Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, October 21, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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Tlie Seml-Weeklu News-Herald
One Year, in advance, o 00
Six Months 2 50
ne Week, 10
Single Copies, 5
One Year, in advance, .... tl 00
Six Months, 50
Of any Cass County paper.
For President,
of Ohio.
For Vice President,
of New Jersey.
State Ticket.
For Governor,
For Lieutenant Governor,
For Secretary of State,
For Auditor,
For Treasurer,
For. Attorney-General,
For Supt. of Pub. Instruction,
For Commissioner,
For Supreme Judges,
For Regent State University,
Congressional Ticket.
For Congressman, First District,
County Ticket.
For County Attorney,
For Senator,
For Representatives,
County Commissioner, Second District,
Gov. Holcomb lowered himself in
the eyes of all intelligent citizens,
when he retailed the thoroughly ex
ploded falsehood that J. Fierpont
Morgan was consulted on the financial
plank of the republican platform
adopted at St. Louis. Si knew he lied
when he made the statement, but, like
a political pirate, this fact "cut
no ice with him." The governor
claimed all the credit for the economi
cal administration of the penitentiary,
when he knew the board of public
lands and buildings control the ex
penditures of the institution.
Silas did not tell bow much the
state had lost by reason of the refusal
of Leidigh, under his direction, to
permit the convicts to work at renum
erative rates at employment furnished
by the board.
Sile has never answered the charges
publically made, that he, with his
henchmen, hold up the railroads for
thrice the amount of free transporta
tion granted any previous administra
tion, llis excellency has never ex
plained just why he changed his
simple room at a third rate hotel at
St. Louis for a most gorgeous suite at
the Laclede, where Jones, Bryan's
manager paid the bill. Holcomb says
be is proud of his part in the populist
national convention, where Watson
avers the populist party was made a
door mat for Sewall. A few old
fashioned populists in this neck of the
woods; men who have voted the ticket
from principle, would have listned to
a full explanation with great interest
from our six-foot governor, but, alas!
it never came, and never will.
In the last month of Harrison's ad
ministration the debt of the United
States was $585,017,100. On July
last the. debt had mounted to $847,363,
890, an increase of $202,340,790. Bryan
is 60 busy with his paramount issu
that he never mentions these figures
or what he would do to remedy them
if he were president. Globe Demo
The total vote for president in 189:
was 12,150,274. This year the aggre
gate will be about 13,500,000. The
populists have never yet cast 1,500,
000 votes at any election, but Bryan
thinks he can talk 6,000,000 more voters
into adopting the populist principles
It is the biggest contract ever under
taken by a boy orator.
The statement of Comptroller Eckels
that on July 1 the bank deposits in
the United States aggregated $5,000,
000 and depositors numbered between
10,000,000 and 11,000,000, goes to show
how touch harm would be done and
how many people would be affected
by the payment of such indebtedness
in 50-cent dollars, as the Bryanites
The astute financier of the Ne
braska City News says 150,000 ounces
of silver was sold last week to Europe,
and that this is proof that Bryan is
going to be elected and that the people
over there know silver will rise in
price. They evidently know more
than we do here, as silver con
tinues to fall in price just the same,
which proves either that Bryan will
not be elected,or if elected he'could not
legislate a penny into the value of a
McKinley prices have already felt
the impetus of his certain election.
Stocks have gone up from two to four
cents while wheat and corn are
rapidly climbing- the ladder. The
talk of hard times and idle men will
soon be over. The promise of a higher
tariff from those able and anxious to
create such a law has a far-reaching
effect. Factories can start up on the
strength of such a promise knowing
that prosperity is sure to follow.
Peculiarly popocratic is the de
nunciations by the Bryan gang of the
Chicago Record's postal card election.
The reason is obvious, although the
scheme was endorsed by Aitgeld, and
silver men compose a part of the com
mittee which sends out the cards and
which tabulates the returns, it is
shown that Bryan is not in the raco
against McKinley, and all they 'brag
and bluster of the Bryanites is Ihus ex
posed before election day, It may be
sad, but 'tis true. . s "
The Louisville Courier-Journal is
still flaunting its celebrated challenge
in the face of the cheap money people,
and they are still doing their best to
look the other way. The proposition
of the Courier-Journal is as follows:
1. If Mr. Bryan or any other human
being will show that this country,
when it had the coinage of both silver
and gold at the ratio of 16 to 1, or any
ratio, was ever able to bring the bul
lion value of both metals to the coin
age value and keep them together,
thus securing and maintaining their
circulation as money side by side, and
preventing one from expeling the
other, the Courier-Journal will with
draw all opposition to the free coin
age of silver.
2. If Mr. Bryan, or any other human
being, will show that any nation on
earth, by the free coinage of both gold
and silver at any ratio was ever able
to bring the bullion value of both
metals to the coinage value and keep
them together, thus securing and
maintaining their circulation as
money side by side, and preventing one
from expelling the other, the Cour
ier-Journal will withdraw all opposi
tion to the free coinage of silver.
