Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, October 03, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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    CiQt rri iwtv AftPin 11 Tl I RAIL SOCIETY
3 &l H
-ft r
Absolutely Pure.
Cr. :
in I
l.L' I" "A 1'
-I atl-'
-1 ..I
il I ,
W i:IN J1' Y
Ko'io Wai-h. an c-ini(lijt: ' the Cur-
iftnii hi- at Mi.L'iiui:, i- in liio
n . . . . , - . i
tV ! " Il Vlrlt V. lit. lilr- l.tK-lO II 71 1 1
ifj t, Mr. un.i Mrj. ( I. M i!:;:i'i.
Char I't.iij'Ot of Mt a mt
ci-inrt. r-iH- of lin; o'.. tiftif t'pm.i
Lti. i;f w:i- i'i the city lo-iny
wl tr,:nl.' TllK .l-.w- :x zr o:
The !".. N. I)-.voy !' ! mii u -l ttl i
rr.t i
I.iticoln ;il
:" last oven
P si t.i ! :t('
rt tiiilo in
-l!Tt l lor ii!e
mnreli with
They in Like a
well drilied.
1K- lii.o (r
Vm: ": u x.
iraii-e and
;i ro
i e pair in a
ak in -i wati-r main in Irotit 01 Uiu
enclee hardware store this sifteineon
larce hose trot !ic while the water
as turned on and made t!iinra lively
r awhile. Soveral of the on-lookcrs,
ht a arc n cii :n.
John C. M -Nurlan si rul Miss
jvbert of Cedar C:e-k secured li
rise and were united in marriage to
iy bv (bounty .lud-e .Spurlo-K. A
3rrni to v.ed" was also granted to
nun-iel ILins.-n and Miss'i iUie Uuck
r Weeping Water.
-. V. V.. CopehiTid and daughter.
u . c
returned today irom a
s visit at the former's old ln-me
h V,
-I Virginia. Mrs. (..'ojM-laDd ,
; t,p
y is. if a
r S 1
il , M
eral substances."
these are absent we have "Rickets" a lack of
- which shows itself in delayed teething, profuse
.s, and later, if not
: baby needs lime for its weak bones and cod-liver
; fat-starv ed body.
. nr-uision of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophosphites
nd soda will give its little body the needed fat in
cu get Scott' i Emulsion nhtn yen want it and net a tAta tulttitute.
Bowne, New York. All Druggists. 50c. and $u
High Tight Wire Performance on the
Hon. David Overmyer of Kansas will represent the Silver Party and ex-Governor Crounse will
champion the Sound Money theory. The debate takes place Wednesday and on that
day the admission will be 15c. The secretary may be found at Joe & Frank's
store. New line of Cattle, Sheep and floored Hog pens will be free to
all exhibitors. Reduced Rates on all Railroads.
went on to Lincoln to join her hus
h:irui, wrio employed by the IJurling-t.-.n,
ami Lulu remained here for u.
visit '.vil h friends.
I'ror.iilc-nt C. II. i'erkins, of the
Piurli rjjton, arrived in the city at i
o'clccl; l i-t evening 'n his priv;ito car.
Ho w-i- ..ceomp-inied by (leneral Solici
tor IJIvllie. Tiny k-riat 11 o'clock to
d:iv for the wc.-t," after looking after
the company's interests at this place.
Conrad Sehl iter is in the city visit
ii'.tr friends.
Find settlement was made
ciuiiiv court today in the estate
'ieorge W. Jenks.
Mr. and Mrs I. W. Teedarden of
WecpinLT Water are in the city the of M-. and Mrs. Tom l'attor
s n.
Mis- draee Dickson of Klmwood is
in the city the guet of Miss Clara
Street. 1 hey were Omaha visitors
Anyone having any business to do
with Secretary W. (iT Ke'fer will find
him at the store of Joe A: Frank on
Saturday iind Monday.
County J ndgo Spui leek issued :i per-
... i . : . I . 1 tr
mil lO wen last eveTMTij; iu juuii
Lloyd, aged forty-one, ;md Miss Lissa
A. iltntoi), siged twenty-nine.
Attorneys A. N. Sullivan, D. K.
Iiarr and E. M. Collin of Lincoln de
parted last evening for (Jalesburg, 111.,
to look sifter a ease in federal court.
