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About Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1896)
r F THE SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS-HERALD, PLATTSMOUTH NEB.,' OCTOBER 31, 1896. 1 1 Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength. Latest United States Government Food Report. CITY AND COUNTY. WEDNESDAY Rosa Mitchell accompanied his moth er to Ilavelock and Lincoln yesterday. Mrs. O. M. Streight of South Bend is in the city visiting relatives and friends, Byron Clark and his party returned from an enjoyable hunting trip yester day. They slaughtered the game which came their way until they tired of the sport. John D. Tutt, who whs a personal acquaintanco of Senator Palmer in the early days, was a looker on at the re ception (riven the old soldier this morning. John Busche and family will remove this wedk to l'ekin, Illinois, where Mrs. Busche's relatives reside, and where they exjiect to take up their perma nent residence. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Todd, wo regret to note, will remove soon to Load City, South Dakota, where they expect to reside. The best wishes of the com munity go with them. Judge G. V. Berge will expound free silver doctrines tomorrow, Thurs day, evening, October il'Jlh at Water man's hall in this city, and invites the public to come out and hear him. Joseph Graham of Avoca, one of Cass county's oldest residents and ad ministrator of the estate of Fred B. Busching, deceased, was attending to business at the court house today. Mrs. Jacob Vallery and daughter, Mrs. White, returned from Louisiana, Mo., Monda3', where they left P. C. Minor greatly improved and in a fair way for recovery. J. L. Minor was in the city yesterday on his way home from a visit to his brother, and ex pressed no fears of the result. Judge Dandy's Death. The sudden death of E. S. Dundy, which occurred yesterday evening at Omah;i, says the State Journal, was received witn su prise in this city, as he wis known to 'have been In "the south part of the state recently. At the hotels politicians tdid not refrain from discussing the question of a suc cessor to the United States district judgship which is made vacant by Judge DuDdy's death. Although the subject was not considered proper at this time, many friends of the late judge know that be often discussed the question himself. Judge Dundy was an ardent republican and was averse to resigning his position until the vacancy could be filled by a re publican president. While suffering from injuries he is quoted as saying in his outspoken way that he hoped to be spared until a republican president was elected. It is conceded that the successor of Judge Dundy will be a "straight" dem ocrat. A few years ago when there was a bill before congress dividing the state of Nebraska into two districts and thus providing for an additional judge. There were two prominent democrats mentioned for the place. J. M. Wool worth of Omaha and W. H. Munger of Fremont were Your 51 It H s2 Neighbor's Wife Sheriff's Sale. By virtue cf an order of sale issued by George F. llouseorth. clerk of the district court within and lor Ca-s county, Nebraska, and to me di- ccled. I vil I on the -1st day ol November, A. I J. s9 i. at Jl o'c.ock a. hi. of said day at the south dor of the court house in the city of P lattsmouth n said county, seil at puDiic auction, to tne nign- st bidder lor casn, tne ionowing real estate, 10-,"ir- ltr.ven t Ti in block thirty-eight (38) in the city ot P.attsmouth. Cass county. Nebraska, together with all and singular the hereditaments wise appertaining. The same being levied upon and taken as tne property 01 jjuicj y. j an J Emily i. Eikenbary, et al, defendants, to satislv a Judgment of said court recovered by S. E. Nixon, plaintiff, against said defendants. Plattsmouth, AeDrasKa, uctODer 10, u. icw. Harvey Holloway, Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska. Likes IANTA OA Says it saves time saves money makes overwork unneces- I sary. Men your wile aDout it. Your grocer sells it. Made only by The N. K. Fairbank Company, Chicago. Shaking Down the Flams. Colonel Kroehlor has been appointed general distributor of the good things applicants of life for Brvan when the latter is - 1 and it is said that President Cleve land had their names under considera tion. At least petitions were presented on their behalf by friends. Those who are familiar with tho matter say that Mr. Woolworth, being a personal friend of President Cleveland, and be ing a jurist whose ability is recognized elected, and he