Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, September 23, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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TtieSeml-Weeklu News-Herald
... BY THE . . .
One Year, in advance, ....
Six Months,
ne Week,
Single Copies
One Year, in advance,
$5 00
2 50
tl 00
Months, 50
Of any Cass County Paper.
What does this cry by the Bryanite
writers and stump speakers about the
4coercion"ahd"intiinidation"of voters
mean? The country is told by these
persons that certain 'corportions,"
manufacturing and railroads in partic
ular, are trying to force their employes
to vote against Bryan, says the Globe
Democrat It is said that the officials
of these concerns are circulating' docu
There is no greater fallacy than that
which Mr. Bryan and other free silver
champions are 'constantly proclaiming
with regard to the relation between
debts and property, says the Globe-
Democrat. It is to the effect that
when a man negotiates a loan on a
piece of property at a given valuation.
he is entitled to a reduction of the debt
in proportion to any decrease of that
For President.
of Ohio.
;For Vice President.
of New Jersey.
State Ticket.
For Governor,
For Lieutenant Governor,
For Secretary of State,
For Auditor,
For Treasurer.
For Attorney-General.
For Supt. of Pub. Instruction,
For Commissioner,
For Supreme Judges.
For Regent State University.
Cuogrewtional Ticket.
For Congressman. First District.
County Ticket.
For County Attorney,
For Senator.
For Representatives,
County Commissioner, Second District,
ments showing the discredit and disas- vaiut"""1 Py-
ter which would he inflicted on the meDt- They do not put it in this plain
counti v if Brvan were elected. That and siraPle way bu 8uch is Pcti
is they are helping to carry on a cam- cal meaning. The creditor is assumed
paigu of education in the very place to take a11 risk of depreciation of the
where they can do this work most ef- security, or, in other words, to bear
fectually among the persons nearest ay misfortune that may befall the
to them debtor in the form of a shrinkage of
Even if this charge were true, where value. "It may happen," says Mr,
does the "coercion" come in? Have Bryan, "that a man who honestly con
the shouters of this parrot cry of "co
ercion" ever heard of the Australian
ballot system r in all except nail a
The wheelmen's republican organ
ization in Chicago is reaching away
up into the thousands and will number
fifteen thousand within the next two
tracted a debt on the worth of property
Dy me aeenne in us vaiue. " mis is
what is called in the populist vernacu-
dozen of the states the Australian bal- lar "making debts harder to pay,"
lot prevails, and these few are small and Mr- BT&n contends that debtors
states of the south or west, where "in- 80 situated are entitled to relief. That
timidation" of the kind complained of is to 8ay he insists tht the payment
would not be of the the slightest avail. of tne debt should be made easier by
In New England, the middle states requiring the creditor to take lesa than
and the great states of the central tho debtor has agreed to pay.
west on both sides of the Msssissipi a I f ne Iacl tnat " 18 proposed to effect
rigid secret ballot law is in operation. iaia nject oy depreciating the cur
How are tne influences which rency instead of directly reducing the
theBryanites prate about going to amount of the debt to' suit the con-
pass the threshold of the election ien-" 01 tne man who owes it does not
I booth?Within that inclosurethe voter, change either the logical or the moral
be he low or high socially or pecuni- aePct the matter. To all practical
arily, is absolute master of himself intents and purposes, the contention
and his acts. That compartment tells 18 tnat tne debtor should have the
no tales. While he is in it the voter Privilege of paying, not according to
is as isolated as if miles of space the terms of the contract, but on the
separated him from every other human ba918 of the decline in the value of his
being on earth. In that spot the em- property. A claim on the part of the
ploye and the employer are not only creditor that his debt should be in-
equal potent, but equally independent, creased to the extent of any rise in
This "coercion" talk is the hollow- ine value or the property would be de-
est of all the shams which appear in nounced by Mr. Bryan as a thing too
the Bryanite canvass. Necessarily unJ"8t ana unfair to be considered for
there is profound ignorance among a moment; and yet that is substantially
most of the Bryanito writers and talk- the same thing that he proposes to do
ors, for the intelligence as well as the for tne detor. He holds that when a
character of the country is against debt is contracted, when money is bor
Bryan, but it is mendacity rather than rowed, on property having a certain
io-norano whleh ia rQnnncihi, value at that time, the debtor Rhnnld able man and had many friends. His
- .-v - w Ll V 1V1 kllU I - 1 -
"intimidation" cry. The cry is sillv be allowed to plead the fact of a fall 8on wl11 continue tho publication of
I for it carries its falsity upon its face. ln tne valu of such property as a the I Hot.
Yet it will be repeated throughout the Pa"ial payment of the uebt It will
From early winter until now Sena
tor Thurston, the greatest orator of
Nebraska and the west, has made
himself famous by his eloquent eulogy
of the magnetic mun who was the en
thusiastic choice of the St. Louis con
vention. He went with Major Mc
Kinley from Canton to the famous
Marquette club banquet at Chicago.