Dick Waugh returned thi" morning
from si visit of several weeks with
fi ieuds in Wisconsin. He has evi
dently been enjoying Fife, as he is fat
and heartv and has a good color in his
' Kvron Clark will address the people
on the political issues of the day at
the Keeker school house, eight miles
we.-t of town, on Saturday evening,
October .". A goo 1 meeting is antici
pated. Rev. F. A. Campbell, the new-
Methodist minister-, arrived in the
city with bis family yesterday from
Elmvood and will take up their per
maii'mt residence in the Methodist
p irson ? on 1'ea.rl street.
J ir Young's well-known reputation
as a producer of a Gne grade of honey
do s ml comprise sill of his accotn
plisments. lie brought a sample of
his crop ol sweet yrotatoe to Tnt
Nkws cilice today and they are hard
t beat, one of them measuring twenty
baby bones
are soft, so soft they scarce can be called
bones in the earlier years ; gradually they
harden, and furnish the frame which sup
ports the growing body. The hardening
comes from what chemists term " the min
arrested, mallormations
Good Bicycle Haces
inches and another sixteen. Mr.
Youd? expects to have them on exhi
bition at the county fair next week.
K i-publican :ij -point men is:
M. M. 'I'iptuii of Illinois will :
Eale, Oct.lM.T5.
Wabash. October .
Avncst. Oftolnjr 7.
Neliavvka. October .
Murray. October '.
Plattmoiith. October III.
ShentTs Sale.
By irtuc of an order of sale issued by George
F. House-worth, clerk of the district court w.thm
and for Cass county. Nebraska, and to nie di
rected. I will on the 7th day" of November. A. I .
1 -.";. at 11 o'clock a. ro. ol said day at the south
door of the court houe in the city of 1'ialts-
mouth. in said county sea at puoiic auction, i.
the highest bidder for cash, the following re..
estate, to-wit The north hail oi lots eieieu uu
twenc (11 ami li. in diock imri-ix i--.. in mc -
oty of Plattsmouth. Cass county. Nebraska, to- (
get her with all and Miigutar the heieditainents j
and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in
rne same oeiuK " I
n and taken as the piopi
as the piopeity of t!;abeth A.
y una
m and James M. Woodson, delendanis.
satisfy a judgment ot said court recoveieu D
Charles C. I'armele. as receiver ot the Citizens
bank of Plattsmouth. Nebraska, piaiutill agamst
said defendants.
I'laltsinouth, Neorask;:, Octobers. A. u. w.
ll.uvtv U'.l l.OWA,
Sheriff. Ca.-s county. Nebraska.
Sheriffs Sale.
Hv virtue of an order of sale Issued by Geo,
F. llouseworth, clerk of the district court,
within and for Cass county. N'ebraska,and to
med I reeled. I wiil on the Jili day of Nov., A
l. lsiTt'i. at 11 o clock a. in. or saia aay at me
south door of t he court house iu the city or
i'iattsinoutn. in said county, sell at iiunuc
auction, to the hizhest bidder for cash, the
followlnz described real estate, to-wit:
The south half is(il of lots 1. and 3 in
block thirteen ii:i) In the city of I'latts
mouth.C'ass county. Nebraska together with
all and singular the hereditaments und ap
purtenances thereunto belonging or in any
wise appertaining. Tfie same being levied
upon and taken as the property of s. i".
Yatiattaand E. J. Vanatta. defend ants: to
satisfy a judgment of said court recovered
by C'b irles O. I'armele as receiver of the
Citizens' Hank of I'lailsmoutii, Nebraska,
plaintiff; against sail defendants.
I'lattsmouth, Nebraska. October 'SI. A. P.,
l-'.Ci. Harvey Hoi.uowav.
PhcrifT, Cass county, Nebraska.
Legal Notice.
Notice to creditors of assigned estate.
Notice is hereby given to the cieditois of
Joseph W. Hendee and all other persons inter
ested, th .t there has been hied in the county
court of Cass county. Nebraska, an inventory bv
ft... aid losiri h W. Hendee. as required by law
in matters ot assignment, and that a meeting of
tl... nlitors of the said loscnh W. Hendee will
be In Id at the othec of the county iu'.lirc of Cass
rmitit v. Nebraska, in I'lattsmouth. at 2 o'clock p.
m.. October . IWG. lor tne purpose 01 cnoosing
an assignee to succeed the slitrin m ine trusr
under the deed of assignment of the said Joseph
W. Hendee. in viitne s whereof. I have hereunto
set my hand and official seal ttiis i"th day of ep-
lenilier. A. 1. Ii.
