Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, September 12, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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Highest of all in Leavening
A Fi Affidavits Which tio to Show Why
tie County Itourd Concluded That
liurton'ft Weekly Kinetic Could ot lie
I uihilerfd a !.-;: I NrntpaiHT-Othrr
ew AlHut Tohu.
Simmy Chupman, wbo bits no busi
nts.s of bis own to attend to, is very
buiy of lal'f t-tickinj-; his noso into the
ol others, it ne were guided
b'- I olinst motiveH lather than h ia
cLaitcLe istic habit, 'to vilify find
Djj'iijn bis suixjriotsit would in tho
er ii oe better for him. Not satisiied
witti Lrailinjr the judicial ermine of
tLia uistrict in the dirt until he was
overthrown by ;i disgusted people, he
new eek to drsipothets to his own
despicable level. In last night's Tiib
une this paragon of bonesty(?); this
valiant taxpayotCj tries to criticise
the. buard of county rommissioners for
hi.viu refused to let the Tribune
print tne delinquent tax list, and
utte. s no erid of rank falsehoods in his
futiie ellort to mislead the public.
Tho facts are as follows:
The county board
ad verged for i
bias to see who would print the tax
listfor iho. lt. mnnov Twn birU
wt re filed and considered. That of !
Tuk News at a rate of l'J cents for
t i . i,. . . !
farm duscr! ntinn rtuI !l cpnts fur fitv :
The Tribune's bid wa 2 J-10 cents
strain h t.
It railTht be well to remark !
here that the law does not COntemp- i
late tho letting of this work
i y; ji !
and expressly states that the COmptn- i
. 1
satlOU IS 20 and 10 Cents, which IS paid .
K., ii r. ,i!i ., i j w . j
by the delinquent tax payer nnd does I
not come from the county, no matter ,
how much lower the work may be done
. '
or. l
The claim was set up that the Trib
une was not a legal newspaper, that is
it hnd not printed and circulated 2h)
copies each week for one year and
thr-e affidavits by disinterested parties
clearly proved that statement. Bur
ton's own books also confirmed
the affidavits so that the
board could not have allowed the lit
to lie printed in the Tribune, even had
that office offered to do tho work for
nothing, as it would have invalidated
every tax sale and would have been of
no account whatever. After thorough
investigation the board threw out all
bids on the ground that the Tiibune
was not a legal newspaper under the
statutes. The News, under its bid,
wan entitled to the printing, but the
bo-rd threw out all bids. The News
was on the next day designated as the
oatKrr to print the list at a rate of 15
and 9 cents, and there was no ''letting
of contract" about it. Mr. Chapmun's
labored effort to besmirch tho board,
therefore, falls flat and his lengthy
argument about contracts with county
otlicers does not apply to the case. The
board consulted several of the leading
attorneys at the bar, together with
the presiding judge of the district
court, before action was taken in the
niaUer, and its action is fortified by
lha ame. It is a very noticeable fact
that oaiy those who pay no taxes are
ciak itig any criticism about the mat
ter, and if Mr. Chapman will
call ayain we will print a taxpaying
exjijit if his own that will show
how capable a critic ho is. The entire
article is written in a spirit of malev
lor..'e by the self-styled republican
rgn in an effort to injure the
In the face of the following affidav
it. filed with the countv clerk the
r-oaid would have been inexcusably
ciereliet in its duty to have given the
prirting the Tribune as it would
surely have bost tho couuty thousands
of dollars. Tho Tribune bubble has been
pricked and Mr. Burton need not have
been humiliated by the publicity of
the facts had he not have been domi
nated over by theeadaverousiCaseius"
who only seeks to" display his own
envious spirit. Tho affidavits sub
mittee to the commissioners read as
Cans County. f
H-nry Knuble being fi-rst Only sworn 1
uoes ana says thut ho Is acquainted w ith U.
K fi liurton. publisher and proprietor of the
;hs County Trioune.and whs In his employ
rrotu the lath day of June, to the
1Mb dav of July that dunns
all tf ttia't tluie afliaut wns employed by said
ilurton in tuaklnsc ud the mail In the Daily
and Weekly Tribune. That in the course of
bis eniDlaynient affiant was faniliinr with
the number of papers printed and clreulat
ni by the said Burton and knows the num-
eral substances."
