THE SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS-HERALD, PLATTSMOUTH NEB., OCTOBER 7, 1896. THIRTIETH ANNUAL FAIR LTURAL PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, CU ETY 1866 nrim JLJO. J2J R A T 00 1 1 High Tight Wire Performance on the Grounds.. Good Bicycle Races with Liberal Premiums. . HEAR THE JOINT DEBATE ON FINANCIAL QUESTION Hon. David Overmyer of Kansas will represent the Silver Party and ex-Governor Crounse.will champion the Sound Money theory. The debate takes place Wednesday and on that day the admission will be 15c. The secretary may be found at Joe & Frank's store. New line of Cattle, Sheep and floored Hog pens will be free to all exhibitors. Reduced Rates on. all Railroads. R. rrr Absolutely Pure. A rrc:;m rl taitar haVing powder. H.ghest of all in li-ain:n tr.njj!h. I..itc?-t bniw-d States Cii'c-riiiiii. lit fend Ui'p. rt. Tli Kirt .M-'tiiiK of Iho Srawm. The Woman!; club held tho first regular meeting of the .-c;i?on last evening at the home of Mrs. James llero'.tl, where r.rtUtic decorations and a heart j welcome greeted every mem-"i-er. !.ach lady present told how she had r-ient her vacation and the book she had read. Seme had been to the luoun t ait.s, ? itne to other cities and some to the country, while one stayed at hi. 10, cooked her husband":? din-r.ei-s (lamed his socks and spanked his cli i li; n-n. A number of good books had been read, and many of the ladies had informed theujselves on the iinan cial issues of the day. Several had read both sides of the financial question, and or.e lady, at least, is sure she understands it thoroughly, while another lady read only one side of the question, for she knew in that case she would bo right. Mrs. J. I. Unruh, in her uual bright way, read a most interesting letter. The last exercise of the evening was the annual address by the president, Mrs. Stuutenborough. It was a gem of such rare merit that words are in adequate to give one a correct idea of its worth. B W l-Ortcf EJ VT - IS tit f" I r 1. MTKsM the whole oil You look at cod-liver oil. It is so much oil or fat. But the chemists come along and tell us that in that oil are united, in almost invisible form, most valuable medicinal agents, that the fat of cod-liver oil is only one of its merits, and that no process of medical skill or chemical science can unite these peculiar properties with oil as they exist in nature. This is why there can be no substitute for cod-liver oil. When you get Scott's Emulsion y c5 tJe. oje ou diyi- . ded into tiny little parti cles, digested, and ready to be taken up into the system. The hypophosphites which are combined with it are valuable tonics, increasing the appetite, strengthening the nerves, and restoring vitality in the weakened system. When you ask for Scott's Emulsion and your druggist give vou a salmon-colored package with the picture of a man and fish on it you can trust that man with your prescriptions I so cents and si.oo SCOTT & BOWNC, Chemists, New York. OCTOBER 6, 7, LARGEST N ASCENSION INDHAM. President. THE FLOAT CONVENTION. Stephen XV. Orton. of AV-i1iijj Water N':iiifl 15 y KopiildU-an Thj republican float convention convened at McKinley headquarters last evening, says the Nebraska City I'ress. Wm. Bischof called the meet ing to order and on motion Henry loeck of Plattsmouth was elected tempoaary chairman and E. A. Drown socrctary. On motion of Mr. Pool the delegates p.e.-ent were allowed to cast the full vote of tho convention . The temporary organization was permanent and nominations being in order I Sheldon of Cass in a neat speech named S. W. Orton of Cass C. W. Iloge of Otoo in an eloquent little speech named II. II. Fass. II C. Freeman seconded the nomination of Mr. Fass, and Pool of Cass seconded that of Mr. Orton. After some discussion on tho man ner of voting the roll was called and Cass cDunty gave 2 votes for Orton while Otoe cast 21 for Fass. On mo tion of Mr. Fass the nomination of Mr Fass the nomination of Mr. Orton was declared unanimous. . Mr. Orton being called for thanked the convention for the honor and promised to work faithfully for the in tercsts of Cass and Otoe counties. On motion of Frank McCartney a district central committee consisting of Messrs. Wm. Hyers, and W. II. Pool, of Cass county, Tom Murray of Dunbar, Hugh Walker of Douglas was selected. Mr. Orton being empowered to select tho chairman and secretary of the central committee selected. I. W. Teegnrden, chairman, II. C. Freeman, secretary. The convention after extending a vote of thanks to tho chairman and secretary, adjourned. Go to