Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, September 26, 1896, Image 3

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Absolutely Pure.
A re:sni .1 tartar haiiinu powder. Highest (
all in l?:tv-nni tri iiuth. I-iU-st l'u:te;I St.itcs
Gi-rniiiint I'ih.J Kt'purt.
Dir-trict. court in lioutlas county
h.iS adjourned oil account of too
much t.olitics.
D.-. W. H. Dearinjj got home this
mo'-ni-: from a trip through Iowa in
the iu'eicrt of a mutual insurance or
an.7.tiiot), that f tho Modern Wood
mec. T!i B M. folks, arc tr radio; for a
swiic, t a-i west of the oil tanks, and
it i i the freight dciiot will bo
mo'.i ' ovo:- on this side the trucks :i
few r- .s .-on tli of Main treeL
iri.i Mis. l. S. Cuild reluriied
.-.:e"ilay from Loxinrton, Mo.
. 'i'-y had rone to place their
(?, in the chatpo of the
..'?i military academy.
!e!es, who is now a resi
' 'li'p.horn:!, 1 'ond Creek,
.'j tli o Cole brothers and
. ..lives 'Ut near Myrsard.
.;Ies accompanied him.
:i J jr is in town, as jrc.nial and
IjIi (i as ff ycre. lie lives up
he is at home, but he
iun-rt of his lime in the fall
. lor a wholesale glove house.
Alico Eikcnbary is reported
a with asthma a malady from
bi'ie suiters severely in this
eral substances."
When these are absent we have "Rickets" a lack of
bone-tissue, which shows itself in delayed teething, profuse
head-sweats, and later, if not arrested, malformations and
Such a baby needs lime for its weak bones and cod-liver
i i-J laiaiui vcu UUUJ.
cotfs emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophosphites
of lime and soda will give its little body the needed fat in
an easy form.
Sr jure yon get Scotf t F.muUien you -want it and r a chtaf tubitituU.
Scott & Bowne, New York. Ail Druggists. 50c and $1.
Higii Tight
Hon. David Overmyer of Kansas will represent the Silver Party and his equal will be announced
later to champion the Sound Money theory. New line of Cattle, Sheep and floored
...Hog pens will be free to all exhibitors...
latilinio. Sho will probably have to
ri to Denver before she csin ho for
Cit. Crawford tho mm who tickles
thi! oarth out about Mereertown,
whilo scouting down on lower Maiu
street today, as is his custom (and
its one wo can recommend) left some
of tho finest music melons we ever
sampled at tho.-e headquarters. May
he never grow old, and may the soil
of Meiccrtown continue to respond
with its best products when the
Captain s-ees (it to draw a ninety day
diiift on its Iniunteous resources.
fl. M. ISushncll is billed to sjwak at
l!reotwMd on the evening of Septem
ber '2s
Wiley (ilaek shipped a o;ir of fat
hogs yesterday sixty in number which
averaged ,'J.jS pounds. Who can belt
Mr. and Mrs. A 13. Todd departed
this afternoon for a brief business and
pleasure trip up to the Black Hills
The cold wave seems to have passed
and a dust wave set in in its stead
which lacks several points of being an
Thk Nkws is the only paper in Cass
county that buys its pajier by tho ton,
envelopes in UO.IKNI lots anu other
things in proportion.
I'hil Ilildebrand, the IJurlington
switchman, has been transferred to
Lincoln since I'osey Messersmith is
able to go b tck to work.
Uncle Robert Metteor, one of Cass
county's old-time repub icans, was in
the city todav from Munlock and
made Thk Xkws a welcome call.
Joe Vitteisnnke is working down in
Mexieo. where he gets what would
amount to $'2 .!7A j?r day of Ameri
can money. lie writes that he
is welt-pleased with his situation and
with tho country.
Mrs. F. II. Young, sister of Mrs.
.loli n Chae at Weeping Water and
laughter of Kev. Harnett, died of
caneer in Colorado last week. She was
deaily beloved by a large circle of
friends in this county.