We submit that if no nation ha
ever been able to bring and keep to'
gether the bullion and coinage values
of the metals when those values d if
fered very little, it is preposterous to
assume that any nation could to it to
day, when those values aro so wid
prove in price and if it does not take
a tumble pretty soon Bryan won't car
ry a state in the union outside of two
or three southern ones.
The defaulting treasurer of Pike
county, Ohio, was captured yesterday.
His name was Legg and had evidently
been pulled too hard during campaign
The first case of Mexican tobacco,
which promises to be the only avail
able substitute, for the pure Ilavanna
goods, was received in Kansas City
through the custom house. The
Havana stock in the United States is
is being rapidly exhausted, and no
more is being imported, owing to the
ban put upon it by Captain General
Weyler. This Mexican tobacco is
said to be virtually the same as the
Ilavanna stock, and of equally high
grade, ana it is probable that it will
be imported in vast qualities . to take
place of the former goods during the
Cuban war. Grocery World.
There is a rumor alloat that Ar
buckle, the coffee king, is to build a
large sugar refinery, as large as any
in the United States. If this is true
it means formidable competition to
the American Sugar Refining com
pany. Arbuckle Bros., have been in
the habit of buyng sugar and putting
it up in small packages to supply the
retail trade in connection with their
coffee. Trade Exhibit.
Do the workingmen who have suf
fered loss of employment, reduced
hours of labor, reduced wages and
general distress want to follow the
advice of a man who was wrong on
the tariff in 18U3 ? Do they believe
that one who advocated a radical de
parture from an existing 6ystein in
1S93 and whose prophecy has been
proved fallacious by cruel experience
i9 right now ? Do they wish to trust
was good enough for him. Mr. Bryan
is a tetotaler himself, but is willing
others should drink if they are thirsty.
The prohibitionist who supports him
can rest assured he is lending aid and
comfort to as ardent an enemy of legal
prohibition as any man not directly
engaged in the business. State Jour
nal. Mr. Bryan's ideas of the dignity at
tached to the office of president of this
country are as crude as are the theories
he advocates. He now intends to re
duce the exalted position down to a
level with ward politics by making
speeches in every ward in the city on
November 2. How the mighty has
fallen! Lincoln Call.
The folio-wing proposed amendments
to the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska, as hereinafter set forth in full,
are submitted to the electors of the
State of Nebraska, to be voted upon
at the general election to bo held Tues
day, Novembers, A. D., 1S93:
A joint resolution proposiuc to
The Cosmos Show.
The entertainment par excellence amend sections two (2), four (4), and
so far booked ahead will be tho "Cos- flTe (5 ) of articie six ((5) of the Consti
mos show," at White opera house on tutiou of the state of Nebraska, relating
to number of judges of tho supreme
court and their term of office.
Friday evening of this week. Beside
the wealth of flowers on exhibition
a musical program of rare merit will
be given.
Be It resolved and enacted by the Legisla
ture of the Sroto of Nebraska:
Mrs. TV A. finmnhfill of Lincoln: D. ."."n That auction two CO of article
, , Blx ot th9 Constitution of the Mate
H. Wheeler, jr.. Of Omaha: Mrs. of Nebraska be Hmended so as to read aa fol-
lows s
Mamie Sullivan and Miss Minnie Section 2. The supremo court Khali until
Sham of thiavitir nnrl Mparts Tmni otherwise provi ied by law. consist of fivj
onarp oi mis city ana aiessrs. James (5) jUdges. a majority of whom hhaii be nece-
PetteOAtld L. A. Moore Of this City ry to form a quorum or to pronounce
... ... , a decision. I(, shall have original juiisditiou
Sing, While Miss Kauble Will handle In casea relating to revenue, civil cases in
, u : ; u . i !,, ovtiti which the state snail he a party, man-Jamus.
the violin in her weil-known aitistic quo warranto. haboas corpus, a id such
manner. appellate jurisdiction, as may be provided by
The musical program will be worth Section 2. That section four (4) of anicle
, , . , . , , i six Of) of the Constitution of the S:ate
double the price Of admission, WhlCb of Nebraska, be amended so as to read as fol-
has been fixed at only 25 cents. The loion 4 The jm of thB mvrna9
program will be given Wednesday, court shall be. -lectei by the elector of the
Do not forget the date Friday of this state at lanre, Bnd their term of office -x-
wwU ana rin nnl miss trnino- cePt a8 hereinafter provided, shall be for a
WeeK-aPQ OP not miSS going. period of not less thin live (5) years as the
, . leirislature may prescribe.
