Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, October 21, 1896, Image 1
Nct farmer r mi-We TIE NEWS. Establshed Nov. 5. 1891. ron,ftlw-tfl Tnri 1 lw- THE HERALD, Established April 10, iS64. f t'OnSOHflated Jan. 1, ISOd. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB., OCTOBER 21, 1896. VOL. V. NO. 12. Hteka EKLY APPEALS TO SOUND SENSE. Adlreft8 of Major MfKInley at Canton Fall of Sound Logic. "Now what is this thing: called busi ness confidence?' It is a belief ia the stability of values, faith in our mar keta aud our money, faith that the consumption of next year will be as great or greater than the present one; faith that men will have work and that the currency of the country will be Gxed and stable, and undepreciat ing in value. (Great applause.) "The merchant has confidence when? There may be some merchants in this audience today. The mer chant has confidence when he stocks his shelves with more goods in expec tation of large sales. "The manufacturer has confidence when he increases his machinery,hires more men, adds a new factory, lays in his material in advance, certain that it will not decline before his finished product is sold, confident that he can pay wage9 to labor and prices for his raw material, and not find that in the end his goods will be driven out of the American market by foreign goods under a free trade policy. (Tremendous cheering and cries of "That's the gtulTI") "The Jaborer feels this condfienco when, assured of steady employment, ho buys a lot and starts the building of a house for himself and family. The farmer feels this confidence when he plants generously, confident that what he reaps will be in demand and bring him fair return for his toil. The rail road company feels it when it extends its lines and Its switches, gets new equipment and gives employment to workingmen. The banker feeis it when he loans freely of his capital and deposits aud knows that when his loans are returned they will be in good sound money. (Great applause.) And the depositor feels this confidence when he takes his money from it hiding place where much of it is today and puts it in a bank, sure that be can draw it out ac cording to bis necessity or inclination in as good money as he pui in. (Great cheering.) "This thing called 'business confi dence' never shut up an Amerijan mill; never reduced wages or curtailed employment; never refused loaus; never stopped a mine; never got up a run on a bank; never created idleness among laboring men. (Applause.) When confidence is present with us the sheriff has less to do (great laugh ' ter and applause) aud vertices fuw foicsd ealfc the court docket registers fewer judgments; public charity is " less evoked, and the 'free feoup house' is unknown and unnecessary. (Tre mendous cheering.) When confidence is shaken, misfortunes come not singly, but in battalions, and suffering falls on every community. (Applause.) "No part cf our population is ex empt. It may come f: cm one thing or it may come from another. "Doubt in the business world is death to business. (Applause and cries of "That's niiht.'") Wo have it now. Wu know the it came. (Great cheering.) We know what - brought it, and I think we know how to get rid of it. (Tremendous cheei -nnd cries of "You bot we do.") Wo have had it in the United States to a greater or less degreo from the mom ent it was settled in 1S92 that our pro tective laws wero to be changed. "It continued until the changes were actually made, and still longer until the people in 180-1 elected a re publican uational house of representa tives and made it impossible to cut deeper into tho industries of our country. (Great applause. ) War Aiiioiir tlie 'ativf8 Judge Archer's court is busy today trying the case of state vs. David Rice, who is charged with assaulting his next door neighbor, John Lane. John says that he rented some land'next to the Rice domicile and that ho had cut some wood on his land which tho Rice family had purloined aud used, and as it is a long lane that has no turning, so this Lane turned and accused the Rices' of stealing his wood. This raised the ire of the family, and, as they say in the scriptures, "wilh one accord they set upon him, "resulting in severe bruises on the bodv of Lane frotr. coming in conflict with ciubs and rocks and serious loss of peace of mind. This was John's story, but the Rice family talk very differentlj claim to be quiet and law abiding and intimate that John must have clubbed himself. The county attorney appears for the state and A. J. Graves for defendants. Deatb of Mrs. Lockanl. Mrs. Martha Lockard, mother of Mrs. J. H. Gray, died at the residence of her daughter in this city on Sunday morning at 4 o'clock after a very brief illness. She was taken with a stioke of