(s,.al) Hkiirck M.Sl'l'RI.'K K ,
County Judge.
Legal Notice.
In the disliict court of Cass county. Nebraska.
Henry Kiketibary et al. vs. Citizens' llauk oi
I lattsinoutli, iSeoraska.
J'o the depositors anil stockholders of theCiti
zens' Hank ot I lattsinoutli, Nebraska, and all
other parties interested!
You aie hcarby not i tied that upon Saturday
the ttt. day m Mciiitiiiutr, .. if. i:i, the re
ceiver of said bank. Charles C. I'armele, will
make application to said district court, at the
courthouse iu I'lattsmouth Nebraska, for an or
der directing him the said receiver, to make
settlement of the claim ol said Citizens" Hank of
I'lattsmouth against . ti. Reefer, which i.s se
ruicl bv mortgage on the property of sa
Reefer at Wahoo. Nebraska, and I'lattsmouth
Nebraska, by taking deeds from said Reefer
and his wife for said property to the Citizen
Bank of I'lattsmouth. Nebraska, iu full of said
claim aeainst said Reefer.
C'llAS. C. l'AKMKl K, -
Koc iver of Citizens' Bank of I'lattsmouth, Ne
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale, to nie directed and
delivered, issued by tieorge r . Houseworth, clerk
ol the district court ot Cass county. Nebraska
upon a decree rendered in said court in favor of
Svlvia A. Whipple and against Timothy Clark
and Bank of Cass county, a corporation, com
niundum me to sell, according to law. the follow
ing deserilied real estate, to-wit: Lot No. 4 in
Clark's addition to the city of I'lattsmouth, ac-
cnrdiiu! to the reCorilo"! plat thereof. 1U1K and
situated in the I'.uiiiy of Cas, state ol Nebiaska.
I will on the 'tih dav of October. li. at II
o clot k a. in., at th-- south door of the court house
of i.nd coiuitv. ut l!attsnor.lh. se!'. said preniies
as the iioH-rtv of l iniothy Clark and Hank ol
Cas countv. at public auction to the highest
bidder, for cash. t satisfy said order of sale, the
aL-reate amount due thereon being ?' with in
terest, costs and aicriiitm cost.
Oated the -Jd dav of cpte!nlcr. is'..
il KVKY llul.LOWAl.
shentl of said county.
Legal Notice.
To A-.laliiie Crirpen. Clurdoti 15. Cnppen.
ppen. Ben
1 A. lianirs.
iinnn V I Marv 1 iibsou. r.'.twar.l .A.
trustee. William C. Cr:ppen. l.raUtortl avinp
I'.ankec J rust Co . (icorise Leslie and John .
M itrfiell. non- resident delen lants: ou and each
ol you are hereby Hot hed that on the 14rh day of
Whilst, l.".. ohn II. I'uttib one and . k.. Nixon,
partness d.iinc: luisines- under the firm name and
stsie of l'en:bone v: N:oti. commenced an ac
tion and hied a petition in the office of the clerk
ot the district court in and for C ass county. Ne
braska, the oiijeit and piayer of which are to
foreclose a certain tn Uen against lots A and Zl
in the northwest ijiiaitel of the noil hwest quarter
o section :t, in town M. ranpf 11. Cass county. also ai;a:ust the southwest quar
ter of the northwest quarter ol said section and
the west half ol the southwest quarter thereof:
..,.;, lcu L,ollltj ,.r tax cei tihcate lssiieu aoi.o.
jor iy-j trtX ull saia i.uia.i.n.H, hiiu mi sno
e,.q,lcIlt ta.xes paid May 4th. lsf4. for !! tax
4;, f,,r :!1 ,,aid ay III. I '.:. for the 1U
tax atfanlnt s,,. iand. a;: i foi X paid .May 1st
I Ki,', li.r t!... isfi.'i lav against sii
ls; lor the ls:i.) tax against sain nim won u pt.
cent per annum niteiest on eacn payineni uu
Nov. ti, P!."i. and li) per Cent annual interest there
alter, and h per cent attorneys' fees cm the
judgment and 1 r costs of suit. It is asked that
vour c' of redemption tn sari premises be
ioreclo-ed an ;un ilaim or hen you may tiae
against said !;.i)dbe ad;i:d;ed inferior to plain
i t.lfs' ciaim theieoii. atid it is asked that said
j premises be soid to sat -iy said claims with inter
est, atloi uev's fees, and costs of suit.
