or Flattsniouth, Cass county. Aeoraska, together W illi tne privileges and appur tenances thereunto belonging or in auywise ap pertaining; the same being levied upon and taken as the property ot George F. Weidmau, et al, de lendants. to satisfy a judgment of said court re covered by FeterJ. Hansen, administrator of the estate of J. M. Schnellbacher, deceased, piaiutitt agamt said defendants. flattsniouth. Neb., Dec. 2. A. I)., Is'Jrt. Harvey Holloway. Sheriif, Cass county, Nebraska. Notice to Creditots State jf Nebraska, i ss. Cass County. I In the matter el the estate id Chiiriis lint I . -r deceased. Notice is hereby given that the claims and de mands oi all persons auainst Charles Butler, di?- C;ased, late ot said county and state, will be re ceived, examined aud adjusted bv the countv court at the court house at l'iattsmouth on the 2Mb day otjune A. 11M'7. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. And that six months from and alter the Utith day ol December A. D. 1K, is the time limited for creditors of said deceased to pres.nt their claims 1 r examination aud allowance. Given under my hand and seal this 1st day of December A. D. lyii. George M. Si'L'rlock, LSealj County Judge. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by George F. llouseworth, clerk of the district court within and lor Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di rected, I will on the K'th day of December, A. D. Is'.Hi. at 11 o'ciock a. in. of said day at the south door of the court house in the city of Flatts niouth, in said county sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate, to-wit: The north half ot lots eleven and twelve (11 and lr in block thirty-six :i, iu the city of Flattsniouth, Cass county, Nebraska, to gether with an and singular the Hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in auywise appertaining; the same being levied upon and taken as the property ot Elizabeth A W oodson and James M. Woodson, defendants. to satisly a judgment ot said court recovered bv Charles C. l'anneie, as receiver of the Citizens bank of 1 lattsmouth, Nebraska, plaimitt against said iieienaanis. l'iattsmouth. Neb.. November 17, A. I. l.-WJ Harvey Holloway, Sheriff, Cass county, Nebraska. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by George F. llouseworth, clerk of the district court within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di rected, I will on the 'oth day ot December, A. D. isirfj, at 11 o'clock a. ni. ot said day at the south door of the Court house in the city ol Flattsniouth in said county, sell at public auction, to the high est bidder lor .ash, the following real estate tow-it: Lots three i.U) and tour (4) in block thirty nine (: i'l. in Young A; Hayes' addition to the city ot l'iattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, together with all and singular the hereditaments aud ap puiteiiances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. '1 lie same being levied upon and takeu as the property of Samuel F. anatta, et al. defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by J. H. Fettibone and S. E. Nixon, doim? busi:i,' mi 1t .he hrm name and style of Fetimouo ci Nixon, piaiutilts, against said de lendants. F.aUsmouth, Nebraska, Nov. 24, A. D. 1-1W. Harvey Holloway, Sheriff Cass couuty, Nebraska. Mieriff's Sale. By virtue r ( an order of sale issued by George F. llouseworth. clerk of the district court witlan and for Cas cuutv, Nebraska, and to nie di rected, I will on the "itlth day of December. A. D. lc'Jti, at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south door ot the court house in the city of l'iattsmouth in said county, sell at public auction, to the high est bidder for cash, the following real estate, to wit: Lot seven (7) in block thirty-eight (3) in the city ol Flattsniouth, Cass county, Nebraska, tiiut-tlier with all and singular the hereditaments ' aud appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any ! wise appertaining. The same being levied upon ! and taken as the property of James C. Kikeubary an-i t.miiy l. tiKeuoary, et at, aetenaants, to satisfy a Judgment of said court recovered by S. H. Nixon, plaintiff, against said defendants, l'iattsmouth. Nebraska, Nov. 24. A. L). 1HSK5. Harvey Holloway, Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska. 9 ? ? 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 For ..Jr-armer.. Who Has the BesCorn in Cass Countv To the person brinjTiny to our sloro tho THREE EARS CORN WEIGHING TIIE MOST, be tween now and December 25, wo will give one Suit Valued at $15.00 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 ? 