Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, September 26, 1896, Image 1

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    lcb Farmer
THE NEW?. Kstablshed Nov. S, lrttl. I Consolidated Jan. 1 1M95.
THE 111CKA tl, Kstablishod April lu, ,. f uonsouaatea Jan. j. ltwv
YOL. IV. NO. 109.
Iioniun Walling and Minn Mrj;arft
O'Konrkr Wvdtlftl at 8t. JoIiiik
roui Thursday's Dally
At 3:4." this afternoon Thomas Wall-
wa: married to Mibs Margaret
. inarkH Hi hl.Junn i UiiLUOLlC enure 1
i; this tit-, llov. Father Carney ofli
iting. iLo church waa beautifully doeo
,'.f d with tlowors, and when filled hy
ftiendof the contracting parlies
prt;aented an elegant appearance.
After th! wedding the hride
, i groom repaired to the M. !'
M-.t nd hoarded tho train for Nu
... wliere they will Iks the
- i uf fii'.-nds of the bride for a
.-.-., after whit h they will return
L.-j cuv and begin housekeeping in
honnj already furnished opini-
i.c o'urt house, on Fourth street.
: i 1). Ue is a vounsr lady well cal
led to be a true help meet, bright
,iful and of kindly disposition, she
Liiy deserving of a congenial and
uigtut h us-baud.
'no groom is not only a splendid
I, .ow .socially but he is industrious
&: d i one of tho best abstracters
v..d aecountajitH in the state. Lie en
joys a pror jerous business and with
his genial ruHnners he will always
h;ve plenty of warm fiienda. TlIK
Xuvs extends its heartiest beot
wishes for the futuro prosperity and
happiness of tho worth' couple,
trcxils to llrur Ituttrrworth.
Faikmont, Neb., Sept. 22. Three
thousand people from York, Saline,
Clay and Fillmore counties assembled
today to hear lion. IJenjamin Butter
worth of Ohio. Tho train from York
had two extra coaches ioaded with
people and the amo nuralier cane
from Friend, bringing with them
their splendid cornet band. West
Blue, headed by their cornet band, ar
rived early, as did Grafton with its
drum corps, and also Geneva, with a
uniformed marching club, cornet band
and several hundred people. Delega
tii us from KxeU'i , Sutton, McCool and
Snick ly arrived tie fore noon and more
people had gathered in Fairmont to a
political in. cling than ever before in
this county. At l.r.o tho p:irade
started Jind reaching the iargo tout,
with a seating capacity ol ,;uu, it
was s'pti liiled and many stood on the
outside. The exercises were opened
by the lixeter quartet, which pleased
the audience and they were encored.
Tb3 sm;.kti ilthe day, Hon. Benja
min Liutterworth, was then introduced
and (or over two hours he held tho
close attention of his audience, who
insisted on his continuing until time
for his train to leave. He was logical,
earnest, patriotic, eloquent and con
vincing. It was a speech that makes
votes and at its conclusion Mr. Butter
worth received a genuine ovation.
Tin- II. N. !fy Kls4inleau t'lult.
The ii:em-rs of the republican
flambeau club met at Byron Clark's
oHieela-t eve.uiiig and perfected an
organization by electing J. I. Unruh
president, V. I. Smith secretary and
U U. .mith drill master. By uuan-
imou- voice it was decided to name
te.ij'for H. X. Dovey, who thus
bo:nes its godfather. Mr. Dovey
ac-iiy lodged tho honor with a timely
t- :'-eck. The meeting was an cn
xb jisi-tic one and several new inein
V s were added to the list. Tne
. L :iux and uniforms will le here in
.t .V d:y3.
tru k Hy a Krrijilii Car.
jo f.-ilowing telegram from Weep
.aicr appeared in the morninp
. George Stoner, a draj'mnn
vv hile driving across tho Mis-
- .1 Pacific railroad crossing yester-
-ernoon was struck by a car
.-.i. by the switch engine and se
iy injnred. "Hie car struck the
. r end of the dray and threw Mr.
-.. -cr several feet into the air, broak-
li.- b-s knoe cap in three places and
iriv:ug him several body bruises.