In a recent letter to the manufac- Section 3 'ihat section flve.C?) of nrtic e
t ii M W7 hi Tiintnin ,i:t six (6) of t he Const i tutiou of iheritateof Na-
tui ers Mr. W. t. Benjamin, editor of brat ,,e ame 5od to read a f .iiows:
the Spectator, Rushford, N. Y., says: fc?ctun6. At th first Keneral election to
. T ' ' , be held in the year lsuti. there shall bo elected
It may be a pleasure to you to know two CO Judges of the suorenv court one
iu. i, ; . . .u;Iv, ., v, of whom shall be elected for a term of
the high esteem in which Chamber- two(2 vear8, ouo for the term of four O)
Iain's medicines aro held by the rears, and at each peneral election tu-ro-
J after, there shall be elected one jrtd-e of
people of your own state, where they the supreme onu t for the term of five
. i , . i . . 'r (3) years, unless otherwise provided iv
musi oe oest Known, vn auni oi iVw; Provided, that the judges of th Mil-
mine, who resides at Dexter, Iowa, preme court whose terms have not expired
' at the ti:n of holding tha general elec-
Was about to visit me a few years tion of 185. shall coniinu- to hold their
. office for the remain ler of tho term for
since, and before leaving home wrote Whi. h they were respectively commis-
iYir naL-inrr if tVmir waia cild n o i o sioued.
this mm Hrrain wlP.n h nrnnns an- . , . .. .. , . Approved alarcli 3, A. U.
, , I sum no- mat li iney were tioi sue
oiuer aenariure, posbioiy even more would brinff a quantity with her, as
uisasu uua i .ur.ui au wj ruU(! uura she d d . ke ,fl without them." A. i.nut resolution proposing an
t , t : .1 .. u l s ..: ,i . . I I
" """J uoumiuon " The medicines referred to are Cham- amendment to section thirteen (13) of
now . opnngueiu, luass.. union. berlain's Cous-h Reined v. famous for i .hq tua niitmu ,f .u
O l V . HllJ VVU.71 lUtAWU J1
its cures of colds and croup; Chamber- crora r,t v0kp,ci.., wi .
xne American worningraan was iains Pllia Balm for rheumatism.
fonifiu nv free tmuft four Vfi:irs ao-o. i.. , s s . i i. . I 1
i luuiu uuck, p;ii n a in nio &iuu unu uuest,
out, ne cannot, De iooiea again, lie and Chamberlain's Colic .Cholera and
wants protection and he wants honest Diarrhoea Remedy for bowel com- of Nebraska:
money, lie wants nign wages ana be
7.1. AAt:lttli''iilL,:
Be it resolved by the Legislature of the Stat
Dlaints. These medicines have been . J?,"" . ?! "I
wants peace. He wants his just rights -1Q constant use in Iowa for almost a of Nebradc. be amended so as to read as foi-
and he will, secure them without fol- quarter or a century. Tho people Sec. 13 The judges of the supreme an l
lowinT tho advice Of Brvail. the a?i- i t i ,i.i ,l :.. j district courts chall receive for their services
1 a,c "cu 111 u rtI c "tlUJ "x uchcompensit.o:i as m ly bo provi led by law
Ict.UI. I rrrnut n-nrlh nm! t n ,1 nnon imloil DayaDle UUartWIT.
" I Ine ieis ature Khali nt its first session
r-Tr. ortn fr. i,o r,n,,,,,nf ny any other, r or sale hero by all after the adoption of this amendment.
w . v,.... ..v...,.1.v.c. , . . three-fitths of the members elected to
eah house concurring. establish thir
oomnensation. The compensation so es
tablished shall not be changed oftener
for Infants and Children.
THIRTY yeATh.f observatioM of Castoria with th patronatrey
millions of persons, permit na to speak of it wlthoot gnos-irg.
It Is nnqnestiona'bly the best rnmody for Infant find Children
the worlA has ever fcnotru. It la harmless. Children llho It. It
gives them health. It will save their lives. In it Mothers
something which Is absolutely safe and practically perfect a
child's medicine.
Castorla elewtroyf Worms.
Castorlft allays FevorishnaA.
Castorla prevents vomitin KSonrCnri
Castorla cures Diarrhooa and Wind Colio.
Castorla relieves Teething Tronhles.
Castorla enres Constipation and Flatulency.
Castorla nentrallzen the eEFoctn of oaroonio acid gas or polsonons wlr.
Castorla does not contain morphine, oplnm,or other narcotlo property.
Castorla assimiTais tho foo d, Ttt;ln'tes the stomach and bowels,
giving healthy and natural fleep.
Castorla is pnt cp In rt-aa-sizo bottles only. It Is not sold in bnlk.
Don't allow any ono to sell yon anything else on the plea or promise
that it is "jnt as good" and "will answer every purpose
See that yon p-et C-A-S-T-O-It-I-A.
The fac-simile . '" i on every
signature of 6 wrapper.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
the democratic orator, Harris, here rusls
Comfort to t alifornia.