9 9 To tho person bringing the three e;irs weighing SECOND heaviest wo will piye one Suit Valued at $10.00 To the person bringing- the three ears weighing THIRD heaviest wo will givo Merchandise Valued at $5.00 I 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 This does not require a person to make a purchase of us, but we have ...the most... Complete Stock of Clothng IN C7ISS F. the LEADING g& o- as o a- o-o- o- s- $ nrr oritur i lie C. C. PARMELE, Receiver. CLAUS BREKENFELD, Mgr. Highest cash price paid for wheat, and the best flour ever made in Nebraska given in exchange. Custom work specially cared for. Give the new management buy now other flour. Ask Your Dealer For Cedar Creek Flour. FIRST NATIONAL OP I'LATTSMOCT tT, I7KBISASKA. I'ald up Capital 130,000 10.000 the Surplus Offprs the very best f scllitles i Uroiii.jtt transaction of EGiTIMME BUS BUSINESS STOCKS. oricl, cold, povcremarit arid lotn- Becun.tles rou-'ht and sola. Deposiis re celved and Interest allowed on the certti cates. Drafts drawn. avallaDle In any part of the U. s. and all the pnnuiplo towns of Europe. 'Jolleotlnus made au.t 'promptly remitted, liiuliest tuarUo;. price paid for county warrants, state and 'sounty bonds. director; If. i ?)ovpy. I- linwkiwnrts.' Wnii''!i, V. E. V!itt-, K. n--wy Otitt. ii, Uov.-y, Vrr. s. A--;-.h. 'slii-r II. Oovty At,:t. 0nbSsr. BEWARE OT IMITATIONS t t- FO SALE BV Alt OBUCOI5TS-OR ' s.' JACK5QM MEDICAL CO.' CHICSBQ ILL ? , 260 Cl CLARK ST-IMPERIAL B'ID'G. wN.B. DorVt takeny substituted with the same name but different J spelling on which .yoi r clruist (o J makes lvviceas much &5.WARE Or. IMITATIONS Corapfexion Fressrvea'1 DH. HEIjRA'S plcxion. Snr.T ;rfii!tnitior.s find THTfcUy I driigists, or xutiilcrl for 50cts. VIOLA SK!r4 SOAP H Kkla puritvir? &otp, oaf-qawlM fir tau toUr;. aud wilbmit a rival for lh- iiurTj. jr-niuti.-.T fun -l U(.-Ii'ja:cljr' meCS eM. AtdrucTlsTA. PrSca 25 Crrti. The Q. C. B5T1IER CO.t Toledo, Q.A are the tnost powerful, safe "Dromot and re liable of this kind In the market. Thts ortirnal and only 2011111 no womnnN salva tion. Ask your drazist if he don't keen them.' Write direct 10 na and we will send It direct upon receipt of p rice, L, seale-.d. by niaii urepaid. Medical ad vice free. J A.Clv-hONMfc-DDJAl, CO, CUic itto, 111., or our ajceat, I. L, Snyder. Remove? r-r-!Ce.'?, fTmplea,.' 1 i ' r ' A . uvor.i;,:K, Riicy: N 'V Agency fory i ;or.-s uij Rl;in to its orlgi- V '-1AV j 53S!5Li Iir 1 -- f lit ,! .nf'Vffir-jivi t 6 6 6 6 9 9 9 t 9 i t 6 6 6 h 4 9 t 6 6 6 6 t t 9 9 9 6 t 9 9 9 6 9 6 9 6 t 6 I 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 the COUNTY. GAN9 CLOTHIER, a e- - g- o-- Mills, a trial and you will MMffiKltoi 1 1riil do If usH as a wasli according to dl rectior.--; ruevent transmission of blood diseases, ei-.'" diseases, acute and chronic ulcers. striotuffc.-Ossure of the hands and ft-et, KczeniH. Tette, Rheumatism, in- If tlatnation ot ttie ifiaaa b.-Diseases oi me tones. Joints and muscles. Tv.p title tic in sanity, Scurvy.' mtuiuu in niikiy iornia. Tho above and a hundred other forms of disease are tracealile directly or Indirectly I to syphilitic It I cod l'otson for which the llr. Jackson's Ktis-'lish aety Tablets Is a ' sure preventive, and is asafn Germ Killer, rendering coutusrioii'hardl.v possible, hence its value. If neglected such troubles resul fitally. -Vailed anywhere, sealed II: six 1 boxes for ". Medical advice free. JACK- sjN MEDICAL CO., Chicago. III., or our ' iiticnt, 1. L. Snyecr. THOROUGHLY FOREVER CURED. ENGLISH QUICK sr NCRVE,RE5T0RER tSsMAN OUT OF MEP ) 'XT a: 4 GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY 30COAY in thirty days by a new perfected scientiflo mcLliod that can not fall unless the case Is be vend human aid. You feel improved the first day: fee! a benefit every day; soon know yourself aicln amons? men in body, B'lttd iind heart. Urains aud losses ended, every obstacle to Lapp? married life re moved. N-rve force, will, energy, brain power.- when falling are restored. If nn (Tlectel such tr.mblee result fatally. Medical advice free. Mailed everwhere. con oil for l. i-tx boxes ror . jnvncu.i MEDIC AL CO. L. Mtyder. Chicago. IU., our agent. CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. DESICN PATENTS, COPTRIOHT8. toJ Tot Information and frea Handbook wrlt to ML'NN CO.. 361 HaoADWiT. New Your. O'.Jost bureau for securing patents In America. JCvt-rv patent taken out liy uk Is brought beforo tlie publlo by a notice given free of charge la thd I W"t rtrlotton of artT urtentlfic paper In th vr.d. i'lcn.Ui!v illU-.truteU. No lutelllpen' E' is fhoi;M b-j without it. Weeklv. 3,0L ; .'; fl.WsiTiTiont-is. AiMrPus, MUXX & CO -l tiii-'-as, aoi iirjail- ay, evr VorV". LreeK .--1 i mm. m m.m The News for 10c,