He presided at St. Louis. He formally
notified Major McKinley of his nomi
nation at his Canton home. Every
where his earnest eloquence and con
vincing argument inspire and con
vince, as they do in Canton today.
Canton. (O.,) Repository.
The following proposed amendments
to the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska, as hereinafter set forth iu full,
are submitted to the electors of the
State of Nebraska, to be voted upon
Senator Allen explains it by say- at tne general election to bo held Tne
ing that the state of Maine is under
the complete domination of the money
day, November 8, A. D., 189G
A joint resolution proposing to
amend sections two (2), four (4), and
five (5.) of article six (6) of the Consti
tution of the State of Nebraska, relating
A Florida girl in order to keep from to number of judges of the supreme
being kissed, jumped into a clump of court and their term of office.
bushes and was biiten by a COUgar. If Be it resolved md enacted by the Legtsla
this hod Wn a Vol.o K ture of the State of Nebraska:
" I Section 1. That section two CO of article
cougar wouia nave stooa no eartniy 1 V) oc sno constitution 01 tn ttata
. kti iv.. : i , -i .i I of Nebraska be amended so as to read as fol-
ouuw . iiouituna kuis laivu meir I lows:
Section 8. The anpreme court shall until
or nor wise Drovl lea bt law. consist ox rive
for more. (5) judges, a majority of whom shall bo niwec
sary to form a quorum or to pronounce
decision. I. shall have original Juilsdi -tlon
Rev. J. C. Shaaf, a Summit COuntV. n esses relating to revenue, civil case) in
- .Vi.1 h i f u ,i i I ti 1 1 wnmwr .. .1 . . .-n
Ohio, preacher got mixed up in a poli- I quo warranto, habeas corpus', and suh
tical discussion and laid a wagor of $25 2"" Juaic"on- M t provided ty
Section 2. That section fonr (4) of article
It ftf V. . . U . .. . ..
gold exchanged for $1,000 in paper I of Nebraska, be amended so as to read ad fol-
mu- l - v... lows:
uiuney. xno iuau ue uk wiiu pru- Section 4. The Jadsres of the
duced the cold and the preacher is court shall be elected by the electors of the
r state at larre, and their tTin of ofli.?e ex-
very SOrry he let his political enthu- cept as hereinafter provid-d. sh:ill ie for a
. . . . , , . , a perlt id of not 1ok thun five Co) rears eu the
oaulu unuj niiu u i j oiioo auu i legislature
of good money. That popocrat argu
ment was knocked out of him
At town and hamlet, hill and dale.
Where'er his train is stopping,
'1 he startled people shrink and quail
Before young Billy's yawping.
Walt Mason.
Porry Solden, who for tho past
several vears has been editor of the
Blair Pilot, died at a hospital in Fre
mont last week. Mr. Seldon was an
mav ltrescnbe.
Section 8. That section five C51 of nrtlc'e
six (6) of the Constitution of the State of No
branka, be amen-led to read as follows:
Section 6. At tho first general election to
be held ln the y-ar there shall be elected
two (2) judges of the supreme Court one
of whom shall be elected for a term of
two (2J years, one for the term of four (4)
years, and at each general election there
after, there shall be elected one judgi of
the supreme oourt for tho term of fivo
(o) years, unless otherwine provided ly
law; Provliled, that the judge of the su
preme court wh'Mo terms have not expired
at the tirr.e of holding the general elec
tion of 1890. shall continue to hold their
office for the remainder of the term for
which they were respectively cuininls
eloned. Approved March ?9, A. D. 1395.
for Infants and Children.
THIRTY -ynart,' observntloa of Cftstorda -Itb. the pwtronngw of
milHona of persona, permit tin to speak of it without gnMnlng.
It In Tinqtiewtlonably the best remedy for Infanta and Children
the world hag ever known. It is liarmleaa. Children like it. It
gives them health. It will wave their 1 Ives. In it Mothers h pto
something which la absolutely safe and practically perfect as a
child's medicine.
Castorla destroys Wormi.
Castorla allays Feverlshness.
Castorla prevents vomiting Sonr Cnrd. '
Castorla enres Diarrhoea and Wind Collo.
Castorla relieves Teething Troubles.
Castorla cures Constipation and Flatulency.
Castorla neutralises the effects of carbonic acid gas or poisonou n a i r.
Castorla does not contain, morphine, opium, or other narcotic property.
Castorla assimilates the food, regulates the stomach andboweIsj
giving healthy and rtfltiral tlecp. v
Castorla la pnt up In onci-afo bottles only. It is not sold in bulk.
Don't allow any one to seli yon anything else on the plea or promise
that it is "just as good " and " will answer every pnrposo!
gee that yon p-et C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A.