Friday eveniner to speak as was prorn-
iar.A vna 1.. l-.l a , A- V.varv ThiiKflflv mnrninff n P:t. than once in four years, and in no event unless
UUo icanu uuw y,i uunutuu uu- I J - " -' J r, , - " I twOtllirdS - Of the
Harris sleeping; car fur Salt L ike City, San e'ln . houss
CI 11.
tiiomb -rs elected to
the leidature concur
The treasury receipts for the las
week in September were $5,13o,3S5,the
smallest amount in manv years. Tho
total receipts for September were $24,
5S4,214, also the smallest for many
years. The receipts for the Qrst quar
ter of the fiscal year, ending Septem
ber 30, were $79,175,550; the expendi
tures for the same period were $104,
369,679. The deQcit for tho quarter is
$25,194,000; this is at the rate of oyer
$100,000,000 a year.
These statistics are from the official
monthly statement of the democratic
treasury officials, dated October 1.
They mean national bankruptcy if the
democrats remain in power. Thev
mean national bankruptcy if the dem
ocrats remain in power. They aro the
perfectly i logical result of tho demo
cratic "tariff for revenue" a bill
which Mr. Bryan championed, for
which he workrd ardently as Wilson's
trusted lieutenant, and which he was
argely iustrumcntal in making: a law.
San Francisco Argonaut.
The Indianapolis Sentinel is one
Bryan organ that disdains to lie about
it, and to pretend that free coinage
of silver at 16 to 1 is a fight for bi
metallism. It frankly proclaims that
it is silver monometallism pure and
simple, and that it is in favor of silver
monometallism because it will "scale
down" everybody's debts and that is
just what it wants. It honestly ad
mits that it is in favor of tho repudia-
ion of one-half of what the govern
ment and every state, county, munci
pality, corporation and individual
owes in this country. The Sentinel
does not propose to be sent to the bot
tomless pit for plain, uoornanicntal
lying. State Journal.
Only one paefe week of campaign
work a&gf this and the greatest
cannrnSifrn since I860 will end. The
d party lines have been obliterated
and the bloody shirt has for the first
time been effectually buried. All over
the south thousands of men who
wore the gray, and who foryears were
prejudiced against the republican
party, are today battling valiantly for
preservation of the country's honor
and for prosperity under the McKin
ley banner. In our own state the
most partisan of democrats, J. Sterl
ing Morton, is seen and heard argu
ing for the election of McKinley. - In
deed, but few; democratic leaders of
national reputation are to be found
who have not turned the faces against
the brand of repudiation, fathered by
W. J. Bryan and his so-called de
mocracy. The result of it all means
a- closer cementing ol the north and
the certain election of Wm. McKinley
to the presidency.
Mil Bkyan characterizes it as one
of the best things of the cam paign when
a lady remarked ruefully that her
brother was a gold man without gold.
We can't for the life of us see why
that is any more absurd than for one
to be a silver man without silver.
Bryan's estimate of the saying of a
good thing seems to bo characteristic
of his inability to beliovo that any
body acts from anything except the
most short-sighted selfishness. Ex.
One of the Mexican states has had a
corn famine and nearly half a million
bushels have been ordered purchased
in the United States, the Mexican
government having remitted the
duties. Mark Uanna probably in some
mysterious manner was the cause of
the drouth and this sudden purchase
on the eve of election is all on account
of Mark.
Wheat and . corn continue to im-
Approved March 30, A. D 1893.
mocrat informs us that
wrote to a democratic candidate in Francisco and Los Angeles leaves
this county to know if he was expected, Omaha and Lincoln via tho Burling
t r ttrtti t a him n f rnrA TTo t.xi a fo 1 1 tsv I t.rtn T?nnt r
I I A imnf. rocnlnf irvn Tynrrci n rr fr
nnolnDi, r 4 war n fr otnirtn f,-H ,1 n ,1 I T t ia ftnrnaloil i h 1 a i a rrr in tt- I x r
CUtllSO C Li TV WUCU li O tttUl J IK? I I Cyij ill 111 I J"-- "J'UViu wvi a i i f C i B
the fellow refused to put up the two tan; has spring seats and backs and is Cu.jr-u y, ux
PPnto whir-h r.,lt..l in Mn TTM?a nrovidnd with nurt.nins. hpddinjr arucie live (O) oi me ousuiuriou oi
failing to keep the expected appoint- towels, soap. etc. 'An experienced the State of Nebraska, relating to com
ment. These democratic times beget excursion conductor and a uniformed peusation of theofficers of the executive
economy of tho strictest kind and we Pullman porter accompany it through department.
feel that the fellow who refused to put to the Pacific Coast.