has furnished Ihe News a list, so far as he has decided. Peter E. Ruffner, who knows good "licker" when he sees it, will be gauger. uncie imick uoimes is siatea for secretary of agricultjre P. J. Morgan, secretary of the treasury; and S.Sam Waugh minister plenipoten- throughout the countrj', would have tiary and envoy extraordinary to Hol- been appointed in case the bill had passed. His age alone was urged bj' some as a drawback. Mr. Wool worth's friends admitted that he was sixty three years old, but they urged as an offset that he had always been a man of great physical vigor and his age was not against him. Mr. . Munger had splendid recommendations and might have received ;the appointment, but republicans in congress did not land, where he c:tn talk Dutch with the natives. Your Uncle Charley Sherman is not to have his real deserts by a place in the cabinet, as Bryan refuses to pro mote him since ho gave away the "silver hook" snap, and it is said ho will have to be content with the posi tion of chief oil inspector. Mr. Krochler says Kelly Fox was - 1 too slow in getting into the band literary Note. Tosti has hitherto been known only as the writer of some ot the most fa mous songs known to musical people He has now written his first purely instrumental t'omnositions, a minuet for the piano, which the Ladies Homo Journal has secured and will publish in an early issue. - Madame Calve and Madame Melba mm vrtv .nnivar in the next issue of The Ladies' Home Journal with ai ti cles on the voice. Madame Melba has urtMttrm hnforft and is. in fact, no nnricn with thO DCH. but this is Madame Calve's first attempt at au thorthitv She wrote the article in French, and after an English transla tion has been made of it she had the original mnnuseriot bound between morocca covers fb a souvenir of he debut tis a writer. Will Speak at Nehawka IT. IT. Wilson-and other prominen 6ee their way clear to support the bill I wagon and for that reason he has :vn-1 speakers will close the republican - - - 1 Sheriffs Sale. Bv virtue of an order of sale issued by George F. Houseworth, clerk of the district court, within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di- n-ctcH. 1 will on the 7th day ot isovenioer. A. U. Irttti. at 11 o'clock a.m. of said day, at the south door of the court house in the city of Platts- mouth. in said county.sell at public auction to the hitrhpst bidder for cash, the following real estate, to-wit: Lot four i4i, in block sixty-one (.61, and all the appurtenances thereunto belonging m the citv nf Plattsmouth. according to the recorded . J , . . K I 1 'I' I . . lat thereol. in uass county, rseurasita. xiic same eing levied upon and taken as the property i'liari..c i Hut fr and ( lira Butler, defendants. satisfy a inrirment of said court recovered by Georee H. Lehnhoff. plaintiff, against said de fendants. . Plattsmouth, Nebraska, October z, a. v. if.r. Harvey Holloway, Sheriff. Cass county, Nebraska. Sheriffs Sale. Rv virtue of an order of sale issued by George F. Houseworth, clerk of the district court, within and lor Cass county, isedrasKa, ana to me ui rcr r ti 1 T lx-ill on t he 7th dav of November, A. D. itrt at 11 n'rlcwk a. m. of said dav at the south fluor ot the court house In the citv of l'lattsmouth in said countv. sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate, Commencing at a point 06 feet north of the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of the southwest Quarter of section IS. township 1, rauge 14, east of the 6th P. M., and in tile east line of said tract; thence north in said east line feet: thence west parallel with the south line of said tract 4- feet, thence south parallel with said east line I'Si feet; thence east 4- feet to the place of beginning, containing 5,544 square leet. said land being in Cass county. Nebraska, together with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise apnurtaiuing. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Edward S liarstow and Mary K. liarstow. defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by l'lattsmouth L-oan and Isuilding association. plaintiff, against said defendants. l'lattsmouth. Neb.. Oct. 2. A. D.. 196. Harvey, Holloway. Sheriff, Cass county. Nebraska. 