You are required t" answer said petition on or
before M"nd.i. the th dav of September. iv.j.
or the allegations in sa.d petition will be taken as
confessed and true, and ludgment enteied ac
cordaigiv. Vou w ill take due notice and govern
vi hi rs.'n fs .'irorffinel v.
j . . w - . , ..... c I.' K i . .v-
OllN II.IT.IIIW'M A.l' -. ..v...
J'.y their Attorneys, Ileeson i Root,
i'latt-moiith. Neb.. Aug. Is, 1IW.
Sheriffs Sale.
Hy virtue of an order of sale Issuod by
George 1. Houscwortb. clerf or tne uisir.ei
court within and for Cass county. Nebraska
and to directed. 1 will on me j-u n uay oi
O-tober. A. I at 11 o citH'K. a. m oi sm
r r t hp snui li door of t he court house In
ti.i- i-itv of riatt-inoiit n. in sum eouoiy. sen
Ht nunUe auction, to liio highest biorjer for
..i. ti. fmlawiiu n:i Iiil:l1 e to wit:
Lot 12 in uioc'K 1 .n the City oi i iauv
,.,,...ii, ..Is,. I. ,is il und 11 in nlocK l in
.ml. I'nrk ail (1 1 1 ion t o the CUV ot limis-
moutri. Cass county. .ei,MSK.i, loiiemur
with the vrivilejrcs ;.nd anpurtenances
ii,.,ri.i.tii lu'iLiiiiiiiL' i,r in nnvwise ku iiir
to... t.r. - i. s:,nLe lie tiir levieu uuuii huu
tnUen 7is the Prooorty of A. H. Knolls, May
i. ,,iis Itooson Koiit. a nart nersii .u t.n
,.,,wi aiioti i;.-i-soo and Jesse L. Koot.
n,n I' ict uilnnii t!iiiK. a corDoraTlon. tne
a ... -..I..., t.. roni n:i n v. :t eornora t ion .
l.eiinett A. lull, a pariiiernio uuiiipmuj oi
l.lovd i Iti'iitiett and Johu l Tutt and
lpso l.o', rtefoiiilarits. to satisiya juu-
ttk.1.1 of J..I.I court nrnviTUj bv t laretice
Wcscott. ula.nt .IT. azaiust sata aeiena-
I'lattsii.outb. NieD.. M-pi. z;, t. u .
Sheriff. Cass County, Nebraska.
Referees' Sale.
fan order of the district
court of Cass rom.ty. .euia.-Ka. uio cmw-ieu t
upon the 2 dav of August. A ? " i
action therein pei.J ng w ;iei sin 1 .udw .g li. t-.gen-
lierger and wile. Aun'f r.. r .seuoei i- . - .
pl.iiiit-ns. and Anion H. Veckbach and wile. Mary j
Wcckbacli. ver- defendants, which onloi con-.
hrnie.T tiie repot? ot reterc. s theretoloieappoiiiTcd
in said iau-e. :u,d d. reeled tlicm to sell as upon
execution the lands described in their sa;d repoit.
the und. i-iiim il letcrees ;ii. upon the Jul dav of i
Octol.ei A. 1).. 1. ,.ti. at 1::S) o'clock p. m-. iu Iront
of the south door of the court house in Cass
county. Nehraska. sell at public vendue to the
higher! bidd r the following described real estate,
subject to ail encumbrances ti.cieon. to-wit:
The west had of lot three Cil in block thirty
three I :C'.I in the city ol Plattsinouth, Cass countv,
Nebraska, and the un li tided half of the partition
wails on ttie east and west sides of said west hall
of lot three lUy block thii ty three CEO I'lattsmouth
Cass county. Nebraska, upon the following terms
and conditions, viz: For cash. Said sale will re
main open one hour.
Haled August l;Hj.
i I. W. Ji.llNSON
sK. W. Hymn.
( Thomas. M 1'
An tksox.
Byron Clark and C. A. Kawl
Attorneys for l'lf.
Legal Notice.
Notice is hcrebygiven that by virtue of an ex
ecution issu.'d by l. Archer, a justice of the
peace in and lor Cas county, in favor oi Lee,
Clark. Andreeson Hardware company and against
l. S. I rap-r, and to me directed. 1 will at IU
o'clock a. iu. on the :trd day of October. at
the store building ot L. S. Draper, in Mynard, in
9, 1896
witn liberal
said countv, offer for sale at public vendue tne
following goods and chatties, to-wit: Stock ot
candies, tobaccoos, groceries, canned goods.
hardware, sundries and general mercnanaise.iaKe
n said execution as the property ot it. . irajei.