up two cents is fully justified. While neither as
I r: : l l tx . i i. - l oi article n
ura-,ka be aiueuded to read aa fol
Be it resolved and enacted by the Legislature
oi me btate ot JNeurasKa:
expensively Section 1. Thit section twenty-four C-0
finiabArl nnnna flno tr l.r.L- nl na o 19 arucienve pi lUe tjons" It UtlO.l Of t lie
" IbtateoriNe
T.'niii- innlica tt enrtir 1 I n V ? . . I n:il a on r! ap nAr it. is inst. 99 trrrA tr I lows:
. v...v, . " Section 24. Tho offl -ers of the r.tivA
yesterday ana it snowed for two hours riae in. second class ucKets are department of the state government shall
yesterday in Chicago, while Nebraska honored and the price of a berth, ltTJtabffid 8byaw. whThPhafitlbe
was bright and fresh as a day in June, wide enough and big enough for two, neitner immmwi nor aimimsti.-a aunng the
J I a 7 I term lor which tnv sIhlI I hivA liPMn rntn-
Iler groves wear holiday crowns in I is only $5. nnasnonea aua iney snumot roeiv to tnrr
i . . - i T.t t i i I r . f..ii j." 1 I v ka? cm j i i cj, mtoirots, iiumtu
gorgeous snaaes OI ricnesi rea ana or u, lumer Hiving iuu iarLieui:irs, moneys in their hands or under their control.
11. 11. I PPTrtrr-rrr9 01 om re or ollwr CTTmptrri
I satiou and all feea tlmt m!-iv linm.
Or, write to J. Francis, after be payable by law for services
Gen'l Pass'r Afrpnt liurlinrrton performed by an olH er provided for iu
Y, . 1 ocnl'' urimcion r;hig arti,-lo shall bo paid in advanee Into the
ICOUie, Umana, iNeb. state treasury. The legislature shill at its
first session at ter the adootion of this imienil-
A Hearty Farewell. ment, three-fifths of the members eleotod to
A f-irwdl ivLrlv va hr-Id nt trifl6'11 house of tho legislature con-
iy iareweu party was neia at ine cnrrin(, establish tho salaries of the
pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. J. officers named in this artic-le. The coin
, , , . pensation so established shall not bo changed
IlOUk last eveninff in honor Of their oftener than once iu f.ur years and in no
event utiles i two-thiru.4 or the members
golden yellow, and all nature seems call at the nearest B. & M. It,
to smile at tho clad harvest of her ticket office
chiefest crop king corn.
Bryan's independence of English
control is not of long standing. It is
scarcely four years since he stood up
in congress and deliberately expressed
the opinion that American working- daughter. Miss Dora, who will leave elected toeach house of the legislature concur
men were not skillful enough to com- ln a Jew uays 10 visit, inenus I Approved Mapeh 29 A. D. 1895.
pole with Englishmen in the manu- ure",a' ncu- " "as " tuuJ"
fflfnrnnf tinnpn ninM Tf Qr, i pieto surprise to me young lady, but
deuvorshad proved successful at the u who were so fortunate as to be A joint resolution proposing to amend
time wn Sr,PRk nf th mn whn t.irnnd Present report a pleasant time. secuou oub ui 01 arucie six to; 01
out ICO 000 (tOO pounds of American I "lgn-iivo was tno principle amuse- me wjiismuiioa ot tue state 01 reoras-
1 . . 1 .
tinned plate last year would have ment and elegant refreshments were ka, relating to judicial power.
been out of a job. Ex. served throughout the evening. The Be it resolved amlT enacted by the Leiala-
' guests aeparted in tho small hours, section l. That section on- ( of article nix
When news reached tho Tammany wishing the evening was not so short. &.hu
democracy that Croker would not re
turn until after the election, It is
rumorod that tho Tammanyites
draped Bryan's picture in mourning
and started out to do the Bowery.
Col. Ed Friend is not saying much
about the
The followinc is the list of those Dres- section l. The judi.-iai power of this state
.... ,, . , -r, . , shall be vested in a supreme court, district
ent. Mrs. O. Outhmnn, Mrs. Kipple courts, county courts justices of the
Of Louisville and Mrs. J. P. Cobev of pe:e. poliee magistrates, and in su. h other
- courts inferior to th s supreme couit as may
South Omaha; Misses Anna McCarthy, be created i- law in which two-thirds of
Anna Ilouk, Katie McCallen, Mary concur.
fJnthmnr. NToll i nnrl r.nt horinA ITr.nU- Approvea SO. iren A. U. ltfta
and Agnes McCarthy and Messrs.
Will Carmack, Albert Vogtman, Gus
A joint resolution proposing to
Commercial Travelers' Ulsen' Conrad tuinman, feani AicCai- amend section eleven (11) of article six
Bryan club. Silence Is golden, fnl. lc" tt"u ou" (6) of the Constitution of the State of
Ed. It will savo that little band of Take off the Horn. Nebraska, relating to increase iu uum-
Cfty from frequent, feverish compari- 1 he undersigned is now ready with b f BQPremo ail(l district court
sons with the 1,000 McKinley com- a oou P0i 'o cnute ana ioois, 10 re- jndges
uiercuii travelers witn neaaquarters Be it resolve 1 nnl enacted by the Legislature
nt tri Pnnitui t in.i. ntk I ten cen ts nor head. It never pets too of tho State ot Nebraska:
1 Section 1. That section eleven (11) of
and there are others. Col. Ed. Lin- coia to dehorn cattle. Any time after Brti ie six () of ihe constitution .f the state
r.,ii flv.t mo unii! ilm firci i r, A n.M I i .NourasKa be amenaea to reaa as ioi-
Be it re,lvd -.; enacte,t by th.- L i,.a
tnre t.f ihe Si.-. -. ,t Nebraska :
Section 1. That se-ti..n oa-t (1) of ar
tlcle fi rc (") of h 'iisiiiuiioii nt .he Mate
of xoiriitka le amemi'd to re.iu as tji
lows :
Section I The executive denartme-it hl!