Tho r as.t O'Neil are storing several
thousand hunhels of the finest sweet
potatoes today wo have ever seen,
in the corner iooni of tho Perkins
houe. They were raised on Corn
i-land, below tho bridge.
Kay Waterman while eating dinner
baby bones
are soft, so soft they scarce can be called
bones in the earlier years ; gradually they
harden, and furnish the frame which sup
ports the growing body. The hardening
comes from what chemists term " the min
Wire Performance on the Grounds..
Good Bicycle Haces with Liberal Premiums. .
today had the misfortune to get a sharp
fish bone in his throat which required
the assistance of.. Dr. Humphrey to
take out. It was quite painful and
caused the youngman much uneasiness
for a time.
The city schools well under way
now, and the conservative, yet up-to-date
methods xf Superintendent Mc
Ilugh can not help but prove popular
and meritorious. Several innovations
in the system have ' loen made that
already give promise of good results.
Tho Serai-Weekly News, -91 a year.
Legal Notice.
In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska.
I leury Kikcnbary et al. vs. Citizens' ISaiilc of
n.mniotitli. Nebraska.
T Ihe depositors ami stockholders of the Citi
zens' liank of 1'lattsmouth, Nebraska, and ail .
other parties interested: j
Von are heaiby notified that upon Saturday, J
the&;thday of September, A. D. lsii, the re-'
ceiver of said bank. Charles C. I'arniele. will '
make application to said district court, at the '
court house in I'lattsniouth Nebraska, for an or- f
der directing him the said receiver, to make j
settlement of the claim of said Citizens Hank of.
Plattsmouth against W. li. Keefer, which is se-
cureil by mortgage on the property 01 said
Keefer at Wahoo, Nebraska, anu I'lattsniouth,
Nebraska, by taking deeds from said Keefer
and his wife for said property to the Citizens'
Itank of I'lattsniouth. Nebraska, in full of said
claim against said Keefer.
Receiver of Citizens' I5ank of 1'iattsinouth, Ne
braska. Sheriff's Sale.
I5y virtue of an order of sale, to nic directed ami
delivered, issued by George F. Ilouseworth. clerk
j.l .l;..w. . k-..i u
'l ft.,i.Minwi.ft. l.iril ft lift t3 l.l,llllLft, tlll'IdAil,
upon a decree rendered in said court in favor of
Sylvia A.Whipple and against limotliy Clark
and liank of Cass county, a corporation, com
manding me to sell, according to law, the follow
ing described real estate, to-wit: Lot No. I in
Clark's addition to the city of I'lattsniouth, ac
cording to the recordeil plat thereof. King and
situated in the county of Cass, state of Nebraska.
1 will, on the 21th day of October. l!t. at II
o'clock a. m.. at the south door of the court house
of said county, at 1'lattsmouth, sell said premises
as the property of Timothy Clark and hank of
iass county, at public auction to the highest
bidder, for cash, to satisfy saiil order of sale, the
aggregate amount due thereon being $!K with in-
leiesi, costs anil accruing costs.
Dated the iid day of September, Is'.ifi.
IIakvky Hoi.loway.
Shcritt of said county.
Legal Notice.
To Adaline Crippen. Gun Ion 15. Crippen. l'.en-
jamm A. iibson, Mary Gibson. F.dward A. Itangs,
trustee, illiam C. Crippen, ISradford Savings
Hank ct 1 rust Co.. George Leslie and JohnW.