Wait a (ioocl Metlng?.
Hon. C. Duras, a highlj educated
.Bohemian from Wymore, delivered a
very able address ij McKiniey hall
lai evening to his countrymen who
reside in this city. lie showed up the
dangers and fallacies of free silver in
a way that interested his hearers and
we believe he did the cause of honest
money much good. Mr. Matous pre
sided very ably at the meeting and in
troduced the speaker.
John C. Watson for Sjnator.
SVKACL'SK, Neb., Sept. 22. The re
publican county convention nominated
John C. Watson for senator. Ho::.
Patrick Iioddv and J. O. Moore for
the house, l'aul Jensen for county at
torney and M. T. Johnson of Nebra.-ka
City for commissioner First district.
Posey Mossersmith has gone into tho
hog with his customary zeal,
and his herd already contains some of
the t: nor I in the land. He has devoted
great care in breeding, to get a hol
ier rriuwih of liiubofi the theory
a liog with longer letrs could lorage
and would not i cqui: e so Uiuch feed.
Hi IViuct) Alexis No. 3 is of lhattypc
and wo are cr.-dibly informed that
this line iiuimal can stand straight
und e it its fei d from the top of a raiu
br.e-l while its nose is fullv eighteen
inches long. l-y is very proud of
tnis new ctrain and tiksol ciilii.g it
ihe MciH'i -China in contradistinction
to the well known Polimd China.
(Cut this out and put it in your pocket for
Some well meaninc people are
greatly puzzled to understand why,
if tho silvor dollar would bo a 50
cent dollar under a free and un
limited coinage net, it if not a 50
cent dollar now; and why, if it is as
good as a gold dollar now, it will
not contiuuo to bo worth 100 coots.
Ilenublicnos and gold democrats are
charged with asserting that the sil
ver dollar now in circulation i9 a 50
cent dollar. They assert nothing of
the kind. The present silver dollar
is no moro a oO-cent dollar than the
present paper dollar ia u 50-cont dol
lar; and no sound money man says
that it is.
The bullion in the present silver
dollar is, to be sure, worth only 50
cents. But what of that? The
government does three things for the
silver dollar. (1) It pledges its faith
to ihe holder to keep it at par with
gold. (2) It binds itself to accept it
in payment of debts due the govern
ment as the full tauivalent of 100
cents :n cold. (3 It maintains at
all times a sufficient gold reserve in
tho treasury as a guaranty for the
redemption of its promises. Because
it does these three thinsrs, it has a
right lo insist that silver dollar shall
be a legal tender for KK) cents
measured in gold, and the power to
secure its accoptaice as such in
business transaction i between private
citizons. Should it fail to do these
three things, or any one of them, the
legal tender act would become a dead
letter, and the silver dollar would
pas current at its bullion value and
no more.
Now, if unlimited coinage of silver
were allowed at the false ratio, that
is. any ratio other than tho commer
cial ratio, the covernment could no
lonirer redeem the silver dollar in
gold, directly or indirectly. So many
silver dollars would be coined, that
they could not bo unloaded uton the
government in the payment of treas
ury dues. The only way in which
the government could maintain the
parity between its gold and silver
coin would be by exchanging gold
for silver aud silver for gold on do
in and. To do this, a larger gold re
serve would bo necessary. But, in
stead of being largely under free and
unlimited coinage it would disappear
entirel3T. Then tho pledge of the
government to maintain the silver
and the gold dollar at par with each
other would become worthless because
impossible of fulfillment. That would
eliminate from tho silver dollar the
element of credit which now attaches
to it and floats it at douhle its in
trinsic value. It would then bo worth
no more than it is worth as bullion,
and no man would accept it in trade
for more thau fifty cents in gold.
When all this process of deprecia
tion should have been gone through
and the end of it reached, then and
not until then tho eilver dollar
would be a "0-cent dollar. The ex
pression a ou-cent uoiiat relates
exclusively to the future, not to the
present current valuation of the silver
uollar. It is a prophecy and a warn
From tlit- Republican.