The fac-simile
signatnre of iJU
is on every
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
canvass- It fits in well with the other certainly oe impossible to convince in-
frauds and tho forgeries which con-1 tei&ont anc upright men that a
stitute the popocratic plan of cam- theory of this kind is sound and proper.
paign. Iho article, now notorious, lnere is only one right way to get rid
ascribed to the London "Financial of a debt ana that is to pay it dollar
ALL that Nebraska needs now to ia- News," which was concocted by the for dollar, without any evasion of the
sure the biggest corn crop for years is popocratic campaign managers, and oriffinal promise. No other justifi-
a good, old-fashioned drouth of about which Bryan's paper first published, able ane satisfactory method has been
six weeks or two months. Let us pray was printed in a St. Louis Bryanite discovered; and it is safe to predict
for a drouth. paper after the London Journal to that the airy and lantastic one that
which it was attributed pronounced it AIr- Bryan advocates will not bo in-
The republican majority in Maine a lorgery. it is still going the rounds aorsea y toe American people
rose above high water mark, and Mr. ' the Bryanite press, in the rural
Sewell discovered the day after elec- districts, and will continue on its
tion that the banks of Salt Creek had travels until the election. Probably
been entirely overflowed. lne L Louis paper which printed it
when knowing it to be fraudulent will
Bar silver is down to 65 and Go 1-8 print it two or three times again be-
cents an ounce in New York. When foro November 3. Yet its falsity has
bar silver is down to 65 cents an ounce been so of en exposed that it excites
the bullion in a silver dollar is worth derision. The same is true of the
50 3-10 cents. It is no longer a "53- coercion pretence. Indeed, the
It is true, as McKinley says, that
the republican party has never before
appealed more strongly to the best
sentiments and noblest aims of Ameri
can citizens than it does in the pres
ent conflict. The man who votes with
A joint resolution proposing an
amendment to section thirteen (13) of
article six of tho Constitution of the
State of Nebraska, relating to com
pensation of supreme and district court
Be it resolved by the LeiHlature of the Stat
of Nebraska :
Be it remlved and enacted by the Lev-Mature
of the St-n'n , if Nebraska :
Section 1. section oue (1) of ar
. ZrY ( ? of Cons ill utiou t the .-tate
tows rU1 '" am:?nii'd roua bi
section L Tin executive department shall
consist of s v. inir, lieutimmit-iroveriior.
secretary of st. to. auditor of pufj ic ac -. unts.
treasurer, hu erintondont of pubii 1 hi
Btruction, atto-acy if-nerai. commis-iioiier
Of publio !E!-.d bidld)n',-s. and throe
railroad i om:n inionnrs. e,i h of bom,
except th i i l r1lr al commis-ioueis.
snail hotd bis ofilon or a term of
two yenra. f-om the f.rst Thursday sfter
the first TuKlay In Jaauiry. after
, Pl:tloni nl until hi sxic.-Nr Is
elected and q ..a.ifiVd. Ka-h r.dlr.xi.1 oom
jniloner shau hold his for n term of
Section 1, That section thirteen fl3" of
trHHn T nf lh. (Vnullrnti..n H..u..,, I )iruu . . u 1 i .t A - . "l
. i . . i - . i s. y ..... v. v.v.. v. i .iu .'in i u a " j . uiTuuiiiiiiw nu int. Iirrlr 1 fill fitmitr
any Other Jarty this year has to vote of Nebrasfci be amended so as to read as fol- after the flr-.t Tuesday in Jn niHrv a ter
against truth, justice, honosty and 13 j.. . thd nrftmB Anrt
everythinr else that is creditable and district courts Hhaii receive for their services
i ....I... i . t. i in. j i luiiuou uy xuw,
prolltable. I payable quarterly.
"lne legislature Hhall at Its first session
after the aflonfiim if ttiia aninniliiiun
The popocrats want fiat money and three-fifths of tho members elected to
.,:.. . . a . I u wiujo wuicurrmu, lll-ir
lucl J 6 tiwi- unuor iiic i compensation. The compensation
miioo .r Kiiiulliiin. t! - s 1 taoiiahea snail not be changed oftener
" I hun once ln roar years, and in no event nniess
Congress, wanted the government to I two-thirds of iho members elected to
You rely on the wage earners of this issue $70,000,000 irredeemable paper Therein wt l" IC"""U" t-OQCUr
COUntrv to mnmimn vnni. Krm,o V,... I wit h which t.rt Vinild tb Vina p .run I PProvei Aiarcn JU, A- L. l&Xt.
mi " " -w jwvas. Xav3 A. J jk I ----- . v vv w a.uv ' .wua u
rely on the men who work for wages canal. Coxoy wanted tho government
and who receive in payment for their to issue $500,000,000 in non-interest
daily, weekly or monthly labor over bearing notes with which to build
two and a quarter billion dollars a trood roads. There is a vory thin
year. They are the people who make I partition between Bryan and Coxey.
your profits when you have the money
to buy food, as they made them in I The chicory crop in Djdge county is
1S92, and who make your losses when I reported to bo growiug well, the roots
boing- ia food shape and of good
ww. - IQUalltV. Tne drvinc kilns at Frpmnnt.
uia c.tx won ana until Ms sueci-s
sor is eloctou ul quiifled; Provided,
however, Ilia; nt the flr.t general elc
tion hold after the adoptio i of this ainciul
ment fhr fh-iil be elootea three ruUroud
commissioner i. one for the nerio I (r ,m
year, one for the period or two yeari, and
one for the p nod of three vears. Tin truv-
ernor. secretiiry of st ito, audi rot of pub
lie accounts, and treasurer bbiiil reside at
the capital durtn thetr (vrm of ofil-e;
thev shall ke( she public records, lnks
and papers there and h:l!l perform such du
ties as may bo required by 1 iw.