When these are absent we have "Rickets" a lack of
bone-tissue, which shows itself in delayed teething, profuse
head-sweats, and later, if not arrested, malformations and
Such a baby needs lime for its weak bones and cod-liver
oil for its fat-starved body.
Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophosphites
of lime and soda will give its little body the needed fat in
an easy form. -
Be ture yon get Scetfe Emulsion tmken y6 wmni it mini net a the tnSrtitnU.
Scott & Bowne, New York. All Dru joists. 50c. and $1.
Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
1 1
copies of the Cass County Weekly
I ii jo. That Iho lariost niiinur f I
yniiicu ttuu ciriu liiuni uurin. ta.ii
copies or said lbss v.ounty Weekly Tribune
pnnieu uunuir me iirne above mentioned
ror any one ween was ln.i ana the largest
uumucr uiruuiareu uuriu;' said time was not
toexeeou iw. Uk.nuy Kauiile.
uKstriuea in n.y presence and sworn to
neiore me mis 7tu clay of September, A. D.
Notary t'ublic.
Cass Count v fss
Gei.rfre 15. Maun being first duly sworm deposes
aii'l sais that lie isaaiuaintnd uHl. i: K i;...--
ion. puonsner ami proprietor ol the Cass County
j rioune: mat he was employed by the said Hur-
ioii in trie omce ol the rimntv Tr.i.,,,,. ,o
Reneral foreman from the th day of December
A. 1). 1 -. to the fit h day of June. A. 1)., li;
that as general Imrman hp ha. I ih,. n ;vin ,.i
the office, the printing of the papers and knows
jn.'ui now many copies were printed and circu
lated of the ral(k Cass Countv I rilmnp (rum I l.i.
' J I .t.j, IU luemri aav oi June.
J-'-' iat at ' " tine from the tith day of ltecem-
ier. l ?..
to the tith dav of lune. lx'.M. vere Ihi-rr
printed or isued more than ImI copies, excepting
a secial editim of one week, ol the said Cass
j-oumy weekly 1 ribune in any one week; that a
lare nunioer oi tne copies printed as aforesaid
were never mailed out of the office to any one.
Affiant further states that during said time he
was familiar with the business o( the said Cass
y.ouiuy weekly 1 r:hune and states that the said
l.urton had ho subscription book and that the
mailing nt was kept on slips ol paper: that
attiant was during all of said time familiar with
trie subscription list ol th ; said Cass Countv
Weekly Tribune as kept in said office and that to
the be-t of attiant's knoledge aud belief there
were not during said time more than one hundred
bona hde subscribers to the Cass County Weekly
1 ribune: that at no time from the tith day of L)e-
iciuuci, m;ij. 10 ine um nay oi lune. was
there circulated more than 1. Tjo copies per week of
the Cass County Weekly 1'ribune. except for one
week as aoove siatca. UF.OKGE ii. MANN.
Subscribed in my presence and sworu to before
ne mis .in day ol September, A. Ii. is;i6.
11. Cecil Jack.
Notary i'ubhe.
Sta rf? -:'"RA!"CA
K. C. Mann, being first duly sworn, deposes aud
t rV.V ;...r ." ;. r,t r". ii"'
says that lor six months previous to the -Oth ol
)' r. r-' . PrPne toT and "-I'cr oi the
1 v-nra x "uui y x 1 I uuilt., ill lilt Crt L'rtC 1 4. v ui i I JC C: I I
ttr antl pressman, a part of his work during this
tune was the pruning a hand press the
,.hI v ,i-ti..n ,.i ti,..,.i '.,,,v -i'V;K..n..
.i 7 ....... I
Affiant avers that acting in the capacity of press
man he is familiar with and knows how manv
copies of the said weekly tribune were printed
there printed and issued from the said office, dur-
nig any week witmu the time above mentioned
n,rc than 1"0 cotiies of said Cass Countv Weekly
J ribune. Atliaut further states that out ot the
highest number printed, viz: 10 copies, several
were left over in the oltice aud several copies were
sent out as exchanges, so that the actual bonande
tircuUtion of the Hr durlliS thls ,lme wa3 )es:i
lllu,l,iu copies per week. E.C.Manx.
Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before
me this 7th day of September, A. 1). lswi.
li. Ckcil Jack.
v,,i,ri I'.ii.h
IiHUilsel the Cane.
The case of Oreopolis Town company
vs. Huberts affecting title to property
north of the pumping station which
has been in litigation for some time,
was set for trial in district court yes
terday. Beeson and Root appeared
for plaintiff and A. N. Sullivan for
defendant. The case, however, Dever
reached tho jury as Judee Stull
promptly dismissed it on the legal
propositions involved. A. B Smith's
ownership and theoty of the case was
therefore fully vindicated.
MOO Kewar.l tiSIOO.
The rea lers of thi paper w ill be pleased to
learn that there is at least one dreatied disease
that science has been able to cure in all its
Mazes, and that is Catarrh. Hail's Catarrti Cure
is the only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis
ease, requires a cor .titutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken interualiy. acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces ol the sys
tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the
disease, and giving the patient strength by build
ing up the constitution and assisting nature in
doing its work. The proprietors have so much
faith in its curative powers that they offer tine
Hundred Dollars for any case that it tails to cure.
I Send for lis.t of testimonials.
Address. t . J. CiihNF.v & Co.. Toledo.O.
irSold ty Druggists. .c.
200 In Cold fUven.
The International News and Book
Co., of Baltimore, Md., offer $200 to
any agent who will sell in three
months 225 copies of their book "Cam
paign and Issues of '96." A full,
trraphic and complete account of the
campaign all sides given. Beautifully
illustrated. Biogrphiesof the leading
men in each party. Tho book of all
others to sell now. Freight paid and
credit given. Complete outfit 15
cents. Write them immediately. A
gold watch given in addition to com
mission for selling 70 cooies in thirty
days. Agents wanted ulso for other
lxioKs and bitiies.
We arc anxious to do a little good in
this world and can think of no pleas-
anter or better way to do it than by
recommending One Minute Cough
Cure as a preventive of pneumonia,
consumption and other serious lung
troubles that follow neglected colds.
F. G. Frieke and Co.
Kheumat ixm Cured la a Iay.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia radically cures in one to
three days. Its action upon the sys
tem is remarkable and mysterious. It
removes at once the cause and the
disease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents.
Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists.
Plattsmouth, ieb
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
baby bones
are soft, so soft they scarce can be called
bones in the earlier years ; gradually they
harden, and furnish the frame which sup
ports the growing body. The hardening
comes from.what chemists term "the min
"SAY BOSS! Them People
o fi'tt-
Mr. and Mrs. E. V. .Black werevisi
tors in Omaha and Council Bluffs
today. .
The regular monthly pnj car for
tho Burlington urrivod in the
city thi6 morniDg and distributed
wealth among the shop boys, thereby
making them happy.
Travel on the IJnrlington appears
to be increasing, as all the trains west
ward bound, especially, are loaded
The first section of No. 5 this morning
carried six coaches, all of which were
-Arthur J acKson of the BufUoeton
store House al Uavelock has accepted
. , ,
ino position oi general ioreman at tne
Salt Crpfk lnmhpr VHrrl nnr'r I H
rteK lumoer aru uncer J. ri
T 1 .
Waterman of the Lincoln store de
partment Mr. Bridge, formerly in
charge of the yards, will work under
Mr. Jackson. Lincoln News
Rev. S. C. Green of the Baptist
church, delivered a very logical dis
course last Sunday evening on the
divine origin of the Bible. It is the
first of a series of sermons on that sub
ject which he has planned to deliver at
the Sunday evening services. Blair
Sammy Hoffman returned last even
ing from an extensive tour ol
southern Nebraska and northern Kan
sas. Sammy has some harrowing tales
to relate of life on the "border" land.
However, he is satisfied with the out
side world and will remain in Platts
mouth in the future.