Mrs. Rosalia Condon, one of the best
speakers in the state, will be with
us October K siie nannies me
political question of tho day without
gloves, and those who heard her at
Lincoln during the reunion say she is
the finest talker they ever hoard. lie-
member the date and bo sure and
hear her.
C. A. Webster is very much worried
over the disappearance of his son, Ed.
lie left Montana a mouth ago, to go
to I'asadcna, Cal., where his brother-in-law.
Mr. Fisher, had srotten him a
position, and has not been hear from
since. Mr. Webster his written to
several placea making inquiry, but has
got no answer as yet.
Uuroia friend, vvm. nose, was a
pleasant caller Monday and reported
a bi? corn crop with stalks 17 feet
high and ears 15 inches long. Mr.
Hose says the people down his way are
all for sound moncj' and McKiniey.
He says whenever you find a German
who is not for McKinlev it is because
he doe.s not understand the tariff and
money questions.
A l'own J Irpn
The only steam power job press in
the county was received at The News
orti.-e today. It is a Chandler & Price
Goiden U 15, .ind was purchased new
from the ayents of the manufacturers,
the l(lre.t Western Tyi3 Foundry, in
Omha. Our equipment for every
variety of job work, from a calling
cm! to a ciicus notsurpassed
io the stule outside of Omaha and
Lit io.n. In HcUilum to :i new press,
twenly-eighl fonts of the latest styles
of joi type h:is been pu; chased, so
chat we may g;v our i.;.l.tns work
th it i op-lo dale iri eve y p: rticular.
Can Mki ItmntJy
A. Mathews, of tne internal revenue
ofiice, h:i gone to Dunbar to register
a fruit still. Theie's a m .n there who
thinks that ho can msko the best
brsridv in the world out of Otoe
license anu pay a w nv me ex
periment. World Herald.
It will assist the female organs to perform their regular
functions, and the sufferer will be strengthened and cured
For sale everywhere. Price, $1.00 per bottle
The Cedar Creek
C. C. PARMELE, Receiver.
Highest cash price paid for wheat, and the
best flour ever made in Nebraska given in
Custom work specially cared for. Give
the new management a trial and you will
buy now other flour.
Ask Your Dealer For Cedar Creek Flour.
Hayraarkrt Clues.
A recent find of the Chicago police
in a room occupied until last spring by
an anarchist agitator nameit Destman
who is now located in Dallas, Tex.,
will probably throw much light on tho
secret affairs of thoanarchists of the
Haymarkct massacre, some of whom
were hung and the others pardoned a
couple of years ngo by Altgeld who
took occasion to denounce the courts
for hanging "innocent men" when he
extended executive clemency to those
who escaped the gallows and went to
There was dynamite enough in va
rious shapes in the valise and trunk
left by Bestman to destroy half of Chi-
cago. mere were also pienry oi iti-
ters and documents, including corres
pondence between Bestman and tho
executed anarchists and also some
cipher correspondence from Germany,
that when deciphered may rcvcai the i
entire plot.
AtthA time of the ilav market crime ,
Bestman was extending the proselyt-
ing for the gang in Kansas City and
thus escaped, in the absence ot incrim
inating documents, implication in the
murders. The unravelling of the Hay-
market plot will have a healthy effect
on the country. It is to be hoped that
a thorough investigation of the Best-
man documents will prove them as im
portant as they are now bolieved to bo
by the Chicago iolico. State Journal.
ticneral l'aul VanJerVeMrt.
General Paul VanderVoort attended
the Illinois populist state convention
on the join, ana in auurcssiut; .e
convention had this to say:
"You can 'corner' silver as easily as
you can corner goiu. oupinrse?
have free coinage of 6ilver. Mr. Mor-
J gan
and his associates can hold a
meeting and agree to gather up $300,-
000,000 of silver certificates. Then
thev can take out of the United States
treasury that amount of silver bullion
and take it to the mints. It would
take more than six years to coin all
this eilver, and lecause they were first
come they would be first served; the
syndicate could keep out of the mints
the annual silver product of this
country. It took six years to build
the mint that was built the quickest;
it took eleven years to build the mint
it took the longest to build. How soon
would there be an Increase of currency
under such circumstances?"