9 f 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 S om e th in 2f For the ..Farmer.. IVho Has the Best Corn in Cass Countv To the person bringing to our sUre the THREE EARS CORN WEIGHING THE MOST, be tween now and December 25, wo will give one Suit Valued at $15.00 I 6 t i t 4 A 6 6 To the person bringing- the three ears weighing SECOND heaviest wo will giys one To tho person bringing the three ears weighing THIRD heaviest wc will give Merchandise Valued at $5,00 and it was killed. Those who did not pointed Charley Butler to succeed support the bill gave as a reason that him in the postoffice. the amount of federal court business Doc. Matthews will be chief meat done in this state did not justify the I inspector, whose chief work will bo to creation of another district. Now that draw a salary and inspect broiled there is a vacancy in the judgeship it is steaks. expected that the names of Mr. Wool- H. D. Travis is to bo United States worth and Mr. Munger will again attorney and Billy Cole goes as minis- come befero President Cleveland. A the to the Sandwich Islands. .Billy Miller will be receiver : of the U. P., while Bill Edgerton will be in charge of the river and harbors. Al. Despain is already commissioned as hospitable steward, while "Rackie" well known politician of Lincoln says he has been informed that President Cleveland is a great admirer of Mr. v ooiworth and would nave ap pointed him to the supreme court of THURSDAY. Mr. and. Mrs. S. Waugh were pas sengers for Omaha this afternoon. The Ladies Aid society of Murray will serve dinner and supper at James Root's on election day. Henry McMaken returned last even ing from a week's visit up at North Platte, Sidney and other points. Judge A. N. Sullivan was a business visitor at the metropolis this afternoon. He was accompanied by his son, Charles. Sam Patterson has a new Bryan "boy at his house which arrived yes terday. Sam says he yelled for Bryan before breakfast. Herbert Robine departed for Chi cago on the flyer this afternoon after a two weeks' with relatives and friends in this city. The last meeting of the campaign will be a hummer with horns. Hon. J. B. Strode and others will speak, and the biggest crowd ever seen in Plattsmouth at a political rally is as sured. The date is Monday evening, November 2. Frank Green returned this morning from a six weeks' trip up in northwest Nebraska and the Black Hiils country in the interest of the Worid-IIerald, Frank is a capital fellow, but he is la bDring for a lost cause, that of popo cracy, and his frieuds hopo to get him traigtened out before long. ' For the great rally here next Mon day night two halls have been en gaged, and beside Congressman Strode, Judge Macomber of Omaha will speak. An effort is also being made to secure John Y. Stone of Glen wood. This is to be the rally of the campaign and must be made a fitting prelude to tho victory for McKinlev on the morrow. Judge Strode and Judge Spurlock will speak at Weeping Water to morrow night to wind up the campaign there, in a fitting manner and two better speakers could not be found in the state for that purpose. Every thing points 10 a glorious victory for tho United States but for his age. is to be Indian supply agent, and if Some of the lawyers of Lincoln believe the Indians ever get anything to eat Secretary Morton will wield a great better than cholera hogs "Hackle" influence in the matter of the appoint- promises to resign in favor of Charley ment and that he may -favor A. J. Sawyer of this city who is now United States district attorney. George E. Pritcbett of Omaha is said to have a 1 show for the place. Mr. N. N. Osburn, well known at Woodstock, Mich., was troubled with a lame back. He was persuaded to use Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It gave him reliei in one night. This remedy the work and is also famous for its cures of rheuma tism. For 6ale by all druggists. Spencer. J. M. Johns is to be United States marshall, with Pete Mumm and Louts Dose as deputies. John Ley da has been agreed upon as a man without prejudice for the federal judgeship. Col. Kroehler tells us that he has several more positions to give out which will be distributed around as soon as he can get time to attend to can get a rest from campaign at Nebawka Saturday even ing. A rousing time is promised and everybody is invited to come. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Legal Notice. Notice by publication on petition for settle ment of tinat administration account. In the county court of Cass countv. Nebraska, liithe matter of the estate of Henry J. ceased. Kosa Hennings. Terrace C. and Sophia M. Hennings, and Kosa Henning. as guardian of Terrace C. and Sophia M. Hennings. minor heirs of Henry J. Hennings, deceased, and all other persons interested in said mat ter are hereby notified that on the th day of October, 1, Jacob Treitsch hied a peti tion in said county court, praying that his final admidistration accounts filed therewith be set tled and allowed; that he may be permitted tore sign his trust as administrator ;that his resigna tion be accepted; that he be discharged: that he and his bondsmen be released from hirtner nu bility under their obligation. You are further iio tified that if you fail to appear at said court on the 2nd day of November, lMHi, at 2 o'clock p. m., and contest said petiton the court will i jrrant the prayer of said petition, settle and allow the accounts of administra tion, discharge the administrator and his bonds men and appoint the person entitled to adminster said estate, or some other suitable person as ad- Sheriff s Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by Ueorge K. Houseworth, clerk of the district court, within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di ected, I will on the ith day of November, A. 1), is'.hi, at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south door of the court house in the citv of Plattsmouth. in said county, sell at public auction, to the high est bidder for cash, the following real estate, to wit: The west half of lot nine in block 2 in the city of l'lattsmouth. Cass county, Nebraska; also an undivided one-half of lots five and six in block 11, in Young and Hays' addition to the city ot Flattsmoulh, Cass county. Nebraska: also the south twenty-six and six-sevenths ('JC 0-7) feet ol lot two. in block 31. m the city ot l'lattsmouth. Cass county.Nebraska.thesanie being levied upon and taken as the property of William Weber and Vroiiira Weber, defendants, to satisfy a judg ment of said court recovered by Pettibone and Nixon, the Livingston Loan and Building Asso ciation, Charles C I'arnieie, as receiver oi tne Citizens bank of Plattsniouth. Nebraska, plaintiri. the flattsiuouth Brick & Terra Cotta Manufac turing company, and Jacob Heinrich. defendants. against illiam Weber et ai., Qeienuauis. l'lattsmouth, October J. A. D. lWi. Harvey Holloway. Sheriff, Cass county, Nebraska. whooping it uo for Bryan. The Presidential Election. The presidential election" held at the Bryan and McKinley headquarters by the Y. L. R. R. A. last evening. owing to the bad weather, did not bring out the vote that was expected, and from the result it would seem that the McKinley voters were laid up for repairs. The vote stood: Bryan, 1,121; McKinley, 821. Refreshments were served at Bryan headquarters. but with the exception of some sing- inc at McKinley headquarters the program was abandoned. 'The worst cold I ever had in my life was cured by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,"writes W. H. Norton, of Sutter Creen, Cal: "This cold left. me with a cought and I was exectorat- ing all the time. The remedy cured. me, and J want all of my friends when troubled with a cough or cold to use it, for it will do them good." Sold by all druggists. An Kuthutatic Meeting1. Owing to the state central commit tee having notified C. J. Greene to speak here Monday night, when his real date as given to officers of tho ministrator de bonis non of said estate and proceed to a settlement of said estate and make such other and further orders, allowances and decrees as to this courc may seem proper in the premises. Witness my hand and seal of said county court at Plattsmouth this the ltith day of October, A. L. ik; George M. Spi rlock, (Seal) County Judge. It was a great disappointment to the county central committee was Tuesday reading room ladies as well as the public in ereneral, as tne program would have been very interesting and entertaining. However, they are to be congratulated on the outcome, as they cleared $18, which is doing well ou so bad an evening. Mr. L. A. Moore forwarded a beau tiful bouquet of chrysanthemums to night, created a misunderstanding and C. J. Greene did not arrive; but S. C. Green of Blair, a former resident of this city, was on deck and the crowd at the Waterman soon learned that no other speaker was need, d. For nearly two hours he entertained the audience with a splendid address, one 'of the best heard here this year. Ho Mi . Bryan today as a prize, and the took tho popocratic platform plank by Sheriff' Sale. By virtue o! n order of sale issued by George F. Houseworth. clerk of the district court within and for Cass countv. Nebraska, and to me di rected, I will on the 21st day of November. A. 1). l!HJ. at 11 o'clock 3i. m. of said day at the south door of the court house in the city of Plattsmouth in said county, sell at public auction, to the high est bidder for cash, the following real estate, to wit: The west hall of lot twelve (12) in block twenty-eight 2m in the city of Plattsmouth. Cass county. Nebraska, together w ith all and singular tlie .hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. 