This afternoon whi.e Bach's de
liveryman was unloading a car of
baled hay the wagon struck a rock
and the load was overturned. A boy
by the name of Durock who was riding
on the load neglected to jump as the
others did and went down with the
hay. His head struck the wheel and a
big gash was cut behind the ear, re
quiring several stitches.
Mrs. G. B. Kempster ia in the city
the guest of her nister-in-la w, Mrs. T.
B Kempster and family.
Sheriff Holloway and John Murray
took Bill Gillespie and John Hansen
to the penitentiary today.
Jailer Holloway looks louesome to- '
, , a , , lllf. I
day,his boarders having nearly all left .
nim for a hirrher nriced hotel at Lit.-
coin .
Mrs. S. H. Atwood accompanied her
son Calvin to Lincoln this morning to
arrange for another year for him in
this state university.
Miss Collins and Miss Bales, the
young ladies who take part in the con
cert at tlie Presbyterian church to
night, arrived in the city last evening
and are beig entertained by Miss Ger-
ingand Mrs. Henry Herold.
Mis. Carl T. Seeley of Madison,
Neb., is in the city visiting her sister,
Mrs. D. Miller, and other relatives.
Mr. Seeley is preaching Bound McKin
ley doctrine these days through the
columns of his paper, the Chronicle.
Supt, McKugh informs us that all
the teachers elected have passed very
creditable examinations bo that the
schools will start out next week with
out a jar, and with unusual bright
promise for a successful year's work.
The consolidation of grades in pri
mary depaitment has lessened the
number of classes to be taught and
thereby done away with the half ses
sions which were 60 unsatisfactory
last year. '
W175 in tiold Oivrn
International News and Book Co.,
Baltimore, Md., are makirg a most
liberal offer of $175 to -auy agent who
will sell ninety copies in two months,
of their new book, "Under Both
Ffags," or a gold watch for selling
forty copies in one month. This prem
ium is in' addition to commission.
Graphic and thrilling ventures of the
civil war both sides. Every word
written by 03 0 witnesses. Stories of
camp tires, comradeship, d'ieds of dash
and daring, anecdotes, etc. Hundreds
f wa' picture-. Or.e agent reports
twetily-livo copies sold iu two days,
another aircnt forly-two in days.
Complete ?1 outfit tent for 50 cents in
stamp. Write1 them immediately.
Freight paid and credit given. This
is h splendid opportunity for students
and teachers d uring tho summer va
Legal Notice.
Notice by publication on petition for final set
tlement of hua! administration account. In the
county court of Cass eounty, Nebraska. In the
matter of the estate of George W. Jenks. de
ceased. Emma A. Jenks. Kathurine Jane Barrow.
Carrie lenks. Ward. John Jenks, A'exander Jenks.
Lizzie jenks, Erwin Jenks. Ed. L. Richards, the
unknown heirs of Addie Jenks Richards, de
ceased, and all other persons interested in said
matter, are hereby notified that on the th day til
September, lH5i. Mrs. Emma A. Jenks, hied a
petition in said county court, praying that her
final administration accounts tiled herein be
settled an4 allowed and that she be discharged
from her trust as executrix, arid that if you fail to
appear before said court on the first day Of Ce
Won't Take This
sSoap They Want
T?...v.Kwlr mmlt Q A vr a Pr A r-e
Soap who knows the goodness of e
it. Try it once and you will refuse
all other kinds, too. Sold every
where. Made only by
tober. lMtti, at 2 o'clock p. m.. and contest said
petition, the court may grant the prayer of said
petition and make such other and further or
ders, allowances aud decrees as to this court may
seem nroiier. to the end that all matters pertain
ing to said estate may be liually settled and de
Witness my hand and seal of said county court
at 1 lattsmoutti, tins Mli day ol September A. l.
v- ., Georoe M. Spuruick,
v3c'"' County Judge.
Legal Notce.