Dated tins -d day of September, A. D. m.
J. K. DfcNSON. Constable.
Legal Notice.
Notice by publication on petition for final set
tlement of linal administration account, mine
county court of Cass county. Nebraska. lathe
matter of the estate of George W. Jenks, de
ceased. Emma A. Jenks. Ratherine Jane liarrow.
Carrie lenks ard. John Jenks, A'exanner icnss.
Lizzie lenks. Lrwin Jenks. td. L. rvicnaras, me
unknown heirs of Addle Jenks Kicharas. de
ceased, and all other persons interested in said
matter, are hereby notified that ou the 4th day of
September, lsnti. Mrs. Emma A. Jenks hied a
petition in said county court, praying that her
nnal administration accounts hied herein be
settled and allowed and that she be discharged
from her trust as executrix, and that if you fail to
appear before said court on the nrst aay oi uc-
to her, ls), at 1 o ClocK p. m., ana iulicm
petition, the court may grant the prayer oi saiu
petition and make such other and further or
ders, allowances and decrees as to this court niay
seem proper, to the end that all matters pertain
ing to said estate may be finally settled and de
termined. ....
U .mws mi- hand and sea ot said county coun
at riattsmouth, this fth day of September A. D,
(Sean County Judge.
Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska, I ss.
Cass County. I
In the matter of the estate of Christian Gauer,
deceased. . . .
Notice is hereby given that the claims and de
mands oi an persons against vin lsiiau vauci.
deceased, late of said county and state, will be
received, examined and adjusted by tne county
court at the court house in I'lattsmouth, on the
-t'.th day of April, A. !.. at 3 o'clock in the
afternoon. And that six months from and after
the 24th day of October. A. li., lt is the time
limited tor creditors ol said deceased to preseni
their claims for examination and allowance.
Given under my hand and seal this SVth day of
September, A. D.. 1S,
George M. Spvrlock.
(Seal) County Judge.
Legal Notice.
In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of rtank Stander. de-
f ceased. ... ,..
This cause came on for hearing upon the peti
tion of Eliza Ann Stander and William A. Cleg
horn, as executrix and executor of the last will
and testament of Frank Stander, deceased, pray
ing lor licence to sell southeast quarter ol section
"7 in township 1-'. range 11, Cass county. Ne
braska: northwest quarter of southeast quarter
section said town and range, and the south
half of the northwest quarter section S4. said town
and range: also section VI in tow n 14. range M.
Keith countv. Nebraska, and section . tn town
hi range :!7, Keith county; also lots 13i. 4. 42o,
4J.7 fvlo. 13. Ml and tWS, in Louisville. Nebraska,
and lot -5y and the north two feet otf the north
side of lot V. in said Louisville, or a sufficient
amount to amount to $2,iV, for the payment of
legacies under the said last will and testament
and the costs of administration, there not being
sufficient personal property to pay said legacies
and expenses. ...
From the petition I hnd the persons interested
in said estate are George Stander, Carrie E. Stan
der. lames Stander. Heurv Stander, Eliza M.
stander. Helen Cleehorn. Peter Stander. Lizzie
Stander, wife of sai i I'eter Stander, Lizzie Stan
der, William Stander, Ella Stander, Louis Stan
der. Lester Stander. Arthur Stander. Olive Stan-
dor Kalnh Stander and Alice Stander. and the
said petitioners, it is. therefore, ordered by me
J that the said persons above named, and all others in said i-state. arrnear before me at
chambers office, clerk of court, I'lattsmouth, on
' the 1 1th day ol November. lflb. at 1(1 o clock a. m
to st.ovi-raiisp iiiv a license snouiu noi uc
sm-d tfi said executrix and executor to sell so
much of said real estate as shall be necessary to
pay said legacies and expenses. I hat a copy ot
this order be published for lour successive weeks
before such hearing in the Seme W eek.y News-
Herald. . . . .... .,(-,u
i,. ..i u!,.n....ih m said countv. this join
1 MILU dl 1 1 . I ..:,,.". - - -
day ol September. 1. r Ramsey.
Judge of the District Court.
Legal Notice.
Notice to non-resident defendants.
i i: o,..- ,.rt ass countv Nebraska. H
vs. Mary E. Kennelly, I. C. Mccormacc, v.
i Ji. A -r K Met nrmark. defendants
To Mary E. Kennedy, J. L. McCormack and I.