Robert J. Vass for reliable abstracts of title. Ofiice in Briggs buibling. EVER SEEN IN THE A Sized Vp Ity l'almer. St. Louis, Oct. 3. Senator John M. Palmer, national democratic candidate for president, was at east St. L.ouis Friday for an hour. He arrived from the east with his wifo and son, and waited for the train to Springfield, his home. When asked about the out look, he said: "Illinois will declare for sound money and law and order by a good majority. " "Do you expect that .the Pal me r Buckner ticket will carry Illinois?" "No, I did not say that. McKinley will carry Illinois, and the true de mocracy will bo in the saddle in li00." "How about Cook county, whero both the McKinley and Bryan mana gers claim a plurality of n0,0l0." "I think the figures are too high. An estimate of about 30.000 for McKin ley in Cook county would be about right." "How about Altgeld ?" "Forman is making a vigorous fight for governor, and his work is telling. I expect that Forman and his sound money democratic state ticket will poll more votes in Illinois than the ticket I head does for president." "You predict, then, the defeat of Altgeld and the en tiro silver ticuet in Illinois ?" "Most certainiy I do." A matrimonial Itoom. The following licenses to wed were issued by Judge Spurlock today: Henry Weasel and Mary I. Eaier, Nebawka; Wm. Bennett and Miss Anna Barnes, Iowa; Frank A. Crouse and Laura Anna Crouse, Missouri; George W. Anderson and Cora Belle Dimmitt, Elmwood. A hacking cough is not only annoy ing to others, but is dangerous to the person whohas it. One Minute Cough Cure will quickly put an end to it. F. G. Fricke & Co. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by George F. Houseworth, clerk of the district court, within and for Cass county. Nebraska, and to nie di rected. 1 will on the th day of November, A. I. lMUti, at II o'clock a.m. of saX dav, at the s uth door of the court house in the city of I'latts mouth, in said county, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for casti, the following real estate, to-wit: Lot four (4). in block sixty-one (CI ). and all the appurtenances thereunto be onging in the citv of Plattsmouth, according to the reci rded plat thereof, in Cass county, Nebraska. The ame being levied upon and taken as the property of Charles M. Butler and Cora Butler, defendants, to satisfy a judgment of said court recoeied by George B. Lchnhctf. plaint in. against said de fendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. October 2, A. II. tX. Harvey Holiowav, Sheriff. Cass county, Nebraska. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by George K. Houseworth, clerk of the district court, within and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to nie di rected. I will on the 7th day of November. A. I). l.Mtt). at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south door of the court house In the city of i'lattsmouth in said county, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the fallowing real estate, towit: Commencing at a point 06 feet north of the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section Is. township 12, range 14. east of the 6th P. M., and in the east line of said tract; thence north in said east line llfcj feet; thence west parallel with the youth line of said tract 4u' feet, thence south parallel with said east line 1! feet; thence east 42 feet to the place of beginning, containing 5i544 square feet. Said laud being in Cass county, Nebraska. together with the . privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise aprurtaining. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Edward S. A FIELD TWO DAYS DURING THE FAIR IJnr-;tnw anil Mary K. IlarMow, defendants, satisfy a judgment id said court recovered I'lattsmouth Loan and lJuildinu associate plaintiff, against said defendants. I'lattsmouth, Neb., Oct. 2. A. IV. 196. Hakvey Hollowav. Sheriff. Cass County. Nebraska Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by George r. Houscwortn. cieiK 01 me uisinci court, uiunii and for Cass countv. Nebraska, and to me di '. cted. I will on the 7th day of November. A. I) I!!, at II o'clock a. in. of said day at the south door of the court house in the city ol i'lattsmouth, in said countv. sell at nublic auction, to the hicrh est bidder for cash, the following real estate, to wit: The west half of lot nine in block 2S in the city of I'lattsmouth. Lass county. Nebraska: also an undivided one-half of lots five and six in block 1-1. In ouiiR and Hays' addition to the city of I'iatlsinouth. Cass county, Nebraska: also trie south twenty-six and six-sevenths -" feet of lot two. in block 31. in the city of 1 lattsniouth Cass county.Nebraska.thesaine beina levied upon and taken as the property of William Weber and Veronica Weber, defendants, to satisfy a judg ment of said court recovered by f'ettibone and Nixon, the Living-ton Loan and Building Asso ciation. Charles C. J'armele. as receiver of the Citizens bank of I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, plaintiff, the I'lattsmouth Brick &, Terra Cotta Manufac turing company, and Jacob lleinrich. defendants against Wniiaiii Weber et al.. defendants. I'lattsmouth. October-'. A. I). 