1 he same being levied upon and taken as the property ot Thomas Swobe. ct al. defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by J. H- Petti buiu! and S. K. Nixon partners, doing business undrr the firm name and style of Pettibone it Nixvn. plaintiffs, against said defendants. J'b'ttsmouth, Nebraska. October 13, A. I). 1S9G. Harvey Holloway, Sheriff Cass county, Nebraska. young ladies will send him a letter of explanation and the result of the vote tomorrow. The ladies of'the M. E. church give an old fashioned Methodist ner on election. will din- Itakery Jteopenert. The old reliable Vienna bakery has been reopened under the present man agement and the best of everything in the way of brcad,'pies, cakes, etc. will bo kept constantly on hand. We should be glad to greet our old cus tomers and many new ones. Leave plank and showed its dangers and in consistencies. His speech was enthu siastically applauded and we only re gret that be could cot have been se cured to have made several speeches out in the county. The three-year-old boy of .1. A. Johnson, of Lynn Center, 111., is Sub ject to attacks of croup. Mr. Johnson says he is satisfied that the timely uso of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, dur ing a severe attack, saved his little boy;s life. He is in the drug business. a member -ot. tne uriii oi Johnson Bros, of that plnce; and they handle a Sheriff's Sale. Biv .virtue of an order of sale issued by George F. Houseworth. clerk of the district court within and for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me di rected. I will on the 21st day of November, A. Ii. INSiti. at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south door of the court house in the city of Plattsmouth in said cousty, sell at public auction, to the high ..t hriil.-r iur ash. the following real estate to- wit; lxts three V.i) and four (4 in block thirty nine I'J). in Young & Hayes' addition to the city of Plattsmouth, Cass county. Nebraska, together with all and siiurular the hereditaments ana ap purtcnances thereunto belonging or in any wise i - '11... huinT ) w t nnon ami taken as the Droosrtv of Samuel r. anatta, et al. .li'fwifiants. to sntisfv a iudenient of aid court I H. Pettibone and S. K. Nixon ioing business under the firm name and style of Pettibone & Nixon, plaintiffs, against said de-iendauts. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, octooer i.i. a. !-. ijwo. Hakvey Holloway. .Sheriff Cass county, Nebraska. Sheriff's Sale. Bv virtue of an order of sale issuod by George P. Houseworth, clerk of the d, strict conn, wit hin and for Cass county. rseurusKa uuu to me directed, 1 will on the 7th day of Nov.. A. l., It'.Mi. at 11 o clocit a. nu of said dav at the outn door of the court bouse in tne e.t v ot 11 1 ttsmout n, in said county, son tl ljubi.o miction, to tne iilgnust Didder lor i-.-i-ii. tne loi owin ' real esiaie, town l.ou i oil. ,Kl, eleven. Ill anu twelve, tl-l in bio. k titty-nine, Lotf; in the city of Platts- aiuulh. county, INebrasKa., together witu all and sin. uiitr the hereditaments and ii n.iii rieniicts thereunto belonging or in anrwise nooertiiinin The sime being lev. ad upon auu lauen as me propony ui Keuoeu W. llyers and -Martha l. llyers, de fendants, to SHtisrv n, judgment or said court recovered ov Charges V. Parmefe, as rni'eiver of the UitizetiS Hank or 1'lallS "mouth, Nebraska, plaintiff, against said de fendants. Plattsmouth, Neb., Oct.. 2. A. P. 1S96. Harvey Uollowav, Sheriff. Cass County. Nebraska, ? f 9 t 9 1 9 9 9 t 9 Suit Valued at $10.00 $ t t 6 6 6 6 6 4 6 6 A This does not require a person to make a purchase of us, but we have ...the most... Complete Stock of Cloth ng IN C7ISS COUNTY. F. MO RGASSJ, the LEADING CLOTHIER. 