Major Manchester, the accomo
dating yardmaster of the B. & M., is a
fine shot with a cannon, but when it
comes to smaller arms ne is noi so
good. He started out after a couple
of cranes yesterday that were playing
hop-scotch on the sand-bar, and the
birds made a nico target for the major
with a 6hot gun until they got tirod
and llew away without being hatmed.
Lint of Letter.
I Remaining uncalled for at the jwjst-
oflice at Plattsmouth, Sent. 23 IWHi:
Iluri ctt, Wesly Carlson, ( F
l-.liiiian, r.dna Klcium, rannic
Meister, Henrietta
When calling for any of tho above
letters please say "advertised'
W, K. Fox, P. M.
llerkfthlre Hoc.
I have for sale thirty-five head
thoroughbred berkshire hogs of either
sex some brood sows that will farrow
in October. Prices to suit the times.
I At the head of this herd is a grand son
of "Stumpy Duke" who is said to have
I taken moro premiums than any hog in
I the world. Call on or address,
JOHN r. 1'OLK.
fZ-nar. url "Vol.
I 1 he Semi-vVeekly News, 1 a year.
Many of the disorders peculiar to
women are caused by diseased con
ditions of the Liver, Kidneys and
Bowels. Restore these organs to a
healthy state by using;
Dr. J. H. FMEAff S
There is no bluff about W. F.
Sheehan. lie said if the Buffalo con
vention endorsed Bryan he would re
sign his position as national commit
teeman. After the action of tho con
vention ho promptly sent his resigna
tion to Chairman Jones.
Tho Groveville carpet mills at
lVughkeenie, N. Y., comprising
twelve big buildings, built by tho A.
T. Stewart estate, have been pur
chased by Edwin Gould for $450,000.
lie will operate them as match fac
tory. Tho silver orator-is a hoo-doo. Al
most eight hundred speeches in favor
of "immediate restoration" were de
livered in Maine previous to the late
election and the very ones they were
intended for turned out on election
! dav and voted the republican ticket.
If the work is kept up in Nebraska at
the nresent noisv rate. McKinlev will
carry the state by Oo.UUU. tx
Enoch Pratt, who died in New YorK a
few days ago. loft $2,000,000 to charity
organiz ition.J, it being the largest be
quest of that kind recorded forseveial
yyars. The amount of good that Mr.
Pratl'a money will do is incalculable.
The fates are against our Billy
Bryan. Wheat continues to go up and
silver to go down, as if to emphasize
the silly fallacy that tho price of sil
ver had auything to do with the price
of wheat, hs has been asserted by Mr.
B'van and his followers.
Altgeld, Harvey, Stewart aud all the
rest of tho free silver champions aro
extremely fond of the poor man's
money, as they call silver; but they
always want gold when money is duo
them Beatrice Express.
The ttarch works is not satisfied
wilh the artesian well sunk a few
days ago but is having anotbor well
bored close to it. They propose to
have puro water or know the reason
why. The water in the first well
contains salt, sulphur, etc. Nebraska.'
City News.
li-irge quantities of apples are being
barreled and shipped every day. The
crop this year about as large us it has
evur been in this section. Nebraska
Citv News.
Deputy levenue Collector Parker
was in the city last evening and was
giving his frieuds an account of a
thrilling experience he had in Rich
ardson county last week in attempting
lo arrest a family that were running
an illicit still. They stood him oil
wilh a double barrel shot-gun and he
had lo :o to Falls City, after spend
inga night out in the rain, to get an
armed force to assist him in making
the arrost. Nebraska City News.
Taken l'p.
A black male hog with white points,
at my farm 3i miles uoith of Murray.
The owner can have sumo by proving
property and paying costs.
Legal Notice.
Notice to creditors of assigned estate.