1 !.. Hakvhy IIoi.i owav. Sheritt. Cass county. Nebraska. Sheriff's Sale. Bv virtue of an order of sulo issued by George I'. Houseworth, clerk of the district court, within iiml for Cuss county, Nobruskii. a tnl to me directed, I will on t he 7lh day of Nov.. A. !.. iv.tfc at 11 o'clock u. m. of suiU day ut the south door of the court house In the city of Pl'ittsmoutti, In s.ud county, sell at public auction, to tne highest bidder for ca-h, the fullowin real estate, towit; Lots ten. i ltj eleven, (Hi und twelve. (I.) In block fifty-nine, (".S't in the city of I'latts mouth. Cass county. NebrasKH. tosether with all and singular I he he red it amen ts and appurtenances tbereuntc. belonging or In anywi-e appertaining. Tho siino l.einu levied upon and taken as the propeitv of lieubcn W. Hyers and Martha I. Hyers. de fendants, to satisfy ;- judgment of said court recovered by C I'arrnele. as receiver of the Citizens' Bank of l'latts inoulli. Nebraska, pi aim; IT, against said de fendants Neb . Oct.. -'. A. I. ls'.Ki. IlAiivicv Hollow a v, herlfT, Cass County. Nebraska. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by George F. IbiUr-eworth. clerk of the district court within and lor Cass county. Nebraska, and to me di rected. I will tm the Tih dayj ut November, A. 1J. lv.i;. at 11 o'ciock a. m. of said day at the south door of the court hou.-e in the city of I'latts mouth. in said county sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cah, the following real estate, to-wit: The north haif of lots eleven and tweke (11 a:id 1-'. in block thirty-six (:o in the city of I'lattsmouth. Cass County. Nebraska, to gether with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining: the same being levied upon and taken as the pn peity of Lhabeth A. Wood-on and James M. Woodson, defendants, to satisfy a judgment ol said court recovered by Charles C. I'arrnele. as receiver of the Citizens bank of I'lattsmouth. Nebraska. plaintiff against said defendants. I'lattsmouth, Nebraska. October 2, A. D. lbS.5. - HAKVfcY Hollowav, Sherilf, Cass county. Nebraska. Sheriff's Sale. Bv v.rt ue of un order of sale issued by Geo. F. Houseworth, clerk of the district court, within and for Cass county, Nebraska.and to mod TectiMl. 1 will on the 7ih day of Nov., A 1). IS at 11 o'clock a. in. of said day at the fout i door of ih'j court lmuse In the cfty of lTattsnoutli. in sai.i con nty. sel i at Dulillc auction, to the highest bid.icr for cash, the following uc Hi-rihed real estate, to-wit: Th-j south ha f (s "41 of lots 1. 2 " n I 3 In bloc-K thirteen ( l i. in the city of Platts mouth.Cass county. Nebraska together with all anu singular tho hereditaments and up purtcnances thereunto belonging or in any wise a ppertaining. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of 3. P. V anatia and E. J. Vanatta. defendants: to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by CU rles C. Parmelo asl receiver of the Citizens Bank of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, plaiiitili; against Bail defendants Plattsmouth, Nebraska. October 2. A. I)., Harvkt lloi,i,nwiV, Sheriff, Cass county, Nebraska. Legal Notice. Notice to creditors of as-gned estate. Notice is hereby Riv.n to the creditors of Joseph W. Ilendee and all other persons inter ested, th t there has been hied in the county court of Cass county, Nebraska, an inventory by the said Joseph W . Hendee, as required by law in matters of assignment, and that a meeting of the creditors of the said Joseph W. Hendee will be held at the office of the county judge of Cass county. Nebraska, in Plattsmouth". at 2 o'clock p. m., October ti, IKW. for the purpose of choosing an assignee to succeed the sheriff in the trust under the deed of assignment of the said Joseph N D 9, 1896. OF COUNTY W. G. KEEPER, Secretary Y. Ilendee. In witne s whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal this iMh day of Sep tember. A. U. lrW. (Seal) Gf.okge M. ari'RLOcK County Judge. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale Issued by George F. Houseworth. clerk of the district court within and for Cass county, Nebraska and to me directed. I will on the 24 tb day of October. A. I). lfytJ. at 11 o'clock, a. m.of said day at the south door of the court house In the city of Pluttsnioutn. in said county. 9ell at puolic auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following realestate to wit: Lot 12 in block 19 in the city of Platts mouth, also lots 11 and 12 in block 17 In South Park addition to the city of Plutts nioutn, Oas9 county, Nebraska, together with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or In anywise aDDur- taining. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of A. B. Knotts, May Kriotts. Beeson Ac Boot, a partnership co.n posed of Allen Beeson and Jesse L. Boot, tho First National bank, a corporation, the Carpenter Paper company, a corporation. Bennett. & Tutt, a partnership composed of Lloyd 1). Bennett and John I Tutt and Jesse Lowe, defendants, to satisfy a judg ment of said court recovered by Clarence K. Wescott, plaintiff, against said defend ants. Plattsmouth, Neb.. Sept. 22, A. !.. 18sm. llAUVET IlOLLOWAT, Sheriff. Cass County, Nebraska. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale, to me directed and delivered, issued by George F. Houseworth, clerk of the district court ot Cass county, Nebraska, upon a decree rendered in said court in favor of Sylvia A. Whipple and against Timothy Clark and Bank of Cass county, a corporation, com manding me to sell, according to law, the follow ing deseribed real estate, to-wit: Lot No. 4 in Clark's addition to the city of Plattsmouth, ac cording to the recorded plat thereof, lying and . J - .1. . ... t I ' suuaieu tu nie county oi vass, stale ot tcoius&a. 1 will, on the 24th day ot October. ltt. at 11 o'cloc k a. m.. at the south door of the court house of said county, at Plattsmouth. sell said premises as the property of Timothy Clark and Bank of Cass county, at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, to satisfy said order of sale, the aggregate amount due thereon being $S68 with in terest. costs and accruing costs. Oated the day ot septemter. lfl0. Harvey Hollowav, Sheriff of said county. Notice to Creditors. State of Nebraska, i ss. Cass County. J In the matter of the estate of Christian Gauer, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the claims and de mands of all persons against Chiistian Gauer. deceased, late of said county and state, will be received, examined and adjusted bv the countv court at the court house in Plattsmouth, on the .'tiih day of April, A. !.. IW7, at 3 o clock in the afternoon. And that six months from and after the 24th day of October, A. U., lir. is the time limited for creditors of said deceased to present their claims for examination and allowance. Given under my hand and seal this 2Uth dav of September, A. D., ls'.id. GEORGE M. SrURLOCK. (5ea!) County Judge. Legal Notice. In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Frank Stander. de- t ceased. Thiscause came on for bearing upon the peti tion of Eliza Ann Stander and William A. Cleg horn, as executrix and executor of the last will and testament of Frank Stander, deceased, pray ing for licence to sell southeast quarter of section 'S. in township 1-, range 11, Cass county, Ne braska: northwest quarter of southeast quarter section 'Si, safd town and range, and the south haif of the northwest quarter section 34. said town and range; also section 31 in tow n 14. range 36, Keith county, Nebraska, and section 33, in town 13, range 37, Keith county; also lots 131. 4, 426. ij.7, '.3, 644 and W5. in Louisville. Nebraska, and lot 1SW and the north two feet off the north side of lot 2un in said Louisville, or a sufficient amount to amount to FJ.UM. for the payment of legacies under the said last will and testament and the costs of administration, there not being sufficient personal property to pay said legacies and expenses. . , From the petition I find the persons interested in said estate are George Stander. Carrie E. Stan der. James Stander. Henry Stander. Eliza M. Stander, Helen Cleghom. Peter Stander, Lizzie Stander. wife of said Peter Stander, Lizzie Stan der, William Stander, Ella Stander, Louis Stan der, Lester Stander, Arthur Stander. Olive Stan der. Kalph Stander and Alice Stander, and the said petitioners. It is. therefore, ordered by me that the said persons above named, and all others interested in said estate, -appear before me at chambers office, clerk of