Approve! ilnrch JH. A. D. ISSJj.
amendment to hection six (6) of article
seven (7) of the Constitution of the
State of Nebrawka, prescribing the
manner in which votes filuill be cast.
Be It resolved ami eniicted bv the Legislat
ure of the Bts,t o( Neoi'ii-,k :
Section 1. Tint sitctloii hIx (6) of artlr-i
seven (7) of the Countii utloii ot the Ht.-ile
of Nebraska be amended to real as fol
lows: Section fl. All votes -h ill be bv ballot er
such other method as may lie nrehcnled
by law. provided the seoreuy of voilu b
Approved March C9. A D
A joint resolution proposing to
amend pection twenty-four (24) of
articlo five (5) of the Constitution of
A joint resolution propnsinsr to
amend section twenty-six (2(5) of ar
ticle five (5) of rhft Constitution of the
the State of Nebraska, relating to com- State of Nebraska, limiting the num-
pensation of the officers of the executive
cent dollar." Silver must be worth stupidity of the popocratic press and
69 cents an ounce for a 53-cent dollar. I stump sftcakcrs is even more remark-
Ex. able than their mendacity. It is doinff tw 1 hi wi h. nd nt "in.d?nS?t.d b the Legislature
J vu iiuu UiUUUj U3 19 wwuv I r- e 1' ' w- i vs. kuv J Vim ui 111'UIMHHII
a gOOil WOI'K. however, in increAAiaar I ----- - - ----- tu -i , n . I Section 1. Thnt Motion t
NAT Browns life long democrat of th. raojrltr tor McKinley. vitr, h .jri..B .iu ut r rULt , ti &ve f th oouutioT of Vhe
pronouni"f o - resided fori . ' " "uu ",v . -K j a.m ...
..v mm a uuariur Diiiion 11 01 1 :i rs I 111 uu ruauv uoioro ine cron is inn - I (Section vi Tim ,,m .r v ..
. . i - i - - v.u v.. run I A'.-l. li I L,u
years in Burlington and is well ac
quainted over the state, places McKin
ley 's majority in Iowa at not less than
fifty thousand. He says it is in no
sense a doubtful state this year, and
Nat ought to know.
Tuk republican state ticket is push
ing ahead at a lively gait and the
demopop combine will be second from
the start and drop out at the third
quarter. Jack MacColl will be paced
by a strong team of officers and will
break all records for a republican ma
jority. Nebraska City Press.
Tli shortsighted CRITICISMS. which they receive in wages annually.
w ua uoupiy our larmers. like all the rest of us,
grieved over the dismissal of a shop must perish off the face of the earth.
, I t, . g iromtne employ The farmer who votes for Bryan and
of the Burlington railroad company, free coinage votes against the wage-
The Journal would take it as a rank earner. When he votes against the
piece of impudence if tho railroad wage-earner he votes against himself,
shou d attempt to dictate whom it Will the American farmer destroy
fihniiln Itmnlmr nt it Vw. A 1 ..... J
. T. - """"" ov-ruPla tne value of his crons bv voting to rn
aepartmcnt ot tha state government shall
receive ur tnelr services a nrnnnnnniiMiiii
to be establish-! by law. whiih shall be
1 neither lncr.-ascd nor diminished duriu the
fcurm tt V, , i . I. Vi .i it i, 1. .. 1 1 u . i
, . , i . , i - - -v. ..i. .uvj 1-nt.M u.ivu ueeu com-
Umana Via FlattsmOUth Monday from I missioned and they shill not reelve to their
L,. Jean and wife went to
. V. I . V. 1 iL . 1.. a a a. A
vvuiuu piatu mu lauor went to Allan- moneys In their hands or under the
own u-teany reos, costs, interests, upon pu illo
lr control.
tic. la., to Visit her dauerhtnr- Mr. 01 .oin;o or ctiar com pen-
' nation ana all Tees that may hero
Taylor, and the former to the seat Of after he payable tiy law for services
Ui . performed ty an om-er DroviJod fur in
ie annual conference at Hastings, this artioie shall be paid in Advance into the
All lines of church work have been treaJUi'y- The lesiature ehaii t its
- " " ii.- im. tuvitirii Vk 1.11X3 a Jilt) mi-
ber of executive etate oflicers.