Mitchell, non-resident defendants: Vou and each
of you arc hereby notified that on the 14th day of
August, is.rt. John II. t ettibone and S. r.. iSixon,
partners doing business under the firm name and
style of I'ettibone Sc Nixon, commenced an ac
tion ami hied a petition in the olhce of the clerk
ol the district court in and for Cass county, Ne
braska, the object and prayer of which are to
foreclose a certain tax lien against lots 20 and 21
in the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter
ol section :i. in town in. range 11. Cass county,
ftebraska.and also against the southwest quar
ter ot the northwest quarter of said section and
the west half o the southwest quarter thereof
said lien being for tax certificate issued Nov ti
!.". for tax on said land. f .Vi.. I. and for sub
sequent taxes paid May 4th. 1!:4, for lMKt tax
Mil I."., lor $ls.3l paid ay 1(1, lKll.,. for the lS;i
tax against sai.l land, and for $1..S7 paid May 1st
IM'i lor the 1mTi tax against said land with per
cent per annum interest on each payment tiil
Nov. t, -MKi. and 1J per cent annual interest there
after, and itl per cent attorneys' lees on the
judgment and f..r costs of suit. It is asked that
vour equity of redemption ia said premises be
foreclosed and anv claim or lien you may have
against said land be adjudged inferior to plain
tiffs' claim therein, and it is asked that said
premises lie so d to satisfy said claims with inter
est, attorney's fees, and costs of suit.
You arc required t answer said petition on or
before Monday, theliMh day of September, lsWti,
or the allegations in said petition will be taken as
confessed and true, and ludgnient entered ac
cordingly. You will take due notice and govern
yourselves accordingly.
John 11. I'f.ttibone and S. F... Nixon.
Hy their Attorneys, Iteeson & Root.
1'lattsmouth. Neb., Aug. IS. l-,iW.
Legal Notice.
Notice is hereby given that by viitue of an ex
ception issued by M. Archer, a justice of the
peace in and lor Cass county, in favor f Lee,
Clark. Andreeson Hardware company and against j
D. S. Draper, and to mc directed. 1 will at 10
o'clock a. m. on the 3rd day of October. at '
the store building ol D. S. Draper, in Mynard. in wis aipurtai!iing. The same being levied upon
said county, otter for sale at public vendue the I and taken as the property ol Katherine Keuland.
iollowing goods and chatties, to-wit: Stock of defendant, to satisfy a judgment of said court re
candies, tobaccoos, groceries, canned goods, J covered by I'ettibone and Nixon, plaintiffs,
hardware, sundries and general merchandise.taken against said Katherine Keuland. alias Mrs Peter
on said execution as the property of D. S. Draper
Dated this :s.M day of September. A. I).
J. K. Ienson. Contable.
Sheriffs Sale.
V-y virtue of an order of sale issued by
Georgo K. Ilouseworth, clerk of the district
court within and for Cass county, Nebraska
and to run directed. I will on the 24th day of
October. A. 1. 1".. at 11 o cluoK, a. in. or saia
dv t the south door of tho court house In
the city of Plattsmouth. in said county, sell
Ht puollu auction, to the highest biitder for
cash, the following roulestate to wit:
Lot 13 in block 19 ;n the city of Platts
mouth, also lots 11 and 12 In block 17 In
youth l'urk addition to the city of rlatts
'nioutn. Cuss county. Nebraska, together
with the privileges and appurtenances
thereunto belonging or In anywise aunur
ta nlnir. Tiie san.e being levied upon and
taken n.s tho "property of A. H. Knotts, May
Knotts, liccsoii .V Knot, a. partnership Co.n-
iHwe'l or Allen IJccson unu Jesse L. litKit
the r irst N atlonal banK, a corporation, the
Carpenter 1'aper company, a corporation
Hennett & Tutt. a partnership composed of
lyioyu I'. Kennett anu Jolin U I utt nnu
Jesso I.owo, defendants, to satisfy a judg
ment of said court recovered by Clarence
K. V eseott, plaintiff, against said defend
fUttsuiouth, Neb.. Sept. 3.', A. U.. 1h!5.
llAHVKV Ilol.l.OWA V.
ShcriiT. Cass County, Nebraska.
Legal Notice.
Notice by publication ou petition for final set
tlement of final administration account. In the
county court of Cass county, Nebraska. In the
matter of the estate of George W. Jeiiks. de
ceased. Knuna A.Jcnks Katru-rine Jane barrow
Carrie Jctiks Ward. John Jcnks, A'exander Jetiks.