consist of a pivcrn-ir, lictitensintvot ernor,
ecretary ofst ie. im ;it ir of pub i : w 1 uu:s,
treasurer, su 01 inten U ni of jml. i iti
struction. atta ,.ey jr n nil. eoiiiii:iiu-r
of pubd-j land and buildings, and three
railroad rommismoucrs. ea h o! ii m,
except th3 sail ri:l.-,ai coraia:s-i ...lei s.
shall hold bis office for u tenn of
two yeara. fr0in the first Thursday ufter
the first Tues la.- i:i .' iry, after
his election, nn l r.ntii his sue essi.r is
elected ami q..a'ified. 10a h r com
ml-isloner shad lioi'i his oliioe for a Term of
three years beinnim: on the first Thurs lav
after the first Tuesday in .in uarv a te
his election and until his kuc.-.-s
por is elete. nn.l qiiiifin.l: P.ovi.led,
however. 'Jhat nt Ihe first . general ei.-c-nonlieu
arier the adotio i or ;TiTs ainen l-
mrfit tuere shall le Me. le.l thiee railroad
commissioner-., one for tho period of one
year, one for ill! p ri ,il it" two years, and
one for the p -nod of thro. yenrs. Th gov
ernor, secretary of strife, audi.oi of ub
lie accounu, and trca-U'Cr shall rr-sj ' a'
the capital durin ; thc-r term f ofii- -;
they Khnll kee; tho p'.bilc reeords, I o
and papers thei w a-i I h:i,l perforin feu -li Ju
ties as mriy bo lequire-i ,y l iw.
Approve l March 30. A. U. 13113.
amendment to section six (G) of article
seven (7) of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska, prescribing the
manner in which votes shall bo cast.
Be it resolved and enacted by the Legislat
ure of the State of Kebra-.ka:
Suction 1 Th it section six CO of article
seven (7) of tho Ouistitutiou of the State
of Nebraska be amended to read aa fol
lows: Section 6. AH votes sh ill bi by baVot. or
such oilier mettio.l as may be prescribed
by law. provided th secrecy of vol inn be
Approved March U"9. A D. 1893.
A joint resolution proposing to
amei.d section two (2) of article four
teen (14) of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska, relative to donations
to win ks of internal improvement and
Br it resolved and enacted by lh I t
is'aiure of th" Mate of Nebraska:
S-ctv nl That seclion two (7) of -rilelj
fourteen (1 1) f the oiisriiu n.n ,f tin
brateof Nebia.Ua, be amended to n .i I us
I S -c. 2. No city, county, town, priclnef,
rPB.i'ntirii, rnnncnm tn ' nunieipa.ity, or other MUlxllvisiuIl Ol thJ
ros i.nrion propfsir2 to . Hl,fll h-.hIi ever mike doimtionn to any
worics oc int rii;il Improvem nut. or
Manufactory, unless a pr, pn-.iirjoii no try
A joint
amend section twenty-six (20) of ar
ticle five (5) of the Conslituiion of the I d" hliV" ' h"J'1 fl'VHn,bmil,d to lha
' 5 cuarili -d c-ie' tors anil i'ull.i.1 i,y two
btate OI iSebras;:a, li:n;ti;if' tho HUTU- . vote at an ele. tton ty authority of
. i law; Provided Tlmt Hili h donutu n of a
ber of executive state t.fiicers. j county with tin, donations of unci. uidi-
t ii. i i i , , , i visions in tho aKffreiralo f-hall mil ex.-e'l
Be it resolve I and ' n,;,c:-;1 hS tha Lr-S- ten ,.r c,.!lt or th UHH,.,.A Valiition f
lslatnre of the f-.tato of Nttbraska: ! such county; Provided, further. 'J li .t ncr
necnou i. j h;il se.-iion iweiny-Mx i-i'j or ity or county may, liy a thre fourths
urticio iiv" y..j i i no , n si ; i ui ion oi in.j r voce,
Btate of Nebra ska be amended to read as
Section 2(1. No o'hor exocuMvn state ofH
cers except th named in se tion on CO
of thia article t-hall b.i ix-rpt
by an act of th i legislature which is
concnrre.l in by not les th in three-f urths
of the members eleclid to each house
thereof i
Provided, Tint any office creited by on
act of the letidatiro m iv he abolish-d l y
the legislature, tw.i-.liir U of tlu m m
bers eleoted to eacli house thero.jf concur
ring. Approved March 30. A. D.. 1S:)3.