Notice by publication on petition for settlement
ol final administration account. In the county
court ol Cass county, iveoraska. In trie matter
of the estate of John W. (Jullion. deceased. Mary
K. Oullion, James Gullion and all persons inter
ested in saiJ matter are hereby notified that on
the 21st day of August, lHUti, James C. Stevenson
hied a petition in said cjunty court, praying that
his finai administration accounts herein be set
tled and aiiowed and that he be discharged from
fiis trust as administrator, and that if you fail to
annear before said court on the 'ZiA dav of Sep
tember, lr9i. at 2 p. m., and coutest said petition.
the court may grant the prayer ol saia petition
and make such other and further orders, allow
ances and decrees as to ttiis court may seem
proper; to the end. that all matters pertaining to
said estate may be finally sett lea ana determined.
w ltness my hand and seal ot said court at
Plattsmouth, this 2fth day of August. A- 1). l9ti.
County Judge.
Legal Notice.
To Adaline Crippen. Gurdon 13. Crippen. Ben
jamin A. (iibson, Mary Gibson, Kdward A. Bangs,
trustee, w Uliam C. Crippen, liradlord savings
Hank & Trust Co.. George Leslie and John W.
Mitchell, non-resident defendants: You and each
of you are hereby notified that on the 14th day ot
August. 11. John H. Pcttibone and S. E. Nixon.
partners doing business under the firm name and
style ot t'ettioone & .Mson, commenced an ac
tion and tiled a petition in the office of the clerk
of the district court in and for Cass county, Ne
braska, the object and prayer of which are to
foreclose a certain tax lieu against lots j and 21
in the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter
t section .i. in town lo, range 1!, Cass county.
Nebraska.T.ind also pga'.nst tne Southwest quar
ter of the northwest quarter ot said section and
the we si hall oi the southwest quarter thereof:
said ! en being for tax certificate issued Nov. i.
l?y;i, ior ts; tax on said land.$;a. i4. and tor sub
sequent taxes paid May 4th. 1V4, for lvj:j tax
f l.t l:. fas. 3i paid ay in. lsi.. tor the lf-y4
ax against said land, and lor f U.o. paid .May 1st
M for the I;i5 tax against said land with 20 per
cent per annum interest on each payment till
Nov. ti. I H5. and 10 per cent annua! interest there
after, and lo per cent attorneys' fees on the
udgmeiit and lor costs of suit. It is asked that
our equity ol redemption in said premises be
jreclosed and anv claim or lien vou niav have
against said land be adjudged inferior to plaia-
itts claim thereou. and it is asked that said
premises be soid to satisfy said claims with inter
est, attorney s fees, and costs of suit.
You are required to answer said petition on or
before Monday, the 2Mb day of September. ls;i.
or the allegations in said petition will be taken as
confessed and true and Judgment entered ac
cordingly. You wid take due notice and govern
yourselves accordingly.
John H. tihune and S. E. Nixon.
By their Attorneys, iierm & Kcot.
rfattsmouth. Neb.. Aug. IK, ItH.
Legal Notice.
Notice by publication on petition for settlement
of liual administration account. In the county
court of Cass county Nebraska.
In the matter of ttie estate of J. Preston Mef
ford, deceased. Eliza J. Atherton. John Metford.
Teiesa (MetiordiChapen. Sarah (Mettord) Kousc.
Isaac Mcflord, George G. Mefford. the estate of
John W. Guliion. deceased, Wm. Atherton and
all other persons interested in said matter, are
hri.iv iiotiti.-d tliuton th liith dav of Amnist-
lMWi, A. C. Loder hied a petition in said county
I court. nraviuiT that Ii is final administration ac-
counts herein, be settled aud allowed, and that he
1 .4....-1... ......I i ... I.!.. ....... ni.n.;Ltrall.r
UC UI30lriIlItU IIOIII II ir 1.1 UL U BUlilluioua.ui,
and tiiat i( you IHii to appear before said court on
the -'." daV September, I;-,, at lu o clock a.
nt, and contest said petition, the court may grant
the prayer of said petition and make nicli other
aud further orders, allowances and decrees as to
m nti:1
this court may seem proper, to the end that ail
matters pertaining to said estate may be finally
settled and determined.
Witness my hand and seal of said county court
at Plattsmouth this 2tth day of August, A. D.,
1V.'. GtOKI.E M. Sri' K LOCK,
(Seal) County Judge,
Legal Notice.
Notice to non-resident defendants."
in the district court for Cass county Nebraska: H.