Lizzie Jenks, Kiwin Jeiiks, Kd. L. Richard:;, the
unknown heirs of AdJie Jenks Richards, d
ceasei. and all other persons interested in said
matter, are hereby notified that on the 4th day of
September, lsiui, Mrs. Linma A. Jenks tiled a
petition in said county cburt, praying that her
hnal administration accounts tiled herein b
settled and allowed and that she be discharged
from her trust as executrix, and that if )ou fail to
appear belore said court on the first day of Oc-
1,1 ., '! I
'0,.";' 1 "'," at .c!ock
p. m.. and contest said
I petition, the court may grant the prayer of said
petition and make sucli other and further or
ders, allowances and decrees as to tlds court may
seem piPf-cr. to the end that ail matters pertain
ing to said estate may be finally settled and de
termined. itness my hand and seal of said county court
at I'latt iinouth, this f-th day of September A. I).
(Seal I
tjKOKliK Sl'LRl.OCK.
County Judge.
Referees' Sale.
Under and by virtue of an order of the district
court of Cass county. Nebraska, duly entered
upon the 1! day ot August. A. I)., 1-W. in an
action therein pending wherjin Ludwig 15. F.gen
berger ami wif. Annie K. Kgenberger, were
plaintiffs, and Anton H. Weckbacti and wife. Mary
Ueckbarh, were deleudauts, which order con
firmed lite repoitof referees theietoloreappointed
in said ca:i- , and directed them to sell as upon
execution the lauds described in their said report.
the uioleisiK 1 refeices will, upon the 3rd day ol
October A. i ..'1Wi. at l;:l o'clock p. ni.. in front
ol the soutli cioor of tiie court house in Cass
county, Nebraska, seil at public vendue to tho
highest bidd r tiie following described real estate,
subject to ail encumbrances thereon, to-wit:
Tiie west halt of lot three C5) in block thirty
three (.! in the ci'y of I'lattsniouth. Cass county,
Nebraska, and the un livided half ol the partition
walls on Ihe east anu west sides ol said west halt
of lot three ." block thirty-three (:!) 1'lattsmouth
Cass county. Nebraska, upon the following terms
and conditions, viz: For cash. Said sale will re
main o;n.;i me hour.
Dated August "irlh. IS'W.
5J. Y. Johnson,
K. W. Hvi ks.
Thomas. M I'.m ikkson.
liiro-i Clark and C. A. Kais. Attornuv.. lor 1'lf.
Arm lnstratoi'j Sale.
By viiiiie of an order issued by the county
judge of C.i.:s county. George M Spurlork. in the
matter of the e-t He ol John liolscnuh. deceased.
1 wilisc-.i a public veudu.- the following personal
property belonging to said estate as follows:
ah grain, domestic animals, farm implements and
machinery, stovewood. cotto,iwo,Ki lumber, fence
K'"", rtci- to take place Sept.
:.lss ,. atli. o cio.k a. m . at premis.-s north
west ol town.
Tmeoijurk STARKjt.HANS. Administrator.
Sheriffs Sale.
Uv virtue ol ! an ordr of sale issued by George
K ilouseworth. clerk of the district coulrt. within
and tor Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected. 1 will on the ".lith day of September A ll
... . . -...x. u., j n i IIIC SUUUI
door ot the court hause In the city of 1'lattsmouth
i, ui.ui saiu nav at 1 1... c. ... 1 1.
in r-am eoiiHiy, sen ai punnc auction, to tin
highest bidder for cash, the following real estate"
towit: "
Fractional lot 3 in section 7, town 12, range 11.
in Cass county. Nebraska, lot 12 in block HifS and
lot 9 in block Uii in the city of Plattsmouth. Cass
County, Nebraska, together with the privileges
and appcrtenances thereunto beloncine or in anv
W. G. KEEPER, Secretary
"SAY BOSS! Them People
Keuland. Omaha Hrewinff association, John
Black, Samuel Grotfelder and Lewis Tachau,
partners, as Grotfelder & Tachau. defendants.