Be it resolve I and niicted by the Leg
islature of th-) Htate t K!bra.ska:
Section 1. Thit section t-.venry six Cfi) of
article live (. of the (..nsiiiuiion of the
Brate of Nebraska be am-ndi-d to read as
(section 2d. No other executive state offi
cers except th-s-. n.'i'iied in so tlon on' (1)
of this artlc e f-h.-ill b cre.ited, x -i lit
by an act or th Jutrisbiture which is
concurrel In by not len th in three f mrt lis
of the members eicct-.-d to each
thereof i
Provided, Tint any .filca created by an
act of the leKi-lufiro miy bo abolished iy
the leifislatnro. two-t'.iirls of tho num
bers elected to ea-h thereof concur
ring. Approved March 30. A D . :80i
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section two (2) of article four
teen (14) of the Constitution of tha
State of Nebraska, relative to donations
to works of internal improvement and
Be It n rod and enacted by the Leg
islature of the Htato of
6-ction 1. That ctiou two (:.') of srttcl
fourteen pi) of the Constitution of thafc
State of Mubra-ka, be ameudud to road aa
See. a No city, county, town, precinct,
municipality, or other suMivldon of the
state, shidl ever muko duiiatinus to may
works of int.rnul 1m provemeiit. or
manufactory, iiiiUst a pmpodvion so to
do shall hmre l.n flr- mu i.uilt t. d to the
qualiaed e:o. tors au.l rX1. by two
thirds vote at an election by authority of
law; Provided. Tint feuch donations of a
county with thj donations of such ubdi
isioiis ln the aKirrcpate nhi;l not exce.l
ten pir cent of the suHessnl vsluatioa of
, Bucu counry; l'rovlded. furl her. Thn sny
citv or county may, by a three foart hs
; vote, increa-n sn. h Indebtedness five per
eint, in addition to xurh ten t-r sent I
no b)nds or evidences of indebtedness so
issui Fhall lie vudd unless th- siiroe nh i I
hve endorse 1 th -r.ion a ce. I ilcate sism d
by tho seer, taty ar:d au liior .f stste.
showing that, th.i same is Ishuo I pursuant to
Approved ll irch 29, A D . Ittii
A Joint resolution proposing to
about dictating and criticizing the duce the earnings of labor which con- W l0?ed after b' Kev- Jean ,he ' V nine (9) of article eight
Vb ,(r k r "uwmgion same tho farmer's product, or will he
oi.uwuku luujr realizing mat vote to set all
me election or Uryan with his free
past conference year, and the people currlne. tstabhsh the aiiaries of
A canvass of Nebraska outside of
the large cities is said to how a ma
jority of 2 percent for McKinley. The
margin is small, but the vote of the
centers of population will life it into
something quite respectable Bryan
r lost the State when he ran for United
States Senator and will probably lo$e
it again. Globe Democrat.
silver vagaries moans threatened
bankruptcy, with heavy, losses to the
stockholders, yet the utmost spirit of
fairness has prevailed toward the men
who expressed a desire to bring great
loss upon the corporation, and as evi
dence of that fact we note that when
our wage-earners to
work again, to restore the purchasing
power of the home market, and to sell
his wheat and corn for honest dollars
earned by honest labor? N. Y. Press.
here would be nleasod to hav him r- ""IV? in article, me coiu-
- I penon so esi
AFTEK Mr. Bryan had concluded
his remarks at Louisville, Joe Black
burn took the floor and started with
the conundrum: "Who is the recog
nized leader of anarchists in this coun
try?" "Bryan, Bryan," roared the
crowd in every direction. "Hold on a
minute," exclaimed Joe; "its Herr
mnct rt 1 i .. I
7 IZ 7; 'V" Koing drinking to excess, setting a bad ex
tn Pino In Iho -O A ,.t,r. u i ir... A
being far McKinleyf but the zealous
Jack MacColl has been making
votes by the hundreds this week in
Bryan came through here the shop nortuwost Nebraska and is more than
men were given an hour atthecom- Inin lDe predictions made re-
pany's expense to come down and uruin nis aoiuties as a vote-getter.
meet him, an act of courtesy never be
fore shown any other man bv the com- 1N OKI)KI to "catch both elements"
pany. the New Yot k popocrats have nomin-
As to Mr. Warga, his predilections I a.ted a sound money candidate on a free
for Bryan have been kjown with suver Ptiorm. Their tactics will
i .i j ,
others in the shops, but no on niioK. deceive nobody, and catch no .votes. Li..;.
. . I cJf.w Vnrlr urill rm H ui : utoucu lllluriUULIUU, UUU UeiU
tioned his riffht to vntA hi t rMcw YorK will go republican by some. ,. , . '. . ..
B " w w NlU J4UJf yi
into bankruptcy if he chose to do 6o.