T.McCormack aud Ella E. McCormack, plaintiff s
vs. Mary E. Kennelly, J. L. McCormack, W. S.
McCormack and T. E. McCormack, defendants;
To Mary E. Kennedy, J. L. McCormack and T,
E. McCormack, non-resident defendants:
You are hereby notified that on the 127th of
August, lrtti. the plaintiffs hied a petition in the
office of the clerk of the district court of Cass
county. Nebraska, asking for the partition and
order of sale of the following premises, towit:
west half ot the northwest quarter ot section
twenty-live ("Joi and east hall of the northeast
quarter ot section twenty-six (-til, all in township
ten (loj north ot range eleven (11 J East, in Cass
county iNebraska. i ou are required to answer
said petition on or before the 12th day ot October,
lsjAjj. H. T. McCormack.
Ella E. McCokmack.
I!v Crozier & McCormack, their attorneys.
Platlrmouth, Neb.. Sept. 1, ltj.
Referees' Sale.
Under and by virtue of an order of the district
court of county. Nebraska, duly entered
upon the 2 day ot August. A. D., lt, in an
action therein pending wherein Eudwig B. Egen
berger and wile, Annie E. Egeuberger, were
plaintills, and Anton H. Weckbach andj ife. Mary
w'eckbach. were defendants, which "order con
firmed the report of referees theretofore appointed
in said cauie, and directed them to sell as upon
execution the lands described in their said report,
the undersigned referees will, upon the 3rd day of
October A. IJ., 16. at 1:30 o'clock p. m.. in front
of the south door of the court house in Cass
county. Nebraska, sell at public vendue to the
higlie.--t bidd r the following described real estate,
sut'iect to all encumbrances thereon, to-wit-
The west half ot lot three iJJ) in block thirty
three in tne ci y o! Plattsmouth. Cass county.
Nebr.i--.ka. and the un livided ludf of the partition
walls on thectst ana west side of said west half
ot hit three tS) block thirty-three : Plattsmouth
Cass county. Nebraska, upon the following terms
and conditions, viz: i-or cash. Said sale wil! re
main open one hour.
Daled August 2iith, 1RZC.
i J. W. Johnson,
Referees K. W. Hyeks.
( Thomas. M. Patterson.
Byro i Clark and C. A. Kals, Attorneys tor Plf.
SbenfTs Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by George
F. Houseworti., cleik of the district court, withm
ai.d tor Cass county. Nebraska, and to me di
rected. I will on the 'lith day of September. A. 1).
Iiti. at 11 o'clock a m. of said day at the south
door l the court haue In the city of Plattsmutith
in said county. sei at public auction, to the
highest bidder for cash, the ioilowuig real estate,
Fractional lot 3 in section 7. town 12. range 14.
in Cass countv. Nebraska, lot 12 in block ia and
lot 9 m block k" in tfie city of Plattsmouth, Cass
county, Nebraska, together with the privileges
and appcrtenances thereunto belonging or in any
wise aopurtaitnng. The same being levied upon
and taken as the property of Katherine Reuiand.
defendant, to satisfy a judgment of safd court re
covered by Pettibutie and Nixon, plaintiffs,
against said Katherine Reuiand. iiias Mr , Peter
Reuiand, Omaiia Brewing association, John
llack, tannic! t.rotfelder and Lewis Tachau,
partners, as Grotfelder & Tachau. defendants.
Plattiinouth, Neb , Aug. 21. A. I)., l'Mi.
Harvey Holloway,
Sheriff. Cass county. Nebraska.
Administrator's Sale."
By virtue of an order issued by the county
judge of Cass county. George M Spurlock. in the
matter of the estate of John Holschuh. deceased.
I ill sell at public vendue the fallowing personal
property belonging tj said estate as follows:
All grain, domestic animals, farm implements and
machinery, stovewood. cotnmwood funler, fence
posts and other articles. Sale to take place Sept.
22, lti. at 1(1 o'clock a. ni at premises north
west of town.
Theodore Stark iohan. Administrator.
I - For I . . " .; '...7 . '. j: ; t For j
S Davs Davs I
Longer Longer j
I Ej d Ci - II I
I I m m
I At the Remarkably Low Price of SI4. ,
1 f'r w ,u,-,j j;-! : -'I ! .