I'lattsniouth, IScb., Aug. ZI. A. ll., LH96.
Harvey Hollowav,
Sheriff, Cass county, Nebraska.
Legal Notice.
Notice by publication on petition
for settlement
ot hnal. administration account,
court ol Cass county Nebraska.
In the matter ol the estate of J
In the county
. Preston Me deceased. Kliza I. Atherton,
. John Mettord,
cresa (Mettord)Chapen, Sarah iMettord) Rouse
saac Mettord. George G. Metford, the estate of
ohn V. Gullion, deceased. m. .ttnerton and
ail other persons interested in said matter, are
hereby notified that on the 15th day of August
1M. A. l.oder Hied a pennon in saiu county
ronrt. nraving that his linal administration ac
counts herein, be settled and allowed, and that he
be discharged from his trust as administrator
and that if vou tail to annear before said court on
the 1-th day ot September, lWo. at 10 o'clock a
m. and contest said petition, the court may grant
the prayer of said petition and make fuch other
and further orders, allowances and decrees as to
this court may seem proper, to the end that all
matters pertaining to said estate may be finally
settled and determined.
Witness my hand and seal of said county court
at I'lattsniouth this ftldth day of August, A. 1).,
lMKi. George M. Sfurlock,
(Seal) County Judge.
Legal Notce.
Notice by publication on petition for settlement.
ol linal administration accouut. in tne county
court of Cass county, Nebraska. In the matter
of the estate of John V. Gullion. deceased. Mary
L. Gullion, James Gullion and all persons mter
' ested in said matter are hereby notilied that on
J the 21st day of August, 1W6, James C. Steveunon
: i en a oeiiuon.iu saij tjumj u,n7..iK ...n.
his final administration accounts herein be sct
tl,..l .t uii.iivofl and that he be discharged from
his trust as administrator, and that if you fail to
t appear before said court on the day ot sep-
f tember. lsurt. at 2 p. ni.. and contest said petition
1 the court may g ant the prayer of said petition
and make such other and further orders, allow
ances and decrees as to this court may seem
proper; to the end. that all matters pertaining to
sai. Testate may be tinaily settled and determined.
I Witness my hand and seal ol said cour: at
1'lattsmouth, this th day ot August. A u. At.
Geor;e M. Spurlock.
(Seal! ( 'ounty Judge.
Legal Notice.
Notice to non-resident defendants
In the district court for Cass county Nebraska; H.
T McCormack and Ella E.McCormack.plaintiffs
vs" Mary K. Kennelly, J. L. McCormack, W. S.
McCormack and T. . McCormack, defendants;
To Mary E. Kennedy, J. L. McCormack and T,
E. McCormack, non-resident defendants:
You are hereby notified that on the 27th of
August. lx'.W. the plaintiffs tiled a petition in the
office of the clerk of the district court of Cass
county. Nebraska, asking for the partition and
order of sale of the following premises, towit:
west half of the northwest quarter of section
twenty-live (2ft I and cast half of the northeast
quarter of section twenty-six (26), all in township
ten (10) north of range eleven (11) East, in Cass
county .Nebraska, lou are required to answer
said petition on or before the 12th day of October,
ltw. H. T. McCormack,
Ella E. McCormack.
Hy Crozier & McCormack. their attorneys.
Plattsmouth, Neb.. Sept. 1, !$.
Won't Take This
Soap They Want
Everybody wants Santa CtAUS
Soap who knows the goodness of
it. Try it once and you will refuse
all other kinds, too. Sold every
where. Made only by
i II 5 ntUatMLv (.'uPCD FOBiO CtMI I U
w N.B. Doni take any substitute
S with the same name but different
?, spelling on which yourdruist 5
makes twice as much--
are the most powerful, safe prompt and re
liable of this ktud In the market. The
oriirnal and only genuine woman's salva
tion. Ask your druggist if he don't keep
t beni. Write direct to us and we will send
It direct upon receipt of price, 9U sealed, by
mall prepaid. Medical advice free. JACK
SON MhUICAL CO., Chicago. 111., or our
agent. 1. L, Snyder.