paralysis from which she never rallied. Her remains were taken to heivformer home at Shelby, Neb., for burial this morning. The ticarmakera' KalL The cigarmakers' ball Saturday evening at Sokol hall was quite a social as well as financial success. The music was good, and a nice time is re ported by those present. Miss Cora Frye won the prize, an elejrant cold ring, for being the best lady waitzer. Subscribe for The Nkws. MAN LEY NEWS Mrs. T. F. Keckler is visiting friends in Council Bluffs this week. Corn husking has been begun and the crop promises a good yield. Miss Grace Stanley is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Clark, this week. The rain Saturday and Sunday in this locality has made the roads in very muddy. Mr. Long has purchased the C. G. Taber property at this place, and is repairing the buildings. P.M. Andrus, with his mother and sister, removed to Lincoln this week, where he will attend the medical col lego. A. Jenkings commenced the work of remodelling his house recently. Mr. Summer of Louisville and Wm. Bull are doing the work. The political meeting announced for Saturday evening was postponed until Wednesday evening on account of the bad weather. On Wednesday evening the people had the pleasure of listening to Messrs. Graves, Pol lard and Davies, who expounded re publicanism in an able manner. Mr. Graves opened tho meeting by a brief review of the republican party, and complimenting the candidate for the coming election and closing with re marks upon the financial question. Mr. Pollard then took up the finan cial question and discussed it from its birth as a system to the present time. Mr. Davies followed, presenting the matter of amendments to the constitu tion, remarks and demonstrations on the ratio of 16 to 1 and compliments to the bouse for good order. Woman's Club Sleeting. The beautiful home of Mrs. Perry Walker, was again thrown open to the Woman's club last evening. The de partment of current literature held its first meetiner, with Mrs. Dell Munger an leader, and, it might be said here, that the ladies could not have made a better choice of leader. This de partment promises to be very popular. After the routine business and election of new members, philanthropic work, that the club might do, during the year, was discussed. " Miss Margaret Wright opened ithe program with a biography of Eliza beth Stuart Phelps Ward, of whom it might be said, "To know her is to love her." "A Singular Life'' was reviewed, in a very entertaining manner, by Mrs. Atwood. As a preface to her review she saiC.: 'A Sinsru!ar-Lif3"' has impressed me, perhaps, more than any book I have ever read. It is one which men and women will be better for reading. Every line is worth re-reading. Tho themo is one which might jar inexpressibly uoless handled in a skillful manner. Elizabeth Staurt Phelps, the authoress of this book, is satisfied with nothing less that the best, in life, in love and religion. She wakes us to a conscious effort, she re vives hope and bucivles on the armor of life." Mrs. Chapm in read a very able criticism of "A L'uly of Quality." Mrs. ilowland read an interesting paper on "The Modern Novel," after which this subject was discussed by members. The ladies then adjourned, feeling that they had spent a very pleasant and profitable evening. Hoard of Trade Meeting. The board of trade meeting held at the county judge's office last evening owing to the many political counter attractions, was not largely attended. Nearly all the members of the city council were present in order to hear a discussion of the proposition to lease the electric light plant. Tho matter was not discussed, but on a motion a committee composed of M. D. Polk, Wm. Neville tnd P. G. Fricke was appointed to investigate the light question with the standing committee of the council and report at the next meeting of that body. The committee was also to lcok after securing cheap rates over the ferry and a good road to the landing, down the river where the old B. & M. track used to reach the transfer landing below the bridge. President Windham, on motion, was authorized to appoint delegates to the susrar beet convention at Grand Island with a view to awakening an interest in beet culture and factories here in this countv. The committee will be announced next week. "tJenT Kelly Speak. "GenT' Kelly, of Coxey army lame, was in town last niarht and spoke at the McKinley club room.. Although advertised only a few hours, the hall would not bold half the crowd that sought to hear the labor orator. whoso speech to many, was a revela tion on the tariff question, as he brought down the facts cf history and logic of events so iriisUtibly in proof of protection that to hear him was to be convinced. The democrats and a brass band were trying to hold a meeting at White's opera house, but they in no wire detracted from the Kelly meeting. An effort will be made to have Mr. Kelly speak here again next week, and it is hoped with success. Speed and safety are the watchwords of the age. One Minute Cough Cure acts speedily, safely and never fails Atthma, bronchitis, coughs and colds arc cured by it. P. G. Fricke & Ca LIVER It will assist the female organs to perform their regular functions, and the sufferer will be strengthened and cu?ed For sale everywhere. Price, $1.00 per bottle ' THE DR. J. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE CO., St. Louis, mo. A BUNCH OF GOLDEN-RODS. From the Lincoln Call. BUI Greene came as near getting to congress as he ever will when he at tended Buffalo Bill's congress of rough riders at Omaha the other day. The Methodist people of York have just completed a handsome new edifice of worship. There is some hope for Sedgwick of the Times yet. While the free silverites are stand ing on the street corners howling that there is" not enough money in circula tion, the farmers are offering a dollar a day ajd board for corn huskers. It don't take much of a field glass to ex pose the liars in this oaso. There was a split in the Red Cloud band the other day because the ma jority of its members refused to play the "Conquering Hero Comes" on the night that Mr.Holcomb made a speech there. Seven or eight of the members of the organization resigned and their places were immediately filled by re publican musicians. Red Cloud now has one of the best bands in the 'state since the change. The Plattsmoutii News thinks that the republicans of Lincoln, while a fairly shrewd crowd, should not have neglected to have the spirits of Thom as Jefferson and Andrew Jackson in terrogated on the silver question at the recent session of spiritualists in this city. The News is modestly in formed that such an opportunity was not neglected, aud that when the pirits of those noted democrats ap peared in answer to the question and saw McKinley's portrait on tho wall they smiled and winked the other eye. U.1TKS TO KEMKM11EK Republican appointments: Hon. C. L. Richards, Greenwood, Oct E. M. Pollard Hutchins School House, Oct. 1!. Nehawka. Oct. 27. Victoria School House. Oct. 2 , Elmwood, Oct. 21. C6. Alvo. Oct. 23. Frank W. Collins Weeping Water, Oct. 20. Elmwood, Nov. 2. Jesse Root and C. S. Folk, Heil School House, Oct. 21. G. M. Spurlock. L'nion, Oct. 21. Davies, Pollard, Young and Grave-; at Ne hawka Oct. 27. A. C. Fish, Chicago Union, Oct. 27. Murray, Oct. 28. Cedar Creek. Oct. lit. Manley, Oct. a . Eagle. Oct. Hon. J. B. Strode Greenwood. Oct. 29. . Weeping Water, Oct. 3.t. Piatt, mouth, Nov. 2. Cedar Creek, Oct. 20 Ueeson and Davies. Greenwood, Oct. 22 Pollard, Graves, Davies and Chapman. Sciota school house.Oci 20 Pollard and Ilavies. Plattsmouth, Oct 27 Hon C J Greene. Union. Oct 20 Joint debate between C A Kawls and 1) W Foster. Wan Severely Injured. August, the little son of Chris Petersen, while out play ing with his dog yesterday alto: noon got too near the heels of a horse, which, although quite frentle, in an at tempt to ktck the dog landed its heels in the little fellow's face. The cheek bone was broken and a flesh wound which laid bare the bone was the unfortunato result. D . Cook was called and sewed up tho gash in the face and dressed tho painful in jury. The boy was unconscious from the time of the injury up t. noon to day, when he recovered his senses and now seems in a fair wr.y for re covery. What Is a Unarantee? It is this. If you have a Cough or Cold, a tickling in the Throat, which keeps you constantly coughing, or if you are nniicted with any Chest, Throat or I.ung Trouble, Whooping Cough, etc., and you use Ballard's Horehound Syrup as directed, giving it a fair trial, and no benefit is experi enced we authorize our advertised agent to refund your money on return of bottle. It never fails to g.vo satis faction. It promptly relieves Tlrou chitis. Price 25 and 50 r:nts. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Ca Berkshire Hogs. I have for sale thirty-flve head thoroughbred berkshire begs of either sex some brood sows that will farrow in October. Prices to suit the times. At the head of this herd is a grand son of "Stumpy Duke" who is said to have taken more premiums than any hog in tho world. Call on or address, John F. Polk. Greenwood, Neb." DeWitt's Colic & Cholera Cure. Pleasant, quick r suits, safe to mm. FEMALE TROUBLES. Many of the disorders peculiar to women are caused by diseased con ditions of the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels. Restore these organs to a healthy state by using Dr. J. 11. McLEAH'S Views of Tilden on Unnountl Finance. Uncertainty