Notice is hereby piven to the creditors of
Joseph W. Hendee and all other persons inter
ested, th .t there has been hied in the county
court of Cass county. Nebraska, an inventory by
the said Joseph V. Hendee. as required by law
in matters ol assignment and that a meeting ol
the creditors ol the said Jteph W. Hendee will
be-held at t lie otfice ot the county judge ol Cass
county. Nebraska, in Plattsmouth. at Z o'clock p.
in., October , ltvmj. lor the purpose of choosing
an assignee to succeed the sherirt in the trust
under the deed of assiiMimi-nt oj tht! said loseoh
V. Hendee. In witne s whereof, 1 have hereunto
set my hand and official seal tins it!i day ol Sep
teniber, A. It. 1MV.
(S;al) GfcoKOE M. SrijRLOCK.
County Judge.
DeeHtig Roller Bearing ideal Mower, 4 1-2 and 5-Foot Cut,
J Round of Startling Victories
Has marked tho path of the Doering Ideal Mower. No grass is too heavy or too light, no land is too rough and ne
service is too revere for this plucky little Ideal hero. Instead of friction bearings it has rollers and balls; the crank
shaft is parallel with the ground so that the SELF-ADJUSTING PITMAN moves steadily BACK and forth in work
man like fashion: the separated ledger plates hold the grasses like the roller of a feed cutter, and uothmg can escape
or draw in under tho sickle; the adjustable drag bar pays the interest on the investment.
The driver of tho Ideal Mower can cut as slow as ho likes and it is never necessaay to back when starting.
The uso of roller and ball bearings, has eliminated friction, and instead of grinding the bearings all the power
is used in cutting grass.
Drop in for a Catalogue.
We are headquarters for the best Buggies and Wagons. Also the
best hand-made Harness made from Oak Tanned Leather.
l?or the
Who Has the Best
To the person bringing to our store tho THREE
tween now and December 25, we will give one
To the parson bringing the three ears weighing
SECOND heaviest wo will giye one
To the person bringing the three ears weighing
THIRD heaviest we will givo
This does not require a person to make 5
a purchase of
Tne N6WS.JO0 per week
Roll and the world Rolls with you,
Scrape, and you Scrape alone."
Roller Bearing Mower
Corn in Cass County
Suit Valued at $15.00 w
Suit Valued at $10.00
Merchandise Valued at $5.00 6
us, but we have
Stock of Clothing
HINDER CORN 8 rorHymtCml
Corns. Stop. Hi pain- M.kes walking t.rj. laa. mt DnirgMM.
CImiim and tMsotmc tha
Pnanutoa lmiulant growth.
Hmr rmila to Beaton Oiwyi
hf ia im v mi mil i . icir' I IVLl r tow
Inrtts-wtlon. painful lua or Debility of any kind M
flKB'8 OIHOES TOKIC. Many wno were nofi
tetand fliaooung" hTe renamed health ijf ita uaa.
The Chicago Chronicle
Democratic Newspaper.
It Is Not Republican.
It Is Not Mugwump.
It Is Not Populist.
in. tin rvmorraev of lefferson. lack-
sou and Tilden', believing it to be the salvation of
the Republic. . It is therefore opposed to Social
ism. Free Silverism and Repudiationism.
No dollar is too good lor an American, sainpie
copies free. Address
164-166 Washington St Chicago, III
PChlrfceatrr1. KnflLh Dlaaaaaa' Brul
OrMMl OmlT Ceawlae. X
arc, alwar wlaU- uata aa K
. . 4- aw rlikMtar'. EnabM Ila-i
JdmlI to Hed ana OcU mrtallieN
...imi mitik til Tibbaa. Take a
MdaHMOOM. A WKl-i, -v ..-. .
ta Mao aj. partMolara. tenia i.n
MalL 1A.60V Tl atola. "1
fl.MMto,l. iieateal aia 70
laaal Dragsena.
House Furnishings,
Our stock la complete In all line s ami we
Invite our frlenda to look It over. We wll
endeavor to please you. Call and see u.
(Successors to Henry Boeck.i
M Htit, ten isi lun
Property looked after for non-real
dents, taxes paW and rents col
lected, farm loans made at
lowest rates; no delay.
Insurance Written .
. Ia eleren leading companies.
Office O-rct First National Bank.
The News for 10c.
1 1 "y
- - i
Batdkj ail