, TRIOHT8. etoJ
Mrr v v i. VA" " V "andboolc write to
oiaiit hfL 861 BBOunr", Nw York.
"1 (or ecnrlnK patenta In America.
fh TT.mJ? take" out by us la brouRht before
the publio by a notice given tree of chaise la tne
vrfi8 S TT Lf? 77 "'""y "rtPntlne paper In the
mn I le5d,dlT "'""trated. No lutpllltrpm
;j!' wlho"t It. Weekly, 3.0Ol
ISJIT.' ,-'4BlirnontliR. Address. MDXr CO
t)uUiutu3, 3U1 Broad-ray. ew l'or "tf
Rates Si and $1.50 per Dau
Centrally Located and Com-
rortably Furnisbed.
A Sc.ent.fio American
l'ild up Capital
Offers the very best facilities for the
prompt transaction of
STOCKS, bonds, sold, (toverement and lota
securities oought and sold. Deposits re
ceived and Interest allowed on the certn
cates. Drafts drawn, available In any
part of the U. S. and all the principle
towns of Europe. Collections made and
promptly remitted. Idle heat market
price paid for county warrants, state
and county bonds.
II. X lovey. I. Hawksworfli
N. ffsah, F. E. White, ft. E. Iuvey
Jeo. K. Ilovey, Pres. s. Weh, Cashier
II. . Uovey A out. Casliler.
Gamplsxlon Preserved
Removes Freckle. Pimples,
Liver-Moles, Blackheads,
Sunburn and Tan, and re
stores the skin to its oriiri-
nnl frpKhilM, nrrvlti'lnfr a
clear and liealthy com
plexion. HurxTior to all facel''
preparations and perfectly harmless. At all
druggists, or mailed for 5 Octs. Send for circular.
VIOLA SKIN SOAP U (Imply Ineoaparahl mm m
flkin puiifrinc Hmp, nrqaklM for the totlt, Aod vtrheut m
rival tor lh nurM-ry. AbMlntrlr pur sad deilcatelj Modi
nxri. AtdriiriM. Prioa 2 5 Cant.
The Q. C. B1TT1NER CO., Toledo, 0.
will do If use', as a wash according to dl
rectlor.s; prevent transmission of blood
diseases, skin diseases, acute and ch route
ulcers, stricture, fissure of the bands an I
feet, Kczeina. Tetter, bait Rheumatism. In
tlatuatlon of the Bladd er. Diseases of t he
bones, joints and muscles. Svphlletlc In
sanity. Scurvy. Scrofula tn "many forms.
The above and a hundred other forms of
disease are traceable directly or indirectly
to Syphilitic Blood I'otson for which tho
Dr. Jackson's Enclisb Saety Tablets is a
sure pre ventive. and is asarn Germ Killer,
rendering contaeion hardly possible, henuu
its value. If neglected such troubles roxul
fatally. Mal!e1 anywhere, sealed 1: six
boxes for $&. Medical advice free. JACK
SON MEDICAL CO.. Chlcairo. 111., or our
agent, I. L Snyeer.
512 DAY
30ls OA Y - -UVJUOIllLrllLl
in thirty d;iys by a new perfected so.-ent.ltic
method that can not fall unless the cuss is
beyond" human aid. You feel Improved the
first day; feel a benefit every iav: soon
know yourself A kinir arnnnff in,n In hod v.
triad and heart. Drains and lo-sc milled,
every obstacle to happy married ii7 re-
rnoveu. .ierve xorce, will, energy. Drain
Dover. When faiilnir are restored If rin.
irlected such troubles result fatally.
Medical advice free. Malleo ttverwhere.
sealed for tL Six boxes for :. .1 Al'KSON
MEDICAL CO., Chleago. III., cr our a. en t.
Cft .atdvB -
rT r
I I w
i snyoer.