1- McCormack. non-resident defendants:
J ... n...h notified that on the 27th of
Aunust. 1. the plaintirts hied a petition in the
ofhee ofthe clerk of the district court of Cass
county. Nebraska, asKiug lor tne parnuou
of sale of the following premises, towit
. h.H of the northwest nuarter of section
iwentv-hve and cast halt of the northeast
quarter of section twenty-six (6), all tn township
ten (10) north ol range eleven (11) East, in Cass
county iNebraska. Vou are required to answer
said petition on or before themli dayot Octooer,
i -i.: n. x. siicuioiAimi
" ' Ella E. McCormack
By Crozier & McCormack, their attorneys.
Plattsmouth, Neb., Sept. 1, 1896.
Time to Loosen ttie Purse Strings
And get read y for the fall buying.
Thia store has not arriTed at its present stage of usefulness by chance.
There's no luck or speculation about this business; it isn't the result of for
tunate circumstances, but downright honest, hard worK work wherein your
interests as consumers have been carefully studied at every corner and turn.
Our business friends today number into the thousands. They know us, and
they have confidence in our merchandise and methods of doing business.
If you don't believe all this, visit the store during the coming week.
We're going to officially open he DRESS GOODS, KID GLOVE and
Note the throngs of satisfied buyers in each section, and youll believe
that there's friendship in bnsiness, for we look upon every customer who
leaves a dime or a dollar in this store aa a business friend.
The Dress Goods
No other heading would or could ex
press our meaning half as plainly. It
is an opening- in every sense of the
word, and such an opening as this
department has never before had.
With the product of two continents to
pick from, we have selected for your
approval what we believe to be the
irrandest collection of grown fabrics
s .... . , r :
ever suown in inis section. e &--your
verdict, feeling assured that our
efforts will be heartily indorsed by our
trading public.
Time to buy
"We jump the jobber here; save you
his profit. Straight from mill agents
come tnese groat masses oi ueecj
warmth and comfort. Ino better time
to buy than now.
V A m A T- 1
Special 5W pair lux cotton jjian
kets at 50c a pair, worth 75c.
Shoe Department.
In our shoe department you will find
the largest stock ol snoes in uass
countv. exclusive snoe stores not ex
cepted, and we sell more than any two
stores in the county put together.
Why? The reason is self evident, it
is merely because we sell them the
cheapest. There are shoes and shoos,
there are shoes you want and there
are shoes you don't want. When you
want shoes, our shoes are tne snoes
vou want, when you get ready to Duy
ArctlCS, r eilS or uuuuem wo are rcauj
to serve you better than any place in
the vicinity, as we bought our Rubber
goods early and secured an "inside"
price below the rubber trusts combina
tion price.
A great many people are prone to quote Omaha prices, but we will state
to the people of Cass county that we stand ready to meet any legitimate, bona
fide prices that Omaha dealers may offer, and you will find on your entire bill,
we will save you money as we do not cut on one item and try to make baa
another, as that is not any way of doing business. Customers who hare been
dealing with us for the past twenty or thirty years will testify to thia tact.
William Herold & Son
Main Street.
Opening Week in
Garment Room.
Rods, racks, tables, shelves piled
high with the cream of Cloatcuom.
The result of careful selection. Never
let your cloak wander from this store,
for we're equipped to 6erve you to your
utmost satisfaction. Cheap? Yea, but
it's price cheapness only. Everything
else about our garments is top notch
style, fit, materials, make, finish, all
of the very best. Slop-shop rubbiBh
finds no abiding place in this progres
sive department.
If you can't come to inspect per
sonally, send us a postal and we will
mail our Illustrated Catalogue which
U without a doubt the finest catalogue
issued in this section .
Some People
At the busy, bustling look of things
in the hosiery and underwear sections.
No mvsterv about it. It's simply buy
ing what people want, and selling it
for less than they expected to pay.
This is what has built this business up
to its present large proportions. The
best of its kind is none too good lor
our patrons. We start the season with
such values as these:
Children's underwear beginning at
7ic a garment for size 16, rise 2ic a
size; size 18 for 10c, size SO for 121.
Two cases of Ladies heavy fleeced
lined ribbed underwear worth 35c for
19c a garment.
Two cases of Men's extra heavy
wool mixed, Bilk trimmed underwear
at 35c a garment, worth 65c.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.