Ten dozen more of those 95 cent chairs just in.
UNRUH, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker,
j. i.
Paid up Capital
Offers the very best facilities for the
- prompt transaction of
STOCKS, bonds, (told, goverement and lo k
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ceived and Interest allowed on the certfi
cutes. Drafts drawn, available In any
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towns or Europe, collections made ana
Drornptly remitted.' Highest market
price paid for county warrants, state
and county bonds.
N lov-y. 1). IlKwkMWort It
K. Vnci. F. E. White, 'i. K. iov
Jeo. K. Iovry, t'res. S. Watch. Cashier
II. N. DoTfj AshU
are the most powerful, safe prompt ani re
liable of this kind in the market. The
oriirnal and only genuine woman's salva
tion. Ak your druggist if he don't keep
t hem. Write cTirect to us and we will send
It direct upon recetDt of price. 1. sealed, by
mail prepaid. Medical advice free. JACk-
ji r.iiic a Li uu., inicago. in., or our
agent. I. L, Snyder.
J HI JO o- ..CjC"C5 cmo f q.1 as hmts f - n
i N.B. DotYt take any substitute
with the same name but different -i
spelling on which yourdruist o
fi makes twice as much
An institution for the Radical cure of Cnm-r-r
and Tnmnrt Wlthont the one of a
Knife. Satinfikction (iDannted.
We have never Failed to Effect a perma
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portunity for treatment. Book piving de
scription of our Sanitarium and Treatment,
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- Sheninlo h, Iowa.
The News for 10c.
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Removes Freckle. Pimples,
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stores the skin, to its origi
nal freshness, prnducirn a
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iilexion. Fnnerior to all faces
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ruggists, or mailed for 5 Octs. Send for circular.
VIOLA SKIN SOAP l olmply luoomprW urn
kin purlTvin Hanp. oo qu&lrft for the toilt. and wit hoot m
nral tor th-nurTy. ASsolmHr pure mud deliuvtolj IDedi
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The Q. C. BITTNEK CO., Toledo, O.
Instant Killer of Pain.
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111b nUilOL DnAitUi StcK'k, Iwuble Strencth.
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the market. It ix absolutely pur. Makes tJ
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fueiiont is a luxury for tne batn ior imam
t alayn ltehlnc, clenncea the e-Hlp and promottf
tue growtb oi liutr rloo 2Sc for sale by
For Catalouse,!address
Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, N. J.
pi LJfC Oraans, S35.00 upwt rds; want
I Iff 11 UJ Agents. Catalocue free. Ad
uress DiAuiel P. Bu&ty, Washington, N.J.
flRP fl W C llanos, 9325 upwards: want
VriUrtl1kJ Aprents.
Catalogue free. Ad-
ursa Dunlel F.
Washington. i . J
RtATTvIC rianos ssss.oo Upw
U I I I O tor catalogue address
call. Daniel K. Beatty, WaBhlugton, N. J
&RAft finA BEATTY'S oraatis 35.00
vPaJUUiUIIU up. For particulars, cata
louue. adureisor call, Daniel 1". Beatty,
Washington, IN. J.
DCATTV'O -frrans 35.00 upwards.
or call, Daniel F. Beatty. Washington. N. J.
Physician and Surgeon
Calls promptly attended, either
DAY or NIOHTr. ; ..:, -
"---Jg- I-3IgLuj.LTJJia
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will do If use"1, as a wash according to di
reetions; prevent transmission of blood
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The above and a hundred other forms of
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Dr. Jackbon's English Saety Tablets is a
sure pre ventive, and is asafe Germ Killer,
rendering contagion hardly possible, hence
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Medical advice free. Mailed everwhere.
sealed for $1. Six boxes Tor .". J VC'KSON
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Oldest bureau for securing patent In America.
Every patent taken out by un la lrouKh befora
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Larjrpiit drmlntloo of any Hentlfle panor fn Za
world. Splendidly Illustrated, hi iutellitren
man should be without It. WeeUr. &3.iltt
ff-ax: !.SU six months. Addiwoi, tnXVft CO
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