When, however, it was reported that
he had gone out of his way to break
up a public meeting, and had been
(8) of the Constitution of the State of
lablishud shall not b h..nrfu.l I Afihraslra. nroviiii mr fir th, n ttic
. i i .i xt , I Ar- .i . .. m i a ". """t"'
luuicu iui uuuuiur year. ixenawKa r u ' mi iu iuur yours ana in no i m . , ....
4,i event unless two-thirds or the members or 'he permanent educational funds of
eiucKHi 10 eacn uousu or tno legislature ooncur
Tho little citv nf Cn.nt.nn.nhin Approved Maih 29 A. D. 1833.
w i i ..
the noisiest place in the country yes
terday. Thirty-nine complete cornet A joint resolution proposing to amend
bands were on dress parade, making section one (1) of article six (G) of
enough music to last the Cantonites the Constitution of the State of Nebras-
for a year. relatintr to indm'al nmvor
, 0 . r - .
The nthnr dav tbia dnrimnt u .irl L " resolved ann etiacttxl by the Lo-isla-xneotneraay
mis aepariment said ture of th Btnte ..f Nebraska:
that if any Nebraska farmer who was JS1',011 h rh't Mtioii on CO of article six
,. ,. , O of the Constitution of the Sta:e of Nebraska
not a repudiator could explain how be amended to i end as follows :
free coinage would help him, it would rtt1PUai
acknowledge the justiceof Mr.Bryan's ppoffis? ..uog' other
cause. Yesterday a farmer who lives couns inferior to tin supreme coutt as may
........ I 1 . 1 J i : . ... .
north of town undertook to give the tho moinlte.s elected to each house
re he had
pops in the pit spoiled his point en
tirely, Ex.
B u Y an of Nebraska and his great
chief, Jones, don't believe that Ruch
fellows as Cleveland, Vilas," Harmon,
.Olney, Lamont, Carlisle, Cockran,
Palmer, Buckner, and hundreds of
others, who havebeon leaders for years
in the democratic party, know any
thing about finance, or statesmaaship,
or what democracy is. Just look at
Bryan, Jones, Tillman & Co., and
then glance at the others, and it will
Bumce without further argument.
Nebraska City Press.
FlFTV excursion trains are due to
arrive in Canton, Ohio, today, as the
climax of a aeries of pilgrimages to
the home of Major McKinley, which
have been without a parallel in the
political history of the country. It is
reported upon good authority that
fully a million dollars will be expended
in Canton before the campaign closes.
This is very different from tne manner
in which Mr. Bryan treats his home
town, whose friendship and assistance
he does not care for. The pilgrimage
to Lincoln will not materialize, while
its candidate is posing for public
clamor in the east and south.
ample for others of his associates, done ln this campaign was to refuse to
tho local management very wisely pcaK Irom tne steps of the capitol
concluded that Mr. Warga was no
longer needed in their services, and
he was discharged.
Robbed of its frills, that is all there
is of the Warga case. Like the crime
of '73, when the facts aro known, it is
found no crime whs committed. If
Mr. Warga wishes to pose as a martyr
to the Bryan cause, let him do so the
facts will not bear him out, and it will
take 6everal thousand martyrs to save
tho free coinage fake from ultimate
doom, where the business inteiests of
the country will plant it next Novem
Demagogues who talk about "the
workingmen of America being slaves"
to anybody are the enemies, not the
friends, of labor, says the Inter-Ocean.
Not a nation upon the globe has men
and women as free from evory element
of slavery. Temporarily, and for
reasons easily seen, they are short of
work, but even now are better housed,
better fed and clothed, with families
given more chance for education and
happiness, than any like class upon
the globe. The millions of workers
should kick into the gutters the paid
hirelings who aro insulting them and
degrading labor by calling them
thing like 200,000 majority and vie iaiKea tnre minutes ho had himself so
with Pennsylvania in the magnitude . 1 couiun t get untan-
of the landslide. gloQ' tio WOUDd UP by saying, "Well.
I m satisfied that free silver will bo a
frnAfl f h l n fr if T in ' .. , . .. m : .1
IilE !eD6lble lbln?Br-V?n Hloarly.,, The on.y idea he expressed
was that farmers might, under Bryan
Approved March 29. A. D. 1895
A joint resolution proposing to
the state.
Belt resolved and enacted hv tli.i T.,H
tare ot the State of Nebraska:
Heotion 1. Th:it sec: In i nine (ft of .rtli
eight (8) of the of tho Kit
of Nebraska Le amended to read as fol.