court, Plattsmouth, on the 14th day of November. IS;, at 111 o'clock a. m. to show cause why a license should not be is sued to said executrix and executor to sell so much of said real estate as shall be necessary to pay said legacies and expenses. That a copy of this order be published for four successive weeks before such hearing in the Seme-Weekly News Herald. Dated at I'lattsmouth, in said county, this 26th day of September, lWtf, Basil S. Ramsey, Judge of the District Court. T HOE, WILLIAM HEBOLD & SON Time to Loosen tne Purse Strings And get ready for the fall buying;. This store has not arrived at its present stage of usefulness by chance. There's no luck or speculation about this business; it isn't the result of for tunate circumstances, but downright honest, hard work work wherein your interests as consumers have been carefully studied at every corner and turn. Our business friends today number they hare confidence in our merchandise and methods of doing business. If you don't believe all this, visit the store during the coming week. We're going to officially open the DRESS GOODS, KID GLOVE and CLOAK DEPARTMENTS. Note the throngs of satisfied buyers in each section, and youll believe that there's friendship in bnsiness, for we look upon every customer who leaves a dime or a dollar in this store as a business friend. The Dress Goods Opening. No other heading would or could ex press our meaning half as plainly. It is an opening in every sense of the word, and such an opening as this department has never before had. With the product of two continents to pick from, we have selected for your approval what we believe to be the grandest collection of gown fabrics ever shown in this section. We await your verdict, feeling assured that our efforts will be heartily indorsed by our trading public Time to buy Blankets. We jump the jobber here; save you his profit. Straight from mill agents come these great masses of fleecy warmth and comfort. No better time to buy than now. Special 500 pair 10x4 Cotton Blan kets at 50c a pair, worth 7oc. Shoe Department. In our shoe department you will find the largest stock of shoes in Cass county, exclusive shoe stores not ex cepted, and we sell more than any two stores in the county put together. Why? The reason is self evident, it is merely because we sell them the cheapest. There are shoes and shoes, there are shoes you want and there are shoes you don't want. When you want shoes, our shoes are the shoes you want. When you get ready to buy Arctics, Felts or Rubbers we are ready to serve you better than any place in the viciDity, as we bought our Rubber goods early and secured an "inside" price below the rubber trusts combina- j tion price. j A great many people are prone to to the people of Cass county that we stand ready to meet any legitimate, bona fide prices that Omaha dealers may offer, and you will find on your entire bill, we will save you money as we do not cut on one item and try to make back on another, as that is not any way of doing dealing with us for the past twenty or William Herold & Son ' - - Moiti Street. - 1896 into the thousands. They know us, and Opening Week in Garment Room. Rods, racks, tables, shelves piled high with the cream of Cloakdom. The result of careful selection. Never let your cloak wander from this store, for we're equipped to serve you to your utmost satisfaction. Cheap? Yes, but it's price cheapness only. Everything else about our garments is top notch style, fit, materials, make, finish, all of the very best. Slop-shop rubbish finds no abiding place in this progres sive department. If you can't coma to inspect per sonally, send us a postal and we will mail our Illustrated Catalogue which ij without a doubt the finest catalogue issued in this section . Some People Wonder At the busy, bustling look of things in the hosiery and underwear section a. No mystery about it. It's simply buy '.ingwhat people want, and selling it for less than they expected to pay. This is what has built this business up to its present large proportions. The best of its kind is none too good for our patrons. We start the season with such values as these: Children's underwear beginning at 7ic a garment for size 16, rise 2io a size; size 18 for 10c, size 20 for 12. Two cases of Ladies heavy fleeced lined ribbed underwear worth S5c for 19c a garment. Two cases of Men's extra heavy wool mixed, silk trimmed underwear at 35c a garment, worth 5c. quote Omaha prices, but we will state business. Customers who have been thirty years will tastifr to this fact. Plattsmouth, Nebraska.