ia the prolific parent of mischief in all business. Men do noth ing, because they are unable to make any calculations on which they may safely rely. They undertake nothing because they fear a loss in everything they would attempt. They hope and wait. The merchant dares not buy for the future consump tion of his customer. The manufact urer dares not make fabrics which may not refund his outlay. He shuts his factory and discharges his work men. Capitalists cannot lend on se curity they consider unsafe, and their funds lie almost without interest. Men of enterprise who have credit or securities to pledge will not borrow. The people need to know that the gov ernment is moving in the direction of ultimate safety and prosperity, and that it'is doing so through prudent, safe and conservative methods which will be sure to inflict no new sacrifice on the business of the country. Then the inspiration of new life and well founded confidence will hasten the re storing processes of nature and pros perity will begin to return. From Tilden's Letter of Acceptance, 1876. From all accounts Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a Godsend to the af flicted. There : Is no advertisement about this; we feel just like saying it. The Democrat, Corrollton, Ky. For sale by all druggists. ftCueirs Anxiously watch declining health of the'r daughters, v-o-many are cut off by consumption in early years that there is real cause for anxiety. In the early stages, when not beyond the reach of medicine, Hood's Sarsa parilla will restore the quality and quantity of the blood and thus give good health. Read the following letter: "It is but just to write about my daughter Cora, aged 19. She was com pletely run down, declining, had that tired feeling, and friends said she would not live over three months. She had a bad and nothing seemed to do her any good. I happened to read about Hood's Sarsapa rilla and had her give it a trial. From the very first dose she began to get better. After taking a few bottles she was com pletely cured and her health has been the best ever since." ME3. ADDIE Peck, 12 Railroad Place, Amsterdam, N. Y. "I will say that my mother has not stated my case in as Btrong words as I wonld have done. Hood's Sarsaparilla has truly cured me and I am now well." Cora Peck, Amsterdam, N. Y. Be sure to get Hood's, because Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $t. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. -j j, rtMi are purely vegetable, re tlOOd S PlllS liable and beneficial. 25c. HINDERCORNS Corns. 8to;t all pain. Mak.-a walking easy, luc at Dniygmta. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleanac and beautifies the hate Promote s luxuriant growth. Never Failo to Bestore Gray xiair to its zoutmui toior. Curea dca!p diseaaea Sc hair failing If von are CONSUMPTIVE or havt lnli(retion. Pninful ilia or lx bllity ot any kind use PAEKER'8 OINOEB TONIC. Many who were hop fcwatuid lwcoxrngri liuva ixttamed liealtL tij Its uso ' THINACURE For Thin People. ARE YOU THIN? Flesh made with Thinacura Tablets by a scien tific process. They create perfect assimilation of every form of food, s cretintr the valuable and discarding the worthless. They make thin faces plump and round out the figure. They are the STANDARD REMEDY for leanness, containing no arsenic, and abso lutely harmless. Price, prepaid, $1 per box, 6 for $5. Pamphlet. "HUW TO GET FAT." free THE TIIINACIKA CO.. 9f9 Broadway. N. . i5V-H:K"c"kH "'" Bran. - MNYftOY&L PILLS it ft 7. -J.-X. '"'. mdc a.k - - t wim oiu nhboo. Take V E "Relief for I.B.Ilra.- i M, b, r,trw, X' iml11 l0O TutinwoiaU. A'ona ftiur. .M in st&nua for rarni.r. . i-i. .... . , I vaieKrvatweaiu,MaoU. KqcsFet laid kf U Lsaal brucgiua. I'H ! , k'm. (OXiaglA) f ft NEWTON, MITCHELL m FISH BROTHERS' -..WA Are the Leaders- Gorder purchases them in car load lots, and, therefore, is enabled to sell them at a low figure- He is the only dealer in thee ounty who purchases his wagons and bug gies in car load lots. BU And Spring Wagons of the best makes, we are selling at a reasonable figure. The best hand made harness in the state, in which nothing but the old-fashioned Oak Tanned leather is used. LARGE LINE OF ROBES AUGUST GORDER, MAIN STREET, ASSIGNEE J. W. HENDEE TOCK OF HARDWRB s Seating Stoves, Cook Stoves, Ranges ..TINWARE.. SHELF HARDWAEE OF ALL KINDS, Heavy Hardware, Spades, Shovels, Axes, Edge Tools all Kinds. STORE FIXTURES, SAFE, ETC; Everything must be sold within thirty days and they will go at prices way below the original cost. For rare bargains call at once at THE OLD HENDEE. STAND HARVEY HOLLO WAY, Assignee for the Benefit of Creditors. GONS S OF THE ...CONSISTING OF... AND WHIPS PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. S ALE in 1 N