Kectian 0, All fan Is bolonirinfr to tho state
for educational purposes, the inti-nst, and
inoome whereof only are to be uei, hsll
be deemed trust funds held bv thn Kt,f
and the state shill sup;iiy all there-
oi inat may in am- tu finer accrue, so that
the same nhnll Mnsin forever invioliite
and undl.-ninlsh -d aii i shad not lx In
vested or loaned ex ept on United Stales
or state seeuritii-s. ir re.'U
bonds or reifistored si ho -1 distri-t bond) of
inis state, ana sn-h runds with tht inti-r-est
and Income thereof aro hereby solemn
ly pieagei ror tho purposes for whl h they
are granted Rnd set apnrt. and shall not
be transferred to any oihor fund for other
Provided. The board created by section
1 of this article is empowered to sell from
time to time any of the securities ticlonKiiis
to the permanent a.-hnol fund and invest
the proceeds nrt-dnjf therefrom in any of the
securities enumerated in this section bear-
a higher rate of interest whenever
nmoiid Krictinn nlntrnri 1t rt fivtiln . ; v I lnsr
v- ..v,1CT an opportunity for better investment iapre-
toi oi me oonsuuuuon oi tne state of eenieu;
niiiiriinv ,n i : . m .
iiasuiugioD, xne com
mittee of arrangements had secured
the consent from Speaker Reed and
Vice-President Stevenson, but Mr.
Bryan said it would be a bad pre
cedent and one which he did not want
to establish. Fremont Tribune.
Heakst, tho multi-millionarie silver
mine owner and the proprietor of the
New York Journal, the only paper of
auy uuio iu me east tnat supports
Bryan and Sewall, tho cheap dollar,
has been investing all his surplus cash
in Europe lately, thus turning- it into
gold bearing securities in anticipation
oi trie iree coinage crash after the
election of Bryan. He will have his
labor for his pains. Hearst is only one
of a great number of wealthy capita
lists in tho mining business who is re-
ponea to De getting to cover in this
Nebraska, relating to increase in num
ber of supremo and district court
ism, have a chance to pay their debts judges.
With cheap dollars and that IS re- B- it resolve! nnd enacted by th--Legislature
5 . . rr, . . of the Suite of Ne ir.nka :
pudlation in effect. There IS not a Section 1. That section .1-ven (11) of
farmer on Nebraska' soil who can ex- H Bl Vr h" 0,T,tu,U'",,ii,h,'rliie !
, , ef Nebraska bo amended to real as fol-
piain wny no ought to vote for Brvan: lows:
v. .. . u : i .u".i " . I Bection 11. The leis ature. w heuever tw o-
ne may tnink that Le Can give a Sufh-I thirds of the meroers elected to em h house
s.iArt mi.i i.rt . . , enmi coucixr innn-m. iiihv. iju o. iinr ine v ear
cienl reason, but the undorninnini? I n i.i i,ii,.ir.,un.i ..i
can bo easily knocked fi OIU an V reason 1 n(i uot oftener ..nee in every tour years
J I the number of J.i.l'os of bu
ne may advance. When Nebraska I preme and district courts, and the judical
And provided further, Thnt when an?
warrant upon the state tr-isu-er reir
nlarly lssned ln pursuance of an appropri
ation by the legislature and secured by the
levy or a tax for its payment, nhall
be presenti-d to the state treasurer for
payment, and there shall not be any
inon-ty tn the proper fund to pay nch
warrant, the board created by section 1
of this article msy dlroot the state treas
urer to pay th due on hu h war
rant from moneys In hts h-mds N-loncinir
toihe permanent scho .1 fund of thn f into
and bo shad h .Id SHld arra:it as an la
vesme ,t ofm . inrmi I - h.; fund.
Appr ivo l Mr. h . A. l isj,.
r t .- i . i ; I oistricia oi lu ktutu. u.n oiatrii
ai uiura nave silver mines wiiero iiieir i do lonnoa or compnet Territory
corn cribs now are, the ca-e
different. Walt Manon.
strlcis oi Uli statu. Iu.h diatihjts Juil
I rormea ot comnnct. terrlt..rir. T?7Ti
Dounuea Dy i-o'int lines: n;l nu-h It.. I ra'i'nr lines; ana KU'-n In-
,U ,J w I crease, or any i-liJin o iu thn b miilri,
of a district shall nut vacaio Ih.i otli. e ..f un
Approved March 31, A. D. l&ti.
i"g nn
f the
Was a Kousinjj Meeting.
A. J. -Graves was in attendance at a
McKinley meeting out at Wabisli A joint resolution projsising t. amenl
Saturday evening which he stHles, in section six (G) of art i.-.Ie one (1) of the
point ef enthusiasm, was tho liveliest
meeting he has attended this fall Tho
meetinr was addressed by Senator
Akers and other good speakers. At
the close of the meeting one follow
came forward and stated that his name
Constitution of the State of Nebraska,
relating ti b jury.
f? lfr resolved 7id enacted by the Lezlslsture
f thj State of Nebraska:
Section 1. That section six (ff). article one
fljoftho Constitution of the (state of Ne
braska be sniend d to as follows:
Mocnon o.
urn ir A vawtr 1 . .1 ua enimiCU as a UlCIUUBrni tno Hrt'Qn I i ... I, . . . . '
,y,jr lait BUIOUDI OI Amen- j l miiini i ijiwuiuui, uu. va ii-cm mr may pro-
Can capital owned by those who think ' C d now aoe tho
they are going to unload their silver errr f his Way Bnd wanted 10 6tate
puuuciy mat irom mat time on he was
lar for every 50 cents wnrth f .;i. Ior McKinley and prosperity. Theat-
bullion has been going either to Europe 'tendanC reaChed clo9e to the 1000
or Australia since tho campaign hAn-nn I mark- Mr- Graves states that the Mc
Kinley sentiment is growing rapidly
in the western part of the country.