6 6 Of I li vUS UU C. C. PARM&LE, Receiver. CLAUS BREKENFELD, Mgr. i Mills, Highest cash price paid for wheat, and the best flour ever made, in Nebraska given in Sheriff s Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by George 6XC n an tiG. F. Houseworth. clerk of the district court within and for Cass countv. Nebraska, and to me di rected, 1 will on the th dayj of November, A. D. 1MH, at 11 o"ciock a. m. of said day at the south door of the court house in the city of Platts mouth, in said county sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following real I estate, to-wit: The north half of lots eleven and twelve (11 and 12), in block thirty-six (:, in the city of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, to gether with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining; the same being levied unon and taken as the Dronei tv ot fc.fiabetfiA. Woodson and lames M. Woodson, defendants. to satisfv a iudinnent of said court recovered bv Charles C. Parmele, as receiver of the Citizens bank of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, plaintiff against said defendants. Plattsmouth. Nebraska. October 2, A. D. 1S90. HAJtvEY Holloway. Sheriff, Cas county. Nebraska. Custom work specially cared for. Give the new management a trial and you will buy now other flour. Ask Your Dealer For Cedar Creek Flour. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Legal Notice. In iifi district court of Cass county, Nebraska. Maria Ueneke. Plaintiri vs. I Christopher Beneke, HeSeudant. ) , . ' Christopher Beneke. delc-ndaut in the above en titled cause, will take notice-that on the-Jndday of October. lWHi. Maria Beneke, plaintiff herein, hied her petition in the district court of Cass county, Nebraska, the object and pray r of which is to obtain a divorce from the said Christopher Kem-ke on the trrouiui that the Said Christopher Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale Issuod by Geo. F. Houseworth. clerk of the district court, withtn and for Cass county, Nebraska,and to me directed. I will on the tu day of Nov., A I), ls'.'ti, at 11 o'clock a. ni. of said day at the sou tn door of the court house in the city of Plattsmouth. In said county.sell at Dublic auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate, to-wit The south half (sWi of tots 1, 2 and 3 In btock thirteen (lo In the c mouth. Cass county. Nebrask all and singular the heredita purtenances thereunto belonging or In any wise appertaining, ine same oeinz levieu norm and taken as the urooerfy of a. P. Vanattaand C J. Vanatta. defendants: to satisfv a ludirment of said court recovered bv Charles C. Parmele us receiver of the Citizens' Bank of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, nlaintilT: iiL'iilnst sail defendants. Plattsmouth. Nebraska. October 2, A. D, 1S1K5. Harvey Holloway, Sheriff, Cass county, Nebraska OF FLiATTSMOCTlT, XEI5UASKA. Paid up Capital Surplus 50,000 10,'KXI Offers the very best facilities for the prompt transaction of s&ES ifflnim nun it a STOCKS, bonds, srold. goverement and lo securities bought and sold. Deposits re ceived and Interest allowed on the certti cates. Drafts drawn, available In any part of the U. t and all the principle towns of Europe. Collections made anu promptly remitted. Highest market price paid for county warrants, state and county bonds. will do if use' as a wash according to dl rections; prevent transmission, of blood diseases, skin diseases, acute and chronic ulcers, stricture, lissure of the hands and feet, Kczema, Tetter, bait Kheumatlsm, In llamation of the Bladder. Diseases of the bones, joints and muscles. Syphiletlc In sanity. Scurvy, Scrofula in many forms. The above and a hundred other forms of ; disease are traceable directly or Indirectly 1 to Syphilitic Blood Poison for which the J Dr. J ac k son's English Saety Tablets is a : sure preventive, and is asafe Uerm Killer, rendering contagion hardly possible, henoe its value. If neglected such troubles resul i; six JACK- i so. MED1CAI, CO., Chicago, 111., or our fatallv. .Mailed anywhere, sealed I boxes for W. Medical advice free. Probate Notice. Notice by publication for probate of foreign wi'.l In county court of Cass county, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Cincinnatus J. Cui yea, deceased. Mr. David Hite. lohn H. Curvea. William M. Curyea, Isabelle M. Curyea, George V. Curyea. Mrs. Julia Parr, Mrs. Emeline Debo't and all other persons interested in said matter are hereby notified that on the 19th day of Octo ber, lii, tieorge . uui)ca men in s,hiu timn a d copy oi tne win oi tne said If. N Dowy. .S. WllUih, DIRECTORS: I. II iv )o-nrort b "White. i. K. iv-y l E- lien. K, Oovpy, lre. II. N. Dovey M'auirh. C!iier legations therein will be taken as true aga m ,n aiH i ica rxrtvt ,ms. , ... . ,. 