An exchange says the
is the right time. After that it is too Section 11. The legislature, whenever two-
women I late. Ll inose wilt) Wisn to nave SUCH shall concur therein, may. in or alter the year
should make extra efforts to sunnort work dono will nddress me at Tnpi- ne thousand ei-ht hundre.1 and ninety-seven
i,u oui(juri nuriv uuuo will uuurcss me at liOCK A not uftner than once in every tour veara.
their husbands at this season and I Bluff, Neb., thev will be promptly increase the number of judges of su-
keep them supplied with spending: answered. S. L. Fuulono. aiatrictji of th.c statu, such .districts Uiaii
money. They are having; this bio; I . bonuded bv eounty lines: and sut
,. 1 , .t A ck,.u u-,-uuuu' vuuiuutujiii n or anv tliin je ln the Douudtries
" .T"" H-" DUU.U1U Cou-h Itemed V is a Cod.send to the af- of a district, Bhall not vacate the office of any
not do annoyed uy sucn a paltry thing; n; , , " . juige.
J J I M Ir'I (l M lin. rt ii, ii i : I , , r 1. o i T ,on-:
n C,.,f f V ; .!,! I "3 IIU IIUVUIUSBUICUU A.lVvilJ.A. "ilJ.
. . J b about this: wo feel mst 1 rm- nor it..
The Democrat, Corrollton, Ky. For
Otoe county seems to bo in one of sal e by all druggists
A joint resolution prdjiosing to amend
section six (6) of articlo one (1) of the
tho hotest kinds of a political warfare. Rheumatism Cured m i..y. Constitution of tho State of Nebraska,
but sucb men as John C. Watson, Pat "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and .b.tinc, fal lrii i)V iurv
1 ? n (1 v n n d en Kat'i n f ?1 p!t:vnna ,-F tVint I FCrn -o 1 rrT .o.i;,..,!! .. - I
j tuius in ono to ., .... ,....,, T.f.rrirfatnre
stamp, running; for office on an honest three days. Its action upon the svs- ftU' state of Nebraska:
monev ticket have nothinff to fear, torn is rem.irlrnldn nnd mcn.; t Sec tion 1. That ai-ctionaix (). urtlcle one
- ... . " I "jv.iuua. iii fl" of the Constitution or tno fetate oi ao-
They will be elected as they deserve I removes at onco the cause and the I brBka amend d to re id as follows:
W DO. I disease lmmediatelv disanneara. Tlio I Mmain invinlatu lmr tho leds alnre marvro-
first. rlo r,MHr nL, Tide that in civil actions llve-siitnsor ine j.-ry
t -r-i . " 6.vv. wuuko. I J CUI1LS. . n.nHor a mril1,t. nn,l til I ei;ldiatui B m
M' aW m x awneo WTlleS w S..ld Viir V CI Xr ,1 alanihorieo tr;al by a jury of a less number
low if Mr. Hrvnti onnrmorl nnrl mfl ... J uruK-r'6t than twelve men. in eour.a inferior to the dia
af r - - - I I II n V r, . , . 1 TkT 1 I . . .
, ... . rianamuutu, VVU
Biiiiiou iuu pruuiuitory i
amendment in 1800. The answer is
easy. He did. Most of his talk was
directed against a protective tariff,
but he found time to say a good many
things in favor of the Biitish drink-
ng system and against tho odium of
sumptuary legislation. High liconse
ti let court.
Approved March 2D. A D. ISSo.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section one (I) of article five (5)
of tho Constitution of Nebraska, relat
ing to officers of tho executive department.
A Joint resolution proposing to
amend section nine (9) of article eight
(8) of the Constitution of the State of
Nebraska, providing for the investment
of the permanent educational funds of
the state.
Be it resolved and enacted bv the Leids:a-
ture of the Stato of Nebraska:
Section 1. That section nine C!1) of article
eieht C8) of the fo-isii: rtttion of the Slate
ot fveuiaska le amended to read as fol
Section 9. All fnn Is belonging to the state
for educational purposes, tho interest and
income whereof only aro to bo tie.l, .--hill
De aeemeci irust tunas nehi oy tue stnle.
na tne state bnrill sunrnv all losses there
of that may in any manner accrue, so that
the same i-h.ill remain forever inviolate
and undiminished, and eha'.l not be in
vested or loaned ex.-ept on Uniti'd States
or state securities, or registered countv
bonds or registered scho A district Loads of
this state, and sn -h funds with th inter
est and income thereof are hereby solemn
ly pledged for the purposes lor whi h thev
are granted and Ret npart. snd shall not
lie transierreu to any other fund f jr oLber
Provided, 1 lie board created bv section
1 of this article is empowered to 6ell from
time to time anr of tho securities beloniriTw
to the permanent School fund nnd invest
the proceeds arisinir therefrom in anv of thi
securities enumerated in this section ls-ar-lnff
a higher rate of interest whenever
an opportunity for better investment is presented;
And provided further. That when any
warrant upon tne state treasurer reif
Ularly issued in pursuance of an appropri
ation by the legislature and secured by tho
levy of a tax for its payment, fhall
be presented to the state treasurer for
payment, and there shall not be any
money ln thr proper fund to pay ouch
warrant, ihe board erented ly section 1
of this artie'e nny direct the state treas
urer to i ay the amount duo on su h war
rant from moneys in his hinds belonging
to Ihe permanent nchoo! fund of the slate,
and he .-h.i:l h Id -idd warrant as eti in
vestment or -n: i t- rm-iaet't h ool fund.