Tideth tin civii ar-tinns five-sixths of tho Jury
may render a verdl :t. ana th ieiiMlatnra mav
1mo au horiB trial by a Jury of a ies.s nu'ub -r
than twelve ine.i. ln courts inferior to the Uls-tri-
t court.
Approved March 2J, A D 1805.
campaign bean
English firms with American connec
tions aro receiving bushels of letters
rom capitalists here lnquirine- for
foreign in vestmenta State Journal.
A joint, resolution proposing to
amend section one (1) of article five (5)
of the Constitntiou of Nebraska, relat-
The nicest assortment of campaign j ing to officers of the executive depart-
buttons at Coleman's jewelry 6tore. xnent.
A joint rtc,,:jtioij
nmotiij ineiit In the Cin t i till 11
State of Neliiiiska by .-iddibt; ;i t-
HfiMci to articie twelve (12) ( and
cotiMtii ution to 1) i! ntii ix ?- 1 mtIkhi
iwii (2) rt'bitivM fn the m ';.- of Use
gOVITMMVMlt of W ...S of llll'llO
poll tan civs ;u:il lU- five! :). nf of
tho counties wlit-r;u fucli citus nre
lie It roiolvel a:id eoacled by the l-,ts
lature .if th S.:vro Ni-bi aK i:
Sec i 11 I That Krtf.-:.- t-ielve (l.)o
uiio.i. of th Mte of N.n r.skn !
amend xt v . tli ; t i - t .1 arii new
ti n nit lib-, ol .s.i-,1.,11 in'., (2) to r .ul
Kecii n 2. Th Kovernin. nt of any city of
the nitrii.-.o iLeii c.mks ttitd th .v
eriiMi dit of iho i-iiimtv m w h Ii
it is lo-utisl ni i I 111 1 Mid whoilv
or in unit u h -ii a pr.ixs'ti.'i n lo d 1im
been hubniitied by n:itho ity of law l i the
Tutors of riiK'h cit. hmI louiitv in d re
oivl 'hi t.t of a m J.iitv of i he
votes r,i-t in sut h , ii a id nl-o a innj .i ity
of 'h viim in 't in the con;:! cx iunri
oflho-cast in u Ii iiv.-t.op.i iiH i city at.Oih
elu.-ii ....
Appi ov.-l M in b -it A. D. l.-HV
A joint resolution proposing an
I, J. A. Pippr, secretary of stato tif
the state of Nebraska, dobereby certify
that the foregoing proposed amendmei.ts
to the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska are true and correct copies of
the original enrolled and engrossed
bills, as passed by the Twenty-fourth
session of the legislature of tho Stale
oi JNenrasxa, na apjwan from Bai l
original bills f.n file in thi. office, and
that ail and each c,t ipAA Tift ,r, 1
amendments are submitted to the
qualified voters of the Stato of Ne
braska for their adoption or rejection
at the general election to be held on
Tuesday, the lid day of November, A.
D., 1800.
In testimony whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and affixed the great
seal of the State of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln thia 17th Hur r.f
July, in the year of our Lord, One Thou
sand, Eight Hnndred and Ninety-Six,
of the Independence of the United
States the One Hundred and Twenty
First, and of this 8tat tho Thirtieth.
(SeaL) J. a. riPEK,
Secretary of State.
Or. Marshall, tlnttluale OentUt.
Dr. Marshall, lino gold work.
Dr. Marshall, gold and porcelain
Dr. M.-trsliall, crown and bridge work
Dr. Marshall, teeth without plates.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of fillings.
Dr. Marshall, all kinds of plate-.
Dr. Marshall, perfect fitting plates
Dr. Marshall, all work warranted.
All tho latest apuliances for first
lass le nt;. I work.
We have I (K), 000 to loan at a low
rate of interest on woll-inip-ovod
Tiik National Exchanof: Co.,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Kngi ish Spavin Liniment remo vesal
Hard, Soft or Calloused Luiiips and
IJIemihes from horses. Blood Spavins,
Curbs, Spiints, Sweeney, Iling-Huno
Stifle, Sprains, all Swoolen Throats
Coughs, etc. Savo $50 by use of one,
bottle. Warranted the mot-t wonder
ful Diemish Cure ever known. Sold bv
F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists, I'latts-
RTien Riby was stct, wc ve her Castorta.
When she va a QiHd, ahe cried for Oistorla.
V"hen 6he became Miss, she cluntf to Casterla.
Vbu alio bail CMdren, fdie gave Uieni CastorU