7 'i,i; order3 as lho wagon will call -at your great many prtent medicins for thro:vt dav with the election of the republi-i, - . . j can legislative ticket. j house Monday. Respectfully, V. EOKMtEROEK Sr. gerpilife 1 The doctors tell us, now-a-days, that disease crerms are ever3rwhere ; in the air, in the water, in our food, clothes, money; that they get into our bodies, live ail msc there, thrive and grow, if they find anything1 to thrive on. Consumption is the destruction of lung-tissue by germs where the lung is too weak to conquer them. The remedy is strength vital lorce. ' Scott's Emulsion, with hypophosphites, means the Col adiustment of lung strength to overcome germ-life It is fighting the germ with the odds in our favor. these tiny little drops of fat-iood make their way into the system and re-fresh and re-invigorate it. T1T1 . 1 . .. . . 1 1 I . vvneineryou succeea witn it or not aepenas on now this remedy as soon as the -first good a start the crerms had, and how carefully you can ! symptoms appear. Soia by ail drug live. The shortest way to health is the patient one. The gain is often slow. and-lung diseases. He " had ll these, to chose from, and skilled physicuHis ready" t6"respo'nd to his own family at a time when his child's life was in dangor, because 'ho knew; it to bo: superior to atiy' other, and famous the' country over for its cures of croup. Mr.-Jofenson 8 w;s!this is the be9i, sell ing cough' medi5jni they handie, and that it givds' spiecdid ttutisfactioti-in Sold by druguisls. ' How to Cure Bilious Colic. I suffered for weeks with code and pains in my stomach caused by bilious ness and had had to. take medicine all the while until I used Chamberlain's ic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which cured me. I have since recom mended it to a good many people. Mrs. F. Butler, Fairhaven, Conn. Persons who are subject to" bilious colic can ward oil the attack by taking eOceats mod $1.00 SCOTT & BOWNE, Cbtn.UK, New York gists. . The V. R. C. will 6erve dinner and supper in the G. A. R. hall on election day. A good meal for 15 cents. . ,v , i i I.. i riniv a ni neiuicaiei 1haapa"i haTin willful -ncmnatus J. Ctryea togeth er wjthth. probate Vou are required to answer said petition on or Illinois, together Wfith his petition alleging among i J Vi i.-.i, VJ,.. ? iViti or the al- I other things, that Cincinnatus J. Curyea died on before the loth day of November. l. or inc ai j . iav.:i- ! igaiusi v...., . v. . - - - l and testament and possessed oi real and personal 1 estate situate in the county of Cass and state of 'l Nebraska, valued at three thousand (SdHNl.tHJ) dol- ' lars, and that the above named constitute all the persons interested in the estate of said deceased: and praying that said will may be probated, al lowed. Hied and recorded, and that administration be granted thereunder in this state. Vou are here by notified that if you fail to appear at said court BEWARE OF IMITATIONS -M r?r r- ii-., .u-iw .nu'Ct'Oi .u. -i roa 2Z, if"T- ! ! OR C y Uated this 6th dav of October. A. I). Makia DtNUKE. By C. ?. Polk, her Attorney. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued Dy George F. llouseworih. clerk of the district court wittim ai-l tor Cass count v.Nebraska. and to me directed, I on the 16th dav of November. lMNi. at 9 o'clock in 4 will on the.Tth day of November.A. U.lSit), at 11 the forenoon of said day. to contest the probate of said will, the court may allow and probate said will and grant administration witn the will an nexed of said estate to George V. Curyea, or some other suitable person and proceed to a set tlement thereof. Witness my hand and seal of said county court at I'iaitsiuouth, this 27th day of October A.l. laWi. , GtUKUE M. Sl'l'RLOCK. v--'a;' County Judge. Noti , ot Una n estate Probate Notice. e by publication on petition for settlement a-lmiuis" ration account. In the matter of o'clock a. ni.' of said day at the soutli door of the court house in .the city of l'lattsmouth, in said county, self at public auction, to the highest bid der lor cash, the following real estate to-wit: Commencing at a point 'M rods north of the iouih line of the southeast quarter .of the south west quarter in section 1H. township li, rauge U. fast ot the 6th V. M. in the city of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, thence continuing north feet; thence east to Hillings avenue: thence south on Hillings avenue 2WI feet; thence west -00 feet to the piace of beginning, being a part of lot 11 in said section, also the north 44 feet of that at a point 3 rods north ot the soutn line I tne , the southeast quarter of -the sjuthwest quarter ot section IK. town 12, range 14. thence nor feet; thence east to Billings avenue; thence om AiiiiuKs avenue --t leet; locate wci icei i to the Tjtare ff !