Approved Jl:r. :H.i. X. 1) IK!,.
increase sn,-h iu leltcln. ss tlv ix r
ceiii, in nu.uuon io sucn len per cent and
no bonds or evidences of indehte.lness so
issued nhall le valid unless th- snme -hil
hive end irso 1 thereon a e nfleat..- Bi-.e.l
by the secri tary and audi. or of
firming that thj same is issue 1 pui.uunt to
Approved II irch S9, A. D., 1E05.
A juint ri'S'iIfstinn j :e r-n;r uu
amendment to tl.e Ccii.-tiii;;;' ti nf !li
State of N! by adding a new
section to artich- twclvo (1) t.f si;.
constituti"!i to bo iiu:iiIm r -1 kccIh-:
two (2) re!:::ive to flic n:- ; . n;: of (L
povertum lit f rif:f-.s f tiif n:f-tro
politan la-s :i;!d t-- tri-vci n:i:fTit ot
the counties wlicrein tu-h cities are
Re it resolve 1 and enacted l y the Ia-Js
lature of the ;-.ale o.'ifeo. iLsiia:
Seel i n 1 That .".rt.c'e t.'.etve f!?) o" th
Constitution of the .-t.ite of iNe r:ska !
amended i-y a .iii 1 i -.aid arti le new sec-
Hon to I e nuiiiereil s-c;ioii two J) lo r -a 1
as follows:
Section 'i: Th-: jfovernment or any cit-v of
the metropolian crass ii'.Cl 'i C ,v-
eminent of tho county "n v l - h
it is located m iv bo in I ttl Mhi.i.
or iu pai t h n a propos 'io i ' o io d i h is
been sn'milt:c.l nv aulUo lty or law to tne
Voters of such cit. an i lonnty ard r..-
ci-ivel 'hy ss nt of a m-J irity or the
votes ca.t in Hi'.ch cit. an I al-o a t:-j ir:tv
of ih-j voles a-t in ihe o.i-,ty ex .u.-..v
or thorn caal iu sU h T:ict:o; ) i'a:i city at u. li
eiedi m.
Approvi-d Mirch 23. A. D. 1 -5)j.
A joint resolution proposing ao
I, J. A. Piper, secretary of state of
tho stato of Nebraska, do hereby i i-Mify
that the foregoing proposed amendments
to the Constitution of tho Stale of Ne
braska are true and correct copies of
the original enrolled and engrossed
bills, as passed by tha Twenty-fourth
j session of tho legislature of the Stufo
of Nebraska, as apicnri from said
original bills An file in this office, and
that all and each of said proposed
amendtiunts aro submitted to Un
qualified voters of the Stato of Ne
braska for their adoption or rejection
at tho general election to bo h'-lrt on
Tuesday, the 3d day of November, A.
D., 18.
In testimony whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and affixed the great
seal of the State of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln this 17th day of
July, in the year of our Lord, One Thou
sand, Eight Hundred and Ninety-Six,
of the Independence of the United
States the One Hundred and Twenty
First, and of this state the Thirtieth.
(Seal.) J. A. riPEIt,
Secretary of State.
lr. Marshall, (iraduate Dentist.
Dr. Marshall, ti no gold work.
Dr. Marshall, yold and orcolain
Dr. Marshall, crown and bridge work
Dr. Marshall, toeth without plates.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fillings.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plates.
Dr. Marshall, perfect fitting plates.
Dr. Marshall, all work warranted.
All tho latest atmliances for lirst--lass
dent:-.l work.
We have l(i),0i) to loan at a low
rate of interest on well-improved
Tun National Hxciianok Co.,
I'iattsmoutb, Neb.
Kngiish Spiivjii Li ninutnt rom ves il
Hard, S.ift or Calloused Lumps and '
Diotnishes from horses, Iilood Spavins,
Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, ILing-Ilone,
Siilles, SiMiiins, ;dl Swoolen Throats,
Coughs, etc. Savo $50 by use of ono
bottle. Warranted tho most wonder
ful Ulemish Cure ever known. Sold by
l' G. ! ricko & Co., druggists, I'latts-
IVhen Baby was stck, wt .fave her Cartor!.i
When she vas a Child, she cried for Castvria.
When she became Miss, t,he clt,ng to Co-steria.
iVhca she had auidreu, she gave them Cautoria