-wfri,itiinrr- 'j 1 f rfinimenriniT at a ' point -l feet west of the northeast corner of lot I interested in said estate arc hereby notified that l-in section 18, town 1J. range 14. thence south I on the 22,id day ot Octoper. iim. lyainenne r ranic :M1 feet to place of beginning; thence south im ; and Peter .1. Hansen tiled their petition herein pray- ieel; thence west to the west line of lot 1-': thence 1 ing that their nnai aominisiraiion accounts n:ed north leu feet; thence east to the place of begin- I therewith be settled and allowed, that distribution iiuiK. ueuig a part ot tot 13 in said se lot in block ttl; all of above described Deinir in tne citv ot Phttcnnnti, i ',tc -,, brasica, together with the privileges and appur- fail to appear before said court on the 21st day of tenances thereunto belonging or in anyw ise ap- ! November A. i. lSii. at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, purtaining. The same being levied upon and ' and contest said petition, the court may grant the taken as the property of Grace ll. Corn-land and ' nraver of said petition and make such other and George S. Copeland, defendants: to satisfv a t further allowances, orders and decrees, as to this of George r rank, deceased, in the ieDrasKa. rvatner- man, and lara Gob- an. grand- a ' rh Hr nt said deceased, auu in umci persons ! -nuntv court of Cass count j , th 214 I me r:in. Marv I' rank. Nate vjoouiu snnili unrr M i.m i.i lliiam and ( i . i . . . , i . i i n. L I .i ,hm,n, 6 of begin-i therewith be settled and allowed, that distribution ection; also ! be made as provided in the will of said deceased ed property ! and that they be discharged from their trust as county, Ne- ' executors. Vou are further notified that if you judgment of said court recovered by Plattsmouth i.u.iu iuu uuuuiug association, piamtin. and L. E. Wescott and other defendants against said Grace D. Copeland and George S. Copeland, de fendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Oct. 6, A. D. 1896. Harvey Holloway, Sheriff Cass county, Nebraska. court may seem proper, to the end, that all mat ters pertaining to said estate may be finally set tled and determined. Witness my hand and the seal of said county court at Plattsmouth, this the 2'th day of Octo ber, a. d. 15. (Seal) - George M. Spurlock. County Judge. . h FO R SALE EV ALL DOUGGI4TS S JACKSON MEDICAL CO. CHICAGO ILU. 260 Wi CLARK ST IMPERIAL BXD'GJ lf r u N.B. Don't take any subsl S with the same name but different spelling on which your drug't o 0 makes iwice as nmcli BE-WtARE Of.lMITATIONS LA OREAi 'f 'W$ p"-.Fr-c?;le!:, Pitrinles, . ? v Moies, BlacWheads. 'A V Liver insri-jtrn; sm, i t, and r stores tho skin to lis orij. nid fresr.Ttos. -nrnducirg clear and lit'thv torn-' nlsxicn. Suricriortoall furc- preparation:! nni pprferily. La'mWs. At ail drugeists, or muilca for 5 0 its. tit ctl i'or circular. VIOLA SSCIM SOAP J simply iDcotnpirxM M kill pTnifTir. Bnip, BnpqaalNl f.-r the toilrt. mud wlihmit riral for th-i.utstt. lisolul, 1,, yirn u,l delicately medt oited. At aru:;ei.t. Pries 2 5 Cent. The Q. C. DITTNER CO., Toledo, O. are the most powerful, safe prompt and re liable of this kind in the market. The orignal und only genuine woman's salva tion. Ask your druggist if he don't keen them. Write direct to us and we will send it direct upon recelot of price. 1. sealed, by mail prepaid. Medical advice free, JACK SON MiUMCAt. OO, Chicago, III., or our agent, I. L, Snyder. DAY P-'J QUICKLV. Vv THOPOUCHLV FOREVER CURED ENGLISn QUICK -$r NCRVl,RE5T0RER S 1A Pic a vfV.V. , if ctSiMAN OUT OF Mtg) DFATFiMI ISH DFMFnY im-nav ii.u.r-ii uiivjuvi i ivuriuk 1 in thirty d ivs by a new perfected sclentlflo method th;it can not fall unless the case is bevoiid human aid. You feel Improved the first day; ft-el a benefit every day: Boon know vourself a king among men In body, rrind and heart. Irains and losses epded. every obstacle to b&DP7 married life re moved. Nerve force, will, energy, brain power, when are restored. If nn glected such troubles result fatally. Medical advice free. Mailed everwhere. e;iled for 1. Six boxes for to. JACKhON MEUICAL, CO., Chicago. I1U or ouragent, L. siider. Sclentifio American Aflency i Vi rr TRADE MARKS, OE8ICM PATCHT8. DESICN COPTRIOHT8. etoJ Tor Information and f re Handbook wrlta to MUSS He CO- S61 Broad wat, w Yoke. Oldest bureau for securing patents In America, Every patent taken out by us la brought bef"" the public by a notice given free ot charge in the of anr HonOfl! panr In th r illustrated. Ko lntelllcen' thout IC Weekly, 3,OOt t is. AldfMn, MUNX CO Lrciid-vay, New YorV """tW tarcpst dTVtiTat'on of anr ntrlfaUOt parr In th man thouM Ijo without Ic Weekly, 3.00t v;-.r gi bix mort.i The News for 10c.